MPW Digital Postgame, presented by Realtree: Ole Miss 52, MTSU 3
Published: Sep 07, 2024
Duration: 04:35:13
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: middle tenn. vs ole miss
e e e e e e e e e e e welcome in mpw digital post game show presented by real true we're just getting going here around 7:00 eventful day of college football we get we got Jeffy r on the horn we'll get to him in a couple minutes if he's yelling or Screaming or popping anything you can't hear him yet I've got him muted but we will get to him momentarily we are going to talk to the entire cast of characters here at NP digital as the day moves on Old Miss 52 Middle Tennessee uh three oh miss is allowed 6.6 in eight quarters again crazy day around the SEC Jackson Dart sets the SEC record for most completions in a row with 30 over the course of two games 24 in this game breaking Matt Coral's Old Miss record that also came against Derrick Mason by the way when you uh look at what Corral did back in 2020 and then Dart here today we are with you today because of uh real tree and they are trying to help you out a little bit too you can you can to get 15% off your orders with npw mpw 15 again 15% off your orders with real tree real tree camo proud sport football and all Rebel Athletics Falls coming up special time of the year not just for football fans but for those who love the outdoors whether you're cheering from the stands gearing up for hunting seasons all about tradition family friends and Unforgettable moments they bring the same passion delivering the best in-class camo products including the new allpurpose hunting pattern real tree apx and leg Legacy I got that shirt on now plus some of those popular old school patterns that you love again check out real camo apparel needs code mpw 15 for 15% off your order as we are uh getting started here give me one second to get Jeffrey in the right camera window we will bring him in as well Jeffrey while I'm putting you in because they're just seeing double of me right now what's the uh what what's the setup real quick what are we watching in this next window what do we got going on all right so right now I have Colorado Nebraska on TV1 just because the atmosphere is the best oh let me go to that yeah I forgot that uh I mean it's it's it's pretty nuts uh so I have survived the day with fubo but I continue anytime I'm like this is like the best trial you can do for it and every time I have to be a streaming guy I I can't do it it drives me insane like I I just the stream like I I end up getting in and out of games about five times every every hour like I just it's the worst I I the people that have try to sell me on it just don't understand it's like you probably don't watch as many games as I do I need to flip I it's not even Twitter then it's not about social media correct correct because now it's gotten to where the lag is not as bad as it used to be but it's also like you cannot scroll like you don't have the ability to flip back and forth and if you're someone who is a professional television Watcher as I as I am myself it's just awful uh I'm gonna I'm gonna let you get going here in a second um it's kind of what we did could you could you bring my glass please okay I I'll let you yeah go ahead for any uh you will be missing this but this will be a podcast as soon as we get done I will put this up in audio form so just catch it there as well uh I also need to uh put a link to real up I will do that in a second again including my cap that I'm really excited about with the uh with the buck on it I'm it's a great logo it's a really good cap like I I I am I am incredibly happy with this with this cab you get so I was thinking about this that's a large champagne flute so uh I was thinking about this earlier this week because as I was walking through Costco did I actually want to buy the bottle because I don't like champagne um oh but then what I really started thinking about it is I don't want to waste that moment on Cal and I don't want to keep buying champagne for every time he's going to lose because then it ruins the experience but SEC but but but SEC games don't count unless it's Vanderbilt yeah but like it's the games he dubs big games like part of the reason I popped shampagne had nothing to do with with how I feel one way or the other about Old Miss it had everything to do with that [ __ ] made it his Super Bowl and I mean it is just tremendous and I feel so sorry for those kids those young men at Auburn that Hu was only able to call the plays for the first series and you know the fact that his attention is just elsewhere and I just hurt for them that he can't be the one that's calling plays at all the time you know you obviously were not were not listening again I'm I'm going to come back to this after this one statement because I I I know we're nowhere near done with auburn and call and what that looks like but I do want to hit to coup B miss things but after this so Thursday night on handr guys uh gr had called in and given us a bunch of I'm assuming you can still hear me giving a couple uh a bunch of alternative lines and one and I'm not calling out NE Neil here because I had a really bad day of of football picks from the Kentucky and a lot of other stuff too but um he loved not have been wrong we wrong on that yeah he he uh he had Auburn we gave even more points we were laying like 19 or something with Auburn against Cal and this alternative line bet thing for 30 bucks and uh I can't do that because it's the same thing I said last week there it is undeniable they have the worst quarterback in the SEC and that to me is the real question so is my audio by the way okay or am I really loud tell me because I I feel like I'm screaming but my levels are kind of okay I assume you're talking to the chat not me I am yeah yeah go ahead um so that to me is the actual question they had the option to go get quarterbacks they did not get quarterbacks no he looked at pton Thorne and said I'm riding with that guy or I'll give him the benefit of the doubt here what if he said the quarterbacks are so expensive I still trust that I have job security I'm GNA get this year is going to be Georgia and Bama on the road anyway this is that's that's never a big year for them I'm going to try to gear up I'm not going to spend the money on a quarterback this year and I'm going to either spend it on a recruit or use it to get a couple more receivers oh you're really giv benefit of the doubt you got to have a freaking quarterback no I'm I'm I am I'm asking that to me to me what I actually think happened is that arrogant prick thinks that his offense is so good as long as he has receivers he can have just about anyone play quarterback and he can't how bad are they what what surprised me was I thought they were get better on defense I guess he hasn't had time to fix the defense yet yeah and I mean because because Cal's bad at football that's not a like Cal cow's bad they're bad I mean bad they're like they're like a they were like a six- win Pack 12 team okay I mean you know what I mean like that's like I I think bad's a stretch I think they're the ultimate definition of like average football team okay like when we were talking what is replacement level football that's them because they have a good coach they got a frisky quarterback but there's no way top to bottom that roster is that good but I mean have you read the drive charts no so the Hughes Hughes one series of call and plays eight plays 75 yards touchdown six plays 27 yards downs one play interception three and out punt three and out punt six yards uh field goal attempt missed that was the end of the half eight plays 31 yards punt five plays 13 yards punt interception first play two plays in a fumble the 12 Play 75 yard Drive uh to cut it like down down two scores uh two plays and out an interception One play and out so awful where's where's where's the offensive success that was one drive and I I mean I'll tell you the game and this is not a hue game by the way thanks for Super Chat Blake says I could listen to you guys talk about here for three days Jeffrey is the goat um it looked like that 2009 Auburn game where almost Miss went down and scored on the opening possession and then looked like crap the rest of the day and got beat on the planes no it was je SE I think it was9 yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so it was my it was my junior year at Pepperdine and I had to go to the I had to go to the campus computer lab to watch it that was the only way I could access it at the time and I like woke up yeah I woke up at like 8:30 D like drove to Malibu watched it yeah like Dexter I think Dexter had like a big run like it was like one of the most lifeless games you've ever seen mhm it's kind of what it looked like I mean just just comparing it to something I'll say this I have found I'm now at the point where all his failures don't fuel me like they used to because I think people think it's a bit I am 100% convinced I'm right I do not think he's a good football coach I think he is a unbelievable opportunist and I think he falls like 80% of the coaches he falls in kind of that middle spot and I do not think the Auburn job is as good as it once was and I think every advantage that he had like if I want to give him credit and I don't really give him credit I think it was more circumstance where he was ahead of the curve was he was buying receivers before anyone else was buying receivers but large he was doing that because receivers were cheaper every that's the reason why ol Miss never signed linebackers never signed running backs it's because the receivers were cheaper so when everyone else started realizing when Alabama said all right we're going and getting receivers now well then all of a sudden they're the amount of receivers that he like he doesn't have that that inherent recruiting Advantage anymore right and now and now every everybody was running Tempo everybody runs his offense it's not like this is the thing that always blew me away everyone acted like he was some offensive genius how many times did we sit there and watch them have like goose eggs uh seven 13 like today they scored 14 points at home last year the only off like passing offenes that were worse were like Iowa and the service cies so he was never really he was never the his reputation always was different than reality like Old Miss has games where they don't move the football giin doesn't get shut out scored the opening two jobs on Georgia last year yeah and now it went to hell in a hand basket obviously but but that is one thing I will say that still gives me joy I still know that look on his face when he when he knows that they're [ __ ] and you could tell he was kind of he was bouncing around after that first drive oh yeah oh yeah and then basically basically cal made like two adjustments and they basically said all right we're not we're not going manto man anymore and we're going to sit there and keep it in front and make Payton Thorne have to March down the field and beat us and he can't and that's the other thing man you can tell he really is back in charge of the offense they're rushing numbers are horrible with a good back J W Hunter's good it's good back um real quick while we're doing this people are going to have a corner um I don't have an official update on Walker Nolan obviously he went down with the uh the knee thing there in the second half he was in the injury tent for a little while but came back got on the bike and appeared he was even jogging a little bit seemed to be walking around normally I I put in my observations which are already up at that they appear and I'm stressing appeared because I don't know but they appeared to get out without injury Pages returned Nolan seemed to be okay from the best I could tell just from body language he had his helmet back on he was doing things that at least looked like it was relatively okay and then uh Henry Parish obviously came back in too after he slammed his head on the turf there at one point in the game he missed one series Bentley did play Two Carries four I mean sorry two four yards two carries go ahead J Okay so coup of things on that like while we're actually talking about the game that that the fans care about so to be clear Nolan goes injury tent but didn't go back to the locker room correct I think that's a good sign yes um SOA motion he so he he he he looks awkward he falls down he has like the weird knee thing he has to have help getting up he's putting no weight on the left leg left knee he goes straight to the tent he's in the tent I don't know 58 minutes comes out he's like doing the little warm-up jog thing he has his helmet on never goes to the locker room and just walks around on the sidelines normally until the game is okay to me that's good signs because normally the bad one is especially with KN if they go to the tent they they do kind of the whatever the the the field test and then they take you back to the locker room like that's that's always when I think it's bad um well that was the Chad thing back in 16 remember because Chad tried to move a little bit and then when you went in you went a crap okay that's that's that cuz they couldn't they couldn't put away was that Georgia Southern or state I think it was Southern it was Southern it was Georgia Southern yeah they couldn't put away Georgia Southern so Chad had to uh had to stay in there uh oh that was the other thing so was Bentley banged up or was he benched he's been having he he's been having and this is just kind of coming from inside the place I think he's been having a little bit of turf toe issue and they were just being completely careful and not pushing it and letting Parish get in Rhythm and they were not they were only playing him as as needed or minimally because of the I just didn't know if he'd been I didn't know if he'd been pass on the depth chart because I that took me back I mean Parish did start last week he's gotten more carries but no I think this is a pitch count thing he hasn't stayed healthy throughout a season since he's been at Old Miss and you're going to need him for things way way way more the line um so I I don't think that was indicative of anything more than a slight injury uh Trey D Super Chat appreciate it says Colorado's defense look like looks like Hughes offense yes we are watching Nebraska Colorado primarily right now Nebraska up 14 nothing and driving there in Lincoln uh yeah can you can you take anything real quick can you take anything in the world out of this game I mean other than Dart was very accurate I mean he sets the SEC record just straight from a new standpoint so anybody can't accuse us of not at least mentioning this uh Jackson Dart breaks Matt carrell's Old Miss record which was 19 straight completions he has 24 straight completions today carral did it against Derrick Mason and Vanderbilt in 2020 as I mentioned the SEC game record was T Martin for uh Tennessee against South Carolina in 1998 I game record I knew that off the top of my head did you really okay yeah and the overall record um was also T Martin um before today 24 sorry 23 from Martin against South Carolina 24 overall which was one uh against Alabama the last throw of the game and then those 23 against South Carolina so Jackson Dart setting the overall record multiple games for consecutive completions by six 30 straight from Dart and then look your boy Jeffrey he was he was pissed when he finally had an incompletion the body language was uh I love the body language was really poor the rest of the game he he wanted that perfect game he he was so mad he was so I loved it because it wasn't even just the incompletion he threw another one like I think it was two you know what I mean it's like he went from a perfect game to a two hitter and like he may even G they even like back toback doubles he might even given up a run lost the shut out um if you want to take something it does feel like they're operating at a pretty high efficiency level um you know has he really he had the one he missed the overload Blitz where they they overloaded his side they overloaded his backside and he didn't really see it he missed that like I don't even really remember him being under a lot of pressure like has he I don't feel like he's had any heat really the last weeks and so I I'm viewing that as a positive of like maybe the offensive line is better can we know I no that's the problem I mean can you I mean Are We There are we even going to know next week they're bad what they they were they were they were a onepoint favorite against Virginia so they're up 17 to 10 but I'm watching uh uh the UVA guy that's uh kind of an electric Factory because like every could be a touchdown or an interception like it is it is a Thrill Ride uh they're up 17 to 10 but like he's sitting back there he has all day so I I don't I don't know if we really learn anything probably until Kentucky because as bad as it was for Kentucky today I mean they their defense had uh sellers in hell and then Ashford when he was in there I mean probably not like I just I don't know like that's kind of where we are with this team and like I think sometimes people take it as us being like bitter or whatnot but it's like no I I feel like we're just trying to be honest with y'all like there's not a lot of data right now like they look like they look like they have the ability to be a high-powered offense I think the itest clearly says they're faster on defense bigger on defense yeah even though they didn't get to the quarterback they were forcing extra blockers really making them contain get the ball out quick I mean look the only thing the only thing that um looks odd at all is a little bit of pass defense because there are some guys running with some free lanes and free space Middle Tennessee had several drops which contributed to a lack of yards I think only 209 yards total but uh or at least with the starter however at the same time there was there was stuff open in that and they did allow more than 75 yards in two different quarters passing I was going to say the only thing I feel like I've learned is I had concerns I think I think I felt like most fans concerns was offensive line and I think that's completely fair I would have included secondary and I think the front seven are clearly better I still don't feel great about that secondary now the best way to help a bad secondary is have a good front seven but like do you remember on that can't if was the third quarter or the second quarter but they tried to run the play action deep post and the MTSU receiver got by both like Miss had it on paper defended they had the receiver bracketed they had a guy over the top and a guy underneath and he just got by both of them yeah and I was like that's not great like I get it it's down to down who whatever like you maybe theyed up that play like yeah but I just felt like mtsu's receivers were open way more than you would have probably preferred including the inside guys and the tight ends like I felt like they really were able to kind of get to the middle of the field when you looked at what was going on there but but I mean that look I mean look I was Texon with Neil almost was bored yeah no I to me the other thing the other thing you could take away is is you could tell the difference between game one and game two not from the sense of oh my God uh Ferman is just that bad to me it's just like you're just more hyped up on game one it's the first time out there and you can tell like all right they knew we're by the way uh Josephine continues to be a wagon um I believe if you consider I think she's I think almost was what nine they played 13 nine and four against the spread last year maybe but also I was on the right side of so the games I missed were I got Alabama wrong and then I got because I was I hammered Georgia because I was like Georgia's gonna Flex that night uh because I was on Arkansas too the the rights know the RBS right now the girl's a covering machine did you ever situated for today's game like I mean right there just hanging out just just just just chilling she she was an animal tonight and not in a good way not in a good way I mean had a rough one let me just say this it was so bad that my wife called my mom and said hey you know how you said you wanted a you wanted some one-on-one time with her tomorrow you want to come get her yeah hey hey you been you've been wanting to see her I tell you what here you go it's sweep hey we'll even we'll meet you at church and hand her off to you well I I I used to tell this all the time like my my mom would keep carian like one night a week and you're going hey it's like the perfect amount of time to like reset but it also doesn't feel like you're a bad parent it's just giving your kid away like all the time like it's that perfect Middle where you're just like yeah okay it's cool I mean I so we're we're in the middle of teething and I mean just just it's a disaster all day um Scott thanks Super Chat he says Miss covering the 40 and a half makes him wants to wants him to nug like I've never nugged before have you tried these things Jeffrey what are they the Saucy nuggets from windies oh uh so I just like the plain nuggies from Wendy's or the spicy nug I mean we we yeah well we did a mukbang last Thursday I brought them in and we tried all the flavors so I don't love I don't love all the ghost pepper crap that's not for me and it was like a it was like a it wasn't Buffalo it was almost like a creamy orange sauce it had like ghost pepper flakes on it is what it was do you know I I want to be very clear I support Wendy's I I don't want this to be pointing the finger it's just like I respect the regular nuggies too much to I don't need sauce like to me the regular nuggies are good uh but like in terms of anything else to take away today I don't know Trey Trey Harris to me looks like a freaking monster um priest corn looks priest corn looks like the guy that I covered at Memphis now I never really felt like he got there last year I think he looks really healthy uh and then yeah like I don't love if they were playing a big game I don't love their short yardage options no that's true yeah yeah that's it yeah but I mean that's pretty considering what we're saying yes I mean that's relative to we n picking looking through things because look it's one of the things that they have done is look I mean middle W wasn't going to beat a lot of teams but you look around the country I mean Northern Illinois experienced team I'm not comparing middle to them under a first year coach but there are a lot of teams that play with their food and I will give Lane that credit like early on they just put the foot down and go we are not having one of those days where even early in the third quarter we're curious about this damn thing I felt pretty good when they had the the uh the Skirmish at the half that kind of made me feel better about it because I laid I got 41 and a half but on Friday on for the pick segment I had to lay 43 and there's a huge difference that's key number there's a huge difference when Miss at one point was covering by 42 and so I needed that last touchdown for the pick segment so I was glad that they uh punched in and I was also very glad that uh Vanderbilt got that or I'm sorry MTSU got the uh illegal block because they had the ball to the 30 on that second team and I was like oh God that'd be quite the way to to lose a pick segment but yeah I I think it was very clear that uh and it was a different it was a different way of like making sure than last week where this week they are like every time we see two high safeties we're going to do what you're supposed to do which is run the football and we're going to run the football effectively and they did all day right now at this moment Nebraska has 977 yards and Colorado has either two or negative -2 I missed whether there was a minus next to that or not uh so the other I bet it's minus because the only time they had any field position was because of a kick return okay and they basically went three and out after that uh okay I'll get you uh Nebraska uh I was going there next Blake thanks for the Super Chat he says does Notre Dame law say anything about A&M and I I guess that's part half my question and the other half is look you lose to Northern Illinois and I know they blah blah blah have a bunch of experience whatever it's still Northern Illinois it's a ma team I mean they popped who was I know it was like an FCS game but they popped somebody like they put like 70 on them last nor Illinois yeah okay point being you're probably not going to go 10 and two when you lose ill from one of them but having that level of loss I mean do we go ahead and just take Notre Dame and completely throw him over to the side now and and be done with that for a month and a half no cuz I kind of think the Marcus Freeman experience is a lot like the Hugh experience where because my wife even asked the same thing she said does this say more about Notre Dame or does this say more about A&M I think what it said was they got up for a big game because you could tell like they were they were locked in and to me the key was A&M gets those two offensive linemen hurt and from that point forward they freaked out and on that night they were the more mature team I also think it speaks to Notre Dame has to be able to run Riley L I need to look at what were how many times did he carry it today I have no idea I have not looked because he carried it a lot against uh so he had 11 11 today but I don't know how many of those were sacks like I don't know how many of those were like actual like rushing attempts you know we've got like the Brian Kelly face and losses now and we have a lot of NFL coaches where we know the looks we're starting to get a Marcus Freeman face like he he is looking very dejected in these losses he loses the he has his hands on his hip it's like an a like he's got like a it's like a hand on the hip Mo oh my God have you seen how fat Brett beum is right now oh No Where's b b uh uh B on FS1 uh is he doing what's he doing he's just on the the they're playing illino is playing oh right yeah yeah yeah yeah okay got you yeah and he's wearing it's you know whatever it's September the 7th and he's already got the full pullover on he's doing the big garbage thing yeah the thing that like they cut like they go to like the pitcher mound tarp and they just like cut a hole in it put it on top of him it would say Adidas or whatever if it was Yankee Stadium that's what you're saying EX it has that uh but to me it's just like they they ride the wave man and like he's he's kind of one of those coaches like it's the thing that you have to like in the end of the day like tip your cap to saving yeah they they wouldn't win every single game but how many times did they show up and you're just like that looks like a different team than I saw last week there's a reason why they robots no you got exactly you you you could beat them but you had to go do it they're not handing you one ever and like I I get it this isn't like a you know let's all let's all praise Nick Sav day but it's just like it really is to have to have that consistent of an operation for that long it is remarkable I want to throw something at you real quick we're talking about playoff teams obviously that's where Old Miss is at right now and you start comparing it to other programs see who's kind of be in there see who we got we're going to watch and do this for as the year play out and you see these big 10 scores today Penn State barely knocks off Bowling Green and we're doing sort of this week two reset and overreaction to the week one overreaction like I feel like we're our sample size is doubled so now we're going okay this and that and now where are we sitting is USC the big winner for the day they get through that OSU game and then here's their schedule Utah State that's today I'm I'm assuming they will win tonight at 10 o'clock Michigan Utah State's real bad yeah Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Penn State at home Maryland ruter Washington Nebraska at home UCLA Notre Dame at home USC's a playoff team today yeah I think the problem though with USC is like some of those games don't sound challenging right now because of some of the scores but that is a lot of those places USC is going to have to go and play those teams in cold weather environments and they're going to have to try to throw the football like they do they're going to have well actually their only Road game in a cold weather environment they go to Michigan on the 21st of September it's not going to be freezing uh at Minnesota October 5th and at Maryland October 19th that's it because their other home game their other road games are UCLA and Washington yeah and also like I don't know I thought I thought they had a like when we were talking about a mature impressive win from A&M last week I thought they had the same thing like I think they let LSU beat themselves like and LSU uh obliged them and then they went and got it and I guess yeah CH it's a tough schedule for SC it's just it looks more manageable today than it did 48 hours ago yeah I mean to me it's they won a swing game you know what I mean mhm and I think the thing that makes you feel differently is we saw Miller moss in a game a real game not a bowl game with opt outs and everything and the kid looked really good I think that kind of is what changes your opinion I mean the the problem that we're going to have is okay like the question of based on what you saw today would you rank Texas number one it all comes back to the same problem that people had with with Georgia what if what if Clemson and Michigan just kind of suck like I know one thing I know about about Michigan they don't have a quarterback no the quarterback play on both those teams is God awful Club Nick and whoever the kid is from Michigan I don't know his name and uh it's uh Davis