eatsleeprace Podcast, Felt Like Kyle Larson Doing the Double

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 00:33:13 Category: Gaming

Trending searches: kyle larson
what's up guys so um last season uh I started doing this podcast um I try to do a podcast after every race but uh I think I did two or something like that and then I just kind of stopped so I'm going to try and pick back up and start doing this um again so to catch youall up uh over the winter I bought a new car I bought a 2017 Harris um so it's a legitimate chassis now that I got uh the whole idea was that I would be able to run a car that has that comes with a book essentially so it tells me where everything needs to be what bar needs to be here what measurement needs to be what it tells you how to put the car together basically um and there's a massive support for it um if I ever need any questions answered I just pick up my phone I call Harris and I talk to them about it and uh they're pretty good about that kind of stuff um so I bought a new car uh I got off to a pretty late start here um I just did my first race a couple weeks ago um it was August 16th at the hill um so pretty pretty late start for me this year um I finally got the car done done um I was going to run the body that came with the car um and then things kind of changed a little bit uh thanks to camber she wanted to run the Coco melon body and I didn't really think too much about it at first as it being an option I was just going to run the old body um and then camber said she wanted a Coco melon car so I started playing around with it and and uh things kind of lined up pretty well on the old body on the old car and I had to make some new holes and [ __ ] like that for yeah all the the bolt Fasteners and stuff like that but um yeah actually worked out pretty well so I pull up some pictures here this is roughly you know what the car looked like um with the old body and it uh yeah it's it wasn't my number it wasn't didn't have my sponsors on it or nothing like that which bugged me from the beginning um so I think camber made a pretty good call on this uh I'm glad I made the switch so uh let me pull up some pictures here um I'm just going to go through a bunch of pictures in the slideshow here but uh we got the car done and right here is when we're putting a body on now this the body's the old body the COC melon body is over top of the body that was on this car I just kind of had it uh like Vice CPT on and duct taped on and uh just to see if it was going to line up right and a surprisingly did um pretty well um it took a little bit like a day or day and a half or so to to get it completely done um just a bunch of drill new holes and stuff like that trying to get things to fit well uh but it worked out pretty good um I had to make the uh doors longer cuz they were too short and I might have made it like too long but I can I'm probably eventually going to fix that and shorten it back up a little bit um yeah camber was a big help she uh she loves putting the B the body Fasteners back on or taking them off um yeah it's uh it worked it's more me right like it has my sponsors on it my number and stuff like that and uh camera loves it so it turned out pretty good um so got the car done um I had to buy a new um carburetor cuz the old carburetor is kind of junk I was borrowing a carburator last year at the end of last season for penan and it was huge difference uh the old the old carburetor couldn't like couldn't um use just part throttle and Corners uh which was a huge thing every time I tried it just it would be like no throttle or all the throttle so um I would spike the tires and get you know I would lose traction because I would be using way too much throttle um because the carburetor was kind of kind of [ __ ] up a little bit so I ended up buying the carburetor that I used last year off of Joe Lane and um thank God I did cuz it was uh much needed um so got the card on and um last I guess it was last Friday um I took the car to the hill it's you know 30 minutes up the road um things uh went disastrous um just pretty disastrous to say the say the least uh so I did the heat race and I did like a lap or two and then the drive shaft fell out the thing um it seems like uh what happened was the bolts the UB bolts bolts were loose um for the nuts on the UB bolts now I know I tighten them um but I don't I don't know what happened if it kind of just it wasn't seated right and I tightened them and then when I started driving it it kind of fell into a new spot and it kind of just loosened up or whatever I don't I don't really know but uh so drive shaft fell out and I had kind of a problem getting it back um I had to wait till all the heat races were over um and then the last Heat race I think I went up to uh the corner Flagger like on the outside of the track there where we come on and off the track and uh I asked him about the drive shaft and he's like yeah it's right over here he's like pointing right next to him like along the wall and I was like okay so I looked and I didn't see nothing I was like right here and he's like yeah yeah yeah and it wasn't there um so then I started asking around and nobody knew nothing and then finally uh this guy at the track his name is Zane he's like yeah actually I seen I seen some big tall guy walking away with it I'm like really like somebody just drack my my drive shaft here like it's already bad enough that drive shaft fell out and I don't even know if it's usable at all um I don't know what broke I don't know if it's one of the yolks is snapped I don't know if the eug on is completely [ __ ] like I didn't know nothing so it was already pretty bad situation and then I'm just trying to see what it looks like and see if it's possible to piece it together not just for that night but like in general right like it's a drive shaft [ __ ] is the Yol [ __ ] like what what all is [ __ ] on this thing um and I literally thought like somebody jacked my broken drive shaft but uh turns out this guy uh I bowl with him or used to bowl with him I guess um really good guy his name is Matt he took it and uh it just kind of worked out timing wise where when he took it he grabbed it and took it to me when I was on my way to get it myself right