Oddity (Sub ITA)- 2024- Full Movie

e e re r [Music] the [Music] love what do you think you're doing get back inside what Dr timus well hello Dr timus is Mrs timus here I thought you were staying at the house tonight I am that's where I'm calling you from I found a signal where upstairs at the uh end of the walkway are you still staying out there tonight yeah I'm going to drive into the village in a little while for some dinner and then I'm just going to keep at it until I get tired really okay well don't work too late oh um maybe we can invite my sister for dinner tomorrow evening kind of worried about her oh Darcy can take care of herself she's meant to have regular checkups and she just gets mad when I ask her don't you want me to ask I am a doctor would you yeah of course I can be the villain well you're my hero I better get back to it here I'll see you in the morning okay I love you love you come on let's stretch our legs shall we hello you've reached darc please leave a message after the beep hey guess what we are [Applause] connected for for for could you open the door what do you want you're in trouble I saw you come out of the house just now you went to the car to get something you left this door open behind you somebody went inside what I saw you go to your car and you left the door open somebody slipped inside they're in there now I didn't see anyone I know that your back was turned what are you doing standing outside my house my husband's going to be back any minute Dr Tim works nights oh um are you a a patient of do TS I heard them in the wall and I came here and I saw someone would you just open the door I'm trying to help you is there someone here they're not going to answer you is there someone in here there's nobody in here except me and and you've made a mistake and i' uh I'd really like you to leave now please if you don't I'm going to call the police yeah okay yeah called them called them well I I I can't find my phone it was in my car do you have a phone [Music] do you do you really think you saw someone I am telling you that there is someone in there with you if I open the door what are you going to do I I I'll look around if you don't see anyone I leave yeah good [Music] you never knew how it would now know now know now you know now that you Dr f [Music] m for [Music] you can look around but please don't touch anything if you see something you like just let me know and if you're thinking of stealing something you should know that every item in here is cursed curses are lifted at the time of purchase cursed that's right does that really deter anyone from shoplifting apart from the superstitious you'd be surprised how many stolen items are returned to me for those lucky enough to figure out where their sudden bad luck is coming from your mother would have been proud of you Darcy t it's been a while Ted I know I'm sorry I been trying to settle back into things how's business it's good what were you doing there you seem very focused on that oh this is a one of the more interesting items that has been brought to the store in quite a while oh yeah interesting how well it's it's haunted really what do you mean there was a man not a very pleasant one who spent most of his life working as a bell boy in a hotel and one night he was showing a drunk guest to his room and the guest shoved him down the stairs and and he broke his neck and he died in the fall and a few days later the receptionist rang the bell to summon the new bell boy only who did she see running towards her not looking very happy are you telling me that if you ring that Bell a dead bell boy will come running bring it let's see what happens it's not something to be played with Ted seeing as the last two people who rang this Bell were found dead okay Danny used to say that one of her goals was to open that closed mind of yours she tried I'm a doctor science and logic okay I have something for you Darcy Dean Barrett died last week heart attack how do I know that name he was in the halfway house with ol bull the night he was killed they found it clearing out his belongings [Music] you found it it's here I have it here in my hand that's it that's all that's left of him my impulse was to crush it under my shoe but then I remembered he wanted it he should never have been discharged judged he was dangerous I should have seen it it wasn't your fault T why do you want it he took my sister's life I want to see what was going through his mind when he was dying was there any regret or was there only fear thank you you're welcome I should get going maybe you could visit some night for a bite to eat it'll be a year next week and I feel like talking about her yeah yeah I'd like that um maybe in a week or two though we're still trying to get settled in at the house make it a bit more habitable we y my girlfriend you've met someone already I knew Jana from the hospital she's a pharmaceutical rep there when Danny died she was there for me um maybe you could come and visit us if you think you're ready to go back out there maybe it's good to see you Dary goodbye message received 11 months 3 weeks one day ago hey guess what we are connected I found a signal now it's not ideal it's only in one exact spot but uh maybe we can boost the signal I don't know I don't know how those things work I put the camera on a time lapse like he suggested but so far all I've captured are orbs I'd have thought an old house like this would have at least one ghost roaming around but maybe the renovation work scared them off Ted's working hard all the time he's off tomorrow night so the three of us could have dinner if you like and uh that's about it here I'm looking forward to seeing you I miss you okay see you then [Music] [Music] w [Music] bringing with them rain Andy e winds Nightfall will see the high possib poweres in more exposed rural areas of the Southwest provid have suches hey how was your day long you look tired well I didn't sleep last night oh no I keep telling you I don't sleep when I'm here alone and because you're still