Corbin Carroll’s TWO-HOME RUN NIGHT Powers Diamondbacks Past Mets

Intro well stop me if you've heard this from us before but guess what Corbin Carol is back [Applause] [Music] ski and welcome in to another edition of the phnx Dbacks podcast brought to you by our friends at bet 365 of course you know it's never ordinary bet 365 make sure to sign up use our code of bet 365 or phnx 365 when you do choose your offer and find out once again why it's never ordinary over there at bet 365 and of course it is never ordinary watching an Arizona Diamondbacks game or a Corbin Carrol season I guess uh Damon what the hell did we just witness tonight of course welcome in phnx Dbacks my name is Derek montia occasionally known as the right and probably forever mayor of phnx this man next to me is the people's producer himself Damon dog and uh holy [ __ ] Corbin Carroll is back yeah I mean we've been waiting for it all season I think Derek with like we the guy we kept likening it to right is uh is is jrod on the Mariners he had a really really bad sophomore season he was slumping yeah worse than Corbin probably even was and then just went on a tear where he was the best hitter in baseball for a month two months straight to end the Year hope that looks like what we're seeing with Corbin Carroll right now to be honest with you it's crazy uh Diamondbacks win tonight by a score of eight to five of course uh they have just been very very good at baseball Damon very good at baseball improved to 76 and 57 their 21 wins since July 29th continues to lead MLB and uh since August 1 the Dbacks lead the majors with 2 such occurrences where they scored two plus runs or more in the sixth inning or later Diamondbacks did that tonight on Corbin Carroll's second career Grand Slam uh in his big two home run night this man uh just became if not already a Diamondbacks Legend a solidified Diamondbacks Legend he hit home runs number 16 and 17 tonight uh the Dbacks 28 games with two plus home runs or more are the most in major leag League Baseball this offense is the best offense in baseball Derek that's not surprising I feel like every offensive stat you you'll run down you would be like that's they're at the top or they're top five I mean that's especially especially since July right especially since of July right like July 7th that is a very important date that we bring up quite often around here but it felt like a pivotal time where a lot of things Chang for the Diamondbacks a lot of things Chang for Gino and Corbin Corbin has 14 home runs now since July 7th D future bet of Corbin Carroll hitting what was it 22 and a half over 22 and a half home runs right it was dead it was dead in June we got through a month of June where he did not hit a single home run and it was a dead bet but here we are I want it out of my face right yeah because it's there every day every time you open up the app it's up there at the top it was and now I I have a new message Derek we want eight that's all we care about we're on to the next one on to the next one we get 16 we get 17 and we go on to the next one uh his home run in the fourth inning was his longest career home run at Chase Field uh and the second longest of his career that very very hard hit ball went 440 feet Corbin is back Corbin's back he's Swinging with one hand he's doing the thing he's his eyes light up when he like you're looking at the replay in slow motion his eyes absolutely absolutely lit up at that ball that he hit off of Edwin Diaz Edwin Diaz had absolutely nothing for the Arizona Diamondbacks talked about a waste of 19.7 million that man came into the [ __ ] ball game and stunk up the joint man yeah I mean Edwin Diaz was not good he was all over the place for the you know the first part of the of the inning uh got some walks the Diamondbacks got a lot of people on base and then Corbin is just the the the baseball is a is a volleyball right now it looks huge right like it didn't even look like he even like connected with it that well he just he got really under it but he but he hit it so hard that it it just kept carrying and uh it feels I feel special again Corbin Carrol is back in my life in MVP form and uh this this is everything I I'd ever dreamed of the entire season you have these nights where you just can't sleep you know and you don't really know why your mind is racing you're sitting there in bed you're like why why what what is wrong with me and it's nothing is there nothing wrong with you it's what was wrong with Corbin Caroll that's what your mind was focused on what is wrong with our corbs and how can we get him right you know and of course this was uh this was this is just a big night for Corbin Carroll big night for this team uh things you know of course they went up early jock Peterson uh who had a tremendous walk where he uh feigned bunting a couple of times got on base which was tremendous to see he had a big smile on his face after that he hit a home run in this one his two home run in the third was his 21st of the Season he helped put the Diamondbacks up more their first uh run of the game came from a Luis skor incredible at bat where he just battled in that at bat and got the Diamondbacks first run there in the second inning but uh the Mets battled back Eduardo Rodriguez I don't know what happen I don't know what happens in these terrible fifth Innings against the Mets this is a bro right where [ __ ] just fell apart for for the Diamondbacks Eduardo Rodriguez he was cruising he threw his fast ball and his change up well he was getting got eight whips he did not allow a hit or a base runner through the first four Innings but then when he got into that fifth inning things just fell apart yeah with I was when I was watching the game what I was thinking was like I feel like we're not we shouldn't be in an Eduardo Rodriguez start and and when he has zero runs given up and be like this is a gem that he's going to throw because I don't think he's that guy really I think he's kind of the guy who's going to give up three four pretty much every game but he's gonna keep it you in the baseball game every single game like that's what they signed him for he's not gonna I don't think he's that that high-end stuff kind of guy um I don't know Zach Zack here might be on to something he says it's because Steve said he was throwing a perfect game well Steve loves it but to be fair Steve also brought up the grand slams leading leading baseball gr slams when uh Corbin walked up to the plate so he set that moment up pretty well and I was during the time I was ready to crucify him for it but he got it right so you know Pops to Steve on that one great question from Tyler herd known Troublemaker Tyler says why is Derrick not at the Ballpark with Jesse uh well because there were already people demanding that we start this show do I need to go through some of those early messages that maybe you guys don't think we see but I totally saw where you guys are like get the show on the road let's get going do you know how long it would take to start do you know how long it takes for Jesse to be here that wouldn't even be when we would start I don't even know when we would get our [ __ ] together if somebody wasn't here already getting the show going but big thought we start started late today if D was at the Ballpark with Jesse you we'd be getting postgame shows until like 12 a every single You' be you'd be mid midnight it would be the earliest you would see us around here but uh you know again uh there were a lot of very encouraging things about yod start tonight five in uh third Innings pitch five hits five earned runs that all came there in that fifth inning uh one walk uh five five strikeouts for him so not a pretty line not a great outing but he looked great for a considerable portion of it he really did yeah I mean he he really he he I think he's a