Community Outreach - Act of Kindness | Oasis Service
Published: Mar 15, 2023
Duration: 00:34:21
Category: Entertainment
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somebody came here today and told one of our volunteers and she was close to tears and said now I know that I have food for tonight just because she came somebody had food on their table tonight can we celebrate God and give him praise let's Magnify Him we'll Worship You Lord Jesus begin to bless God said Thank you Lord Jesus we're gonna I'm gonna start and then we're gonna go into a short worship and we're gonna wrap up so our goal is to be here out of by here by 7 30 7 35 the latest let's just worship him and give him praise thank him for his faithfulness [Music] thank you let's worship him and give him praise if you're in the century celebrate God well we came here what we came to do today is what breaks God's heart I don't when I read through all the scriptures wherever it was it fed them it fed the multitude it made provision if you're expecting a service today we don't have a service today this is your service today whatever you did out there today is your service but I will bless you somebody drove all the way from Snellville and all she came for from Snellville is closed for our four-year-old son and our daughter that's seven months old that's all she came for from Snellville and you made that possible today let's just celebrate God and give him praise just worship [Music] we'll bless you Lord Jesus [Music] see father Lord oh it's like you Lord in all the Earth much less love and beauty and less war nothing in this world you are satisfied [Music] a cop that won't run dry and your presence is [Laughter] heaven to me Your Presence is Heaven me Treasure of my heart out of my soul in my weakness you are merciful Redeemer of my past and presents owner of my future days to come let's sing together your presence is heaven [Music] to me [Music] your presence is [Music] me your eyes [Music] [Applause] [Music] to me [Music] all of my days [Music] until I see your face to face nothing in this world will satisfied hahaha that would run dry [Music] heaves [Music] oh Jesus [Music] your presence is [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] just drink from the Fountain of God tonight [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] this place tonight [Music] you are higher lifted up there is no one like you here [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] baby [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] No One Like You Hallelujah [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] all right yeah [Music] Hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we said there is [Music] [Music] [Music] you know [Music] when last year [Music] [Music] no man very helpful my presence help you are worthy to be praised oh leave you thank you holy you my how far you're my beginning [Music] my very King of Kings the one who is the biggest [Music] oh [Music] boy [Music] [Music] holy Holy Angel s [Music] please [Music] yes [Music] foreign [Music] yes you are greater Jesus [Music] [Music] we bless your name [Music] [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] the name of Jesus is higher than other name [Music] King of the Kings [Music] no harm [Music] Jesus desire another name and a homemaker there is the name of Jesus name of Jesus [Music] [Music] name [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] of Jesus [Music] okay [Music] Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] let us bless and go tonight there is no one like our God is faithful he's a keeper foreign [Music] let us give thanks unto him father we thank you father will bless your name We Worship You Lord tonight we magnify your name blessed be your name oh Lord there is nothing we can give unto you in exchange for your faithfulness but father we bow our hearts tonight and we say thank you thank you thank you blessed be your holy name in Jesus mighty name we have given thanks if you are thankful unto the Lord in Jesus mighty name we have given thanks praise the Lord how many of us believe that what we have done earlier this evening is part of our worship giving back to the community the Bible says that he that given to the poor is lending to the Lord uh if you have been here earlier on and you are a part of what the Lord did tonight can you put your hands together for the law only a few of us were there okay let everyone give our hands unto the Lord and give him thanks father we bless you for the souls that we have touched tonight praise ye the Lord uh please let's be sitting for a minute we are rounding up with this worship while we were rounding up I saw about two families in the parking lot while I was going to the dumpstand and I was asking them what language do you speak they said like they're from Asia but he told me he said the the young lady now told me that they are from Afghanistan brethren we may never know whose lives we are touching they were the last families to live in fact they are little grandbaby was coming he wanted to go to the restroom to see what is all around us brethren we may never know let us keep on doing the act of kindness not only in the church in our individual lives because we may never know the souls that we touch I pray tonight that all those who have come to our facility to be blessed tonight they will make heaven in the name of Jesus I said they will make heaven in the name of Jesus I want to say thank you to all of us who came and I want us also to appreciate be the woman of God that God has placed over this Midwest service uh praise the Lord the work that is always been done behind the scene is much more than what we see we only see the final result but walking around the clock getting other people inspiring them to be a part of what the Lord is doing is so great I want to appreciate God for our lives let us put our hands together again for dechiness taller ability God bless you God bless you she's the pastor over our midweek service and this team have been doing excellently well and we pray that God whom you are dedicating your time and the time of your team to this same God will reward you mightily in Jesus name and now today happens to be a bad day praise the Lord please uh I want to I wanted to