NatWest automates to keep ahead of the digital challenge.
Published: Feb 22, 2024
Duration: 00:03:57
Category: Science & Technology
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Intro [Music] customers are unique they have their own lives they interpret information differently it leads them to make different choices we really have to embrace that notion across that west and be really thoughtful that when we design and develop products and propositions that we try and help them better their financial What is NatWest lives Nat West is primarily a UK based uh retail bank I look at how we are are going to deliver the Strategic outcomes for the variety of our customers at Nat West we kind of see transformation as a an ethos which starts with the customer outcomes it's not just people it's not just process it's not just platform it's even embedded in the culture of our people because we recognize that it's a continual Journey we serve about 19 Customer Journey million individuals families and businesses a lot of what I do is about helping my colleagues create excellent customer Journeys I feel very responsible to ensure that our change colleagues internal to the bank can Implement changes successfully to provide that better service to our customers if I apply that same mindset to colleagues and the colleague journey and the colleague changes that they're going through I want them to have seamless automated digitized working Journeys as well so that they can be effective and meaningful and and motivational in the way that they work and what's exciting for me is that I think we've succeeded I think we've managed to gain an understanding that a colleague Journey Le approach to any process in the bank but in particular changeless governance has huge benefits from an efficiency point of view and huge benefits from a service to the customer point of view to achieve customer outcomes which is my motivation for being here in the first place we all tried to get a loan before we'd like a customer to be able to come into a digital app ask for a loan receive a loan and get confirmation very very quickly well to do that we have to have understood the risk associated with that by pre- doing that we actually make that Journey seamless and simple and easy to Change Governance consume the change efficiency program recognized that one particular Journey called change risk governance that we weren't providing that kind of experience we discovered 73 days of elapsed time to implement change because of this governance what we set out to accomplish was to completely reinvent the way that we do change with governance if it takes 73 days today to go through governance then our strapl line was 73 days to 73 minutes we knew that's what we had to achieve to bring APIon all of those desperate risk assessments together into a common platform as we chose apion we thought apion is already a technology that we were incredibly familiar with would be the most perfect way to streamline on one common platform and ability to orchestrate all of those different risk assessments rapin became the central Hub the workflow management system and that was absolutely key to us because underpinning that is a data fabric what aion's given us is the ability to create a single front door and a significantly reduced front end triage for our change colleagues improving their Journey experience the apan relationship started as a vendor but has definitely Ended as a partnership we have learned that there's a lot more benefit benefit to be gained from mining app and data to support further improvements in our processes so I think we've got to be really ambitious appion will help us on that journey to continue streamlining and simplifying to make sure that we make change safely with the right risk assessment but don't make it too hard for [Music] colleagues