great pitcher like I I it's so much better than what we had at the beginning of the Season where we were like maybe Slade can give us a good start here or there yeah yeah like Tommy Henry what do you say big guy but you know now we like if if Rod's going to go out there every game and give it give you a a solid outing a six Innings pitch three runs given up like it's hard to ask much more out of your you know three four starter and uh and I'm happy with that kind of performance I know it kind of fell apart but I still I kind of think Tor sh taking him out before the sixth inning there before he let it become a 54 game I I he clearly lost lost it the inning before and I was like that's enough of of rrod tonight but T kept him out there we lost the lead and then the bullpen shut it down the bullpen absolutely shut it down three and twoth thirds Innings pitch scoreless and I they can just just continue to do it uh I mean GLE came in and he was huge uh trying to get out of that inning uh he allowed one not two strikeouts in an inning and two thirds Innings pitched Ryan Thompson gets uh one hit one strike out and his inning pitched uh and then J Mark comes in and closes things out with his one inning pitch and one strikeout so I mean this was this was just another Stellar performance by the bullpen that kept the Diamondbacks in it obviously you know a big part of the team being able to come back is that even when they were down they were down five to four right that's still a close game and you still mentally feel like you're within shouting distance of coming back and taking the lead back yourself they did that and uh Corbin Carroll again I mean I I don't know what to say about you know how good he's been but 14 home runs in you know July 7th so we're talking about a month and three weeks like that's just a wild amount of power from him considering you know that we're talking about two home runs prior to that you know yeah I mean this the stats insane like he he he was on like a a absolute stinker of a season if calling it like it is like it was it was the power numbers were just not there whatsoever and then he started to find his doubles and his triples back a little bit about halfway through the year but he still wasn't hitting the home runs and then now everything is is going over the wall for him so uh I mean if like what I was envisioning was if Corbin's gonna play like this at that mvp level we had him last season then when catel comes back and if he comes back you know firing like he like has been all season the Diamondbacks now have two of the best hitters in baseball in their lineup again and that doesn't include Christian Walker and Gabby Marino and guys like that as well so I mean I think this lineup could be it's already the best lineup in baseball you know throughout the season I think has or at least the NL has the most runs scored I it's with with catel coming back it could be you know extremely dangerous in the postseason uh our guy pie of Yoshi says Keith was crucifying ADC on the SNY feed I'm guess the tag for the tag at home that was a good throw by Lis we don't see that unreal throw by Lord best throw we've seen this season I would say and I'm I'm the most critical of anybody out out of this this you know debuck outfield's arm uh but like lordis has the the best arm in terms of power uh that's like quantifiable and but he's just really inaccurate and that was the most accurate throw he's had all year and ADC it was just kind of a lazy tag I feel like like if he stuck with that play the whole way that's a that's an easy out yeah maze Devil Is Right By the way J Mart with savior is very fitting I think um somebody else in the chat Michael Riki said can we talk about J Mart's entrance music electric it's electric and and very fitting message received jart uh because he has been the Savior right like I don't think Jesse asking the question at tor's press conference yesterday was out of line and I thought it was odd that Tori was so committed to saying that he's not ready Bullpen to name Justin Martinez the closer of this team when his actions clearly show that Justin Martinez is the closer of this team right like I get it because of the idea that especially as you get into the playoffs you know you you probably feel more comfortable with a veteran in there someone of Paul sea weld's caliber in there in that in in those moments but the reality is Paul sewald is not what he's been and J Mart is filthy that's the reality of the matter and J Mart is getting the experience now right where those big moments aren't closing in on him so much they're not so overwhelming for him and it feels like he's done a better job at handling those moments it I was I had the same reaction while I was watching where I was like why are we still doing this with the whole jart yeah seaw Wald situation at this point like Tori said yesterday what was it that his best Bullpen that he envisions for the Diamondbacks is Paul sewald closing games down in the ninth he said that yesterday I mean I I just don't understand how we could get at this point I brought it up to you yesterday after our postgame show because I heard that for the first time what benefit does that have for the Diamondbacks because in the current Justin Martinez is better than Paul Seawall projecting for the future Justin Martinez is better than Paul seaal so because Paul Seal's 34 years old Justin Martinez is 23 he just turned 23 yeah so I mean like there's it it makes no sense in in any regard for the future or for the current to to keep having seaw wal groomed for this role and it it just it's it's not something that that you know I like I just can't wrap my head around it at all no I mean and most people can't it's kind of like I feel like we keep having these discussions there's just these times where there is somebody that is supposed to be the guy in that role there's another player that is playing better than them outperforming them they are struggling and there's no reason why not to go with the guy that's performing better consistently it's not a small sample size any longer right you're looking at Justin Martinez's performances throughout the year you look at Ryan Nelson's uh Ryan Nelson's performance es over the last two months right these are two guys that absolutely played their way into earning that playing time it's not it's not just like a oh hey look at this one outing that he had that was incredible let's make this guy our closer no Justin Martinez uh is as Tori said he was the guy that everybody at the All-Star game was asking him about he's the guy that every manager and player comes up to him and speaks to him about like he's oddly this anomaly that everybody can recognize has some of the most incredible stuff they've ever seen out of a picture uh especially a 22 23 year old kid right yep and yet you know the hesitance is there to not just go with Justin Martinez now lips are moving but actions are something else right and Tori might say that he's not the closer it doesn't mean that he's not the closer and he's not coming in in high leverage situations in the ninth inning and shutting the game down so maybe it's a ploy by Tori to not overwhelm Justin Martinez you know maybe that title it might be something that might be a little too much maybe that's something that Tor feels like maybe that title is something too much for somebody of Justin Martinez's age to to handle because then that means you're the guy right like so I will give I I'll give Lolo credit for for one thing and that is managing young players right sure every young player that comes up from Triple A happens to have some sort of even if it's short stretch of just being incredible when they make their Major League debut right you have all of these guys that come up yilber Diaz Justin Martinez uh Adrien del Castillo right like