Category: Sports
G sub africa aston villa ne arsenal 2 and i'm here with mark jackson mark a nice nice saturday evening nice victory you know beautiful victory in fact for me this victory is for on emry and em emilano martinez you see these two players i don't know why they have against arsenal these two people emry... Read more
Category: Sports
G africa it's aston villa new arsenal 2 and i'm here with i'm zazi zazi and i'm here with zazi so zazi how how you see the game the game go the go the expect from ar now you people say they don't hold us last season so this season we supposed to win them now revenge with day seriously that's ar now... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
La seule liberté dont nous disposons tout de manière égale est le libre arbitre tous les autres libertés on été payé par quelquun parole de sagesse dea d'esprit [musique] Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Générique introduction et présentation Read more
Category: Gaming
For but for me that's just pure predatory brillance it's not so much the finish but the way he read the situation when nobody else was even alert to it it's fantastic so we have our breakthrough well just listen to the reaction i think you can hear the approval from the support all around the stadium... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] naka kata yeah he's pulled him up for that [music] challenge well that looks like a final warning still no car [music] [music] tries to get it clear [music] can he latch onto this a mixture of good defending and indecisive passing no progress gets into some space played out wide now that's been... Read more
Category: Sports
[laughter] come on now dog come on man come on man it's too easy nice nice nice Read more
Category: Sports
Foreign [applause] here is martinelli gabrielle martinelli quite a quite a forceful hit touched over by davis a hard man to stop martinelli i'm alone gamaleo's cross adam burma draws from edison an athletic save solo moved on by jesus here goes martinelli so fleet of foot gabrielle martinelli that is... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] he's had it taken off him well he had a really good run at goal there but the defense just weren't going to let him past moved on forwards he's looking for the runner here this is what good chemistry is all about crosson again defending of the desperate variety and that's aimed into the middle... Read more
Category: Sports
Est-ce que vous m'entendez bien les amis bonjour à tous bienvenue pour ce nouveau match de qualification pour la coupe d'afrique au maroc le cameroun qu'on va faire et oui c'était pas forcément prévu mais j'ai bien envie de faire les lons adomtabl aujourd'hui comme au juin c'était en calife coupe du... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Même si ça semble s'être calmé puisque finalement quand même au premier match on a bien eu l'équipe a qui a joué qui a pas mal joué qui a mérité sa victoire globalement donc c'est bien il faut continuer là-dessus voilà pourquoi sans doute marc briss a décidé de mettre la même équipe le même 11 une certaine... Read more
Category: Sports
Bienvenidas este raro vídeo sobre la última ronda del grupo de partidas en la fecha 3 en la fase de grupos la copa africana de naciones nos vemos que si hacemos rápidamente aquí ya no en grupo ateos a burkina faso [música] apuntó luego de litio día que fue recogiendo su primer y único punto en su despedida... Read more