Martin Shkreli Analyse Activion Blizzard Stock (Full Excel Valuation)
Published: Aug 21, 2024
Duration: 00:40:52
Category: People & Blogs
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it's called godell it's my new platform that I made so I hope you all join it someday when it's more open to the public right now you have to ask for a beta I have a link to the beta I'll drop it a little later all right let's see here that'd be funny if chat GPT worked really well one day one day I have't chat GPT API it's very limited Nvidia is a lot uh not Nvidia activis is a lot more cash than I thought yeah uh sir Brad uh try it again or DM me somewhere maybe DM me on Discord you should be able to connect through Google just use your Google account to connect you should hear from the Goodell beta pretty quickly um should probably provide more details uh if you don't provide a lot of details I kind of gloss over the application I don't approve everybody and there were some bugs in the application process so feel free to apply again if you didn't get your beta those bugs have been fixed all right so activis has a ton of cash uh didn't notice that doesn't change the game too much though 15% of the company in cash all right let's look at the numbers yeah I don't disagree David talking about Tesla uh and self-driving it is definitely could be one of the largest markets of all time full full service driving it's not clear they make a huge amount of money from it but or if that's not already in the stock price but regardless um so let's see we've got World of Warcraft Call of Duty a lot of great franchises from [Music] Activision yeah lucardi uh pretty much all the features and then some you know Bloomberg's missing a lot of features that's why I made this platform all right let's [Music] see so they have product and then they have kind of like subscription so most of the companies evolved most of these video game companies have evolved to like microservices or micro purchases kind of system and let's see activation revenue is down here over here W Bam [Music] Bam hopefully that's not the beginning of a trend but we'll see how we look at it well let's see okay so this is cost of [Music] [Music] goods are the margins about what you guys thought they'd be the gross [Music] margin still better than a movie right 75 % 72% gross margin pretty good video games are like the cheapest entertainment gross margin or the best entertainment gross margin you can find you don't have to pay any actors or any Talent right what's up Ry treyway what up lucardi Laurent 2K what's up uh zidax I think you can get a shortcut list uh for Excel on the internet uh certainly uh K Lima you can use my platform why what is This Racist stuff don't come to my channel go to another Channel we don't have any racism here product development so this is basically R&D which is kind of should just be capitalized right I'm surprised it isn't um all right pretty great margins I have to [Music] say do backwards no all [Music] right so obviously I think everybody knows the story of Activision they had a crisis uh in the workplace sexual harassment and other bad activities and they agreed to sell themselves to Microsoft that deal is being challenged by the Federal Trade Commission um Microsoft already has a position in this industry with Xbox and other products so could be an anti-competitive deal we'll see I hope Microsoft wins of course I love Microsoft I have since I was a little kid who's been a fanboy of great success of uh Bill Gates and Company the evil empire everybody hates Microsoft I did a Tesla breakdown a week or two ago all right so there's Activision income statement let's do cash flow let's do a bridged cash flow [Music] [Music] is yeah so cash flow did go down I mean that's not uh some counting trickery cash flow dropped a lot so Microsoft is buying one and a half billion of cash flow this year for 50 billion so I'm sure it'll go back to the old number which is around two billion and for Microsoft maybe it didn't doesn't make a difference I don't know let's let's look at capex too I'm sure they have a little bit I mean it's a software company so they shouldn't have too much of capex but they can have a little bit of capex yeah very very very small amount almost inconsequential basically isn't that nice having a business like that that you have no Capital Equipment it's just a bunch of people in software and Brands brands are the most valuable thing pretty cool pretty cool business if you can get it and it's funny Activision was built by this guy Bobby um and you know I I think basically there's been this crisis of confidence that he's the right leader to lead this company uh in an era where you know workplace um behavior is really supposed to be um conducive to positive work experience which I think it should be you know uh nobody should feel weird about coming to work uh or scared or intimidated or sexually in any way shape or form any of that stuff I think that's really disgusting to be honest uh I've never had something like that in one of my workplaces at least to the best of my ability tends to be a pretty pernicious problem in general across Corporate America but you have to have like a bit of a zero tolerance policy and I think Activision probably failed in that regard but anyway um what's done is done and basically Microsoft's going to come to the rescue and you know Microsoft probably has best practices on how to oper in office um Activision had all kinds of booze and stuff like that tends to not be a good idea all right let's see here net [Music] income okay this is oops let me see here yeah okay got it [Music] all right hopefully you can follow along at home if not feel free to ask some [Music] questions kind of do a free cash flow here but the recent quarter it's very lumpy well it's not lumpy because those are two quarters in one so let's