Blaze's Races, Missions, & Transformations! 🏎️💨 w/ Stripes & Watts | Blaze and the Monster Machines

[Applause] uh-oh there's another crocodile up ahead Chom Chomp Y and there's not enough room to drive past him our only chance to get by is to go over him with centripetal force see this tunnel is shaped like a circle and so long as we go fast enough we can ride around the circle without falling come on Stripes follow me Cent tripal force it worked uhoh more crocodiles up ahead how many crocodiles are there three right with centripetal force we can loop around them one two 3 we made [Applause] it uh-oh we're not Done Yet now how many crocodiles are there [Music] four 1 2 3 4 we're almost at the end of the cave but look crocodiles are blocking the way out how many are there five it's centripetal force time 1 2 3 4 [Applause] 5 after a while crocodiles CH [Music] Choop keep those Wheels rolling I can't wait till we're upside down without falling [Applause] ding Ming [Music] [Applause] in you going around force will be less the faster you go the stronger it get the keep you moving for keep you moving in circle cental for [Music] careful Monster Machines the Giant Octopus is about to blast out more water look it blasted out one drop and here come two more how many drops are there Al together three yeah it's absorption Time 1 2 3 way to use those mops come on let's keep going Heads Up Guys the octopus is about to blast more water here come two drops and two more how many drops are there Al together four right 1 2 2 3 4 woo we got him but get ready the optopus toy is about to blast even more this time two drops plus one drop and two more how many drops are there all together five yeah Ready Set good 2 3 4 5 we did it now there's only one thing left to do press that green button and Shrink that octopus but we better hurry it's getting ready to blast the most water yet come on Watts it's time to use blazing speed oh yeah to give us blazing speed say let's blaze let's [Music] [Applause] blaze [Music] wo yeah we did it ladies and gentle trucks it's time to start the race Racers are you ready I'm ready and I'm the only one here on your marks can't s wait just a moment no don't wait could it be I hope not it's BL and a and r and Gabby they're back hey there presser I told you we'd be back no no no no re hands on your marks head set go [Music] yeah oh they're right behind me I've got to do something to stop those guys I've got to I've got to oo cheat uhoh look pressure blocked the whole racetrack well that's not going to stop us AJ Gabby give us some speed [Music] [Applause] [Music] we won they have done it what an electrifying race a shocking Victory theyve really put a charge In This [Applause] Crowd tell Stripes to jump say JUMP Stripes jump stripes [Music] I made it I felt the wind pushing me uh-oh but the next rock is really far away to make that jump Stripes is going to need a stronger wind to push him even farther to get to the next Rock Stripes needs to jump when the wind speed is 10 count to 10 with us start at 6 6 7 8 9 [Music] 10 now say JUMP Stripes jump Stripes all right just one more jump to go uh guys this is the biggest jump yet and I do not want to land in that bubbling goo don't worry buddy we'll help you Stripes needs an even bigger push from the wind to make it to the other side he needs to jump when the wind speed is 16 count to 16 with us start at 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 say JUMP Stripes jump [Music] Stripes it worked I got the mask yeah way to go [Music] Stripes nice jump thanks guys now let's take this mask to Gabby so she can put it back on the sailboat Wooh [Music] [Applause] oh check it out this tunnel's full of Big Shiny gemstones watch out please hop caps we've got to get through this cave without getting hit by Falling gems I know we can keep away from the gems if we predict where they're going to fall yeah when you predict you use what you know to make your best guess about what's going to happen next look more gemstones up ahead and we know the gems always lean in the direction they're about to fall which track do you think they're going to fall on the yellow track or the blue track the blue track yeah quick take the yellow track instead our prediction was [Applause] [Music] right get ready there are more gemstones ahead which track do you think they're going to fall on this time the yellow track or the blue track the yellow track way to princess and look there's the way out of the cave but we'll have to get past one last pile of gemstones let's predict which track do you think they're going to fall on the yellow [Applause] [Music] track woohoo we made it now we're back in the race wa look out popcats that chomping robot is eating the RAC trap oh man we'll never finish the race if we can't get to the other side of the track don't worry Stripes that chomping robot can't stop