e e e e e e e e e good afternoon and welcome to the second round of La Liga to the big game today you can see there the images of reaching this Stadium of Saad there for this match today as we said a big match this afternoon May of course versus another big protagonist who is Ha today because he is returning home returning to where there was so much appreciation for him he was so well liked there in the last couple years osasuna is the rival team today that is who they're going to have to move through today to gain a victory my of course batteries charged and energy regained after for the previous match against Real Madrid they've got on your screens now another of the protagonists to his previous home it's a day of many uh reunions as you can see as well OA has got naturo Vidal who was on the May team on loan last season and this is the visiting the team's locker room in the visiting Stadium we're wearing this sky blue color that has been very popular among the fans we can see all the all the players shirts there with their numbers some course centes pirate for the marishi there who already scored in the first round of La Liga this year and was able to equalize so we wonder who are going to be that starting lineup today the starting 11 we're going to see that very soon but we have Su here first of all hello how are you good thank you I'm very very excited to see the second match of man K hope they can live up to that first match they did yes that was that one that looked like it was going to be that most complicated match against Real Madrid but they really did step up to the plate my y are looking really strong right now positive energy so it is going to be a tough one today against but I trust in the fact that we're going to get a good point or maybe three it's going to be a different one to the one we saw against Real Madrid but Real Madrid of against Real Madrid they were solid they were very vertical and I'm pretty optimistic that I think we're going get something here in today so kickoff is at 5:00 p.m. not too long to go then but we have a pretty much coverage absolutely packed with information and many many things going on just to go over them somebody who is going to help us go through all of those informations is our colleague Damian who is pitch side for us yes good afternoon you're we are in salad an absolutely Majestic Stadium that I personally very enjoy very much around 23.5 th000 people uh F in this stadium so for our viewers and listeners back from the island we we need to think that it is cold here just because we're in the north of Spain the weather today has been pretty good and the temperatures have been pretty high so that will also of course affect our players both sides at the moment the ones on both sides are the goalkeepers of both both ways Dominic grave is that warming up there and he'll be on again as a chosen goalkeeper for today K had this choice of course as we were saying earlier back into what was it was his home stadium so let's get straight into it and let's give you the uh starting lineup for today there were doubts on his mind at least that's what he said in the prematch coverage so real mayorca are going to go for the same starting lineup that equalized and managed thought against Real Madrid in round one that means that is made up of Dominic gra and goal MOA and Pa defending on the wings Antonio AR and Martin Balian defending at the back in front of them four in Midfield with Danny Rodriguez Omar M Sam and S and up top striking today tuna and marishi well that's thank you very much so here that is our starting lineup for today so there's a three matches next week because we've got today then Tuesday then next Saturday as well so this a really comp a bunch of matches they've just been against Real Madrid as well really physical match another one today Sal that is really really heavily physical however he's gone exactly the same starting lineup as against Madrid do you like it yeah you know if it's not broken don't fix it I guess right I think what he's looking for is that to give stability at the beginning and I think for sure for Tuesday he'll bring on some uh some resources to support because uh even though it worked the other day that's a lot of um so the day it was real Madrid today we've got Tuesday is against the so yeah there's a lot coming up however lik says match by match let's focus on trying to get those points in today I'm really Co that my will do it that's just feeling in this sou lineup ASO is on again who is the top new signing him Anda are those players that people were really highlighting right after the last magic that everybody was excited to see their first steps and I think they made fall in love with them especially moika who did a great match Pro on an offensive and defensive level even physically he did not show signs of exhaustion at any point yeah they both had a great match maybe Tak takuma's uh work didn't really see um but moika um really did have a big job to do and he did it very very well I'm really impressed with everything he does and I think bring very much to the uh to the te on the bench there is no today mych today and there we've got Yan salad so that means that the coach is definitely putting his money on the youth players so do you reckon they could come on today and have some minutes yeah that's really good news for all the youth football and the island it's really encouraging to see the fruits of their labor and I think we're just going to keep seeing how the match evolves let's see if they can deut today which would be an absolutely fantastic uh news and something again to highlight is the goalkeeper we've got such good uh goalkeepers available uh they was saying that it's not just because gra has played Real Madrid and today that does not mean that he's going to be the number one got all season however in at the moment the money is on comic grave it seems as he was fantastic last year in the queen clup and the other day against Real Madrid he confirmed again that he is fantastic goalkeeper anybody was still doubting that which I do that L really is and he definitely showed that in rovi's absence he is a real fail safe yeah and he's gaining confidence as well I think the good thing about said this that he's got a couple of really really great goalkeepers there which obviously is a is a nice problem to have I guess and I think at the moment gra has got the confidence he really needs now we're going once again to the S stadium and Damian this time is going to tell us the starting lineup for osasuna somebody that we really know