Future of Miller? Bombs Away, Tommy Tearin' It Up, Ramos Rips, Hoese Hot & More on DD 9-12

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 00:38:21 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: bobby miller
welcome to Dodgers dogs as part of the Dodgers daily Network Casey Porter here joined by coach hold lots and lots and lots to talk about today coach five home runs seven different players had hits it was a good day for the offense I mean it nine of the 10 runs that were scored two outs so there was a lot to to chew on offensively then you got to talk about Bobby Miller so it's kind of a mixed bag hey the the bottom line is you won the game so that's the best part of it but there's definitely a mixed bag to last night's game oh there's a lot there's a lot of moving Parts you say mixed bag moving Parts however you want to word it a lot of things going on there you know we've talked about in the past you know the Dodgers are the the home Runner nothing type you know you don't want to become that way of course last night it pretty much saved us uh with four home runs in the first after giving up two in the first and then uh you know Edmond what a great pickup before we go too far let's don't let's don't let people forget flarity flarity and Edmond what great pickup for the dodg yeah Copic yeah that may be the we we can't Overlook that either going with I know we'll talk about some negative stuff but I'm just telling you that's those are great looking forward those are great moves for the Dodgers and something I'm glad they did because you never know where we're going to end up but yeah last night a lot of moving Parts I know they talking about the broadcast how many home runs you know bobb's giving up and you know most of most of the hits he gives up are on the fast ball so you know it's been very hitable even though it's it's got great velocity and there's a lot of concern there you know a lot of concern uh to to the situation uh that he's in and and moving forward you know over getting down to the short rows as they call it here in the country case and we'll see how it goes there the offensive team came around came you know big time again the bottom the order doing little little work for us so that that if that continues things are going to look good for the Dodgers yeah that hit by Lux I think that that hit you know you have the five home runs and then I think we're going to chew on Bobby Miller like we said that hit by Lux late in the game there I don't I don't think you can Overlook that that was absolutely huge again another hit with two strikes it gives you the lead I mean just the Dodgers last night were very if they weren't any if there weren't anything else the the positive part of it I took out of it obviously we know they can help Mar but yeah they were very resilient and they this has been a team that's been resilient all year yeah oh there's no doubt about it that they've shown that we we we Overlook that sometimes because of the uh the flash you want to call it the three MVPs at the and the uh you know the big Otani and all the big names and the the bright lights of LA and all that whatever you want to call it but we overlooked the part that they've been very resilient and the some of their better games and and and the bottom the order has contributed a lot here in the LA latter part of the year you know because you know they've all gone through it Will's gone through some stuff but uh they've all gone through a few uh growing not growing pains but you slumps and in the bottom of the order like I said that's why we envision case we talked ear in the year the top to the bottom you know if one or two guys are down somebody else has got to pick up the slack and I think you're seeing that we're seeing that more often than we're not seeing that I would agree coach when you get down two games to none in a series you've kind of been stunned by the Cubs that they've come into LA and then you get down a couple of runs right off the bat in the top of the first inning that would be real easy just to say oh here we go again that would have been really easy to do that but the Dodgers answered right back with the four home runs not sure that I've ever seen four home runs in one inning I know I've never seen it in the first inning yeah I think the do I think it's the first time in Dodger history if I if I saw that correctly for four homers you know in the first inning maybe four I don't know if it's four homers one any I know it's four homers in the first inning so no you don't see that very often case I mean and including you back to back to back you know three of them out there back to back to back uh after otani's leadoff bomb I noticed somebody I noticed one of the players said I feel sorry for the fan who tried to catch that when the exit velocity was 16 or something stupid 400 it's crazy but anyway no that you never see that sort of thing especially in the major leagues but you know I never Dodgers have never done it so it was great at the time and of course the Cubs came back and uh and there I like the Cubs I like it's a good ball club we talked about that the last time we were on here you know they've got they're desperate they're desperate and they're not mathematically out of it you know who knows you know they're still hanging in there so uh you know that that was a that was a good win for the Dodgers last night we're leading the Major League leagues I think we're still the pick to win the World Series by the whoever those guys are those people they still pick the Dodgers win the World Series all that being said so we're not a team that you look at go boy we really need to win but in reality boy we really need to win you know I mean I really felt that way yeah hey the Yamamoto from the other day his out really had to make you feel better about things didn't it oh he looked great