Warren the the double first name uh and it's it's obvious today that that he beat out Alex orgy for the job and that's a problem so like the real question is how did Michigan wind up with that quarterback situation like I I have no idea it's uh but I mean like you know what if what if it turns out that Michigan and Clemson are like eight and four type teams and I think Clemson's probably going to finish with a better record than that because of their league and their schedule but just got a big SEC win today hey the SEC is either three and four or three and five against Power fours going into tonight one or the other and Alabama is scuffling with uh golash and the uh the Bulls right now did get it just got a big a big tutty there um we the SEC wasn't great last year either like I don't know I bowl record may have changed it but I don't care about bull record because nobody's play like who knows who's even playing um we're seeing a separation the top teams are good and you're getting to the middle fast I mean like I I I believe in Georgia I believe in Texas I believe in Old Miss right now and I'm not getting Alabama yet I guess the way Miss Luther Burton headed into the locker room with an injury the way that I phrase it is I believe I would ride with the sec's best team against anyone every year I don't know I think I think the League gets overrated in general because I think the middle of the League's not as great as anyone wants it to be uh where I do think the SEC is different is I think the a bad SEC team is better than a bad Big 10 team better than a bad there's more players on those teams uh but I mean we're basically just seeing that the same script that we've kind of had the last two or three years I mean I think what the stat was last year I need to go back and it held up it's like 80% of the weeks had a top 10 team losing oh really yeah yeah yeah I think Old Miss is better than Tennessee because I think they're better on defense I think both teams are prolific on offense and I'll still take a third-year starter with Lane over I will a first year starter quarterback Nico's good but give me the third year guy they're kind of the same team yeah the same questions that got Goods got some questions on the back seven I think I like Miss's receivers better MH um because if Lee really comes on like he has and that gives him like another Dynamic option over the middle and Wales is explosive I mean right now who you who you taking away I mean I think you got to try to take away Harris but the other three guys are good enough to beat you Watkins did play today got in there yeah I mean I I just feel like they're the same team do Z Miss get anything out of that just being a road game next week or no because it's wake and there's no environment I me it's going to be 32,000 or whatever it has maybe I'm being rude to them but whatever it looks like H I think it's like 35 um okay that true I mean there's you know it's the first road trip I mean there's kind of a team element of all right first road trip whatnot but not really I mean the from what I mean from what it seems like old Miss is bringing a pretty big crowd I mean that was always it's a lot like Vanderbuilt where you know when you had the Clemson game it'd be half Clemson people half weight force people I mean I don't know if it's going to be like that obviously because it's a little bit further away but seems like old Miss is bringing a crowd um yeah where's the yeah I like dayquon Wright too I actually think he gives them a little bit more of a a little bit oh I want to give a quick I want to give a quick shout out to my boy Drew Bernett I think that was his first catch was it yeah I think so I before his parents jump me I think Drew got his first catch okay here let me see let me get the stats up Oh you mean so he did get one today you're sure about that he got a catch he got a catch today for sure I just don't know if that was yeah one catch 12 yards uh defeat got a catch last week yeah I'm pulling it up right now for you we can answer that uh cool kid good story he's kid that had the the incident U not of his own fault obviously I said that like he had like a criminal charge or something right no no he got shot in the leg celebrating the rebel yeah that's in om in Omaha of all places yes the Memphis kid did get shot but as I'm required by law to say he did not get shot in Memphis it's I told you it's the like when I saw when Hideki was coming the story about his bag and passport getting stolen and his uh his caddy not be you know their passports got stolen so he couldn't get through customs and it's like once his bag got stolen I clicked on the story because they were that was the week they were playing in Memphis and I just gave such a huge fist pump it's like no their stuff got stolen in London not in big win Pro Football Pro Football Focus says that is a yes that he had a Target but no catch last week okay and that uh that was his first catch so shout out to J Bernett yeah that's where we are there no look I mean Tennessee and them it's it's a good comparison like but Old Miss is better at wide receiver and overall front and their do what ni just threw a bad pick did he is that what you're watching now well I've got it I've got everything on right now yeah yeah um we touched on it for a minute well no let's go somewhere else first um two more games Arkansas that was a team that has no freaking idea in the world how to win a football game none like you have to learn how to win and they are not there they dominated the stats have you looked at this every stat Chase it's maybe the worst loss in my life complete domination no no no no no no you don't understand so I thought it was going to keep going down because I thought people were going to keep betting Arkansas so when I still saw is at 7 and a half I took it because I go I'm getting the hook well I got that good closing line value as it was 10 this morning oh there was one moment in the entire football game when I was not covering that was the moment in which Oklahoma state scored a touchdown and went for two there was one scario in the entire game script that had to happen number one Oklahoma state had to win the first overtime coin toss they had to go on defense it had to go to a second overtime and then Oklahoma state had to a score a touchdown and B get the two-point conversion and then have Arkansas not score that is exactly what happened seven and a half loses eight covers as I I could get all-timers I will remember that game for the rest of my life that was an all-timer and it's it it was more than just not knowing how to not knowing how to win it was kind of like like I I know every wants to kill the punt returner that was really damn fluky do you see what happened mhm the one of of the blockers gets rolled up and like right on him and he calls for f fair catch it wasn't like he was trying to do something stupid he was calling for a fair catch guy rolls up on him he misjudges the ball slightly tries to hop forward and the gu's there and like he can't move forward like it was one of the picks was like a uh one of the picks was I mean in the end they lose the game because they were really bad in the Red Zone like they they moved the ball the dumb penalty at the end with oh that was that was dumb but then Bowman tried to match him going finger guns down the sideline uh at at the Arkansas bench by the way speaking of quarterbacks and orange and I'm gonna come back to Arkansas with a couple of those stats in a second I saw this Payton Thorne back to him for a minute 13 starts against FBS opponents the last two years th good night by the way say good night to the wagon y'all oh oh good night we cover all the lines yes we cover for the rubs 11 of 13 games 165 passing yards or fewer his averages or sorry yeah in those games again all um FBS games the last two years 125 yards passing per game 15 TDS 13 picks 125 per game against FBS opponents see but I don't I don't like putting it all on him well no but you can't win like that well but who's the dumbass that sat there and doubled down on him well mean yes I understand it's like us blaming Edward Jon instead of Pete Boon right now like I understand that I I I I I get it it's not Payton's fault he's trying okay but you are proving my point it's not as if it was undetermined whether or not he was good it's not like you know I I would argue this I would stump for Jackson first year at Old Miss his numbers weren't great and he had some games where you're sitting there going like I don't know man to the point that his own head coach brought in other quarterbacks it's not like that with pton Thor they literally just decided like we're rolling with this guy no they chose him he's my dude so where we are so is Arkansas Arkansas was better than we think right I'm very frustrated by today because I feel like I've kind of got out on a limb and it's not popular I get like Neil has 649 yards 416 passing held Oklahoma State to 59 yards rushing in Still Water Oly Gordon was non-existent well they only gave him 10 carries deep into the fourth quarter that's malpractice well I'm telling you man if you like every car like he two yards per rush but I mean that's the also the problem with their offense their their offense is entirely RPO I mean that's the thing basically they Arkansas said you're not going to beat us with him I mean what the turnover what was was turnovers three to one three to one two fumbles one pick I mean how do you lose a game when you out when you how do you lose a game when you outgain somebody what what was it 400 yards yeah it was uh total yards 649 to 385 so almost 300 yards okay so when for for those that don't know the statistical analysis says for every hundred yards of offense that you have against an opponent you should have seven more points so they should have won this game by 17 to 20 points and what were they up for a large portion of the game two scores the whole time and here we are I mean I do think that that team that's not a team that I want have in life when I go when I'm on Miss and I go there in November yeah yeah yeah because that they got enough that scares me because the quarterback's goingon to throw some to his guys and throw some to you and he they're just going to be this weird game and it it's and like what if it's like their night you know what I mean it's the night where he doesn't throw it to you last thing I'll let you get back to your games Kentucky South Carolina oh we're getting back to the other game oh okay sorry no we'll we'll close with that okay South Carolina Kentucky does this you're good does this make it does this increase the competitiveness with South Carolina more than it decreases it with Kentucky if you're old Miss or where do you sort of put the pendulum on what we saw today as South Carolina frankly just kick their freaking teeth in so I I uh first and foremost apologies to South Carolina yeah um it changed my opinion more on Kentucky than it did on South Carolina the game script went entirely the way that South Carolina needed to what shocked me was Kentucky was incompetent up front and I thought they were GNA be good up front and Vandergriff had no time and when he did have time he wasn't very good but he wasn't very good because he'd had no time I mean what what was the final yardage total in that like I felt like every time you looked up Kentucky was going three and out I thought they were just horrific I mean I it literally looked like they didn't practice and honestly you know it made me think like because like okay in the end South Carolina had 31 points in 252 yards now they did have five per play but I it made me it made me question whether or not uh Kentucky is uh good honestly because I I may maybe we're going to get to the situation where we realized both those teams sucked and just one team was even suckier sure because I mean that was the other thing it's like when the game was still kind of in the balance at the at the end of the first half uh there was like sellers I'm not kidding you man that guy might have the worst pocket presence I've ever seen he he had he took backto back like hold the ball forever strip sacks and they got the ball like if Kentucky Kentucky one of those times could have picked it up and ran it back or like what not like it I don't know I just I was I was shocked by by how incompetent Kentucky looked on offense like they looked like they could not do anything but I still don't like upgrade South Carolina from what I watched yeah South Carolina sellers did nothing to look the part even though he was 11 of 15 for 159 and two it it was it was a little fo's gold against the Kentucky defense I do like and then Carolina only rushes it 34 times for 86 yards Kentucky can stuff you a little up front but Vander Griff this poor cat three of 10 for 30 yards Kentucky in the game even getting throttled where usually you throw the ball down the field and pass some stats late six of 17 for 44 yards you'd have to really hunt to find a worst statistical game from a quarterback in in a league game that's horrendous I don't know no go find a pton thorn game where he threw for 40 yards okay I mean I will say like it did make me it from what I watched last week I thought now Vandergriff does have a little kind of YOLO in him um but I thought he was pretty solid last week I mean I don't know I it I found myself watching that game and going both these teams suck I didn't it was it was one of those ones where in hindsight it's like just take the points in that game because last year I think that game was like 13-10 or 14 to 10 MH and uh with South Carolina winning and like Euros like those two teams are the same thing like no one should be favored in that game that's that's what it made me made me realize like if there's like oh there's one I want back that's it yeah Kentucky would have gotten a better quarterback had they actually gotten dju they did want him they tried maybe maybe I don't know I don't know man like we know what dju is so what's your boy going to say tomorrow what did he say tonight I haven't got to watch uh I don't know so we had a really good plan someone you got to go look up quotes there he had to start with we had a really good plan uh good week no one was the king of we had a good week of practice after like a a game where they didn't score like that was always this it's like how could then maybe you have sucky practices if you think you have a good week can practice cuz we didn't see this coming so correct it's it's it's let's see is he going to get one of those Hugh signature wins that's like really good over somebody I don't know man because he's got like the who who would even qualify because he's got Georgia and Bama on the road and I don't see either of those okay here's a quote let me see it must be good because it people are like pulling it out so let me see if I can increase the volume enough where you can hear it too through my computer I don't know let's find out let me move the mic again I have not listened to it so I don't know what he said hold on hold on let me stop the audio on the other one we got time here everybody just chill out well I mean I almost was gonna tell you to fire up the YouTube channel go to whatever Auburn go to the go to their thing I don't know how long it took him I don't know what it take him three years or so to to get there or four years I don't know some of y'all could could do the research but his second year that's I don't know that that's accurate but um oh no that's an old clip that's an alltime oh this is old oh okay my bad that's an all yeah yeah uh it was about Kirby it about my bad that's just what popped up all right yeah no no that's an all time no that one was that was spring maybe uh no that's one of his alltime best you C because when I heard do your own research it triggered alarms because I was like no that's my bad yeah yeah yeah my bad all right all right we'll look in a minute uh MCC is joining us in a second I gota get you want to fire up YouTube let's just go and watch along okay let me go try to find it in a second NE Neil's like pouring coffee or something he'll be here in a minute all right hold on I'll pour ner all right I know I'm in all three screens people just give me a second and I think before you start we should all we should make a bingo card like what are the what are the things we're GNA for sure hear because obviously we're going to have a really good plan great week of practice uh uh there'll be something about uh I had Derek cuz they were bad on third down right let me let me double check that one uh another another one to always keep in mind is he'll throw his coordinator on the bus he'll say I called first and second down and they were five 10 on third down so he'll take credit for third Downs um Derek was definitely the Red Zone guy because they were bad in the Red Zone Neil how are you chase I'm good how are you good Jeffrey's along with us as well I heard are we on oh yeah we're good we're rolling you're you're you're in we're we're just chilling uh were you able to how how much uh how much were you able to watch from the Press Bots and I'm not talking about the Old Miss game yeah uh I I kept a pretty solid eye on uh California in the second quarter in the second half I mean uh that was that was uh that was interesting I had a feeling we would be talking about it some so I I had it on had it on the screen they're bad I mean listen you can talk about some other teams in the league and stuff I mean they ain't a lot of certainties on that Auburn schedule if that's the quarterback play okay but so and look listen and and Hugh is going to have to spend less time on defense he's gonna have to trust his defensive coaches and take this offensive play calling over and and get the team ready or else I mean well no no no no you no no no no Neil he's going to have to find the time like he's hurting those kids he was only able to call the offensive plays on their first series oh yeah then Derek had to take over because you know he had so many other things going on right um that's just an absolute shame but like this is the whole point is at at what point is it Hugh's fault for playing pton Thorne like we can do the whole pton Thorne thing they could have gotten another quarterback they didn't oh no it's his fault now obviously that's that's kind of what blows me away and this is the other thing that I've been saying like I actually mean this I enjoyed today just CU I enjoy watching him lose I'm now at the point though like I think people think this is a bit and whatnot I don't think he's going to be successful I've been very clear on that I now just feel like I just keep getting more and more data points and then everyone else is in denial but it's like I'm not in denial like y'all are so have at it I don't think he's a good coach well I mean that that that was not a good team today that was not I mean again I mean I've pretty much seen everyone around the league right now some of the some of the games before the season that that everyone called wins for them I'm not I'm not convinced their wins I mean to me it all comes back to what he I think proved is that the approach of cliff and Houston nut who still had that old school hell it's Old Miss what he proved is it's a pretty good job is it the greatest job in the world no but it's a pretty good job and you can have some success there now you actually have a really good coach and you see all right you can win 11 games there I don't miss yeah I mean look in today's sec I don't I don't know that I don't know that Auburn's the great job it once was I mean I totally agree I mean for the obvious reasons now that the playing Field's been somewhat leveled they're just they're not on the same par with like Alabama Georgia Texas and then if you have programs like Old Miss and Missouri that hire the right coaches and get their things going the nil things going and all that stuff those programs can not only catch Auburn but I think pass Auburn I think I think Miss and Missouri have passed Auburn I think they're it's their better jobs today now is that because of kefin and drinkwitz or is that because of infrastructure or is that because of some combination they're in I don't know I think it's largely because Georgia is maxed out and Alabama while maybe not peak of its powers Alabama Alabama's still hiring operating in a high efficiency how many times has that ever happened in AU Auburn history where Georgia and Alabama are both operating close to Peak efficiency I mean not often and and and Tennessee is pretty good yeah Tennessee is really good and I mean I don't know you know I covered I got through covering Old Miss and I was doing Lanes things so I really haven't gotten a chance to like see everybody or whatever I I don't I saw bits and pieces of games obviously I saw a decent amount of South Carolina Kentucky and um you know a decent amount of of we mentioned Auburn and Cal you know but I I don't it's not like I was getting I couldn't like just lock in on games because I was trying to ride ahead and stuff with because Jackson Dart was having a record setting day and Henry Parish was having a record setting day and I was watching Walter Nolan after he limped off to see what was going on with that so I mean I was thinking obviously about the thing I was going to write but you know I mean if you're talking about where Auburn is with an average coach and I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt calling him average they're an average program I think they're in trouble in I don't who does Auburn have next week I think he's got like a couple gimes yeah well no because they have another weird they have another weird cusa Team New Mexico they've got New Mexico and then and then Arkansas right yeah and then Oklahoma and then Georgia and then Missouri well I mean I'll give you a hot take I think Arkansas Oklahoma Missouri and who was the other one you said uh it's New Mexico Arkansas Oklahoma Georgia Missouri Kentucky I mean of those after New Mexico Kentucky is the most winnable game well yeah 100 yeah I mean they're May underdogs in three of them I me the only the only thing I'll say about Arkansas though Neil is they are clearly a better football team but that also has the that also has the makings of if they lose enough games that that just becomes like the team that quits yeah I mean they'll beat UAB next week and then Auburn will be their game where they can prove to themselves that they can actually win that'll be the biggest game that that'll be the biggest game pitman's ever coached if if you believe that he's trying to hang off isn't that game though Jordan hair though yeah although Jordan ha Jordan ha is not a big HomeField Advantage at 11: am when your team's not winning is Oklahoma their home games and they're at Georgia at Missouri at Kentucky a between Georgia and Missouri I'm just saying I don't buy this idea that he can't get fired this year oh oh no I agree completely depends on I'm not saying i' bet on it but I don't buy this idea that he's for sure getting year three if you know you made M he go eight there's no reason there's no reason to extend it another year if you know you make a mistake and in a world where let's say he loses to Arkansas loses to Oklahoma all of a sudden the L's start piling up he gets he gets it gets iffy fast did you get on Nolan real quick got people ask yeah yeah Nolan uh Nolan is I won't say he's fine Lane said the decision for him not to return was Lane's decision and not not MediCal he said and it's in the notebook he said Miss fans can can rest easy they survived all the potential things it looked like on the field there because I mean pagis and Parish both came back and then obviously I think parish's deal was they were checking him for a concussion they were making because his helmet went down hard I don't even know what JJ's deal was but they both came back like you said and then Nolan Nolan looked to me like he could have come back but was like nah there's no point I had heard some to some turf toe uh any any indications from anybody just around or what you've heard on why Bentley was only two carries uh we asked Lane about it he gave us kind of a weird answer about other guys that had better weeks of practice and stuff like that your camera is headed directly towards your crotch now in case yeah trying to change games it was a weird answer um he he said that he done nothing wrong I'll be honest I'm not I know that lane rarely does coach speak it kind of felt like one of those rare coach speak moments where he wasn't gonna say it but yeah it didn't it didn't sound he didn't sound super excited about Bentley so it's possible he has gotten passed on the depth chart oh I think it's possible he's gotten passed on the depth chart I think it's possible that this might be a little bit of a hey you you better be a team player kind of a thing and and then look parish is so much better than Bentley is and pass Pro that that's a big part of it Garrett nus me just went out with an injury for LSU they are up 2314 on Nicholls right now you take you take nus Meer off that team and they're in deep trouble deep trouble yeah and how about Kentucky today they Su yeah I was telling Jeffrey the uh their quarterbacks combined went six of 17 for what I say 44 yards or something like that yeah I mean could I'm not the question to me was do I upgrade South Carolina and no I don't I think that game just played I think those are the same teams and that game played out very weirdly and that's why South Carol won but what it what I do take away from that is I I am no longer worried about South Carolina upsetting Old Miss I sorry I be and Kentucky Kentucky yeah kuy's going to lose by three to five scores here the kid at South Carolina I get why they like him I mean he is really athletic and plays really hard he's not super accurate or anything yet I've got it I could if you told me he's a good player down the road I'd buy it after watching him today I don't know he has the worst pocket presence I've ever seen does he like remely giving him the benefit of I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt of it being his second game no see I think they like him because he's not Robbie Ashford I mean I mean how many how many how many programs have to sit there and go Robbie is a lot to deal with I mean a bunch I have to be careful that I'm not comparing everybody to the guy that I see every week because the guy that I see every week is incredibly poised right now in the pocket incredibly just very very accurate his footwork is he gave a lot of credit postgame to to Joe judge and and I don't know that we probably talk about that enough in large part because we never get to talk to these people but I think I think that has turned out to be an incredible benefit for Jackson to have on a day in day out basis a former NFL head coach who has you know has worked with so many quarterbacks in his past and stuff to have to have him in addition to Weiss and kein on a day-to-day basis working with him I think you can you can really tell that that's given him a a completely new level of comfort as a quarterback and he's really really comfortable right now Ian he got popped in the second quarter I mean he took a Blindside shot that kind of rattled him a little bit and he came right back in you know finished the drive with a with a touchdown the whole deal I mean right now Jackson dart's playing at a really high level I mean say anything nice Joe judge I will not say Joe judge is a POS I will say nothing nice about him I I tell Jeffrey the the the funniest part of the entire day was how pissed off Dart was when he came to the sidelines after throwing an incompletion he wanted the NCAA record which he was only two away from at that point Dominic Davis East Carolina 2011 by the way for anybody who didn't hear that but uh the 26 in a row I mean you would have thought he was eight of 19 and was it was Vandergriff at that moment I mean that that cat was pissed off yeah he admitted that uh he admitted that he was well aware of the situation I was glad I was really anticipating him no I had no idea but he he he was he was y know who do do y'all know who Dominic's offensive coordinator was no I think he I think he had a cup of coffee with the Falcons though if I remember correctly a young Lincoln Riley oh that makes some sense because you know Ruffin Ruffin mcneel's uh was a leech guy he was like the defensive guy with leech and I think that's Lincoln's first like offensive coordinator job Tennessee is now extended to 17-3 over NC State by the way it was an 85 yard that that was the play that might have flipped the game because they were going in to go 1010 85 yard pick six that Sudden Change will do it uh I it's Old Miss Middle Tennessee Neil you and I were texting about it we're not going to spend tons of time breaking down a game that was 52 to3 and almost was bored as hell in the second quarter uh but Jeffrey and I mentioned it so I'm going to get your take though before we do whatever we're doing next uh pass defense some level of issue in the secondary I mean there were guys kind of running free a little bit uh yeah Lane said it's something he's concerned about it's something that that obviously has to be addressed and and um yeah it was the one thing that came out of this look I think you just said the magic word some though I I think boredom slipped in a little bit today you know the the the opener you get all the excitement could be a season opener and you're through with camp and all that stuff and you get into the routine and you look up and it's what was it 31 to3 at the half and I mean it's pretty obvious like immediately that there's a 0% chance that the game's going to be competitive that you can lose and I do think it's human nature that you just kind of lose a little bit of intensity and they did um but yeah I mean they had some guys running