in actually who is so what is his starting line going to be today it's a day full of reunion just as the referees are moving up here in the stadium now we'll be expecting the my players soon as the stadium starts to fill up today so what we're going to do now is to give you that starting line up for or who comes out with seio Herrera in goal just one or two changes with regards to the draw that was their first round against and are those that du over defenders Coro monora andar oros are in the Midfield today Brian on the wing of the of the strikers on the other side of him Reuben Garcia and then an old friend boy at the top striking today that start that [Music] just drawn in their first match of season against Al and that it's definitely looking pretty strong however the second half was better than their first half they really were reaching the other side of the pitch a couple of absences so s what do you think of 201 11 well it's the second half te from the other day against al they really stressed Alan out in that second half you know Brian th being somebody that's coming from Bayern Munich you know if he's been signed for a reason I think it's definitely you know a team that wasn't really made it to to take to much Initiative for dominating and then to really listen to that and change things around and that was surprising decisions for the second half and Brian I I guess just needed to adapt to the the team Rhythm and I think he can be a very very dangerous player and that play have to work really hard against him benath you to keep ey on so he's definitely used things like that we're GNA have to keep an eye on I think it's a pretty strong pretty good starting 11 and I think the Highlight really is that only has beaten last eight times the last one was a May is a team that has struggled to gain points away in the last couple of years however has only W one out of the last eight playing home against myca so let's try and improve those stats even today so now we know both starting lineups from Moreno we said that this year in play Red live we were going to launch a poll about theing lineup what do you think of today's AR lineup do you like it would you change things are you are you not a fan of it that is a question that you can answer right now over YouTube people of course are wise and we love to see the opinion of the public so that said we're going to do a very very quick uh ad break at 4:34 we're gonna be back straight away don't go anyway e e e e so we back already that anver there shirt we were talking about the beginning so somebody who we also enjoy talking to and we always already think that he ours is and said about his return to what once was his room Stadium we are here good afternoon to you special today for you especially what do you feel right now is it strange to go into the visiting a away locker room yeah it's really weird after six years year special weird but just focused on the most important thing which is to do a good match so what kind of match you expecting then because you said it was going to be a completely different uh context yeah I guess that's what the case is going to be I think we have to show exactly the same level as the other day when it comes to intensity as well and something that can definitely do some damage to now what do we have to really keep in mind about whe with a rival team yeah I mean they definitely stress you out they definitely put pressure on you they obviously dominate the feeli because they know how it works so you've gone for the option of maintaining what you did against ground in the end yeah I think obviously coaches always focused a lot on the whole holistic match and the players later with Daman saying that it was strange to be back in the stage and you'd always been a home team in to come back as a a visitor but he looks enthusiastic and as well what he was saying it's G to be a completely different M as the one the I think if keep up ferociousness and that aggressiveness then I think the match can lean our way what do you think of the match today well as y was saying I think it's going to be a totally different context my are going to have to you know leave the pressure behind that you know there's maybe major not to intense as are different kind of depending on the wings they not going to have the same uh place and same room to move through I think that's keeping in mind not just the starting 11 but also taking into account the different scenarios that can pop up and also focusing on what we're going to be experiencing so all of those things today are that we as so that is also a team that we have to be very watchful of espe not losing anys very close to the goal because need very very fast players that can take and see the straight away we definitely have to keep an eye out for that just to know a little bit more about what is happening on the grass right now which is obviously what we care about the most we're gonna ask aten D sorry so what is the what's the atmosphere like we're 33 degrees in uh in Mya right now because the heat is back with a vengeance on the island what about over there well 29 degrees right now that's what the is saying my phone is as well like I said at the beginning of this program it is definitely not as cool as we are used to it being Dominic grave now has already headed to the locker room to prepare himself for the match there like there right now Johnny Rodriguez just getting geared up there to shoot as well for that is what is going on right now with the um myor players as the start of the match edges ever closer so Daman what do you think r on today yes but we do have to keep in mind what he was saying as well that matches are a bit more than 11 players you also five changes you make this is a starting 11 that I'm pretty convinced by I really like it I take away if it's not broken don't fix it something I think that we would do well to remember so we will keep an eye on you as well and we're just about to talk to Alonso DF very soon as well who is uh talking to the TV channels right now so hello Alonso thank you for talking to us this afternoon so things went well again did but today we have to give 100% once again because this is field yeah I mean every match is about re recessing and starting from scratch G around we got a really valuable Point especially we gave a really good image of ourselves and a solid image of the team incredible atmosphere in the in in the in the match as well I think it's going to be uh our stadium is going to give us so many joyful moments talking of stadiums this one always gives