Migrant Crisis Hits HOME in Ohio

we about to take a look at this video now this is what's talking about the uh Haitian influx of migrants that's going on in Springfield Ohio that you guys saw ABC tell Trump was fake just like how they said the hund Biden laptop was fake just like how they said the Venezuelan gangs taking over the apartment complexes in Colorado was fake it was governor calling on the federal government now to help cities dealing with a surge in migrants yeah and he used the Springfield which has seen 15,000 migrants arrive here in just the past few years Governor dwine saying just this afternoon the migrants from Haiti left a country in war with a temporary protection status here in the US but he says that Springfield wasn't ready for the demand for health screenings vaccinations now here go again I don't know how they even ended up in in Springfield is Springfield a sanctuary City I don't even know how they ended up in Springfield if is if Springfield is a sanctuary City somebody let me know yeah shout out to uh Ricky gillery Ricky gillery says Springfield Ohio is between Dayton and Columbus on the map yeah yeah that's uh Southwest Ohio I think if I'm not mistaken going towards Cincinnati look like it's probably about an hour or two from Cincinnati from that map that's on the screen that's about 5 hours or that's about four and a half or 5 hours from me me you know what I'm saying along with the number of new students who are learning English as a second language these dramatic surges impact every s in the every s look shout out to Carlson don't none of this matter none of this none of this right here matters the only I want to know did the did the did the did the migrants eat the dog's brain is that what [Laughter] happened I I don't know bro as far as that goes saw some story about something that happened somewhere and some lady was sitting on the curb and like she had she ate some type of animal I don't know what it was I don't know what people were doing nowadays I haven't heard I haven't come across any story you know anything in the media that has even talked about that if I do I will for sure do a video about it or like you know post something on the community post but I haven't seen anything that says anything yay or nay as far as that goes the only thing that I do know is on that one song Jay-Z said no headless chickens that's that's all I know Jay-Z said that so you know what I said I don't know what was going on in Ohio I just know Jay-Z said no headless chickens moms who have to wait hours in a waiting room with a sick child everyone who drives on the streets and affects children who go to school in more crowded classrooms govern dwine say Clark State University is also offering more yo so that was that law and crime hold on real quick that was that law and crime thing I didn't know that that even had anything to do with the migrants I thought that was just just some random crime uh thing that lady was a migrant hold on real quick now we got to go to the Discord for a second hold on real quick hey PD that remains got me dying laughing yeah y'all know what I'm talking about when JayZ was like no headless [Laughter] chicken anytime I think of this anytime I think of this uh this Haitian this migrant crisis thing man they keep these white people keep whining about these pets you know what I'm saying like listen man first and foremost like let's just put this out here man I don't you know I wouldn't advocate for people eating pets and eating animals and all that but yo like like come on like listen man like white people come on you know what I'm saying like as soon as some dogs and stuff got killed like they just forgot all about Lake and Riley and all that we got to get these Haitians up out of here like for real hello let's get focused people you know what I'm saying like y'all see some black people when y'all go crazy the Venezuela migrant still out here you know what I'm saying uh taking over buildings and you know I'm saying killing people and all [Laughter] that you know what I'm saying they see some black people and get distracted quick fast and start blaming everything on everybody else you know what I'm saying like come on man okay here we go shout out to win loser rug those those some flames in the chat for Win Lose or rug oh my God you know what I'm saying like it was a dog that had got killed like man this this girl over here this girl over here got killed you know what I'm saying [Laughter] like Okay shout out to when loser rug when loser rug said the lady was hating all right so we about to we about to see what's about to happen with this real quick if y'all haven't hit the like button take a moment hit the like button this yo this is crazy this is this is horrible projects right here listen damn god damn hold on real quick this is the straight up projects straight up this the J this is the hood I don't know where this at but I'm telling you right now this is the hood this is government housing right here for show these them type of walls you will bust your skull open if you hit your head on the wall cuz that's all they use is concrete you know what I'm saying this one's extra gruesome because this woman alleges her a cat and if that that's not enough she also ate it I mean do you hear the passion oh my God brace yourself you've never heard anything like it before a cat got killed I mean I I don't really understand like I I I never understand the bond that those people have with animals I just don't I don't get it I don't get it she destroyed that cat this is First Responders found this woman on the scene covered in blood with cat hair still stuck to her lips it was so disturbing it even shook up yo that's crazy she still had cat hair stuck to her lips what what hey shout out to car Caron says she ate a dog white people definitely about to stop this mic crisis bro this this going to be over tomorrow they about to get Trump back in uh they about to get Trump back in the White House they about to be a done deal tomorrow bro migrant numbers about to be done the Democrats done for the next hundred years they don't messed with the dogs it's over with white people about to form like Voltron you know what I'm saying First Responders found this woman on the scene