Reba 2024 💥 Reba s Heart💥🌲🌸 New Sitcom Reba Nell McEntire Show 2024

Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 01:47:48 Category: People & Blogs

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[Music] howdy ho Rea I made you a bun cake for your party tonight the Germans call it boont oh this funny Germans so what time should I be here tonight the cake can stay but you got to go this party is business as in none of yours yes but like so many things I've made it my business and prepar to spe to give to your clients Reba is not just the best real estate agent in town she's also my best friend I do not know what I would do without her sometimes I lie awake at night and I thank God that her husband made a pass at me I bet God really loves to hear from you hey oh Cheyenne how was your 12-step meeting uh Reba those meetings are Anonymous she's not supposed to to talk about them oh no no no I can talk about my meetings and they're going really well I mean like really really really well I don't know why but I just I don't feel the need to drink at [Applause] all so how was your day give me that thing oh what do you think you're doing I'm smoking look it's no big deal I'll quit before it affects my looks I'm a little more worried about your health and the health of everybody around you well almost everyone I do not think smoking is that bad for you I think tobacco is a vegetable cheyen take it from me it is not worth it I mean sure you look cool and sophisticated no especially if you got a sterling silver case and a hold her like I did but you used to smoke pack a day and I'm telling you smoking makes you a social Pariah nobody wants anything to do with you are you sure they knew you smoked AA frine okay look I know it's bad for me but it helps me not want to drink honey if you're having a hard time with this maybe I shouldn't have this party for my clients I mean there'll be a lot of drink in there no Mom look I told you I cannot live in some fake world and pretend that alcohol doesn't exist I just need to smoke right now to help me get through this look let's work something out Cheyenne I'm sure if you quit smoking Reba will let you have a snort now and then no she will not smoke and she will not drink as for you you can smoke and drink go skydiving for all I care I bet she's the life of October Fest my RS are planted in the past though my life is changing fast who I am is who I want to be a single mom who works too hard who loves her kids and never stops with gentle hands and the Heart of a f I'm a [Music] Survivor hey Mrs H oh van good I'm just finishing you up grocery list sorry don't have time we got our party later on and I still have to work on my conversational pieces conversational pieces hey it's hard work being witty and I don't want to step in my tongue like the last party I don't know why pregnant women get so touchy when you ask them when they're due that's because she wasn't pregnant and she wasn't a sheet well I'm pretty sure he was wearing maternity pants B look Chey's going through some stuff yeah I know I know watch her like a hawk I was going to say be supportive I know I got it man you take stuff so seriously stop it it's just that I'm worried that she's having a harder time with all this than we thought she would now we need to be aware and pay attention to what she's going through man Mrs H life does not have to be a constant girl look at me I'm Reba what obstacle do I have to overcome today let's go with it [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] man man Cheyenne your mom's got to bug up her nose she's all over me how I should be watching you like a hawk and what a tough time you're going through and girl I'm Rebo you know how she is wait why are you supposed to be watching me was she asking about my drinking again yeah like I don't pay attention I should have been look red I'm her husband I got this I know what she's up to but I didn't you know why cuz I'm afraid of her you know this is really starting to get on my nerves I mean you you admit that you have a problem you take the steps to deal with it and then all of a sudden everybody treats you like you're a completely different person yeah why can everyone realize that I'm just the same old Cheyenne as I always was exactly I realize it because I'm aware they can one of those vitamins give me a Wilma and a dino you know what I had a dino yesterday make it a Barney no man those vitamins are not for you are those chick vitamins will I grow boobs no okay I'm going to tell you something but you cannot repeat it it's called dulum you're right I can't repeat that it's a prescription medicine for alcoholics makes you violently ill if you drink alcohol a pill that makes you sick if you drink well do that ruin drinking what's the point if it's called booze away oh cool yeah I know that if I have one of these I can't have a drink so why are you hiding from your mom cuz I don't want her to find out she's been on my case about everything she's always snooping around looking for signs of trouble so promise me van if she asks you as far as you're concerned those are just vitamins got it thank you H have you always smoked [Music] hey guys listen it's about Cheyenne you know I think we should all be impressed that she hasn't had a drink in 2 weeks hey I haven't peed in six hours but when somebody gives up something like Cheyenne has done well sometimes they do other things things that we might wish they weren't doing like what well like for instance smoking smoking what cigarettes I just wanted to make sure that you guys weren't going to look at Cheyenne smoking think oh wow she looks so cool maybe I should try that oh man that last sip topped me off did you honestly think I'd start smoking just because Cheyenne is you know I just didn't want for you to be curious about cigarettes and for that to lead you try them here you want to take a look I've seen them before Dad these are nasty little buggers I know how seductive these things can be Cara I used to smoke I didn't know that oh yeah yeah I quit before shying man was born himem smoked s good for you you know you might find yourself in a situation where somebody offers you one of these things I have that's when I use that powerful just say no technique just smell that tobacco they might say thanks for the advice you can throw those away now H darn straight I'm throwing them away because smoking is bad and evil Kira bad and evil I tell you [Laughter] oh [Music] baby jeez Mrs H you sure did get a lot of boo well van a lot of people feel uncomfortable with these business type G togethers so a few drinks kind of help break down the barriers that way they can relax and get right to their conversational pieces it is hard hard work being witty oh look there's Shen's purse you know I'm halfway tempted just to go through it to make sure she got rid of those stupid cigarettes oh who am I kidding you know I'm just doing this because I'm trying to protect her well do I care she goes through your purse nope no cigarettes just a bottle of vitamins vitamins no no no no no no no no no no what are you doing the these vitamins are for women then I'm a woman don't you have special vitamins for people your age you know for bone loss over seriously Mrs H you don't need these vitamins you look terrific I'm serious you're hot if I wasn't married to your daughter I would totally stop it look van we're fixing to have a party and I don't have time for these silly games come on all right I tell you what if you can snatch this out of my hand before I [Applause] close probably won't be needing my conversational [Music] pieces in our real estate dealing van and I focus on being positive like I always say if life gives you limit make yourself a screwdriver who hey man what are you doing I I think this a bottle of vodka is bad yep it's flat let me get you a fizzy One Cheyenne where have you been I need your help what are you doing trying to keep your mom from drinking this vodka you could just pour it down the drain I could wait why are you trying to keep mom from drinking because before the party your mother snooped through your purse found your bottle of Booz away pills thought they were vitamins and took one now if she takes a drink she's going to blow like Mount