uh fix that and we'll get a better sense one more quarter all right here we go car Kryptonite what's up virtue signaling listen the point I'm I'm making is that Activision had and this guy Bobby had his whole life's work destroyed because his office had some [ __ ] you know uh in the company uh sexually harassing women and if you don't think that's a real thing it's a real thing that's not a a meme women are very serious ious about the workplace and you can have your company ruined over something that simple so you know if you're going to manage a company you got to manage it in a way that works for everyone not just you and your buddies and the the boys in the company that that's not going to make you the big bucks in the end so he had to run into Microsoft for to save him and Microsoft is happy to save him but you know I'm sure he didn't want to sell the company we would have sold it already you know but basically the board of directors said somebody's got to step down there's a Wall Street Journal article coming down coming out every day uh you know every day there's a new uh Wall Street Journal article coming out about how the workplace environment at Activision was poisonous disastrous dangerous um lecherous you know I I am just a realist if that's the kind of business environment you are creating it's going to something's going to happen whether it's a sexual harassment law suit or some other bad situation you don't want to be in you know you want to be able to focus on your business and succeed not dealing with the Wall Street Journal [ __ ] reporting on your ass all day you know so even if you don't like it which you know again The Virtue signaling part is maybe you know you should be sensitive to all of your employees needs I don't think that's virtue signaling that's just good management but um I do think that you know if you just focus on the business and forget about the virtue of it then um you know you don't want those distractions from reporters buzzing in your ear and it hurts your customers it hurts your you know probably Activision's customers don't give a [ __ ] right but think about their vendors think about you know um some of their employees if not all of their employees will care they did a walk out you know walk out that's not good all kinds of problems there so you know and they're not the only game Studio that has issue yeah it sounds like this is a male dominated environment and if you're a woman working in that space it can be pretty disastrous now workplace sexual tension in general is very hard to deal with I mean I I've seen it firsthand uh thankfully have never participated in it um never once dated somebody from one of my companies can't say I wasn't tempted but never once dated uh somebody from one of my companies iies um Apple's a for the customer and I don't I don't think anybody should to be honest but many people now meet in the workplace I'm pure V cell no I mean if you can't find a woman outside or a person that you're interested in we put it that way outside of the office then I don't know you got bigger problems but I think you know people who work together you know they inevitably have some romance I mean that does happen oh so they have uh Candy Crush that's where the mobile revenue is coming from so is it that much of Revenue wow they can't be they must have mobile games that come up with a lot of Revenue too yeah when you spend all your time at work right I once thought about several companies ago I had uh there's somebody in the workplace I was interested in and uh I kept it to myself I never told her but I um thought about you know approaching her and I was just like gez I don't know what to do this is crazy because I'm I'm really focused on the company not on a relationship but I was single and I thought about it and I I never said anything and I I left it that way uh but the only way I thought it would work if it came up or like you know you know who knows something like that happened or whatever the only way I thought it could work as I said basically you would have to quit quit job you couldn't work here and date me you know it' be too weird um as the CEO now as a guy in accounting and you want to date somebody in marketing I still don't like it to be honest but it's better than certainly the boss the boss shouldn't be dating any anyone at the the company do I regret I didn't do it I mean no actually I'm proud of myself for for never mixing that was the one time it came close of course I think about what could have been and stuff like that but at the end of the day there's women everywhere for me you don't I don't have to you know it's really not uh something that a problem you know and I I don't I don't regret [Music] it I'm doing something wrong here hold on a second ah I think I see I think I see k l MN K LMN H oh I see I see I see I see I see I see I see I see I [Music] see telling all these stories I can't focus on [Music] this anyone Vape in the office I love vaping I love smoking smoke all day I don't care smoke weed in the office smoke cigarettes in the office smoke crack in the [Music] office kind of office is it if you can't smoke a little crack right am I right am I wrong what do you guys think no no crack when you grow a big enough company you get people who have drug problems alcohol problems actually um you get people I had one person who had some weird schizophrenia or something and she emailed the whole company email we had like everyone at scrug and she emailed everyone or maybe she just added everyone one by one but man that thing was crazy she had to be uh hospitalized I I didn't even know this person she's like an assistant to somebody that was wild she said she was going to smear our blood on the walls or some crazy [ __ ] it was really like whoa but when you get a big enough company like that crazy [ __ ] happens it's uh yeah it was it was