case and that's a highlight there because the way the the game went down and it got so ugly the one inning where they lost the game that shouldn't be swept on the rug and we I don't think real the real Dodger fans saw that we can always go back okay we lost the game good Lord look at that guy me and Rex right Rex and I were talking about that last night you know my brother big Dodger fan and and in the big picture the most important part of that game was Yoshi noyama moo that's what that story was right there and and if he come out and look bad and then it ended up the way it did oh my God the sky is falling but it wasn't not the way he pitched and well he looked what 8ks no walks he looked outstanding and that that's a great sign so uh moving forward we can that's a big positive for the Dodgers it's just crazy how baseball Works how humbling the game is so I say that about the Yoshi noi Yamamoto game hey you lose the game but you win the you kind of win the war there by getting Yoshi noi Yamamoto back so the very next day you kind of win the battle by winning the game but then you're like well the long run of things Boy Bobby Miller the part of this is the most probably disappointing thing as a Dodgers fan so it's like the exact opposite game last night as it was the game the night before well you know and we were bragging of the day it's sto just making up numbers the Dodgers were I think third in the big leagues with their Bullpen uh we walked 10 guys yesterday I think Bobby walked four and so we we gave 10 free passes free baseball where you want to call it and you know that put you behind the eightball there too so that that was a that was a negative of the game you know the bullpen has been good for us and in in the big scheme of things there's been some some ugly ugly episodes there but but tin walks it's hard to overcome that so for the Dodgers to be able to get a win after a pitching staff walking 10 guys and that's a good that's a good sign if your offense kind of B you out in this one you find yourself getting frustrated when Taylor Made the the error last night when he should have had the double play and you're thinking why the hell isn't Gavin Lux playing yeah I mean did you find yourself I did I did I did I love Chris Taylor we we we don't have to go that again I love Chris tayl what he brings the table but we made that you're thinking same thing you did well evidently Dave Roberts felt same way cuz the next half inning he was on the bench and right so so we're not as d as we look case we're taking right along the manager and all the other Dodger fans like get Lux in there and then Lux comes in gets a game winning hit but you know we all love Chris tat and there's a spot there's a spot there's a place for him on this team but you know when it comes down to it we you know and he will be Lux will be in there we know that so that that that was a good move by Dav BR man he gets a game-winning hit for us yeah it was but at the time I'm just telling you there's certain things you you love all these guys we love coach baricos says it all the time they put on the Dodger blue we love them coach yep and we're going to support them to the to the in degree but there are some times to where just as a fan you know it when something happens it just it just pisses you off worse than other times and that was that like especially at the three errors the night before and I'm thinking guys I don't want to go to Philadelphia and and play because they have HomeField Advantage because we didn't have our best lineup out there that kind of stuff I that just all that struck me all at once well like I said talking about Chris how we love him previous to that he makes a great play out short right field he he's playing he's playing close to the bag and his speeding athleticism he gets to a ball I think they mention I don't know that that's what happened but I mean it would have been a grand slam for Bellinger instead of a three-run shot at that case but I don't know if you know how that works that didn't necessarily always work that way he makes a great play on that to get an out one he's shading his second base and and then turns around you know like I said that they're they're they're sit in a nutshell right there you love him the effort the attitude the athleticism go make that play and then get Lux in there we're we're on the same page and he love those guys man we love our Dodgers no doubt my frustration was not towards him hey errors happen this a very hard game you know you've seen it plenty times me make yours right I mean it absolutely happens so I mean I wasn't mad at frustrated I was frustrated more just the guys get a sense of urgency here put in the lineup That that shows the urgency that that the situation dictates right now let's quit playing to the big picture let's quit being too comfortable and like you said Dave Roberts responded to that so when you look at the overall scope of how all that worked I think you H I think you have to look at that going hey Dave did respond he managed with a sense of urgency and that's what we've been asking out of him for a while now again go back to the same thing this is a team pick the world pick to win the World Series and arguably best team in the major leagues it's not we need to win a game but Dave felt the same way we need to win this game we need to win a game this one of 162 use all the cliches you want we needed to win a game and and he he went and did what he had to do there and made the move and end up as we know case all the moves me and you have made as managers and they blown up in your face and this one one he made and it turned out being the guy who gets the game-winning hit so you know looking at the big picture that I know you get we'll get in that later but the duners have positioned himself with the moves they made the trade like you said case they won