so um long story short I found it and I seen Matt and he uh he left on the back of my car but uh F so anyway we found a drive shaft it literally just it looked like the uh U bolts are loose so um luckily I had brought some caps with me cuz the caps for the u- joint on the rear end side were were [ __ ] but luckily I brought some caps so I was able to piece it back together the Yol on the rear end was pretty destroyed um I didn't I didn't think it it was going to hold up for a fature but I threw it back in and uh the flange on the yolk on the rear IDE was all smashed up and the piece that kind of it's like a little tab there's two tabs where the u- joint goes in it kind of keeps it centered the one tab was broken off um but I put it on and I cranked the hell out of the bolts and um I just really just I was just trying to get in the track just to take some money home uh if you don't start the feature you don't get no money right so um at first I was like all right well if it if it lasts long enough to get to the lineup I was like I'll run a lap or two just to get money and then I'll pull off and then uh started like before the race I started feeling kind of comfortable with it a little bit and then of course when I hit the track I was like yep I'm staying on the track until this [ __ ] thing falls out so that's what I did uh I finished the whole race um but the car sucked it was bad um so I found out after that like I finished eighth but there was only like 11 cars that started or something like that um so I watched a video when I got home and I immediately could tell that like the car wasn't hiking like the car wasn't doing anything it it looked flat like it was was wasn't doing nothing it was embarrassing to watch um and then I found out uh that my upper a ARS in the front I didn't have any spacers on them and I didn't I didn't know you had to have spacers um they're completely a different style of Ray arm than what I ran on my other cars so I didn't know I just put them on and um it uh was causing combined um basically wouldn't allow the upper control arms to Pivot right here we go so uh it's not even centered but any maybe there's another picture here uh nope so it wasn't it wasn't allowing because there was no spacers first of all the bolts loosened up and that was a problem uh a huge problem but uh it was already a pretty dickered situation from the beginning because when it would pivot the upper control arm wouldn't be able to Pivot because it was hitting the frame so right like right here is the shaft for the upper control arm and right here is a piece that bolts do in a car and the ends of it on this side was like rubbing so it wouldn't allow the upper control arm to Pivot and uh so it caused a a bind so it wasn't getting over in right front which caused it not to get over in right rear and it was just not letting anything happen and then also I wasn't really running much droop and um so the car wasn't hiking to begin with because of the bind but then on top of everything like it couldn't really come up much anyway so um after that race I went to work and played around with a setup and I fixed the bind in the right front and um uh I added some droop right there is a good picture actually this piece of the control arm was hitting the frame piece and it was causing a bind so anyway uh through everything but the kitchen sink at the car basically that whole week this whole past week actually and um I wasn't going to race uh this pack last Friday like a couple days ago and then Thursday rolled around and I was like you know what I'm I'm going to try and race so I had uh my daughter Daytona the 14-year-old she she's in cheerlead right so um she had a game and I wanted to go to it and racing wasn't even like a question really uh at all because of the game and um I really only ever do series races right so I just went the past week and it was a non-series race and the a couple days ago Friday this past Friday was another non-series race and I was like I really want to figure out if the car is going to handle right so I asked around to see what like what when the inkas ran um cuz I know they like rotate every week they rotate forward or backward but I couldn't remember if it was forward or backwards so the previous week we ran fourth or fifth I think I don't remember which but uh we were second to last um so I guess we were Fifth and I couldn't remember if it rotated forward or backwards at that track so I asked round apparently it rotated in the correct direction so in order for me to even have a chance of racing the feature uh we had to run last because Daytona's game wasn't going to be over till at least 9 9:30 so if I ran any sooner than I did like I wasn't even going to try to go because I didn't want to do all that like what I ended up doing was I took I got out of work I got out of work late took the car to the track my dad and my friend Connor unloaded the car and prepped it and everything I told my dad I was like if I'm not back in time for the future like I need you to bring your suit and your gloves and helmet and everything and I was like I want you to run the fature if I can't do it cuz um I wanted data right I wanted a video I wanted to see what the car was going to do regardless if I was in on in the car or not I wanted to see what the car was going to do so anyway went to her game uh I had Connor drive my MS Outlander so that way once I got the track and dump the car off and the truck off and in the pits I could just hop in my other car and take off to the football game so that's what I did me and Camber went to the football game we watched the football game and then Daytona came back with me that night and we went the three of us me camber Daytona hauled ass to the racetrack and we get there and uh my dad was in the car getting ready to go out on the track cuz the feature right before us was out on the track so I get there I'm like Dad I'm here I'm going to get my suit on stay in the car for now uh cuz I didn't know like what lap they were on or nothing in in that feature that was on a track when I got there so I got my suit on I got my helmet and all that stuff around my dad climbed out I climbed in and I had just enough time to put my seat bels on and get my stuff ready