Wendy's Krabby Patty & Working with Guy Fieri! | HWP 507

I know a perfect Christmas gift for me in the 90s at McDonald's you could get Batman glasses you want them like drink glasses that a handle there was Batman Robin The Riddler and two fac I had them when I was a kid I think I'll put him right here in the [Music] studio hello and welcome to hardly working the show about life love and labor hosted by the couple that works plays and stays together I'm Kelly and that guy laughing at me over there is hey hey I'm welcome to the do you want me to do it again no it's perfect welcome D the hardly working I shouldn't do that you know let's talk about it how how come you can still yeah why I feel like I can still do I don't know cuz wait wait yeah why can you do Brit why is it okay to do British or Italian you know I didn't actually feel like I couldn't do other ones you made fun of me one day and you said I don't know if that is PC when I did something on accident and it's gotten my head that I think I got to be careful with the different accents that I do but this one this one's safe it is it's a safe one brao wasn't expecting that well we're back in Los Angeles baby here we are after days I'm walking here hey okay well we weren't in New York but we were in Minnesota for the not so first time apparently oh we haven't even talked about anything no that's what I'm saying we have the podcast we were in Minnesota for the very first time out of the airport yes but we had a weird moment on the way back where we realized we've been to this airport before yeah we hit the Sky Lounge for Delta and we were like do they all just look similar like I've been in one that looks a lot like this and that's when we're like we have been in this one yeah we have been to the minap olis Delta Sky Lounge we don't remember when sometime within the last year or two though for sure mhm but we were in Minnesota not for me for me for you for Bumble bmbl Booth bum Booth I think we've been kind of talking SL teasing it for the last few weeks like we couldn't give all the details because it hadn't happened yet but now we give a whole rundown yeah I guess I'm giving the rundown yeah we went out there from my photo booth business which called give it a shout out give it a plug Bumble Booth bmbl Booth you can find me on Instagram and Tik Tok and just a website my website Bumble booth.com if you are interested M if you're interested in seeing me and what I do it's on there um but yeah we got to go out there we did one we did our Polaroid activation which is a really fun one you take pictures on a high quality quality DSLR camera so it looks really nice um you have the digital copies but then you also print them out and you have them in custom branded Polaroid frames uh and this event was for Lumi deodorant and Mando which is owned by the same person the nicest lady you've probably ever met Shannon so kind so kind and her husband so kind so kind and so nice wonderful um so yeah we got to go out and like have a party at their house they threw this was a unique event cuz normally I do I do lots of corporate stuff for sure this is technically corporate but it was definitely corporate private but what I loved about it is that this was a private event for anyone that had supported them them on their journey to create Lumi and Mando yeah for instance like their neighbors their neighbors there their interior designer of their house their mail their mailman like and then obviously a bunch of staff and people like that flew to come to this event as well everyone that had made it made it happen but it was a really fun event so we did our booth but that's not the talk of this okay the Talk of the Town on this that doesn't make S sense that wasn't the the C is that what it is I no idea what you're getting at the best part about this event we here's a deal yes you and I do really cool things I feel really lucky I think sometimes um I'm beginning to see how you can be jaded and jaded is maybe the wrong word but like no I mean for me it's the right word yeah yeah but like it's not it's no longer exciting for you if you like sit in Comfort Plus or first class it's no longer exciting for you if you're doing an event with did you sit in Comfort plus and first class I did we'll talk about that later um but it's no longer exciting for you you know if uh this is a stretch but if like Kevin feige is somewhere because you've already like interviewed him and like introduced him and all that like you've already done it yeah I ignored the rock the other day yeah on accident but you know it takes a lot for you to get excited about stuff where I think I still live in the excitement I think I will for a long time but this one you actually did get excited about because this this event I'm just gonna get to it this event had some really cool people yeah so they the whole thing was like they're gonna have like this big dinner where they have a bunch of different options for you to eat and then there's like a big concert that everyone gets to go to at the end um and so the people that you could eat from I had like the local pizzeria guy who's like really big some of the best pizza we've ever had holy moly it was great you can actually ship his pizza to you if you go to his uh Instagram which we don't know any of so it's weird that we're mentioning it do know it cuz I actually he followed me he okay while pulling that up this pizza was insane you want tell it was uh like they had a pizza oven at the residence that we were at they were making it in there it was like Woodfire uh pizza but they put uh banana peppers like finally sliced I think banana peppers so every couple bites or like every second bite you get this like it's not hot it's more of like a Tangy kick and it was great I think maybe there was some sort of balsamic reduction kind of drizzled on the top it was so good amazing probably the best pizza I've ever had and we've had pizza in Italy yeah this was better that pizza was good but not as good as this so his his company's actually called redwagon Pizza he's located in Minnesota and you can he has na Nationwide shipping available on you can at Instagram at goldbelly I actually looked into it because I was like what would it cost to ship four of those frozen pizzas here that we can just heat up when we want it to it is quite expensive I'm not going to lie it was like $36 to ship them for fours full siiz pizzas yeah it but they're so good or you can just I guess order banana peppers on them anyways he was there um couldn't have been nicer too so nice his daughter oliv so nice um but he was there Bobby fle was there Bobby fle was there and heting put together a menu of like lobster and very fancy things yeah and then our main squeeze yeah the man that you are so excited about guy Fetti Fier was there it was pretty freaking cool we had set up a Kelly's photo booth activation and I looked to my left and there's like a glass door to the main residence and standing in the glass door looking out towards us was Guai Fier and I was like oh my gosh he's there he was there and we saw we saw him and talked him for a little bit like towards the end of the night the same way we do with all celebrities so nice what a pro you know this this event reminded me that there are still some pros out there he's one of them for sure yeah and and and not to talk crap about anyone cuz I don't know these people uh but there was definitely a contrast you know they there was a big introduction to introduce Bobby fle and Guy F obviously because they were huge deals to be there um and so Bobby fle comes up tells him what his menu is and then guy comes up it's like oh my goodness thank you Shannon so much for being here and for being here to celebrate Lumi and all the things that you do we're so excited to be here if you see some cameras around this is why and then goes and tells this whole thing but I was like to know what you're there for and to know the people and to know the product or whatever it is with the person that's paying you to be there it's a makes a huge difference it's very intentional yes Che and they were shooting triple D diners Drivin and Dives in Minnesota I don't know which came first if he was coming out for this event and he's like bring the crew we'll shoot I don't know but that crew his actual triple D crew was there and I got to meet some of them and chat them they were so awesome shout out to Amber shout out to Shane uh great great time with them but consant Pro but that wasn't the person SL people you were the most excited about no it was not so I told you there's a con um and so like the main headliner on this of this concert was James Taylor um who I don't a little bit ahead of my time a little before our time and that that or before my time and that that's okay it's still exciting to be there I know my grandma was really excited that I was going to be with James Taylor uh uh so that was cool we got to see him up close and personal the night before his team was really nice too couldn't have been nicer been in the industry for a long time super nice guy um but I think we told you last week that we had someone um out drop out last minute due to an injury you might need to explain why this was so relevant to you though because of your AC because I made a custom back I think I thought we talked about this last week but I'll go over I made a custom backdrop for this that was meant it was John Mayor and James Taylor that were performing and so we had this idea of making like a custom vinyl backdrop so it would have the their vinals and Records um mixed in to like make this really cool backdrop to represent the concert which was amazing until last Tuesday or not last Tuesday but Tuesday before we got a phone call saying that John Mayer had injured himself and was no longer able to perform and and so I had to scrap all of his stuff and wait which was like half of it which is half and wait 2 days to find out who the replacement would be and get approved photos for these people it's actually 3 days before I could then reprint rebuild and ship which is only two days before the event so it was a really big deal for me it was the most stressful week I think I've had in a really long time uh all made worth it because the replacement act which the First Act I'm not going to lie I don't know but his name is Nate baretti I worked with Nate uh with Direct TV maybe a year or so ago he's they described him as a very impressive upand cominging stand-up comedian the dude was on SNL he's got so many specials he's a very famous standup comedian I don't really know him but cool uh but the next performer that they got for some reason they rep play Shawn may with too probably because you can play a musical set longer than you can play not do a comedy set um but you may have heard of a little show called only murders in the building I have isn't that your favorite show it is one of my favorite shows and season 4 just dropped last week on Tuesday well Monday night at like 9:00 p.m. which was perfect for me because I watched only murders in the building murders in the building as I landed in Minnesota only to get to watch Steve Martin and Martin Short on the stage at the Lumi concert y perform live couldn't be more professional couldn't have been a better experience for me there's not many people that I get get excited about I don't know why but I told SP I was like I almost cried I definitely laughed I think I did cry I laughed I was just like so excited to see two people that