Owlette's Terrible Pterodactyl Trouble | COMPILATION | PJ Masks Funny Colors | Cartoons for Kids

ow let's terrible pterodactyl trouble come on the Museum's got a new dinosaur show with a big flying pterodactyl wow this way nearly [Music] there Amaya hurry up where's Connor oops Connor that wasn't funny it was a little bit funny no it wasn't guys stop arguing let's just go and see the pterodactyl Greg's right let's forget it okay I will when you say sorry all right I'm oh no Conor am Maya come quit going on the terod do was right there but someone's taking it don't worry Greg we'll get it back PJ MK we're on our way this is the night to save the day night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fish villains to stop them messing with your day gra BEC [Music] comes Connor becomes [Music] cat boy Amaya [Music] becomes [Music] let the to the cat hang on catboy say sorry first oh you mean for scaring you in the museum all right I'm sorry now let's [Music] goette come on is that it it wasn't a very big sorry [Music] [Music] okay alette use your owl eyes to look for Romeo I will once you say you're sorry sorry but I already guys okay I'm really sorry and guys now please try to spot the tertera puttering feathers see it's horrible being scared by a [Music] [Applause] dinosaur Romeo oh sorry did I make you jump with my robot pterodactyl fire fle [Music] I'm the best who else can steal a great big dinosaur model and make it fly but you shouldn't have Romeo let's take it back no way first I'll scare people with this dinosaur then I'll get the others from the museum and scare everyone everywhere till I've taken over the world we stop you Romeo oh yeah try stopping this woohoo [Music] we gave the little kitty a big scare and now let's fly fly fly oh another kitty to scare that'll be great practice for when I see those PJ Doos again here kitty kitty [Music] kitty move Kitty I can't see I do not like cats [Music] cat quick before Romeo fixes the pterodactyl let's take him by surprise but first say sorry for surprising me before in the museum I said I'm sorry alette it was just a silly joke fine then I'll just go catch Romeo on my own oh no I [Music] [Applause] want let's jump before he can take off ready three 2 1 no J yeah you're mine Romeo [Music] alette why did you do that why did you do it now you've let Romeo Escape he only escaped because you flew off mad at me because you scared me in the museum Oh weird the famous PJ musks squabbling like cats and owls super cat Le [Music] the amazing catboy grabs the terrifying dinosaurs thrashing tail I'll shake you scaredy [Music] cat oh I better fix this super owl wing [Music] hey what no the remote control let go super lizard grip got it wao this is tricky but yes I can do this it's like a video game [Music] yes how about a dino ride gecko Style with let me down coming in for a landing we've done it nice work PJ masks alette you're leaving me hanging we're okay right just because we beat r it doesn't make it all right that you scared me no but I did say I was sorry and it wasn't that scary yes it was okay but can't we just make up sorry no wait alette [Music] please cat boy flying that thing isn't easy I don't care I have to catch up with alette and make up [Music] my [Music] pterodactyl for my J whiskers [Music] oh no the remot H now I'll get my pterodactyl back and catch myself some flying cat [Music] too hang on catboy I'll get help I will I I I I [Music] help catboy what are you doing I'm stuck I took the pterodactyl to catch up with you to make sure we're still friends but now Romeo's in control again of course we're still friends oh this is all my fault I should have made up with you before yeah who cares [Music] time to be a [Music] hero cat boy I'm sorry I want to make up really wa that's it Romeo no one messes with my [Music] friend gra on me get him [Music] catboy my remote oops I think you dropped something Romeo get away [Music] that's the last we'll see of Romeo for a while PJ masks all shout ho night we save [Music] the and here it is giant pterodactyl it's amazing that's cool only me Cameron that was mean you saw how upset of mine was the last time sorry is that it Conor it's fine it was just a silly joke apology accepted Cameron W sorry couldn't resist huh [Music] catboy and the sticky splot slingshot cool a new martial arts movie is coming out I feel like we've seen this one before we have these aren't movie posters that's night ninja what's he up to maybe it has something to do with all that dripping goo H looks like some kind of sticky splot and a lot of it it could be his biggest bad guy move yet don't worry I'll just do my biggest hero save ever it would make a cool catboy poster we'll all save the day as long as the mission gets one doesn't matter who does what sure but this safe will be one for the record books I can't wait PJ Mouse we're on our way it's time to save the day night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fish villains to stop them messing with your day [Music] Amaya becomes power left great [Music] becomes yeah Conor