there's something to be said about the fact that Tori knows how to at least handle the mentality of that adjustment that leap from being a minor Leaguer to making your debut and playing in Major League Baseball right and so I trust him there with that and there there might be something to that right of not officially naming him but still naming him that you know I like I see what you're saying and I I like I I hope that's the case but what my mind goes to automatically is well why then why is he saying the thing about how he envisions his perfect Bullpen or his best Bullpen down the line like there's no need to throw that part in there though there is there is that like it's almost a it's almost twofold right because on one hand you're not overwhelming Justin Martinez with the idea that he's the closer he's the guy and you're also inspiring a guy that you believe in still in Paul seaal and you're saying publicly that you believe in him and that you feel like he's going to one day come back to be in your closer role there ain't much time left right like I mean Paul sewald isn't the closer of the future Paul sewald most likely is a member of this team Beyond this season but that doesn't mean that that Tori doesn't want to try to get some sort of value out of Paul seaal between now and when he's no longer part of thisam right I I don't want to see Paul sewald in high leverage situations ever again for the rest of the season you say that but if he returns to being the poliy W that he was you do right like you just want to see that I age jart I'm I no that I agree with not over jart but that's not necessarily the only place where he could have value coming out of the bullpit right like like we we said it a little bit ear or someone said it in the chat earlier like you JM Mark comes in the game in the ninth inning and people are like oh [ __ ] that's the guy who throws a 100 miles per hour with a nasty splitter and like it just drops out of a seat and you don't know how to read that at all and then when when Paul sewald comes into the game in the ninth inning people go oh sweet 93 miles per hour 92 miles per hour up in the up in the zone two pitches that he throws like that's it's just a completely different mentality between the two guys one of them like puts fear into a hitter like a closer ideally show and Paul seaal just he doesn't have that and but that's not where Paul Seawall needs to have value necessarily right again you you you we we've already seen it from Tori where his his words say one thing but his actions yeah show something else right and at times uh I feel like he's managing more than just a baseball team he's managing like these things becoming bigger news stories and he's managing you know the clubhouse he's managing The Vibes right The Vibes are so good that's all we hear about this team it's the reason why right sometimes a good manager Damon as you know knows how to talk to people right a good manager isn't just a bad person that just makes you feel bad about yourself all the time and just always does that a good manager inspires you he makes you want to work harder for him he does not make you want to absolutely quit on him and tell him to go f himself right so that's the reason why Tori is a good manager and other people aren't right and so it's about handling people it's about knowing people and that's why Tori is beloved that's why people that play for Tori play their goddamn hearts out for him right so I mean and and that's we're seeing that this season this team has no quit in them especially lately and this was another one of those nights where they just didn't have they they didn't have the quit yeah I mean they they they didn't and they been doing that consistently down this stretch where they've been playing well where they've been winning a lot of games late how about paven the the patience from paven Smith to take a walk there Edwin Diaz coming in and and you know like that and kind of setting the tone setting the tone right for like of course Jerry walks because that's how it works yeah and then the second Jerry walked it was like okay Corbin Carrol is hitting a bomb and that's what happened that's what happened so all right well uh we have more from Chase Field for those of you that desire more of Jesse fredman we will have him join us here shortly of course uh but first we thank you guys so much for being here make sure you subscribe to the phnx sports YouTube channel if you have not subscribed to the channel yet do so now sign up for notifications that way you don't miss whenever we go live hit the like button of course that's for my self-esteem and a little bit for Damon for all of his hard work of course if you're listening on the audio podcasting side make sure you subscribe on your favorite uh audio podcast audio podcasting app blah I can't speak right now audio podcasting app uh and leave us a festar review even though I can't speak words uh sometimes also check out our friends at chicken and pickle by the way uh our friends at chicken and pickle are an incredible facility out there and Glendale you can sign up for our Cardinals tailgates that we're having out there at chicken and pickle Damon it's gonna be a good time it's going to be a good time right there in the right there in the shadow of of State Farm Stadium they're going to be giving away Pit Boss grills at every single one of those things Derek I'm not kidding I wish I was kidding because is this like a not like we can't win those because if I will be at everyone regardless but know that's exactly be there I was just about to say I wish I was kidding because it makes me jealous because I want to enter to win all of them but I can't because I work for this company and they said be totally off the table but I mean that's a lot of that's a lot of hit boss girls away yeah what have a pretty good shot if you go out there like like a pretty good shot at a very expensive Grill so I mean I would recommend it if you can if you can swing it highly highly also uh it's just a great place to go by the way uh we know that because we've had our pickle ball tournaments over there we also have a trivia night over there 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and find out why it's never ordinary at bet 365 must be 21 or over and physically located in Arizona if you're someone you know has a gambling problem and wants help call 1800 Next Step text next step to 53 342 or visit problem gambling. well um before we move on Damon I know we've had some FCC stuff or whatever do we have do you have any um yeah we actually did have a political ad we had to run political ads to run yeah unfortunately like I'm getting tired of these but they they do make really good points I think some of them are pretty informative let's see if this one is what do we got when it comes to the election for pH andx mayor there's only one real choice and that choice is in Greg Esposito but don't just take our word for it listen to the man himself you vote for my opponent Derek montia I I encourage you let's listen back to that one more time you vote for my opponent Derek montia I Espo vs. Derek I encourage you if he doesn't even trust himself to be the mayor of phnx why should you trust him espo he's not just radical he's dangerous and even he knows that he can't be allowed to win you vote for my opponent Derek montia I I encourage you ethical standards and PHX officials is responsible for the content of this advertising that's wild did not expect him to concede like that he said that I miss I must have missed that it was on today's pH andx Sun show where again another one of those ads aired something about his crazy conspiracy theories his tinfoil Hat Club I don't know uh espo is a crazy person so I really don't keep track of all of the insane things he says but whatever this group is they definitely