us really good MERS because of our remaining first division that happened here in 2022 I guess we keep reminding ourselves how important that was in22 right yeah it's very important to remember where you've come from and what you've been through I mean their memories are incredible I just remember being there in the stadium and our part of the stadium being completely full it was a really beautiful day you know first division now Four Seasons consecutively I think yeah we got to take our hands off for ourselves because uh just one another year again everybody just supporting myca team well there we go out DS and we hope that you enjoyed the match today yes I was here actually since here and I really really enjoyed the magical atmosphere everybody was really connected to the team that day for and the fans as we say were definitely player number 12 in the match last week so we and see what MOA our new player had to say in the press conferences he has this week at the end of the day every time you debut in a club I've been in many teams and I wanted to uh give a good image of myself you know in front of the technical staff SE know the club who put their trust in me and the fans who are exceptional I'm really happy with my performance in every way defensively building the game and offensively too I'm really happy I think it's easy to adapt because it's very similar this team to what I am you know the weather the people are really friendly it's a paradise and I'm really have them here the club is really well organized and it's always moving upwards at the end of the day uh the most important thing is football I know really well the technical team now I've played with uh teammates that are in the club before and the uh cameraderie for the group is really really good I'm happy is a team that has identified myself with what I am uh I I've really related to it on a personal level I was very happy in Puma I'm really grateful to the city the fans and it is a team that like this slogan says it never gives up it's something that I have incorporated into me now and to go back to comp on makes me very very happy I respect and admire the club the city the people and now I'm up against them already in the second round that's really special I know exactly who I'm up against today as well and who I'm defending against I mean in general I know them all very well they're really passionate they have the right attitude on the playing field and then their tactical and Technical abilities of in a footballing sense are fantastic too I really resp respect them they're excellent players and now as we say in U Colombia Pap and Uka just to uh to face up to them words there who today we also have a very important and special day for him too we're going to go to a very quick a break and then be back with you very soon bring you all the information and kick off because we are just 10 minutes away from starting time so one e e so we are back there so let's take a look at the results of the poll that we launched earlier so 89% of the um answers say they agree with us and they are in favor of are going for the same stting lineup 12% there saying that they are not so convinced so the last two visits to the state were very good for May but we're going to take a look at the last one which was the debut there as well for sery there there let's take a look see still acting as my y's coach so natur is on the pitch there for my your friend today is going to be on the bench fora how times change that was a pretty weak first half for my or we must admit that we've got a a good at my moment there in one and that much that they needed that Victory because they needed to be saved mathematically even though an their last season was complicated one for it was not his dream debut season potentially there's that moment there with Tony lasso on the pitch not so lucky that time though another go there from natural for as you know we are going for the same lineup as last week and players are now in the tunnel waiting to be able to come onto the pitch now for so now both teams make their way onto the grass in the stadium a stadium absolutely packed with fans so greetings there between the captains of both teams tea in red and Maya in their third kit in that sky blue color yeah I really like that kit I'm I'm very impressed with this and it's one of my favorite ones with the along with the red e and here we go the second round of the Liga starts to uh is underway lots of scarves here in the stadium with the face we did say that he had left a fantastic impression in this stadium and with this club e e going through starting lineups once again a homage for the player David Garcia now in Sal Stadium e for there we go a minute of Silence there in the stadium highly respected of course so Damian now in his place in the stadium everybody ready and well placed for kickoff cord Vega today our referee just going through that making sure that everything is ready with linesman and there goes the whistle now the start of the second round of La Liga my put the pressure on straight away my going for a central pass towards the box it ends up going out which means that that is a throw in fora good defending from my this first minute so a touch on the ball touches backwards now the first moment of the much it look like some hurt himself there but then he seems to recover pretty quickly changes direction of the game now as in touch the war now to the last person to get a touch on that ball was an player Danny Rodriguez racing to reach that ball there pass by moika that's going to be a throw in Mika takes it Dominic grave there that is going to be the first Corner in the end for careful with the corner now by Ruben Garcia raising his hand and that's going to be a rehearsed move there inside the inside the Box hits the post goes right to left my end up taking it out trying to close my at the back of this of the pit of the field my there is going to be a little bit more expected from them of course lots of expectation right on these first matches of the Season everybody of course been waiting for the league to come back around I mean it's not long holiday time for these players I think Daman you've definitely watched all the matches you missed La Liga maybe not as because there's been hardly any uh stopping this summer yeah I mean this summer has been amazing with the football right because we've been enjoy as f like so much being Euro Cup champions and also Olympic medalists so I guess the wait this year hasn't seemed so long well what a way to come back for on your anyway so Mya now