covered in blood with cat hair still suck to her lips it was so even up veteran I've been a policeman I've never had cat this case is out of Ohio about an hour shout out to John John said bro I watched Ivan on Tech for a few minutes and just came back life has been treating him good he got bro Ivan on Tech eating Ivan on Tech eating bro I remember when they had deleted all the crypto channels and his channel had disappeared too but he got it back though but yeah Ian on Tech eaten for sure you know what I'm saying I I actually like Ivan on Tech you know what I'm saying I'll be watching Ivan on Tech in the morning what the lady say about Cleveland on August policeman I've never had a call where someone was eating a cat this case is out of Canton Ohio this is in Canton first of all so this is not even nowhere near Springfield this is where Canton this is a Hall of Fame this like this actually is like like a half hour for me you know what damn wait a minute I no man I think I know where them projects is I bet you that's on the south side of Ken yeah so this ain't in you guys see this is not in Springfield see Springfield is nowhere around here I how did this get associated with that situation going on in Springfield about an hour south of Cleveland on August 16 just can't not an hour south of Cleveland either well is it maybe maybe from Cleveland it is I would say about 45 minutes before midnight 911 dispatch there got a disturbing call 911 where's your emergency hey uh I'm in sh and I have a um have a black woman this ain't funny man this ain't funny this you sick for laughing at this [ __ ] Rob I are wait a minute hold on real quick yeah oh yeah bro it I be telling y'all bro I stay in the hood bro I stay in the jungle I I don't be playing when I be telling y'all this but this is a different city though I don't live in Canton Canton now I know some people in Canton I I I don't even want to go there it's I could I could tell you stories and then and then them stories gonna put me in a bad mood but Canton is a different city Canton is where the uh Football Hall of Fame is you know what I'm saying is is it's different than akan but I would say it's by it's it's 20 20 minutes maybe 20 minutes take the freeway take 77 20 minutes you know what I'm saying but are they saying that this lady is a migrant I don't I don't think that this lady is a migrant I just want I gotta I want to hear this again real quick it even Shook Up veteran officers as long as I've been a policeman I've never had a hey uh I'm in Jackson Sher and I have a um I have a black woman that's [Laughter] oh man I'm dying laughing because people do be tweaking out like this man like like you know like I this is what I be trying to tell y'all like this that's I'm not even Faded by this I'm like you know what I'm saying like wait a minute hold on I think that I think that I think that there a little bit of some stuff being overblown here this happened in Ohio and they trying to link it to some I don't I I I hate to tell y'all I hate to tell yall I don't think this had nothing to do with no migrant you know what I'm saying like I think this is just some chick from Canton for real for real but we'll see shout out to Brooklyn Queen make sure y'all do what Brooklyn Queen saying make sure y'all hit that like button make sure y'all subscribe make sure y'all hit the Bell notification and share the stream to your social media and join the Discord okay so wi loser rug shout out to you bro wi loser rug says think they say it when they show the mug shot whether she was a migrant or not let's see tweaking out real bad she's on drugs real bad what's your address so I can get the block range my dude say she on [Laughter] drill oh my God this about to be hilarious I think they on the south side of Canton I think they on the south side of Canton for real for [Music] real uh 19 11 taking drug okay did see what wear is that who you're talking to right now yeah she keeps gra and she's just eating random stuff off the floor and seeing stuff what is she wearing hey he hey man I'm dead I'm I'm dying laughing he said he says she keep eating St off the floor man I'm about to cry laughing uh a sundress withit like like um gold slides with a sundress it's like rainbow sundress yellow green blue orange the person he's describing is 27-year-old Alexis Ferell but the caller yeah Alexa fair I don't think this chick is a uh I don't think this is a migrant I think this I think this chick just a chick from Kon for real for real doesn't know that yet he just knows she's getting you can hear this on the call look out okay and you've never seen her before and she just grabbed on you yeah she my uh his break up with him because why you got to call 911 you should have just took care of the business right there you shouldn't even man you should just left bro your whole life in to change after this and the story went viral and everybody going to know what your boyfriend that or uh her boyfriend that called 911 too man in that bombit torch it is over with she walking up on me right now you need to back up okay all right I'm gonna get someone else she come out 11:33 he said you need he said you need to back up oh my God oh my God [Laughter] man man I love people from Ohio man lassis feral but the caller doesn't know that yet he just knows she's getting too close for comfort you can even hear this on the call look in my mouth look okay you've never seen a this is so ridiculous and so chaotic man hey this is the this is the scene at any gas station you know what I'm saying in in in in Northeast Ohio at like 3 o'clock in the morning in the metro area in Northeast Ohio go to any go to any 24-hour gas station in Northeast Ohio anywhere and it's something like this going on like for real especially in the city you know what I'm saying Lexus Ferell but the caller doesn't know that yet he just knows she's getting too close for you can even hear this on the call look in my mouth look okay you've never before grab it on you yeah she grabbed on my all right I'm gonna get someone else there did she come out of 11:33 no she just came out of nowhere so that call was hey hey the lady on 911 the lady on 911 said this come out of 9:33 he said no she came out of nowhere for a minute and she walking up on me