open they they they they made some mistakes in coverage and they got beat a couple of times and I think Lane knows and said as much that hey look there's going to come a time this year when you play better uh offensive teams and you're going to have to perform better in the back back half of the secondary back half of the defense to be effective and to give yourself an opportunity to win but it gives them something to work on and I think it'll be obviously a point of emphasis this week in the same way that the running game was after the the Ferman game Jeffrey what's that at Wake Forest scho now uh at commercial it was 1717 last I looked I was trying to see if Auburn lays out their uh lays out their website with the game quotes Okay I I know that we're all really shocked here but uh Colorado is starting to lose their composure uh in Lincoln wake is up uh wakes up 20- 17 at the half against Virginia they were a favorite they were a one or three point favorite in that game I think like one and a half the game that I know everybody is hanging on ULM now up 21-6 five minutes to go in the third over UAB oh yeah Jeffy UAB was absolutely awful th they're Dreadful listen you wear a uniform as nice as as ULM is wearing today you're gonna win that didn't save two lane because they had the suit and just couldn't couldn't get it done against K State although getting that offensive pass interference some Ra was lucky he didn't get arrested in that game because you were scoring doing whatever you were doing there go for two in the win or whatever I mean that was abysmal on your home turf at least he he wasn't the worst uh ex and wasn't the worst game coaching coach in of the day good night I I am I I'm starting to gain energy I told Jeffrey from Marcus Freeman's like dejected face in like the last 20 seconds of like losses to Marshall in Northern Illinois now as you're doing this thing uh Nebraska about to go up 28 nothing on Colorado two things on the Nebraska thing one the Dion thing duh the other is Matt ru's a really good college football coach he is there's a reason why when when there was concern at Old Miss that lane kippen might go to Auburn uh the one of part of the part of the Old Miss Focus is there any way we can get Matt rule to back off this Nebraska thing and listen to us yeah and the answer was no the answer was no but it shows you I mean that guy's a really good college football coach if you told me Nebraska is the I mean this might be a little bit of a hot take because they got to get the money they really got to get the I going in this world a little more if you told me they have like a Wisconsin type run that Wisconsin was for a long time where they were like you know probably a win away from really going hey I'm going to go win a title but at the same time they're in it I'd buy that yeah I I can I can buy that they they flip rolls yeah I think Wisconsin made a bad hire I think Luke fickles wildly overrated I think he wanted Cincinnati because Cincinnati was a pretty good job to win it and he's been very very mediocre and he hired Phil Longo he did yeah like Longo was putting up all the yards at North Carolina I mean just apparently when you have guys like Drake may they they score a lot of points put a lot of yards up and you can parlay that into things and it's still it's like the same issues still played them they were horrible in the Red Zone well they don't throw to the tight end we're aware of that Dawson Knox played three years of college football uh yeah I think so and he had how many touchdowns zero how is that even possible we watched it by accident that should be not possible that's thing Jeffrey I mean I don't Neil I don't I don't even know what to ask you because it it's it's Middle Tennessee and it's Old Miss and they weren't I still think we should listen to we should all Listen to I mean hold on do you have it I mean here here's what I here's what I think about Old Miss because I know that we we probably are not talking about them enough even though it was 52 to three I just think the deal with Old Miss right now is I think they're really good I wrote this in my column two things can be true at once that was the the the point of the column furman's bad Middle Tennessee is bad if the two teams played all SEC teams they'd go a combined 0 and 32 they wouldn't win a game but that oh miss is really good we're not going to know how good for a while and that I think that's going to be a little bit of a maddening thing for some people and you know Notre Dame lost I think old will move up to fifth in the AP poll they'll stay fifth in the coaches poll they're the whole disrespect thing is utter BS they're getting tons of respect but they're gonna sort of be a little bit on the periphery of the radar for a while because they're not playing interesting games you know I mean they're going to be what what would you say the line is at wake Saturday 25 points oh God uh yeah I mean probably yeah I mean I would say8 feels too high 28 feels too high but it feels like it's gonna be over 20 yeah so let's call it 25 points for kicks and Giggles they they they get Georgia Southern here in 20 in SE 14 days Georgia Southern's playing Nevada right now they were losing by a little bit a minute ago when I checked Miss is going to be a 30ish point favorite over Georgia Southern maybe more oh no no no Georgia Southern will be like today okay so another 40 point game and then after that it's Kentucky and after today Kentucky will come in here as an 18-point dog I mean you know it's just gonna be it's gonna be talk me into like 14 and a half or something but yeah I mean there's still gonna be a two touchdown underd it's just going to be a minute before they play a quote competitive game where we get to like judge them and and the truth is the league might not be that good I mean who knows right it might be guys it might be Georgia before they play somebody who's legit uh I mean especially if n nursing a hamstring for the next five weeks I mean I was say that I'd like to know what the the nus me uh prognosis is cuz if he's hurt they can't win that game well no if nus Meers hurt LSU suddenly has a bunch of losable games on their schedule so I mean it's realistic it's Oklahoma here by the way how this I I heard numbers over the weekend about how many people Oxford people are expecting for the Oklahoma game and holy [ __ ] I I don't know where all those you really ought to think about going and just hanging out with your parents for a weekend and putting the house up on the Airbnb you you'd pay a couple months mortgage at least if you promised me beyond a shadow of a doubt that nothing would happen to anything in the house I do it maybe you have to like call Murdoch and go hey look if you have somebody you'll you'll you'll put your word on then we'll we'll talk I mean my wife would be an absolute basket case that entire time um but I mean there there's like 200,000 people in town that weekend but it might be that weekend before we truly know something about this team 200,000 people 200,000 people's not even possible right yeah let me rephrase what I just said it might be that weekend before they prove it to anybody who's still doing the whole well they haven't played anybody thing yet I think this is an elite team yeah nobody we didn't we did that with Michigan till they played Penn State last year Michigan played like 10 games before that and and they won the national title yeah you just I mean the point is is that it's not all Miss's fault that the schedule is what the schedule is but the fact that the schedule is what the schedule is is going to lead to some of that conversation among people and if you're the type of fan that craves constant respect if you will it's going to be kind of frustrating well that's also the reality of what happens when you play this schedule yeah you know why did why did Notre Dame get respect they went and played at Texas A&M yeah no absolutely why did USC get respect they scheduled now they tried to get out of it but they scheduled LSU like yeah yes Jordan Watkins did play today guys yeah yeah one catch 28 yards um I wrote about it in the notebook by the way the notebook is up at it's brought to you by dead soxy my postgame column is up it's brought to you by window hero I will load uh kin's post game video press conference once it's available the reaction thing is up as well and I sent Chase the Q frees press conference do you want to hang in for this Neil or would you like to go I'm probably gonna call sisy go as well so you can do it yeah I'm probably going to go my brothers are in town I'd love to go visit with them okay you can do that Jeffrey and I will listen I'll tell I'll hang out for five minutes yeah you're good NE mccr ladies and gentlemen back with a Monday Blue Sky live yeah I have I did not update it on this ticker I'll do it in a second oh miss has only allowed three points this year that is correct it said six at the bottom but I was estimate I was guessing a field goal late in the game when I was building the thing and forgot to go back and fix it so that's you were assum you were assuming you know I was assuming I was assuming that Miss was going to give up double amount of the amount of points they have given up all season that is that is technically technically you presuming yes you're not assuming you're presuming I keep writing that Old Miss beat Mercer and they did a year ago but I'm I'm for whatever reason I'm I have a mental block there yeah that's fair all right you can head out I'm gonna holler at sisy see and then jeffre is going to hang out and we'll uh we'll just keep talking a little bit let see you guys no Cady leaving let's see sisy he can call in we'll talk to him for a minute while we listen to this former hu fre assistant coach get that up real quick and then all right you ready when you are all right here we go hold on says Hugh freeze ladies and gentlemen from uh disappointing you know I thought um you know with hope we were further along I knew this would be a good test for us no matter what people said they're they're a very senior lading football team and play extremely hard and are well coached and their their quarterback played light out in the first half and um the posi that I guess if we can take anything from it is that our defense I thought really really improved as the game went on um in the second half and gave us chances um you know their special teams played really well in the third quarter and kept us pinned and um but you cannot turn the ball over five times and expect to beat really anybody and um we never got in any kind of sink offensively and that's that's uh and very and which unit is yours disappointing and uh frustrating um to me and it rest with me and I've got to figure that out for us coach with a little bit over six and a half minutes left to go in the game and down two scores it looked like you was you guys were getting way deep into the play clock and showed no hurry up was there a communication problem with that or did you guys feel like you still have plenty of time yeah I'd had to go back and see I can't remember that thought we um you know started going pretty fast um with about that those possessions and now when it got down toward the Red Zone it was you know we had some checks going on that we were trying to get in the right play because of their different fronts that they play and that probably used too much time after what seemed to be a really good week one performance for Payton struggled tonight with the with the four interceptions what's the game plan moving forward for for him the quarterback situation and and with SEC play looming large well I have to watch the film first before I I really say I mean we struggled to protect him tonight a lot we had guys running wide open and uh really struggled to protect and it hurt when you know to tall got banged up and he tried to go and he couldn't and um so we struggled to protect him some um so I'd rather watch the film and then talk about it his play in that quarterback can you hear us by the way Tyler I got you boss I got to hear the whole confence right go ahead Jeffrey got you guy guys running guys running wide open Tyler wide open he schemed him up baby he schemed did I get lost I thought I was on I thought this was the old Miss postgame show uh they beat did you did you watch the game because that was uh it was 52 to three did I get that right Hey Jeffrey I'm I'm a real Old Miss fan I was actually at the game where were you today I was pting it and I laid I laid 41 and 43 let's go let's go yeah that was an easy uh that was an easy line kind of I I got nervous on that last that last MTSU Drive I thought they were going in for that garbage that garbage cover that one that one kind of made me nervous you you'll be all right that was uh they gave you a free one on that one you should have got the first quarter line that was like 10 points or something yeah it was uh it was Miss minus 10 and over under 14 in the first quarter yeah that was that was the that was the easy one sis is that a team is that a team issue pull over is that from the the the the days so I got I had to I had to support my really good friend Chris kein today so I went out you know I had to I had to support my friend today so I can't I went I showed up supporting my my good friend okay when did you leave I left at halftime okay yeah I was out halftime do you care about the final two minutes of this Jeffrey or are you uh yeah I'm good okay what flavor High Noon are you having by the way what are you doing uh this is pineapple okay they'll be that's kind of like a pool that's kind of a pool one like it's a little sweet for my taste on like the normal dayto day yeah I don't know I think it's the most I think it's like the most solid do you really like I think it's the most versatile like it's the one that you can do most like if I if they have pineapple I'll grab it every time I like the black cherry see you're in the minority on that one okay no chase said he likes black cherry yeah you did not get I'm even getting like hazed from the from the from the stands over here now yeah yeah you're getting sh from the clouds hey y'all two talk for like 90 seconds I'm gonna get another drink and then I'll carry on with s Okay Tyler so here's here's what we'll actually talk about old Miss for a little bit so here's and told Chase I realize I'm having to be very nitpicky because what they've shown thus far it's like we don't have any context but it's been really impressive I don't love that I feel like receivers get open well you know what again I was there so it was hard I couldn't see it on TV right I saw it in person I was watching it because that was one of the it's not a concern but it was a question because the problem is is that the four down get there so D they they're always in the back field and so the quarterback always under duress so you're never really getting a good look at it you know there was one one play that uh they scored on they got called back I mean the guy just threw it in the damn double coverage got made a play um the guy they had a I heard you talking earlier about the play that they he ran a post I mean it was into double coverage you know what I'm saying like I mean I mean yes was he there I mean but they were there you know what I'm saying so again it's not they're long they're long they don't they didn't appear to run that well today and again that was they they looked faster on the back end last week um they looked a little sluggish but so did the offensive line so I don't know if they're T I don't know you know I mean it could be a variance different things they do have good length and you don't have to be as fast when you have good length um if I had any again it's not really a concern it's just the damn front is so good that it just kind of magnifies when they make a play and you know in the in the back end so I don't know I I'm you're not GNA know for a long time I mean you're sitting here how long till you figure out how long till somebody can pick them up up front you know what I mean like somebody eventually is gonna pick the front up then they got we we were talking about it it's I mean after watching South Carolina and Kentucky today it ain't them I mean to me it's either going to be Oklahoma or it's going to be literally we could be talking about this when they play Georgia I mean yeah I mean I don't know it's just they they the damn defensive line is in the back field every damn play so the the quarterback is constantly under under duress um so you don't even get a chance to set your feet and make a throw so I don't know how long it's going to be until they because this next week you're see all the slow mess [ __ ] right and W I can tell you defensively who yeah I mean this is yeah it it's a bad matchup from a way far standpoint like this is not the Miss is not the defensive front you w be slow meshing corre and and so do we I don't know I mean I don't know when they get tested you know what I'm saying like eventually they will um and we'll figure it out but I don't know I didn't figure it out today um the only thing I did see a little bit today that was you know they got to do something about the running game to get where they want go you know um I think they're when I say get where they want to go win championships eventually they're going to have to run the football and they were just so much bigger than they just big boy they played little boy you know playground football with them today um that would beat you know in running back wise what's wrong with Bentley why didn't he play today anybody know Lane intimated to the pre in the press conference that there might have been some uh not liking the way that he is acting in some capacity that's I mean they don't have enough dudes to be somebody be acting like that he needs to get his head Neil said he interpreted it as maybe a little preventative and maybe because of the way that it went with a former running back maybe maybe Lane's a little more sensitive right now you know what I mean like hey I'm not g to let it become a problem I I do think though like that's an actual concern for me in a really big game I don't know if I would trust them short yardage hey I don't mean we're gonna talk about this second I want to say it before before the score changes uhuh this Alabama game's been weird for a while uhhuh and somebody laid 30 and a half it's yeah it's really weird 30 and a half it's that's already over yeah no that's done I perfect timing perfect timing I hope y don't know if I'm ahead of y'all what's the score uh I literally just saw it so we had another fumble uh it's 14-6 but if South Florida were oh my God what an that was sisy that was an alltime F bomb from the crowd shot that's good I I was looking down I was looking at but I didn't see that so who's one of the fans yeah well just you just a hard mfer oh that Ball's out that's not even a yeah that Ball's out but they so where's the ball in the field I haven't gotten over there yet 30 maybe right Tyler what's that well South Flor 30 maybe yeah yeah it went forward it's it plus out the field yeah I mean South FL to gave him a game last year too they had G they've had guys open and the quarterback cannot I mean I'm talking about cannot I mean he he's very I would almost call him Payton Thornes but that would be an insult to the South Florida quarterback I uh I can't believe the milro as a first-rounder stuff anytime I see someone that that grades him as a first-rounder I just immediately ignore their opinion yeah I I got the answer to your Auburn quarterback question you had why didn't they get another one all right let's hear it they were gonna lose all three of them if they went and got one well if none of the three are competent then who gives a dam I wouldn't care either after what I saw I'm not I'm just telling you that's that's why uh and and then they're going to get one this year and they're gonna sign a high school kid they're gonna sign the dece night kid and they're you do realize your boy is not really a great quarterback evaluator well I mean I mean you no [ __ ] I mean I mean you you telling me something I don't know I'm just I'm just I'm saying like he gets he gets all this he gets all this credit he gets all this credit for being like some like quarterback Whisperer and it's like what I have watched film with him a couple times before just so hey by the way Tyler so if we heard does d have a chance at all of going first quarterback off board I I wanted to ask you that Tyler that's a great question because I'm kind of starting to wonder does Dart have any shot in Hell of going one like first quarterback off board no I mean as of today no he so he's got a he's got a I want this call this Pur sources how about that um he's got of a uh a two three grade right now in the NFL from the NFL Scouts which is like a guy that can can start games but not a guy you want to start all the games kind of deal you know uh oh I want to be clear I want to be clear I didn't want I didn't I wasn't asking about one one I was gonna ask you if he could go first round yeah sorry that's what oh okay gotcha so but he is he's playing his way up he has that's where he's starting the year and he's going to play his way up and he's going to put up as we discussed last week he's going to put up numbers but what he I mean look I don't care if you're playing down Ferman or you're playing Middle Tennessee I mean he gets the ball out on time the ball seems to be a little more crisp coming out of his hand than it has in the past uh he's going to continue to work his way up he's gonna put up big numbers they're gonna win a bunch of games and so you know I think he'll just continue to go up yeah I'm uh I'm selfishly hoping he for for my for my brother-in-law hoping he does go first round what um what what is the thing that is physically going to keep the ceiling from whatever I mean what are we talking about here well I think you know deep ball arm strength that's probably the biggest that that's the biggest question going in of the season on the Scout side you know um but he's he gets the ball out when he sets his feet he's fine he just throws off platform he's threw off platform so much that when he doesn't set his feet then of course it'll it'll take it off but he's I mean [ __ ] he's he's much improved I mean as crazy as that sounds physically he has much improved this year from last year just on arm strength along he he he knows what the deal is you know the thing about Jackson I didn't realize until I met him in person like that's a big ass he's a big ass now he's thick like he is a big ass dude like he doesn't look it out there on the field but in person I mean he's a big ass kid man I just think the comps the comps are gonna be rightly or wrongly it's gonna be B next um because Bo is the same thing started Bose started what that third fifth round grade somewhere in there and then played his way into the first yeah it it's the quarterbacks coming out this past year are so weird because you got Bo Knicks has been playing quarterbacks since 1906 and then you had you know Drake May that's played three years so you got this huge range of experience level and then as in tomorrow Anthony richon who is in his second year second year in the NFL is starting his 18th game as a quarterback since he left High School is that it really yeah that's a crazy freaking number isn't it and he's never been good at any level other than maybe High School like he he has flashed he's flashed like that's but he's never proven that he is like a consistently good player he's a more well- behaved Demarcus Russell at this point like that's what he is no no he's he's flashed and and sten's a very good offensive mind and stien used him well but at the same time it's like all right the the way that he was able to flash it got him hurt well he's uh he will try to put a hole in a check Down's heart tomorrow that's what he's really good at so I mean but what a crazy damn day man my freaking Iowa State Cyclones ined we haven't even mentioned that football game literally we have not said it one time that was such a weird game did y'all get any did you get eyes on that yeah my that's my quick you guys man they they're on fire they've done 2019 what was the final 2019 yeah because it was 2019 I still have no idea why fence went for two when he did they they have done such a great job I mean I gotta give them I'm gonna give them credit because I get to see it every day but they've done just a ridiculous amount of because nobody's picking to go to Iowa State you know what I'm saying like nobody's like you know what I'm gonna do dad my God I'm gonna be a cyclone the day and so they have done an amaz like a they' know their culture they know what works with them and they go and they believe in it and they they evaluate their ass off and you got to give them some credit I mean they've done a and Matt Campbell is I mean as much [ __ ] as I mean he's he's always been the the bridesmaid never the bride on all these jobs but man he is he they've done they do a great job and in a in a place it's very difficult to do a great job I'll give him credit go ahead I'll give him credit on this I by the way it's also 2321 in rou uh it's 2321 in Baton rou but back to your Iowa State point like I think part of the problem that everyone gets you know in the absolute mental pretzel with Brock pie is Brock was taught how to play quarterback at Iowa State Brock knows how to read the field Brock knows how to Brock knows exactly where to go with the football he knows how to read coverage and yeah he is not a physical specimen and he's not going to always he's going to miss some throws but like I do think part of what makes Brock good is he knows how to play quarterback and that's because at Iowa State he was taught how to play quarterback yeah no he they do they do a really good job they're they're really good ball coaches they do a great job uh they listen to our show so dep shout out to them they listen to our show but they're uh they're just they're good dudes man good dudes drink beer with and then freaking let me tell you where I was wrong this week holy [ __ ] how about freaking Kentucky dude what in the hell happened to that damn game so it's one of those situations where the final score looks like they got their ass kicked and they weren't good but like it was also like it's 31-6 but like the total yardage was like uh South Carolina had South Carolina had 252 yards of offense and 300 or and 31 points yeah like three of 10 or something and got or I don't know if he got pulled or what but he was like three of 10 is that right is that number right three of 10 four 10 three of 10 for 30 yards and together they went seven of 16 yeah can I can I make I'm gonna make the uh I need to make an announcement whoever is listening that would like to if you're an old Miss fan and you want to go ahead and start the tampering train up um there's a cat at South Carolina named Dylan Stewart who is the best defensive player in college football he's the best defensive player in college football and he's a true freshman I'll tell you what was shocking Tyler uh kuy's front got their asses kicked all day like it wasn't even like fluky it was like like I know the the quarterback numbers are bad and I'm not stepping up you know stepping up for quarterbacks but they got absolutely mauled all day and that was shocking to me yeah that well I can tell you this there there's not a dude on this planet that can stop that can stop freaking Dylan Stewart so he is that may be the best Edge Prospect I've seen in 20 years I mean the guy yeah I mean he he's it's he'll go he'll go in the portal he'll get he'll get him 700 800,000 uh real quick come December what's the a Fallout going to be for dor if he loses to South Florida on Nick Sabin day sisy I mean not not just losing but hey you know you know Old Miss beat him in Tuscaloosa the day they did the honored Bear Bryant Museum thing or whatever in 88 I mean this is this is up there with saving getting the field and you lose to South Florida I was supposed to go too I'm glad I didn't now um they're honoring the 2014 uh SEC Championship team but that was also part of it but holy smokes like dude it's uh milro they're wi by the way who's better no that's a great comp 14 to who's better who would your other have milro or Sims well I'm I'm kind of partial to Blake Sims because that's my guy so I'm biased um I mean milro milro is a milro is nowhere the passer that Blake was um he is his problem is like watching the game he he'll anytime he rolls or he gets out of the pocket at all he got 18 guys running right across his face and everybody's like why can't he throw the ball the intermediate play the intermediate route because he doesn't even look at it he's looking for freaking home run every damn play and I mean he's got guys running wide ass open he just cuts it Loose you know trying to make the big play just did it again um and that's all he does and so now when that some [ __ ] starts running he's Elite you know and you know that's that's kind of the The Catch 22 but they got they got to be they got to be better than this man I mean it's just it is what it is they can't they're not going to be able to get where they want to go um playing like that now look the good news is is dor is a hell of coach and if anybody can get him right it' be him but he's gota he's got to start he's pressing you know what I'm saying like he he he he's always trying to make the big play instead of just running the damn offense and you know it shows up when he's not when he misses it shows up is he trying to make the big play or is he know that that's really the only throw that he's like really good at I mean I mean I I he if he can't throw the intermediate he'd be the first person ever I mean I don't think it's gonna look any uglier than it's at 10 yards and it's gonna