Rushmore you have to tell her now in the middle of her big party I can't pound this whole bottle of vodka I barely got down the scotch look Ben if I tell her I'm just going to get some big old lecture we'll just we'll keep her from drinking okay keep your mom from drinking have you even seen her at parties it's like she's sponsored by schof quick she's got wine go as I was saying van is my son-in-law and I thought well I'll just bring him in to work with me and and he's been doing a really good job a sh oh my gosh is that my gum let me get it out [Laughter] Wine's a little Corky she probably switch to juice I'll just have a beer yeah I think we're out no there's one right over there excellent beer spotted Mrs H good eye good [Laughter] eye mhm like I said we're [Applause] out well if anybody wants a beer we can just squeeze van you'll just pardon us just for a second here man what's wrong with you I'm a little buzz there redster look Mom we found out that alcoholism is hereditary which means you could easily get it from me I appreciate your concern but I have to give a speech and I don't have anything to toast with just say you'd like to make a toast and then hold up a piece of bread you see booze doesn't make a Charming humor does [Laughter] [Music] move everyone paron me I'd like to thank you all for coming out today you know real estate isn't about houses and land it's about people and Van and I feel like our our clients are the best darn people in all of Houston so cheers this a um real estate's also about um family it's it's it's family togetherness you know and um looks like someone starting their own family ma'am when are you do fie is not pregnant what so everyone Cheers Cheers so stick around have a great time relax enjoy yourself and when you go home tonight think about hoop think about who put you there think about oh God excuse me oh well this given us a lot to think about yeah brao did you just spray yourself with canola oil don't what no of course not Oh you mean that yeah yes yes I did oh you mind telling me why you just sprayed yourself with canola oil they say it's very good for the skin and every time I walk into a room today you you are spraying yourself with something cologne air freshener cooking spray I find that odd and it makes me want to ask you a question oh what's her name whose name the skirt you've been running around with the one whose perfume you're trying to cover up is it that trap Cathy tman oh Barbera je look there's nobody you liar Barbera Jean look it's it's this I've been smoking smoking yeah who got you hooked on smoking that Kathy chman arene think what would I need with another woman when I have these honey this is not okay we have two children living in this house you cannot smoke this has got to stop it will it will I swear you know I'm I'm just going to finish this pack and then I'll I'll go to the store and get some patches and honey I'm I'm sorry I got so crazy back there and just so you know Kathy Tillman is one of my nearest and dearest [Music] friends oh I'm so embarrassed don't worry Mrs H I told everybody you've been drinking all day man your breath is making me nauseous right back at you oh van leave mom alone and quit breathing on her she's sick I don't I don't understand it I was feeling terrific yeah it doesn't make any sense I mean you eat right you work out take your vitamins knock it off man oh just making a little joke she has no idea what I'm talking about what are you talking about oh well I'm not telling not telling not telling seriously you'll be mad Jan what is he talking about tell me right now all right all right clearly the hens need some time to clucky cluck this Rooster's going to be upstairs what is he talking about okay you're probably not going to think this is funny now what with all the vomiting and stuff but when you feel better I promise you you are going to see the humor step it up cheyen I'm about to wreck your blouse here's the thing that vitamin that you took earlier well it's not exactly a vitamin it's it's called booze away and it makes you sick if you drink alcohol and I didn't realize how sick so boy that is a warning so you take a peill so you don't drink what do they think about that down at the meeting oh okay about the meetings I stopped going cheyen why would you stop going to the meetings well because I had to they got a bell what well you used to be able to talk about yourself for as long as you wanted and everyone had to listen but now when they think you talk too long they ring a bell on you and I'm the only one they do it too oh honey I'm sure it just seems that way oh they call it getting Cheyenne well what are those people thinking the whole point of having the meaning is so you'll talk about your drinking okay well that's not exactly what I talk about okay what is it you do talk about we talk about lots of stuff you know like shopping and makeup and shoes American Idol cheen it's a 12-step meeting not a slumber party why don't you talk about the drinking well because that's embarrassing really more embarrassing than getting shyen I just want this to be over I know you do honey but it's going to be a struggle and something you're going to have to deal with for the rest of your life well thanks for the pep talk I'm through giving you pep talks you're going to have to stop taking the easy way out so I'm supposed to go to those meetings and have them ring a bell on me if that's what it takes to get you better then yes ma'am you're going to have to do it fine I'll go but I'm going to start by telling them how mean my mom is okay I need you I need you to come upstairs with me and clean the lamp that I [Music] broke why is this bed so high why are there so many pillows hey van so I decided that I'm going to go back to my meeting tomorrow and I cannot wait because I have so much to talk about which reminds me I got to pick out an outfit I was shopping at the mall today at my favorite store and I saw this really cute pair of pants I mean they were a little trashy not trashy on me but trashy on other people it turns out didn't even have my size you know what it is so cool that I could talk to you about stuff like this since I can't talk about it my meeting anymore I totally forgot this Elizabeth we were walking through the mall and this girl came up to us and she wanted us to take pictures of Elizabeth because she said she [Music] [Music] was Mrs H I don't want to go in the car it smells terrible I'm sure it's better I left all the windows down I sprinkle popery on the seats and I put a half a lemon in the glove box hence from Heloise mom a mouse crawled into the exhaust system and died decaying rodent does not smell better over time hints from science whs let's give it a try just a little bitty Mouse little bitty Mouse with a big old stink oh oh man that is back of the football bus bad okay one of us has to find this mouse come on Van you're not my king get hopping why do I always have to do the big strong man stuff around here make Kira do it you are such a waste of testosterone oh yeah so are you fine I'll do it oh wait I think I found something yeah there it is ah hey the dipstick grab the dipstick you know my friend Kendall's family also had car trouble they took it to someone called a mechanic cost $500 to flush out this mouse stink or no stink I don't have the cash so borrow the money from dad every dollar of his we spend is one less for Barber je I like the way you think but no well I guess there's only one thing to do sell Jake K what he's the obvious choice Cheyenne's The Prompt queen I'm the brain and Jake's the spare I thought I was the spare my are planted in the past though my life is changing fast who I am is who I want to be single mom who works too hard who loves her kids and never stops with gentle hands and the Heart of a fighter I'm a survivor all right I call you read them and wheat baby Paran nines see what you got Full House well one more King you might have had something there man can't believe you're stealing cookies away from Elizabeth you should be very proud look how sad she is mom we've got to do something about that car I can't get the smell of dead rodent out of my hair well I still don't have $500 so let's shave your head I think you should sell this my engagement