and then I had to immediately drive to the lineup and by the time I got the lineup we were already going right out the the track so anyway got out on the track um took the green flag and uh there was a caution immediately or no that was a previous week uh we ran like a lap and a half and uh my dry sh broke again um this time it was the other end like the transmission side it was a U joint but it was on the transmission side this time so uh the drive shaft stayed in the car cuz it was still connected to the r um so I didn't really know like I've dropped enough driv sh have to know what it sounds like but uh this one was a little bit different um it sounded like a drive shaft but then it kind of like I couldn't go nowhere at first and then started slowing down and then like I'm a racer so like I didn't want to give up right so when I was coming to a stop I put it in gear again and it it went and I was like that's weird uh what what the hell so then it went a little bit and then it stopped again and then I noticed like I was going to try again but the the clutch wasn't like it was rock hard I was like that's weird so anyway they pushed me out the track we quickly seen that that the the drve shaft broke again um and then blow up the car came home and uh the next day I was looking at the car and I noticed that the bell housing bolts were some of them were missing and most of there were the ones that were there were loose so I picked up like I grabbed the bell housing and I like I could move it I could physically move it so um I wasn't sure if the clutch thing was a transmission problem or if it was an engagement issue because of the bell housing being loose so I took transmission off took it apart I didn't really see nothing wrong with it but I don't know nothing about Transmissions really so right now it's back on back together but I am waiting on uh another U joint and I had to order a new slip yolk because the uh slip yolk was pretty sticker it up and it's not really usable so I had to order a new slip yolk that [ __ ] should be here Tuesday I think but uh hoping the transmission is fine I don't I think it's fine it it makes sense in my head why it it wouldn't go into gear it was like it was partially in high gear when you're in high gear you hit the clutch pedal and it doesn't do nothing CU it's direct drive um it's just like Rock Solid so anyway um but yeah the first week so sucked but I finished the race second week the car felt amazing the for the lap and a half that was out there um I felt really good and it hiked I you know as soon as I uh not as soon as I got out of the car but before we even left to go home I looked at the video I was like okay thank God it felt great like it really felt really good um yeah so I think the setup and everything is fine I think the car is is where it needs to be or at least close to it and then from here we can just keep adjusting so we'll go back through here and um watch the videos um so this is from the 16th this is when the car drove like [ __ ] but uh it wasn't hiking or nothing um this is remember the drive sha fell off right and I put it back on and I did not expect it to lasts more than a couple laps um I was gonna kind of take it easy at first but then once we went green I was like I I did a lap or two kind of easy and then from there I was like okay I got you know the car is getting money right so I started the race um and it felt fine it didn't feel like it was shaking or nothing like that so I just kept kind of kept going with it so here I am all the way back here um just kind of you know all I want to do is take the green flag right and then first corner there's a wreck and I took the green flag so I I was like okay cool like I started the race I am I'm going to get money but we didn't I I didn't know if I was going to get screwed because I took the green flag but I didn't like do a appp right so I I wanted to stay on track uh so I stayed on the track and there was a couple other racks and I got I got caught up in one a pretty big water the front end up you'll see but um yeah the car is like really flat it's not doing nothing didn't have any grip all these other cars are like when they're on a throttle you know they're they're hiking up in the air the left rear is up and my car wasn't doing that it wasn't doing nothing so I'm just kind of riding around and uh you know from inside the car I couldn't tell like that the car wasn't hiking up I literally didn't know until I got home that night and watched the videos and immediately I was like what the [ __ ] like what the hell um so it made sense why the car felt like it did um it was pretty bad so towards the end of the race um the track was really wet um all night long and I liked that because anytime there's no grip it it puts all in the driver's hands and uh or more in the driver's hands I should say so I told everybody before I went out track I was like if I just ride around I probably get I'm probably going to get a decent position if if you know as long as the drive sh don't fall out I was like most of these guys are probably going to be [ __ ] half spinning out every corner be stacking up and spinning out and Wrecking and uh that's exactly what happened right you know just this wasn't just one person there was so many people doing it and I knew it was going to happen cuz the track was slippery um and and it was raining too it rained for like an hour before I even got out the track it was like just a light drizzle they kept racing all night but um so that's even even more moisture and it's going to add to the slippery condition so uh it sucks that the car wasn't you know working right cuz man if it was slippery conditions like that I I feel like I could have done pretty decent um but yeah so I finished eighth I got some front end damage from that wreck earlier um also because of how slippery it was and how wet it was uh I kept getting a lot of mud on my visor and I don't know how many tear offs I started with but I never really used tear offs much in my career like I would just I just didn't really have to cuz the I was always on tracks that was like kind of dry right so um I didn't uh really even think about putting more tear offs on just in case but I ran out tear offs at by you know