becomes cat boy [Music] the PJ to the cat [Music] [Applause] [Music] car let's follow this trail of posters [Music] keep it up my nelos soon everyone will know who I am what the PJ masks are coming excellent hold it right there night ninja what's with the posters A PJ pests you can't blame me for showing off a bit I am about to do the baddest bad guy move ever [Music] this is perfect if night ninja does a big villain move I can do the biggest Super Save ever I know I'm already super famous for doing bad gu stuff but wait until I've done this I'm going to cover the city with huge sticky Splats one for the school one for the museum and let's not forget the park people will be talking about it forever and cleaning it up forever too wiggling reptiles those are big don't worry gecko leave this to me so that's what you've been doing in your spare time being a villain is more than a hobby these sticky Splats aren't just big my new formula makes them bouncy so they'll be even better what do you mean not bad enough you've got a better better idea we'll see about that sticky Splats [Music] away I'll stop the first ball while you guys go after the other [Music] two I have a much better idea wait my best save ever remember here it comes super [Music] cat I've got [Applause] [Music] it stopping a bunch of little balls isn't awesome but stopping one big one is this is totally going in the record books look out catboy oh no my cat car I just watched that what do you mean epic fail I don't want to hear your silly idea I'm the bad guy we'll do the super bad moves my way I know that plan didn't work but the next one [Music] will I'm not done yet PJ P you'll see I can't believe my Super Save didn't work don't worry about your super moves catboy we just have to win the mission but this is my big chance to do the best hero stuff ever [Music] my my cat's whiskers we lost him analize there it [Music] is get ready for of hero awesomeness night ninja hey where'd he [Music] go furballs it's a sticky Splat way huh there's still One Way Out going uhoh I can take care of this with my super gecko muscles wait gecko I'm busting out of this web at super cat speed get ready record book no C [Music] wait you PJ pests are caught like flies in my web this is bigger and batter than I've ever imagined what do you mean it's not bad enough fine then I'll think of something even better the baddest move of all super gecko [Music] musles hang on I'll get you down stand back thanks gecko night Ninja's not done yet and this time I'll really do the biggest save ever it's going to be awesome a catboy [Music] [Music] wait I've got an idea I've lost it you have an idea no no ninjalinos don't have evil plans I do now hush we've got you now night ninja what are you planning tell us it's it's give me a second oh it's so hard for villains to be original these nights show's over he's out of ideas but but now I'll never get to do my Super Save uh catboy we stopped him I know I know it's just if he doesn't do really bad stuff how can I do really good stuff some villain night ninja turned out to be what all right ninos give me that idea now [Music] why did you do that it's okay whatever he does I'll do it better uhhuh thanks for reminding me ninos that's what I was planning all along tag you're it what's he up to now let's get him it's time for my big save PJ masks come on [Music] you already did this night ninja just wait this is all new and it really is my best idea ever and you've already used the web too oh but you haven't seen the big picture yet how does it work oh yes I don't like where this is going I'm going to slingshot you at your silly headquarters you'll s to it and I'll cover you with even more goo you PJ Splats will be stuck there forever this is all my fault we wouldn't be in this mess if I hadn't tried to do some big Super Save it's going to take all of us to get out of this sticky situation it's time to be a her [Applause] quick gecko get us unstuck super gecko whistles yes you're up next outlette it's time for some awesome aerial miss you got it super ow wing and now for the best you perceivable and we'll do it together elet now KY night ninja incoming but that's impossible how about a little PJ mat [Music] bowling nice work guys that was the most awesome rescue ever you're not upset you didn't get to do your best ever Super Save my best ever Super Save was letting us stop night ninja together PJ masks so Shout hoay we save the [Applause] [Music] day let's call this night Ninja's biggest defeat by the PJ masks he'll be rolling away for a long time yeah oops I got a bit of glue on me well good friends should always stick together [Music] owl let and the giving owl I can't wait to see what Amaya has for show and tell today yeah she always brings in something cool and I have again remember the statue my aunt gave me last year my giving owl but didn't your aunt say to give it away because that would make you feel good that's why it's called a giving owl right but I don't want to give it away keeping it feels good too if you say so so it's a keeping owl