like I really enjoy and that like I really enjoy watching on screen get getting to see them live and getting to see them again just you can just tell that they're good people I mean they came out on stage thank Shannon right from the stage had like the product and jokingly used the product on the stage they knew what it was for and where to use it I mean that's just a sign of a professional right there and boy it was a fun such a special and sweet experience for me it was like the one thing all night I was like we have to eat and we have to be done I don't care like what we're doing but at 8:50 we have to be over there cuz that's when they start and we were and we were isn't it kind of cool I I this is uh so ego stroking so forgive me but isn't it cool that the people that we drawn to have turned out to be some of like the most professional people like for me it was Guy Fier and super pro for you it was Steve Martin and Martin Short total Pros like above and beyond and funny and great so funny in a humor that you know you don't really see as much these days as you might imagine Steve Martin is 79 and Martin sh is 74 which is crazy you would never think that looking at them no they are like so active and crazy on stage it was a delight truly there's it's rare that I leave certainly a gig but even just normal performances that you pay to go see feeling like blown away and inspired and encouraged to like take pieces that I've learned like hey you can deliver things this way and it will make the audience feel like that it's so rare that that happens but Steve Martin and Martin Short it was like every few minutes was a moment like that and it was joke and joke and there was no downtime no dead space no even the little fumbles that happened like there was one moment where the prompter wasn't working exactly right yeah and honestly I don't know that people even realized it I think it was we realized that we realized it because we understood that he was calling someone by name and doing that Michelle or something it could have looked as if he was making a joke yeah yeah he's like keep going keep going keep going but yeah we know it cuz we work in Live Events but like oh total Pros it was so fun so cool it was so great and there aren't very many moments listen I said it already I feel very lucky to be able to do what I do um I get to make people smile they come in my booth literally they smile they laugh they have fun but I also get to be in rooms that people wish they could be in and I totally get that and understand that and I know that I can easily come to a place or go this is just normal and there are times where I go yeah it's just normal it's just totally normal that I'm going to be doing this thing um but this was one of those moments for me that I was like this was a cool moment that like 50 years from now or however long from now when I'm like sitting around grandchildren who knows but like I'll tell the story cuz it was a cool it was a cool thing or people say what are you I don't know we love you Grandma but we don't know who the hell Steve Martin Mar they died 50 years before I was alive no but I mean there are some cool moment that that's a really cool moment for me the Haley and Derek Huff meeting my parents was is like one of those moments for me I know but I'm just saying like there are certain moments that I go wow like it's cool to be in the room or it's cool to be there and this was one of those it's cool to it is cool a cool thing for me to be able to say that I saw Steve Martin and Martin Short perform live yeah you know we're hysterical I think I said it to you when we were there I was like if you had told me that my life would lead me to Minnesota doing a photo activation with Bobby fle guy Fier Steve Martin and Martin SCH I'd be like that tracks no I'd be like that's like that sounds insane like what kind of weird Mad Lib is that yeah yeah and I I also think like I don't want to take where I'm at for granted and it is a crazy thing to think that three years ago actually September September 7th is the day that I left I'm getting emotional is the day that I left my job two in 2022 2022 and we're in 2024 so right mhm you're coming up on I'm coming up on two years I guess two years I thought it was longer than that no I'm pretty sure CU didn't we celebrate the one-year Bumble anniversary on the show we did um but it's just crazy to think that like it's only been I guess it's only been two years and like I made it in some ways I mean for sure you make a a great living doing what you're doing yeah and I've like I said it's crazy for me to be like I went from working eight hour eight plus hours a day every day leaving smelling like chicken and peanut oil to getting to spend more time with you and our daughter than I ever imagined possible getting to spend time with my parents and my family whenever I want um and be in some incredible rooms with people I've met more quote unquote famous people than most people most people ever will which is not a I'm not meaning to be like I'm so great but like it's just a crazy thing when you think about it I just feel really lucky and I guess this we would be celebrating this would because yeah this is the week of my Saturday and I'll be doing another event but this is the week of my anniversary is it really the sth is Saturday so we got the two-year anniversary no three year two-y year anniversary of 2022 dang that's weird cuz we're in the second year of this podcast more farther along than that that's why I was like did I really leave I always think we're farther along in our life than we are but it's just a cool thing so it is cool that's it I just yeah well I'm going to throw one thing out on top of this before we move away from or move on from the gig uh because it would have been my dad's birthday a few days ago yeah on August 31st and even though I've been in the industry in entertainment for I don't know over a decade there's only been a handful of times when uh I've done an event where I thought to myself oh my dad would really have liked to know about this or been there or whatever the first time was when pton Manning was the keynote speaker former you know NFL great quarterback I was like he would have liked that the next time was when Derek Jeter was the keynote he former MLB New York Yankees yeah but this time I had it with this event I was like my dad would have loved being around professional celebrity chefs he would have loved standing or sitting there listening to comedians that like he came up not came up with as in he was a comedian but like he grew up watching Steve Martin and Martin Short like I I was talking to my mom I think my dad would have been 71 right now so these guys would have been like same age like right there in The Sweet Spot so I figured since it was his birthday there's many more stories and many more things I could tell but I would just give him a shout out he would have loved to have been there but also would have been so proud of you so jealous that you were there he would have wanted to know all the details all that kind of stuff so shout out to my dead dad for his birthday his new book coming out I'm just kidding well truly if I don't shout him out on his birthday no one else in the world would so I figure I will um I was going to say Encanto him but that's not it I will Coco him and I will put him on my fireplace in my mind until he Fades away forever isn't that what that movie is about yes uh you about putting their picture on the mantle um what do they call it though a casita that's a house sounds like a small house AA is a house yeah but it's your Cita don't pretend like you know we don't know I don't know okay what were you going to say um it's so funny your mom was your mom since we're talking about your Dad we did sit at your mom's house you went through we won't need to get in the details of it cuz we have lot to talk about unless you want to talk about it CU it's your dad so much show but um you you we were talking about hearing your dad's voice I've never heard your dad's voice before and he died before the age of iPhones and things like that so he had an old flip phone and so your mom pulled out the old flip phone you plugged it in you're trying to get to his voicemail I don't think you ever did I got to his voicemail but not his outgoing message cuz you have to like have a code and stuff like that to look it up I mean it is a Sprint flip phone how do um but your mom also has like this this tub it's a very small tub a tub of like anything related to your dad she was like I guess this will go to you one day because it will but in that tub she was kind of like flipping through stuff and it was interesting because she flipped through a couple of black and white head shot photos oh yeah of your dad and I I was like it'd be interesting to have his headshot photo next to your headshot photo maybe something maybe this will be the week where I put all the visuals on our Instagram at it's hardly working so people who don't watch but just listen can see it and I would in that case at least put his head shot up yeah but your mom yeah there's a couple of them and I was like wow good looking man lots of hair lots of hair I hope I keep the hair that he kept anyway um that's uh I mean you had a gig on Saturday too probably not too much worth mentioning two-year-old birthday party very sweet sweet sweet Mom very very kind that was the highlight of the whole thing was getting to connect with her yeah very good see in 13 years oh like what are you talking about yes kinera I have a new segment I'd like to propose key now normally I've got such great names and titles but nothing well the best I had when I put it together was that happened today sure uh this episode airs on September 4th happy September 4th everybody getting that much closer to fall y'all which I Rec fall starts I think on the 1st of September it's considered fall no way I don't think so look it up while we do it you keep if you recall this time last year we were doing a Sprouts versus Trader Joe's fall taste test because yours truly was the Sprouts Fall Festival spokesperson that's right I do remember that what a time to have a podcast but anyway I was thinking what else happened on September 4th okay September 22nd called it ainal Equinox ainal but I like the way you said it too what was the word you were doing never mind don't make fun of me I would never never I started thinking what else happened on September 4th in years past so I compiled a list and you won't believe some as I fall off my chair that's how excited I am you ready for a few highlights sure first thank you that's the energy I need 21 years ago Kelly in 2003 was the introduction of a new breakfast item at McDonald's called the MC riddle do you remember that the McGriddle still exists launching 21 years ago now I told this To Shimmy she didn't even know what a McGriddle was a GLE that is the one that has the syrup in the yeah let's explain it's like a sausage patty in the center yeah it's and the Buns have been injected and infused with sausage and cheese and egg uh it's possible I always just got sausage saus and cheese yeah saus and cheese sandwich but the Buns have maple syrup still exists here's what it says on September 4th 20 2003 McDonald's introduced the McGriddle breakfast sandwich to its menu the sandwich features pancake like buns with maple syrup flavoring sausage egg and cheese good job became an instant hit and remains a popular breakfast item I would have been