the preseason they won the trade deadline in the big leagues despite all the things they're going fighting with the pitching staff the injuries everything they position themselves with the pickups to make a pretty good run there's nobody else killing it over there that's why the Orioles have had a losing record since since the All-Star Game the Phillies have struggled around so in the big schem they looking around they probably held on about it better than anybody yeah I I toach I totally agree that's why I've never understood the narrative that the Dodgers aren't you know people say hey they don't play with heart they don't if things don't come easy to them then they L that I just I've never understood that narrative because hey don't penalize them because they went and got shotani I mean I know they did and I know they got glass down Yamamoto but still there's been times where this roster has not been the roster that we think it is and they've still made it through it in one games this team has been a lot more resilient now hey if you're to tell me if they're going to go get a Kirk Gibson type mentality that's why I've pushed Dalton rushing yeah all years because I think he has that fiery type personality I have no problem with that but I've just never understood the narrative this team hasn't been Scrappy or or resilient or all of that I that that just I've never understood it I don't really about it either case I think we all forget we forget what Dave Roberts was like as a player you know I he arguably one biggest steals in the history of the World Series you know he was a scrapper a guy who fought for everything he got you know he and and there's no way that they looking on the outside he can't be you know 162 games you know all football mentality up yeah don't think for a minute don't think for a minute that guy's not Scrappy he had to be to get where he's as a player and the darer had to be to become a major league manager so I don't think we need to get off of that where he's just you know La LS pretty boy St that's not that's not him deep down if you go back and look at him was a player and I can't believe I don't know the guy personally I don't follow him around every day but I can't believe he's changed that much where he don't bring that same mentality on The Dugout leading the team so I love her skip yeah there's an old saying that I've learned along the way coach there's a difference between kindness and weakness I think Dave is very kind person I don't think there is a shred of weakness in his bones no doubt whatsoever so hey coach there's a couple things as a manager when you're when you're going against another team when the when the other team it just seems like every inning is threatening and it's like exhausting even in the Innings when you put up zeros it's like you're exhausted to get out of that inning that's what you know the relentlessness and the consistency there is tough to manage against then when a team scores first or scores late but then a really big one coach about three or four different times you feel like you might have got out of the jam or you thought you were going to have a quick inning like the inning where where Koo got the base hit and then Tommy eond hits the Home Run and then all of a sudden you can't get out of it you can't get that third out those two out runs are demoralizing to the other team there's no doubt about it and a lot of times you get down to the last strike you a man yeah you don't show on the out your stomach is rolling inside going one one time one time one more pitch that's what your body said even though you're standing there like you're totally in control yeah right so it's the same old thing just give me that one p yeah those are those are kill you because then you you always look at it hey we're one pitch away you know the Texas Rangers would have two World Ser championships they were one pitch away in game six you know on several occasions though you know that that's something that hunts them forever you know I mean in the big if if you're that if you're totally directly involved and I'm sure the Rangers in 2011 still live that every day like I talked to Gary Ward about a heartbreak with OSU in 1990 says I still can't get over it you know I have not gotten over that one me neither and he's 8 83 years old and managed a million games and and highly successful and you know some things just they just stick with you and never get out of the system but you know that that's just the way the game is absolutely have you ever seen you know we talk about you see something new every day at the Ballpark first of all have you ever seen four home runs in the first inning and then have you ever seen a team scored 10 runs and nine of them were two outs I'm not sure I've ever seen that in my life coach not very often but it goes back to what you're were saying don't think his team ain't crappy yeah look at both sides look two out runs there's there's the pressure is on you I mean oh man this in look good but now we got two outs you know well they still got to get three you know everybody still gets three and that's that's demoralizing not only for the other team but that's all you need to know about this ball Club I mean like I said it's the Gavin luxus the Tommy Edmond it's out show doing everything and and Freddy and mookie you know I mean wey mention Mook tonight I mean you know that's one of the greatest players ever so uh you know that that that's a great thing but to score nine runs out out of 10 with two outs that speaks volumes of this ball Club yeah you know anytime a pitcher gives up a a run there's probably an explic of coming out of their mouth about about the guy who just got got the hit but when it's on two strikes it seems like there's an adjective in front of that explic too because that is just so frustrating as a pitcher okay Bobby Miller