three4 of the way down the field Sam will cross that reaches thatall is changing the plan now the other side the left side how I fail now well over to e and as Al was saying at the beginning of the match they definitely have to show different kind of skills than against Real Madrid which is to attack from a point of view where the team is already organized and and ready definitely putting the pressure on from in that sense my still on the attack now in possession does a post there that was B maish's for taking Mo recovers passes it and solves any kind of problem that could have arised and that rebound goes straight out eventually goes back into the Gold's possession well I think there was slightly grabbed in that point and that's going to be a throw in for now more slow down Rhythm right now ran out the SP possession Inside the Box there's nobody there for the rebound was nearly an own goal then pretty dangerous that was gotou and osasuna are complaining about something right now yes the osas team are asking for a second in the first 10 minutes of this match already proving themselves to be a uh definitely a very good team when it comes to bringing the ball to the box and Rao ends up keeping the ball now now playing in defense now but recover the ball and steal it so and working together yes we must be very very careful with losing the ball in this way because very good on knowing where the ball is going to go really high pressure from right now from inside the Box making things pretty difficult for Dominic gra when wanting to to start the long ball was possession of the players who is going to keep of it only be one person which is that marishi misunderstanding there between marishi and Sam Costa possession players but R is definitely on the ball there first 12 minutes gone let here how do you think the start has gone for my well I think they need to be cleaner right now they're definitely making things difficult for them the Str find those passes between the lines to go in a more clearer way towards attck who is carrying the match is however it's a very long match ahead of us K end up keeping there for off that just reaches Herrera Loro recovers now for oasa well I hope that from now on they would be able to move forward there's that Bor out between the lines shot there that ends up going nowhere still looking dangerous though we've got Alis and so many calls from in these first minutes they are heavily aware of what they need to do in any of those moments whether it was a mistake from either side that could definitely be the difference between score in or not right now really going for those side passes it's now Maya's turn it's over to asano he's not going to reach it was that in case he could uh reach that ball trying to do something smart quick action fa over to the center of the pitch it's osasuna that's going to keep the ball in the end for careful now because it they shoot in front of the my goalkeeper and Dominic grave comes out with an excellent hands there was the person from D to shoot and Dominic grave is the one who ended up saying recovering his recovering so even though how had this still seems calm he is standing there with his arms folded and it does look like there is something he's not too convinced about he's not too happy about something there with his arms folded back at his old stumping ground of course so we will see if how decides to uh change some that for my or it's all about looking to apply more pression now as finding an exit path as well to break through and move down pitch on Dan Rodriguez manages to uh break through that pressure they'll be able to move straight up and that's but of course it's very complicated to do that especially when you're down in possession across the other team and put the pressure on the side of the field so that's going to be a now for Mya let's see how that goes e asking more of his players there for I thought that as shot had been touched by a player but it was actually mon is in possession now long trying to reach somebody up top but nobody's there for it so it's recovered by real Maya big shot up top looking for maishi very very good controls there my attack way up the field shoot and S Herrera now is going to take that to a corner after an excellent shot from ma well doing excellent demonstration of the fact that he is very Gooding space and really good work yes he was also very confident with a great shot e rrig there talking to the assistant and the linesman and the ball has now come down the field I'm watching s do that back on this big screen is pretty spectacular with the morning know his team to slow the Rhythm down Brian enabling play sh from domic grai now moving the ball halfway down the field with that shot from s is really playful today he's defin enjoying himself it once again and when it seemed like were no further resources he ended up shooting it that was a touch player which takes it to a throw in right you're playing half the way down the pitch now there who is all over the pitch right now he is really doing really really impressive things in possession halfway down the pitch once again in the center of the field go straight to the center and he's not there in time soly again it's a local team that just uh drawn against in their first match of the season and that's back to the start now for Dominic gr and it's a draw on the scoreboard at the moment here in this Stadium over to Lucas todra straight into the center which ends up going too far and nobody is there to catch it close to Dominic Graves goal rarcia was there trying to rebound that ball e the goal scoring team G be able to go for a central pass talking to their teammates a it's going to go for straight away alarm Bell start to ring there's a rebound that he's not quite going to reach that last one is going to be fora and it's a two for one there in favor OFA defense pressure from Danny Rodriguez claiming a foul D would we get of course using the last res that he C was to try and go for a f for Dominic grave end so half an hour gone now in this second round so far well I kind of feel the same as you two also taking keeping an eye on the def actions of our midfielders now wasasa is now in play and it's the person that wants to rebound now I don't know if he was inside the box or not I'm M now and as soon as still in possession they're inside the gold throwing area and there's more and more players all the time and that's ball from imar there and excellent save we earlier from grave though out still uh taking uper gear in defense so uh I'm not sure if it's an official water