have been keeping track and the Watchdogs of society Watchdogs of society the ethical what is it the ethical standards of phnx um officials H that's that's a that's a funny acronym that's a funny acronym well uh we need to move on now of course uh no no further Ado no further Ado most of the time we make him we we keep him in a little box and make him wait until the third segment but let's bring him in it's the trader himself Benedict Freeman uh Jesse here to allegedly be on my side for a little while and then he's going to turn around and side with espo I don't know but welcome in Jesse big night for Corbin Carrol big night for the montia campaign as well according to those attack ads but more importantly Corbin carrols to home run night uh just this this team can't stop coming back from behind nope you're muted yeah there's no no see this is the Esposito campaign just kind of personified right here just you know there we go now you got me much better much better all right I just wanted to start out by saying that you know based on on some of the some of the press that I'm seeing on on Espo's side I'm now leaning toward running as an independent um still a little bit undecided Derek maybe I will join your ticket and run as vice mayor that's that door's closed I already brought on Bradley uh it's montia Bradley 2024 I'm proud to stand with Archie uh and I look forward to my new vice mayor not stabbing me in the back at the first chance that he gets but that's crazy that's crazy he thought he could just jump back on just jump back after seeing some of the new information that's been released I mean there's a lot there are 500 more of those coming that's just the tip of the iceberg as far as those attack ads are going but uh Jesse what a night for Corbin Carroll two home runs including Corbin Carroll has never been more back his second career Grand Slam yeah I mean I I tweeted it out a little while ago Corbin Carroll hit two home runs in his first 87 games this year that is not a small sample size Derek 87 games is more than half of the Major League season and Corbin had had two home runs uh through 87 games I believe that runs through July the 6 at that point we were you know having conversations about whether Corbin would hit a single home run this season at home you know whether he would break double digits in home runs this season at that point it did not really seem like a guarantee that he would and now you look up and he has 17 homers on the season and he hit 25 last year like he very well at the pace he's going right now could wind up with 25 again this season I from the beginning of the year and in those in those early uh couple of months when when Corbin was really struggling felt that you know he he very well could bounce back I think we all expected him to bounce back on some level but you know you get so far into the season with an Ops that starts with a five and and you feel like the end of season numbers even if you finish strong just aren't really going to be there and you know maybe Corbin doesn't finish with the 870 Ops that he had last year he still has a ways to go but at this point you're looking at a guy who's been I believe a slightly above League average hitter for the season and that's a testament to just what he's been able to accomplish here over the last month and a half and it hasn't just been that he's been productive it's also been his his clutch Factor his ability to come through and hit these home runs in some very timely spots and there's no greater example of that then the Grand Slam with two outs uh that he hit tonight in the eighth inning against of course one of the better closers in baseball in Edwin Diaz and he was really struggling so it's like I'm not going to give Edwin Diaz all or you know all the credit to Corbin because Edwin Diaz couldn't find the strike zone and yeah you you match that up you know where where a pitcher naturally gets desperate to try to not walk another guy with Corbin's streak that he's been on I mean 36 straight games where reach base safely and he has what you said 17 home runs so 15 of those home runs have happened since July 7th like the man is just uh he's been incredible especially lately right I mean three home runs in his last two games uh and and he's just really dialed in so it it happened and it's exciting that it happens because you know they bring Edwin Diaz in for that you know four out save and you know it's not doesn't exactly go their way for the New York Mets there but let's take a look at the count presented by desert Financial The Count Credit Union uh because this game of course was a little bit of a wild one Diamondbacks outscore the Mets 8 to five they out hit the Mets nine to6 they were three for seven with runners in scoring position to the Mets two for five Diamondbacks had four extra base hits to the Mets three which that extra that extra extra base hit ended up being very uh very important and then of course uh expected batting average now Jesse I don't know if you've been here for this yet but it's a very exciting in our stats uh xba now on the board 272 for the Diamondbacks to 242 for the Mets uh the the the crowd shamed us and made fun of hard hit percentage to the point where it went away and the minute we took it away the these these these this this entire audience just was infuriated that hard hit percentage was gone but uh this is what we live with now and the Diamondbacks uh this is what this is what Diamondbacks are now a team that you never know when they are going to come back and honestly like this was another one of those games that even though they were down I don't think many Diamondbacks fans lost hope when they were down by one run especially after seeing what they did you know late last night that they couldn't come back late here again against this Mets team yeah I mean if you're really seriously doubting this team when they're down one run going into the seventh inning like I don't really know what to tell you at this point because it it almost feels to me Derek granted I don't really have any concrete numbers to back this up but it almost feels to me like it is the exception for the Diamondbacks to not come back in a situation like this like it almost feels like it would be surprising for the Dbacks to be down by a run going into the seventh inning and not find a way to to claw their way back as they did today that's just been the narrative for this team here over these past few weeks where they just they just find ways to win games and they're finding ways to win games of course without three of their best players and Christian Walker and catel Marte and Gabriel Moreno they're continuing to find ways to win games and they did it again today and this was shaping up I mean if the Diamondbacks had been unable to come back in this one it was shaping up to be one of the more brutal losses of the season I mean you've got Eduardo Rodriguez I'm sure you guys have touched on this you've got irod perfect through four Innings and then things just totally fall apart for him in the fifth the Mets claw their way back back tie the game at four and then the way that they took the lead was was not great for the Dbacks right it's Starling Marte bunting his way on stealing second advancing to Third on a ground out scoring on a shallow sack fly uh on a tag that was pretty clearly uh not played well by Adrien del Castillo he should have been more aggressive rather than sort of waiting for Starling Marte to come to him and that I mean that looked like it might be the difference in this game and and yet again the Diamondbacks find a way to come back well and and again outside of that you know Grant slam the Diamondbacks didn't add much else on if Corbin Carol wouldn't have come through for this team in that moment you know uh that this probably would have been one of