ring here what were you doing in my jewelry box putting earrings back you didn't ask to borrow my earrings you little poot come on Mom it's the one piece of jewelry you're never going to wear again what if one of you kids want it someday an engagement ring from a failed marriage that's like wearing the clothes off a dead person it fits Cheyenne take that off that ring symbolizes a lifetime of unhappiness oh hi come on Mom I bet you get more than enough money to get rid of that smell and let's not forget I have a birthday coming up well if I don't get rid of that smell this may be the year you get a car look what you're saying makes sense but just doesn't feel right to sell my engagement ring I such a beautiful ring my finger feels kind of empty now really cuz I could buy you a ring you can't even buy her a taco I can too buy her a ring I have a job now I'm clearing three figures a month that's okay sweetie you'll byy mirroring someday too bad by the then humans will have evolved into having no fingers shut up Kira I will not have [Applause] evolved hey Kira I need your help you're a girl you you know stuff about you know girl stuff are you getting your period I need you to come with me and help me buy Chey a ring oh okay wait wait you go why I love to see the Expressions on Strangers faces when you [Music] [Applause] speak what the hell was that the poverty detector it goes off if you make less than everyone else in the store oh man this place is way out of my league I still think we should go to Crazy Steve's rings and mattresses may I help you we're here to get an engagement ring cuz we're in love you're up it's not for her it's for my wife she's 18 so you're getting your wife an engagement ring won't she be surprised let me show you what we have any idea which cut the young lady would prefer pear Square Emerald well you know women the one that doesn't make her look fat right upper deck ring [Laughter] [Applause] dude could we see something simple like him this piece has marvelous Clarity M that's pretty it's $4,500 American that may be a little out of his range I'm sorry what price range were you thinking do you have one of those machines you put a quarter in oh I see which direction we're heading this is called The Promise ring dude I already made the promise I need a diamond if both size and price are an issue perhaps a cubic zirconium would be nice yeah baby that is what I am talking about my man you could have been a little quicker with these Cuban plutonium all right van it's fake yeah but it's big and fake I just want Cheyenne to love it look if it were me I'd rather have something real really really of course I'd also rather have a husband who didn't tie shoes by chasing the bunny through the [Music] hole what are you do you mean I'm not covered I specifically asked about this when I bought the policy yeah liability and mice both I asked for both yeah well you know what you're not a good neighbor I am stunned that didn't work hey hey hey we're back oh how was the museum you're not supposed to touch the pictures oh oh it's that's your fault buddy you didn't know they should have a big sign that says alarm will sound you know I still have a ringing in my ears hey re there any reason why there are like 20 or 30 cats hanging around your car I've been delivering fish for extra money what's it to you oh what's with you don't mind her dad something crawled up her tailpipe and died that's your mother you're talking to young lady oh there it is so what we talking about a mouse died in our car's engine ooh a dead mouse well that must smell terrible hey Brock we should lend them our car while we're in Italy Italy yeah but don't ask me which city we're just gonna roam barban I specifically ask you not to say that anymore you're taking her to Italy my Italy the one place in the world I always wanted to go but you said we couldn't afford it I got a great deal I use this internet site called bare bottom tickets actually I kind of found him by [Laughter] accident Brock loves his internet well honey though if this going to be a problem maybe we should go someplace else is there any place you're less bitter about we are not changing our plans I mean it's not like when we got divorced Italy became off limits right no you're right go you and I are divorced ity shouldn't matter anymore go on have a good time oh we will and you have fun in our car but don't let any animals die in there [Laughter] CH g go get my jewelry box so you're selling the engagement ring oh yeah and their car hey Reba CH oh come on you're not still upset about that Italy deal are you CH mom your engagement ring is up to $1,000 on eBay oh hi Dad no way you didn't sell our engagement ring not yet they're still bidding on it I can't believe you'd even think of doing that do you know what I went through to get you that ring oh I know what you went through Brock you went through your brother who went through a guy named Paco who went through customs with my engagement ring in his underpants can't believe you're being so petty that's our engagement ring I thought it'd always stay in our family that's funny I always thought you would stay in our family oh it always comes back around to that doesn't it mhm the divorce is my fault I ruined everything made your life miserable so now I deserve to be pun punished well not this time I forbid you to sell that ring forbid me well I forbid you to forbid me it's my engagement ring and I'm going to sell it then I'm going to buy it long as you're the high bidder baby I will be Kira Kira jump on the computer and put in a fake bit of $3,000 [Music] hey what's this for for my lovely bride oh no what did you do if Elizabeth has a mohawk fan I she's fine this is not an apology it's a proposal and this time I have ring and you're not pregnant you got me a ring oh no B the diamond fell off what no no it it it's there oh there it is oh dang it's too small I knew I should have got one of those big Cuban ones no no no B God I just I must have had something in my eye wow I love it you're just saying that no man man I love my diamond my diamond van it's gorgeous what's gorgeous van bought me a diamond ring what here I am scraping and scaming to get enough money to fix that stupid car and you have the nerve to go out and buy a diamond ring yes and look at it never mind Hey Rea I had a great idea while I was planning our Italy trip you should tell me all the places you wanted to go and then I could take some pictures for you I can tell you where I want you to go re Ary or for you it would be a Rea D cheek get it Reba bar Jean I've heard that joke all my life I don't think it's funny bar jeene come here I want you to see the ringing that man got me oh my gosh it's bimo that means small doesn't it I just memorize a lot of words I don't know the meanings you do the same with English come on Van I want to go down to campus I want to show all my friends no no no no I don't think we should show anyone an engagement ring should be private don't be silly I want everybody to know what you did can we not call it what I did well since it's seems we're all showing off Rings take a gander at what Brock gave me apparently it's an antique I think some old lady died that's my engagement ring hey if I known he was going to give it to you I'd have never sold it to him give it to me my finger won't come off you'd be surprised I can't believe he did that me either that Smoky smell is me sister because I am burned up I'm on killing right we are in this together no we're not oh really cuz for a second there kind of seem like we were you [Applause] [Music] know rock R hey look at you over here all of a sudden and looking kind of angry I can explain really can you Brock well not to both of you at the same time you gave Barbara jeene my engagement ring first you gave me Reba's trip to Italy and now her ring next you be telling me her nickname was sassy shorts excuse me Rea I did not give the ring to Barbara Jean no she found it in my pocket and thought it was a gift I couldn't very well tell her the truth yeah that was never one of your strong suits and what was the truth Brock you bought your ex-wife's ring for a little keep sake honey I had to buy it otherwise it would have gone to Granny boots 72 from Syracuse