let's dive into that okay I mean we got to have the tough conversation that this wouldn't be a proper show about last night's game if you didn't cover Bobby Miller first of all I'm going to say say this way too many non-competitive pitches way too much free baseball we've talked about this before and because of that he's not consistently ahead in the count he's not consistently in places to where he can pitch to safety he's just trying to get the ball in the strike zone that leads to home runs so I mean just right now coach whether it be results which aren't good or the process that's got him to the results there is nothing right now about Bobby Miller that was squared away well I think you use word sequencing you know last time we talked about a pitcher and uh you know feel what are all the words we want to use as managers and and fans of consistency feel you know uh sequen and however you want to word it it's just no R Rhythm that's another one Rhythm you know where you can pitch and and knowing you set up another pitch like I said you just don't get that feeling with I think I'm a three-run homer again I think I think he wanted to throw the fast ball I think Smith was want to get something called call him for curveball I don't know their signals but that's kind of what I was gathering yeah looked like he shook him off yes he shook him off through the fast ball cuz I know I know Bobby looked in there after the Home Run looked at will did this you know I hate I hate that for him you know I hate it for our team because he a three-run bomb but you know it looked like a missile going on but you know he shook him off and went with a fast ball and we're all pulling for him I find myself leaning out of the chair like watching an U wrestling match you know when you're trying to get a guy to turn I find myself leaning in the chair watching Bobby pitch CU I want him to do well so bad you know just oh man you know I mean you feel yourself there but like I said case how long do we are we going to you know what I'm saying this is M this is professional big time basball you know what I'm saying and Dave Dave's got tough him and Mark Prior have tough decisions to make and you know it's and and you know it it doesn't look good for the the postseason for him right now but you know you never know baseball is so strange he he could suck all year and we bring him in in a tough situation and playoffs here wishful thinking and he comes in and Deals you know you know that that's you're setting that's that's that's Old Coach H here trying to be positive with it but the reality of it is right now it doesn't look like a guy that we you know it's really going to be be a big factor when it comes postseason time but you know it could change it's it's gonna have to change in a hurry well I mean he has one maybe two starts Left Right Y and so even if he has a good start I mean it would be you know it would make sense to say okay he had One Good Start versus four or five bad starts so which one is the Bobby Miller right now the one good day or the consistency of not being real good so I mean it's a tough decision to make obviously I don't want to make any statements as to what I think the Dodgers will do I think it's it's I mean because I'm always wrong I mean the Dodgers always make the right decision but it's never predictable and they're very secret with what they do but I think Dodgers fans can see with their own eyes and here's what I'll say about that I've said this many different times just go look at the guys they trade now I post about some of the bullpen arms like Gus Farland and Ricky Vasco and Brian Hudson and those guys who do very well because I root for those guys and I follow them even after they're not Dodgers I don't do that to say the Dodgers made the wrong decision with them I just do it to celebrate their success because the Dodgers have had a roster crunch unseen by any other club in Major League Baseball and they've had to get rid of some really good players yep so that's not why I do that it's dude it's it's to highlight that aspect of it but so what I when I what the reason why I say that is they make the right decision almost every single time so the comment I'll make about Bobby Miller is wherever the organization goes with him I think Dodgers fans should relax and totally trust them on what decision they make I agree because we always talk about sample siiz case even if say C comes down to his last start of the regular season and it's outstanding you made a good point yeah you know of course there's two ways of looking at it what have you done for me lately we know what Baseball's all about but on the other hand they they they're going to have to make their decision based off a sample size of everything I would I would well the ra is over eight now I mean it's not goingon to drop much lower than that he's got ra over eight at as we speak so you know they're going to have they're going to base their decision based off of their sample size which whatever size it is I know he's been out for a while but what they've seen and all these starts uh they're making a decision based off that I like I totally trust the guys uh again the last two years Dave Roberts and I don't I don't have any trouble saying May being the best manager in baseball the last two years I know I don't give a crap they don't win the World Series this year or not but he's been handed as far as the roster pitching everything as far as the roster situations of the injuries and what have you uh he he's made some outstanding decisions and stayed the course and like I said there's still picked as of today as the best team in baseball they still got to prove it on the field I'm not into that for the more victory none of us are but you know that that's where they stand yeah I think you know having said that about Bobby Miller because he doesn't really