wild um one of my close friends uh well I won't talk about that it's very a very sad story one of my friends in the one of my co-workers passed away and that's another thing that happens over time learned some of my old friends p pass in away you know that that's a real sad situation but you know it happens when you're getting older you know can't do much about [Music] it all right so let's look at Activision annual yeah shed a couple tiers big four is a good good place to get a start a career piig four is a great place to start your career a lot of the best executives just came from Big Four at some point all right let's see here so Activision had substantial annual revenue growth for a while it looks like that has slowed to crawl or maybe even going to be reversing this year we'll do that math in a second um and we're going to have to figure out why could it be the distraction from the Microsoft acquisition could it be some delays in shipping product it could it be losing market share cuz Call of Duty's old and tired brand needs they need a new brand to carry the day you still have a lot of revenue from World of Warcraft that's kind of a tired brand OverWatch isn't keeping up with fortnite and other [Music] games that could be mostly what's going on here I don't know but yeah the uh business is definitely not what used to be for [Music] Activision so that's the main main thing we're probably going to have to spend some time on I really appreciate everyone coming to watch and uh any suggestions you have let me know I'm also doing going to do a podcast um it's going to be pretty fun I think it's more like comedy than than anything too serious um [Music] uh I don't think we're going to do too many guests I think it's just going to be me and two co-hosts two my buddies [Music] um um looking for web 3 job I'm looking to hire people maybe when I just got out of prison um I needed any job so that I could uh get uh out of the halfway house that was the main goal there so I was able to work with a friend for a little bit um cuz you can't leave the halfway house unless you have a job so I just needed any job minimum wage job to get the hell out of the halfway house that was fun the reason uh Activision is low beta is it's a merger art play now with Microsoft uh how do you find your passion good question I don't know but advice to my 20-year-old self is slow down pretty sure that's what my parents always told me too listen kids never want to listen to their parents they usually know [Music] [Music] best [Music] W the hell is going on in Activision stock would probably be cut in half if uh if it wasn't for the Microsoft [Music] deal [Music] [Music] yes the godell platform is back David maybe old school you remember it uh I can join your board the ban uh ban is uh complicated can discuss that privately it's definitely being appealed I'm expecting to win that appeal too let's [Music] see if you guys want to join the beta of godell I'd appreciate it you're welcome to join it's the most it will be the most advanced uh Financial software ever made made by Yours Truly who knows Finance I think a little better than those people at Bloomberg or the other platforms cuz I'm a boss simple as that [ __ ] simple as that open BB sucks let me be clear it [ __ ] sucks data science as a career I guess it's doable depends on what you like I made this fun ter uh this is a intu on my remote aw desktop or my remote AWS terminal the Ubuntu uh stock terminal this is kind of what open BB would look like if it was any good I just pasted the link for the godell beta application you're welcome to to try it out would I get a hair transplant maybe if I lost my hair so far so good all right let's look at Activision some more all [Music] right uh I use Azure a little bit too um stop trolling me I'm not the I'm not the one all right I'm not the one Playboy you don't troll scy scy trolls you get that straight all right don't ever forget don't you ever [ __ ] forget understand me don't you ever forgot I do I do own a ton of Bruno Brunello cinello no Brunello Cinelli right that's some of my favorite clothes Brunello I don't wear them in for stream yeah Cinelli not cinello who's rello Coello who you you don't know your your fashion let's click men here I'm going order some of this [ __ ] right now man I'm going order some of this [ __ ] right now why don't they have me as a model first of all first of all look at the imagine me wearing like that imagine me wearing it like that can you imagine me go run through the hood like this can you imagine what the shiar would say Oran she air Albanian people are [Music] crazy look at look let's look at some crazy Albanian people yeah take a look these these are some crazy albanians if they saw me is this guy on a goat classic albanians not a goat here's a little boy with the donkey that was me when I was three you saw me coming through with those shoes and those what's up Ally miss you Ally call me uh of course I throw up the throw up the Albanian two-headed eagle you know I do that this bulld doll right here that's that's an Albanian woman oh no man but yeah crazy Albanian people are definitely uh there's some famous Albanian people let's see where am I why am I not number one what the who don't even know any of these people other than du alipa most famous Albanian people in the world yeah hint it's me anyway I need the Albanian flag yeah so anyway I can't wear I can't wear those Bruno Cinelli's and and really have any self-respect uh because I got the albanians to worry about and then I got the flat [Music] Bush flat Bush Hood these this is the block you know what do you think these guys are going to say when I'm running through the block like that flat Bush I'm wearing that I don't these these fellas pull up G Stone Crips I can't I can't wear that in the '90s you guys know what the '90s are not going to work BB all