Microsoft Office 365 Office Word tab, button, ribbon, and toolbar break down (MS Word)

Published: Nov 25, 2021 Duration: 00:34:43 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: is office 365 down
Intro hello everyone my name is hector mendoza in this video i want to break down the microsoft office 365 word uh the tabs button ribbons and toolbars so i've broken it down for you like this and i created a pdf and at the bottom of this video you're gonna see a link to this where you can download and print this so that you can have it readily available to you so uh on this video i'm gonna break this stuff down but a lot of this stuff you're not gonna have on your microsoft office you'll have to uh kind of like install it it's there you just have to turn it on and a lot of these features you won't have some of them you will some of them you don't so don't be if you don't see it on your document do not be afraid watch my second video and you'll see how to get some of this bars and tabs so what we'll do is we're going to start from the left hand side work our way down but one item i do want to talk about first and i want to i'll throw this one off sequence sequence and it's this right here okay so first of all what i need to do is i need to expand my Ribbon ribbon which i i don't have it expanded so if i go to home and i click on this now i have my ribbon okay and the ribbon is what you see here in this area okay and you'll see this dialog box excuse me you'll see this box and and i have it written you know highlighted here that this is the ribbon okay so and basically everything works around the ribbon so one thing that you probably are not gonna have is this thing right here you see right here it's called the quick access toolbar which is this part of my uh document so you will have you have to add all of this stuff and like i said on the next video watch it and i'll show you how to put all this it it's some features that make your job real real uh easier okay so um i i got another screen and you have to bear with me because what i want to do is make sure that i don't go over everything twice so as i do something i'm going to mark my sheet so the next thing we're going to talk about is your tab this is your tab right here okay this area right here right in here which is right through here so your tabs have groups so if i go to my home this is one group this is another group so i highlight it for you what the groups are and they are divided by a vertical line okay the the the groups will be like this is a group board font paragraph styles edit editing and so forth right and each one of these tabs okay which are these guys right here have their own groups now some of them have more than the others and you know some of them don't uh might not even have just like you see this group right here voice it only has one so uh so now let me go ahead and mark that out okay so right in here which is this part right here see this thing right here right in there is your title bar so here you know this is the name of your document and where it's saved so that's what when you see this that's what this is now to the right of that right in here is your it's uh right here you see where it says microsoft search so if there's something you don't know how to do in microsoft office all you have to do is click here you see right here on this so if you click and let's say you want to know something about grouping you just type g r o u p p i n g it'll give you a list of what it it found in grouping and uh now you can expand this by clicking here and then it'll tell you what it found in group about grouping right or let's say you you want to know how to delete it'll explain to you like if you click here it tells you you know what it found on deleting so that's what that is so let me mark what i just did so the title bar okay and we already discussed ribbon which is this area right in here this area right here is your ribbon which is this part okay now this guy right here is your minimize button so if i click here it's going to minimize it and it's going to throw it down here so if you click on here and you lose it if you think you deleted you didn't all you have to do is click down here you'll see all the documents that uh that are present or that you're presently working on so you click on it and it'll bring it back now so that's your minimum but minimize button you have the maximum slash restore button so uh if you click here what's gonna happen is you see what it did and then you're able to uh move you know resize it the way you want now if you click here it's gonna restore to that you know the size of the full page okay so now this button right here which is this one right here on the right hand side if you click there it's going going to close the uh the word document that you're presently working on if you make changes it's gonna ask you do you want to make changes like uh or you can cancel so watch this if i click on it there was no changes that i had made to this document so all it did was close it okay so now uh i want to go and reopen that document so give me a second it opened up on one of my monitors okay so um so now we've gone over most of this i didn't have enough space down here so i created this additional little uh photo here because there's some other little icons here uh that you um that here give me a second here this is this part right here okay so um right in here if you click on this what will happen is it's gonna microsoft office is gonna change the way that uh here let me let me click on there for you so if i click here see this is the dialog box that you're gonna uh it'll pop up and right here what it tells you is that it's gonna change the way your uh your the view of your work right let me let me let me show you what i'm talking about okay so right now we're viewing which is the classic view right which is this one right here which is this one you know i went ahead and and changed that for you right now here is the other view this one here is is the new view which personally i don't like you can use it and in that document i'll ex i'll show you a breakdown of that versus the one that we're presently uh using which is this this one right here okay so you're able to change the way uh word looks now whenever you do that you'll have to change your um you have to close out of word and reopen it for it to take effect so that's what that little button is this one right here okay and this button right here it it uh auto hides your ribbon show ribbon or shows tabs and commands so um you know and we're talking about this down here this is your uh you see excuse me this ribbon right here you can hide it so you can click here and uh height you know you can hide the tabs which are this right here right look see you hit you hit the tabs and then to get it back you would click here and you would have to click on this little uh ribbon okay it's without the pen so uh that's what that does so we explain this and now so we've already explained everything uh on this first area so let me go ahead and mark myself that i've done that that that okay now so the next thing we'll do is we're going to talk about your ruler Ruler you might not have your ruler on yours which is this thing right here you see now if i make it my document real small you see my ruler uh gets smaller right because you told it that you wanted to see the