well I don't want it now I want my own ring oh Barbara Jean oh I'm getting the Tiffany's catalog and I'm getting a tow ring too serves you right Brock what were you thinking hey I thought you said you didn't care about this ring I don't well if you don't care why are you so mad because I don't want barbar jeene to have my ring oh so you do care that's not caring that's hatred they just sound the same well you could have fooled me you know I still care about this ring Reba and it hurt my feelings when you said you don't well maybe I still care about it too but I don't want to just like I don't want to care that you're taking her on my trip to Italy so why do I well maybe because there's part of the past that's still good you know just because our marriage ended badly doesn't mean you have to write off the whole dang relationship we had plenty of good times like when I gave you this ring I said I'd never take it off my finger and you didn't until that first fight when we were driving through Iowa and you threw it out the window we spent 6 hours in that corn field serves you right taking me to hour yeah we did have some good memories I guess it's okay if I keep this Rea you know I did I did pay for the ring twice now yeah I know enjoy Italy hey you know what I I changed my mind I thought it'd be better if I took Barbara jeene to Paris my Paris [Music] I'm just saying you didn't have to show the ring to your geology Professor the guy's a rock expert Cheyenne yes van and he thought that the diamond was very impressive because he's never seen one that's small before everyone was making fun of it Cheyenne van you're getting upset over nothing I'm getting upset cuz you won't stop punishing me how am I punishing you you keep showing it to everyone boy it's pathetic seeing two grown adults fighting over a ring I should have never gotten it it's embarrassing why don't you just wear my paycheck on your finger and everybody can laugh at that look I got an offer for you too I got my engagement ring back no I told you Mrs H I don't want it you don't have to take the ring just take the diamond wait a minute that would probably break the curse all right pop that sucker off I'm going to go get the glue gun no no Mom thank you that's very sweet but I love this ring exactly the way that it is why why would you love it because you gave it to me and that makes it the most valuable ring that I'll ever own wow how cool is that well you did buy shyen a nice ring oh I didn't just buy her a nice ring I bought her a love of inexpensive jewelry [Music] oh [Music] acne hey we should put our handprints in that before it sets I'm trying to get back in football shape and this is a high protein breakfast food that's supposed to feed my body and my mind it's just an expression don't make fun of me oh I guess you started without me oh sorry want some my diet food what's that supposed to mean nothing but you know since I'm getting in shape for football I think it'd be cool if we did it together what are you doing are you measuring my waist what no why would you say that I barely got my arms around you what I meant I barely got my arms around on you before you pushed me away well I am sorry if I had a baby and I'm wrecked forever but you you are not exactly Mr Perfect either okay so why don't you take care of yourself you big tubag goo what's that all about van called sh fat I did not all I did was ask her if she wanted to go on the diet with me and not didn't even mean just her I think the whole family should try it what's that supposed to mean yeah van what's that supposed to to me we need more boys in this house he is so wrong you know what we do need cell phones car you are not getting a cell phone why not cuz you're 13 you don't need one they're too expensive kids with cell phones are obnoxious and life is not fair that about wraps it up Dad said it's okay and barbar jeene thinks it's a good idea whoa you are out of argument since you're quoting Barber Jean I hate it here me too who should we call about that mys are planted in the past though my life is changing fast who I am is who I want to be single mom who works too hard who loves her kids and never stops with gentle hands and the Heart of a fighter I'm a [Music] Survivor hi Mom Hey Jake how you doing how was school Timmy Logan got hit in the face with the ball it was great Jake it's not funny when somebody gets hurt Oh you mean Timmy Logan the bully that ripped your sweater yep haha hope it was a basketball I also got homework I'm supposed to interview someone I admire for class oh all righty then I'm ready I was born in mallister Oklahoma the year is not important okay and no Mom I want to interview Cara Cara Kira your sister that Kira hey Kira can I interview you buzz off maybe I'll interview Cheyenne so how are you guess what Jake's going to be over at your dad's tonight so it's just you and me I said oh come on let's go to that 50s diner where all the waitresses are in their 50s haha Cara are you still angry about the cell phone you can't get mad at me every time I tell you no sure I can there's got way for you and me to get along I mean I'm tired of constantly fighting over the little things well what do you want me to do Mom pretend I'm all happy at a girl let's try that I'll call the restaurant forget it I'd rather eat dirt I can see why you want to spend time with her give me a glimmer of hope please remind me that you hated my guts once too you bet I did and I pulled away too but I came back yeah because you had a baby I might not get that lucky with Kira oh good you're here listen I need your help with Barbara Jean F I'm having a hard day here I don't have time to deal with her look when she comes in you've got to tell her she looks terrible okay I could use a pick me up Mom no whatever happened to if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all whoa what is it well I've just never SE I mean you just dang I wish I had my my camera you know she's been like this all week she hadn't washed her hair she hadn't put on any makeup she hadn't even opened that Big Tool Box she keeps it all in what does it matter Henry's the only one I see all day he doesn't care if I look like Sasquatch that's who you look like remember when you were a kid there was that house you were always afraid to walk by yeah we're that house now look barar jeene a lot of new mothers go through what you're going through I did I just didn't throw in the towel on hygiene in fact I treated myself to a day at the spa while Brock watched the kids I could do that yeah I could get a makeover oh honey that's a great idea I'll take care of Henry and you go clean up uh you know pretty up whatever just just get up oh Reba this is so exciting do you want to come with me you mean hang out with you and go get her hair and nails done and do all that girl talk thing yeah no okay well then how about Cheyenne maybe she'd like to get a makeover who whoa whoa no way sh's real sensitive about the way she looks right now and I don't know why because she's perfect the way she is well what about Kira I don't suggest asking Kira anything ask me what Kira you want to get a makeover with me did you already get one no sure why not great and then maybe afterwards we can grab some dinner yeah I know this great place it's right next to a cell phone store cira you know I don't think cell phones are a good idea for kids what that's not what you said before yeah well I changed my mind you know people with cell phones are always ignoring the people they're with think of your friends who have them don't you find them a little Annoying yeah I guess you're right okay let's go I don't believe it you said no and there was no argument well of course not who could argue with that Sweet Child [Music] hey honey what are you doing me nothing why would I be doing anything doing things is for jerks look honey I came here to apologize I was being overly sensitive this morning and I was feeling bad and I took it out on you and I'm sorry oh that's okay I know you feel bad about yourself sometimes what nothing let's just hug why would I feel bad about myself an you shouldn't and that's exactly what I told everyone earlier everybody thinks that I should feel bad about myself they think you should like take the day off