right we got Activision let's worry about Activision not not my old life I'm past that life now no no not late 90s this is the 90s in Flatbush Avenue Crash Bandicoot he's back all right a letter from CEO Bobby Kodak regarding the merger oh boy oh boy oh boy team I wanted to give a brief update on our pending merger with Microsoft this week the FTC denounced its decision to challenge the deal this means they will file lawsuit to block the merger this sounds alarming so I want to reinforce my confidence that this deal will close allegation that this deal is an comp does align with the facts and we believe we'll will win this challenge thanks to the hard work by all of you every day we're on a strong path bringing epic joy to players around the world okay with what I believe uh are the greatest games in our industry at the same time the competi of landscape is Shifting and simply put a combined Microsoft Activision Blizzard I guess this is King will be good for players good for employees good for competition good for the industry our players want choice and this gives them exactly that you can read more more about specifics on those points in this update we recently shared with you we believe these arguments uh will win despite a regulatory environment focused on ideology well that's certainly true and misconceptions about the tech industry okay representation data I'm guessing this is some of the ESG woke stuff that they need to do okay Hearthstone World of Warcraft Dragon flight blizzard nety suspending games in China I got to read that Candy Crush another update on the merger okay and here's the Q3 results our games are the result of passion and Excellence okay what does that have to do with the Q3 results this comes from an environment that required the company be sold that Fosters inspiration creativity and an unwavering commitment to develop and support our talent employees dedication and teamwork are the heart of an extraordinary workplace yeah pretty extraordinary that enables the magic embodied in our games we look forward to continuing to release epic entertainment in service of our Global community of players as part of Microsoft one of the world's most admired companies I love this we continue to expect that our transition will close in Microsoft's current fiscal year ending June 2023 we'll see okay tough quarter net bookings ingame bookings I know that bookings and revenue are going to be something that it's very different I mean I'm kind of I don't hate ESG I can't say I like ESG Orion's funny man exactly grizas G Grizzlies being cancelled before being cancelled was a thing oh no don't cancel me no imagine giving a [Music] [ __ ] I'm so cancelled I tried to adopt the cat the other day no joke the cat Place rejected me cat adoption no joke cancel King yeah I got to show you the email you want to see the email you guys want to see the email The Matrix won't let me have a cat let me pull up the email this thing is so [Music] funny ah here it is okay um I'm trying to um maybe change some of the personally revealing information so just give me two seconds I have to edit this div [Music] okay here it is Jana Rosenthal Janna advocat new Adoption application Martin scy Patty okay hi Martin thanks for your application I won't pretend to not know who you are as I recognized your name immediately I did however have no idea that you had moved to blank Patty is a great cat however I do have some concerns that perhaps you can respond to put my mind to ease when I Googled you one of the recent first recent things that came up was this article in Forbes describing the apartment life you were seeking which really wouldn't be a good fit for most cats also another article referred to your cat as being named trashy rather than sweetie which isn't against the law but an indic Ator of sorts by no means is this meant as an interrogation however as much as a person interviews the cat they are interested in adopting we need to be comfortable with the adopter so I wrote back um and I didn't fill any of this out my assistant kind of filled it out um LOL it's a cat that was my that was my response um and uh uh her response back was we're rescue we value the cats we rescue good luck well I value them too by the way um I do treat cats exactly Cara thank you I'm a I'm me and my family are the greatest cat appreciators that ever existed but the reason it's funny is that I trolled Forbes the Forbes article which she immediately apparently believed in was this um article that said I was looking for some crazy apartment the best apartment in in Brooklyn or Queens the party in of course I don't have that I I live in a penthouse apartment here but it's not you know a party building or anything like that nowhere close I actually don't know one of my neighbors and I've never had a party here either um so anyway uh she read that and said oh that that must mean that you know this guy's going to be thrown these crazy parties and who knows poor Kitty might have his tail stepped on um and it's like okay and then she she found out that Trashies I I guess the person that filled out this thing for me wrote that the cat's name was sweetie she wanted to protect trashy's identity okay so trashy is a very famous cat trashy can go by different names if she needs to it's not fair for trashy to have to reveal her identity that's her prerogative right it's not my I didn't have consent to share trashy's identity okay so it's it's really not easy for me to just dox trashy like that you know so I called her sweetie I mean it's not your business what my cat's name is lady all right this cat I'd spend more money on this cat than you making your job Janet Rosenthal crazy Karen cat would have the best life ever anyway I I don't need Janna Rosenthal to get a cat I'll go on the street like [Music] this and some cat will go like that this their head would poke up