have the track record I on the opposite side of that I think if Walker buther has a good start or two to end the season I think you look at those starts versus looking at the body the work moving up to that because of his track record and because of coming off vur and and things of that nature so it's it's just interesting how my opinion each different decision is so different and it can change daily you know that's that we don't like to admit that but it can change daily you know I mean we know that you they can have think they got a decision made up and walk in the next morning their cup of coffee and shut the door and start talking as a staff and holy cow we got to tear this game plan up te shred it and get a new one you know that's the nature of the business that's why that's why I think those guys do such an outstanding job just like you mentioned I mean the things they deal with on a daily basis U from the top of the organiz on down it's amazing and uh you know I I I I totally trust them you know you know I want to win the World Series and it it's World Series or bus for me like it is most Dodger fans because I'm a fan like it is for Dave Dave said that yes it's World Series your bus you don't go all in spend the kind of money they spent all in they're totally all in you don't win it you know it it it it's it's a World Series or bus that's the way it is and we wouldn't have it any other way I had all this neat stuff about analyzing Bobby Miller's start last night and kind of breaking it down and I was like you know the hell with it it it's as simple as the results weren't there I could go through all that geeky stuff right none of it matters the only thing the only an analysis you need of Bobby Miller right now is he's just not where he needs to be yeah and like you said K I think you said it best a lot of hitable pitches the other side of the Cubs got a good lineup I they do they got a good offensive lineup and uh but man when you're bouncing stuff you know and I mean pitches aren't close and you're you're misses aren't misses to where the hitters even think ever thinking about swinging at it and you that's the thing about Yamamoto he got so much Chase because he was in the zone with his other two pitches so much it's the exact opposite with Miller here I'm kind of getting geeky again but yeah no that's that's that's the Rhythm we talked about you you're getting geeky but it's the same thing I'm saying that's Rhythm you don't you don't ever feel like he's getting it where he can okay that's a nice pitch now can go outside with it you know and you don't feel likeing off of itself no even as a high school man me and you calling pictures I can say oh that's good now he' go outside with you you know he's got him set up I never get that feeling watching him and when it's it seemed like the fast ball is very hitable that's not me saying it that's what the numbers tell you so you know I I hate it for the young man and he's he said himself I saw quot this morning he he's putting everything out there we know he is there he's not he's not trying to give up home runs it just happens happens to him every game so you know he he's he's he's all in and doing the best he can yes you know love dude and hope hope it works out for him but you we're getting down the short roads where he may not be a factor come postseason again that's not my decision I hope he's there and we win it all but you know that be somebody else's decision not mine bottom line is you know hey we're Dodgers fans we all want to win a World Series this is not the tryhard league no no moral victories are moral victories don't happen they don't even happen in high school a lot of times case they they do because the High School coaches maybe in June yeah high school high school managers that me and you were we're trying to put out good citizens as teachers and Co that's our really our number one job and don't get me wrong you're like me I know how you are I know how your dad is and how how you raised I'm try to win every game but the big scheme of thing I'm trying to make good good parents good good Sons Brothers husbands you know you trying to put out good citizens the big leagues that ain't that ain't their deal man no it's win or I'll see you later and and and they get paid a lot of money to do it so they're yeah the pressure is there they get paid tons of money like I always say man there's always some 18y old kid from overseas who wants your job sitting down there in Rancho they can't wait to get the big what like the the Merill Jackson Merill for the Padre he was in a ball last year yeah he went A2 a now look at him he go he's a runaway Rookie of the Year I love that c I don't like the Padres I was tell Rex last night I don't like the Padres I love watching Jack play he's a heck I like him and konorth they're probably my two favorite players on the Padres is what they bring to the ball Club every day wish see had Dodgers blue on but you know can't stand a padr but I like those two I'm glad man is not a Dodger anymore he never fit for me I I you can tell people you can ask people that were around me at the time I I complained about him being in the Dodgers lineup even when he was with the Dodgers that's great he's a great player he he just didn't to me just didn't didn't fit what a Dodger is in my opinion and there's a lot of things that that go into that I probably couldn't even explain it and I'm probably wrong it's just a feeling that that I get when I see him but but it is what it is hey coach this has been a really fun show we've kind of gone in a bun a bunch of different ways here yes we are all die hard La we're on the same boat final thoughts honor honor of you and me and we know what the Fielder dreams means to us personally but James Earl Jones passing away I still get chills thinking about his speech and field of dream so I'm getting teared