MTSU @ #6 Ole Miss

Published: Sep 06, 2024 Duration: 00:03:08 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: mtsu football
at 4:15 we got Middle Tennessee State who's 1 and0 Trev nor 6 Old Miss who's also 1 and0 Old Miss fav by 41 and a half points on the SEC network Nicholas vattiato went 20 of 35 through for 210 yards one touchdown one interception Frank peasant on the ground had 10 carries for 49 yards and two touchdowns and Mari Kelly had four catches for 47 yards Jackson Dart went 22 of 27 through for 418 yards five touchdowns zero interceptions Matt Jones had three carries for 68 yards and two touchdowns and Trey Harris had eight catches for 179 yards and two touchdowns Miss is one and0 against Middle Tennessee State all time they played in 2001 and Old Miss won 4517 at Old Miss um I said it last week okay middle I I will say Middle Tennessee State had a rough game I think I think against Tennessee State it could have been that a Tennessee Tech um later rough game they they had to score a last second touchdown to Come Away with a win right um but I stand by my opinions I don't think Middle Tennessee state's going to be the best team in Conference USA right I don't even think they're the second best team in Conference USA But if I had to pick a team that on its best day can absolutely give Liberty a game it would be Middle Tennessee State cuz middle tennessy state has an offense and not many teams in Conference USA can say that we're going to talk about New Mexico State later but they don't have really have one they're they looked bad offensively and Jacksonville State didn't have one last year let alone this year right if we're talking about teams that at its best can beat Liberty I think Middle Tennessee state is one of the only few threats I think they're the Dark Horse and I stand by my statement that I think this is a better team than a lot of people give them credit for and I think Nicholas vato is a better quarterback than a lot of people give him credit for Miss is really good uh I I use this as a chance to say all my things about Middle Tennessee State but miss is a really good football team guys I don't know if you know this um but the rebels they absolutely look like a playoff team early on I don't know who's going to beat them for at least a little bit they play um they play wake at some point that's probably not going to go well for the deakes we're going to talk about that a little bit later but Jesus man this could be a really good Rebels team right rebs looks good this looks like a playoff team this looks like probably one of if not the best offense in all of the SEC Jackson Dart looks like one of if not the best quarterback in the SEC probably like third honestly Quinny and Jackson Dart quins and back are damn good quarterbacks but that's not to say anything about Jackson Dart who's arguably the third best quarterback in the entire country let alone it's just the secc's crazy with QBs this year um Miss is really good they are a really good football team they are um they are a phenomenal football team I don't see them winning by 41 and a half I think Middle Tennessee State gives him a little bit better of a fight than that I don't think they win the Middle Tennessee State even comes close I think they lose by like 30 or something like that but 41 and a half seems like a lot of points give me almost Miss to win outright but middle Tennessee state to cover the spread [Applause] [Music]

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