look at 30 yards you know what I mean I get what you're saying because that's what it looks like but I don't think I mean I don't think he is I he's not a throwing quarterback my problem with him is he throws like a running back like he has no fluidity in his motion it's just kind of like kind of shot putty I wouldn't go go that far because running backs can't [ __ ] throw but but he just he's I don't know he just always is trying to do like he doesn't go his eyes immediately go deep instead of looking for a check down or look he never checks the dam ball down he's always trying to he's trying to make a he's trying to get on Sports Center every play kind of like you know shador Sanders right now but by the way I'm loving this this is making my night I think that's the problem with a lot of quarterbacks like I mean I I'll I think that was kind of Burrow's problem at times when burrow would hold hold hold to just try to make her ball now Burrow's also better at understanding hey sometimes a six-yard throw moves the sticks uh but I mean that's a huge problem I see with so many quarterbacks today where everybody's just trying to hit home runs yeah it's uh I mean that's the you know that's the freaking that's also the it's either rpos or when they drop back to pass so you know I think some of that may be a product of the rpos you know what I'm saying like they're so used to you know get you know getting it and going with it so fast rpos that they feel like they get a chance to drop back and they have any time they just immediately try to go deep you know what I mean try to push it down field it seems to be people always say well there's no quick game you know the game's Chang there's no quick game anymore it's all rpos and deep balls which is basically what you're saying but you know what I'm saying there's no traditional offenses that run through intermediate round does anyone run post dig dump anymore I mean sure if the it's in the Playbook but you don't get to a lot of those throws anymore you know what I mean like to me one of the huge problems that I see is and maybe it'll be a little different this year I feel like a big problem is everything has just become so scheme scheme scheme scheme up a shot play scheme up a shot play that no one really actually like knows like what are the all right it's cover three what should I you know where should I be going with the ball with cover three where should I be going with the ball with cover two like I feel like nobody has a feel for it everything's just become find a matchup one-on-one and this is even honestly NFL even a little bit everything just becomes so matchup dependent you're just trying to hit a home run because you're like all right that guy can't cover this guy let's go deep yeah well that's all the NFL is right the NFL is nothing but a matchup game and you know college is you know I I wouldn't say college has got there yet because the RPO is still the of college um and is really that's probably changed the game more than anything is the RPO um and you don't see it as much in the NFL because of the three yard rule the one yard rule right yeah no it's just it's just because you can't have your lineman go eight yards downfield and hold a play fake for six seconds yeah well you know in in in college you can still run Gap scheme rpos because your guys get three yards in the NFL if you tried to run a gap scheme RPO would be and they don't they don't miss when say who who would you run could you imagine running a gap scheme against Aaron Donald we did oh yeah that's right literally yeah yeah yeah sorry Ben Ben said he never blocked him once hey how about this how about this this is a this is a true story how about this when the in the first because I just remember when I did the study we I think we played when I was at Alabama when we played Old Miss it was like week three or four but up until the first 12 games that Old Miss when I was there and then the first three or four games before we played them when I was at Alabama Old Miss had had 38 explosive runs that uh over 15 yard runs 38 37 of them were outside The Tackle Box okay so whether it was outside Zone you know suckers or whatever the one explosive play that we had between the tackle was freaking power right down the [ __ ] over Aaron Donald with all people was that I'd like to know down distance game situation I just would like to know if he was still playing hard yeah it was it was in the uh it was in the BBVA Compass Bowl yeah but I I was Tyler I was at that game there was one team that wanted to be there and there was another team that definitely did not want to be there do you know why they lost that game is because they did not substitute their defensive lineman the entire game they played the same forward D linean the whole game game so we that doesn't sound like patard doozy they you know Iowa did that too when we played Iowa back in the day Iowa I don't know if it was a I don't know if that's a northern thing or what the deal was but the only two teams we've ever seen not substitute D linan were Iowa and pit but I probably would was he flashing at that point then I mean like what did you see on like you you went hey no this shit's real yeah yeah no I mean you can you can take defensive lineman out of the game like you you don't have there's things you can do um and take defensive Lin out of the game I mean just even in protection you can you can always set the protection to them and always assure a double team I mean you can you can you can mess around with a good defensive lineman you just can't mess around where where you get and they didn't have anybody else that could give us fits so we could set the protection to him we literally set the protection to him all night long to ensure a double team um but it the problem is is when you got two of them you know what I mean like if you go like Old Miss right now that's what makes oh miss so good okay we're going to set the protection to Walter no every time well good luck now you're now you're singling up JJ Prince you know now you're singling enough other guys that can win one-onone battles and so that's what makes Georgia hard right that's what makes a lot of these teams difficult when you got multiple guys up front and you start setting the protections against to their dudes well you're singling up so you better make sure that you know you know you know what the hell you're doing I just remember Ben I remember Ben Ben still who's one of my buddies he said he got whatever I guess he got in the third or fourth quarter and he said like his first play was head up on Aaron Donald and he's like I've never had less of a prayer than at that moment in my life he had he had more of a pray prayer than Evan Swindle did I just I just heard bid go because I guess bid bid wasn't big on draftboard Twitter at the time he's like he just like who the hell was this guy yeah we're we're getting Bama really stunned In This Crowd right now South Florida gapping in the middle of the field are you watching yeah um um um oh [ __ ] hey and then I know y'all not watching this game but uh Houston is now going for two uh Tyler I am indeed watching that yeah that's another Los Jeffrey's got like nine TVs hung on his living room wall like how his wife like Tyler I don't I don't like football I love football like it's literally the it's like of the of the all the entertainment in the world it's the only thing that like makes me happy this is my distraction it's why I'm looking all over the place no it is uh so they went for two I guess and didn't get it yeah I'll say though that Houston quarterback Smith if you see him on the right day you're convinced he's Cam Newton well he wasn't the right day last week against UNLV no he was not I I had UNLV at least that day the um by the way did you see the SEC refs yes stepping in stepping in throw in a little holding call no no no back that [ __ ] up uhuh oh Ty let's talk about let's talk about it that was holding does Miss's scheme lend itself to more holding calls no it when you get holding calls when your fat ass offensive lineman don't [ __ ] move their feet and they reach their arms out that's how you get holding calls okay so I I have this working Theory offensive linan I'm not talking about om Miss's offensive line no you're say you're saying no you're making the same point I've always said this is what people got is like in general an offensive lineman do people would get so mad at me because I said you know the reason why Miss often times or Alabama doesn't get as many holding calls it's because usually they have better offensive linemen and when you have better offensive linemen they don't get as many holding calls why because of what Tyler just said I think though with so with so much though of that kind of they run that I don't even know what would you call it it's like that it's like a delayed it's that wraparound it's not counter it's not like it's but it's it's the thing where it's like delayed slightly and maybe like a guard pole piercing our eardrums sisy when that goes off well let me let me hit [ __ ] do not disturb I can't help that that M was mama was freaking yelling at me if you you put it on like sleep mode you'll still see the notification and like Do Not Disturb mode but like Tyler it's like one of those rpos that's like there's it involves pulling but I'm not even like really certain like it's not really counter it's not really but the way that it slowly develops it kind of allows for a guy to get up field and I think what it it promotes is grabbing well I mean you're going to get again it's the same thing right I got another right that's what I'm saying it's like so I think that now it also promotes it also promotes like that 70 yard straight up the gut when it's like blocked right 85% of the holding calls that are cold on offensive line that are because they stop moving their feet and they start reaching because they're [ __ ] tired and Tempo Tempo offenses lend you to more holding calls because you're [ __ ] I mean dude they're not [ __ ] receivers they're they're 350 pound offensive lineman right I mean they're like you just saw that guy he got beat he didn't feel like moving his feet so he just freaking put him in a freaking Guillotine and so it's a it's a holding call and I mean it's it's you know that's when they don't move their feet and stay in front of their guy you get holding calls the same thing at receiver you know all the holding calls at receiver happen because receiver stops moving his feet if you move your feet and keep your hands inside your framework I mean they never ever ever call holding when your arms are inside your framework ever in the history of football they don't call it but when you start getting outside your framework or you start doing all this [ __ ] then you get called for it um I mean that that's every time I mean every single time it's because and offensive linemen get tired and they stop moving their feet and they start you start getting more holding calls and I think that kind of It kind of supports my theory which is does anyone run a f does anyone in the league run a faster Tempo I mean I guess maybe Tennesseee okay probably fast Old Miss has all miss the first two weeks they haven't been terribly fast tempo Tennessee now 27 to3 by the way but in a in a big game you would agree Miss views tempo as an advantage yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm I'm curious to see are they going to slow down because of the comms like today today the first thing that was interesting to me especially for those that want to just lay Old Miss next week the thing that was noticeable to me today was even compared to last week they clearly slowed the tempo down yeah they they just I'm with Chase I I think the I think the the hell the helmet Communications has slowed and it's not a bad thing the helmet Communications have slowed uh the tempo down a little bit look I'm gonna say this I'll say it and keep saying it as long as many times as anybody wants to listen is Lane's one of the best I've ever been around in my life maybe the best at seeing the game as the game's going on I want that guy talk I would again how much is he doing how much Charlie doing whatever but you know he's going he's going to have the right of refusal but I would let I wouldn't snap the about 415 I'd let L can you have can you have multiple people because I know in the NFL right there's only one person can radio to the helmet right I don't know I actually I don't know that haven't no it's multiple people but if somebody if the second person starts talking it cuts the first one off because Jackson has told Lane to like be careful because it just gets to be too much when he start chiming in on top of Weiss and they're cutting each other off when they hit the button okay that makes sense so it's like an automatic mute yeah yes I was assuming you know the NFL what's different than NFL in college is the NFL the NFL does the headsets and they do communication and not the teams in college it's the teams and so I imagine it was they set it up per a channel a separate Channel if that makes sense uh earlier game are we completely selling michig Tyler or like they about to go seven and five I was sold I sold Michigan before the season started they had four returning starters I and I counted that now you can count the running back as a fifth one because he he is legit he's probably one of their better players they had zero you have zero returning off it was one of the easiest preseason predictions of all time they had Z an offense that re relies on ground and pound and they have no no uh no offensive lineman returning I mean i s they can't they keep up formal people I sold them because I agree with you I knew they were going to be bad on offense I sold them as soon as I saw they hired wink marale as a defensive [Laughter] coordinator wink marale who is literally when was the last time he even coached in college what in the hell does that have to do with scheme where you where you're coaching so you're say because because because I think you have to I'll say this I think you have to D it I think you have to Dum it down I think you have to dumb it down in college Jeffrey you're saying if I went back and coached High School football right now I couldn't scheme anybody up because I hadn't coached in high school long time no no no no it's easier to go I think it's easier to go College to high school because I think in high school it's as dumb basically in high school like everyone acts like okay the RPO it all started in high school like we we adapt it up it's like yeah but basically they had to learn one RPO like you can basically run a game plan and but my point is I don't think there's any way wink Martell clearly knows football but there's no way he was going to articulate it to a bunch of college kids [ __ ] they got more time with them in college than they do the NFL well on field because you can cheat obviously but meeting rooms everything like guys have their like football phds in the NFL Michigan doesn't cheat Michigan doesn't cheat they've never cheated on anything on paper no they've Michigan's never cheated never broken a rule never broken a rule I will say I watched that stupid stallions thing I did get a little offended that they acted like Conor stallions is the reason that Michigan had this three-year run not 50 NFL guys hey it was the OD guy that's that's it did you see that did you see that uh they got he was the interim head coach yesterday they got beat 60 to nothing did you see he went for every fourth down yeah well he also he also went walked on the field walked on the field and started arguing with the officials about he didn't realize that it was fourth down instead third down when he called a play good that chase it's like it's like that's the guy that won all that's that's that's the reason they that guy's the reason they won like kiss my is B South Florida our only like game right now hey no dog we got in five minutes Oregon Boise State and then we I don't mean like coming on I mean like I need Tyler I Need A Winner what what do you got I need a winner bad this has not been a great window my last two I put on I I put which I actually think I think this is a bounceback spot for Oregon did you watch I'm hammer do you watch I I bet I took I got him at minus 19 well are the offensive lineman play because I if if the offensive line are playing I'm fine I don't care their defense is [ __ ] Boise's defense is atrocious and I I've just refuse to believe that the Boise State running back's about to go to Eugene Oregon and just run for 260 I refuse to accept Dan lanning's gonna allow that to happen Okay um so I'm taking Oregon and just because I said that on this show Boise's winning the game um and then I your boy I went I went a little aggressive I went and put a little little uh little State money line out of Arizona State tonight I got him at plus 195 oh that's a good number because I think so I I don't hate that idea I just I'm already pretty pot committed on the over there because I think Jeff put all his good players on offense and I think they're just going to run Tempo and I think both those defenses a good Tire he's doing they they they did a really good job schematically last week they just don't have the horses you know what I mean that's what I'm saying schematically though they were they they even on defense they fit to run well all week all all deal last week they just don't have the horses that you need to have to but see that's why I love the over because I think Jeff's obviously gonna score and I think that like I'm not saying they're they're bad but like like they're like the ideas are the concepts are wrong I just yeah what's what is the number oh the total uh I got it at 59 yeah that I Al I'm also hoping for some tired legs we're being honest I am I am ex I am scared to death of overs uh with with a new clock rule until they till they adjust it okay so you're gonna have to talk me through this because I don't understand what is different than last year because the the the the clock rules went in last year you got to talk me through because I was listening to you last week but I didn't understand I didn't understand what you're saying was different so the clock's not stopping after a first down right but it didn't do that last year either yeah they stopped it until they set it they were just setting it faster but you're still losing no the only difference we have this two minute warning two minute warning is the only difference this year because this is what I was confused by last year through the first down yep yes because I spent like every show like harping on the Lo like the lost like nine plays a game or whatever the hell it was example though of the Florida State game was correct but that was just bad operation that wasn't a yeah that that was that was just an operational problem that was atrocious that was that was uh a complete and utter atro I don't know what the hell they what betting app are you using sisy they're asking what's that what betting app are you using uh okay oh that's a that's a classic yeah that was your boys first that was your boy first well I was I'm either doing that or I'm driving to the Tennessee State Line just depends on my depends on my Friday afternoon how often have you driven to how many times have you driven to the Tennessee State Line just to place a bet dozens usually I mean dozens I mean a bunch I mean cuz that's just ficient is driving to tuna getting in like getting on property to then make a bet there so where do you see where do you said what do you go 305 what do what do you go like right to State Line no I go I go uh s to 278 and I take is it 269 take the loop oh okay the new yeah whatever that yeah the loop and go to whatever I don't know the it's around cerville right around there you know you your first heads up there's a speed trap you ever get off there I I drive slow I thought Houston was I thought Houston sucked they got well it's the same thing Oklahoma's Oklahoma same thing is getting him this game Oklahoma has major offensive line issues so you don't like the Sooners in Oxford in a few weeks they will struggle to move they're defensively they're they're really good they will challenge they will they will put up a fight on defense hey milro hit a milro hit a curl route how about that they will they just they can't um they don't get any movement up front like they can't they can't get a running game going and then they're not they're just offensive line wise they will struggle in Oxford 100 also uh from last week heads up Temple might be the worst team in the history of of FBS football Temple yeah who' they play today Navy they got popped like Navy could have named their number and I think Tyler's right there were a lot of Oklahoma fans that were actually weirdly frustrated even though like they won and covered with a big number there were a lot of U fans that were like Eh this didn't look right and I think I actually think there might be something to it like I just think Temple's that bad well they couldn't get even on Temple like they were creating stalemates but they were not and if you can't move an SEC team should move Temple you know what I'm saying like yep you got to move them and they were not they were just I mean they were creating stalemates you know what I mean it was just I was like I don't know about all that but who you got tonight uh chase you think State's going to win or Arizona state if I'm if I'm going to bet it I want State on the money line because I don't know enough about either one of them and I do think they can get spunky run up a score kind of make it crazy make it dumb um I don't care I don't care about the travel or the temperature or the late night or any of that crap so yeah just throw some money throw throw a little on State and try to make it uh entertaining if nothing else I agree with your idea of like both those teams are there's no way of knowing who should be favored so why not take the underdog and take the money take the money line why not like who cares I I watched I actually because right after chase that was one of the games that was on last week we were doing this was Arizona State Wyoming and they beat the [ __ ] they they looked look I mean I know that's why the line moved um but they they did they beat the [ __ ] out of them I mean Oklahoma looks pathetic right now I mean I know they're pretty good defensively but I mean this is a this is a dog fight they're in it's like everything 12 Sooners everything's a rock fight I mean that's what they they they have to find a way and you got a Young quarterback and you're not helping your Young quarterback out by making run for his life he's talented kid um he's a year don't don't you know that uh yeah I agree don't you know that the Clemson Tigers wish they had opened up with App State instead of Georgia I definitely true but I would also argue uh threw for 250 for 250 in the first quarter he's hey klubnik 24 of 26 for 374 378 in in seven tugs that should get your fired that should get him tall there you're done I think that team hates him he thought he's for touchdowns why is he gonna get fired no no no no I think no I think that's really funny they look like a team Mo Nebraska talking about Oklahoma that's that that's hilarious that's good no no I think I think the team hates Cade do you see how many times no one helped him up last week no I did not they well and he was like chewing there was like this cutway where he was just chewing the ass of his offensive lineman and you could just tell they were like shut the f up like I I'm it's probably not a good idea apps a good apps a good spot CU like they're not going pressure I want to see Clemson play somebody can get after him but I I don't even know what that is in the ACC so that was my thing right is that was kind of my thing all week everybody's wanting to you know Dao's fired because he can't he doesn't recruit out of the portal he sucks we not who's who's who is going to beat them I my whole thing is that was the wrong game to use the portal against Dabo yeah how many how many portal kids would have changed the result from from Saturday you could say you need a new portal quarterback but besides that you know okay so like let's say let's say they would have gotten cam Ward what they get beat 30 to 10 they yeah they get beat but cam War I I I don't know that cam war is [ __ ] good now that's what I'm saying but but they still get beat but like what is it 30 to 17 30 to 14 35 14 like it yeah whatever plays into what happened to Florida State and it plays into what saing was about the other day I mean what's happened like with Florida state was they went into the portal but they just went and got a bunch of damn reserves from the top programs and went well wow those guys are going to be awesome when they come here you had year I got a the Tyler Ty I got a theory on what Norvell did I don't think they planned on doing this and I think the way that last season happened they were that it they kind of forced their hands I think they were cool if they would have been a playoff team last year whatnot I think they would have known like this was going to be a reset rebuild but they felt obligated to like you know stand up for Florida State I I think like they kind of got pressured into it well you get you know once you when you go that portal heavy I mean it's like it's like Old Miss is gonna have to make a decision after this year right are they gonna reset or they gonna go or they gonna re or they gonna do portal again right right so because you're mean Old Miss is G and that's what I've been like my whole stance with Old Miss this year is why it's so this year is so important not only for this year but for the future is okay Old Miss goes to the playoff everything's hunky dory the same the money's coming back right and you're going to be able toct go by guys you're constantly keeping momentum you got to constantly keep the momentum you got to keep the momentum if something happens and it doesn't go the way you want to go for whatever reason the people are gonna go man I mean [ __ ] you know what I mean like I don't know I don't know if we're GNA invest that kind of money and it takes money I mean if you look at I mean minus Florida State obviously minus them every everybody else that spent money is winning damn football we're talking about how good they are so in your mind the so what the most expensive portal classes were Ohio State uh USC Tennessee uh Miami Miami oh yeah I should I should have loved Miami apologies uh I'm getting a beer Texas right yes and and and and because if you're miss talking class Old Miss yeah no I mean yeah I mean that's and that's why I think because all the other schools that we mentioned other than Florida State planned on doing this and I think Florida state was planning on kind of a reset well the problem with Florida like if you look at I don't really consider what Lane did and what norvale did is the same thing I think those totally agree and and even what Mario's doing right now like Mario was on the Norvell plan like what Lane did where he did a really good job in my opinion is the the seven and five year okay he gone out and he got he just went you know the first year of the portal went I got a bunch of dudes it's almost like an experiment but what he did get out of that is he got a Jackson Dart and then he started really getting these multi-year guys to where you can you have it's almost like when you get a three-year player I don't really consider that a portal guy I treat those kind of like high school guys from a culture standpoint but he was was able to get guys that multi-year guys not just one-year guys well Florida State went and got a bunch of one-year guys so they all [ __ ] left and so now you got to start all over again and it's the same thing that what Miami is doing right now it if it hits it hits but if you continue to do that over and over again eventually you're going to miss like you can't it's just you can't hit all of them it's not it's not possible you're going to you're going to miss and the best coaches in the world Miss I mean I literally I got a packet that I keep over here in my desk that I kept from Alabama that where you know Nick sa I think we'd all agree is the greatest college football coach of all time you know we could at least have an argument about it if somebody had my as a Steve sper guy my company line is he's the greatest recruiter of all time okay whatever whatever you want to call it but I got a booklet over there that where Nick Savin is says that Derrik Henry can't play running back he has to be a linebacker in the same packet he says Mick Fitz Pat will never be a good player because he can't run and so I can see though I can see where he U make a okay that's a tough one I can't see why I I can see why he thought that about Derek because didn't you say Derek played like shitty 2A football and D Derrick Henry is exactly the Derrik Henry that you know and but he was doing it as a high school kid I mean his high school tape and his stats are some of the best things you'll ever turn off right didn't you say isny so he plays 2A football and then I can see though where Nick goes he runs two up right he'll get killed he's still I I can actually see where like because you you have no context you have no context because you think like it doesn't matter at that level that he was playing at he was just going to absolutely dominate of course like I can see where he kind of reached that conclusion well he was the only one that reached that conclusion but you know well but In fairness In fairness he didn't put him at linebacker yeah well that's what I'm saying is like you had the there was ways you could like uh well let me tell you the only reason that he didn't put him in linebacker is because you know Nick Nick's gonna Nick wasn't a guy that