us we've got lion and tiger jumping power yeah lions and tigers are both great cats and great cats have super strong leg muscles that let them jump really Far Ready Stripes ready great cats all right we made it now let's keep going but be on the lookout Chompy the chomping robot is still out there somewhere I hear him help us look for Chompy so we can jump over him when you see chomy up ahead say chompy CH chomy woo nice jumping but be careful everyone Chompy is still out there somewhere if you see Chompy again say Chompy ch Chom Chom [Music] Chom keep on the lookout when you see Chompy say Chompy [Music] CH almost there guys just a little farther if you see Chompy again say chompy [Music] we're back in the race we've got the electricity all we need now is a train come on let's build the parts to turn me into a subway train first our Subway needs a train car to carry passengers to make the train car say train car train car next I need the sliding shoe it takes electricity from the tracks and sends it to the motor to make the sliding shoe say sliding shoe sliding shoe now all I need are the wheels when the motor gets electricity it makes the wheels spin to make the wheels say wheels wheels oh yeah I'm a subway train monster [Music] machine W hop in Watts we've got some friends to save hang on yeah this is amazing we're going to catch up with AJ and Gabby in no time uh-oh but look there's something on the tracks and it's blocking our way quick Blaze you've got to jump to one of the other tracks help us choose a track with nothing in the way which track is safe for us to go on the yellow track the blue track or the red track the red track yeah there's nothing on it hold on what yeah wooo all right good look more trouble ahead which track should we go on this time the blue track right wa which track should we go on now the red [Music] [Applause] track uh-oh now which track should we go on the yellow track go for it please great yeah w we made it thanks Blaze that would have been a long way down yeah but how are we going to get across a bridge that keeps breaking apart I you think I know someone who could help us the tiger statue wa ooh statue can you tell us how to get across this breaking Bridge listen carefully friends and you'll be just fine when crossing the bridge stay on the number nine the number nine hey check it out the bridge has numbers on it and the statue said we'll be safe so long as we stay on the rocks with a number nine on them yeah let's look for one where do you see the number nine there yeah that's a number nine ready Stripes let's jump yeah we've made it phew good thing we didn't jump on any of those other numbers come on let's look for the next rock with a number nine on it where do you see the number nine right there yeah tiger jump nice jump everyone check it out we're almost at the other side of the bridge we just need to find one last number nine where do you see the number nine nine yeah way over there wao that's going to take a big jump we can do it right Blaze right tiger [Applause] a wo we made it watch look over there it's a crane if we turn it on it could lift us up to their bubble get ready Blaze I'm going to guess this crane moving with my electric [Music] charge uh-oh the crane it's not working to power up a crane This Tall we're going to need enough electricity to get all the way to the top and that's going to take this much electricity 12 amps wo I've never made that much electricity before but I've got to try come on help me make 12 amps of electricity counter 12 with me 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 woohoo you did it what your electricity powered up the whole crane it's working [Music] great yeah all right we're free now hang on everyone we're going [Music] down woohoo you did it you saved us and just in time the race still hasn't started yet the race I almost forgot how are we going to get there in time sounds like we better use some blazing speed yeah let's do it to give us blazing speed say let's blaze let's [Music] play look I found another gear now do we have three gears yeah [Music] [Applause] wow it's working the motor's turning the gears and making the ride go [Music] W away you saved him oh thank you Stripes help look there's Little Peggy by the fairis wheel but the ferris wheel doesn't have any gears either we have to get it working again so we can save her the ferris wheel needs four gears to work check it out here are more gears is that four gears yeah that's [Music] for all right [Applause] [Music] all right now there's just one Panda left to rescue little Polly W and look his bubbles floating by that spaceship Rock W and it looks like we'll need to add five gears to fix it ah there are some gears is that five gears no that's only three gears I found one more gear is that five gears not yet how about now is that five gears yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] W [Music] woohoo all right thank you thank you thank you oh no we're too heavy it's making the log unbalanced to balance we need something on the other side that weighs the same as me and Stripes the jungle horn I can use it to call my animal friends thank can help us [Music] balance it's working here come the frogs let's see if all those Frogs We the same as blazing Stripes switching to visor view blazing Stripes way 11 and together all those frogs way what number is this three yeah but 11 is more than three so that's not enough to balance the log quick Stripes blow the jungle horn [Music] again look here come the parrots and monkeys now let's see how heavy that side is what number is this nine that's a lot but it's still not as much as blazing Stripes go for it Stripes blow that jungle horn it's the panda bear [Music] how much do the animals weigh now 11 yes they weigh the same as blazing Stripes all right it works Stripes your animal friends balance the lock yeah thanks animals now everyone follow me [Music] electric charge hubcaps it's a truck with electric tires awesome hey who fixed this old ramp I did my name's Gabby and these are my friends Blaze and AJ nice to meet you they call me what what I love your electric tires they're incredible thanks Gabby hey I really want to try the new ramp you want to come with me you can be my driver drive but I've never been anyone's driver before and I've never had someone drive me so what do you say yeah let's go for it [Music] ready watch fredd electric [Music] Char W that was awesome you two come on let's keep going sure I and keep up y wooo here we go we're on our way Ready Set Let's Place through the turns and the straightaways hit the jump let's play we're on our way ready for action whenever it takes come save the day we can go faster and place a new tra no time to waste on [Music] accelerate we're on our way wooho W if we can make this beam of light shine on that flower it'll grow and carry us up the wall but how are we going to get the light on the flower hey I know what we need a mirror yeah mirrors are great at reflecting light when a beam of light hits the shiny particles in a mirror the light gets bounced back out again come on let's give it a try wow it's working the sunlight's bouncing off the mirror now let's see if it's hitting the flower is the sunlight shining on the flower no not yet let's move the mirror so it bounces the light in a different direction now is the sunlight shining on the flower yes and it's making the flower grow quick everybody jump on [Applause] yeah it worked the light made the flower grow super tall and look there's another flower if we shine that beam of light onto it it could take us even higher come on let's use our mirror is the sunlight shin shining on the flower yeah hurry everyone get on W all right we're almost at the top yeah we just need to grow one last flower it's mirror time is the sunlight shining on the flower no let's move our mirror now is it shining on the flower [Music] yeah [Applause] woo to get past this robot we need something that can cut through all all that wood let's see I found a toaster and a saw H which one can we use to cut through wood the toaster or the saw the saw right electric char nice going Blaze and look we're almost out of the [Music] junkyard oh boy what take cover wa gasket there's one more robot and he's throwing big pieces of ice don't worry Blaze I'll find us something that can melt that ice I've got a hair dryer and a clock which one can we use to melt ice the hair dryer or the clock the hair [Music] dryer electric char [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait to melt that ice Blaze thanks Watts with your electricity nothing's going to stop bus from saving our friends electric CH ooh those supports look pretty skinny to hold up those heavy rocks we need the structure that has the most supports which one has the most supports that one right it has three supports the other structure only has two ready jump [Music] all right this way everyone yeah we made it past the lava and look spy there's your home spark come on little buddy let's get you to the top of that volcano spark Spark [Music] yeah yeah we're almost there Sparky just a little [Music] farther PP caps look out oh no the path is gone now we can't drive Sparky up to his home oh spark Spark Sparky how's Sparky going to get there now Sparky Sparky Sparky hey look Sparky's flapping his wings he's going to try to fly home all by himself spark spark spark that's it Sparky flap those wings just like you practiced spark spark spark spark Sparky Sparky Spark spy [Music] SP he's flying way to go Sparky we knew you could do [Music] [Applause] it all right he made it hey you guys did it you balanced the swing come on let's jump to the next swing ready Stripes ready yes we made it and we're nice and