working nights I'm here alone all the time I know Dr crot is going to retire soon and then I'll have regular hours new camera I found her clearing out the story the other day it's your wife's that was Danny's there's a lot of photos of the two of you I don't know if you want to keep it no sorry it's okay Ted it would be weird if you didn't want to keep some memory of her okay okay yeah maybe you could store it somewhere safe for a while take a look at these photos I took what am I looking at look at this one you don't see her who well it's Danny's camera that's going to be pictures up on here I took these two nights ago well then it's double exposure or whatever you call it okay last night when I was going to bed [Music] yeah I have to listen to crazy things all night at work I don't need to hear it when I come home don't call me crazy I'm just telling you what I saw Danny's ghost no no obviously not but clearly the lack of sleep is starting to affect me which is why I want us to move back to my apartment until you start working regular ders fine that'll make you happy I don't like leaving you out here on your own either then we're all good but just to be clear my dead wife is not haunting this house I know I'm sorry you sound like her sister with ghosts and nonsense speaking of her sister it came today while you were asleep Danny's sister sent it what's in it I don't know it's lock maybe she's inside it no she's outside what what she doing again [Applause] Dy hello Ted I'd forgotten how far out this place is um come in maybe you could guide me step here thank you you Darcy this is Jana Jana darc it's it's nice to meet you hello thank you for having me well if I had known you were calling I would have been ready Ted didn't mention he invited me uh well to be honest I said know you were coming either when did I invite you last week when you came to the store you said I should visit on Danny's anniversary oh I okay I'm sorry if I said that I meant we'd arrange a night when we' both be home are you not home now well uh no I I'm on my way to work and Y is staying in the city tonight I'm here now can you call in sick no I have people counting on me we're short staffed as it is and I've got plans in the sshi so I'm so sorry Dary I can I can drop you off of my way I'm here now I'd like to stay if that's all right but we won't be here that's all right well I fine yeah I suppose that'd be fine oh your trunk arrived what's in it I'll see if we have some extra blankets have I seen this before it was my mother's and you want me to have it yes you sure I mean if it was your mom's she would be happy to know I sent it here well thank you that's very very generous can you show me where the bathroom is please of course thank you yeah sorry again for the mixup I feel bad leaving you here on your own will you be all right don't worry about me well you know I do sometimes think I've inherited it from Danny how is everything with your health why no you seem good it's just anything with the brain and cancer it's something to keep a close eye on I had a check up recently and all good good good that puts my mind at ease okay we're here I'll see you in the morning yes I I'll see you then was are you doing telling her she can stay I don't want her here what do you want me to do it's not my fault she can't take a hint is it okay leaving her here on her own well I'd rather you stayed here with her but I get the feeling that's not going to happen so it's not well there you are then she she says she just wants to be here so what's the harm and what the [ __ ] is that thing why would you want us to have that I have no idea we'll get rid of it as soon as she's gone I have to go can you not wait until I leave I'm already late just say goodbye finish packing and go I'll see you in the morning did you know the traditional gift to give a couple on their fifth wedding anniversary is something made of wood Ted and I aren't married for my parents fifth wedding anniversary a witch my mother knew gave her that it's very rare well Ted and I aren't married yet so maybe you should take a back don't you like it no I find it a bizarre present to give to someone [Music] for [Music] okay I am leaving but Tad will be back the morning I'm a little hungry maybe you could make me something eat before you leave uh well there's a fridge why did you take him out of the box I didn't okay yeah so the fridge is straight down to your right will you be able to find us I'll find us good night what did I do with my keys have you seen my keys did you find them would I be back here if I had I can't find them so you're staying then well I'm hardly walking back to the city am I wonderful I was hoping the three of us could spend some time together we haven't gotten around building the kitchen yet we don't really keep a lot of food here if I'd known you you were coming how long have you and Ted known each other 2 years we met at the hospital you were a patient there I'm a senior sales repap for a major pharmaceutical company I travel around a lot of healthc care facilities that's how I met out and you became friends we just find that we had a lot in common so there was nothing going on between you two when my sister was still alive no we were just friends okay Ted said you work in an antique store it was my mother's she gave it to me after she passed but it's not my main source of income I also read objects what does that mean it means I can pick up an object and tell you everything there is to know about it like appraisals people bring me their family heirlooms but it's more a widow recently brought me in her deceased husband's wedding ring she wished to know had he ever been unfaithful in their marriage he had been for years repeatedly how could you tell that from his wedding ring by holding it you could tell that this guy was cheating on his wife by holding his wedding ring yes well that's impossible so you're psychic personal items work best watches Rings anything that has been in close contact with the skin well if you can make