ruler from where the gutter uh you gotta start and where they end okay and now right now i don't you see here's my left gutter right here okay which is this part right here so these are your rulers here and here and i showed you right here in green so let me go ahead and mark that did i discuss that for you i'll show you real quick how to get those rulers because normally if i remember right you're not going to have those rulers by default so what you would want to do is go to your view menu and right here you see where it says ruler watch it disappear you see now i don't have a ruler here or a ruler to the left so if you click on it you'll get your rulers back those are real important when you're using tabs and you know text when you're doing doing intentions and things of that nature okay so let me mark that i have already discussed that we discussed about the groups you know your groups are these areas in between each one of this uh areas in other words if you have a if you go to this tab there's from here to here is your illustration group from here to here this area are your add-in groups and on the next video i'll further explain uh that so we'll close that no not close but uh i'm mark that i've talked about this another thing you see right here this little little marks they're called dialogue launchers so in addition to your groups there'll be another additional box that will show up so let's go home and let's uh look at the paragraph so you see how little amount of information is here is that they had to save canvas so they just give gave you like the basic part of of your paragraphing but if you click here it's gonna launch another box which is gonna give you additional things that you can do in those areas like you go here you know you have advanced uh if you click in this area it gives you additional things that you can do so uh let me we talked about that okay now and we talked about your well i don't know i don't think we'd hit because i didn't mark it so the scroll bar you see sometimes the scroll bar will disappear so if i click down here or or just uh hover around this area look at my bars they disappear now when i get inside my document or click inside my document then my scroll bars will appear and this is what a scroll bar will do of course you can use your mouse just uh going up and down the wheel that's the same thing as a scroll bar so if you don't see it there don't think you can't scroll you just have to hover here and you can see that scroll and those scrolls can be uh adjusted differently than the way they're working right now but we're not going to get into that right now so let me highlight that we've talked about the scroll okay um one thing i forgot to talk about is the file tab remember here we have all these tabs and on each one of these tabs you have those groups that pop up right as you select the different kinds of tabs now here on the left this are really not it's on the area of your tabs but you um when you click here you get this other box and this is where you create a new document you open up a word it gives you information about the document you can save save as save as a pdf print share export transform close i get about your account information you can do feedbacks to microsoft word or you have other options and this is a long uh just this you you you know it's one whole video on this so let me go ahead and mark that i've discussed about file tab now on the bottom left hand corner in Status Bar this area right here you see right here which is right in this area is your status bar for instance right now if you look this is only page one of one so if you had a bunch of pages uh as you stroll here let me create a quick document for you and i'm just going to put let me see equals r a and d random words i'm going to put 100 sentences with uh five paragraph percentage hit enter now it created all of this for you with those formulas that i just created you see now as i i don't care if you're viewing it small or large look if i highlight this area you see how it shows that this is page 4 of 13. look if i highlight this area is going to tell me that i highlighted something on page 6 of 13. so then you can enlarge it and it'll stay on 6 of 13 until i reach the next document okay and and when i say reach the next document right in here as it passes this area it changes into a seven you see right here when it reaches my uh tabs excuse me uh my headers then it'll change that this information this also tells you that there was 99 of 7967 words so but that's you know that's what i highlighted that's 46 words of just like right here one word off it tells you what you are uh doing i mean what you're selecting okay so i talked about the status bar i can highlight that now um this here let me go back to that other document okay so you see right here where it says document area is this white area which is this white area so this is your where you put your text or you know let's say you have boxes if you notice if i go past that what area look what happens it's there but you don't see it because it's not within the borders of your document you know you would have to grab it and move it back in there but this is your air your print area okay so or your document area excuse me now to the right of this uh here let me go ahead and mark that i discussed that okay to the mar right of this Display Settings right here you know it says display settings so which is right in here okay and what this is um so microsoft is a high resolution application you can see things in a very high resolution now so your monitor might not be compatible with this particular version of microsoft office so what it does you can click here so i'll show you what it does but let me tell you what it does for right now right now we have it optimized for best appearance so if you have an old monitor an old computer our old laptop that doesn't have a high resolution uh card then you would have to click on this optimize for compatibility application but now you have to restart your application your program right your application so if i click here on the bottom of my word document this dialog box will show up right and then you would click here you would have to restart otherwise i i i it won't show up until you do that so i'll go ahead and do that for you so i'm going to hit okay uh i have to remember i have to close my word document and it says do you want to save changes no not i don't want to make no changes because you know this is my document that i'm teaching y'all with now i got to go to my uh find that on my desktop and here it is now oh wait it didn't save it so because you see we still have that overview so let's go back click here and optimize for compatibility and so i'm going to have to click here again and this time i'm going to tell you yes and when i close this remember look at this blue bar when i close it oh it didn't close microsoft office because this one was open that's what happened i'm not going to save that so now now that we have microsoft oh no there's still some microsoft uh documents open so i need to close that one uh i'm not going to save that let me see now we don't have no microsoft documents open so i'll click on it and uh you know what we'll open up that document now well still didn't do it here let's let's see what's going on here so we go here optimize hit ok close it double click on