right now you need to back up okay all right I'm gonna get someone out there did she come out of 11:33 no she just came out of nowhere so that call was disturbing but more calls come in that take it to the next hey hey hey this was so funny this what's so funny about it you know this dude is used to seeing this kind of [ __ ] every day cuz y'all hear y'all hear how calm he is I'm trying to tell y'all like this is every this is normal everyday [ __ ] that you see in Ohio like this this ain't even no sweat off your back like this just you know saying like it just is when go somebody tweaking over there you know what I'm saying just keep it pushing that's what I'm laughing at like he just like oh yeah you know he just chilling Lolly gagging and [ __ ] anybody else would be freaking out that that's how it is level 911 where's your emergency hi I need ambulance and right he just calm as hell this lady in the back fast now yeah she over here grabb me on my arm you know but it's cool though it's a nice night you know what I'm saying I'm just chilling me and my lady just chilling here you she she want trying to walk up on me right now hold on now hold on now don't walk up too close now hold on [Laughter] now that nigga's a Ohio [ __ ] to the Bone you know what I'm saying girl is um I don't know she's out here on drugs something she um pulled the head off of her cat she said she took I I don't know we just need somebody like to come the calls keep coming in that frell is outside eating dispatch even hey hey man hey hold on real quick man hey we got to take two points off of trump for for referencing world star hip hop in the debate come on bro come on you know what I'm saying can hey can we we got to take two points off of Trump's scorecard for referencing world stop World Star Hip Hop as factual information in the debate come on man come on dog we we're Little Boo come on now dog come on man here's from her cousin who says frell was performing this disturbing act live on Facebook I just was watching a live video of my cousin on Facebook and she's down uh at her house he killed the cat and his eating it I need oh my God yo it's it's hysteric white people listen it's hysteric white people man I was just watching Megan Kelly man she was listen man when I tell you she was having a whole she was having a whole Caren heart attack she was freaking all the way out talking about talking about this migrants eating cats I don't think this I don't think this got anything to do with the migrant crisis I think she I think this lady just was was was a fiend I think she just a I think she just geeked and because don't people don't really pay no attention to Ohio all like that they think that anytime anything is in the headlines in Ohio it's all happening at the same place despite the fact that like there's [ __ ] going on all over Ohio so I think that what end up happening is is that situation where when there's two stories and they get like like uh compressed on top of each other they the stories get compressed on top of each other it could be like two stories that's different that get turned into that get turned into one story and I think that's what happened here I think that's what happened here I don't think this has anything to do with like any migrants I don't I know I know you know what I'm saying in today's climate what people want to hear but I can't sit here and honestly say that without any more knowledge of this situation and especially knowing the City of Canton ah I don't think I don't think this got nothing to do with no migrants I'm I'm just I'm just say that you know saying I don't know what she took what kind of drug she's on so e so you're saying that she's at 1310 rad Court yes Southeast Ohio didn't I tell you Alex didn't I tell y'all that was the south side of Canton I told y'all that was the south side of can I knew that I knew that place looked familiar I'm sorry say that one more time Alexis frell her cousin says before frell started eating the cat she ate something else that is Al disturbing whatever she C STS out of nowhere was tweaking and she's like I don't know what she was on but she ate a spider off the wall and I that cat yeah and that and that girl that's her cousin like you hear her like her cousin like nah I don't think this guy I I think the I think people information got mixed up but yo what's funny about this is like all these white people think that this had to do with the migrant crisis you know what I'm saying man Megan Kelly was on her show freaking out man I was laughing so hard and and and Trump them cited this in the debate Trump cited this in the debate this ain't nothing but some old Southside of Canton ratchetness man somebody done shot up a eightball or something is what is what this is you know what I'm saying look look I hey shout out to Carlton Carlton said if she FBA we ain't going to get this too much attention bro I'm dead yo listen man Andy y'all can listen to all them clown ass [ __ ] on YouTube that act like they know everything but yo this right up the street you know what I'm saying this right up the street and these them [ __ ] that be on YouTube they'll be coming around my streets you know what I'm saying so what I'm telling y'all is for one that I've been to them projects before you know what I'm saying and I've been to that area for sure I don't no a lot of immigrants there at all Kon just like any other Midwest City you know what I'm saying and y'all know what's up with the Midwest cities so for one it was all kind of misinformation getting spread getting spread about this you know what I'm saying this wasn't even in Springfield like that when I seen the when I seen the building I was like the [ __ ] I'm now we saw the racial demographics of Springfield earlier right and they said that it was uh it was it was 80% white I'm looking right here and looking like it 8 in Black you know what I'm saying so for one that's something throwing me off right there Then for two I'm like man that that look mad familiar like I've been there a bunch of times you know what I'm saying probably going there next week you know what I'm saying south south south side of K somebody give me the racial demographics for Canton in the chat he going to do it like that somebody gonna say