Martin Shkreli: "Destiny & HasanAbi Are Not SMART"
Published: Aug 20, 2024
Duration: 00:08:04
Category: People & Blogs
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streaming on Kick oh I have one viewer isn't that great this is uh ammy I love you ammy [Music] um yeah amarinth is um a porn star now this is Hassan Obby I don't you know what I don't understand about these [ __ ] twitch people is they're not intelligent I hate it when people say like I don't know why it bothers me so much but like Hassan or Destiny or something like that is like interesting or intellectual it's like it's because you've never seen the real thing like they they equate being able to communicate effectively with intelligence and it doesn't work that way um yeah write a paper you know do something solve a proof show me anything like literally any objective measure of intelligence at all um amarinth is pretty man she's very pretty her her um they don't have they don't use big words either it's it's just a it's like a form of debate or something I don't know it's like just rhetoric that leads people to think think that they're intelligent and you know you can measure intelligence in a lot of ways but to me like you know there's I don't know man that's not the way I do it no I think the really smart people can be coherent um I just think that it's hard to I think you're an intellectual fraud if you I got a message a private message from liees okay whatever um I don't know I feel like I feel like if you have a ton of intelligence you should apply it and in a in a way that you know would I don't know like augment your life or something like that talking on Twitch wouldn't be my first choice like doing these like faux debates with like other mental midgets and when I talked to Destiny about it um he took it so seriously he was like this community I built and it's like shut up like go do something real I mean it's this like new entrepreneur where like you can become a millionaire you know um streaming and it's like so cringe um because it's like do you want to do anything more than like than that and it's like no I'm [ __ ] I used to play StarCraft I'm s I'm pretty satisfied with this it's like can this scale like how are you going to scale that to like become really wealthy it's like no don't need to scale it um which is what it is right like I I'm not going to blame dude for for wanting to do things that way or whatever you know okay this is an interesting position I've been in a 100 million times but I have to probably think a little bit yeah I I guess that makes sense kamie but like if you were truly smart right truly brilliant why would you like worry about a million dollars or something like that that doesn't make a lot of sense you would worry about becoming you know really wealthy if if you thought you were if you actually believe that you were really smart there wouldn't be a lot of purpose or point to like you know trying to to make a quick maill you know streaming which is like so stupid like it's like such a weak you know dumb kind of like career um and you know I mean look Mr Beast has found a way to scale it but like for so many of these people it's just like oh here's a quick Buck like cool um sorry if that's too loud um yeah so liquidia stock has like more than doubled don't say I never did anything for you um intellia will do the same don't worry it just takes some time um I don't give a [ __ ] if dude is going through a divorce not a fan of his he lick my balls um okay I need a decent move um all right this is kind of wild that's probably a really bad move let's see Queen E6 maybe coming I should probably just break through oh yeah okay this is interesting now so this is hanging I don't really care about that pawn do I because if he takes it yeah he's got bigger problems I think I'm good oh is he going to take here if I move yeah okay I can actually do something like this okay here's the pressure do I have to take here [Music] now I think I do whatever I'm down upon Pawn a there's nothing to think about here okay um there is something for me to think about oh maybe is there a sack here no I don't think so I'm eyeing this like back rank mate but it's not real okay [Music] um I wish it was good at chess that'd be sick around the time [Music] uh yeah he can't can he take I don't think take right I don't know what this accomplishes