like 12 yeah I would have been uh probably end of middle school or beginning of high school and this is like the sweet spot for me I didn't like it I I still don't like it so pumped so excited I got it a few times I remember I was like this is the Pinnacle of innovation this is still before ketchup bottles came upside down is before the Doritos Locos this point the glass bottle stick a knife in it so at this point it was the Pinnacle of food Innovation yeah at this point they had already taken the bagel sandwich off of the menu see I never even knew that existed back baby it's my faves back in a big bad way in our life but here's deal I always felt sick after I ate a m griddle so I never back to him but since I'm realizing that on the you and I have this weird niche of fast food I had to get it on September 4th and be like in honor of its 13 you mean today on September 4th yeah and post it on our Tik Tok which you can follow us at it's hardly working on Tik Tok it's everywhere it's hardly working it's everywhere next thing that was introduced a beverage that you don't particularly care for but Americans flock to 42 years ago today 1982 was the year that Coca-Cola introduced Diet Coke this is the day that Diet Coke was made and I will be glad in it I've had so much Diet Coke in my life granted I'm here with the Coke Zero right now cuz Coke Zero is way better Diet Coke I don't know what it is in it but it does not taste good I do not like Diet C I think the answer is aspartame I think that's what's in it is that allowed to be in anymore I feel like that can kill you well it's look good there's bottle right here don't I want to know do you want to not know what's in your actual thing yeah I don't want to know asper tame is is in Coke Zero as well yeah I think that is like the Splenda I don't think that that's what diet coke is I think it's something different cuz it it tastes weird I don't know diet everything tastes weird zero stuff tastes good diet stuff tastes bad that's where my line is drawn semantics but she's right so not but all of you Diet Coke drinkers you have this day in history to thank to thank next I you SE 4th sorry thanks September 4th September 4th will appreciate that I thought of you because you are a boneless wing girl I am a boneless wing gal and we are fast food people did you know that 11 years ago you put that title on it it is what it is I make a lot of food at home too we just don't talk about it like this week when I made a really great amazing dish which we talk about later yeah we made it twice didn't we kind of just once we'll get there 11 years ago in 2013 the boneless wing was introduced to the KFC menu 11 years ago only 11 dang stps that's great I was never I've never been a KFC person I've sure been there big KFC big popey people not me but my family yep and they always got me chicken tender boxes because I don't I do not like a bucket of chicken well that that is not my it's not my thing but that's the thing cuz you don't like bones no so 11 years ago you probably weren't still living at home I don't know let's not do the math the one would been 20 yeah well so your parents wouldn't be bringing buckets of chicken home for all of the children well probably for me and Ryan who knows calling them out sorry next I've got two more worth talking about and then I'm going to just hit a bunch of the other ones that were worth mentioning but not digging into the next one may be exciting for you 35 years ago I wasn't even born yet I was cuz it was 1989 the year of my birth I was born just a few months prior to Walt Disney World opening Disney's Hollywood Studios wow right oh we've been there originally known as Disney MGM Studios glad they didn't stick with that well I don't know if MGM is a studio anymore maybe it is I don't know Disney's Hollywood studio opened on September 4th 1989 the theme park became famous for its attractions celebrating the IND entertainment industry including movies television and music it's like is that the park that has The Rock and roller coaster thing I I think yeah I think it's the one we went to first Indiana Jones show Toy Story Land mini and Mickey's Railway and they also for some reason have Star Wars land in that one do you like how I know nerd I went one time wow yeah but you are a Disney person the Indiana stage show Indiana Jones stage show or stunt show awes was great a 10 out of 10 would recommend that Park in particular I do not recommend but for the stage show 10 out of 10 and mini and Mickey's Railway runaway Railway is now at Disneyland so you can go and if you're local you can go see it there now the last one worth mentioning we worth digging into before I hit you with those throwaways is a sad one okay but it's one we couldn't miss okay 18 years ago in 2006 I know wow old long ago enough that this moment in history could vote now Steve Irwin died a I know a I know but I had to do it on a more somber note September 4th 2006 marks the day the world lost Steve Irwin the Beloved Crocodile Hunter just the wrong name he should have been like the crocodile humanitarian I know well you know um that's a weird dream of mine I have is I would go to I don't know what it's called but the Steve Irwin zoo that they have yeah yeah in a in Australia I go there you literally on the drive here told me we're never going to Australia cuz I'm terrified as spiders it's all I think about um I I was literally this is just a side note I was L thinking about that one video we watched where that lady had was like so I was out here and like the deadliest spider was on my car and I for some reason I left my car door open and now it's in my car somewhere look I was like she sounds stupid yeah but I was like no but anyways thank God for Bindy and Robert Irwin are those the kids yes and how about the wife I don't remember her name but thank God for her too thank God for all of them but they're keeping the dream alive keeping the dream alive baby Wildlife conservationism Bend's married to Chandler they have a baby I'm sorry what yeah bindy's married to Chandler yeah her husband friends no he died that's I was going to say he not married anymore no no no but he's an American and they fall in love and they have a baby now bigy girl how much I know what uh homework movie were you watching that this is from no I just I just like the irwins oh that's cute who doesn't Robert Irwin is just like his dad it's so fun to watch him like when he's on like Jimmy Fallon or any of those like late night shows just like when Steve IR was around like to watch him handle the the animals and talk about them like with so much love and passion like oh look this guy he's so great they would have killed YouTu oh 100% oh yeah uh well that's all that we're worth digging into but here's the honorable mentions did you know 26 years ago it was the debut of Google you believe that I remember really yeah I remember when Google wasn't a thing and the biggest thing about Google was that the thing would change every day yeah I think it still does for important days yeah uh 52 years ago was the premiere of the prices right which is still happening today crazy 60 years ago was the launch of this is for your mom Ford Motor Company's Mustang wow 1964 was the the introduction of that car Facebook Drive Facebook became open to the public 18 years ago that makes sense before you used to have to uh have a MySpace no you had to have a College login yeah and now no one uses Facebook except for people who I like to shout into the void and stir crap up so thanks people that have a business that need to stay connected with groups that's true but that Facebook's the worst 2011 13 years ago was the opening of the first In-N-Out Burger in Texas dang lucky then I'm not sure if that was the first one yeah we've had it forever the first one outside of California I don't know uh then the last two the release of psycho happened 64 years ago Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho and of course crazy air 29 years ago was the birth of Beyonce nolles she's 29 don't do the math she's always 29 she's 43 but it is her birthday today so shout out to be H happy birthday Queen happy birthday Queen thanks September 4th thanks September 4th this has been that happened today all right I have um no shortage of stories this week and I know we're over like halfway in the episode okay I pick your top three or four a such a struggle I have a question for you it's not for now but it's for before popular opinions that I'm going to ask in my so you want me to remind you question with Kelly oh you got a segment this week it's something I'm going to introduce something new oh is it called that happened today no okay well this story September 4th that's what we should call it thanks I'm going to say that at the end of every segment that you do that way all right this one I could not skip over you give me the Crazy Eyes girl what is that I'm focusing this one I could not skip over even if it's just for me and shim but real life Krabby Patties in pineapple Frost FY coming to Wendy's for a special SpongeBob occasion is a crabby patty made out of crabs is that why the secret recipe is secret because Mr Krabs is a crab and will it be made out of a crab I'm not here for your conspiracy theories but that is one of them for sure yeah I don't even really want spongeb or that it's made out of fish because what other type of protein are you going to get under the water and he's feeding these fish fish which is cannibalism but is it called cannibalism if you're a fish cuzz don't fish eat other fish I think it's called fish bism or or fish that was a stupid joke but here's the deal limited edition Krabby Patties and pineapple frosties called pineapple under the sea are going to be at participating locations and get this this is the most important part these locations will be giving out 500 limited edition SpongeBob stickers the date put it on your calendar SE 4th just kidding thanks September 4th no October 8th 2024 now Wendy's has not officially confirmed this but is looking very likely so if you're a SpongeBob fan from way back in the day September 8th OCT oober 8th I may have said September I'm pretty sure I said October but that is my big news here that I could not skip now we've got all sorts of things that we can skip are you putting it in the calendar yes girl it's Ary in there no it's not no it's not but I did check to see if I'm in town and I am and we have a Wendy's really close to us we do Brooklyn also has school so we could drop her off we could go get it we could bring one To Shimmy at work that's true and then we could but it depends on what time they start serving the Krabby Patties we'll talk about this off air wait wait okay so many questions is the Patty going to be made out of crab no they haven't like I said they haven't confirmed it oh so it's it's not going to be made out of crab it's a beef patty but what else comes on a Krabby Patty you know because there's a song is there not no that's McDonald's that has a song SpongeBob doesn't sing a song No k then what's on a crabby patty I couldn't tell you for sure there's a Patty do he say it really fast he's like C Pat let me see if I have the photo here I'm not crazy I do not watch this show very often but I'm not that's why you're wrong by the look of it it's got lettuce tomatoes onions pickles cheese a Patty and of course the secret formula secret formula anyway that's all all the SpongeBob news but we couldn't go without doing that here's a real story