was gonna recruit you to a position and then change you he was gonna let you s make you were basically he'd make you change yourself you know I mean but that's because Nick is Nick's a survivalist that's smart it's called the Mac Brown rule that way Nick Nick Nick never has to deal with I recruited RG3 and Johnny Manzel and Andrew Luck as safeties yeah so but he he did and when he got you know obviously once he got your running back he didn't uh we we had a pretty good uh we had a pretty good room that year we had uh we had TJ Kevin uh Kenyan Drake uh Derk Henry and Alvin Kamar what that room cost we there was no such thing as paying player uhhuh they just wanted to be built by Bama yeah Chase Chase wanted to wear the they wanted to wear the a he was about half the price of the 2013 old misclass so half that's I'm joking if well no I I I know the price tag of that one it's a joke nobody look the the truth is this is before n it was it was 1.2 million Jeffrey before before nil no one that the myth that the thing that people pay players and stuff that's a that is a complete myth they chose schools based on you know degree plans um you know facilities those types things nobody nobody tradition don't forget tradition you know it's like lacoin Treadwell just love the freaking Rebels you know he grew up wan to be a rebel fan well Anthony sander was a buddy and he was already at old so I mean look it it it there you go you know what but okay I know we're all we're we're all joking because we we've been around it for so long but you know what is hilarious is how quickly people have actually accepted it is just transactional and like I do agree I I know Tyler's made the point relationships do matter as they do in any business like yeah you're but What mattered the most was usually the dollar figure relation if here's the way here's when when relationships are always number two Jeffrey they fumbled that football When Ty goes when when when everyone's kind of getting to the same number the relationship matters 100% yeah yeah yeah yeah that's it I mean long if it's if if all things are equal the relationship matters all right boys did y'all see what just happened in Tuscaloosa we did yeah so right here can I make a point right here yep because I know both of you are going to talk about this on your shows at some point in time the next few months all right that there is why you don't go [ __ ] under Center because they don't [ __ ] with a shotgun quarterback with a shotgun quarterback don't [ __ ] practice it and so the only time that how about this how about this to hey why don't you practice it whoa whoa whoa I'm G answer you got you got like three freaking plays out of 10 gazillion that are under Center and so you're you're the only prac go line don't you yeah and you don't go under [ __ ] Center I mean but like if you Tyler it's one of my it's one of my favorite uh my favorite my favorite goty finish your thought go ahead well here's the thing is these kids don't grow up they don't even know how to get in a huddle they don't take snaps under Center like everybody else did and so as time has moved on these kids don't even you have to teach them how to go under Center when they come to college you got to teach a college quarterback you think out of a lot of programs a college quarterback never took a snap from under Center in high school now today but like 10 years ago everybody was good and so you do quarterback Center exchanges at before practice every day but you get literally like 10 snaps and the rest of the day is shotgun shotgun shotgun shotgun that's why people don't do it so Tyler one of the greatest things ever happened to me and our offense was technically in high school you could declare like we had Ace like whatever we had the formation but you could declare if if if the quarterback just said he wanted to go gun you could just say like technically the play would have gun like they had to our offensive coordinator had to say under for it to be under otherwise you had the option so okay obviously being a small quarterback I went and shotgun every freaking time um and there was a lot there's a lot of big people there did you get the play call or you just deciding I mean the coach want to run [ __ ] power and you just say screw it I'm going well so we we we we did the same like we had to at quarterback school we had to learn the footwork for under Center and for gun but technically they'd send in you know Ace uh Ace right uh inside Zone outside Zone power stretch whatnot and obviously if you're short it is much easier to be in shotgun and so I just always went gun uh suck but she ran power out of the shotgun correct oh all right so you're telling me your coach would call power and you just said I can go under Center or gun if I want to right so he'd signal in Ace right uh if we put in whatever motion so he'd s signal in motion and then its power was I think 145 so uh whatever power right and if I just sat there he would have to go if he wanted it to be under Center he would have to go Ace right under Center wow CU if he just if he just signal an face right I got to pick and guess what I picked 10 times out of 10 yeah I me the only time I ever picked under Center was if we ran boot because I thought well I just thought bootleg if you ran the boot out of shotgun I had a great play fake and so a good play if you're under Center you can you can hide the ball so much easier and so that's the only time and apparently that was also a tell that might have been one time when I ran a boot got absolutely like flipped up like my feet went over my head oh but back to the original Point uh that's one of the alltime greats I got Hugh freze moments um re remember when he was doing that stupid thing where uh Ryan uh Buchanan would be the under Center quarterback when who remember when Buchanan he had Chad Kelly and then buan when he was trying to like make it seem like Chad wasn't in his quarterback when Chad was clearly his quarterback and then Ryan okay well you had to watch it on film Ryan ran the under Center package that was when he would also put Kim dii in at fullback okay yeah okay so his reasoning was Chad doesn't practice under Center and I had pointed out to him that Chad had taken the snap from uh the victory formation and went down on a knee during the uh second quarter and he said that was different all right I got I got a hey I got a question so I'm I'm genuinely curious because what what in the what did where did where did the Jeffrey and Hugh freeze relationship go s like I don't so everyone thinks it goes back to Memphis and I know all the rumors and I believe a lot of the rumors it's not that it's the way he treated Neil what he did to Neil what he did to his family and I watched it and I saw what it did to his girls and whatnot he's the shittiest human being I've ever met without a doubt no one he was and that was when he was high and mighty on his whole uh what are your core values what are your core values he what are your core values treating people like [ __ ] unless they meet like you can use them that's where it all went South it was what he did after the draft when Neil actually asked laramy tunel the question that would have got him out of the trouble and laramy was like yeah no I'd have to say that was true so I was there was there was a really clear out there to just go you know what I Neil goes laremy said what he said and then Neil goes just to be clear yeah you're saying this as as if laramy like didn't understand the question laramy could be like hey let's back out of here right now not what I meant and then Larry was like yeah no that's exactly what I meant yeah and then to watch what Neil or what what Neil went through that Hugh put him through and that like that's that is 100% where it all stems from he's the shittiest person I've ever I've ever actually met but nothing ever with you because I was curious like I knew the Neil stuff but nothing I mean then he would like DM you know whatever he'd like DM me and whatnot but like I never beli you it's not it's not it is not something he's done to me it's watching what he did to Neil and especially as someone that also is a father of girls and what not like in watching what he did and not even caring a little bit that's a piece of [ __ ] hey Hey Jeffrey I'm getting pretty good at this radio [ __ ] man it's like that's called that's called teeing them up baby that's called No it is funny people most people assume that it's Memphis related it's really not now why I think Hugh is not a very good football coach is because I watched Bobby Allon with a bunch of white guys that didn't even play fraternity football would beat Hugh with D1 players and then I watch Jim Hines do the same thing like it's it's all football like he's just you know he'd have a talent advantage and he'd still find a way as like a four touchdown favorite to lose to New Mexico state he's gonna beat New Mexico state next week don't worry he's gonna get that no no he's not he's gonna beat New Mexico oh it's New Mexico sorry yeah he he's he wised up he didn't well now Hees play Vander Diego oh my God Tyler Tyler if he did it again if Pavia did it with Vandy oh my God the only saving grace that they got is they I mean look they're they're decent on defense they they'll if you if you would how much did you get to see today what's that how much did you get to see today I was I was actually very concerned about what I saw on defense I gave up 21 points in a college football but Cal sucks you still earlier in the show Jeffrey you said Cal was a six and six ACC the Pack 12 team they're fine right they're good no no no I said Cal sucks on offense off I want to be clear on offense will Cox can coach defense there's no there's no denying that think I think they're I think they're okay I'm look and I and I get it because I know what channel we're on here I know I know it's like the the thing to to [ __ ] on coaches that used to be here I'm pretty good at understanding that ra guy I just In fairness I just [ __ ] on coaches that were shitty to my old boss no I'm just talking about I'm talking about as in general but DJ Durkin can coach defense oh I don't I think all of us said that we've all said What DJ What DJ did with that Old Miss group two what 22 yeah did they even have one pro I thought Durkin was a sneaky like head coach replacement at certain points of like kin had bailed early and what and also I don't I don't sh hold on we we got a hand up go ahead what all right go ahead I mean there there are things called background checks I'm aware I know but there is like look the the attention spans are so short at some point not they're not that sure it's I thought you silenced that it's hilarious it's hilarious as human beings that we can we'll sit there and go there's background checks yeah well he can't be a head coach but yeah he can be a coordinator that makes millions oh yeah that's perfectly fine come on yeah totally come on well you think no matter what no no matter what this success looked like there was no way he has another shot at a head coach ever not not at that time at Old Miss no I don't think I think he that was too soon yeah I mean my opinion you know and it's again here's the the problem the number one problem is is that you got to remember who's hiring head coaches they're trying like we went through this change about 20 years ago 25 years ago late 90s where ADS used to be former coaches now they're fundraisers and so fundraisers they they're worried about they're more worried about I shouldn't say more say about winning the press conference as much as they are about winning football games I'm until they start losing football games yeah until they start losing then they then but see I don't even think I I think what it boils down to on your second higher when you're getting fired then well because no eventually what happens though is you get to make your first hire it doesn't work out and then your money people go all hell let's go get so and so because he he can win and you're not even really making that higher yeah depends on where you are but I agree with some places some places there's some there's some places that don't have as much juice as you would think but do you think Keith wanted to hire Keith or wanted to hire Lane when it started no I 100% agree I know in fact I would say Neil I would say Neil mccrady had more to do with Neil mccrady had more to do with Lane kein getting hired than Keith Carter did I think the number two things that happened in a 24hour period were podcast leading to Fan movement and Chris Malloy I didn't say it you said it well I'll say this I know this uh Chase's boy uh Ross had no intention of hiring Matt no r as much anymore we I think we think we've had her falling out so okay Ty Tyler you understand this business more than I do because I I need I need an answer that makes sense to me all right I'll try how does Ross keep getting unbelievably good jobs because almost everywhere he goes after Western Kentucky everyone's left like the places he's at he's not really wildly popular at the time that he leaves but yet the perception it seems to me there's no wider disparity of the perception of Ross from the public than from the profession yeah is that fair yeah because I don't understand the I'm just the opposite I don't understand all the I don't understand all the hate he is the best athletic director I've ever been with okay can you make a case because he's give every single thing that you ever possibly need to be successful he provides it there's never been a question about it he he is a he is a coaches and player anything that the programs needed to be successful he found a way to get it and everywhere else I've been you would say hey can I have and before you can even tell ask them what you want they say no but what was the rest of your question you so and Drew makes a good point here he he raises money and he gets things built yeah and when it comes to Total resume he's the best ad I've ever I've ever worked with and that's what an ad's job like what is it what is an ad what's an ad's job seriously let's ask what is an ad's job honestly I would argue I would argue it's to uh I would argue it's to win and build stuff they don't coach job it's to facilitate and as much things as humanly possible to to find a way to say yes to as much as you possibly can they to there in my opinion an 80s job is one in the hiring you need to you need to hire good coaches right but I mean I get I get everybody I get I get the arguments okay but so save your save the Jabs there but the point the point of is want to hire the right guys but two is is once you hire your guy is to give the program whatever you know program it is the best chance to be successful and I thought of any AD that I've ever worked with he gave every single program every opportunity there was to be successful uccessful and that's all you can ask and and I want to be very clear I'm not I'm someone that's kind of lukewarm on him um he was he was he always always nice enough to me like he had no reason like he always knew my name shook my hand like whenever saw me in public like he'd go out of his way to say Hey Jeffrey how are you like I have zero problems with him and I know a lot of the Old Miss problems is he had this line of we look forward to the day we'll tell our story but I think there were so many Old Miss fans that didn't realize like at the time that ol Miss came up with their NCA strategy Hugh had unlimited power and Hugh was running the operation I just think people don't get that like in the end the whole defense was a Hugh freeze operation that's why it was a cluster [ __ ] because that's the way that Hugh does things and I I just I don't know like I but it it always struck me as odd as because even A&M people weren't like yeah Ross is a great ad like you know I it struck me as I and I I want to be very clear like I don't really have a negative view of him I just was very curious of what the disconnect is yeah I that's I think A&M's a great example he paid the coaches they get look good or bad so the coaches were like oh yeah we're all in and then he I mean A&M had every resource in the freaking world now there's still the cult that can't win for whatever reason but he he didn't call plays you know what I mean like it's not his in my opin like I'm with ch I mean like he did he gave every single every single way for you to to succeed he he gave he he always made sure that that was taken care of and for me and look I'll go ahead and tell you I may be a little biased on this too what I will Ross Bor y'all and I always laugh because you know especially on Rebel Grove and all that stuff everybody's the NCAA Ross this Ross that y'all can kiss my ass it's look it's my wife my kids it's Jesus my wife my kids my parents then Ross bork is right there because he gave me a three-year deal walking out the door let's go oh wait you got paid three years to not work uh two I I signed my contract four months before we got fired oh God okay so quick you exists because of Ross Bor in a way cuz you had time to like actually get get get moving 100% is by the way Tyler is that as good of a feeling as I think it is it it does okay so the answer is yes because I've always I I cannot wait like I will know that I've made it as a human being when somebody is finally paying me not to work it doesn't suck I can promise you that so how how many days did you take off where you like got creative or felt like you had to like figure out the next thing like what what what is the week day week month after that so you I can tell the full story it's only a podcast it's only on T person right I've had a couple Millers go so in my contract my here's the kicker my contract was roll over again I had to be terminated by December the 31st at 5:00 pm I had to be notified by writing and so I wasn't terminated right so December 31st comes it's about gets about lunchtime so I was eating lunch and I was looking at the clock and I was like H what's going to happen here and then Dad git uh I I won't I don't I won't disclose the conversation but Lane called me was like hey what's the deal with this with your contract I was like what are you talking about he's like well they say it if if I don't fire You by five o'l uh you're going your contracts roll I said that's accurate and so so could you not hold on could you have not know commented that cuz let me tell you what your boy would have done yeah no he was notified they I don't know I don't know about that is that I don't is that true here's the truth here's the truth there's three people over there that I would like to throw punch the rest of them are fine there's three people over there they're still over there that I would like to throw punch we had a snitch that light the light say hey if you don't fire these people by five o'clock today they're gonna be they're coming back and uh that's why that that's why I'm on a podcast right now so so he didn't do it he let the roll no I we didn't let the five roll after that I got I got notified in writing 30 minutes after the phone call yeah and so anyway long Lane wouldn't have done that if if Lane knew that you weren't getting paid for two years do you think Lane would have done that we' already agreed to work together for try out for a year okay so I'm that's all I'm saying I'm done L go ahead keep going what's the rest's slit your throat no I'm done I've already talked out turn to I'm done on that one I I would that was the contract was was a sticking point I'll just say that but anyway appreciate the hell out of you Ross you know man um no but going on like so to answer the question is I was I had I had like I don't know I'd say six or seven opportunities pretty quick at like in the next week to go work somewhere else but I had mitigation in my contract and so every job I was taking I was going to be working for free so I didn't take any of them and then I had one in the SEC come open um and I took the job on a Monday verbally I went over there I took the job on a Monday and I called my wife and my kids Big B you know everybody's college basketball fans took the job I said hey I'm gonna be gone for a while why don't you meet me in Nashville and let's take the kids uh because the conversation was like hey you're on spring break this week we're on spring break next week I was asking when you want me to start he said they'll give two weeks to give the lawyers time to work out the contracts stuff with mitigation and all that mess and um I said meet me in Nashville and we'll hang out for the week and go to basketball go to the basketball tournament and then uh this little I was sitting in the stands when Corona virus hit that turned into a hiring freeze and I never went so that's how quick you came about after that oh wow and then quick you and then you did was was what was what was your initial podcast name house home visit or something like that yeah home visit that was just for fun it's they're all for fun you know it's not I just had a good time home visit we did that for about I don't know a year and a half year year and a half that's when you joined the media that's what I did man I join I joined the media man I was ready to go all right I got another question what are you eating Jeffrey Pizza you also didn't realize you were doing a three- Hour podcast tonight yeah no this has been awesome though uh who who is more powerful in the world of College athletics agents well I say agents or search firms Jimmy seon period period turny or Russ Campbell or parker who is what who's better Parker or TurnKey I like Russ I like Russ r so how much do sh how much do search Firs actually matter um I don't think I don't think they matter at all I think it's like the biggest scam in the history of scams okay I get the sense that sh search firms do matter in college basketball they may I'm just talking about from a from a I mean they literally they do all the stuff that it's like they do I don't know I don't know what the hell they do I've always I mean I think there's obviously clearly there's a clear other search firms are a lot like uh it's cover your ass a lot of it's the first line of offense on contact they go back and they start calling the coaches and going hey look you know Old Miss Michigan whatever wants to talk what do you want to do because I mean that was that was happening with baseball this past off season I mean I was like hey they they're using this to do this or this to do what this or whatever and that's how it was happening yeah I don't I don't know what you know what I'm saying like I just don't know like they they make recommendations they give you they don't like say hey this is the guy they give you a pool of guys and it's probably already the pool of guys you already have but they do all the like because I've had I've had phone calls with search firms not on my behalf but on asking about other people um and they just get they just basically do the background work for the like the the people you know the ad or whoever's whoever's doing the hiring and they say hey this you know this this person they basically do all the work where they say hey this person said this this this they provide you the information but the ad is still going to make the call like I don't and they're hella expensive I mean there there's no telling how much money has been wasted on young thir firms I also get the sense they matter way more in non-re sports now I could see that a 100% because schools are just keeping them on retainer they're just paying six figures to have them there in case they need them correct and also in nonre sports agents aren't making agents aren't making money so you know they're not wasting their time I think the other thing well you don't know who they are like you don't like if if you're the ad I mean all right chase you you you I feel like you have a pretty good pulse on Old Miss over the years right don't you feel like you know the place pretty well uh yeah better than average hey Chase Chase you're the ad of Old Miss day hey you gotta go get you gotta go hire a rifle coach what the [ __ ] where the [ __ ] you where are you going I'm going to go pull up the five top coaches in the country and then go look at salaries go yeah I'm not paying that and I'm not paying that I'm not paying that I go okay this this this but yeah you call TurnKey and go but here's the problem I better already have them on retainer period because I'm not paying TurnKey $150,000 to go find a rifle coach right but you know what I'm saying it's like it's I think you're good on the sports I even think like Keith Keith could probably do it in basketball better 99% of the ads you know because that's kind of his world but like I mean you just got like it's not even the the Kermit wasn't It Best come on now go leave my guy I love Keith I Love Keith I Love Keith well I LoveIt too I think he he a great man it's over there's no sense I mean whenever they got to do a baseball search they're gonna pay TurnKey like $150,000 just pay me 50 I'll handle it I'll go get a guy I got it I'll knock it out here's another question Ty I so do you think it feels like everything has trended earlier and earlier from the hiring every like everything just keeps moving the calendar keeps moving up up and up yep do you think the 12 team playoff slows it down at all I don't know what like we I've had this conversation with 10 people nobody even in the coaching world knows what's about to happen like it's well here's the other thing a sin day move too right so now sin day moved up to the very to the first Wednesday of the month so you you're your now sign day is what December 4th through somewhere like that this year I feel like it's always just just circle December 5th but yeah we're saying we're saying the same thing it's the whatever the first Wednesday is in in um December this year so it's bumped up two weeks so now that's there now you got the playoff I'm gonna be honest with Jeffrey nobody [ __ ] knows what's about to happen like what happens if like all right so here's an example all right so what if um Memphis goes to the group of five they're the group of five in the playoff Y and then a real job opens up up and they and they want they want him as the head coach I I would tell him to ask me but you know what I'm saying like yes no I mean but I I think because I I gotta ask this question and I think the simplest answer is it depends on what job is open right like if if Ryan let's let's use Ryan as the example well if Florida opens up and then Florida wants Ryan and they say if you're not going to take it before December what are you going to do Ryan's gonna take the job yeah I mean I think the difference is but if let's say I don't know throw out a uh what's uh what's an ACC job that could come open ACC umia all right let's say that comes open even though they're Bea Wake Forest right now by 3130 lost so Ryan is going to make next year I think two and a half okay Virginia pays what three oh I don't know so they a private see no they're they're they're public uh they're public school but they they operate like one but I could see where Ryan or Ryan equivalent goes I don't know like what I think is still one of the more fascinating things I'd like to know whether or not it's true okay Tony Elliot makes $4.2 million at Virginia did Luke fickle really tell Notre Dame if you want me you gotta wait oh I don't know about that I mean I I I know that's the talking point but I'd love to really know because the reason why I say that is the Notre Dame coach was told if you want the LSU job you got to be here now and he was still technically in a playoff race and he yeah I'll be I'll be there Monday now I understand Luke fickle and Brian Kelly are two different people you talking about when he had Cincinnati in the playoffs that year when they when they lost to when they lost Georgia orama no B they lost to B okay it was like a very non-competitive 17-point loss I do I can't I can't say but he had offers MRE Dame was not the one I was thinking of in my head I will say that but I know he had offers that he had to um he did not take because he was gonna coach that group in the playoff I do know that right but were those offers bet you you don't have to name names but were those offers better name job yes they were or they're better than Cincinnati job yes right they're better than Cincinnati job but were they better than the Notre Dame job I mean depends on how you look at Dame you know what I'm saying like some people think Notre d is like top five I don't but some people do I mean maybe to him I don't know you know I mean like you got to remember like when the way we think the way we feel like and everybody that's listening to the show right now the way we feel about the SEC a lot of people feel like that about Big 10 jobs right so you know maybe not to us but to them maybe yeah who's the next coach at Florida if this doesn't go well sisy well I'm going I'm going so don't steal my line Jeffrey you'll be on a different network so you can steal it I'm going to use this on Monday because I know I'm going to get asked about it again for the 800 I I'll say this I won't steal it until your Show Goes live how about that know you can yeah because you're after me right or or I will say Tyler cisy said this yeah Florida is one decision away from becoming this generation's Nebraska are they not already there they're one no I'm talking about completely irrelevant if they hire a poor coach next just well you can't gu I mean we live in this world now where and I get it but we live in this world now where like when you try to rebuild rosters every every freaking weeks every time you hit the reset button every single time you hit the reset button you add time to the oven it takes longer and longer and longer to rebuild and it doesn't you'll never know who's going to be the next coach when you sit there and like Urban