the most heartbreaking losses of this stretch at least like taking us back to those early days of April and May where we experienced quite a few heartbreaking you know losses over that that time frame right I still think still have nightmares about that brave series Jesse I still can't get over it but of course uh the reality that we live in is Corbin Carroll was the hero tonight and of King Snake course uh there's no doubt that he is our king snake of this game two for five tonight two home runs five RBI second career Grand Slam and again just uh just just absolutely on fire and I mean you love to see it because you know how much this guy loves baseball you know how much Corbin Carroll loves to play this game and to be honest his struggles early on felt like we're more heartbreaking than other people on the team because you know he was so good last year and you just kind of could feel the the confusion the the him kind of being lost as to what you know what exactly was wrong and it's it's so great to see him back you know being this player that we kind of knew he was and and felt confident that he could get back to being yeah I mean in this stretch since July 7th that we keep referencing Corbin as 15 home runs in that span and he has 39 hits so 15 of his 39 hits since July 7th have gone over the fence that's almost half that's about 40% uh which is utterly outrageous it's just been you know for a while there it was Corbin uh you know hitting some home runs but things still didn't quite look the same he was still popping up a little more than you'd like rolling over the top a little more than you'd like and gradually it feels like he's getting back to the guy who who you know is still hitting boatloads of home runs but is also finding his way on base at a little bit higher of a clip more in line with what you saw a year ago and the timing here has been fantastic right I mean with the Diamondbacks losing those key players that I mentioned earlier you needed other guys to step up you know Josh Bell was was only gonna have a thousand Ops for so long most likely after coming over we we've seen him slow down a bit Jake McCarthy has been outstanding but you kind of figured he might slow down a little bit and we we've seen a a little bit of that recently but you know as those other guys have Maybe started to struggle a little bit you've had Corbin Carroll uh continuing to to be what he's been over the last month and a half and jock Peterson of course also uh played a big role tonight with that Homer he continues to be outstanding so uh they found ways to win even even without those three three those three key guys and I tried to tell you Jesse about my wife bringing home animals and me not wanting to get attached to them it's happened I love Luis goret and I I don't want to give him back I want to adopt him and I want to keep him here forever right like this is a guy that was sitting at home and you know tonight it's I know it's just an bat I tweeted about it I talked about it earlier but he just absolutely battled in that in that first at bat that he had to give the Diamondbacks their first run there in the second inning and I mean it was just something that you don't really see out of a lot of guys on this team outside of maybe Heraldo Pomo at times jock Peterson too gives him some very quality at bats where he kind of sits in there and battles and takes what's given to him and yeah he might end up on base with a single or whatever but he still like worked the count he made the pitcher work and he saw a lot of pitches and it's just a lot of information being picked up from from that pitcher and you do a lot for your team when you can do that guor was showing that veteran you know kind of that veteran experience by being up there and like it just it felt like he got kind of got the offense you know kickstarted there early on and he just continues to be another great pickup for this team you know while they're dealing with all these injuries that you brought up yeah I I'm glad you brought that up that was you know obviously not not quite as pivotal as Corbin had bat in the eighth inning but one of the one of the hinge points of this game for sure I mean you uh had put a little bit of pressure on Luis srino in that frame but you hadn't actually pushed a run across yet and you have guor going up there just fouling off tough pitch after tough pitch and eventually knocking that single to the opposite field it was a nine pitched bat it was part of a 35 pitch inning for Luis srino and this this all came a day after the Diamondbacks didn't draw a single walk right and that's been a trend uh for this team throughout the season is that they draw walks they work the count they have deep uh you know they they work some deep counts and we saw that team sort of come back today and and guor was a great example of that in that spot well we have some amazing super chats from our friends here in the live chat uh Dante Ortiz says Corbin murdered Diaz to get back at Frank the Tank hopefully I mean does this mean Paul sewald is right again because if that's the case uh we'll take it Kellen Bradshaw says I want to give Corbin a little smooch I think we all want to smooch Corbin Carroll just a little bit it bit varying degrees some more than others but I mean I think we all want to give him a little kiss uh Johnny Walker again I won't disclose how long we've been friends because Damon frowns upon that but thank you for your Super Chat he says go Dbacks and of course pie of Yoshi uh says are we going to talk about the weird McCarthy stolen base call Jesse yeah let's talk about it yeah I I was uh you know trying to sort of take a poll around the Press Box like what everyone thought of this play we didn't wind up asking Tori about it after the fact because it it wasn't really very relevant in in terms of how the game ended but yeah maybe we'll Circle back to it with him tomorrow and see what he thought of it my understanding is that maybe the Mets thought that Jake McCarthy uh like his his movement was a little bit odd after he saw the ball go into center field I don't know if they thought that he never touched second base in the first place or if somehow based on that odd movement they thought that he needed to touch the base again before going to third like he had maybe started off toward first base and then had to retouch second I don't know if that even would have applied in a situation like that though so yeah suffice it to say all of us were puzzled and didn't really understand why the Mets challenged that play it it looked to me like they just thought that Jake McCarthy didn't touch second base and he very clearly did touch second base so uh they wound up burning their challenge really early in this game so sometimes you swing and miss not just at the plate but on your challenges and that was definitely the case there of course uh if you guys are already die hards we thank you for being die hards you're the best uh if you want to join the family you want to get in on this whole political election craziness that's going on join us over here at goph you get all of Jesse's articles you get all you get all of our content access to our Discord Lounge which is the best place to be an Arizona sports fan plus a free piece of merchandise from the phex every year you're a member you get a membership card you get discounts to our events and so much more so check out the Die Hard membership and join us over here we're having a great time I don't know if you guys saw but we just opened up Dallas so we have a new city that we're both a part of but that we have to fight with now because I don't know if you remember um the World Series last year but yeah it seems like we can't get away from these Rangers uh also we'll be talking here a little bit about what everyone had to say from the clubhouse