you ready for a real one there is a crappy Patty song oh my God I'm never going to get you back I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready well played Colorado man Left Behind during office retreat survives night on Mountain what was that noise so here's what happened this group of people this group of co-workers was doing like an office retreat team building exercise okay where they Summit a mountain and then come back okay well apparently it was something like they broke off into two groups like one group did it and then they went to the next place and then another group did it or whatever and at some point they just left this dude like I don't know if they're like he's probably with the other group he doesn't have a buddy he's fine and I don't know that they even ever said what this guy's name is in the article it's embarrassing to be left behind yeah he gets left behind he calls the people in the group after trying to find his way back down the mountain cuz they had like a trail head marker like they left a backpack or something like that of course but they took it when they went to the mountain yeah they moved they moved it but no one was like whateve Carl yeah Steve's with somebody right no not Steve they're like it's going to be a funny prank so Steve's like trying to get down this mountain apparently going through big boulders and I can't even remember what it was called but I looked it up and it's like you know when you have Boulders that are broken down and they're still like a foot long but they're all like Jagged and stuff like a whole path that's just that it says he fell down at least 20 times which is thank God totally they're like you got to go back to where we left you and then try to get come back cuz he called him and that's what they said and like they they kept TR he kept trying to send them his location no one was like I'm going to go back and try to help Steve they were just like Steve you you got to figure it out you got to get back up there and then they like lose contact with Steve for a while because a huge storm comes in a storm of freezing rain which if you've never experienced frozen rain it's not great I have when I lived in Oklahoma it froze my entire car shut it created an ice cube around the vehicle you could not open it you couldn't open the like pull the door handle it was frozen and that's what this dude found himself in he called the police though good at like 9:00 I don't remember if it was before or after the storm came in but he called the police and they sent out a search party well they couldn't find him because the storm was made it too dangerous so we had to spend the night there and then they say like nine other neighborhoods from around the area brought in search parties and they eventually found him and I guess apparently he fell like the last time and had to get like that's where he stayed because he got injured they didn't get into the details but can you imagine I would quit my job well after suing for a bunch of Mone I hate all of you yeah you all left me what's this isn't team building this was individual building and I learned I'm going to sue you can you think of anything that is more the opposite of team building than getting left on a mountain a frozen rain storm it's like it's like he pledged a fraternity and that was like they hazing you stay behind it's not really team building sucker so one of the things that the there's a big long name for it like the park people that like find them they're like we're encouraging all hikers reminding them to bring your 10 Essentials in your day pack so this doesn't happen 10 Essentials I'm going to tell you what the 10 are and I want you to tell me if you can only bring five what you're bringing okay here's the 10 they listed navigation so I assume that means Compass or something you know okay some of these terms are broad sun protection okay insulation that like a jacket I don't know okay so so far that's that's out illumination flashlight uhuh Lantern first aid supplies okay fire it's a little I don't know how you bring fire repair kit and tools for what okay ah now next up is nutrition Cliff bar food okay hydration oh God okay an emergency shelter okay if you were going to be stuck out one night I have to see the list because I can't remember all right at the top so you know that you're GNA be stranded for one night and you can only bring five yep are you I think I'm definitely bringing water yeah water and food that's already two for me I mean do you waste it on food though is food if you're only out there you know it's one day do you need food or do you need a blanket uh I need the the food because it's going to keep me warm and it's going to keep I'm sorry the food's going to keep you warm uh you're going to burn more calories if you're not eating it's going to eat you have to have that to keep but you know it's just one day you have to keep your strength up if you want to survive all right so that's two then you've got food and water already you only have three more things you can bring I'm assuming that insulation means like jackets and stuff or like a like a space blanket something like that so that would be one for me cuz it's going to keep me warm um you don't have a shelter you don't have fire you don't have a light I don't well I have my phone my phone has a light and my phone also has a compass boo so I'm just going to say I'm just going to say idiots just kidding um I don't feel like I'm going to need sun protection I can get a little bit Sunburn and I'll figure that out so I don't or you can stay under a tree or in my jacket because it seems like it's going to be cold anyway uh I don't know what a repair kitten and tools are yeah throw them out but I guess I'm going to bring shelter you going to have a tent and this is where it gets difficult for me you got one space left because I think a fire would be important but if you're asking me what I would bring in this specific instance when you're surrounded by snow it's probably not fire snow it's not snow though just because it's frozen rain doesn't mean it's snow I know but the fire is not going to stay lit in frozen rain buyer is not going to stay lit and fro okay I'll give you that and so if we're doing that I would probably I would probably say first aid supplies because if I get hurt what's going to K what's going to kill me on this mountain an infection is if I get hurt in some my perform you think a Band-Aid is going to help no a first aid kit would include probably better things than that probably all right it sounds like he got hurt and hopefully had a first aid kit because he would have died if not it's interesting I didn't include this story because it didn't really go anywhere but like as awkward as it's going to be for this person going to the office again it's not as awkward as that one lady oh we can't talk about that though that's a personal story right the person who didn't make it and was found at her desk four days later I thought you were talking about the story we heard about on our drive from the airport from Burbank no I was like I don't think we could tell that story no there was a lady at Wells Fargo who checked in like scanned her card on a Friday yeah it was like an office Wells Fargo scanned in on Friday and then was found on Monday or Tuesday four days later dead at her desk and I mean no one knew that Carlo was over there no one checked on Carla or whomever it was very sad anyway didn't include that but uh there was one quote here uh from the article said so they not only left this person behind in the first place while they summited but then his co-workers let him go to the summit alone then they moved the rock markers on their way back down wow great team building exercise glad he's okay hopefully he finds a new job soon is that what the P the like the park rangers said no it's some comment on it or something like that that is a good comment and he should quit but not before he su yeah seriously cuz of his team building event I'm sure they made him go yeah well unless sign negligence I'm sure he signed something is like you have to go to arbitration or something whatever he should still do that mhm because negligence and all the other people should get fired the leader whoever the leader was well speaking of people who almost didn't make it but did this next story title is husband admits to adding cocaine and MDMA to wife's Coca-Cola in hopes he would marry her daughter we've read this you think so we haven't read this though yeah we have no we then tell me the story read it again husband admits to adding cocaine and MDMA to wife's Coca-Cola in hopes he would marry her daughter maybe I just read that top part on like something maybe you read it when I handed you the the show seen this this week so it must have been I don't think I looked into it so apparently this man he's 71 years old uh his name is Ruf I'm going to call him Ru might be rof I don't know it's an Indian name it do in here I don't know whatever he ruies you it's rof O little on trigger warning uh so it's it's a weird one where he's married to his wife and presumably his age yeah somewhere around there I'm sure didn't say how old the wife was I don't think he's 71 mhm and she had a daughter from another marriage that daughter I think is 30 or 31 m and so I guess he fell in love with the daughter who promised to marry him no once her mom was quote taken care of no way so the daughter got illegal prescriptions or not prescriptions but illegal uh obviously cocaine MDMA and benzo in a powdered form and he no less than 12 times between September to December put it in the mom's Coca-Cola at night and it wasn't until the mom was like she knew something was up so she cut open the can and she saw like a white residue and she had gone to the doctor a few times like I don't know why I'm getting these headaches I don't know why I'm Some Nights I sleep for 13 hours straight what's happening the the doctor said yeah you tested positive for cocaine MDMA and benzo which I actually don't know the whole pronunciation of benzo Mama whatever benzo it's in here somewhere but I read it like oh benzo Dippin Dio you want to see it yeah I do cuz I can say it I know I can it's right here benzo daens benzo diens dapin whatever it is it's in there so it gets weirder and I apologize for the people who don't like hearing stuff like this so the the daughter who again is like early 30s the daughter got the the drugs yes would have the dad put him in the drink and her mom would fall asleep and then she would bring a friend over a girl and they would like do little strip teases or something or perform sex acts on the dad and he admitted as well that sometimes would have to pay them to do those things but like this dude is 71 71 he's getting played by his daughter he is I'll definitely be with you after my mom is taken care of now pay me to be your escort that's literally what's happening go and so he's the only one being charged with any crime right now good which is no she should Char to but she shouldn't have said yes to that he shouldn't have okay but also don't take anything for me that you haven't prepared because I'm learning a lot about how to drug me yes just in case you just in case I feel like you're going to you know take all my money or something I have all your money I know it's true that was a really weird way to say that but I'm like I have all the pass I mean you have passwords too but I know you guys are here she already has access