Meyer you know wins a nation naal championship and is the man and all a sudden he has a a health issue because he didn't win enough games they were running his ass out there too he he Lazarus comes out of the you know he comes back to life and can go coach at Ohio State again you got M Wayne takes him the back to back SEC Championship Games get fired in the middle next year and you got Mullen went to the three consecutive New Year six games fired in the middle next year like it doesn't matter when it's ending with nap year eventually it's going to end whether it's this year now I'm in the belief and I think Chase you kind of feel a little bit the same way I'm in the belief that the uncertainty of Revenue share and everything that's going on right now I don't think they're ready to go write an additional $26 million check plus buyouts of new staff and and old staff that's that's a $61 million decision if they not counting now look rev share took a hell of a hit the other day it might be way of not getting I I don't know how much you paid attention Friday but it turns out uh there were some Heroes talk about stealing people's lines there were some Heroes that when the house ruling was getting promoted as the most seismic shift in the history of College athletics an unbelievable day and I started like reading it out loud and I was like they didn't do anything other than agreeing to a settlement everything else was like that's all they all they actually accomplished was they agreed to a settlement let me that was the biggest waste of time that thing was dead on arrival that was the biggest waste of time in the history of like I was sitting there I wish we could like come up with a number of how many how much money that universities sent to fly presidents and all this stuff all these little secret top secret meetings and stuff um well and went ahead and started moving books to get ready for something that was not going to happen at least in that iteration and the way it was set up I mean they were completely you've been completely moving all of your budgets for it but regardless of I mean like there's still uncertainty right I mean you don't freak the the case doesn't hit until Janu like trial is in January right so I guess my point was this is that by the time they want to make a decision and move on the thing had even gone to court you know what I'm saying so you still don't yeah no actually so the only thing I'd push back on your point is the difference between to me between nebras because I get I get what you're saying from a organ like if you just viewing it as an organiz I'm with you but the key difference is Nebraska was probably living on borrowed time because in the end Nebraska was eventually going to have to answer for the fact that they live in a state that has no talent and eventually it was always going to sort itself out the University of Florida is still is still Florida yeah but when they they they were I mean do you know where Lawrence Phillips is from St Louis right from Miami Florida right I thought he was from St Louis or Tommy Fraser one of the dudes they were like crushing it in Miami like they recruited nationally from the jump you know what I mean that I'm with you but also like they're living on borrow time because they're you know they're on steroids before everyone's on steroids like they eventually everyone else is like going to catch up to them and their their inherent advant like to your point though they're a national brand in a day and age which there were what five to 10 National Brands so and then once you have everybody you know everyone playing on national TV okay all the They had they went through the same thing that Tennessee did in which you know hey all of our advantages are now lessened and lesson to lesson the only difference I would say though with Florida is you are still in the State of Florida and there's still tremendous Talent now where I totally and fundamentally agree with you though is I think Florida's biggest problem is Florida thinks everybody should just want to go to Florida and that ain't the case well they they just I mean it's sooner or later and I I've said this on the show a thousand times sooner or later Florida has to look Florida in the mirror we're saying this exact same thing I completely agree with you I mean sooner or later they gotta look in the mirror and and like and and I I get it and look I mean I really do and I and it's hard for me to say this because everybody thinks I'm biased Billy's a damn good football coach and he's not the only damn good football coach to go to Florida and get ran out of there so you know every when they you know Jim mway is a damn good football coach I mean you don't get Dan Mullen I know I get that we're on Old Man Show Dan Mullen can coach [ __ ] football you know and know why why does everybody win I guess this is my question is why does everybody win everywhere else but Florida like we're starting to get to the point where guys it may not be the coaches because they winning everywhere else that they're coaching at Florida so I think I think my answer to you is I totally agree with because by the way you are talking to the one guy that was on an football show and told everyone the better football coach was Dan Mullen um that there's a reason why I'm in Memphis um that's that's why you're on the Miss Thing now you're trying to you're trying that's why you're freeze thing you're trying to get the old fans back I got you yeah yeah well no I'm it's mainly because uh I love my boys uh to your point though I've always said it is one of the more insane fan bases that never gets lumped in the irrational insane fan base and it blows my mind I've never understood it yeah they should what if the reality is the University of Florida for somehow some way looked into literally two of the greatest football coaches of all time yeah they had 2.75 great football coaches and got exactly 2.75 out of that right and I want to be clear I hate I think saying Mullen is wherever you want to put Mullen I mean he did win for three years he would have a playoff his first three years but what what if the reality is they had two generational football coaches Steve sper and Urban Meyer and that became a standard well Steve Spurrier woned Duke well before winning at Duke was even possible Steve sper Won 10 games in a row at South Carolina three years in a row when no one had ever thought about doing that particularly in the SEC era again I think Urban Meyer is a steaming pile of [ __ ] it's undeniable he is a very good college football coach like that's I think the problem is I think that they think like what what if the reality is they for circumstances whatnot they had two of the greatest football coaches the sports ever seen but that somehow became their standard like that's to me where I think they are boys took a late on Oregon by the way second quarter yeah and Arizona State just scored to go up Seven nothing on state what um Jeffrey what college football coach do you like right now so this is actually a fascinating question because all my favorite no all my favorites are gone um I love Jonathan Smith I think Jonathan Smith's a unbelievable football coach because I think he's it follows in the same pattern like the guy that I respect the most in all of coaching is Mike Leech simply because name someone that had three horrible jobs like he has and actually had a modum of success yeah no he's he's he's the man uh Matt rule I think very highly mat and like I don't care that Matt Fel in the NFL like the NFL's in the end if you don't have a qu well if you don't have eight like one of the what five to eight best quarterbacks it doesn't matter so that's not really that's not really his fault that's neither here nor there uh I do definitely agree Matt has won it Temple by the way how's Temple doing since Matt left not very good uh well they did good when Jeff was there and then and then after that yeah yeah they were okay yeah yeah yeah yeah they were yeah you're right get I saw he got a job he won 10 games all right who do I like I mean I know we we crapped on I actually think Justin Willcox I think the cow job's a horrible football job and the fact that Justin has still stayed employed I think is actually impressive because I think it's like a terrible football job um I basically fall into like if you want to like Peg me down I fall into the category of Roco get out he's eating pizza uh what kind of pizza is it by the way Jeffrey we uh we went do we went dominoes because we had to get delivery uh I I very much believe in coaches that I know have consistent like sustained success at places that's impossible to win or tough to win I don't care if I don't care like in the end I watched Mike deos like I've watched Mike deos win 10 games in an SEC Championship at Alabama like I think there's a lot of guys that could do that at that point in time I mean that's always the stat I throw out that every single coach even the incompetent ones at Alabama had at least one year in which they won 10 games so I like care about guys that like actually like I had come up with a standard for a job and people that exceed a job that's what I pay attention to got a quick uh Super Chat by the way real quick uh Austin thanks for that says four SEC teams make the playoff today who do y'all got who's in all right Georgia Old Miss Texas and whom I would probably say my fourth team right now would probably be remove one of those three if you want I just assumed you were both going those three no no we all did we get a Luther buron update I have not seen an update or if he played they're beating the raw hell out of Buffalo I didn't see a final score but I missed what happened buron went to the locker room at one point with an injury on his own or they take him there I I I don't know yeah I'm just we were following on Twitter I'm going to say tenness I'm going to say Tennessee yeah that's where I the winner of the Alabama Tennessee game um God I think here's the thing I keep getting this I got I'm looking for people who can't get to 10 and do we thinkness not injury how about this can do we both agree that Tennessee is going to beat Oklahoma yes okay Tennessee could theoretically lose to Bama and Georgia and still get in but like like Miss a schedule they could lose to LSU and Georgia and still get in yeah no oh miss is I I don't oh miss has too many ways to take it like that's what this team's a little different and I'm not I know sometimes you're probably too close to it that you this team's a little bit different at Old Miss right so they got multiple ways they can beat you they instead of just relying on the quarterback relying on the offense out score people they they can actually stop people the defensive front like you got multiple ways on both sides uh to to win the game even somebody has a bad day that's what and and you gotta have depth and and defensively it's probably been I know everybody's you know and I should be too because my brother-in-law is his agent but everybody's Jackson Dart Jackson Dart offense offense offense but defense is where the biggest difference for me is with this with this almost team I I can't like like subscribe enough like I to me that's I've always thought they'd be fine on offense the difference to me this year is uh they can win at the line of scrimmage on defense got dudes up front and they just and they rolled them you got depth and so when you when you get to week nine or 10 and you got a guy down or whatever and you're not going to be missing you're not going to be missing much now two's different you know he's a different he's a whole different animal right you don't ever need to lose him but I mean they can they can keep rolling they can keep him fresh they can keep him in there and they got length they got length they got length and then even in the back end like the talent level I know this Probably sounds weird the talent level is not a whole lot different in the back end than it's been they're just longer and when you're that long you don't have to be you can you can get beat a little bit and you right because you can still you can still bat it away or you can still recover a little bit easier that's what made AJ Finley so good AJ Finley couldn't run out of sight in a day but he was long and he was instinctive and and he could he played and used his length you know to his Advantage he's one of the best players I've ever seen playing with his length and you know he's getting paid to do it now but um you long guys man that's that's how the game's played man long guys by the way is this bamama score G to be the most leading misleading score we've seen all year yeah they're gonna fall one score shot of covering this this is uh they they got they got to go back to the draw board on the um they they let too many they they let too many guys Run free tonight that's that was there there's gonna be some there's gonna be my man Kane is gonna be pissed won't be texting him tomorrow can can Tai not play at all no he's he can play he's doing that don't you have to think about it you got to be careful like it's not it's not no I mean no I I agree that I because I've always said this like everyone wants to crap on Milton Tennessee last year I would argue this about Milton at Tennessee I think hyp knew the games that they lost they were probably going to lose no matter what and if you were gonna have a locker room Mutiny it wasn't worth it would you say that's fair say the last part again if you were gonna have a locker room M Mutiny it just wasn't worth it that's the whole point right and that's been there so long and his boys like him like I get it that's what people don't realize about stuff like that is it's the number one job of a quarterback the number one job of a quarterback is to make the other 10 guys better and if they don't want to play for you or they like the other guy better it it's it's a mess and so you can't simply just you know bench a guy because he's not because he's having a bad game or whatever and you got to make sure you don't screw the other 10 up while you're trying to fix you can't sacrifice one for s for messing up 10 others if that makes sense no completely agree with that a Super Chat real quick do you think Miss has the best overall D line or is it Georgia Georgia um I mean but they're not I mean they're good I mean I don't want I don't they're good enough yeah they're good enough to win a championship with that's the only thing that would the only thing there the only thing at all that really concerns me because I think even with the the backend issues on defense like if you didn't I will say this if you didn't if the D line like if you even if you had a d line from last year if you had a dline a normal last Lane since Lane's been there D line the back end would be getting exposed but the dline is covering up a lot of that stuff and they're going to continue to cover it up because offensive line play is not like superb right now in this league uh um the only thing and I saw enough today where I'm like is the running game and you're going to have to run the ball to get to where you want to go you're gonna win a [ __ ] ton of you don't you don't have to run it you're gonna win a [ __ ] ton of games still GNA get the playoffs and you may even win a game or two but if you want to win the damn thing there's going to be a point in time in this season where you have to line up and say guess what guys we're running the ball we're running it right here and you got to succeed and that's it'll come down to a point in time in a a game where everybody in the building knows my wife doesn't know football she was sitting there today she's going to go hey you know what they're about to run the ball right here and you got to succeed and right now I don't know if they can do that right now against when you once you get to the playoffs those kind of those kind of teams but isn't the problem with that question yes uh we we have company yeah what's up what what in the hell are y'all doing we a great show we've had a great we're Lally do a watch along good job I I thought maybe I slept for a week and I missed the Wake Forest postgame show we're just out well South Florida got it within five and then this happened and I don't know it just just just just kind of happened Scoops what's up Tyler I mean Jeffrey is on like his 12th win I mean I'm about to call it but we're just kind of hanging out it's it's it's it's cool we're just I had pizza and I've got a second win oh pizza sounds good right now hey Scoops you like my shirt I I I can't see in in here that's no fun you're missing you're missing a good a good uh dress rehearsal today he's wearing the team issued gear oh which team oh miss got my shirt on dog I had to support I had to support my friend Chris giin today is it from your first tenure or your second I have no idea no it's definitely my second not my first I gave all my first who'd you give it to can you can you still fit into your can you still fit into your first St oh I'm not that would be a hell of an accomplishment because I def tell you what I can't fit into my first s at Old Miss Oklahoma is only ahead by four points oh they look they have look like raw hell on offense to not today CH did you hear some [ __ ] coming from the peanut gallery over there what is look oh wow I'm just saying if you're the same if you are roughly the same size and weight that you were in 2012 in 2024 you have done well that was the point freak I'm a three-time World Champ yeah Ju Just to not gain weight is a win in way yeah yeah yeah I how about this no I fluctuate but as of today I'm the same weight I was when I quit playing 183 PB I mean impressive tip of the cap that's got to be I get like I mean obviously the the the the the the some some other numbers have changed but that that that's impressive but that's also insane discipline percentage has changed you know within 10 to 20% but yeah absolutely O'Neil absolutely would have asked Hugh today if he called the plays or if if Nicks called him or the other OC called him or yeah two BL I appreciate that called him he was he was he was I don't care what he says I saw him calling the plays no he didn't call the plays today the first dri yeah Tyler you don't understand is it was just a shame that had to work so much with the defense because he gave the credit to the defense he was having to work with the defense to make sure they kept him in the game yeah freeze coach that Derek Derek had to call the plays on offense after that first series I don't care what he says in a press conference I saw enough of him saying they they kept flashing to him you know especially when they were losing everybody wanted to get his reaction but he would say you can when he says the words here we go like he always says that's like his tick he says here we go that's when you know he's calling the plays so if you watch him he says here we go you can read his lips he he's calling the plays and he said it a thousand times today so no matter what is said in press conference he called a place today one of my all-time favorites was when he was at Liberty and they played uh I think they played Syracuse and they went like 1 for 19 on third Downs it was like an insane number and he he did the whole press conference trying to be like you know I just really kept trying on first and second down I just really kept trying to tell Kent you gotta be thinking about third down you gotta be thinking about when I'm I'm in charge of first and second down but can't you got to be thinking about third down I was like that that guy literally just tried to act like someone different called the play on first and second down than third down which would be a first in the history of football that happens people do that people get suggestions on third down but somebody makes the final call no people actually split it up that way I don't agree with it but people do that you like Red Zone in middle of the field too right yeah I I've seen where people have like duties but it's like suggest like some like hey no I'm telling you people call games like like call call games like that I don't agree with it but I know the Rhythm to that feels all effed up terrible don't get me started it's it's it's terrible but I agree I think it's terrible but people do that state is finally playing a football game where they have the better looking uniform oh you can't be hating on this Arizona State uniform right now the helmet is amazing the yellow and yellow is abysmal there's there's another guy that I actually think might do a I think I think this Arizona State staff does a pretty good job because I think that they have no Talent you are still in this looking uniform hey can we bring Scoops in the quad box I have I can probably build one I got to shrink all of us hold on I got got that's not that's not difficult for me yeah hold on let me see how much room I have is it cold outside Mr Neil it was actually pretty Pleasant outside where would I find the Oregon game it's on peacock peacock yeah yeah are you subscribed yeah I'm subscribed they just I have a I have a son who's into soccer as you might know oh oh that's oh yeah so you got yeah you need no Premier yeah PR Pak and oh my God okay Tyler you're 100 this this I know it's only a four-point game I still think we got a chance to cover well I can tell you what my Mississippi State money line I'm going to split because they're F to get their teeth busted in I just need 59 points in that game and there's been seven through uh 12 minutes of football so that's not good I don't know this this dude just teabags that guy so did you see did you last year they had this guy playing like quarterback what's Arizona State wearing see you that's beautiful that's the pl that's the Jake plumber special like that was like what what now plumber plumber used to wear it with the uh remember that like uh they used to basically like have Mississippi state's pants so they'd wear that yellow top with that like Maroon type uh pants that was a good look I wouldn't mind a white pant with the yellow top but I don't like the all yellow problem so good too it's like distracting me because the helmet yeah the problem is the helmet's better than everything else the helmet's amazing like it's a top it's an elite helmet hey Neil zakari Franklin went N9 for 99 for uh Bert in the Ali ey tonight is that right they won tonight didn't they that that that game I'm gonna I'm gonna lose sleep over that that game in the Arkansas game I've literally never had a bet Tyler there was one scenario in which I didn't cover the game Arkansas literally covered the line the entire 60 Minutes the one scenario was it gets to the second overtime Oklahoma state gets ball first can score a touchdown get the two and Arkansas doesn't score that was literally the way that I did not cover let me ask youall this I didn't I didn't I didn't see it the uh the U unnecessary roughness penalty on AR was it legit 100% yeah he suplexed it after the whistle yeah have you ever seen a team you seen a team beat itself the way Arkansas did today they have 640 yards of offense I I call High School football so yeah I've seen it they turn the ball many times they you ever seen SEC team beat itself like that yeah unfortunately uh in person yeah yeah yeah Auburn today no I I've seen it I mean but Auburn but Auburn today didn't have a productive they they were not productive on really either side of the ball like that I mean Arkansas offensively put up numbers the whole game was that what year was it was that I guess 2012 played Vanderbilt we didn't punt we got beat yeah that sucked that was uh that was the game where the the end missed the tackle uh and also there was that weird that weird fourth and one where I don't think he actually got it but they gave it to him and even review couldn't y'all remember that better know we I think it was AJ erson that like missed a like was it Rogers missed that on the edge we we were just I just they we we kept kicking field goals instead of we we were like 50 of 50 in the Red Zone were all field goals yeah that's a that's Trump wine that Neil is drinking he got a case of it after the uh the trip Chicago that is what was the final what was the final yardage Tyler you might know this when ol Miss went to Tuscaloosa in 2015 and one what was the final yardage total no I have no idea I don't remember y'all I'm telling you I don't remember y'all remember that uh there was at least five turnovers hey I'm gonna give you guys a hot take all right I can't think of the guy's name is like Kenny or something at Texas State that guy's about to that that guy's about to get a big payday I try that's my guy I I was trying to tell you he's he's a freaking dude he was in hey Neil we watched him on the way to Las Vegas they he was he was the Incarnate Word head coach uh all I remember is they used to employ uh uh here here you go Tyler here's another guy that I don't understand how he keeps getting jobs uh how is Jake spab it all what what dirt does he have on people how does that guy keep getting hired CU his first offense that's good will be his literally his next offense that's good will be his first yeah I don't know him so I I don't have actually a good answer for you I just know that I got Mississippi State money line they're getting dropped 10 they did hold them out 10 hey they I know you the over they held out I agree but yeah well let's be real let's be real if we're both gonna win our bets we need state to start scoring H uh they just don't have them have it up front like they just don't have it no they Tyler I've got a weird thing I don't think the Sawyer kid's that bad who's that the the whatever the kid that's playing quarterback for State the kid that was at Baylor like shapen yeah shapen sorry not sh saw uh Blake shaven I no maybe it's he throws a good ball he might be Zack he might be diet Zack Wilson though where he just throws it so pretty that that I'm blinded by him we recruited him he's he's a he's he's a good kid he's a coach's kid I mean he's he's sharp but it's like again he doesn't they just there there's nothing wrong with their scheme what they're doing they just don't have the horses yet uh Jeffrey to answer your question this box score is pretty nuts from that 2015 game yeah Alabama ran 101 plays for 503 yards om Miss ran 65 plays for 433 yards so it's not miss average 66 a B average 49 a play now including how long was adab Bo Jo's the helmet play I mean a long it was like 65 yards how many turnover it was at least five for Bama because I think Jake threw because uh Tyler you don't know this so my little brother played baseball at Bama at the time and Cooper baitman was one of his buddies and they ate breakfast together at the Athletic Facility and my but brother texted me on like Wednesday to go hey heads up I'm pretty sure Cooper's playing quarterback this week because we're at breakfast and he hasn't eaten a thing yeah cooper cooper struggled a little bit with anxiety yes 66 yards on that what was it 66 yeah yeah and then what was the uh didn't they had another RPO where Chad's dragged his foot remember Chad dragged his foot right behind the line that had to be another yeah yeah yeah yeah originally they called it illegal forward pass but then they looked they looked at it and he he he dragged his foot Bama had five turnovers Old Miss had one no nine nine so turnovers five Bama did recover an onside kick okay all right so I got a question for you guys I got real quick before you do that Jay Robertson says Super Chat I appreciate it can VY make a bowl game two and 0 yes yes no no yes hey they covered our 30 today Neil they they they got the 30 I know this yes I know this they're gonna hit their win total they're gonna hit their win total in September Neil we did their over under the other day yeah but I've watched I've watched the of the league some now Vandy can win games man VY can Absolut Vandy not only can can Vandy beat Auburn at home I think Vandy will beat Auburn at home all right here's the schedule two and0 they're at Georgia State who scheduled that on Saturday no Georgia state's a good schedule because uh uh uh uh Elliott was there and at Spring he just goes I'm out it's on the road though who's going to they'll win that game though that's three and0 they'll Missi three and one that's now Alabama that's an L I mean three and two but at Kentucky there's that that's that's a winnable game that's what we gotta have that's what listen I'm dead serious I'm I'm not playing Diego I'm not playing Diego against Missouri or Alabama because Diego will definitely get himself broken in half like he's just he can't he only has one speed he only plays full speed he will get broken in half ball State Texas lost lost at Auburn November the second Diego's one Diego's one and0 Diego's one and0 at uh Jordan hair I refuse to concede that game and then if they happen to get all these that we're talking that would put Ty you laugh you laugh but if we would have said last year New Mexico state's going to go to Jordan hair and win by three scores and by the way it wasn't fluky it Auburn shitty Auburn is shitty they're not that talented if if you put Auburn in a Illinois uniform everybody would talk about how shitty they are they're shitty let's just say what it is they're a bad team they're not they have the worst quarterback in the SEC and I watched that Kentucky South Carolina game [Music] today he and he and Vander Grifford in the same ballpark no one of those guys wasar let's do Auburn's schedule in a minute because I'm have some fun with he's he's dfl I would I would take Vandergriff before I would take pton Thorne and then to to your point to make a bowl they need to get South Carolina at home on November the 9th because they Clos with LSU in Tennessee well what's LSU gonna look like by the end of the year it's in Baton Rouge on November 23rd we're doing we're doing the