but first I want to let you guys know to stop by Circle K Jesse I know you haven't drank enough water I know you're thirsty stop by Circle K on your way home it's America's third stop get yourself any size Polar Pop or froster for just 79 cent between now and September 3rd which isn't a lot of time I mean their price won't Skyrocket don't get me wrong but again I feel like the frosters are Priceless because uh again it's I negotiated for that in my contract instead of higher pay and of course with them only being 79 cents a piece uh they said yes sure whatever and they called me an idiot or something in the negotiation I don't know but that's because 79 cents is not a lot of money and of course you should go out and get yourself a wonderful drink right now you can also join the Inner Circle for free by downloading the Circle K app today terms and conditions apply at participating locations visit for details but tomorrow is the day it's the anniversary of the Inner Circle 40 cents off at Circle K so make sure to stop by fill your car up I purposefully waited to fill up my car uh and now I've been budgeting my gas very carefully for the last 24 hours until tomorrow so uh if you're like me you might walk a fine line but make sure to stop by Circle K uh get yourself a drink and get yourself 40 cents off gas tomorrow also uh get yourself a great pair of sunglasses if you don't already have one and I know what some people say out there Jesse I'm not I'm I'm not immune to it some people buy those $5 doll $10 sunglasses because as you may have heard them say I'm going to lose them anyway right and why do that get yourself a quality pair of sunglasses that isn't going to cost you much more than that at from a company that makes durable sunglasses with Quality quality Optics uh and all sorts of uh wonderful features wonderful styles for you to choose from most importantly though if you lose your shady Rays even on day one they will send you a new pair no questions asked uh and of course that's what Shady Ray is all about it's all about customer service uh their team always has your back with personal and fast support exclusively for our listeners Shady Rays has given out their best deal of the Season head to Shady and use code phnx for 35% off polarized sunglasses try for yourself the shades rated five stars by over $300,000 people all right sir well of course I'm sure there was a lot of excitement in the clubhouse what do you got uh tonight Postgame Sound from Corbin Carroll & Torey Lovullo from the postgame show yeah I guess we got to start with the man himself uh here's Corbin Carrol talking about not only the uh I guess it wasn't walk-off the not only the go-ahead Grand Slam but also the the process of getting to this point and the remarkable turnaround that he's had this season um first pitch fast ball out over and then and you know good pitch like wasn't really where I wanted it and then threw me a slider um ended up pretty middle um really and yeah that was that was it did you know it was gone after that uh I looked up at the exit vo and the launch angle in uh in right field and I was pretty sure so you're seeing that before the ball drops yeah yeah you got to you got to give it a look see you know yeah I mean I didn't I didn't know off the bat so I gave it a look did you look on your 440 footer no I was I was running a little bit we got a we got a big center field so um yeah you can never be too sure bats before before that yeah super super grindy um just very much we've been this whole year um you know a couple big walks just uh you know take Taking what the pitchure gives and moving the line so um yeah thought that was very representative of who we've been as an offense I know we've talked about this a lot but your turnaround this season you know does does may feel like it was 5 years ago or you know how has this turnaround felt for you uh I mean it feels it feels good to play well so um you know I think the beginning of the year was very much a grind it felt like I didn't take a breath until um you know the the All-Star break really and uh you know from there kind of was able to get my feet under me a little bit and um you know come out and have a have a strong second half um but yeah I mean first half I wouldn't say it feels like 5 years ago I think there were some some great lessons learned from it and uh you know so I hope to keep it somewhat fresh the man looked at his exit V and his launch angle Jesse I have never been more hyped about hearing what he saw what he looked at after home run I love Corbin Carroll so much I missed I missed this I missed the joyful Corbin Corbin Carroll telling us like that with this sincerity and this honesty about moments like this you know this is so great yeah and and of course me being me like I just totally lit up in that moment I like oh my gosh Corbin Carol can tell if it's home run based on the launch ankle and the exit V this is the greatest thing I've ever heard in the diamond this the greatest day of my whole life and I also thought it was very funny that on the his first Homer of the game which was significantly farther it went 440 feet and he was like yeah no on that one I had to run because center field at Chase Field is it's almost impossible to hit a home run in that area of the ballpark so uh yeah just a a huge day for Corbin and you heard him talk a little bit there about uh the struggles early in the season and how he feels like he he had some positive takeaways from that and I think we all kind of figured that Corbin's struggling a little bit maybe not for quite as long as he wound up struggling but that going through a little bit of adversity might help him in the long run it's something that he basically hasn't dealt with his entire baseball career going like going all the way back to high school uh you know through the minor leagues it was just smooth sailing for him so yeah maybe in the end this this really does make Corbin better for the Long Haul well what else we got Jesse Yeah we also have uh Tory lll of course talking about Cor and specifically uh his turnaround and and just kind of what has been the difference for him here over this last month and a half he he has he has a great mentality and that's a that's a separator for him as far as I'm concerned and you know when you don't have success you start to you start to make changes and takes a little bit of your confidence away from from game to game and that's just the E and the flow of making improvements and making adjustments um year to year and month to month but he's a fast learner it was a matter of time before he figured it out so I think um it was it was you know a little bit of struggle that led to a little bit of um a little bit of loss of confidence he spoke about that I know in in San dieo earlier in the year but he's really come out the other end because of the hard work and dedication and the belief that it was going to happen and the beauty of Corman is he has been the same person the same baseball player whether he he's to me and his teammates and and his expression on the field whether he's had the 630 um slug or the 330 slug you just don't know it and that's what makes him great and I I think he's right that's why that question about you know does may feel like five years ago like Corbin Carroll doesn't strike me as the kind of guy that actually does put the past completely behind him right like he's he's a very analytical person at times and I feel feel like he's trying to even in his times of success maybe think back to when he was struggling and to like try to learn lessons even when things are going well uh about times when he was struggling right so like I know the baseball season is very very long and you know there's a lot of guys on this team that it's been like almost the tale of two seasons with them especially yeah when