Category: People & Blogs
Bayangin pensiun main bola cuma buat seru-seruan tapi tetap masuk nominasi balondor ya ini bukan mimpi ini tony cross bagaimana mungkin pemain yang udah pensiun masih bisa bersaing buat penghargaan pemain terbaik dunia ini pertama kalinya dalam sejarah nominasi balondor ada nama pemain yang sudah gantung... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Tick tocker caleb graves 35 tragically passed away after completing disneyland's halloween half marathon on september 8th amid extreme heat in his final tik tok posted a day before the race graves expressed concern about the soaring temperatures sharing his recent struggles with heat exhaustion block... Read more
Category: News & Politics
We are the underdog in this race and we have some hard work then ahead of us i call a comrade kamla because she's radical left she's a radical left marxist and that's what she is and she'll destroy our country 63 days here we go now both candidates from over the weekend want to show you a few things... Read more
Category: Gaming
Playstation just announced the new ps5 pro console which is built with a bigger gpu 4k resolution graphics with 60 fps and advanced rate tracing however with these upgrades in mind the ps5 pro will be costed at $700 and players will be able to purchase it on the 7th of november 2024 is it worth it let... Read more
Category: Sports
[applause] peterson's got it inside the five still driving for the touchdown peterson was not going to be stopped short this time 11 yards and a touchdown joe that's as good a run as you'll see better than anything we've seen already today and Read more
Category: People & Blogs
For 20 years they were fighting isis i defeated isis in four weeks i got rid of isis 100% 100% of the isis caliphate and we had no wars and we stopped wars we weren't getting along Read more
Category: Entertainment
Ya la tiene alan alan al área gol gol gol ecuatoriano en el valencia cómo no esto es rriba elevándose a las nubes metiendo el frentazo para llevarse por delante seguramente no solo al arquero peruano ecuador está ganando 1 a0 había sido más claro qué pelota desde la derecha ahí no más soltó la capa... Read more
Category: Sports
2024 ballondor nominated list is here jude bellingham ruben diaz phil foden federico valti milano martinez erling hen niiko williams granet shaka artm doic tony cruz venicius jr danny omo florian vers martin odard matz humel rodri harry kane dean rice vi co bmer dan carvajal lam yamal bukayo saka hakan... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Lái xe trời tối tài xế được fan hú hồn khi có một người nằm ngủ trên đám cỏ tài xế chia sẻ may mà lái xe với tốc độ chậm nếu đi nhanh thì không biết sẽ có chuyện gì xấu xảy ra [âm nhạc] Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Whoever he may be i kept every single promise i made to the workers of pennsylvania to every other place within our country on day one i withdrew from the unfair job killing transpacific partnership and if i didn't do that you wouldn't be open right now you wouldn't have a job that was a big thing it... Read more
Category: News & Politics
अगर आपका दिल कमजोर है तो यह वीडियो ना देखें नोएडा के डी पाच कोठी से 2006 में एक दिल दहला देने वाला मामला सामने आया करोड़पति मोनिंदर सिंह पंढेर के नौकर सुरेंद्र कोली ने करीब 17 मासूम बच्चों की बेरहमी से हत्या की वह बच्चों को बहला करर कोठी में लाता उनके साथ कुकर्म करता फिर गला घोटकर उनकी हत्या कर देता शवों के टुकड़े-टुकड़े कर नाले में फेंक देता कुछ टुकड़े पकाकर खाता भी था डेढ़ साल तक यह सिलसिला चला लेकिन किसी को भनक नहीं लगी आखिरकार दिसंबर... Read more
Category: Education
The real enemy of consistency isn't laziness it's your indecision you think you struggle with being consistent because you're lazy but that's not it the truth is you haven't decided what truly matters to you every time you waffle on your priorities you break your own momentum make a decision commit... Read more