uniform thing on LSU three or four losses and half their team opts out of the last part of the season their season comes yeah never forget there's two schools that when it goes south there's nothing better to watch when it goes south on LSU and when it goes south on Auburn those two teams are a special brand of quit 100% all right Auburn's one in one all right let's do Auburn they're one in one they're going to beat the Lobos and go to two two one by the way homecoming is week three for Auburn next week that was smart yeah New Mexico two and one they play at home the Arkansas Razer backs not a free gim me I just I I don't know what to do with that game if AR if Arkansas scores 24 points can Auburn win the game no because AR and Arkansas will score 24 points here's the thing Arkansas the thing that's going to be misleading about the Arkansas game today is what was what it went to overtime right at 31 is that correct or you go to overtime at 24 31 31 that defense did not give up 31 points no they gave up like 17 they largely completely and utterly shut down Arkansas Arkansas could hold Auburn to 10 offensive points guys you know what sucks you don't think you think Travis Williams will have that thing circled former Auburn player yeah I would actually pick Arkansas to beat Auburn okay I two we're two and two but here's what sucks is and and Neil you know because you know the people around there Sam pit if Sam Pitman won that game today and beat the top 16 team at at on the road and then turn around win but you know what I'm saying like oh they' be but they'd be nationally ranked no no no I I Tyler I think Tyler I think I think I'm going a different I'm interpreting what you're saying differently than Chase is because I'm interpreting kind of the same way pit if Pitman would have won today I'm I View Arkansas very differently but because they lost and they lost in the fashion even though I don't actually think he made a mistake today like how on Earth is it a mistake that his if you saw the drop punt it was a fluky drop punt because kid gets blocked into the return the kid calls fair catch it wasn't like he was trying to be a hero he calls fair catch guy gets blocked into his feet and he miss judges the ball ever so slightly he's trying to like move up but because he gets tripped over ball pops out then well Ty Green gets hit twice on two interceptions like what what was the mistake Pitman made today it just you know and you go back to the first half there was two there was two plays Arkansas's up 14 nothing and green makes this kind of Escape play and going to his left and throws a ball that hits the receiver in the hands could have been a touchdown next plays a pick six I mean that thing was that thing was an inch from 21 nothing yeah AR Auburn Oklahoma is going to be a rock fight because no one can score now I actually want to go back to this I think this is intering because what I'm agreeing I think Tyler if I understand you correctly I think Pitman is in that that reality that you just are whenever you lose a game like that everyone just blames you because in the end you're the head coach like that's why you get paid I think that that season to if they win that game this season to me it's like everything I thought about Arkansas being better than they were than they should be like it it all flips because of this game yeah and then and the other thing is and you know they have this they have they have a safety net right with patrino and so patrino looks like a king today because he had put 690 yards on the road and had a hell of a plan had a hell of a plan and so it's like oh we lost because of Pitman what you got patrino we got this guy here one you know had 600 whatever yards it was but they they dominated the game on offense they really did um green they're they're still gonna lose games because green he's not an accurate passer he's a phenomenal athlete he's not an accurate passer um he's better than KJ though oh oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah but I'm saying like okay here's the here's the real question though going back to what we talked about with a former defensive coordinator that we all agree that's a good defensive coordinator can Arkansas really rehire Patrina they can they're they're not they're not going to um I think there's a real chance they hire Bobby they hire Barry Odum and and leave patrino as the OC oh oh oh I I I actually that sound that sounded s what's that Austin uh another Super Chat appreciate you says uh is it out of the realm of possibility that LSU Auburn and Florida all have coaching vacancies at the end of the year yeah LSU LSU won't have one yeah LSU is not gonna have one I have a serious question for all of us as we're all watching the state uh Arizona State why did why did we not go to Arizona State it's by the way I don't know if you're aware of this it's not hard to get in yeah if if I went to if I went to Arizona State I'd have been a 14-time World Champ instead of a three-time World Champ somebody in the Stream asking if my hat comes in different colors real quick the answer is yes I actually have it the the other one is this it's in the darker shade so you can get that also real 15 for 15% off I'd like to be wearing a real tree hat tonight to support your brand but you know you you're holding all the colors over there dude I've got 30 just tell me and you can have we're we're gonna give some away as the week goes on so right I think it's actually let's let's go back to the Super Chat question I think it's a good question let's predict the openings and the yeah so I I I think I think South Carolina what I saw from them today is because Tyler's 100% right they might actually have the best defensive player uh in the entire conference in the country he's the best defense if you're the best defensive player in the SEC there's a what a 70% chance you're the best offensive player in the country fa so I think Neil I think they're going to win enough like they're going to do that thing where they're going to have bad Los losses but they're going to win enough to be like what six and sixish uh probably uh oh my God catch the football I'm ahead of you yeah because I'm now I'm a direct TV subscriber so I'm watching on freaking fubo so Florida to answer the question Florida opens wor you've made it through this day fine Jeffrey you've got like nine my gambling record see every game uh I'm seeing parts of every game I wouldn't I'm seeing every game uh all right so we all agree on Florida Florida opens Arkansas opens yeah um does South Carolina open I got one I think so does Kentucky open yeah I mean does Iowa open uh today he did look like the Iowa head coach today so yeah makes sense here's what also Tyler Tyler probably can speak to this here's a problem fence is going to have rightly or wrongly FCS non FCS whatever he didn't coach last week and that's the first time their offense actually kind of looked like competent and he gets back to dat and just goes back to like in the end I don't think Brian frence was doing anything Kirk frence didn't agree with is it just time now the problem I think also with Iowa is I believe believe the power structure in Iowa he's the most there's literally like the presidents have been like he's literally the most powerful person there he's won a lot of games you know I mean like it's not they haven't they haven't like had a shitty year you know mean they are what they are they win eight and a half to nine and a half games every year every year every year I mean I get it's boring and it's weird but defensively they're really damn good and they win games now they're in the crap division it's a question well they not anymore but it's a question I used to ask because because I agree with literally everything you just said is it fun to be an Iowa football fan ask Neil oh he's gone no but Neil Neil would do it ironically because Neil would be running at 11: a and he'd flip on ESPN 2 so that he could listen to Pam Ward as she was looking live in Iowa City as as as the as Iowa took on Purdue today sucked tell you that I don't know sisy was pretty happy with it he was he wasy let's go let's go building rosters one at a time one at Time by did we did we go for it on fourth down no field goal 10 three you don't win overs with field goals no you do not that's two in a row for you you don't win overs with field goals well here's what I am hoping for I'm hoping this game gets in The Liquor Cabinet in the second half hey we never finished the Auburn the Auburn seon oh yeah yeah hold onang got I still by the way I still have their schedule pulled up all right with Oklahoma next oh two and three okay but Oklahoma's bad too right now they can't all right so here's the question are we saying that defensively they're gonna hold Auburn to Seven Points okay three Tyler Tyler has venables ever coached against H uh don't think so what b not I know this I bet he has a better plan than Hugh does um two and three okay but here's the question are we just gonna say they split Arkansas and Oklahoma I mean Neil's got them losing both of them so we you can go two and a half two and a half if you want to here's question who do we think would actually be favored I actually think there's a decent chance Arkansas actually might be favored in that game I don't know at Alburn yeah it's at Auburn but I mean what we're saying it's going to be three points either way under three points either way yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right so let's do it this way let's let's start saying coin flips all right that's a coin flip it's a bad match up for I think I think Arkansas so two and one with a flip and then Oklahoma all right I think they got a better chance of beating Oklahoma than they do Arkansas let's say for the sake of the argument we're trying to let's let's say three and three are we good Bob games all right at Georgia they're three and four no no no no they we're only at six games at that point so we got we got two in one two in one and two tosses yeah right but I'm saying so that they play Oklahoma we've given them they're going to be three and three one way or the other and then they play at Georgia and they're gonna be three and no no no Georgia is the sixth game of the season oh they're three and three all right yeah your your math is off Jeffrey okay so he was saying three and three before I didn't real after Georgia right they are two two and two tosses okay who's so we're saying three and three by week yeah by we and now Tyler in your experience does Hugh work with more with the offense or the defense in by weeks he's never works for defense okay well no that's not true uh 20 uh 2014 he did when before they played Auburn when his offense so three and three and then at Missouri L three and four they're getting their ass they're getting their ass kicked at at Missouri oh my God what what is the under GNA be when Auburn plays at Kentucky six and a half are we gonna have are we gonna have an Iowa total are we G to have like 30 are we G have an SEC have we ever had an SEC total in the 30s it's going to be like 36 it'll be low Iowa got down to 32 at one point last year right or maybe even lower than that no they got to there was there was a there was a 29 that hit okay and then a weird game I mean all jokes aside weird Game Auburn at home against Vanderbilt go ahead Neil toss it up that's four tosses hey here what I'm gonna tell you here's what I'm gonna tell you I've watched both teams so far this year and so far Vanderbilt's better than all them okay I I know y'all think I'm kidding I'm dead serious I'm not I am not if I'm Clark I am not playing Diego against Alabama I mean he's playing him against everybody so it is what it is but but my point is he's not gonna make it to their winnable games I'd be tempted to have Diego get covid for two weeks I would be tempted to go Diego your hamstring doesn't look good we did the Georgia and Missouri sorry guys not not playing that no it's that's we got to socially distance and mask up got to get well and then we got be Neil we have be responsible absolutely it's about the kids and then so three four two tosses yes and then their last three games Ulm Texas A&M and Alabama hey stop shut up who they hire ULM Bryant Vincent he's two and 0 baby do you know why he's two o Jeffrey uh he's played I assume in FCS and uh an FC he's a quick you client is I'm what I'm assuming he's been on MCC and sisy that's why oh okay no they so you're predicting them to go four and eight is what you're saying all I'm saying all the mccre and cisy guests right now we're undefeated we haven't had a single coach with a loss here's here's the problem I will say this another team that we gave too much credit to and I I did it I'm never doing it again so help me God Texas A&M might suck why I mean okay so here here here would be my counter Northern Illinois that's okay Neil Notre Dame Under Marcus Freeman has the same problem that every Hugh freeze team has where they'll beat someone and you go oh my God like they're for real and then they'll turn around the next week and you're like they lose to Memphis they lose to Northern Illinois like they ride that that wave cuz he's kind of he's kind of one of those emotional coaches like yeah you know when he was M mother effing everyone in the stands in that A&M game those guys were ready to go yeah they shot the W one they they they came back and laid a goose egg today and they also they panicked when those two when the two offensive lineman got hurt A&M panicked so is there a is there a world where Auburn would let hug go at five and seven with the loss to Vanderbilt not way they're recruiting okay yeah they'll give him they'll give him another year he'll have another year at least what about 4 and eight no I think they'll give him another year regardless what he's recruiting Because here's the problem that I see with the exercise that we're doing we're kind of basing it on teams not quitting and what we've really seen in this era is when it goes south on teams it goes really South really fast and so some of these teams that were going okay they could beat them or not it's like what if what if Arkansas beats what if Arkansas beats Auburn Oklahoma beats Auburn and then Georgia beats Auburn and they go into their bye is that really going to be a motivated team I mean I'm with you I get I get what you're saying I just think regardless of what happens a lot of their kids that that are good players are young right now I would also say this on the flip side we're doing the same thing of let's talk Auburn into bad but let's also say this is entirely possible they they're going to win next week they can beat Arkansas because Arkansas can beat itself as proven today Oklahoma Oklahoma offensively like that that could be a freaking 21 17 game that Auburn can win and yeah okay they go and lose at Georgia but all of a sudden they're 4-2 at the bye well that's a very different team I'll tell you guys one thing after today and this is based on nothing but today we've all been psyched up about Tennessee at Oklahoma as like it was gonna be some great game nah yeah but we we you even though you and I are not we don't really like like media PL like up playay let's be real we we love the sport so how can you not love Josh hyp going back to Oklahoma a place where he wins a national championship becomes the offensive coordinator gets fired by his head coach who was his coach and he's returning there for the first time ever how can you not think something about that oh no no no don't get me wrong don't sign me up for the story I'm just saying we've been talking about Tennessee is gonna win the game by 27 points and like okay Tennesse is gonna I just wanted on the record I was dead wrong about A&M I was not wrong about Tennessee no I mean like tomorrow when I do rank the SEC I mean it's it's Georgia Texas Old Miss Tennessee like I don't know Tyler I don't know if you're listening that but uh who great another field goal with the over uh I think Tennessee and ol Miss are the same thing um I I think I think Miss is a little I think I would I would say Miss is better than Tennessee because of the defensive front well I although I'm a big I think Nico is going to be the real deal he made some rookie mistakes tonight and you take the third year guy with Lane over the first year quarterback yeah and that's 100% biased and I will tell you straight to your face but I I just honestly my trying to trying to be unbiased I I think I would if I had one game to win right now I would want Jackson Dart as my quarterback not Nico today not three years from now today yeah what about God because I agree with you if if they have to play tomorrow I agree with you on that but what if I had to go play a season well I just again I mean the guys play had three starts now right and he's although he's immensely talented he made some rookie M I'm sucker for talent I'm a he had one that one interception was bad that was a bad I we can find an interview somewhere where Jeffrey talks about Anthony Richardson winning the Heisman like it's coming look at that body look at that arm it's right there no you're making aake what I love more than anything I'm a sucker for talent but also you have to prove you can throw the ball no he Anthony Richardson never proved he could throw the ball it's a thing of beauty coming out of his hand now it really is I mean it chubs you up watching it he he's he's so smooth God he's smooth Bo State 20 Oregon 14 at the half dart's just Jackson dart's just playing at a really high level right now by the way is it entirely possible that we're just like I know I think the problem is Tyler's coached Old Miss we've covered Old Miss we've all have history with Old Miss like everyone kept talking about Oregon this is a team that could win the Big 10 like I don't know like what if what if the teams that that we've been seeing like okay I feel pretty damn good about Georgia I feel pretty damn good about Texas like what if it is like Old Miss and Tennessee like those are the Playoff teams like a lot of these other teams like just they fart around well speaking of farting around the game could have been over there could have it could have been a 70 to freaking zero game in a half I know we haven't talked about old M even though this is postgame show um Middle Tennessee played the same damn coverage they played too high the entire damn game and he could have thrown a bender anytime he wanted to for an explosive play tonight and just they decided to work on other [ __ ] tonight like I think Lan was bored or whoever was scpls just want to work [ __ ] tonight well they they admitted they admitted after the game that the whole focus of the week was establishing the running game I was say Tyler if you if what you said before is true wouldn't it make sense like if if you're if you're worried about winning a national title or being as good as possible and you're worried about the Run game shouldn't you come out and just try to run the ball yeah no I I'm with you but I'm just saying like last week he went after their nuts from the jump and he could have done that he could have done that today the safeties were like sprinting off the hash and you could have had like a 5440 backer match with three vertical up the middle anytime that they wanted it um and they just and and look I know Lane saw it you know what I mean and they just didn't call it and I'm sitting there going like yeah he's yeah I mean just no like to your point like you could see the possessions where like what was it after they got up like 17 they they clearly had a possession where they said all right Jackson you can throw it and like it was like bang bang bang well even the throws right they were throwing like they threw the cross they threw the Deep C like one whatever whoever was in the slot would would come like a deep Crosser well I think I think Jackson checked a bunch of them he was he kept he he started uh checking and started throwing because they were playing they were playing six at sometimes and which is quarters to the field uh two to the boundary and he just got tired and started just wearing out uh treay on hitches because they were bailing and and like I know there were runs called because I saw them I saw them over there looking at each other like I literally because I was on my sideline I saw Trey Harris like look over at Jackson's hands up like are we gonna do this or what how many how many plays how many plays do does Miss call that aren't rpos well they well that was another thing right so there were two things that were kind of interesting schematic wise today for me and I was at when I was at the game they would bring you know the what they were playing on defense there's only there was a certain amount of you know Middle Tennessee wasn't very complex on defense they didn't bring very many pressures but they brought the you know the the nickel off of uh off the edge and roll down and play cover rolled the safety down play cover three but they were they could have they kept handing the ball off on like the running game and instead of if they had had an RPO on they would have bumped their head on the goalpost but they didn't have it on so that they called the run without protecting the run and then Neil I heard you earlier in the post game when you were on your first appearance in the postgame talk about the shot that Jackson Dart took okay in that protection you can't when you're running that particular the off of Power read toss you can't protect the backside Edge that's the Nega the negative behind it but you automatically have to have like a slance built in to that backside and if you get pressure you just automatically throw the hot you have to throw hot on that and they didn't have that built in so that makes me think that they were just calling [ __ ] to call it and work on it but he got his he got his Bell rung unnecessarily on that play he should have thrown hot and scored a touchdown on it so they weren't even really scheming it at all is what you're saying they were scrimmaging yeah yeah just called the they they didn't have all the bells and missles designed in the plays like that's base you know I mean like on that one that he got that Neil that you were talking about in the pream where he got hit he got took the a tough shot like that's a built-in hot because you can't protect Edge Blitz off that protection all right Tyler here's another question I have how are rpos taught today because RPO I don't know back in like 2013 or whatever just became a buzzword and it became like a a term I think it became like a term for when people would see teams spread the field and run from the gun but like I played in an offense where technically everything was an RPO but we didn't have rpos it was literally I'd count the box if we had you know if we had light box it was run inside Zone if we had a particular look it was run outside Zone if the box was heavy and they played off I just threw it quickly out uh to a receiver like those are technically rpos but like how are the how are these things being taught today because that's kind of where I get a little confused yeah so so first of all it depends on uh obviously your formation but let's say this so like readed zone right so read Zone you're reading the defensive end okay if I'm running an RPO off of read Zone okay I can still pull it I can throw the bubbles and all that [ __ ] off of that right but the a lot of times what they'll do is they'll base instead of reading the defense van they'll base him and now you're reading the wheel the wheel back right and so the wheel flows and I'm gonna replace that with a slant behind it okay hold let me stop it right there what is called from the sideline so you do I know like when I get so for instance I if we're going no huddle whatever I'm looking over the side because I'm used to quote unquote rpos being this the thing of all right I get the look from the sideline they basically told me I can run three different plays that's obviously not the same thing but like am I looking over to the sideline and I know all of a sudden we've gone from I'm reading the the backside in to I'm reading the will no so the quarterback knows right so the quarterback's the one that's the only one got know so example if that play I just called right there I would have called that in I'd said hey I'd say here we go we're gonna go 10 Personnel two two four dog Dallas four dog Dallas so that's inside Zone inside Zone to the right with double Slants to the left all right so for dog Dallas then the then the quarterback knows that he he comes up and he goes dog 22 dog 22 when he talks to the offensive line that tells him we're in the inside Zone to the right and then he automatically instead of he would look to the tackle and said lock lock lock that means we're not running we're not reading it you're locked on the defensive end so you're blocking out on him and so now he controls everything else off the wheel so you're calling the play with the with the route at the same time so you're calling Run play and the route and the quarterback controls it so nobody else receiver is just running the route that normally no matter what he's hey I'm that's what I'm doing so so so Jackson Jackson kills Jackson kills the Zone read and immediately like he's the one that will make the call like whenever I see Jackson go to the line like after he's he's gotten in the gun he takes a look and he steps up that's what he's killing no no uhh so he's gonna come up he's gonna lock it regardless okay so he got so he's telling the offensive line all they hear is four dog they hear inside on right right all right so now Jackson or whoever would come to the left tackle and tell him lock lock lock that means lock on the defensive end don't run inside Zone you're blocking a defense in all right the receivers don't see [ __ ] all they see is runs double slant they don't even know it's they don't know it's a run play they just they just know it's a pass play and so when Jackson goes when he when he's he knows what he's doing so he's he's running read Zone and he's looking at the he's reading the wheel now the wheel backer instead of reading the defensive in and if the will backer starts fast flowing over the top he's gonna pull it and replace it with a slant because the safety is gonna be high does that make sense yes so if if the Willer sits okay will backer sit everything everything receivers do now is based on Leverage correct say yeah most of what receivers do is based on Leverage defensive leverage uh sometimes just depends on the play because okay so I guess what I'm hearing is so for instance when while we didn't run pure rpos receivers basically now only know whatever's called from the side like they're telling them run Slants but like it used to be all right we'd call a particular play and while it might have a tag they knew it was based on coverage like okay maybe if I'm tagged I'm tagged to run a slant but he's got inside leverage I'm gonna run the out and it was up to the commun whatever quarterback they have to Signal it whereas now it's just like they're just looking to the sideline the sidelines telling them you're running double Slants no matter what yeah so those are built in like that's when you wouldn't call a route you'd just call the play those are going to be built into the natural play like I know what you're talking about we r that with your with your favorite coach H freeze right so like if if we if you're we were bu we would have natural if we didn't call it an RPO like a route combination it was gonna be Bubbles and and hitches to the single right and so they was all automatically built in and that was kind of the evolution of the rpos that's the screen game wide receiver screen game is how RPO started and then when we started running um in Oklahoma I say we Oklahoma State's who started it with Mike Gundy but started running the old stick draw off of f and and we started running you know old school uh stick route to the trips and reading the mic and that's kind of how it started you're like hell we can get away with this and then everybody started getting more and more aggressive with it and then the college game the officials are absolutely atrocious of calling wide receiver downfield they're they're terrible mean line downfield yeah I was who was who in your mind who's the first person that figured out we can hold a run fake bring have the safety who has to honor his keys our safety has to come down and declare himself who's the first person that figured out all right hold a run fake play action and then just we can run we can we should show a run look and we can just run a deep post off of it um it was they all kind of happened at the same time but it's all in they're all in the kind of the same family because they meet in offseason but the old it's Mike Gundy and his crew and the and the Kevin sumlin of the world and tcu's of the world and then it just took off CH uh Kelly Chip Kelly of the world like they all just kind of like came together and all decided to do at the same time and then everybody else caught up the next year but that was it happened very quickly like it did it like it was all of a sudden it was like six teams doing it one week and then the next week 100 teams were doing it would you philosophically like because I think there's a difference between would you do it if you got to at the end of the day you're paid to win so you got to run whatever's going to win but would you agree philosophically it's cheating why would it be cheating because the linemen are going so far downfield well call the [ __ ] if they don't call it cheating I know it's in the end if if college football like all you have to do is just say that there's put a because my argument was always put an official on the sideline that all he has to do is watch linan downfield and he can throw the flag that's the problem is