balanced woo look butterflies and hey that one landed on your side [Music] Blaze oh now we don't we the same on both sides anymore quick we need to find the other butterfly to go on Stripes side where do you see a butterfly yeah there it is hey butterfly can you help us [Music] balance it worked we're balanced now that there's a butterfly on each side come on let's hurry and get to the next swing [Applause] nice jump look out more [Music] butterflies pleas I'm slipping uh-oh Stripes aside has three butterflies but our side only has one quick we've got to find two more butterflies to go on our side where do you see two butterflies yeah there they are hey butterflies we need your [Music] help it worked great job balancing everyone and look there's the end of the swamp ooh that's a pretty big jump come on we'll jump together on the count of three count with us 1 2 3 three yeahoo we made it now let's get going so we can catch up with crusher yeah and get my jungle horn back AJ give me some Speed come on everyone let's grab some sponges and get absorbing [Music] [Applause] [Music] we did it we cleaned up all the soapy water and look there's the Giant toy train uh-oh but it just made another big spill and this time it's super slippery orange juice hey maybe something in here can absorb the orange juice these boxes have frying pans and towels which do you think can absorb the orange juice a frying pan or a towel let's find out H none of the orange juice is going into the frying pan but lots is going into the towel it's absorbing come on it's towel [Music] time we did it yeah [Music] and look we've almost caught up with a toy [Music] train oh no but to press that green button we're going to have to get through one last spill a puddle of super slippery chocolate milk maybe one of these can absorb it we could use a wrench or napkins which do you think will absorb the chocolate milk a wrench or napkins okay let's do a test and see the wrench isn't absorbing any chocolate milk but the napkins are pulling it all inside napkins do your [Music] thing we did it and there's the Giant toy [Music] train hey AJ give me some speed we pressed the shrink button and look the toy train is getting smaller and smaller a now it's the perfect size to play with start it up hit the gas it's time for us to roll let's try super fast ready set let's go come on come on it up and H the on on F FAS here we go on come on [Music] on come on [Music] on wao oh that's the biggest Loop I've ever seen well there's no way that thing can stop us come on last one through is a rusty [Music] bumper [Music] what I think that Loop might be too big don't worry stripes we can get through that loop-de-loop all we need is centripetal force yeah centripetal force is a force that keeps you moving in a circle this giant Loop is shaped like a circle so if we can drive around it fast enough the centripetal force will be really strong and we'll make it all the way around without falling let's go for it help us go around the loop with centripetal force say centripetal force cental force [Music] wo [Music] [Applause] [Music] awesome staring time okay animals time to get [Music] saved don't worry little zebra we'll save [Music] you you're welcome animals look our friends are here wo you made it and just in time we've still got more animals to [Music] save come on robots let's get to work [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] please watch out yeah L AJ are you okay we're stuck this Vine is too strong I can't break free that vine is really tough but I know something that can cut through it projectile claws hang on [Applause] Blaze thanks Stripes using your claws was a great idea help listen sounds like another Racer's in trouble follow [Music] me guys I'm here it's bam the gorilla hang on bam we'll get you down help us figure out which Vine we should cut to set bam free there's a Vine with red leaves a Vine with purple leaves and a Vine with yellow leaves which Vine is Bam Tangled in the Vine with red leaves yeah great [Music] cat I'm free thanks to you guys BL stri that sounds like Nelson the Rhino come on [Music] I can't break free sit tight Nelson we'll get you out of there which Vine should we cut to free Nelson a Vine with blue leaves [Music] yeah boy am I glad to be out of there hey has anyone seen bnk help this way [Music] look there he is we'll get you down bunk now there are four Vines to save bunk which Vine should we cut the Vine with orange leaves [Music] yeah canon ball woo all right huh I've never heard of ice volcanoes before I mean what even is an ice walking wo I'm trapped in the ice wo W now we're stuck too W what in tation oh [Music] no blaz watch out yeah that was [Music] close gaskets our friends are all trapped in ice we've got to help them they're headed for Saturn's rings let's go wao Saturn's rings are full of ice Blaze overy here that sounds