come out so that we give her a blessing from the house before we share the grace tonight please is she in the okay please come forward [Music] before we before we do this I want all of us to come around this empty space and Surround her so that your prayers will not be far from her happy birthday to God [Music] [Music] amen amen praise the Lord so today is the Christmas of our sister and we want to thank God because what a way to spend your birthday by giving to the needy by reaching out to those who are in need and we appreciate God for the life of our sister uh there is a scripture that says the Zeal of his house has consumed me if you know Sister very well you will know that she's always anything Church she is passionate and also anything about God she's always ready to give her best and so we are going to pray as part of our family tonight that God this lady that gives our best to you on our birthday today we want you to give her your best Heaven has our own best and the best of God is better than the best of all men combined together here on the earth I want us to straightforce our hands if you can but if you can't just pray just pray desire something great wonderful beautiful fruitful abounding release it upon the life of our sister our God is the rewarder of those who diligently seek him we can say of our sister that she is passionate about the kingdom about the work of God Restless to make sure things happen for God's kingdom and our souls are won to God's kingdom let us pray that God himself will reward her on our birthday we bless our we make our face to shine upon our perpetually in this new year that the desires of our hearts in alignment with God's purpose for our life in this new year we come to pass in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus just give out a spiritual blessing what man cannot give what God has given you tonight to release from your heart from the depth of your heart even known to our sister let God bless her in the name of the Lord Jesus father we thank you in Jesus mighty name we have prayed in Jesus mighty name we have prayed Lord you have been our Dwelling Places from Generations even before the mountains were born you have remained God father we thank you Lord for the life of your daughter father we thank you for today we thank you for celebrating a new beginning a new life father we know that today marks a new beginning in the life of your daughter beginning of going forward fruitfulness more grace more Mercies and Lord your safety in the next one year will be so mighty Upon Our Life in the name of the Lord Jesus father you are the one that says those who labor in secret shall be rewarded openly it is not just what your daughter does on on Wednesdays on Sundays that we see but Lord she does a lot behind the scene to make sure your name is glorified Every Time We Gather father Lord as she roams from Pillar To Post to make sure your name is glorified father you will glorify your name in our life in this new year in the name of Jesus what up till now has become impossible for her law will release the oil of possibility upon the life of your daughter in the mighty name of Jesus father we ask o God that Lord you will bless your daughter Lord you will reward her abundantly everyone Lord that have been blessed through our through our ministry father let there be a return on investment of Heavens Upon Our Life from today in the name of Jesus father we ask o God that Lord nothing will alter by day and Lord by night you will shield her Lord for the next one year Lord your Mighty hands of protection will be upon her and every day she wakes up she'll wake up to new testimonies wonderful testimonies Pleasant testimonies in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Lord that she starts a new year Lord our Lord will not be slippery Lord you have planted that in your house Lord nothing will take her out in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus father we ask oh God that physically spiritually emotionally financially materially Lord you will solidify our in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus [Music] that the blood that was shared on the cross of Calvary Lord we overflow around our from the ears on our head to the souls of our faith in the name of the Lord Jesus father we thank you Lord you will Deliver Us from every trouble Lord will secure our life and Lord the work of our hands shall make progress our ministry we make progress it shall be well with her she will not weep over our family in the name of the Lord Jesus father we pray that Lord you will give our own family in this new year we shall rejoice over her so that your name alone can be glorified Blessed Be Your holy name father May the beauty of the Lord that God be upon your daughter love may your light shine perpetually 360 Degrees around her in the name of the Lord Jesus no evil will have a hiding place around her it shall be well with her father once again we thank you for this beautiful life that you have given as a gift to your kingdom father Blessed Be Your holy name in Jesus mighty name we have prayed in Jesus mighty name we have prayed praise the Lord happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] would like to say thank you to everyone that came out that donated one thing or the other as just as Pastor has prayed we pray that the good good God will reward you in the name of Jesus Christ you will not lack anything good in the name of Jesus Christ for adventure there's any one of us that has a desire from God because of your acts that you've done today is to be accounted to you as righteousness in the name of Jesus Christ also the celebrant says thank you though the service we are handing the service now the party is just starting so there are some refreshment on your way out and there's I think this cake and there's pictures so let the party begin but before we go to the party can we share the grace and fellowship with unison one two three go for the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ the love of God and the sweet Fellowship of the holy spirit is with us now and forevermore amen surely God's goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives and we shall Grant the house of the Lord forever and ever amen amen amen we accept checks gift cards