you start looking at their numbers after June like wasn't just one guy that came on after June it was a lot of play ERS that suddenly just found found their way into playing good baseball what's wild about this with cman with me right now Jesse is that like one of the things that I kind of I guess uh I just hypothesized I didn't have anything to base it on but just one of one of the things I wondered if the pressure early on was too much for Corbin Carroll you spoke about how he's doing this right now without Christian Walker without Gabby Mareno without catel Marte in the lineup and there is a lot of pre there's maybe more pressure on him now to perform than there was early in the season considering how big of an offensive threat the guys that are missing actually are for this team so I mean it it's it's impressive that he's been able to kind of overcome all of that you know pressure and and really just lock in here for the last two months yeah I I'm glad you brought that up Corbin was also specifically asked tonight about whether he's felt a little more pressure over these last few weeks to kind of carry the team knowing that Walker's out and Moreno's out and Marte is obviously out as well and Corbin said no that he really hasn't felt that pressure uh you know he he's he talked in during his postgame presser about the at bats that we saw at times today and how this team has a knack for just finding ways to get on base we we've really seen that pretty much the entire season and you know AOH henio Suarez I guess we should also mention his name here he's also carried a lot of the load as some of those other guys have been out obviously this wasn't a great game for for him but we're still only a few days removed from him having 10 RBI in a three- game series in Boston that was a pretty big deal and you look up at this point Derek and the Diamondbacks have scored 712 runs this year the next highest run total in all of baseball belongs to the New York Yankees at 678 not only are the Diamondbacks number one on that list but they're kind of an outlier there's 34 runs separating the first place Diamondbacks and the second place New York Yankees Gap is wider than I think the gap between like second place and sixth place or something like that so this offense has been just un just unbelievable yeah and Damon said it earlier in the show where like it feels like with the offensive numbers we go over each and every night right it it we're constantly talking about the team leading Major League Baseball in this category or that category their 28 games with two plus home runs is the most in Major League Baseball and since August 1 uh they lead Major League Baseball with 26 urrent of two uh runs scored in the sixth inning or later again the other team there with them was the Yankees and they weren't I mean they were close but it's like it's it's impressive that when you start to look at these categories that the Diamondbacks are leading Major League Baseball in that they are doing it you know against the best teams or like they're they're they're doing it beyond the best teams in baseball it's it's not expected you know and I think again the power numbers especially are are very unexpected for this team the number of home runs they've the fact that they're in that category or that conversation for a lot of the top categories in Major League Baseball uh was impressive but I mean they still have some concerns right with the injuries that they're experiencing they're still missing guys uh and I mean we've still seen some instances where defense uh wasn't you know exactly as as ADC's bad tag at the plate we've come to be used to with this team especially at first base without Christian Walker over there but really with behind you know behind the plate right like the play tonight was a perfect example of that it was yeah and that's that's another video that we can play here real quick um obviously it didn't wind up really making a difference in the outcome of this game with what Corbin did but I did still think it was important to ask about the Adrien del Castillo tag in that uh sixth inning that allowed the Mets to to score the go-ahead run a run that it looked very much like might be the difference in the game uh toward the end of this one here's what Tory had to say about that tag play at home play talking about that bny and I in my office off um we practice fast tagging all the time fast tagging is an art and uh we we talk about it we practice it and we it makes a difference it's as as crazy as that sounds fast tag in spring training fast tags in some of your early work here bny does a really good job with the catcher receiving throws from The Outfield um he hits some balls from The Outfield where they work on fast tags so yes I thought it was maybe just he thought he had them because of the timing you know that spacing and you can see see where he is you just like lay the glove down but in this day and age you can't take anything for granted um the swipe tag in and out of there if the throw beats him is not not the case anymore so umpire made the right call we just got to be a little bit better and of course Marte made an excellent play there sliding in we've seen our players do that at the plate this season right so it's it's it's unfortunate but like you said in the in in the long run uh the Diamondbacks still win the outcome is not impacted by that one particular play just an example of you know again how much we miss Gabby Moreno in more than one way yeah we missed his arm back there we missed his ability to make those kind of plays aggressively at the plate you know when when guys are coming in to score and uh yeah it's just it's it's Moreno is a different level even though he's not very you know he's not very old himself he doesn't have that much experience himself he plays like a vet back there at times he does yeah and I think you know although the outcome to was obviously great and Adrien del Castillo I mean it'd be hard to to Really fault the guy too much or you know be upset with his performance to date I think his batting average is still like 350 or something but there are still some valid concerns here especially as you look ahead to October if the Diamondbacks are going to roster Adrien del Castillo over Jose Herrera is of course assuming that Gabby Mareno is able to come back from that groin injury before the playoffs if they're going to Del Caso over Herrera they've got to have a certain Comfort level with his defense and it's not to say that he can't get there or that I think he's so far away from that point it's you know it's not like Jose Herrera is necessarily the best defensive catcher in the world but but but you trust him back there more over a playoff run than you do a rookie and Adrien del Castillo and let's be honest Herr Gaby's injury is one of those injuries that could be re agravated easily and that's uh that's something that you might not want to you know mess around with as far as as who you're going with with the backup like it's it's hard not to want to roster ADC with how he's hitting the ball but you know much like we we constantly see throughout the baseball season it feels at times like guys come back down to earth it feels like maybe you know that that might help happen over the next month we might see his numbers kind of come back down to more reasonable numbers for you know somebody making his debut not just hitting you know 375 constantly with a 1500 Ops but like you know this is one of those situations where they they they do yeah right like if they do get Gabby back they do have to make the right decision here just in case you have a worst case scenario happen and and you do need to go with whoever your backup is throughout the Run of your playoffs yeah and and I think it it wasn't just the tag play it was also he allowed a stolen