and do some Spa makeover thing with Barbara Jean and I said no way just like that no way so you're punishing me because I'm fat what no I would never do that not that you are oh really so even though I take care of your baby and go to school and help out taking care of the house you think that I don't need dat at the spa I think that you need to tell me what I need to say to get out of this hey Mom we're back why are you smiling you don't smile I had a wonderful day did you get a cell phone no but if I did I would call my friends because they'd want to see this see what what are you talking about oh it'll just be a second and for the record I had nothing to do with it sometimes the magic just [Applause] happens what do you think is it me no it's me [Music] the ladies at the spa suggested that if I wanted to shake up my life a little I should change my look and couldn't you just get an eye patch and a parrot man I just thought of two other things I'm mad at you for hey shyenne [Laughter] wait this doesn't bother you does it I mean us having the same hair we do not have the same hair yours came out of a bottle and mine's almost all natural hey we're back rebu oh boy cool it's like Mom and super sized mom hey Kira honey why don't you take your little brother upstairs and hide come on Jake we go dye your hair red everybody's doing it Brock does it mean you don't find my hair attractive I don't know the only time I've seen that hairstyle it's been yelling at me wait let's be perfectly clear the color is stunning it's everything else that's freaky oh now re Rock of all the freaky things she's done this is the freakiest well I just wanted to try something different it's my hair the only thing different is you're underneath it hey you know what I I don't think it's really all that similar are you kidding it's like looking in a carnival mirror Reba just calm down I'm not going to calm down I don't want her anywhere near my house are my kids she's banned oh you can't be serious I can't trust her Jud judement anymore who knows what else she's going to do worse than ban she's banished hey you think now that I'm a redhead I'm going to get all fiery and hot tempered [Applause] too that is what I'm talking about those fiery redheads just getting up in everybody's Kool-Aid [Laughter] how's it going good good good so you're just going to sit there and pretend you don't notice anything different that was my plan okay Dad blame it this is just wrong she's trying to steal my whole identity Manan she dresses like me she got my hair it's good thing I don't have an axent her she'd try to steal that too don't you think you're overreacting I mean she stole me from you and you didn't get half this mad I lived with you for 20 years I should have sent the girl a basket of muffins Reva I'm sure that if you asked Barbara jeene she'd be more than happy to change her hair back oh I'm sure she would cuz she's so accommodating and needs to get along with which is why Kira likes her so much better than she likes me what oh yeah I tell Kira no and it's World War III barbar jeene says no and they go skipping off to the mall for a makeover kir can't stand me I guess who's right there to step in big red what are you saying you're jealous of Barbara Jean yes I'm jealous of Barbara jeene I'm jealous of Barbara Jean there I said it [Laughter] Rea all mothers and daughters have friction it's totally natural yeah but not all daughters have someplace else to go what if she gets sick and tired of me telling her no and she decides that she wants to go live with y'all well she'd never do that you got the big TV and the divorce I'm serious Brock what would you say if if she asked to come live with you I don't [Music] know oh oh I'm sorry I didn't know that you were eating I'll just come back when you're done so I don't disgust you no wait Cheyenne you look great and I can prove it see look at this chart here's your height you should be 105 I'm fat no no no no I read I read the wrong box you should be 205 205 you're skinny you're sick here heat a donut why are you doing this to me van why am I doing this to you why am I doing this to [Laughter] you cheyen please tell me what I did wrong I'll fix it I swear but if you're waiting for me to figure it out we both know how long that could take it was this morning and I was getting out of the shower and I was naked and I told you not to look I didn't I swear I didn't I know then what is the problem you always used to look what you turn away but then but then you you know look in the mirror or or pretend you didn't hear me or something anything to sneak a peek it was like this really really cute perverted thing that you used to do and then this morning you just you didn't look well I'm sorry Cheyenne I can be a pervert I swear I don't want you to have to try don't you find me sexy anymore of course I do do you honey there are times when I can barely keep my hands off you like just you've exercised and your Skin's all pink and you've got this glow about you that's not what I'm talking about yes you are no no no no I know why you used to look at me but why is it that all of a sudden you just didn't want to look this morning because Elizabeth was waking up what Elizabeth was waking up and I wanted to finish brushing my teeth but I thought I heard her cry and all that distracted me from your nakedness I just need to focus [Laughter] I guess that's a good reason honey yeah we still got the hots for each other come we got something more too something better we've got a life together man so you really like the way I look after I work out oh yeah yeah you should do it more often no no [Music] no F I want to talk to you oh boy no this is a good talk this is a talk where I say I've thought it over and I've decided to let you get a cell phone really yes but there are some conditions you have to pay for it out of your babysitting money I get to see the bills cuz I want to know who you're talking to and you can't use it at school at dinner or in the car so I can use it here in the living room next to the phone look I'm trying to meet you halfway on this no you're not you're trying to make it so you can still say no but feel good about yourself forget it I don't even want a phone I say no and you get mad I say yes and you get mad and I'm the one who's unreasonable I can't talk to you when you get like this don't you walk away from me hello re Barber jeene why are you wearing that air [Laughter] escaping I think there's some things we should talk about come in oh I would but I'm banned oh just get in here I dyed my hair back you'll be happy to know what little didn't fall out is pink well why did you dye your hair like mine in the first place you had to think there was a chance it would bother me I thought you'd be flattered I mean if you did something to look like me I I considered a compliment I'd considered Halloween look Barb jeene I'm sorry there's just been a lot going on around here I know Brock told me about you being jealous of me I got all emotional got laded I think there was a gas leak nevertheless if you're jealous we should talk about the jealousy you feel for me and that way your jealousy won't come between us jealousy can just stop saying that [Music] there is something you can do to make me feel better anything maybe you could spend a little less time with Kira except that I knew it you're doing this on purpose you want her to like you yes I'm evil I want to be liked by children everywhere you know what I mean yeah I do and you're wrong I want her to like me because I like her she's important to me but that that shouldn't be a threat to you oh yeah right re do you know who she talks about all the time when we're together you it's Mom this and Mom that I mean sure she's mostly complaining but it's because you're the important one in her life see I'm just her friend you're her mother and that's the best worst job in the world thank you Barbara jeene we should hug okay but I want to see the pink hair hug first hair first hug first hair first [Music] at me man do not write that in her book it says to write down her first word and that was her first word sausages Jake did you hear her say sausages I don't know did I van Where Have You Been um oh I remember none of your business hey