Published: Jun 11, 2024
Duration: 00:14:47
Category: Sports
Trending searches: unr football
squeeze me a little harder there we go good okay all good yeah been putting on some size in here dude maybe in my butt and my size yeah yeah you've been putting some size and I've been working on it size in the butt dude growing that but all right we got Spencer Curtis coming in he's a college football player he's a slot receiver he's been at UNR the last two seasons started coming in to see me for some IT band uh issues and we determined that it was referred pain coming from L5 his spine actually so we did some pretty in-depth rehab adjustments tissue work he's been seeing me weekly now for the past two years just to stay at his highest level because he Demands a lot out of his body so Spencer is going into his last year of football and he's transferring from UNR to Hawaii yep slot receiver so it should be a good year they're planning on throwing for 5,000 I I hope so got a top 10 quarterback yeah so it's just going to be a better situation for him to get more looks and hopefully get picked up in the draft move on to the NFL yep cool man all right we've been seeing each other for quite a while like it's been like two years yeah two years pretty much weekly mhm I hurt my um it was like my IT band on my right leg and I'd done a lot of physical therapy and a lot of just different things to try to fix it and nothing was helping and then my mom mom she suggested to come see you and then next thing you know my leg felt great I had a great season and that's why I keep coming back is just cuz when you fix this and then I've had other things that started to hurt and okay everything's been fixed so going to have to find you somebody good in Hawaii I know I got to do some research yeah you've been diagnosed with Fai femoral acetabular impingement on both hips with the left one being worse or am I wrong on that uh yeah the left one's a little more a little worse compared to the right one just cuz I don't know that's it's the one that usually flares up just a little more so okay Spencer has Fai he's been diagnosed with that which is femoral acetabular impingement basically means that there's some type of bony impingement in the hip there's two different kinds Cam and pincer and I think he has a mixed a little bit of both so he's more susceptible to some Pinchin type feelings some hip flexor sensitivity so we do a lot of work as far as programming for his strength training and also the soft tissue working here just to open things up and hopefully that uh reduces his symptoms enough to feel good on the on the field all right just get in here and do some nice hip mobilizations give them a little extension little internal rotation give him some love this is a Ferrari you know we got to we got to treat it like one oh yeah it's premium gas maybe no it's more like race fuel I I mean I sure hope so any problems there at the top no okay and then let's get into that glute meat a little bit I think you remember this move where you just go from here reach up towards that elbow and then we'll come back okay so I'm just going to give you a little pressure okay go ahead and bring it up that pressure okay yeah and come [Music] back you tell me if I'm giving you too much oh no it's fine okay just pinning down that muscle where it meets the tendon and taking it through a big range I've been putting on some size in here dude maybe in my butt in my thigh yeah my Upp body's been a little bit smaller how is tfl in there I mean it's sort like normal but nothing like nothing crazy nothing crazy yeah slide back towards me just a tad let's go for this one I'll have you go back and then down okay that makes sense yeah okay so let me get right in there that pressure that's fine okay just going right into the tfl down and then come back up shorten position and lengthen position woo nice we'll have to pose it to uh Instagram or YouTube any good sports cyos in uh aahu yeah yeah by the by the University of haw we need one for this guy have you been before to aaho for one day one day just a visit or for our game uh two years ago yeah jumped in the ocean probably like 3 hours before our game they went and played and jumped on a plane saw the sunet saw it rise it was a great day all right yeah I just wish we had got to stay there a little longer right yeah yeah you've been putting some size in I've been working on it size in the butt dude growing that butt okay too much that's okay yeah can't tap out on camera no I can't tap out on camera especially and go back down and just okay I duck the leg okay okay you all right yeah okay any uh any pinching in no I'm just sore in my like right here other than that now just trying to get me to touch you there no no no no this nice stretch on when that went up I was like oh I didn't know I was sore there today feel good yeah it's fine yeah any problems in the hip there pretty good yeah okay um do you feel like the soaz ilaka stuff helps you when you dig in there definitely yeah I don't know why every time it hurts the worst but it's the probably the one that like makes it feel the best just opens up your hips yeah okay so let's go here and to go between the belly button and the Asis about cut the distance in half at an oblique angle get some depth tell me when you're feeling about your max right there right there yeah okay and then um just lightly pick up the foot and straighten the knee and then bring it back up just right on that that soaz muscle giving him some deep pressure probably get some uh small intestine large intestine in there too here a little bit visceral massage okay and up and then we'll go iliakis muscle just right inside the pelvic brim here slide just a little bit towards me I like just taking a thumb going right inside getting some decent pressure just kind of go off of his face that about Max probably yeah okay and then I'm going to have you extend and then just let this leg drop off okay okay go ahead you okay yeah okay give you a little bit more you're good at keeping a calm face I got it I got to just one man touching another man's [Laughter] intestines that's fun yeah okay go ahead and do that same move where you kind of go off and Stand Down good what are you most excited about for Hawaii probably to be at a beach all the time yeah I love the beach so you going to get into surfing you know people have ask me I'm scared of the ocean and so like that's the one thing where I'm like you know maybe I'll just get over it just for that because it seems fun but yeah yeah so still planning to come make a trip over there and watch you beat UNR you got to I haven't booked the flight yet but it's we're planning it I already talked to my mom she said she can watch Liam so we're good well then you're set there's probably better games I could go to cuz I anticipate you guys are going to destroy them I want to see I want to see you destroy them yeah I just want nothing against UNR yeah but I mean when you get when you go to a different school and you're playing the school you just left you always want to do good against them okay I'm not feeling anything specific in the low back today it feels pretty good we'll just put General Motion in there okay Spencer's surprisingly hard to adjust even though he's obviously a young fit guy but especially with the low back you got to like get all of our Force focused in one area and then drop pretty hard and pretty fast you'll see and sometimes I miss so we might have to go twice we'll see yeah okay big breath in and out roll you that okay there yeah okay that move I didn't think it did yeah that was weak okay told you try little different approach let's go try and build a little bit more tension squeeze me a little harder there we go good okay all good yeah so certain types of people are difficult to adjust obviously really large stiff individuals older individuals and then really flexible individuals which Spencer is so often times his low back on the first try doesn't go so we just have different setups and different ways to try and get it to go and usually we can take care of it that's why tried a couple times here and finally got it take this one okay one more breath in out Let It Go man missed it again it's okay so why we got a couple different ways to get the job done am I nervous for the camera I'm slow tense lights come on right we'll get it there we go nice there we go we'll go lower thoracic good all good there and then I'm going to roll you going to try and get this piece okay and then bring your head up off the table good gotta all good y back towards me okay spensor next also hard to adjust so got to be real patient feel right when he lets us have it nice all good yeah yeah this one usually get a little less out of it Go doing strap yeah so Spencer initially when we did this he wasn't a fan of the strap no I think no it was little little painful at first and then his mom came in and correct me if I'm wrong but she had it done and she was like you got to do it yeah she talked you into it she talked me into it definitely and now you've pretty much been a fan for yeah past year yeah okay all good there yeah all right y feeling okay on your neck mhm okay let it go a little more there you go nice all good oh yeah okay let's get that standing one got give one more spot in there we can get let me grab this cuz you keep getting taller this is strap strap makes me I know dude dude you're your delts are getting bigger you think so yeah you've been training these I have I'm not going to lie I feel like I'm smaller up top right now and so well not your delts well that's a good thing that's I mean that's that makes me happy because you need strong delts as a receiver you definitely do okay go Hands On Top big breath and out nice one big one cool man all set anything else no that's it all right well thank you sweet