that I'm a tether for saying that this might not have nothing to do with the migrant crisis you know what I'm saying it's that tether you know what I'm saying that tether rob you know what I'm saying he caping for them immigrants I ain't caping for no immigrants I ain't caping for nobody what I'm saying is this chick right here is probably a geek from the south side of Canton and what I'm saying is that people should do their fact checks because listening to this type of stuff has somebody that's trying to be a president of the United States actually cite this at a presidential debate as a source of information about the migrant crisis that don't even have nothing to do with it that's not even in the same city and then you know you just get and then you know you get the monolith [ __ ] we just gonna laugh it off with a joke well you know Ohio ain't you know oh ain't small state you know you know what I'm saying like [ __ ] out of here you know what I'm saying come to Ohio with that [ __ ] there's another 911 call that comes in twoo requesting both police and a medic what does she need a medic for we um she um done pulled a head off a cat you killed the cat yeah we have police on the way for that why wouldn't a medic why are we send the back she was eating a cat you know like it's crazy man hey man this is a major look I ain't even gonna lie man this was a major L for Trump man this this particular thing right here it's like he just decided to use World Star Hip Hop without no uh without without no fact check in the presidential debate like why why would you do that she they said she ate a spider too yo that's wild man shout out shout out to Carlton if y'all Y because uh how it's supposed to end up going um if you call 911 the 911 dispatch supposed to dispatch the call to either uh the police fire oh fire and medic is the same right so they would either dispatch the call to the police police or to Fire and sometimes they had dispatch both so what might have ended up happening was they called 911 and the dispatch said that the police would be the priority and the police could do a Hospital transport if necessary y'all see this now check this out this is what I'm saying and this is what I'm saying about the Midwest shout out to Brooklyn Queen Canton demographics white 62.93 but now mind you Canton is grimy Canton is not the best you know what I'm saying and like you know Canton kind of hood black 25% so like the one of the differences in the midwest you know what I'm saying between like the South and the Midwest is that when you talk about it really ain't no M like when it come to it's only like majority black neighborhoods it's not really like no majority black cities like it is a couple but it ain't really no like okay this city is majority black n like a little neighborhood might be like like the north side of akan you know what I'm saying might be but then like you got ellot and and it's a lot of white people over there so this is what this is right here is exactly what I be talking about like you will see some stuff going on in the hood area like the hoodest of the hood areas of Canton but that's all the black people that's there though I only 20% you know what I'm saying the whole rest of the city is all white people that's look at that look at the demographics for akan but what I'm what what I'm telling y'all is that these people on YouTube who act like they know everything will literally go around and tell you that the area that you from or the place that you grew up in that you've been at all your life is not the same because they got subscriber Supremacy and they got more subscribers than you like no that's not how that is sorry you know what I'm saying shout out to car car said car said the reason that sister ate that cat is she because she uh she was poisoned by damn T that's hilarious she was poisoned by some dog food you know what I'm saying she spent her paycheck going a eightball that's what that's what happened you know what I'm saying can't where the Football Hall of Fame is at you know what I'm saying police for something like that that's more more of now see it's another area it's another area in Canton called uh Myers Lake right Myers Lake got them different demographics than the South Side Myers Lake it's probably got like 2% black people but it's in Canton though now the south side is like the actual hood like that's actually uh what is that Canada Stark County yeah that's that's Stark County Metropolitan Housing Authority right there on this on this video right here you know what I'm saying more of a mental health issue and it's a it's a frell also said she killed her own children we need somebody to come real bad because here talk about how kid can't the police arrive on man listen man let me shut up just before midnight and all this is caught on body camera video her hey the United States listen the United States and the media th this is this is an embarrassment on a world stage like for real for real do y'all realize that I want y'all to realize the whole entire world was watching a presidential debate and and Donald Trump you know what I'm saying decided to use world star hipop fodder on some ratchet stuff going on in Ohio and somehow mix it up with the migrant crisis and say that and and say that this is what's going on in Springfield Ohio and Megan Kelly sitting there having a melt a Caren meltdown and I don't I don't think this had nothing to do with migrants man like I said I think this I think this some Hood people I think this I think this some I think these some ratchet folks on the south side of Canton and that's that's that's the end of the story ain't nothing else to it we we literally had Street gossip filter into the presidential election man 2024 is a great time to be alive man and the cat right away the officer is in shock asking frell what she just did what did did you do talking about do you hear how calm the white dude is the white dude ain't no different than the black dude on the call hey what's up man this crazy ass lay down here what's up man this crazy ass lay down here eating his rat head the white dude walk up to her like what are you doing what the hell are you doing s up there s like Jerry Seinfield I'm telling you man don't nobody from Ohio have