Kira guess what Elizabeth's first word was help hey Kira glad you're back yeah she's finally home a half hour late feel free to punish her in front of us Cheyenne she called and asked and I said it was okay paperwork's on your desk we'll be in the kitchen all this talk of sausages made me hungry hey Rea uh Cheyenne could I have a minute with your mom Ro don't just be barging in here ordering everybody around just cuz you got something to say Cheyenne still lives here it's about Terry Holloway go live in the kitchen fine I got a lot better things to do than listen to your boring secrets you talk to Terry what'd he say no not him his brother Mike called he's throwing a party for him and he wants us to come why would he do that Terry hates us all right who's Terry Holloway and why does he hate you sure look I got to tell van something so you either tell me what happened or I'll make something up all right we all work together in a bar Terry was our best friend and he kind of had a thing for your mom oo way to go hot stuff well it's not as great as it sounds it ended badly and we had talked to him in 25 years so what do you say we go back and menend some fences it be great to see him again and I'm I'm sure he's over that by now I don't know Brock I'm not the kind of woman a man gets over I rich playing in the past though my life is changing fast who I am is who I want to be single mom who works too hard who loves her kids and never stops with gentle hands and the Heart of a fighter I'm a survivor [Music] here you go I remember this luggage this was a wedding present from my mother Yeah ironic seeing as how when I left here I had my clothes in a grocery bag sure wish I could go with you guys but somebody's got to stay and watch Henry and you know how it is when old friends get together and all those old emotions bubble to the surface you [Applause] know nobody wants old ball and chain around thanks for understanding a honey it's just for one night right one night one far away from home sleeping in a hotel with your ex getting sloppy drunk night and her looking all sassy baby I'll be back in the car don't worry Barbara Jean If he tries to rec hand anything I'll just knock him upside the head with his mama suitcase kids I'm going and I'm [Music] not look at this place can't weever doing this oh reever relax I know you're nervous now I'm nervous too nervous good Lord Brock my stomach feels like it's full of firecrackers and vinegar oh that might be the coffee though wow so that's what this door looks like sober well this is so weird it's like we're 22 again it's still working here yeah that was a great time who knew back then that your best years were already behind you after you okay say it again I need to hear it one more time if we're going to do this I love you Brock that's all I need with the that I can climb the highest mountain or swim the deepest sea okay go tell Terry you're leaving me why don't you go tell him well he's your boyfriend well he's your best friend exactly we've been friends for 10 years you guys have only been going out for two he's crazy about me hey there's a love of my life I'm here too where you been with my girl Brock you trying to get me jealous oh no man we we were just what happened Terry I need to talk to you for a second hang on someone to show you first huh you believe it I'm asking R to marry me look at that who will you will you look at that look at that well this time I figured you'd be the first casualty anyway uh I'd like you to be my best man Brock uh Terry man I don't think I can do that oh you're doing it pal you are not getting out of this one no I can't no no it's me it's not him I love him I'm sorry but I love him what were you guys talking about you love him nice job Brock well I wasn't just going to blurt it out it happened Terry I guess I felt that our relationship wasn't going anywhere is that oh yeah it is well I don't feel like a stupid idiot at all oh no man you're not an idiot yeah you're right you are what no no no one is I don't think there's an idiot involved here well maybe we should talk about this in the parking lot Brock is that really safe I mean cars coming in and out you're fired Rebo I'll see you outside Terry Terry Terry look wait a second well all in all I think that went pretty [Music] well Jake what are you doing eating icing buddy you can't eat icing straight out of the can you got to put it on bread what are you guys doing making [Music] sandes I know I'm late I should have called I'm a bad bad person Kira I've decided that I don't want to fight I'm going to trust you so if you're late who cares yeah where were you no one wants to know but I did get your favorite dinner mac and cheese wheels mac and cheese wheels was my favorite when I was like eight sorry to want to include you in our fun not as sorry as I was to be included I'm spending the night at Gabby's no I don't think so what happened to trusting me hey I'll Trust you when you show me a little respect don't hold your breath you stay here and enjoy being blonde van prevent her prevent Kira can I just stick with my hand in the blender bye [Music] now where the heck is everybody hey they're GL hey what do you have to do to get a drink in this dumb BR I'm so glad you came good to see you so how's married life over we're divorced no way way marriage is a lot of give and take and Brock was more than I could take oh so you're putting the band back together for the party tonight H yeah listen about the party right does Terry know we're coming no he oh great great watch what I'm going to do when he comes in I can't wait to see the look on Terry's face listen REO how is the old bag of dirt anyway Terry's dead he died last Thursday surprise man this is going to kill him [Music] can't believe it I can't believe Terry's dead I can't believe Terry's dead and we brought him a juicer Mike why'd you tell me it was a party oh come on if I told you the truth would you have come yes really of course after what you two did I wouldn't how can you joke at a time like this oh come on Rea Terry would have wanted us to have a good time the man would have done anything for a laugh wait a minute you dog this is a trick isn't it oh course it is he's just getting us back trying to make us feel guilty all right where is he where's Terry at Only the Good Die Young and he wasn't good Terry's dead oh we're so very sorry he was a good good man he was very sick and now he's not but he had a good life did he ever talk about us much after we left no but I did find this going through his office and it's addressed to you both what's it say oh I don't know the only thing I do know he already had a juicer you're bad [Music] [Music] front desk hey hey buddy uh could you please connect me to Dr Brock Hart's room yes it's his wife again no answer um okay well uh is there is there a Reba har registered there too no no no I I I don't want you to ring a room um but would you be willing to go and listen at the door because she looks sassy that's why Kira is everything all right no she's 4 years older than me but she treats me like a child like I can't make better decisions about my life than she did with hers your mother is more than 4 years older than you Cheyenne I want to call my mom do you have the number the hotel no and even if I did I'm sure the people at the front desk are obnoxious plus it's not like I need to check up on them right why would you even think that I don't I did I do well I tried not to but I did do cheese barbar jeene I don't know if you get this but my mom is totally over my dad and my dad is over her I know I'm stupid stupid stupid [Applause] no you're just assuming the worst at some point you have to trust people that's the same thing the private detective said so you and cheyen had a fight huh did you tell her you were coming over here I did I will I didn't I'm going to cheese Reba you know what just kills me why did we let so much time go by I mean I can't believe that neither one of us had the guts to come back here and get some closure well what do you mean whale well I sort of did no you didn't yeah a little bit well what the hell is that supposed to mean well we were very close Terry and me I wanted to let him down easy how easy three or four times easy oh wao whoo whoo