up thinking about it but I'll go back to the Dodgers right now uh like I said they're they're they're heading the right direction it it's never pretty but it shouldn't be it's not going to be it's baseball it's not we don't want it pretty every day cuz then I'm going to think oh this is going to go to hell sometime it can't stay this way it don't need to be pretty you need to win ugly and you got to win any way you can such a baseball and the Dodgers are waiting for everything to unravel at all moments there it is Cas I'm just always sing the negative when you go here we go here's Tony H4 years oh hell here we go again case uh looks like we never practi coverage yeah I know no I love where the Dodgers are and I take the good with the bad and I love the guys leading our our organization and our major league team and and love them players man I love you Casey Porter and hope you have a great day at guthy high all right coach you know I love you too and it's a great day to be a Dodger yes sir welcome to Dodgers daily down on the farm so glad that you decided to tune in and check out some action down in the minor league system for the Dodgers hey just two teams two Affiliates left playing and who you're seeing right here is Jared Kos of the doua Tulsa Drillers say the Drillers have had a tough season this year they are just 61 and 72 but they had a good night last night look at that big Hook from Jared Kos that's the big feature pitch for him no doubt him and Peter Huck have worked on that pitch together they both spike it that's why it has such tumble to it and it's a great pitch and it comes out of a 6'6 frame but the thing that makes Jared Kos so effective it's just a sequencing it's his execution on location he's two or three steps ahead of the hitter and he's also able to execute at I'll say it at a major league level this guy is really really a professional pitcher he's super fun to watch Pitch and he did a great job last night for tripa Oklahoma City three Innings pitched no hits no runs three strikeouts and no walks that just kind of goes to show the professional manner the professionalism of which he pitches if you will with his excellence and execution and then hey Chris Campos was the piggyback starter the Dodgers love that piggy back where you start one guy and then you put another guy on top of him and he also takes down bulk Innings remember Jared Kos was on the developmental list it wasn't due to injury wasn't any part of that I posted about that and covered that but I'll say this I think Chris Campos maybe has made the most amount of of improvement of any pitcher in the entire system this is a guy that hey he's only 94 95 96 kind of Landing knish but he does kind of give off some Gavin Stone buys if you will with the size and the way that he executes but the way that he's able to use his slider change the shapes of it where he locates it he is just pinpoint located he's a pinpoint locator with his slider and slash cutter he did great there's that slider there and he just Lo there's another slider so you saw one hit the outside corner one right down the middle and then he plays that fast ball right there you just saw it off that slider and it makes it look a lot faster and so Chris Campos is the master of setting his fast ball up through sequencing and does a great job with it last night through four Innings and gave up just three hits just one run had seven strikeouts and no and and just one walk so great job last night for for Chris Campos who has had a really good year and again a year to where I feel like he might have made the most amount of progress of anybody and this is Christian Suarez who came in last night for dou a Tulsa through a scoreless inning I always saved by Christian he has that left turn watch this yeah that ball turns left that's Matt batty by the way you remember the Dodgers traded him for River Ryan so he turns the ball left to lefties to get on their hands then he turns it he turns it right to right-handers so the ball's always moving in on the hands when Christian Suarez throws it which is why he's very difficult to hit his erra is a little bit up there at 473 but that's not because he's tough to hit that's because he's not always in the strike zone I always say that about him the big deal about last night no walks and when he does not walk anybody he just doesn't give up runs because he is so difficult to hit and then last night to finish up foraa Tulsa my man Antonio nolles I've said it a couple of times he did he had a little bit of rough night last night he gave up a couple of runs but he's had a very good year 352 ER he's been very consistent he's been in ablea for a long time now and I hope when the daa season ends this Sunday they sent him up to tripa Oklahoma City and let him finish with Oklahoma City you know Oklahoma City could use him they've had just a million different moves it's been a roster that's been decimated by transactions which I'm not complaining about that that's exactly what the AAA roster is there for is to just kind of be that that that insurance for the the major league club and the depth and so definitely not complaining about that just kind of making the point that hey they could definitely use him and I hope they send him up and give him a AAA cup of coffee if you will and then Jose Ramos it's really good to see him have a a really good finish to this season a season to where his strikeout rate is around the 36% so got to get that down he's led the Texas League in strikeouts for much of the year but he is finishing strong hitting close to 300 actually hitting 290 in the nine games this month and his slugging percentage not his Ops his slugging percentage is at 710 so far this month and his Ops overall is 1146 so good to see Jose Ramos have a really good night last night for doua okom City and it's even better to see him finish strong in 