emotions oh man that's hilarious [ __ ] in fake sh he barely in shock what did you do hey shout out to car car said troll looking bro listen I was laugh when I first of all you know cuz like I Ain investigate this no further shout out to win loser rug I'm glad you put this in I'm glad you put this in the Discord man when I heard when I heard Trump bring that up when I tell you I was I was laughing so hard oh my God I was laughing so hard I was like man this fool did not I was like no this fool didn't bring this up that I think in the in the chat that's when I was putting like shock shock shock shock shock shock shock I kept typing shock you know what I'm saying I was like no this dude didn't bring this up man when I tell you I was laughing so hard and now we watching it into some ratchet Canton craziness bro I'm I'm I'm absolutely dead I'm [Laughter] dead cuz was was actually funny for real for real is I think that where I get my hair braided at I think is like three streets over from here I think it's like three streets over from here that's why I recognized that building had to be what the this the hood hood where this at you know what I'm saying that was my as soon as this came on that was my initial what the hell this the hood hood this ain't no damn Springfield that is that's immediately what I said when this first came on wasn't it what the what that [ __ ] like Canon you know what I'm saying why' you kill the cat the officer tells phell to get up off the ground stand up by now a small crowd has gathered around phell and they tell officers about her other threats she said she killed two two kids hey hey hold on real quick y'all hey is this migrants is this migrants yeah exactly I agree shout out to uh Brooklyn Queen Brooklyn Queen said if Trump were smart he could have linked it to the drugs being brought in but the woman wasn't white so right exactly oh my goodness man my stomach hurt man I'm this is this I'm sorry y'all I know I shouldn't be laughing at this but good Lord this is hilarious real quick shout out to everybody that's watching man I appreciate you guys if y'all haven't smashed that like button please take a moment smash that like button also if you guys haven't hit the Bell please take a moment hit that Bell and also please share the stream to your social media yeah I don't think this is migr bro for for for a lot of different reasons I don't and then the girl on the phone that said it was her her cousin like she ain't a migrant the cousin chick I don't think she was I don't think any of these people are Haitian bro I don't think I don't think none of these people was Haitian in this and for and for and another reason why I don't think it is none of these people are Haitian is because the initial hysteria is everybody was saying that this had happened in Springfield Ohio and it's not even in Springfield Ohio this is in Canton Canton far as hell from Springfield Ohio that's how like when people be asking me like about certain places like rob you know where that is Rob you know where that Rob I know where this is I know where this is be over here every other week you know what I'm saying I know where I know where over here is people we was talking about Springfield Ohio earlier I don't know nothing about Springfield Ohio I know I know where this is [Laughter] though you know what I'm saying like I said I know where this is I I this this is this is like two streets over from where I get my hair braided at you know what saying more about that allegation they have to Cuff Ferell put your hands behind your back it's really clear from early on it's not safe to touch frell because she's covered in blood someone got rubber gloves she's covering blood after all this frell is finally handcuffed all right you got gloves you got rubber gloves [Music] 95 get one in custody where do you live at 22 55 hours cover her up please bro I'm trying to tell you man like I just look it you just you just got to know if you know you know L how they with oh man that way over here [Laughter] hey hey hey Trum was sit up there screaming [Applause] Trum Trump's like Trump's like and a and a migrant in Ohio and a woman is there eating a cat it's not even in the same city it's not even in the same [Laughter] city shout out to uh shout out to John gillery John said bro I watched this video on another brother's Channel called Theo Coupe last month and we would have never thought it would have been spok about in the presidential debate bro and like with crazy amounts of of a game of record player and I'm bro I'm tell I gotta find I gotta I gotta go back and watch that uh I gotta find that little SE I wish I had a Time stamped it that section of Megan Kelly listen man like Megan Kelly was white woman angry she was white woman angry and she was flipping out about the cats that got eaten by the Haitian by the imaginary Haitian migrant in Springfield when this was some ratchet stuff that went on in Canton Ohio oh man shout out to Carl D way Carl D way said they actually treated her well considering she harmed an animal I'm I'm telling you man everybody in Ohio is Bored it just everybody in Ohio sound like they at a calm even Pace y'all heard old boy on the phone yeah man this chick over here acting crazy she keep grabbing on me man let's go shout out to Patrick what's good with bro let's talk about something I know you'll be interested cash back yeah that got my attention too and all right let me see hold on real quick is this a commercial let's let's let's go hold on headed for the squad car around here I haven't anybody walking around yeah hey right that's cuff him Dan you know what I'm saying but before she can be loaded into the car the officer wearing the body cam grabs a blanket from the back of his Squad that's so feral and her bloody clothes aren't directly on the squad car seats putting a blanket on that back seat first [Music] [Laughter] oh man yeah I'll get it we'll just do everything don't get in the car [Laughter] yet hey something wrong with people from Ohio man y'all see why I'm so messed upct theer never come up another man that's crazy man I don't think I don't think I don't think we need to watch any more of that but I we might have to actually we might actually had to do a whole another video on that