there i think it's doing this because um because i have uh so many monitors going on and it's it's uh affecting it so let me see no it's not it's not gonna let me do it because remember this is talking about optimization of your monitors and i have a bunch of monitors going on so it's not going to let me do that but what it's going to do is you see the view right here if i i didn't have this many monitors i think it wants me to restart all my monitors and i'm not gonna do that but this is the look that you're gonna have versus look at the top one you see how i have the blue line not just that but it changes uh the the whole look you see right in here look at that new look i don't like the new look so i i don't use it okay so now um i gotta go back to my checklist and you know what i didn't save those um what i had discussed but i know where i left off okay so uh we discussed display now the next thing is your focus right here that's not even the right document give me a second here Focus okay so the next thing we're going to talk about is your focus which is this little thing when you're proofreading uh and you you know you have a document and you want to concentrate on a particular text area or uh so um again i'm gonna have to create a new document so i can show you uh i wish i would have saved that now equals rnd random let's put 50 paragraphs with three sentences per paragraph and hit enter okay so now so if we use focus what's gonna what it's gonna do you see everything that's going on here you know i mean you could go in here and turn this off but you still have additional items there right so what focus does for you it's gonna highlight inside your document so let's reduce it down a little bit and let's go on focus so if i click on focus you see all my buttons and my tabs are all gone except my ruler okay on the left and the right hand side and now you can concentrate only on the text now there is a way uh where you could only do one one sentence two sentences or three sentences at a time and you could focus on that now you still have your your um the ability to make changes and add and move your pictures around you see right up here on this top part i don't know if you can see it but there's three little dots if you click on those dots it's going to give me those the toolbars and things okay now you know we discussed about that other view about the uh doing one line at a time so to get out of focus you're gonna click here and then now you're back to your original look so this is a toggle off and on now let me show you another way that you can do this if you uh go to view then you go right here to in immersive reader if you click here then you get another dialog box right and we're gonna focus on let's say let's start with one line and watch what happens so let's say that you wanted uh microsoft office to read to you and you wanted to see as it goes you know you would go to your read out live loud things and styles also help keep your document coordinated when you click design and choose a new theme the pictures charts and okay so that's it's giving you one line at a time right so let's say that you wanted to focus on three lines at a time and let's tell the machine to read for smart art graphics change to match your new theme when you apply styles now we'll do the last one which is five lines at a time so wherever you click it'll start reading out loud for you charts and smartart graphics change to match your new theme when you apply styles your headings change to match the new theme save time in word with new buttons that show up where you need them as it finishes your fits in your documents okay so then when you want to go back to your regular way then you know um uh you all you have to do is close in merge reading you see this little square you click there and then you're back okay so let me open up my document and see how much more i need to discuss now the next thing that we're going to discuss is um i'm not going to say that i hope i don't need it again is your view button so with your view button there's a lot of ways of viewing your document so right now we're viewing it as print layout and this view buttons are also within your view area here right but so let's say you wanted to this one anyway so if you wanted to view two documents uh page by two pages side by side you would click here but this one here doesn't have it okay so it only has one page uh so let me go ahead and create another document uh equals randy 50 paragraphs five sentences per paragraph enter and now if i click here oops now i have two documents next to each other okay uh this is single okay and then if you click here you get two documents per page um and then to get back to layout you just click here and you're back to uh single okay and like i said you can actually have view and there's more there's additional stuff that you can do so the last thing i'm going to talk to you about is this zoom control right in here if you click anywhere you hit your control key with your mouse you can go up and down and as i do that look at the look at this right hand side i can it you know it zooms in and so you can actually click here and do it this way if you you know if you're not good with commands and you can't memorize commands this is how you would do that or let's say that you want it specifically for a hundred and fifty percent of the document you would click here and just type uh right in here you would type 150 or let's say that you want it 25 you want it real small 25 you hit okay and it will show you 25 uh percentage you know the view size okay guys so it looks like i discussed everything i wanted to discuss now if you watch my next video i will actually break down some of this stuff uh on how to bring in some of these ribbons and uh there there's a lot of things that you see in my in my uh in my document that you're not gonna have and i'll show you how to get on that one last thing i did do want to show you is that you know we talked about your tabs and your groups now depending on where you click on this uh on your let's say here then you're gonna have some additional tabs you see this is a uh this is a shape so if i double click here you see this shape format this is specifically for shapes as where if i am looking at text uh you see if i click on text you see what that that is that's still a uh a box that i created so that that's actually a uh um you know it's a shape it's not text so i've got to create another document so i can show you the difference so this is text see how i don't have this because this is not a text box like when you go to insert you insert a text box now this box is a shape format so you will see additional tabs depending on where you select inside your document now this is it thank you for watching my video if you like my video give me a thumbs up and um you know i hope you become a subscriber i i know about 10 programs that i know inside out and i teach one big software that's called xactimate that program makes you about 250 an hour when you're out there in the field so you might want to see us do a search for my name type exactamate and if you're interested in performing inspections you will have to know that program and that can make you up to about 250 bucks an hour when you're working thank you for watching my video y'all have a good day

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