break but the players are definitely taking advantage of this moment to hydrate however s's um emotions of pain his face are not looking very positive at all the player from getting lifted to his feet there by his teammates however he still looks like he is in a a lot of pain so we'll have to keep an eye out for that because so there's um gestures there are of pain so come I grave is that got a lot of work to do so far in this MH but he seems to be handling it very well and is true that one of those right now that change direction of play can catches of but we do need some more continuity so we've got 10 minutes left the first half right now and I think it is absolutely vital to not seed any goals before we go into half time that would be fantastic referee that pretty close to the player and as lifting his flag to say that was a f and that's a really dangerous b as well be very watchful now of not only the free kick but the second touch it on the ball after that and there was shouting from the bench to say to one of the uh players to lay it down Rodriguez does to avoid going under bar the referee blows his whistle and the ball ends up going out for the B still will come in goalkeeper possession dominate already we can't forget that Dominic gra is taller than 1 M90 so uh he would should really struggle with low but he is as we know a fantastic is still underway by the way so we've got four five minutes of official time in this first half to go plus whatever is added of extra time and it's now a free kick for my team in blue today everybody's asking the other players to move up to the pitch and let's see what we can do in what is left of this half a long ball now to me you player goes down to the ground and it looks like both Oman mascar and budy me have both had themselves in that action yes and the referee has stopped play pretty quickly because of that Collision however Lu neither nor to damaged by it they back on their feet out already so could that mean an additional change for the team there would actually be another change granted to each team both teams would then have six es potentially throughout the match is they throw in now for again the guys from above that end up coming out to help that and it's another throw in for I think most important thing now is to make sure we got hard time nil and to come back out of the loc room renewed with with the energy levels back up I think morning came out with everything had to attack my right from the start and now they do not really have that many offense uh and Striker strength to go for this if we had to give the first half to one of the teams it would go TOA let's hope if the second half can be a tribut and the script is looking a lot like what we just saw in the last match here played here in is Stadium where the uh were Superior to Mya in the first half of the match Mya have got a free kick now we know what can happen on free kicks there's a rebound there after a short pause and asna there almost went in with a header there trying to surprise the people up top Rebound with the head that was surprising from my everybody has interest focused on Ray and marishi and in the end it fell to M and then really on his own took it away with with was barely anything to do that so that will be our takeaway then that header there head rebound from us [Music] s's rebound they're really heavily supported and accorded by his teammates but there we on 45 plus one and there were three minutes of extra time added ball inside the box now a shot from osasuna that ends up in nothing thankfully Lucas ton now opening up to the right hand side and there we go as as the referee was the end of the first half there are heavily focused faes there as they exit the pitch you can see there receiving congratulations from other of the technical team from that and yeah faces of concentration and seriousness really now it's all about gaining strength for the second half definitely were the most dangerous team in this first half but my also had their chances so what would you change from this first half well I think my definitely held off those advances from maybe it's about not only trying and searching those changes in Direction and let's hope that obviously in the second half of s can come out with a whole new blown strategy to to B so it is time to freshen up time to take a breather and they will definitely be adjusting certain things with team for this second half that your C can get that goal on a three points we're going to also take a breather be back very very soon right now e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e so we are back in the salad Stadium ready for this kickoff of the second half and let's see if we can get a completely different second half to what we uh to what we saw yeah we need a little bit of continuity here now we need the ball to last a little bit longer find those Central shots they will definitely bring many goals to myca this season to see s doing so well we can see that Brian th on the left wing is an absolute dagger for the team for Hopey they can enter ever closer to a box and I hope we're in for an exciting second half so are you expecting any uh changes on either side or do you think they're both going to maintain the players that they came on with well without having uh the information I don't think they're going to make any changes I think they're going to start making changes up 65 minutes and that's when I think they are going to start changing no we're not expecting any changes and I can't see any players either side that are uh um warming up particularly intensely now the refere has the start of this second half here in thead so the first goes to Brian water monola in control the wall Maya recover and that is going to be a throwi in for osasuna today is of course A different kind of match obviously the fans today are against mayca being in noasa home stadium being a Champions League team however full trust and full confidence in the team so we've got uh several players now from Mya Waring up and just joining them there is Kyle Len careful with the ball there Mya turn that into a corner but that was going to be a difficult one there Sam course they're applauding his players his teammates we have to be careful there with a corner from the right hand side care shoot and out it goes monola gets a touch on the ball there in front of the goal scoring area monola was ready in front of the box e I think kyleen perhaps could be a good change right now another shot from osasuna there which goes out thankfully and we'll attribute that to Brian