like stripes we have to figure out which piece he's trapped inside so we can break him out Stripes got trapped in a piece of ice that's shaped like this which piece of ice has the same shape that one yeah hang on [Music] strike thanks buddy Blaze we're over here hey that's Watson Gabby Watson Gabby got stuck in ice that looks like this which piece of ice has the same shape that one right woohoo thanks Blaze hey over here y'all that sounds like Starla and darington darington and Starla got trapped together in a piece that looks like this which piece of ice has the same shape that one yeah yeahoo partner now there's just one friend left to rescue Z don't worry zegg we'll find you Z stuck in a piece of ice shaped like this which piece of ice has the same shape that one yeah [Music] yippe play safe sake you're welcome buddy back together again that's right nothing can stop us cuz we've got Space robot [Music] power uh-oh another locked door we' better use this greater than symbol to open it look at the spider pictures on the wall are there more pink spiders or green spiders pink spiders right the number of pink spiders is greater than the number of green spiders come on [Music] everyone look pickle there it is the treasure gee I guess nothing can stop us now except maybe chickens [Music] chickens quick let's use the greater than symbol to open the door look closely are there more blue chickens or red chickens blue chickens yeah the number of blue chickens is greater than the number of Red [Music] chickens we did it and just in time cuz here come the chickens this way everyone go go look we made it to the treasure now we can finally see what's inside go ahead Crusher open it okay here [Music] goes W it's beautiful the treasure is ice cream wow there was so much ice cream the treasure Hunters all got to have their favorite flavors there was even enough for some new friends it was the most delicious treasure hunt [Applause] [Music] ever nice sledding crew uh-oh now look what's up ahead big prickly cactuses made out of ice they're ice cactuses H we can't drive through prickly ice cactuses so let's build something to help us get over them yeah we can make Stills Stills that are 5 m tall Ro truck s now let's measure which piece has a height of 5 m the red one [Music] right come on crew let's build some [Music] [Applause] STS it's working we're going over the Brickly ice [Music] cactuses we made it and look there it is the constru construction contest woo we're so close but there's no way for us to drive there well then our only chance is to build wings and fly to the contest yeah we just need wings with a width of 8 m look carefully which piece has a width of 8 m the orange one yeah [Music] come on crew let's [Music] fly truck fly construction contest here we come [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to get out of this cave we're going to need to go super fast time for blazing [Music] speed to give us blazing speed say let's blaze let's blaze [Applause] [Music] wait a second that sounds like w my friends you did it you got my tire back that's right Watts now let's get it back on you where it belongs Fasteners please [Music] oh [Music] yeah what PH feels good to be driving again thanks you guys you're welcome Watts we're just happy to see that you're all better but there's one thing I'm still missing there is yeah my driver hop in Gabby all [Music] right everybody ready ready electric [Music] Jo Structural Engineering is when you figure out how to build things so they can hold lots of weight switching to visor view for us to get across the bridge needs to hold a weight of 10 tons but right now the supports Can Only Hold 2 tons we need to fix those holes in the [Music] supports wait AJ over here I found some pieces to make the bridge stronger good go in Stripes to fix the first support we need a piece that shaped like this which of these pieces has the same shape that one yeah come on let's put it on the [Music] bridge yeah perfect fit sparkk now the bridge can hold this much weight what number is that four yeah but for us to drive across it has to hold a weight of 10 let's look for a piece to fix the next support the piece we need is shaped like this which piece has the same shape that one right I'll handle this [Music] yeah good throw Stripes now the bridge can hold this much weight what number is that seven yeah we just need one more piece to fix that last support help us find a piece that's shaped like this which piece has the same shape that one yeah [Music] all right now the bridge can hold a weight of 10 it's safe for us to cross wo spark SP asteroids headed this way oh no this bad we've got to stop them giant space rocks but how I know what'll stop them deploying laser blasters you wait I didn't know we had lasers these Will Blast those asteroids to bits and we better hurry three of them are almost here