to all my money so if anything happens to me yeah that's right I opened up high yield savings account for us so that we could put our money to work always look at the spouse first oh my gosh oh my gosh okay that's basically that whole story should we talk about chimp crazy here's what we're gonna do yes okay there's a show on HBO right now or on Max called chimp crazy imagine Tiger King but with chimpanzees here's what we're going to do we're going to talk about it right now but I'm going to throw it at the end of the episode in case you don't want it spoiled because we're going to talk about it so if you want to listen to that it'll be at the end of the episode The otherwise another story is happening right now next story is this this is so stupid semi-truck carrying fries crashes in the five freeway near downtown Los Angeles did you hear this when did that happen September 4th August 29th September 4th that's a joke sorry took me a second but I got there yes all Lan closed on the southbound five freeway near downtown LA which we could very well have been driving on I know that day I guess it was the next day we drove it on Saturday to get to the to your gig dang because a semi Tru carrying a load of french fries crashed Thursday morning dang Frozen I'm sure they were frozen uh police allowed on liquers what does it say here police uh police allowed onlookers to take the spilled fries headed for restaurants such as Burger King and McDonald's but not those headed for Taco Bell when asked for comment on this the LA police chief said those are nacho fries is that what they really said no but there was no way I wasn't doing that J I brought that article in purely to do that joke I was like it's weird that theyd let them take fries I love that you went with it though you're like okay let's see where he goes I was like yeah I was like where where are you going with this oh those are nacho fries cuz they're they're nacho fries oh my gosh I sorry that was really good had to um I have a couple more here one is just a follow-up story Believe It or Not followup story first time ever I actually don't know if I went back to see if we had done the story cuz sometimes there's tons of stories that don't actually make it in the episodes I'm pretty sure we have talked about this correct me if I'm wrong it may be our first followup ever okay Thief who stole 20 kilog kilogram gorilla statue from Melbourne Retirement Village admits he made quote silly mistake I wouldn't call that a silly mistake but do you remember that do you remember when we talked about here's what happened we either talked about this statue getting stolen or we were talking about something getting stolen and I brought in like the top 20 weirdest things that have been stolen probably that one of which the monkey was a part of it the gorilla was a part of I don't really remember but doesn't matter to me look people it made just a little silly mistake it's just a little silly I didn't mean to take that giant statue it's silly was it a big statue or a small one 20 kilograms babe so sorry so Sil which we all know is convert 20 kilogram convert 20 kilograms into pounds we all know that 20 kg is equal to about 44 pound okay not as heavy as I thought okay that's enough thank you I could carry that yeah so good this guy as he loaded it into his truck when he stole it from a retirement village apparently onlookers saw him do it and took a photo and sent it to the police so he got captured pretty much immediately duh the real bummer is he was also uh either driving with a suspended license or had his license revoked so he actually is getting bigger penalties now because of this stuff silly silly mistake and he literally and and they went through his phone and he well first of all he saysit was very silly he to told the court 33-year-old uh man steals the statue and then texts his friends and said uh basically like no big deal I just stole a gorilla so there's text messages there's video or photo evidence but Justice is being served they haven't told him what uh his whatever punishment will be they're they're basically like it shouldn't really be jail time for this but since you also are like driving without a license it's actually going to be more severe D so who knows what's going to happen I guarantee you we will not follow up on that story sorry go look it up yourself I had to fill it in I had to put it out there right now because you know maybe we talked about it before I've got more stories but those are all the stories that I did for this week all right and we're almost at an hour so this was the moment that I was supposed to remind you I already know listen I think that we talk a lot about other people a lot we talk about ourselves at the top of the podcast but not about like our interest and stuff and what are we the most interested in well food that's true I mean Everyone likes food so we're talk about food we've been to enough parties and things now um I was thinking about this the other day as I was going to sleep and I was like I should ask him this question and I'm GNA have a new question for you every week on a segment I like to call Kelly's questions thanks September 4th thanks September 4th um but my question today is what do you like if we were going to throw up party yeah or if you had to go to a party but I guess we're throwing a party okay we're throwing a party um and we had like treay past appetizers what appetizers wow would they be and it could be ones that you've had in the past it could be a spin on like meals that you've had you could be like I want like little In-N-Out sliders right could be whatever you want but three three you three okay um and they're appeasers but they appetizers appetizers not like small versions of Entre I mean I think that app appetizers are basically they can be small versions of Entre does that make sense so like it it can be all right I'm going to hit you with a few okay one comes from your days of catering oh hot fries with a little ketchup in like one of those con going to be mine but it's not a cone it's like in a shot glass thing cuz it's like fancy oh fancy fries okay so that could be a part of it do you remember the figgy balsamic pork tenderloin we used to if we could do that in like a little kind of not a slider situation but like an opened kind of sandwich Stitch okay I think that would be fun you got to have coconut shrimp as a past app most weddings for me just turn into a game of how many coconut shrimp can I eat so that's on there um gosh what else would I do at a party maybe little quesadilla triangles with like a dollop of guac or sour cream on the top just little little quesadilla bites hey you have any I do tell me I haven't thought about cuz I didn't want to steal the one that I thought you were going to say yeah yeah yeah listen I realized the other day I was like man I really like grilled cheese in my appetizers like truly like grilled cheese bisque if you think about beauty and essics there grilled cheese and bis like bisque is the word you're saying right B yeah it's like so good like it's good right it's am this literally the one that I didn't take listen this was something that guy Fetti made yep and you say his name very exotically f f you say it Fier uh guy F hey everybody I'm guy Fier and we're rolling out I think it's Fier he says Fier Fier let's ask him next time we see him oh I'll just text him I'm just kidding um but he made this it was great I was really excited about his Burgers but he also had a separate thing that was a grilled cheese with uh chicken parm on top of it when I tell you that it was so good how good was it Cal it was so good that I came home and we made it I mean I made chicken parm and then I may or made out of made grilled cheeses the next day and put the rest of the chicken parm on top of it let be honest delicious have you ever made chicken parm in our marriage no no but it's good this wasn't like oh I'm just making chicken parm you subtly or subconsciously or maybe just tried to trick me into it cuz we had the chicken parm and then you're like what if I don't know we made a grilled ches it was so good it was in fact it was so good at the party that we shot a video it too which may or may not end up on her Instagram go check working um but I would make that into little bite size so like little Tri like little small triangle grilled cheese bites with some chicken parm on top with some mozzarella I mean that would be perfect so good Perfection but I would do that yes um I would do the French fries but you could have a choice between ranch or ketchup that would be like my there's no choice it's ketchup just ketchup but yeah you know what I you know what I mean who dips their fries only in ranch I do only in ranch with no ketchup or do you go back and forth sometimes depends on my mood mostly I go back and forth but sometimes I just do the ranch depends how so if you're feeling depressed and angry you'll just do Ranch no it depends on how good the ranch is buttermilk ranch is better than any normal type of ranch do you know how British people say that butter milk I meant Ranch you crazy Ranch they can't say it cuz it's I was think though is there any in their dialect rch that has the a sound like Ranch no that's an us thing Ranch they don't have a single word that has an A in it we have apple do they call Apple Apple an apple an apple I don't a a a apple accordion oh bring me the accordion I need to know that as I'm doing the accent I like there's something in my brain that happens where I can't like get out of it to do something different but I cannot say apple apple that's how I would say it that's not right opal Apple banana but it's not hot the problem with app Apple Apple is that it's not banana it's not in it it's not like ra Ranch is like after the art and so it's like a ra Bri how would a British person say oh my God there's a rat oh my God there's a little bugger over there do you see that rock you the whole word that rock a little buger because they probably don't call it a rat they probably call it something else a mouse a little mouse over there Cy there's a rot oh they wouldn't say c c yeah blooming onion no that's still a no but I don't know that they do I think they have different things they have different words no because in Harry Potter scabbers is a rat R wron Weasley and this is my rat scab they don't say rat how do they say Ratched rap scallion they don't how do they say rap music R I love R and Hip Hop they probably call it something other than rap why is that your answer for everything you're like they don't have long Chang the whole word they have weird words for things any who to get back to my side whatever tell me about your appeases tell me about your appetizers my Ops my opers tell me about your Ops um I truly the last one would be some sort of like taco crispy or soft like a little Jack in the Box mini Taco but not Jack in the Box cuz I don't I sorry guys we pin I don't really like Jack in the Box tacos it's true me either someone on Tik Tok though is scolding me and they're like you need to do it at midnight it would be all of Tik Tok just SCS me my brain is really processing through this right now I can tell it would be like a little Taquito but better than your taquitos like a chicken Taquito with cheese in it and then it would be and dipped in a little thing that had queso I think it'd be yeah guac but also the chicken in there would be marinated in tequila and it' be called like a TI tequilo Teo TI tacoy Taco