a living from that more power to you do you mind staying out here alone at night when Ted's working can't say I enjoy it why not well I suppose I think of what happened to your sister here and yeah just the thought of another one of Tad's patients showing up the front door here when I'm alone is just and if one were to knock at the door would you allow them in of course not do I look stupid I have no idea what you look like you sound stupid excuse me do I look stupid no my sister and I were identical so that must mean that she didn't look stupid either I never said she did you employed it Danny would never allow a strange man into her home in the middle of the night Olan bu did not kill my sister I can't I can't I'm sorry maybe maybe um maybe they heard me and scared them away all right I'll go into town I'll call the police and you just stand here by the door keep your eyes open if you hear anything you pull this door open and you run hey hey are you still there for [Music] what I [Music] you [Music] Chad tell me that guy was put away for beating his mother to death an abusive woman who had already blinded him in one eye and was coming for the other if I had only one working eye I I kill to protect it if he didn't kill your sister who did did you fall out of bed were you praying couldn't sleep that's not what I asked yeah what were you praying for for my mother what's your name Olen bu Olen Olin is that what an A or an i an i how do you spell that with one I or two one that'll be easy to remember well you won't have to remember it because I've been released next week oh so you're only passing through from the area the halfway house won't be available until next week where were you before this St elas how long were you there 17 years oh you're the fellow who beat his mother to death what the [ __ ] are they doing letting someone like you back out into the world not going to hurt anybody get back into the bed don't let me catch you out of it again [Music] and how is it you're the only one that knows [Music] [Music] this personal items work best you ever been to kamicon no it's where the boy school was where I grew up it's all overgrown now there's nothing left of it about 10 years ago someone put up a metal cross to Mark the Spot I like to head down there once a year and I twist that cross round and round till it snaps off they keep replacing it and I keep breaking it I was thinking of heading out there this weekend would you like to come it's a lovely drive we could make a day of it no I don't uh no I try to catch up on sleep on the weekends spend time with Y sister Francis is buried out there that blind nun I told you about she used to tell us little boys she went blind after God showed her what hell looked like imagine that which reminds me you never told me your wife had a blind twin what you never told me your wife had a blind twin sister how do you know that well I was in town the other day and wandered into this little antique shop and I nearly had a heart attack when I saw your dead wife sitting there but with her weird eyes and everything I thought I was seeing her ghost Look Tonight six check me hello I'm stuck out of the house I can't find my car keys I've looked everywhere where's Darcy we were talking and she fell asleep she's saying some weird things to me Dad what's she saying well first of all she told me how she was psychic and the next thing you know she pulls out a glass eye she says belongs to the man that killed your wife only she says he didn't kill your wife she says it's that creepy orderly work with Ivan she said what she said that Ivan killed Danny what did she say exactly that exactly what I'm telling you there's something going on there she's clearly not well I'm going to talk to her and see if she'll agree to get checked out I don't want to stay here with her T I'm thinking about about calling someone to pick me up and you've looked everywhere for your keys for all I know she took them and she's asking a lot of questions about when you and I got together it has me on edge she's not going to do anything and even if she wanted to I think you could handle one small blind woman just say good night go to bed and lock the door I'm going to make some calls see if I can get out of here do cuz she's freaking me out with all this stuff how does she even know Ian I don't know I'll be there as quick as I can is [Music] [ __ ] for for for [Music] put them back what is this put them all back now good night [Music] [Music] for what what for [Music] [Music] this is Danny timus coming at you from the Wilds of our unfurnished sitting room we've set up a little tent here downstairs instead of going back to the city and I find it kind of cozy and romantic what do you think Ted it's [ __ ] freezing one show us your face let's see how uh happy you [Laughter] look a this is Danny Tim coming at you from the Wilds of our unfurnished sitting room we've set up at the tent here downstairs instead of going back to the city and I find it kind of coy and romantic what do you think Ted run run [Music] [Music] Darcy Dary there is there [Music] someone [Music] [Music] [Music] for for [Music] for for Dary what are you doing up here Yan's not answering her phone where is she Danny fr frightened her off she always was the more level headed J called me earlier she said you told her a man that works at the hospital with me killed Danny yes Porter named Ivan do you know who I'm talking about there is an orderly that works with me called that's it ol bu killed Danny the week he was released he came out here and he killed her he came out here to save her and I dragged him from his bed and I killed him I'm going to pay for that Darcy there's something affecting your thinking Dany told me what you were like when you were ill seeing and hearing things that weren't there believing things that weren't real this is not real why don't you come with me to the hospital on the range of scan and we can see what's going on to the hospital where you'll have me committed no you know I loved your