come on we need to program our lasers to blast them time to get coding check it out this instruction will tell the robots to blast their lasers and this repeat code will tell them how many times to do it for three asteroids we need to do three blasts which of these is the number three yeah that's it so our code is go laser blast repeat three times stop we've got the code go laser blast 1 2 3 and stop wooo we got him take that asteroids ah Blaze we can use some help over here we've got seven more asteroids headed this way hurry let's write a code to blast seven times which of these is the number seven yeah that's it now we've got our code go laser blast 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and [Applause] stop yay nice work everyone looks like we got rid of all the asteroids come on let's measure first let's measure measure the big Horn's length count with me 1 2 3 4 five now let's figure out how wide the Big Horn is from side to side yeah let's measure his width count with me 1 2 3 4 great now we just need one more measurement let's measure the big Horn's height count with me 1 2 3 4 now we know we need a bed that can fit a big corn with a length of five a width of four and a height of four come on crew let's get building [Music] [Applause] [Music] get [Music] ready and here comes the big [Music] horn look he's laying down peorn yawning he's going back to sleep we did it our bed's a perfect fit great job construction crew now let's keep moving so we can get to that contest night night Big Horn now come on everyone let's go save the elephants fishing rod cast all right we got her now let's use our fishing rod to pull Little Annie out of the bubble gum with a lot of force help me turn the gears through three times count to three with me one 2 three three I got you Annie and all right over here ooh look there's little Ollie we're coming Ollie fishing rod cast right alie's an even and stickier bubblegum so to pull him out with our fishing rod let's turn the gears four times count to four with me 1 2 3 4 y you're safe Olie now there's only one elephant left to save W little Alie help I stuck [Music] fishing rod cast hooray woohoo Ellie's stuck in the stickiest bubblegum to pull her out let's turn the gear seven times count to seven with me 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [Music] got you Ellie a you're welcome animals now come on everyone let's go find the rest of our animal [Music] friends it worked instead of chasing us he's eating the carrot check it out there were eight hungry bears but we just fed one of them a carrot let's count how many bears are still hungry count with me 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven seven bears and here they come [Music] [Music] good going Stripes there were seven bears chasing us but Stripes just fed three of them carrots let's count how many are left count with me 1 2 three four four bears and here they are [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] y take a look there were four hungry bears chasing us and we just fed four of them carrots did we feed all the hungry bears yes all right we did it y'all great work excavator Stripes well you know what they say when you got the right crew there's nothing you can [Music] do to give us blazing speed say let's blaze let's [Music] blaze oh yeah [Music] yeah we did it chicken you guys look it's the wishing wheel [Applause] wow this means we finally get to make our wish ooh I know let's wish for what I want the world's biggest trophy or we could wish for what I want pickles or what about a giant ice cream sunde or A Sky Full of fireworks wao those all sound great but remember the wishing wheel can only make one wish come true but then who gets to make the wish I think bla should do it me yeah yeah none of us would have made it here if it weren't for you blaze you got us past those crocodiles and The Stomping elephant and don't forget about the giant snake well I guess he did kind of get us out of trouble there go for it Blaze you make the wish all right wait a second I know what I should wish for [Music] he wished for a [Music] trophy with ice cream and pickles on top and fireworks yep my wish was for everyone's wish to come [Music] [Applause] [Music] true oh man we were so close to getting those animal powers back but there's got to be some way to break out of these Snapper Trappers only one animal has the right stuff to break out of this trap a lion yeah Lions have projectile claws in their feet whenever they want to they can pop them out lion's claws are great for climbing and hunting food and they'd be perfect for cutting open these traps come on let's turn me into a lion monster machine first we need a m that's the long hair that goes around the lion's head to make the main say main M all right now for the most important part sharp protractile claws to make the protractile claws