Saga the wall way high over the stadium right now and it's my Orca that keep control of the ball the ball there we've got Danny Rodriguez on the ground complaining of a uh a hand to the face tackling Danny Rodriguez the oasa player looking for him there between the the lines and I think when there's these moments where there's no uh play going on Mya can really take advantage of them to uh to take a breather because now will will be forced to feel like they have to play the long balls so seio goes for the long ball there what's has do now accumulating players at the top of the field and it's there marishi who Combs it but can't quite make it into a good cast asano trying to dominate the ball too but it ends up going out and the last player to get a touch on the ball was the Japanese player so that is back in possession for osasuna three quar of the way down the field now for maishi PFO now inside the goal scoring area straight into seio herrera's hands as San leaves this for Danny Rodriguez oasa clear it and send it very far away whistling there the foul from Omar masare the b in budy meir's possession D there there shaking up the game over to Pablo MAF C Herrera the ball not quite finding its way to go and straight into herrera's hands so as Daman says behind him there in the stadium are the mayorca fans who are not of course a huge number but they are definitely there and sometimes you can hear those CH of Mya mayca and they really are very encouraging OA with the ball inside the Box still in possession there there's a rebound for oasa once again and there goes the goal so many rebounds and eventually it fell to Ruben Garcia and he ended up scoring ended up finding its way through and it was Reuben Garcia who managed to do so SOA one mayil now there was not much that grave could have done at that point and it just went straight under his legs unfortunately e so how was that goal received in mayor's bench ven well disappointed faces in the stadium unfortunately the whole of osuna's bench have leapt up though to celebrate that Ruben goal so it's a bit of a disappointing one for my Ora of course however that uh goal from Rodrigo was also the same feeling last week however we know that it's going to be a long match maybe if Manan was brought on it would probably be because of Omar mascare but Ruben Garcia is in possession again the foul to the right hand side watching any second moves monola two oasa and Maya there clearing any doubt that falls to erando halfway down the field opens up to the left hand side oasa prepares a central shot and did not reach that ball correctly and oasa is in possession once again shoot and another good save there from Dominic grave who is the last person to go touch on that ball man moranz and Kyle Len getting ready to come on and it's now mayor inside the go scoring area passing backwards touch from the defense it's SEL and I think that they are those changes are ready now now they're going to wait for just a second e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e sorry about that we've been having some technical issues so we are talking currently about our men of the match we've got Dominic grave for Damian yuren would choose s Dar there as man of the match and so agrees he would have gone for those two players as well so he would potentially say Rayo because he is making all those balls going into Mya's box to uh and the last one that we could choose among all of us maybe we could Sam CA up there yeah they haven't missed any passes and I think they're doing a really good job in the match so there we go men of the match in our opinion here Dominic gra Manu moranz h s and and Antonio Rio and if the fans at home think that if somebody else deserves a spot in the top players of the match then definitely vote on the poll that we have just put on our YouTu YouTube channel so it's now minute 84 there the ball ends up going out and it looks like one of the Mya players has hurt themselves we're now minute 84 of the match practically no time now till the final whistle let's see if my could just whack one in the back of the net and uh managed to equalize so I'm on Pratt is now getting ready on the sidelines so obviously we know abdon pratz as one of those players who's always there to break those statistics just when you're about to hit send on your Chronicle of a match he's always there to shake things up and let's hope that today is no exception so Brian far there and who shoots inside the goal scoring area straight into Dominic Griff's hands let's see my Orca now trying to move away with many players at the top Antonio Ray you're pass the halfway line moika who's not quite there that was a bit of a misunderstanding The allall Falls backwards Ora their chop shaving time because they know that everything is in their favor right now got to keep trusting there's still some time to go Martin Valiant trying to regain control of the ball there Katana is on the the ground seems like they he has hurt himself there colliding with Kyle Len and that is in fact a yellow card for Kyle Len so a couple of yellow cards in this match not too many one of those has been for Kyle Laren obviously now oasa trying to speed up the Rhythm and just let time fly by they know that that benefits them of course mayorca now need to play moving backwards Dominic grave playing from the back MOA over to Sam Costa now long ball over to C Laren over to the left hand side samel Costas there ends up taking away a foul that the referee had not seen and the ball ends up in CIO herrera's hands minute 89 keeping an eye on Damian that rebound there from Martin Valiant that does not go really to plan it's a throw in for oasa now they end up losing the ball and it's a quick start again for Mya of course moika a bit too long there there's no way for him to reach that ball again Mo and the delegate there and that was that really was a uh a b strong B on one of those um official linesman six minutes of extra time has been given here in this salad soss on the ground now pressure what do are trying to move away halfway down the pitch good recovery and now the referee does whistle the foul we're not managing to uh keep the ball in play let's see if we can manage it in another way that was a bit of a wasted opportunity there Whata sends it really far away from uh SEO herrera's goal a really really narrow Central pass from him now it seemed like that last touch had been from monasa player it didn't look like a corner to from where we're standing however look watching it back it that does look like it could be a corner so we're now