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Springfield, OH, man reported Haitian migrants snatching geese out of park just 2 weeks ago #shorts

Category: News & Politics

Clark county communications um yes ma'am i got a question this is a non emergency line correct yes it is okay um i'm sitting here i'm riding on the trail going to my orientation for my job today and i see a group of patian people there was about four of them they all had geese in their hand they got... Read more

Heavily-armed 'migrant gang' takes over apartment building in Colorado thumbnail
Heavily-armed 'migrant gang' takes over apartment building in Colorado

Category: News & Politics

Welcome back here to live now from box will take a look at this, really disturbing video. it has made been making the rounds. uh going. viral. this is out in aurora colorado. and it's 1 that is making headlines of course all over. the country where the mayor of aurora... Read more

What would YOU do if you were a Haitian migrant in Springfield Ohio?  #Springfield #migrant #trump thumbnail
What would YOU do if you were a Haitian migrant in Springfield Ohio? #Springfield #migrant #trump

Category: Entertainment

Hey mistress midnight rose here i have a funny  one you ready hit that subscribe if you haven't   checked out my channel yet i got some fun stuff  up there okay so if you were a haitian migrant and   you were stuck here in america in springfield ohio  of all places and you had no food you're starving... Read more

EXCLUSIVE: Springfield, Ohio, Residents Fear RETALIATION over Migrant Crisis | 9/13/2024 thumbnail
EXCLUSIVE: Springfield, Ohio, Residents Fear RETALIATION over Migrant Crisis | 9/13/2024

Category: News & Politics

Expion of haitian migrants in the span of only 3 years it's affected almost every single person in and around the area and so there's so many people who want to talk and and and raise their concerns because uh they feel like their concerns with the not only the city commission but also clark county... Read more