base to to Marte and obviously Marte got a good jump that's not necessarily all on del Castillo but opposing base Steelers have gone 15 for 16 uh with del Castillo behind the plate so far that's that's a little concerning and it's something that we wondered about when he came up to the big leagues we've kind of had this sense for a while that catching Bas Steelers wasn't really a strength for del Castillo even though he's gotten better at that and the other aspect of this is pitch calling and I think there was maybe a learning moment for del Castillo in this one as well uh in that regard where when Eduardo Rodriguez was really going through it in that fifth inning you probably would have liked to see del Castillo uh go out there and visit with his pitcher and try to at least kind of slow the moment down and Tory was asked about that postgame as well and he took he took the blame for it himself he said that it's really his responsibility to kind of come along del Castillo and call call that for call that himself and sort of make del Castillo go out there in that moment but that's another thing where I remember when Gabby Moreno uh first joined this team last season it seemed like his instincts in that regard were really good where he was quick to go out there and visit with guys when they were struggling D Castillo I think waited a little bit too long uh eventually Tory sent Brent STM out there that was after Harrison Bader had already tied the game with that two-run homer so some learning moments you know Del caso's still in the first few weeks of his career these things are going to happen but you know the Dbacks don't have a huge margin for erir especially as you as you look ahead to October uh P of Yoshi thank you for Super Chat I have no idea what this is in context to anymore but he said uh he fell off the bag to the first base side McCarthy yeah I think that's the McCarthy play um and yeah I I guess if McCarthy fell off the bag to the first base side then um yeah they're they're maybe thinking that he has to retouch uh retouch second base or something along those lines I I think I probably will ask Tori about that pregame tomorrow so uh come back and join us for our post tomorrow maybe we'll have a little more a little more clarity on on what uh tor's perspective was on that but yeah all of us in the Press Box were were fairly confused in the moment so we'll we'll try to get more uh more information on that all right well we will be back tomorrow with another postgame show of course tomorrow is also our big uh phnx Fantasy Draft which I'm again I'm not sure if you heard uh but I won the Fantasy Football League last year uh n I'm staying humble about it I'm not trying not to bring it up too much but uh again tomorrow's a very important day for the rest of these losers that they try to get some sort of Retribution against me uh and I Look to repeat as your Champion but we will be back with another uh episode of postgame show after tomorrow's 12:45 start so join us for that and of course um Jesse you know I I I know Damon's gonna say something about me you know talking or bragging too much about the fantasy football leg of course that's a lie it's a known lie uh and Damon's a known liar Numbers Don't Lie but the numbers they never lie so what do you have for tonight's number that doesn't lie yeah uh tonight's number let's go ahead and put it up on the screen yeah at 638 this is uh this is Corbin Carrol slugging percentage going back to that July 7th date that we keep referencing uh that's a pretty that's a pretty good number Derek that's a pretty big number uh and you're talking about almost a two- Monon sample size at this point so you know how many times this year have we had the conversation of like is Corbin Carroll back and we've said that a lot and it feels like it wasn't really true for a while um now it kind of feels like it's true now it feels like you can sort of expect Corbin the rest of the season to uh to be something like the player that he was last year and that's not to say there aren't going to be some bumps along the way or that it will all be perfect but this is a very different player than uh than we saw early in the season and I think even his numbers at this point don't really don't really do justice to to kind of what I would expect from him moving forward uh did Injury updates on Ketel Marte & Christian Walker you have any injury updates for us by the way before we move forward I know some um some information has gotten out there about catel and Christian Walker potentially coming back on the same day maybe for that giant Series yeah again Tori didn't give uh maybe as many specifics as you would have liked today but um he did say that it would he was he was asked about whether catel Marte and Christian Walker could come back during this home stand whether this home stand might be a little too soon for them and he said yeah I think so he said I think so as in it is probably too soon so I don't think we're going to see Christian Walker or catel Marte in the Dodgers series which of course is a big deal I mean this Dodgers series is really important um you know after winning this game I didn't see the outcome of the Dodgers game today uh if if the Dodgers lost they did win okay um so you're yeah the Padres did lose I saw that so you're still looking at a three-game deficit uh but you know if you go into that series with a three-game deficit and you even just take three out of four that three- game deficit becomes a one game deficit so that series is really important it doesn't sound like catel or Walker will be a part of that however Tori also was asked separately about the team's plans for roster expansion which is September 1st that's this Sunday um and he mentioned that uh bringing in bringing in Christian Walker or catel Marte could be a possibility so I wouldn't expect to see those guys in the Dodgers series but it sounds like there's at least an outside chance that we see maybe one of those guys back on Sunday no chance so yeah not a ton of specifics there we'll just kind of have to wait and see this is Jesse this is why we say the numbers don't lie we we can't say Jess you know Jesse doesn't lie we can't say Tor doesn't lie we don't trust any of you because the numbers are the only thing that tell the truth around here but uh I I will I will say maybe some advantage to just not seeing those guys right before the playoff start I mean I I I know it's probably not maybe feels reach well I guess it's more of a silver lining more than uh than like saying like they're doing it intentionally right but like there is sometimes with this kind of stuff there there might be a little bit of of something I mean again you you try to spin it in in the best way and there could be something there especially uh we never know how the playoffs are going to line up and where the Diamond Backs are going to end up who they're going to play so oh well we will'll see what happens but we will be back here again like I said with another postgame show after tomorrow's 12:45 start so make sure to join us for that in the meantime you can follow us on Twitter I am at capore caban with a c of course Jesse is at Jesse and fredman the people's producer himself is Damon dog at Damon dog that's dawg we are Damon's dogs bark bark bar bark our show is at phnx _ Dbacks but all roads do lead to phnx Sports on Twitter Instagram and Facebook we thank you guys so much for your time we thank Corbin Carol for being so good at baseball we will see you back here for another postgame show tomorrow in the meantime have yourselves a wonderful night and remember kids baseball is fun but it's so much more fun when you go from thinking Corbin Carroll is back to just admitting Corbin Carroll is him we all sitting like the mayor

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