they got too much to look at that's what I'm saying add another so like remember back when we started doing this the the hurry up with Tempo we added the that extra official that all he does is spot the ball so that the Umpire the Umpire who was responsible for always spotting the ball he you know it's always I feel like every umpire is the same it's always like the biggest fattest guy that can't move and so we've now we added that extra official that all he does is spot the ball just add someone who literally stands on the sideline have him be three yards down field like they do in freaking soccer have somebody that's ahead of the play and if you really care about stopping it he'll wave the flag it's off sides or you know he'll throw the flag it's illegal man downfield but no one they don't actually care no yeah me they they want to the NFL is just easier it's easier to call like NFL doesn't they don't miss like they you go one one yard one inch they're going to get you they don't miss and so like the rpos that you see in the NFL are all off of Zone because you're going lateral you know most time and you can that and in college when you got three yards you can go that's what makes it so that's why the game everybody says three yards dude that's a Hu that's a it sounds three yards one yard most fans would be like oh that's no deal that's a massive deal because now you can run it off Gap scheme what the hell are you supposed to tell us safety you know what I mean like hey you're supposed to be in coverage but they're running counter down down your throat and you got to fit you know weak side B Gap here because we're we're we're a plus back like it's just it's it's damn near impossible to play defense with a three yard Rule and now of course if if you know coach Sabin was making the rules it'd be one yard but he's not right that's what but those guys that's all they do is [ __ ] about three yard one yard r no I just also love that we say it's three yards because I was like as someone like I'm I'm someone who just loves football so I never bought into the idea you either a college football fan or an NFL football fan I viewed it as I have two days to watch football instead of one day to watch football and I always laugh when when NFL fans are bitching about officiating because I see it the exact way you do like I think most of the most of the griping I would have about NFL officiating has nothing to do with them it's the fact that the league has made them they've they've put in so many rules that everything has become a judgment call and how the hell are you supposed to judge it when the game moves as fast as that game does but like to hear people bitching about NFL officials and then watching college football on Saturdays it's just like I I I have no time for your complaints yeah the NFL they don't miss much man now this this this [ __ ] uh on the line of scrimmage rule Le of procedur rule that they that they decided they wanted to call in the first NFL game the the day was was kind of [ __ ] hey I don't know if you they called it in the second one too yeah it's just it's a horeshit call like it's that's that tells me that's I love I love it there's nothing I love more than when the NFL Black Ops everyone focuses on all the rule changes in the NFL like you got the floros of the world that are reading about what they actually voted on my favorite thing is when we show up on Thursday Night Champion ship reveal night and the NFL has something they've decided that they're going to emphasize that no one's ever mentioned all of a sudden we got four illegal formations in the first drive I was just like godd damn it cadell did it again the person who decided to emphasize that never played uh never broken a Hu in their life you know the the rule the rule is right but isn't that the problem with most sports most most rule changes are usually written by people that have never played well like everybody's in a two-point stand right so the rule states that you have to break that your helmet has to break the belt line of the center that's that's the rule all right so if you're in a two-point stance okay so view in your mind think about a two a tackle being in a two-point stance versus a three-point stance when you're in a three-point stance your helmet is going to break the hip of the center but just because I decided to go on a two-point stance so I don't get speed rushed by this Freakazoid that's lined up across from me you know my my helmet is naturally going to I'm going to set back a little bit with my weight it has nothing to do where your feet are and and then especially for the NFL it's really bothers me because the NFL for years if you watch the NFL play hell you can't tell who's on the ball and who's off the ball they all look like they're on the ball and so they've been so liberal with there you go Neil I'm trying to get us a strike as fast as I can they've been Tyler Tyler you're missing you're missing the best part about all this my favorite part is that what I've what has driven me ins say even though I'm at my core I'm an offensive guy and I would rather see better offense than better defense allowing the tackles to clearly fall start for what the last three four years I feel like that's been a trend I will say we're not we're not addressing that but you know what we are going to address we're going to address the fact that uh we we're going to still let you get that jump but God damn it you're going to your helmet is going to be on the line of scrimmage I will say this though those dudes they they get it Tim pretty good you know what I mean like it's it is false start but like only if you slow-mo it those guys are down man there's been plenty the last two years though that have been like oh my because like that was that it's tough call I mean Lane Johnson Lane all I'm thinking is now Grant I'm a Giants fan I [ __ ] hate the Eagles Lane Johnson was the absolute king of it Lane Johnson was a full and I get it he's a hell of an athlete but Lane Johnson was like a full like if if it would have been set hut Lane Johnson's jumping on set does uh real real quick Super Chat does uh dart's Heisman odds get a little better tomorrow I probably not I think they stick it it plus 900 I don't I don't think they were impacted by tonight one way or the other yeah T right he's he's either tied or 50 off the lead with Beck let's Gabriel Gabriel sorry oh no they would Gabriel good cam Cam's got to be up there too he was he was 50 behind Dart yeah it was all right there let's be real Jackson's odds Jackson's whether or not we All Odds what not who cares because the worst thing you can be in my opinion is the early season favorite because heisen voters don't actually watch college football so all they're going to see is what you do at the end of the season Jackson's Heisman future comes down to the Georgia game and maybe and maybe Beck's do too he just treaded water today not that's not negative it's just nothing he didn't know Jackson was awesome but he didn't gain ground he didn't lose ground like he's just right whatever yeah since my man Scoops went hot take I got I got a hot I can already tell you the F the the three final Heisman people I say the four it's going to be uh Quinn eers yep it's be Carson backck Jackson Dart I can tell you the five Jackson Dart cam Ward and there's zero. z% chance that in the world we live in zero z% chance in the current status of planet that we live in that our guy from colado is not going to be in the final five all right I got one more for you I know did you see uh did you see him make a business decision tonight he he might he might be kind of done soft yeah he was hanging it up a little tonight you know what Tyler I think you're missing another one who I got you seen what uh I mean again they're up 20 to 14 Jean T's already got 85 yards in a score at least one score right let me see let me double check Ashton's got 14 carries 85 yards along a 31 in a score if he runs for another if he runs for another 80 and they win this game they're not going to play another defense the rest of the year you telling me you don't think he could be a finalist no because he's at Boise at the moment right now Quinn Ur is plus 650 Dart 800 Ward 850 Gabriel 900 Becka thousand the only person and I would say this the only person that changed his odds today was Quinn yeah sure hey yeah all the let me tell you something I don't know how well y'all watch that game they're pretty [ __ ] good they are oh I I had the same feeling I did I had the same feeling I did last week I told Neil in the second half of that Georgia Clemson game I was like ah God I think everybody's just playing for second I kind of had the same feeling now this is what I do think is interesting what if Clemson and Michigan are just kind of whatever you know eight and 4ish nine and three-ish in bad leagues and I know the Big T's on a bad league but Michigan doesn't have a tough schedule well they still Michigan didn't know that today though you know what I mean like they came to play that place was they were on at home the place was freaking rocking and they literally kicked their ass it would have been but I'm with you I'm with you but Michigan came to that game with Davis Warren as their quarterback I'm with you but I'm just saying like they they went on the road and I mean dude that that was an ass kicking and what they did to Colorado State and everybody's like oh Colorado State Colorado State's not Terri I mean like they're not 52 to nothing bad you know what I mean no I think I actually like the Colorado State would have beat Auburn today you know what I mean like like Colorado State you know I mean they're not terrible and Quinn ERS when he steps like he is he did like he was a [ __ ] magician man when he stepped up in the pocket and bought himself time I mean they had dudes running fre and everybody's like what are they gonna do you know Texas is you know they lost to running backs and the how receivers go I was like yeah but they reloaded like dude they got dudes running Scott ass free and you know they're pretty [ __ ] good no all I was thinking about today was God I hope both teams get there healthy Texas Georgia is going to be [ __ ] awesome that to me that's the best like I I would have told you preseason I think Neil would probably agree with me on this one I think preseason I think we both thought that like the Oregon State Ohio I mean excuse me the Oregon Ohio State game was like the game that that should be but like after what I've seen with both those teams yeah it'll be a good game but I want to see Georgia Texas that's that's two Warriors going at it right there that's that's those are two best rosters that I've seen so far Miami is up there too but Miami played little sister Mar's of the four today okay I think this should be a fun exercise let's go stock up stock down all right I thought I thought this was I found myself after last after last week cuz I kind of thought we were inevitably headed to Ohio State Georgia in some form or fashion play full game but I'm cutting this at halftime so you got about three minutes left so all right uh I'm I'm I'm Neil's really dying over there I'm I'm all right we all agree as Arizona State keeps walking away I'm getting less interested in the game so um okay we we all agree Texas's stock is up today obviously 100% yes all right uh stock up stock down Alabama stock up stock down Penn State down down down stock up stock down Old Miss up same yeah I I don't it was another game of staying healthy and Watkins came back and is not hurt I don't know you want to make the argument state if it's yeah I'm not going to argue with up it's certainly not down it's it's up it's it's it's the same I mean it it's not fair to them but they haven't played anybody yet go ahead stock up stock down Ohio State I I didn't even see their score today I don't know they were they were up 35 to nothing quickly I don't I don't know what the final was same or if you want to give them the little old miss one bump for just not getting somebody hurt assuming nobody got hurt I'm the same thing to me Old Miss in Ohio State same thing and uh stock up stock down to Oregon down down this is two games in a row where they maybe they're not good we're doing the media narrative thing that I it drives me insane because we said all summer Oregon Oregon's awesome awesome awesome and now they've played Idaho and Boise State and they don't look awesome I mean they're barely the Idaho state champs so no their their stock is uh Neil well saidil Michigan quot of the night stock up stock down Tennessee up way up big win yeah way defensive line was active 100% B up I think you can make the argument in fact I'll make the argument tomorrow in 10 thoughts that Tennessee's fourth in the league I get it Tyler you you know better you've worked with him who did you drop I just I mean I've got Missouri at five and I've got Bama at six I I would swap those but I I would put Tennessee ahead Alabama right and then hey here's here's the crazy one who's seven seven would be because if Arkansas had won today and they beat themselves I'd put Arkansas at seven that's how bad the middle Belly of the league is if if n is still healthy it's LSU okay but I mean LSU I mean you kind of I'm GNA give LSU more credit in a close loss to SC in Vegas that I am Arkansas blowing one at Oklahoma State they both beat uh and I'm cool with that but like like Auburn sucks Kentucky sucks Carolina sucks I mean [ __ ] you start talking about no I I he's not said anything I disagree with the only thing I would argue I mean St sucks I I mean seriously like Vanderbilt might be 10th hey Neil I bet I bet I know who's dfl on your list tomorrow I mean dfl is Florida Oh I thought you were gonna put I thought you was gonna put Auburn at dfl no I mean it might be it might be state if state gets beat 38 to 10 here I mean I'm watching there's still plenty of time for this over y'all are being very negative on this over hey we got look Jeffrey and I have money on this can we have some positive vibes here please yeah how about y being very NE got you just got a defensive touchdown little quick strike little Sudden Change and more importantly I need this game to get wild to where you know Arizona state starts slacking off oh no this was going to be my point Tyler I know I know you know Mario what if the boy that what if the boy that cried wolf is actually telling the truth this time like I know we keep doing this Mario's got a good team Mario's got a good team and everyone's finally just decided like I believe when I see it I don't know man what if they actually what if this time they've got a great roster it's just whether he's going to screw it up at some point over the course of the next 12 games got a damn good roster that leag might not be good that League might not be good enough to screw him here's here's where I think here's where I think he might have an advantage he might get good oldfashioned Clemson where that League's so bad he's not going to get beat up like everyone else is and he might get to the damn playoff pretty damn healthy and I don't know man like I just the team that I changed my opinion on most from the summer to now was Miami well I mean they got look and and I I had a code there I'm a big oh [ __ ] I had uh it's good good good for me good for you f by the way that's 30 if we get 30 points in this half you're on Pace dog I'm halfway there um look C at the end of the day we we we talk about roster roster roster roster roster roster at the end of the day uh Dylan Gabriel might be out do you have a freaking quarterback or not yes do you have a quarterback or not and we can talk about roster and all that stuff you can put together the best money the best roster money can buy but if you don't have a dude pull back there taking you know pulling the you know getting the snap a I'm a big believer in cam Ward to your point are we sure Ohio State upgraded a quarterback no they did not upgrade but you like I did y'all see what Syracuse looked like today yeah that Florida State went that that Georgia Tech Florida State went Georgia Tech win against Florida State didn't look so good after Boston College did them not only that you seen how Kyle McCords played and I'm not saying Kyle was great last year I'm I I want to be very clear but I always felt like Ryan day was scapegoating Ryan day was scapegoating Kyle McCord and he was they had bigger issues than just Kyle McCord well you gotta give you gota I always I was joking the other day I said you know they got they got 21 really good players at at Ohio State you got to cut them a little slack in the quarterback territory since they've hit on like 15 quarterbacks in a row I mean they did they like think about this not only do the quarterbacks they've had in the past I don't know how many years now have gone have been drafted well they also had on the bench Joe burrow and freaking Quinn ERS you know what I mean like yeah but yeah yeah but see what what you what you spin I also spend with never forget when anyone wants to tell me what a brilliant mind Urban Meyer is Urban Meyer literally picked Dwayne H Haskins over Joe burough he was pretty Fu was he good or was Ohio State playing in the Big 10 with freaking like it's the same problem I love Carson Beck but I openly admit it's impossible to evaluate Carson because of what Carson's playing with where did he get drafted 15th in a bad quarterback draft but you you know I mean like still you know what I'm saying like I know we're we kind of split hairs and this and that and kick bur the side but Joe burrow wasn't Joe burrow until his second year at LSU because his first year I thought he was average's grits and then he woke up I I I would agree with that it's also that I used to get I used to get driven insane when people acted like Joe Brady was Reinventing offense and I'm like it that but yeah no I'd agree but also Joe showed up what on campus in June yeah I mean but he still was not very good his first year LSU he was he was okay he's pretty freaking good in that A&M game yeah he was I didn't like I I wasn't overly impressed with him his first year LSU and his second year he was he was Joe burrow but like they've had some D they they almost like you almost want to cut them some slack a little bit because they've hit on so many damn quarterbacks I mean they've probably hit on more quarterbacks than any other team in the NCAA in the last decade 273 now Devils over that's I'm on just just working them on the offensive front on the on the back seven right here uh or sorry front seven how many okay how seriously how many points am i g to need from State you need 17 1 13 to 17 you may maybe need more than that but I think gonna lean on them I think they're blow a couple think I'm going to need state to get to the 20s to force I think I'm need state to get in the 20s to force Arizona State to get into the 40s that's probably about right hey here's here's a stat for you I saw y'all probably chase you may have sent you may watching it just Arizona state has 66 Z new players on their team I just saw it on the stream 60 new players on our team Ty Tyler did you watch any Arizona State last year yes I did they were atrocious they needed 60 new players your boy would you know your boy likes to build rosters for like a hobby I sure would have like 60 chances to freaking change change the roster one year I might not be on the podcast right now if I got 60 chances to do it it's kind of it's kind of a kind of a side H I'm not don't I don't think people know this Arizona State last year at the end of the year there was a point in the season where they had managers that were in the offensive line rotation yeah dude if I could if I could change 60 dudes and have 20 million dollars to go buy players with I could have had fun with that that would have been fun where who's gonna be who's gonna be the first team who's G to be the first team that experiments with you know what this ain't working like let's just like because Arizona State could do it because last year they weren't any good but like who's going to be the team that was like you know what we were like like seven and five eight and four like let's just go For Broke like let's just blow it all up and see if it's different I don't know you got me on that one I don't know I mean it's got to be a team that actually can afford it so it's not there's not a lot of options yeah so it's G be a a team with a new coach it's a new coach in a in in the SEC or the Big 10 that's actually got revenue for that yeah I guess this this is the real question Tyler if if Florida got their [ __ ] together oh my God he missed the extra point if Florida got their [ __ ] together could they actually because I always get the sense the biggest problem with Florida is they have money but they have people that don't want to like pay is that fair Florida's got two chiefs and not enough Indians yeah so are they maybe this is the better example what if Florida right now is what Texas has been for the last 20 years no they're not even close they don't have the money like that now that's they Texas Texas A&M SMU like SMU but you see what I'm saying like what what about Texas had all the money for the last 20 years and they've weathered in you know complete you know you know they've just been irrelevant and then Sark gets there and sar's the first person since Mac that can get everybody on the same page like what if is Florida does Florida I'm not saying maybe at the highest level like Texas but does Florida have the possibility of because you don't have to be Texas like Florida just needs to be Old Miss how hard is it for Florida to become old Miss harder than you would think I think I think Old Miss is almost double what Florida has right now okay I would also ask this question is Ol Miss ol miss or is Miss just got Lane kein and Lane kippens got the thing operating om Miss has got a lot like om Miss has got a lot of [ __ ] coin rolling right now and a good coach right but my but my point is like is this the same thing as like when when Nick Sabin got to LSU not Alabama because I think what Nick's biggest like uh culture change is Nick got to LSU and he gave them the blueprint and LSU hasn't like had the dips like they used to have has Lane done for Old Miss what Nick did LSU uh it's just different you know what I mean it's like it's a totally different time I mean it's it's hard to even compare I mean yet Lan in my opinion Lane's done at Old Miss Lane's been a has been outside the box but he's been ahead of he's been one step ahead on a chess match you know what I mean like every single move he's made has been one step ahead as as the and the the landscape has changed so much so fast and he's been almost like a season ahead of everybody else as it's moved along and I think he's used that to his Advantage you know it was nil's the portal it was then it was you know Lane learned I think Lane learned a lesson in the seven and five year right he got got a bunch of good players but had had some culture issues right and then he was a year ahead of like letting good players go that didn't um fit in the culture let's just say that you know I mean like yeah I totally age head so it's very hard to say like I can't I don't think you can compare anything you know [ __ ] what Neil what you always say what 2020 maybe like four years ago I think we're in a whole new damn no the problem is for for every other every other generation you could look at there was at least enough of a structure that everyone kind of knew what rules were or what now we're now in an era where nobody knows a what rules are B nobody knows what the formula is and see you've opened up free agency literally by the day so it invites ideas hey hey you know what chase you know who you need to write an article on that who deserves the the kickoff guy for Old Miss that guy's amazing and nobody gives him any love is it not the is it not the kicker I don't know 41 is that the kicker yeah yeah that's kicker yeah dude has a Chase and I chase and I were on Chase and I were on him uh when Neil was covering the two-lane game Chase and I were on him he hit like a what was it 59 yard or something he had some ridiculous feel call Chase and I were like oh that is that's different well his his freaking kickoffs are Majestic man he was kicking off into the that I guess that would be the North End Zone yeah and wind was blowing that way that ball was freaking just hovering up there I mean his his balls defy gravity Tyler I don't know do you remember Auburn used to have a kid named Cody Bliss and I went to M us and we would play Brentwood Academy every year and Cody went to Brentwood and Cody hit what we would call Helium balls where you would just watch him warm-ups oh my God uh Neil's a second ahead of me Cody would hit like these balls these balls he would hit would just like it literally looked like he was kicking like a a Vortex like it the same thing with the the old Miss kid that kid hits it comes off his foot different well like never would have happened Jeffrey had you had Direct TV there's no way you'd be a second behind right there like you no that's not true that's that's that's not true I want peacock so you're at the you're the everybody's at the mercy of their stram yeah Neil they made a good point Neil had somebody told you the Middle Tennessee postgame show was going to be 4 hours and 29 minutes we would have thought something went straight to hell this afternoon oh I would have thought something was bad by the way uh excuse me uh quick question quick question for uh Chase how many super chats you get they've come in they they've kept rolling uhhuh they've been thinking something like don't ever say your boy doesn't love you yeah for sure now you've been I mean hell you've been on for now hours and 30 minutes no she was hanging in I mean she was throwing barbs at me at some point I'm Neil that Neil's been on she's gonna kill you now for moving the camera over there for she's got her all Miss stuff on you hey hey this is the listen I don't care honestly what happens to Rebels one the other but let me tell you what when the Rebels win my life is a whole lot easier I get fewer phone calls from my father and my wife is a my wife's got a little bit more spring in her step and guess what I root for I root for me so you got that what problem I have I have Jeffrey I should I should put you on the phone with him do you know how many phones I got how many phone calls and text because you're all your B friends oh people ooh well hey you could have hired someone else oh there you go or you could get a new or yeah or or the guy that you hired could have gotten a new quarterback get hey what's the possibilities of getting you and Hugh on a show at the same time I've asked him we can probably make that happen you think Neil you think and Neil because I mean we need a new helmet sign so we just get him to sign it to Jeffrey and then we'll put it up and then no chance because Hugh Hugh Hugh knows at the deep down he Hugh knows that he has questions from us that he doesn't want to answer hey how about this I got hey I got I wish I just want to go back to Auburn and have Hugh welcome me back to Auburn that'd be two SEC schools that he would have welcomed me back to yes let's do it I think he knew that hey I I didn't know yeah you got to tell me that story I remember when Hugh I remember the story of when Hugh brought you the box of Old Miss stuff and like that was an awk awward I do not remember him welcome you back to Old Miss You Gotta tell me that one yes it was uh 20 I guess the 2016 season it was uh Old Miss media day and I'm in the ipf Manning Center whatever and he's like uh it's nice to have you back welcome back to Old Miss and I was like what and he said welcome back and I said I never left and it was obvious that that was his way of saying you know I know I've scapegoated you for several months but you know Tyler Tyler because Tyler asked me the question Tyler are you understanding now why I I feel the way I do and then and then he and then literally within the course of two hours he had unfollowed me on Twitter he ref followed me on Twitter and then when I didn't follow him on Twitter he unfollowed me again Tyler Tyler this is a God's honest truth Hugh used to have uh media relations people tell me Media or whoever when Hugh unfollowed them because Hugh would instruct media relations person to literally instruct them to tell them that they had that he had unfollowed them on Twitter also another one of my underrated favorite ones uh Tyler he literally used to have a media relations intern that was responsible for checking his Wikipedia page every day and Reporting back to him if there had been any changes yeah would you consider you know coaches would you consider that normal behavior completely [Laughter] normal completely normal uh oh all right I'm calling this what's what's the Oregon Boise State deal 2020 where we at 202 left perfect vision third all right seven and a half in the third for that we will uh have your normal week of programming again thanks to real tree it's been up all day5 yeah of course npw 15 for 15% off at use it pick up some gear and more so appreciate those guys 4 hours 34 minutes and 20 seconds as we are uh going right here Jeffrey's been on the entire time hell sisy's been on like two and a half hours three hours we talking so hey can I can I have my real tree hat to wear wear for wear for next week I will drop it off on Monday morning thank I'm just trying to support trying to support our guys I I will I will drop off stuff I hav't got some can can you can can you wear large no I have a peanut head no a shirt extra large I'm a fat guy all right extra Lodge on that we make that happen too all right appreciate you guys we will talk to all you later Jeffrey Neil sisy have a good night enjoy the rest of the games and we'll do it next week