sister so I owe it to her to help you yes I could have you committed if I thought you were a danger to yourself or to someone else I am a danger to Ian so if you're going to send someone out here to get me send him where is is coming from Ivan and Danny never even met why would he kill her because you asked him to excuse [Music] me I don't love you anymore I've met someone else I'm sorry that was all you had to say she would have cried and it would have been difficult but I would have been there and she would have gotten over you but instead you had Ivan come here and kill [Music] her so she'll be at the house on Friday yes why don't you just divorce her she loves me she'll never get over me when she finds out about Jana there's no way we'll get to keep the house and I have sunk everything into that place this is the only way why don't you wait until the place is furnished then it could look like a robbery turned violent no no it'll be cleaner this way especially if you can do it when she's inside the tent try to do it when she's sleeping what if the motive was sexual it happens all the time the adrenaline kicks in you have your hand on their throat no no nothing like that is to happen I wanted to be quick and painless but let's just say it happens to go that way nothing like that is to happen to her do you understand me you just go in there you do it and you get out of there as quickly as possible I mean it I don't want to hurt just dead I had planned to kill you but instead I think it would be worse to expose [Music] you I'm going to see to it that you lose everything your girlfriend your job this house your freedom detective Peter minan he was the police officer in charge of Danny's case yes do you remember him yes you trust him yes okay good let's start there let's call him and you can tell him everything that you've just told me and see what his reaction is he'll tell you it was Olan that killed your sister and he'll walk you through the evidence again you know if you're still not happy then have him go question Ivan come on let's call him you call him you tell him what you did and then call Ivan and send him out out here so I can kill him I don't have his number here uh I'm going to leave my phone here where there's signal I'm going to go back to the office and I'm going to call detective minan and tell him to call you here all right if you don't answer I'll tell him to come out here and talk to you in person but please when the phone rings pick it up for I had planned to kill you but instead I think it would be worse to expose you I'm going to see to it that you lose everything when the phone rings pick it up [Music] [Music] hey do you said you didn't talk to her what do you mean Danny's sister Darcy he said he didn't speak to her I didn't well you spoke to someone because we have a problem for for yes I found your phone and it's broken seems like it had a fall just like you thought is is it still working for now but I don't think it can be fixed are you sure it's beyond [Music] repair hey don't worry it's nearly over wa are connected [Music] [Music] oh for for [Music] sh [Music] oh [Music] a [Music] [Music] pleas [Applause] a [Music] where were you why am I here what's this about based on your prior convictions and my recommendation it was decided that this was the best place for you until you were in a fit state to talk your recommendation what happened at the house someone attacked me who I couldn't see it was dark Darcy sent us this bizarre gift of a large wooden man when you woke up you told the nurse that a man made of wood came to life and attacked you yes would you mean yes that's what happened if that thing was alive how is it that I was able to drag it outside side and burn it without it struggling or screaming in pain when I set it on fire you burnt it it burnt down quietly to a pile of Ash the nurse also said that you requested a priest and that you asked her not to tell me that why do you want to see a priest why do you want to see a priest I want to confess confess to what to all the things I've done oh you've done a lot of things Ivan you tell a priest just one of the things you've done and he'll either convince you to go to the police or go there himself you'll spend the rest of your life in prison it's better than forever in hell there's no such thing as forever and no such place as hell I won't tell them anything about you I'll tell them I killed your wife because I wanted to people will question how I failed to recognize such an obvious psychopath why I discharged it early why I befriended it and employed it it'll make me look like I'm not very good at my job the one good thing about working in a place like this is that no one really asks any questions except on the rare occasion that one patient died violently at the hands of another but even then as I've always believed there's nothing that can't be explained no no please for [Applause] so I'm not sure what part of that you're not understanding if I don't return your cause it means I don't want to speak to you and if you think I'm ever going to set foot in that haunted I of yours again then you're [ __ ] crazier than your patience I mean the fact that you've no problem staying out there where two people have no di is just so weird do not call me again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for [Music] [Music] for for you never knew how it would feel to be left all alone now you know now you know now you know now that you're on your own you broke my heart now someone else has thrown Your Love in the sea now you know now you know now you know what you did to me while you're drying those [Music] teardrops praying your heart will [Music] heal think of the way it used to be with me when your love was real oh then come to me and I'll hold you close just like I used to do now you know now you know now you know [Music] that I still love you no you know now you know now you know that I still love [Music] you e [Music] e e e [Music]

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