but also this called range Taco listen I'm going to add this appetizer in although I think it would probably be something after but I think this should be at the top because I think it's fun I would do boozy milkshake shots do it at the end no but but half of your appetizer is just the menu from Beauty and eics no yes no the boozy milkshake shot yes they didn't invent it the the chicken or the uh bisque with I didn't do the bisque that's how you started the whole s but I said because I like grilled chases how do you think Brit say grilled chases exactly that way grilled cheese it's not actually it's not what they call it they call it something different you think I'm kidding they call it a floppy melt no a flappy Patty a fog knog keep going a jibbery wibbit a scallywag a morning glory a Pampers a bimbot oh a toasty a toast cheese toasty look every everything I just said I knew name for it they called a cheese toasty can I get a cheese toasty a toasty that's what I want wow wow I miss London what a day I miss London too let's go let's plan a trip um happy birthday birthday to me B birthday happy birthday brv happy birthday br um we always do these things on this episode on this show yeah go ahead I was going to say I I want to take back some of my appetizers I just don't have a better listen do it on your own show no I don't have better options right now but I will report back but the the grilled cheese with the with the chicken on the chicken parm on top is like top here enjoy some of that you know what we do on this show every single episode un pop pins un un pop pins on our toasty wagons whatever the Brits say we probably have like one British listener who's like o that don't sound like me at all that's not how they sound they do if they're Cockney British no yeah well yeah but I think they're going to think that my accent's actually pretty good you think everyone's Emma Watson no but I'm not talking like Emma Watson when I think we've said this on the show but whenever you do your British accent I know I come across as a little bit [ __ ] I understand you like you're talking down to people I'm not talking but I'm not talking down to people you see it's just how they talk sometimes it's very blunt and straightforward into the point and that is something that I know about London people and that's okay they can still be nice but they're like New Yorkers where they're not always they don't always come across as nice even if they are being nice mostly because you can't understand all their words but well can't argue with that what I can do is give you some unpop a pins that literally are designed for you Kelly I'm ready okay the first one the human centipede is actually a good movie no yep it is no no no no no no no no if I mean it is a good movie if the job is to scare somebody to never wanting to see the movie ever again then yes I haven't even seen the movie but the nightmares I had from this movie context for what happened which brother showed you what part of this movie nobody showed me any part of this movie I thought you said they did no Ryan made me watch Texas chainsaw massacre massacre is that your British Massacre Massac Massac it's more French than anything listen I heard about if I have if I have nightmares tonight by the way you need to understand that it's your fault love you so much I will just I will be so distraught I um heard about this show from a friend and I distinctly remember I was sitting at a Chick-fil-A movie movie I was sitting at a Chick-fil-A in Valencia with my friends late night after that one year that I was in college she was really smart she got she did it all in one year shut it and they uh told me about this movie and the idea of it really freaked me out like I truly would wake up having nightmares and cry because I like there was something about it that was so scary and then they came up with a second one that was like instead of three people it was like 12 or whatever or H 100 whatever it was which I never saw I never saw either of these what what ended up happening to me is that whatever I was thinking about in my head the idea of it in my head was like way worse and once I finally actually watched like a piece of it and saw what it was uh I actually felt better oh well that's good when did you see what it was cuz you didn't like look it up somebody had to show you cuz I know how you work you're not going to open Pandora's Box on your own someone is going to offer you an opportunity what I think actually happened this is weird I bet it was Ryan or Sean well it was very distinctive this is funny because it was like years that I was really scared of this and I think I was doing something hanging out with Ryan for sure um but we watched a there's like a Family Guy yeah spiff of this spoof of this this is a British word for SPO I don't know let this where they do like the human centipede on Family Guy yeah and I saw that I was watching that with Ryan and I think I said something like it's really scary he's like have you ever seen it and I said no and he's like and I think he was asking he you know him he's like well what do you think what do you think it is what do you think it looks like and I think I was telling about it he's like you should just watch a piece of it because it's not that he didn't show me I did look it up because I was like okay seeing the family guy thing made me feel like oh maybe it is I mean it was supposed to be funny um but then actually seeing like a real clip of it was but I truly think that it is one of um the worst and when I say worst I don't mean like it was so bad but like the worst scary movie I've ever heard about I'll throw this out here for anyone who grew up at the same time I did the worst scary movie that I hated watching but went to the theaters see anyway was a movie called hostile so if you've seen hos saw shout out to you it did scare me though not cool like I'll never stay in a hostle because of it oh you were never going to stay there anyway baby thanks babe I know you if you're not familiar with the human centipede and this is the part where Mom stops stop reading cuz it's gross the premise of the human centipede as a horror film and Mom and Dad stop listening just skip 15 seconds is that they would sew people mouth to sphincter and feed them and as the first person and it would go through the body like a centipede Allah The Human Centipede I have not seen it Kelly is off camera probably freaking out right now yeah I I've never like I said seen this movie in its entirety it is if you wanted to torture me you would just put this movie it's so bad that Kelly has to massage her ear loses while thinking about it but what this guy wrote might might convince you the opposite listen yeah if it's meant to scare you because that's what a scary movie does then yeah it is a good scary movie like which I'm sure is what this person is saying let me let me explain here's what they said I was curious to watch it because everyone has been saying how disgusting and gruesome it is so I wanted to see for myself and I watched both the both the first and original movie as well as the second one the beginning wasn't that interesting but but I realized that as the movie was going on it kept me on the edge as to what was going to happen next the suspense was great it didn't bore me at all and I loved the fact that it was so unpredictable unpredictable and full of twists so yeah might have been Twisted gruesome and unusual but overall I feel like it's not that bad of a movie as it's full of suspense and plot twists any opportunity given I'd watch it again you can't know unless you see it for yourself also the second movie was terrible not worth it at all IMDb rating 4.4 out of 10 my rating 8.10 out of or8 out of 10 do that convince you no here's what I I was thinking though as I I was reading this earlier this week the things that are so outrageous and everyone's like why would you do that seems to work out for people remember Lady Gaga wore a meat dress to an award show yeah and we're like what a freak now she's an icon remember when Miley Cyrus torqued up against Beetlejuice version of Robin Thick at the bmas and she a whole phase where she's like I'm so crazy and now cut to a month ago when I was there as they inducted her into the Disney Hall of Fame like the weird stuff the the shocking stuff tends to become just normal sure I would say that personally for me I do not I mean scar movies are already a little bit hard now that I'm older I used to be able to watch them a lot when I was younger it was like a thing that I did with my friends you were like I love it I used to do a lot with my friends something has happened as I get older that I it's just I can't hang as much it depends on the type of scary movie for sure um I like more like the suspense and the Mystery but I like movies scary movies that are just scary movies meant to torture people are like not my thing so like the human centipede it's just not about it uh the Saw movies uh like it's it's just not great for me um wax museum wax House of Wax with Paris Tilton yeah yeah yeah wow that's where some of these wax figures are real people under one a yeah and that's like creepy and scary and like what's the last pseudo scary movie that you saw and enjoyed for me I think it was split it's funny as I was going to be like I feel like split was like the last game movie I saw which feels like a lifetime ago it it was a long time ago um but proba I guess that movie I'm like really trying hard to think about if we've watched something since then we tend to watch more documentaries which I think can be scary at times hang around for our chimp crazy review at the end of this um but I I can tell that I just especially having a daughter now and you travel a lot on the road like I just know myself more now as an adult and I don't need to have those things in my mind of like what could happen um or maybe what yeah in in my head like I just feel better not doing that although I do watch things like castle and Bones where they have serial killers and things like that in there at least there's like an ending you know it's not like a whole movie and I the characters and they're safe uh they're safe characters for me and all that stuff was made for cable television so not going to be yeah human centipedes yeah and also I think as like the world has gotten crazier I go like why do we put these ideas out there of things that people could actually do and try why do why do we come up with the ideas for them I don't know but it's it's a little bit true yeah I thought about that I think I may have said that on the last episode for something I don't know yeah I feel like split you by the way I would never poison you not I wouldn't poison you and you're drink I feel weird about having said that joked about that earlier in the episode I know you wouldn't so that's good hey can you read the uh next unpopular opinion for me just read it from there it's right at the top I just want to hear you say it no know this is your show unpopular opinion Kelly's opinion Christmas is the best holiday no Christmas is the worst holiday okay why do people say that they say it because it's commercialized it's stressful sets unrealistic expectations it's bad for the environment has nothing to do with its original meaning and expands strong materialistic ideologies don't celebrate it then tell you you're like valid points you know but back off ESP found a photo that he showed me the other day no it was Brooklyn standing