in minute 93 just three more minutes to go for my Orca to try and equalize and it's going to be Martin Valiant back to Dominic grave moika asks for the ball Dominic grave far away it's it inside the Box we can see R you're in a conversation with the linesman no on that trying to scrape a couple of minutes buta do already seem like they're savoring a potential Victory s try to get it there but he ended up on the ground long ball from Dominic grave all the mayca players move up it's just Mika staying back Laren controls the wall and all of this now is about trying to get some Central passes Dominic graef now sending the ball as far as he can SE Herrera is going to allow it to go past him and I've done practice saying to cord Vega take a at how much time is being wasted right now he took almost 20 seconds there to take that ball finally he's done it Len is there passes over to P I feel hits the post maishi is there but in the end seio Herrera is quicker and now it does definitely seem we are now in uh minute 96 there not going to be any more extra time given so there you go that is the final whistle osasuna win one nil there's no time for anym think Moro celebrates so now were better in the first half that will give them that however that is a big shame because uh there was a three points there that have slipped out of our grasp I think obviously oasa did do a good job by creating a lot more opportunities than my AA potentially did my or today just didn't find the way of doing that damage against and ask says it that the league has just begun in all reality and we're going to have many many days of joy ahead of us so just to analyze the first half a little all they really tried to go for that area where Brian thought I what that was right that was kind of the reference player at the top I from the right white right wing is actually uh definitely done a lot of damage as well we'll definitely be talking to our captain antona very soon with Daman as soon as Daman lets us no we'll be talking to them then we've seen lots of second passes that Maya need to change but how can they do that we obviously need the implication from everybody in the team in defense uh moment I think myor defended as well as they could but when a play a team is playing with that kind of style that's what can happen that the go the goal arrives in one of those actions it's through that Mya did not have the clearest opportunities today the T the tables did turn towards osasuna side and now I think we do have some protagonist from today's match with Damian yes hello Anon good afternoon what's your reading of the match today well I think we'd have to watch it back and analyze it but I think we try to do as much as we could today I mean you know the differences in first Division I say this really small details of what make the difference yeah we needed that a bit more strength in the uh in in in the other team box right yeah maybe the last movement is something we need to improve it just you know we able to really uh create that moment hopefully we forget about this uh defeat very soon exactly yeah of course we're gonna have to get through it the team go there all today and you know those uh really small details that make all the difference well thank you very much so we had Antonio Rio there and his opinion on the match he that they did try at all times which uh I mean did have those really really clear opportunities they didn't they weren't able to create too much damage I think in the last moment the changes definitely helped myor do you think they were still tired from a Madrid match no I think they've been working hard all week maybe not all the players were able to uh play a top notch 90minut match but uh from an attitude and physicality point of view were they were adequate they needed that freshness in the last minutes I do think that it was a combination of Merit from the Rival and Mya tried to hold them off but I think that you know it still doesn't take away from the F not had a very good match so according to the fans in the PO we shot out earlier the best player today was Dominic GRA with 52% of the vote second today there there the third one was anonio r with a 17% and the fourth one morean is on 10% so that was basically what we had said before as well and as we were saying the match was decided on very small details because that uh goal came from a lot of uh rebounds and also Stroke of Luck I think we can take a really positive reading after this which is that defensively are very good so for me is one of the takeaways from the match today is very well protected and and very well accompanied in the Midfield and that's when he becomes one of the best players in the category there were moments where was defin definitely putting the pressure on Dominic grave so what do you think they should have done to move away from the pressure from what from well it's complicated because uh is they're definitely a very versatile team I think it's about a combination of players you know mascar of course uh or other ones that can do those kind of movements as well we just got P my fa to talk to right now so what is your um opinion on a defeat today well I think that the first half was basically theirs in several moments unfortunately this interview with P Fe is very quiet right now and with the surround sound it is very difficult to uh understand what he is saying exactly the improvement from the sound so we need to just keep uh imp improving as a group and individually so from what you're saying it was like all about being more decisive on the other side of the Coit right yeah it was a different match to what we had last week course we've got another one on uh Tuesday so uh yeah that's another one there and we're going to go all out yeah I mean it's all about now changing attack and going on a different kind of vibe and looking at the mistakes and then correcting them talk about what we didn't do very well and yeah i' gear her up for Tuesday the words there fromo so pretty serious faces right after this defeat that definitely was not on their bingo card for this year so we're waiting for some more people to talk to correct yes we're gonna be talking to Y said very soon and we're going to be talking to another player as well we just go talk to Y they right now hello y good even to you what is your reading of the match today a negative course I mean when you lose it can't be at the end way we're pretty uncomfortable in many at many points today in the match just wasn't meant to be I think I mean but we can't dwell on it for too long because we've