say protractile claws projectile claws oh yeah I'm a lion monster machine your turn [Music] Stripes W I'm super tiger stripes ready super tiger stripes ready then let's show these guys what lions and tigers can do woo all right oh no don't just stand there YouTube throw more Snapper [Music] Trappers wo time to get these powers back to the animals where they belong [Music] I can fly my trunk it [Music] works it's great to be strong again was are back yeah yes [Applause] oh no our friends are in trouble we've got to help them W don't worry zegg we'll find a way to get you out of that string hey maybe we could use these sharp scissors on the string yeah let's predict what will happen next what do you think will happen if we use scissors on that string okay let's find out [Applause] woohoo the scissors cut the string Z's free scissors cut rope that good prediction it's stripes we got to get him out of that ice cream hey what if we use this hair dryer on the ice cream yeah a hair dryer blows out really hot air what do you think will happen if we blow hot air on the ice cream all right let's give it a [Music] try [Music] great the hair dryer melted the ice cream I'm free and delicious yay say Wonder where stara go failor I'm up here oh no starla's way up in the air we got to help her get down Z help Z find pointy stick good idea Zach we can use that pointy stick to poke the balloons what do you think will happen if we poke the balloons with a pointy stick yeah well let's try it and see it's popping the [Applause] balloon so much glue don't get stuck don't get stuck don't get stuck I'm stuck not for long you're [Music] not hoay wooo thanks robots help we're in here uh-oh sounds like more workers need our help inside the factory Robots coming help we're stuck help three more workers are stuck in oh uh-oh but how we save them glue keep blasting we can help friends you made it that's right and we're going to help you get them workers out of that glue look all the glue is shooting out of those broken pipes but if we pluck up those holes we can stop the glue and save the workers good thinking AJ come on let's figure out what shape we need to plug this first pipe H looks like we need a piece shaped like [Music] this which of these metal pieces has the same shape the blue one [Music] right here please throw it to [Music] me Yeehaw that pipe fixed wow now let's get you out of there hooray thank you robots save me next look y'all another failer stuck in the glue to save this worker we've got to plug the hole up there the hole is shaped like this so let's look for a metal piece with the same shape which piece is the same shape the green one yeah here it [Music] kiss you safe now but there's still two more blocking the way hey maybe we can roll this big wooden block at him H what do you think when we push the block do you think it's going to roll let's find out nope the block doesn't roll better look for something else hey what about this giant rock I found good idea darington if we push this rock do you think it'll roll all right let's try it yeah The Rock [Music] [Applause] now there's only one gargantuan guard left hey [Music] y I wonder if we can roll this at him wow that big watermelon let's predict when we push the watermelon do you think it's going to roll let's find [Applause] out it's rolling so long gargantuan [Applause] guards hey everyone look there it is the golden gift but crusher's almost there golden gift good going to be mine uh-oh that bad we can't let Crusher get there first then it's time to use blazing speed to give us blazing speed say let's Blaze's [Applause] [Applause] [Music] no one can possibly beat me to the golden [Music] [Applause] gift let's try a new Cod jump forward jump forward jump forward jump right will this code get blazed to the monkey these instructions will tell robot Blaze just what to do I've got the code go jump forward jump forward jump forward jump right and stop all right we saved them now hang on monkeys let's get you to where it's safe [Music] yeah way to go Blaze now all the animals are safe I just wish there was some way to plug up that volcano yeah then the animals wouldn't have to worry about lava ever again that's true but where are we going to find something big enough to plug a volcano ooh what about this big rock say right W bus my bumpers that's perfect uh guys if we're going to plug up this volcano we should probably do it fast because it's about to erupt again come on robots time to use blazing speed to give us blazing speed say let's blaze let's let's play [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we did it y'all yeah looks like there's no emergency too big for us robots cuz we've got robot [Applause] power wa check out this fog it's getting kind of hard to see where I'm going mud uh-oh it's sticky really sticky I can't get out too foggy oh no zeg stuck too oh this