2024 so the doublea TOs the Drillers again who have had a tough season had a good win yesterday in wiah Kansas my wife and I a beautiful bridey 25 years we will be in Witchita look at that big curveball there by John deante we'll be in Witchita Friday night to watch the Drillers game hey this is John deonier who got the start for tripa Oklahoma City yesterday and deante I mentioned he was with the the Dodgers and then I can't remember if they released him or if they DFA him or if he just went free agency but he left for a while and then now he is back the Dodgers love to bring guys like this back big old long dude big Talent very versatile the Dodgers the the when they were the tripa Oklahoma City Dodgers they used him in high leverage relief roles they used him in Long Middle relief they used him as a starter they used him in every to which way hey this was a big- time athlete coming out of the Houston area he could have been a big- time quarterback he chose baseball he went to Rice which is a very good baseball school he is with the Diamondbacks and I kind of hope he goes the Michael Peterson route he uses the Dodgers to maybe get a cup of coffee at the major league level to show all the other organizations what he's capable of and then go sign somewhere else like Brian Hudson did and make a major league career obviously I hope his major league career is with the Dodgers but you know hey there's so much talent here that you know these guys are are down the list a little bit so give him a cup of coffee next year let everybody else see him and then let him maybe carve out a major league career from that perspective so he threw five innings last night six strikeouts three walks just one run and then gardo henriquez came in hey last night's performance is exactly why we have been especially coach bar cof and I have been trying to warn Dodgers fans to pump the brakes in Ardo henriquez it's not because he's not a video game he is he is awesome he is going to be awesome he is going to be a great pitcher for the dodgers for a long time he gave up four walks yesterday though you got to give this time you got to give this remember he came off the Tommy John he's jumped four levels so he's there's been a lot of travel it's been a lot of different locations okay but you can't send this guy up to the major league level and have the outing he had yesterday with four walks two runs and one inning at the major league level Dodgers fans are in win the World Series now mode they would eat this young man alive and it's not fair to anybody for that situation to happen because just from an experience perspective it's just it's not the right timing at least it hasn't been I say that and and last night kind of shows you that I use that not to throw shade just to kind of throw the example now when like I've said many different times if the Dodgers think tomorrow is the right timing then great for him and I will support everything they do I totally trust the Dodgers to do everything right by him but last night's kind of the performance we've been talking about to pump the brakes on henriquez let him develop at the pace that the organization wants to develop him at and then he will eventually be a great pitcher and it's also great to see Jose Hernandez who if you remember was taken in the rule five draft in 2022 by the Pirates went to the Pirates had a major league career before he left the Dodgers he was the Midwest League he had led the Midwest league in saves he was touching 99 which the Pirates just didn't develop Jose Hernandez and the Pirates developmental system just didn't mess very well so he got DFA the Dodgers picked him back up they sent him to the complex they worked with him and here he is again so good to see Jose hernandz back in Dodgers blue and doing very well and then last last night in a very close game 7 to6 it was great to see John Rooney have a really good outing and finish the door with one inning I've talked about a couple times him and G Gamboa of course on the major league roster you only have one Lefty now that that Anthony bonda hurt his hand did do right by Alec Gamboa John Rooney Rooney's had a little bit tougher of a season 477 ra Gamboa has been simply fantastic but it was good to see John Rooney shut the door yesterday today on the Tacoma reine ear and have a really good outing and then on the off offensive side hey Drew avens if you remember Drew avens had the walk-off hit to win Tuesday night in the bottom of the 10th last night had two hits again it's been a little bit tough for of a year for him 253 average Ops 722 fine if I was a major league club I'd put him in left field center field wherever I would I tell him I don't give a rat's ass about your batting average I don't care about your Ops I want you to be the top 10 in the league and runs scored I think he would do that he scored three runs last night for tripa Oklahoma City from his lead off spot and that really you know he does so many different things he's such a diverse offensive player I think he's diverse enough to be able to do that kind of thing for a triaa club and then Andre lipsius had two hits last night and scored a couple of runs as well so it's good to see Andre lipus finish strong a season that has been good for him 274 on the average 825 on the Ops again had two hits last night that is a that is a long hit right there and then definitely the offensive player of the night for tripa Oklahoma City no doubt about it was Cody hosy Cody hos has had a fantastic offensive year he had two hits last night four RB's he's sitting 287 Ops 846 Elite defense Elite uh human being Elite work ethic Elite grind he's shown all that so Cody hosy again another great night four RB for him so congratulations to him and the tripa Oklahoma City Baseball Club they defeat the Tacoma reers 7 to six

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