it's like 10 to go or something like that or over that and uh I just kept taking tear offs off and uh finally I got to my bear my bear visor and then I couldn't see [ __ ] I'm trying to wipe it away and it's just smearing so I finally just kind of gave up a little bit um and stopped Racing for the most part um but it kept doing some weird [ __ ] like right here see how I got loose right there off off of two so the car was inconsistent one lap it would be okay or one corner be okay and the next lap it' be like just a four wheel slide straight up the track and I think it was because of that right front it was bound up initially and then the bolts loosened up so then it just was a disaster and there's no traction anywhere um so yeah it now like knowing what happened it all the [ __ ] makes sense cuz the whole time I was like what in the hell could possibly I thought it was I thought the rain picked up because that's how little traction I had it literally felt like four flat tires like I was on Ice um I just going in a corner it would just go four-wheel straight up in the air or four-wheel slide straight up straight up the track but uh everybody else was still going at their normal pace so I was like well if it was raining it would be affecting everybody um but it was just affecting me so it's cuz the right front was all dickered up so anyway finished eighth um again there's only like 11 cars or whatever uh so I wanted to go to the track this past Friday because I the next race at the next series race is at the hill which is on the 30th um and I wanted to make sure that the car was good right like I wanted to make sure there was no other issues I want to make sure the car handled right and hiked up in a and I I wanted to do this test at a non-series Race So that way I'd be ready by the series race and I would if I wasn't if the car wasn't good still I could make some more adjustments to have a better shot of having a car handle decent for the series race so um I was able to do the you know the football game and be and race the other night was pretty cool it's like Kyle lson right like KY Kyle ARS when he did the double when he did any 500 then he flew over to Charlotte do the 600 um it didn't quite work out for him either um I don't even know if he sat in a car um but by the time he got there he got there late and then um you know rain came and uh he didn't even get the Run of lap so it's kind of shitty for me you know I did all that and I do a lap in half and then I lose the drive shaft again so but if I didn't go and I didn't race that would have happened to at the series race so I'm glad I went I was glad that uh we ran last to where I even had a shot cuz I like I said I just barely showed up in time after the game so um but I wanted data and I got data car handled really good and uh hiked up and everything so it's this is a 46 second video if that tells you anything um not much drive time here you can see it's hiking up a lot more I felt more in control I felt like it was didn't really have to drive the car that much compared to last week I was like sawing back and forth on a wheel left and right last week right here's where the drive shaft lets go um but uh completely different car I felt like a completely different car um I think I'm going to add some more droop to it get even more hike more rear steer but I I think we're we're getting really close I really wanted to see where I would have ended up the other night cuz the car was really good I think only five cars finished and this guy back here at the back he ended up finished it second and this one right here right there sorry uh the orangish orange and white car on the inside of me there he finished second and I walked right past him um we were all bunched up though right so it's hard to tell like we couldn't really go nowhere but I just wish I would have been able to see like how I would have stacked up everybody else especially with everybody else wrecking out or whatever happened only five cars finish at the end like you know but uh only a lap and a half but I learned a lot got a lot of data I have a lot of questions answered and going into the series R I feel much more confident so I got uh a yolk coming um from Speedway cuz again the yolk the ear where the where the U joints caps go in or like Ed out and beat up pretty bad so I had to order new new yolk I ordered I already had another ujoint but I ordered another one just in case um so that stuff's supposed to be here Tuesday hopefully the transmission's fine I think think it is but uh we'll be ready for 30th for Series race so I'm super stoked finally glad to be on the track um I can't tell you how much how many hours and [ __ ] I've been slaving away in the garage and [ __ ] the last month just to get to this point um but uh yeah I'm going to try and do this I would have done a video after the first race that I did to year but I was K like all the time was being spent in the garage and I had to work all week and uh I had camber last weekend and there a lot of stuff I had camber this weekend too but it's just a lot of late nights in the garage getting home from work and staying up to the you know staying up till 11:00 midnight then waking up at 4 o'clock to go to work next morning kind of sucks um I didn't really have much time to uh make a podcast video but should be a little bit better now more time I don't have as much work to do this week I mean I got to put the drive shaft back in stuff like that but I don't have to like kill myself in a garage trying to do setup things or whatever or make a bunch of other fixes so hopefully uh this upcoming Friday for Series race um goes a lot better than driv chea stays in we if we could have just one race where the drive shaft will stay in it' be nice um I think uh I think we're going to be able to to have a good rest of the year um got a good car I I have really not many excuses the car is supposed to be decent right so I just got to work these bugs out and hopefully uh things work themselves out um yeah so after after this next series race here I'll do another video and hopefully have some better news for you guys but thanks for watching guys and uh we'll catch you on the next one

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