is terrible how are we going to get our candy [Applause] now we're stuck in the mud gaskets don't worry everybody we'll get you out of there but Blaze how are we going to see them with all this fog we can't even see where they are I know let's use Shadows to find our friends see the light from the Moon is shining down and anything that blocks the light makes a shadow Fellers I'm over here that sounds like stara come on let's look for her Shadow remember stara is dressed like a witch with a big pointy [Music] hat where do you see a shadow that looks like a big pointy hat that over there [Music] yeah we were right we found stara you fail saved me guys I'm over here that sounds like Stripes let's use Shadows to find him too Stripes is dressed like a pirate and for his costume Stripes has a sword where do you see a shadow that looks like a sword right there all right got him come on paramedics let's go cool some lava balls look out paramedic team lava headed this way let's figure out how many lava balls there are so we can cool them with our ice packs count with me one 2 three launching three ice [Music] packs it worked the ice packs cooled the hot lava careful Blaze here comes more hot lava let's count how many there are this time count with me 1 2 3 four launching four ice [Music] packs we got him look there's the last volcano and it just erupted the most lava yet count the lava with me 1 2 3 4 five six six ice packs coming [Music] up all right we did it we cooled the hot lava and look there's stripes a paramedic team you're here and that's not all Stripes we've got something to make that bump on your head feel better an ice pack you were right paramedic team with this ice pack my head feels better already and look my bump it's [Applause] gone glad you're feeling better Stripes thanks to you paramedic team bye Stripes hop and hub caps look at all them lasers huh Z not think lasers look so bad okay that bad yeah we need to be careful a laser is a powerful beam of light and light is made out of photons the photons in a laser have so much energy they can cut through things but if photons hit something shiny like a mirror they bounce off and go in another Direction huh a mirror you mean like this mirror Stripes that's perfect yeah give it a try all right [Music] cool the laser photons are bouncing away [Applause] yeah can't catch me lasers I made it it works I want to try that Z too yeah you just need something shiny to bounce the lasers away H maybe one of these will do the trick which of these things is shiny like a mirror a spoon a milk carton or a waffle the spoon right okay spoon you know what to [Music] do Yeehaw bye-bye lasers take [Music] that nice going you guys thank you spoon M come on Blaze now it's our turn to get past the lasers let's see what we've got H which of these is shiny like a mirror the book the sandwich or the frying pan the frying pan yeah all right Blaze let's get past those lasers once and for all yeah [Music] [Applause] oh yeah nice going Fellers hey look there's the championship trophy trophy come back but there's Crusher and it looks like he's almost got it not if we get it first come on Monster Machines hey I'm so [Music] slow hey that sounds [Music] [Applause] [Music] like I can go fast again me too the fast magic worked now we can all go fast again [Applause] [Music] Queen will I ever be the fastest monster machine my queen being fastest doesn't matter in the end the greatest joy of all is going fast with friends [Applause] friends magic miror you're right oh BL it's the queen I was wondering do you think I could come driving with you of course Queen fastin all right we always have room for another friend well that's just wonderful come on friends let's all go fast together F the speed of light the [Music] F up all night with the fastest of I can't now with the fastest them all the fastest of them all the fastest of them all Blaze is roaring at a volume of three and the lullabi machine is at two which number is bigger three or two three yeah that means Blaze's Roar is louder than the machine and look our friends are waking up morning [Music] everyone oh man the lullabi machine is getting louder its music is at 6 and Blaze is at 3 which number is bigger three or six six that means the lullabi music is louder than Blaze's Roar B time 99 and now the animals are falling back to sleep to wake up our friends we need our loudest roar ever help me roar super loud shout roar roar wo now we're roaring at a volume of 10 and the lullaby machine is at six which number is bigger 10 or six 10 yeah that means Blaze is louder I had the strangest dream glad to see everyone's awake again thanks blaz you saved us from that lby machine you can ask your parents to subscribe to Nickelodeon's blaze in the Monster Machines YouTube channel for new videos every week

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