got another match on Tuesday I think we need uh some more deep depths there was space for us to look for the for that uh depth and for that and width I think the best thing is that then you got another match on Tuesday right there's not much to there's not much trying to arrest laurs yeah I think when you have a defeat you just need to get back on your feet and start uh start training again thank very much and uh best of luck so we just have to be with c right now good evening to you what's your reading of the match today well everything we thought that would Qui go on did except the result of course we knew that uh you it's a kind of field where it feels like a lot of things are happening and not that many things are actually happening I think if we scored the goal then they would have definitely got more nervous more stressed and it would have been a different kind of match that we playing of course also have other things to uh perform and improve as well we've got to stick with the things that we did very well you know they are able to score against you with Ely any any time we had a lot of opportunities as well but definitely to uh toore we knew that it was going to be a a really tough match but we really excited about it anyway but hopefully we will get what we deserve on Wednesday Tuesday so that is it from us here in the stadium I think everybody is slightly disheartened that has come by to speak to us however we do have another match on Tuesday that is good news of course and it's just around the corner so tomorrow the team of course will be back us and they have to uh just change track now and uh learn from the mistakes made that is it from us in the stadium is here today and we'll be hearing from Y in his press conference very soon well thank you very much to you uh and I'll see you on Tuesday because uh hopefully with a victory see you then so looking at the stats there 45% possession for 55 for myca five corner for I think we've this press conference we're just going to go in here for that yeah I guess it's time to uh take so any tags that are on me away now we thought we had plenty of Chances with that nail nail going into half time we had more presence in the in the Box where we've got to improve at the end of the day we didn't do a good match today and the only lucky thing is that we've got another chance on Monday we've got to think quickly and think about C cille's match so so much planning but what was missing today for uh myor to do that the performers he wanted probably depth and I guess uh make give Mishi some more chances I could see those gaps but I don't think we interpreting them well and it's all about adapting to what has been said after what is done in every match so what does it mean to you today to come back to the bu what's your reading of it we're very special of course I'm really affectionate towards them they've been very lovely to me as well special situation you know I'm very aware of what I experienced these last years so Seville is coming up in three days how are you feeling about that I mean I think I'm only focusing from a a football sense and I mean they must have played better than us and that's why they us right I mean of course then there's a lot of personal things going in there but uh I'll try and focus on what we did uh what we didn't do well today and also uh try and keep uh in always keep in mind the personal aspect too was today a surprise or did you expect it no I think that they uh they interpreted the gaps and spaces very well they defended well and I I think an defense today was fantastic yeah I think they are more interested in another kind of match and we went another way today so what would you like to learn from this match well I think sometimes there are very generalized analysis from from the from the first round of the La Liga you know I was saying that we're going to have a lot of matches like this I think we should learn quickly really so it's very uncomfortable for any coach after losing of course but the market closed in six days how are you feeling about that well I mean yeah there six days left of the market but we have a match on Tuesday and um I think that's what we're focused on and before uh Friday there could be more Novelties but right now I don't think that's my focus I wanted to talk to you about so he was the last uh change maybe he's uh scaling slightly quicker than he did last season yeah he started in an an inside position he was nearly to score and then he was on either side of the pitch at one point we wanted to have uh about three uh Strikers today because we thought we were going to need that amount of Strikers this question is in the Basque language for so before more than a coach you're a person is something you always say so how does it feel to to direct it to coach rival team here wow to hear all the chants and the songs and everything it's that it's really tough you know they're not cheering for you anymore they're cheering for the other side of course but obviously from a personal side I'm so happy because I I I know all the love here is so true and so and so fond but of course I'm not very happy from a from a professional sense and there we go that is the end of the press conference for today so the uh press conference there basically same thing as we have been saying with the other players that we've been talking to of course football is not stopping for anybody we have another match on H Tuesday we're playing against here in solmos stadium trying to get those three points right the beginning of the Season round two of the Liga and I think same as what as said the team is ever growing they're going to have to be some rotations going around because there's barely any rest time so so here it has been a pleasure to have you here with us today it's a shame about the result I think my as is growing and is sailing and Tuesday they have another chance to show everybody yeah I mean it's a long-term project of course and there are a lot of very good initiatives I'm sure there will be changes there'll be the team will be freshened up Al so thank you very much for the opportunity to come here and uh comment on the match but hopefully next time it will be with a Mya Victory well thank you very much to all the Mya fans that have been listening today Tuesday we'll be back here at play Red live with all the coverage of the match against cille so as we said football is not stopping for anybody today we lost one nil against oasa but we will come back on Tuesday see you then e e e for

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