in front of a Christmas tree with a bunch of Christmas presents underneath it okay and he no no no you we have to really set this I didn't realize the piece of it till the end so I will say that but I'm saying like he was like Kelly look at this picture this is a couple days ago he shows me the picture I'm telling you it's Brooklyn dressed in her PJs if didn't it would look like Christmas morning Christmas morning there's wrap gifts under like fully like it's like Christmas in our house and if you don't know me I love Christmas and Brooklyn loves Christmas true I start decorating for Christmas right before Thanksgiving maybe after but if as early as you'll let me which is normally like November actually I think it's after Halloween after Halloween I'm like it's Christmas season we're decorating for Christmas we're doing it but he shows me this photo and he was like Kelly look look at this photo what's wrong with it or something like that and I was like Brooklyn's there the Christmas tree looks beautiful like there's presents under the tree like it looks great the date of this November 1st yeah I bought and wrapped all of the Christmas presents underneath a tree it was fully decorated it was crazy I think it was the fourth of 8 or something but still it was like it looked like Christmas morning but we were a legit just about 2 months away from the holiday I love Christmas but you know it works in my favor sometimes because Christmas season can get busy for me that's and I'm a planner and I really do like to have Christmas presents I like it to feel like it's Christmas for as long as it can and it just doesn't feel like Christmas if there's no wrapped presents under the tree yeah you know you've really won me over on I said this to you the other day I was like there's hardly anything that I came into our relationship disliking and you've liked that you haven't won me over for with the exception of Taylor Swift and Christmas is one of them I really don't care about Christmas um I care about it cuz I want people in my life well like I want it to be great for Brooklyn essentially and great for you because it's important to you but I don't care about Christmas like I don't need I don't have a list of things I want nothing but I think during 2020 this was eye opening as well like there was a little bit of magic in Christmas in the midst of 2020 of the chaos of the world and uh that was in 2022 I think the photo we're talking about possibly might have been 2021 but Kelly's so into Christmas it's so fun she actually we did Christmas in July once too dur that was during 2020 it was either 2020 or 2021 one of those it was in a pandemic year it was hard yeah it was a hard year but we did a a full Christmas yeah like as if it was Christmas in and she had blast and she was like is it July yet next year we were like we're not doing it again what um she already has multiple Christmases but she wanted one in the summer too I know but yeah I'm glad I'm glad I think you enjoy some of the holiday things that we do yeah and I've really changed up what we used to do like we I used to always I I love going to see Christmas lights it's one of my favorite things but it has to be in like the perfect mood and I know it's so annoying like I don't like being in the car I like walking with the hot chocolate in my hand but we don't do that every year but it is fun and it's fun to watch Brooklyn do that and the Christmas movies and oh my gosh the Christmas movies single-handedly keeping that industry alive yes and I work with Hallmark a lot now and I'm really hopeful that I'll do something for Christmas with them you almost did a Christmas and July event with them but it turned into a different event that you still did with them the launch party yeah but I'm just hopeful because I love Christmas and I Hallmark makes good Christmas movies I would I mean that's the type of Christmas movies that I like Christmas movies that I like they're very specific type of film yeah and that's okay you can guess what's going to happen but you still enjoy it it's true it's true uh one more unpop a pin before we get out of here and this one is a little bit silly I always like to end on a not serious one although none of them Adit really serious this week which is a nice change Bigfoot is the most boring crypted conspiracy theory paranormal thing yeah really yes you think it's the most boring conspiracy theory Loch nness Monster or Bigfoot Bigfoot Lochness Monster is better aliens or Bigfoot aliens are better what other conspiracies are there well uh Bermuda Triangle yeah Bermuda Triangle Bigfoot uh Easter Bunny Santa Claus those things are holiday things though they're not like Machu Picchu Machu Picchu is real chichin Nita that's also real it's also what the Brits call Grilled Cheese Toasties baby it would have been funnier if I could have got the joke off I know um it's funny that you mention that cuz this is like literally what these people said I was like that's not fair while Bigfoot's not the most exciting isn't that the unpopular opinion that it's the it's not the most the least it's the least exting least and I disagreed what is the least exciting look you bring up a lot of good points okay I'm just if you if you're going to say it's not the least and you have to at least be able to provide what you think the least exciting I don't disagree with that but also you don't have one is that's what you're trying to to kindly say I'm saying a lot of things but while I eat this microphone okay go you do that I I'm going to do this I'm listening I'm going to look something up I am a fan of Bigfoot I think it's stupid but I like The Whimsy of thinking that there's weird creatures out there werewolf werewolf's more boring no yeah no it turn from person vampire not less boring okay what are you are you looking up yes okay then hit me with some here that I will basically reiterate what you said which is czy this person said I don't know why there's people out there who dedicate their lives to researching and finding this thing I can understand aliens or ghosts because those would fundamentally alter our entire perception of our universe and reality I can understand Moth Man which I thought was a weird PLL by the way Moth Man because bugs are scary and he causes major disasters that could actually hurt you personally I can understand the Bermuda Triangle because the lack of real answers and details means you can project all kinds of crazy possibilities on to it but like who cares if there's essentially a big gorilla thing in the woods somewhere we already have big gorillas did you write this no but I could have we've already got a bunch of big scary Apes living in various forests across the world what's one more really going to add to the experience it's like having a polar bear versus a bear if you've seen one orangutan you've pretty much already gotten the Bigfoot experience just go to the damn Zoo BR yeah dragons better than Bigfoot mermaids like the way that Sailors talk about them like as vicious creatures that lure Sailors into the night and then kill them um cuz that's cooler it doesn't matter whatever you think a mermaid is but like Little Mermaid not cooler than big F I think it's cooler a person that can live underwater and swim and have a tail and I know that mermaids don't exist do you yeah they could live in the deep dark they don't you don't know uh they don't though because they would have to have been seen by a sailor hear me they have there have been reports of them hear me when I say this the ocean is like space filled with a bunch of aliens that we've never met I could not agree more no so you don't know however the majority of the land on the planet Earth has been explored disagree Giants Giants aren't real but is a is a yeti real a Bigfoot real wait are you saying Yeti like the abominable snowman yeti oh you're talking about oh Bigfoot's I guess different than a Yeti but they're like the same thing to me because they're no they're not haven't you seen Monsters Inc just like a wait when you see a Yeti cooler you're like that's a Bigfoot cooler no I know they're not the same thing but I do put them together because they're both yeah they're V like one is like the snow variant like the the forest variant you know but Giants are they better or worse they're not real but but that that's not what we're talking about we're talking about conspiracy theories and if Bigfoot is the worst one so Bigfoot or giant I didn't know I was going to be put on trial Bigfoot or Giants Giants are better yeah Meg what's the big Meg shark yeah cooler than Bigfoot and actually likely to have been real in the Dinosaur Days according to my brain so science science science science science science science you got any others no I'm sure there are but those were a lot of them fairies elves uh all Co cooler than gnomes what's a gnome other than a statue you put on top of your outside of your house what is pain if not grief persevering look I'll give it to you I don't I think I was wrong I mean we have humans that are like 7 feet tall it's that yeah but I wouldn't call I would call them Giants but not real giants but like is that what we're saying Bigfoot is just a really tall man no he's a beast he's like a giant bare thing that walks on two feet and is always a little bit blurry and a werewolf would kill that Sor a what a werewolf there it is would kill let's put the L in that word huh let's put the L right wolf you know Brooklyn says Wolf the same way I do wolf yeah I was watching her say it all week as we built that Minecraft Lego how's a British person say it oh look at that little wolf is that little wolf over there does that get you say it like a little British no I just oh no I don't always do that when I talk on a British accent but a little wolf tell me tell me again about it the wol oh look it's a little wolf no it there's a wolf over there that's sound like Kanani Ron no you can't not me not herione you a werewolf oh my gosh well before you choke and die over there which don't not at least until September 25th did we talk about that 24th and no I was saying you can die the day after well we will save it for next week I guess so we should save for the week that it's supposed to happen oh that's that's a good point you should write the show more often yep now is the time that we would normally tell you bye but we do have bonus content for you if you like to listen and hear about crazy chimp chimp crazy crazy chimp whatever it is now it's the time for you to hang around and listen to that that's right right after the music goes like a normal episode you'll hear that part of it as well but anything you're looking forward to this week you've got big digs coming up two a three-day gig coming up here and I've got therapy and the dentist anim meeting for you not for me um but yeah I'm looking forward to I guess getting out to Mont and being by the ocean and um hanging out with Mark this week not my dad my friend Mark it's going to be cool for you um and then building my Lego a that Simon got me describe it for the people who only listen she got me the plum blossom Botanical collection you also say that word odd did you know that plum blossom no none of those words Botanical collection yeah how do you say Botanical Botanical Botanical Botanical it's not a butt it's Botanical botanico um it's a part of their new collection of flowers that has a vase or vase however you want to say it attached to it we got to get out of here we're never going to