hold on here you mean to tell me that after we started going out you cheated on me cheated well that's the pot calling the kettle Brock and no we just talked but that was just dragging it out So eventually I told him I couldn't see him anymore yeah how'd he take it his last words to me were I'll never get over you you're lucky his last words to me were unlock that car [Music] [Laughter] door hit me you have 19 but I want to get 21 you don't have to get 21 you just don't want to go over 21 19 is a great Blackjack can oh okay I'll stay 20 I win again [Applause] hey I called him I can't believe you did that I didn't want them to know where I was I wanted them to worry well I'm sorry but I got to do what's best for you no matter how it affects our relationship here your Pop-Tarts and I had a craving I know what you're going to say good then I won't have to say it and listen to all your smart alec comments you're going to tell me Cheyenne is is only trying to protect you and you're going to say something super clever about how she should have protected herself before she got knocked up at 17 hilarious then you'll get that smug look on your face because once again Kira has won the exchange with the dimwitted van five card draw Jack are better to open I don't think you're dimwitted right and I'm so stupid I believe that duh can you open all right open for two how many cards three it's Cheyenne that's dimwitted Cheyenne's my wife and I love her and she also happens to be your sister and loves you a lot dealer stands Pat she doesn't love me oh will you stop being so unbelievably 14 I bet three she even admires you you little jerk yeah right three and three more she does I mean you make honor roll every semester she never did that I call you she was too busy doing Pep Squad do you get that the way you look down at Pep Squad is exactly the way you accuse them of looking at you I don't like this van I like the dumb van two pair kings over nines ah straight eight high so here's what I came over to tell you giant is only trying to protect you [Laughter] that sounds straight what 3 4 5 78 it's not straight you dope I win well who cares it's Barber Jean's money [Music] anyway but I did get to two good songs out of the experience one is a slow ballad called now that you've gone and the other is a rocker called if you ever unlock that door you're a dead man you know just to clarify that door wasn't locked it was stuck But as time went on I actually started to understand what happened it was hard to watch you sing and not fall in love with you re it was hard to watch you do anything and not fall in love with you and I'd like to believe the only reason I lost out is because you two were meant for each other be happy and have a good life together don't screw it up Brock love Terry he said don't screw it up you idiot oh so do you regret it Reba picking me instead of him of course I do you if IID have picked him I'd have had me a bar now you know you'd be surprised how few regrets I really do have Brock what do you say Rea I think Terry would have liked it if you sang that song He Love Oh Mike I don't even know if I know the worst of that song go on sing it for Terry e e e way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now previously on Rea according to this reading you have high blood pressure Cheyenne yeah will you marry me again you did not listen to a word that I said what are you talking about this whole thing is for you for me huh I don't get why you're so mad that's just it B you just don't get it you forgot the bride she's gone what do you mean she's gone she's gone the brid room is empty the kids had a little um misunderstanding I'm I'm sure it'll be I'm going to sit down just for a second okay Rea Rea are you okay yeah I'm fine who let the doves [Music] at excuse me who here is Mrs Hart's family I am and you are hi I'm Barbara Jean Hart I'm her ex-husband's new wife that doesn't make you family I'm sorry I'm also her twin sister you know what I'm her her daughter oh getting married oh no no no that's her running outfit doctor how is she doing well we're not exactly certain what happened yet but anytime anyone with high blood pressure passes out we take it seriously so it's serious I didn't say it was serious I said we take it seriously we got to be thorough so can we see her now sure as long as you don't her startle her I will never leave your side Reba never I'm glad to hear that barb jeene they think it's bird [Applause] [Music] flu my planed in the past oh my life is changing fast who I am is who I want to be a single mom who works too hard who loves her kids and never stops with gentle hands and the Heart of a f I'm a survivor sorry guys I didn't mean to scare you like that no no Rea we weren't worried we knew you'd be fine you for a moment there when I was running behind the ambulance I couldn't remember what you look [Music] like Mrs H gave us a good excuse to cancel the wedding mother of bride collapses sounds better than psycho bride dumb sweet innocent groom you know what van no one asked you to propose you know what Cheyenne no one asked me not to either that's not even an argument you know what it might be it might not be can I talk to you guys hey Reva I'm just going to have a little chat with parison Nicole here look I told you guys before it's not good for Rea to hear you argue now if you can't control yourselves Take It Outside that's right sh and Take It Outside Take It Outside F no you no you take it outside get out what are you doing I'm just getting a sense memory has your arm always been this hairy oh stop it get those kids back in here kids get back in here oh Reba Reba please would you relax your been through a terrible ordeal I can't just sit here in this hospital bed van Cheyenne's marriage is Fallen apart and I got to go fix that re this might be a good time for you to learn that sometimes you just got to let things go okay I you cannot fix everything oh yes I can whoa whoa whoa Rea no no back into bed all right just at least wait until the doctor gets back with the test results that could be forever this Hospital's on my HMO look just wait 10 minutes it's all right if he's not back by then you can get up and go save the world okay [Laughter] fine what are you doing well I decided to get a taped memory you know my senses are shot all right now hold your arm up I want to see that hair it looks like a red wheat field this is not my fault van I mean I wish you would understand what a difficult position you put me in what difficult position how hard was it to say you'll marry me when you're already married to me very hard because this time when you asked me I knew what it would mean if we weren't married I wouldn't know so would be easier but it's not watch TV look van if you hadn't asked to renew our vows I would never have re-examined our relationship but you know what guess what I did and I didn't like what I saw I wasn't trying to make you re-examine anything I wanted to renew our vows to make you happy but I'm not happy I get that these people they get it too look van ever since I started volunteering at the homeless shelter I see things differently oh charity I knew nothing good would come of it you know what you hate that I've grown I used to act self-centered and silly and you loved that I did it was hot you know what you're not the only one who's grown I've grown too I lost one job and I'm doing really great in a new one yeah too great seems like all you think about anymore is business and making money I like money it doesn't Yap at me 24/7 I'm not yapping at you van I'm trying to fix this oh really anyone here think that we're fixing anything show hands huh huh we don't watch the TV look van all I'm trying to say is this people grow they change but what happens when two people who are married grow at different times well then I guess one person and wait they the one to catch up what happens if they grow in different directions well then I guess we have a problem shut up barbine I'm not taping a profile for my space did you quit taping me I have learned that you have got to take every opportunity to tape the person you love I mean I always wanted to tape my grandfather before he died and I just never had the chance what he have high blood hit by a [Laughter] car roock how many more minutes left eight look how weird your mouth looks how many minutes now nine penalty minute you want to go for 10 okay all right that is Brock now he left Reba four years ago that is when the first crack appeared in her Fragile Heart Rock Maker leave or I'm going to put a crack in her fragile skull barara jeene listen uh why don't you shoot some establishing shots at the outside of the hospital what I'm not hurting anyone I just want to get some footage of Reba so that when she's all back better we can just look back and laugh you know yeah I know I know but remember how the doctor said that she should relaxed so maybe it'd be a little better if you gave her some peace and quiet okay well you know I guess you know best so you know why don't you just come over here for a minute and and just take me for a second and then I'll go okay sh okay okay all right you listen to me pretty boy if something happens to my best friend this video tape may be the only thing I have to comfort me for the rest of my life now give me back my camera and back off before I rip out your Beating Heart and I give it to Rea okay I'm out of here I got to go talk to van and Chey Reba get back into bed get out of my way no no no whoa whoa whoa whoa look just take it easy no okay this is good this is all good stuff I can intercut the sad stuff with these action shots it's great it's great yeah blond you keep filming ever turns me loose I'm going to hurt him turn me alone what is going on in here she was trying to escape it's okay I know what I'm doing I'm a dentist please get back into bed I don't want to get back in bed I have a family emergency that I need to deal with well that is going to have to wait because I'll be back in 5 minutes to prep you for surgery surgery but I I haven't even got my test results back yet the doctor will be in shortly to explain I'll be back in five when I make the soundtrack for this this part is going to [Music] [Music] go I'm having surgery why I having surgery what's wrong with me okay just calm down I'm sure the doctor will explain everything when he comes back I'm I'm sure it's nothing yeah nothing they don't cut on you when it's nothing Brock now if they say here put this little Band-Aid on your little elbow then that's nothing but surgery is something okay Rea Rea just listen to me all right now these surgeons are highly trained okay they're experts you do not have to worry yeah you're right yeah I got to calm down think positive unless they leave a pair of scissors or a glove in you when they sew you up what that happens Barber rarely I mean that happens rarely but it happens I can't have surgery there's no milk in the house what if I'm right in the middle of surgery and somebody wants a glass of milk I'm never been to the Grand Canyon I'll buy some milk and I will rent a Thunderbird convertible and I will put your ashes in the seat next to me and I will drive them over the rim of the Grand Canyon where are the kids we a vanish shyen I think they're right outside I got to go talk to them I got to talk them out of this mess Rea please get back into bed I'll go get him okay what are you saying Brock am I too weak to walk do you know something you're not telling me no no no of course not I just want you to relax I'll relax I'll relax after I knock their two heads together and get out of my way B where're cheyen she's probably down at the gift shop buying one of those teddy bears that say shut up man I'm what are you doing out of your room I have something to say and I want you both to listen Mrs H I'm really not in the mood for a lecture right now well too bad cuz I got one for you you two do this all the time and I'm sick of it you take your petty little arguments and you blow them into gigantic problems Mom this is a big problem oh stop it you two love each other and at the end of the day that's all that matters now I'm going to give you five minutes to work this out or I'm not going to be the only one that has to have surgery what surgery yes surgery and I'm a little scared oh Mom I'm fine just that it's easier for me to concentrate on your problems now work it out don't let me down okay I'm going to go back inside cuz I'm tired of Barber Jean filing my backside and cut surgery I cannot believe this she'll be all right she's a survivor yeah Mom's wrong the kind of problems that we have you can't fix in 5 minutes so we lie what we go in there and we tell her we made up but we didn't make up that's why it's a lie okay fine okay look okay that's a good idea we'll go in there and and we'll just renew our vows but I didn't write down any vows we were supposed to well you were supposed to marry me you know what V you Just sh and you [Applause] smile okay Rea now just in case the surgery doesn't go well any last words bite me Mrs H we have something to tell you we're really sorry that we let our silly little argument ruin the ceremony so van and I thought that we might renew our vows for you right here in the hospital room really I think that's a wonderful idea oh good okay B I think you should go first I think you should go [Music] first okay sure okay Cheyenne you're a handful you were when I married married you and you are now actually you're more [Laughter] now and I know you've grown a lot there's this new and improved Cheyenne but when I look into your eyes when I really look into your eyes I see the woman I've always known and you say you were self-centered and silly and you probably were but you're also sweet kind and beautiful and that Cheyenne will never change it's the core of who you are it's the woman I married it's the woman I love that was really sweet guys stop filming me Barbara Jean okay Mrs Hart we're ready to take you down and prep you for surgery oh uh could I have a couple of minutes with my family please sure uh before I go in I'd just like to take a few minutes to say I'm Too Young To Die you're my family Cheyenne my beautiful Cheyenne you're the light of my life I know Mom I know van you started out in this family as my son-in-law and now you're my son thanks Mom I'm Brock this is going to be difficult but if I did die there's something that I'd W you to know yes Rea what is it you done me wrong but you've been a really good father to our children and I guess that's about as much as a person could ask for you're my family I love all of you Reba do you have anything you want to say to me nope that about wraps it up oh okay wait Barb Jean I've been angry with you for a long time and today made me realize that I shouldn't judge you for what you did I should judge you for what you do you've always been there for me always to the point where it's a little creepy stop it you're making me cry but your heart's always in the right place and I was just thinking that of actually wanted to think of you as yes as one of my closest say it Raper just say it well as one of my hey there he stepped on my moment sorry I just had to rush in here before they prepped you for surgery um the nurse got your chart confused with another patient so wait I'm not having surgery no you probably had a little anxiety and some low blood sugar that coupled with your high blood pressure made you pass out so I'm fine well you're going to have to realize that you have high blood pressure you're going to have to change a lot in your life okay doc I will I will I'm I'm going to start by by spending more time with my family and making sure there's enough milk at the house and barara Jean go rent a Thunderbird convertible cuz we're going to the Grand Canyon oh my God we're going to the Grand [Applause] Canyon you're taking Barbara Jean to the Grand Canyon no but it got her out of the room didn't [Music] it my RS are planted in the past so my life is changing fast who I am is who I want to be a single mom who works too hard who loves your kids who never stops with t hands and the Heart of a fighter [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] my RS are planted in the past though my life is changing fast who I am is who I want to be single mom who works too hard who loves your kids who never stops with hands and the Heart of the F [Music] I'm foree fore fore forch foree foree [Music] foreign I'm

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