make it they are so cool they also have a crysanthemum that I already built now I have this one they are so cool they're small in size like 24 inch tall is that right that's too that would that's way too tall it's you imagine 15.5 in I was totally wrong inches tall it is like so cute so perfect the little vase is perfect it's everything I want it to be because the flowers always come with nothing in them what do you do with them put them in a real vase I guess you can I haven't SS I have this one here and I'm really really really excited about it thanks Jim love you well that's it for for this week's episode you know I'm kind of tagging along with your life this week I've got my therapy I'm GNA get my night guards so I'll have some night guards for my teeth because I learned you grind them no I don't bite them I clench ouch ouch indeed deed not any longer cuz I'll have a night guard a night guard you stand like me at night time as I have my retainers just two nerds in a pod yeah oh my gosh no so um my week is uh busy it truly if you made it this far first of all thank you love you so much this summer has been insane way too much work way too many things we're doing last summer made it on my top 10 list in my Top Knots not this year not this year bro in fact look there's going to be lots of good things to talk about I hope you stick around for Hardley holidays where we'll also do our Top Knots like we do every year our top 10 moments and bottom 10 moments of the year it feels like this year has a lot of distinct bottom moments for me that I can think of um I'm just hoping we can uh think through it I'm just thinking of like March to June like just there it's a lot of tumultuous few months but I'm sure there's great moments for the top all that to say last year it was my favorite summer maybe of my life like I had so much fun with you and with Brooklyn and it was so stressfree this summer was not that I wouldn't say it was the opposite but stressful but it just wasn't as fun it was too full that's what it was too full so um it's been weird we're leaving summer now getting ready for the fall Kelly has already made her first chocolate chip pumpkin bread of the season I did which Brooklyn freaked out about she's her favorite she was so excited yep even though it's still 200° out in Los Angeles it's time for pumpkin bread we're committed to the fall already but yeah so in terms of things I'm looking forward to uh kind of just run your coattails on this one we have uh a big weekend like you mentioned this weekend we have an equally big if not maybe bigger weekend the following weekend which is uh crazy with the amount of events we're doing on one day I think it comes out to 1 two 3 four five when you split it up yeah yeah so it's a little stressful between the two of us yeah I'm looking forward to talking to my therapist at this point I should probably just send her the link to this episode and be like you want to know here it is uh but so much more so I'm looking forward to that looking forward to being uh with you at your gig even though your gigs give me so much anxiety so much anxiety not always if I'm on them they do this Minnesota gig turned out incredible it was just up for both of us it was just a marathon you had to Sprint an entire Marathon to get there it was a lot so um I'm honestly I'm looking forward to it's so sad to say probably won't be until like October that we get some real time just to take it easy and chill for a minute but um I know it's going to be a good week I know your gigs coming up are going to be good I'm glad we get to do them together we got big gigs coming up the next week and uh we're just going to keep on keeping on we're going to be working hard and shooting hardly working but that's all that's really on my plate for right now that and being intentional with the house because once we got back in there before we thought we would it's been kind of slow movement so we'll get there we'll get there all right thanks for sharing all those things you're welcome stick around if you want to hear about crazy chimp crazy that's right and if not we'll see you next week and we hope you spend most of your time hardly working bye sorry bye by bye bye byee bye byee [Music] chimp crazy is that that is what it's called this show is human crazy it's insane I mean Tiger King was this way too let's be clear it is from the same director as Tiger King but he had to get a a different director because that whole Shadow director yeah the whole uh you know big cat and animal whatever like wild animal but owner in your home World wouldn't talk to him won't talk to him because they saw what happened with Tiger King and how they painted how they were painted in a bad light not because he painted them that way but because they painted themselves that way are um so yeah but it's crazy I don't even know how to describe it you should definitely go and watch it it's happening um they're dropping a new episode every week so we're probably just about ready for a new episode to drop this week we're only two episodes in right now the second episode was really intense it was really um you hear like the live one of the live 911 calls from when a chimpanzee is attacking someone and that is kind of let me let me kind of set the table here a little bit if you weren't around in the 80s or 90s you may have missed so many TV shows and so many films that utilized monkeys as actors they would train these chimps to do things not chimp just monkeys friends had it friends had the little monkey that would go around with Ross you know yes I don't believe it's illegal to do that now but pretty much no especially for a movie that has a budget you're not going to have a real animal acting anymore like you're not going to have a monkey smoking cigarettes because that monkey learns that behavior and then will be very angry unless it gets cigarettes for the rest of its life yeah that happened on a Kevin Smith movie Jane Silent Bob Strike Back I think oh they T him how to teach how to smoke cigarettes uhuh and he would not stop harassing humans for cigarettes that's what happens imagine like a parrot that learns how to say something and then never shuts up yeah that's how it goes anyway so that was a weird and wild time what we learned was these chimps can do that type of work for a certain amount of years at the beginning of their life but once they get to about six or seven they cannot be domesticated anymore like they really were a part of these people's families yeah uh spoilers well this is all spoiler talk so I won't say that there was one point where this there was one chimp that this woman was Raising that was born premature and it's Mom either died or couldn't like nurse it to health so this woman had a newborn baby on one breast nursing and a baby chimpanzee on the other breast nursing F at the same time these people are like raising their children at the same time we haven't heard about anyone sleeping or doing anything like that with the chimp yet but we're pretty sure it's coming anyway they're like docil is for the first six to seven years and I think if yeah and then they become like feral like they can do some things but can't be trusted which leads us to what you were talking about the second episode it's intense I don't know how much we should get into it but basically he gets out of his cage and attack he gets in trouble he's not allowed to be out in public anymore more because he he I think he had a stroke at one point too so no his his dad died not monkey not the not the monkey dad but the human dad died of a stroke remember and never came back after after that guy had his nose in part of his face no different guy different guy but this guy he died and then the Monkey kind of went like went had was sad and kind of went crazy and that's really when this whole story begins but you go fast forward a couple of years he's not all at the house anymore he has to stay at home in a cage he gets out of his cage one day and he attacks his babysitter yeah um and that is a 911 call that we hear from the owner being like this my chimp is going to kill my friend is killing my friend is killing my friend and you can go and watch it but just be aware I don't want to say intense um yeah but it was an intense intense to hear the call this isn't like a drama no this is the actual 911 call of this woman crying into the phone with the police operator going he's killing my friend who is my chimpanzee he he's ripping off he's eating her face and rip ripping off her face and eating her body right now he ripped out her eyes and her nose and half of her jaw and we're like trigger all of this is trigger warning I'm saying it all because this is at the end of the show and people didn't have to listen if it didn't if you're interested you should watch it uh the first episode was not that intense but it is just like Tiger King I I just I hope the most intense Parts have been gone through but I I mentioned this too we were looking at this one guy who's like bringing the chimps to school he was clearly like a part of the chimp's lives and we're like what is with this big scar in the center of his face like on both sides of his nose and that was the dude who apparently got his nose bit off went in and one of the older chimps like came and just bit the nose off of his face so it back on went in and it the nose actually looks pretty good but just some significant scars yeah it uh this is I guess all I'll say about this it is interesting cuz I really and much you can enjoy something like Tiger King I enjoyed watching Tiger King cuz I thought it was comedic tiger Joe is that his name Tiger King Jo Joe Exotic Joe Exotic such a great character I know he's a real person but like such a great character the problem that I think is or the thing that I think is interesting and it's probably the problem is that Tigers you can look at tigers and be like that's like a big cat it's still a pet you know it's a pet and so you're going to be more careful with it I'm curious to see where this goes because monkeys are so similar to humans that I can see the disconnect in these people's heads of like they are a part of our family they are that it's because well they they act kind of like humans when they're little when they're little babies they can't talk just like babies can't talk they crawl they learn how to walk they do all the same things it's not they dress themselves in human clothes yeah they can do stuff it's not like having a tiger that like you're like that's a cat and my cat's never going to like I'm never going to breastfeed my cat I'm never going to like you know what I mean yeah but my cat's never going to I bet that's happened just saying you know what I mean it's a very different thing and so you treat I feel like they treated the Tigers differently because they're like they're Tigers they're animals they're pets I still love them but they're pets but a monkey I'm like that a fine line I'm watching them really look at these monkeys as like no they are a part of our family it's like my brother my sister my whatever I'm like woo yeah no truly truly they're like these people are like I there's no point of living if I don't have a chimp in my life yeah it's weird it's it's very very weird one Soul one so we'll see where that story goes well you've made it to the end of the episode you've already heard the end from before so we'll just say that we love you by we mean it bye bye [Music]

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