I'm going to put my statue with all the other show and tell things I can't believe all of our stuff's gone gone we left our Show and Tell things here yesterday but now they're missing missing or stolen PJ masks where on our way into the night to save the day night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fish villains to stop them messing with your day Amaya becomes outlette yeah great BEC comes get yeah Conor [Music] becomes [Music] boy the [Music] PJ a nighttime villain can't just take everyone stuff yeah it won't be much of a show and tell with nothing to show it'll just be a tell then let's get it all back to the owl [Music] glider C ear I hear something down there Mo that means Luna girl and we can follow them right to [Music] her what is that it looks like a fake Moon land on that lower roof so we can sneak up to take a look [Music] there she is ew a toy cat what is this junk what's wrong with cats you moths are useless nothing you found is good enough for my new Luna Lair Luna Lair I told you I only want the most beautiful things I'll have to do it myself Luna Bo quick PJ masks after her where is she looking for better things than that toy cat hey I like that cat where would she find the most beautiful things owy [Music] fluttering feathers she's at my house oh no my giving [Music] owl this Moon statue is perfect why didn't you Moss bring it home once it's mine I'm going to make you put all that other drunk back you hear that she'd return all the other things if she had have the giving out cool chameleons you're supposed to give it away to someone anyways yeah giving it away to Luna girl will make you feel good couldn't be better it's just what my new Luna layer needs it's amazing it's beautiful it's mine what so it really is a keeping owl just for that I'm going to keep everything I've already stolen it take lots more you see got my giving owl though hooray but we need to stop Luna girl and we will no problem wherever Luna girl goes the PJ masks will [Music] follow there she is she's headed for the [Music] museum PJ masks let's move [Music] none of this stuff is as great as that Moon statue keep looking mods couldn't you just give her what she wants outlette no the giving owl statue is mine okay let's try this then super cat [Music] me come on Mo we don't have all huh hey what's going on all the doors are closed Luna girl we've got you trapped as if Luna [Music] bird BL girl under M have a theve but they left everything behind not my giving owl she took it can't we just pretend you gave it T her I didn't think [Music] so wa looks like Luna girl doesn't want any of this stuff anymore I don't know why anyone wouldn't want this cat let's just get it all back to class then everyone will be happy again except me my giving out was not here I'm going in to get it back oh oh there's some kind of force field here I'm going to need your help getting my statue are you sure you don't want to give it away Luna girl stole my statue she doesn't deserve to keep it okay you make her come out I'll see if I can force my way [Music] inside hey Luna girl you're interrupting me adoring my beautiful moon sculpture it's an owl sculpture and you stole it no I was sure you gave it to me no way it's mine but it suits me better so I should have it go on say it's mine say it okay super gecko muscles wickling reptiles what's go H lizard boys had a taste of my force field freeze no one gets in my Luna and no one takes my moon sculpture from me because it's mine mine mine mine you're not going to have it for long Luna girl you win the statue's yours we're leaving I knew you'd come to your senses in the end what about Geo we'll get him free and get my statue back too you just need to run down the fire escape and then back up the inside stairs to come out that door okay if you think that'll work go cat boy [Music] now it's over Luna girl Cowboy I think I'll put lizard boy and cat in my Luna layer too they'll make excellent statues now now I will let no friends do you want to be furniture for my Luna layer too time to be a hero I guess okay I really am giving it to you the owl uh Moon statue is yours just like Gecko and catboy go you're really saying it's mine to keep forever yes to keep forever now will you let my friend friend go no no but what did you forget that I'm a villain now I'm going to complete my pj statue [Music] collection I will win [Music] Wing yes [Music] we're free to the owl glider no my statue I mean I'm really sorry I took it you're sorry yes I just loved it so much alette come on you were right yeah she stole it and now she admits it so let's go just a second it's time to really be a hero here I said you could have it and I really mean it this time really I can yes someone gave it to me and now I'm giving it to you and you know what it does feel good but you have to promise to give it away one day too okay uh okay come on [Music] moths that was really nice of you elette well not sure she'll give it away again but it makes her happy so giving it to her made me happy PJ masks I'll shout hooray the night we [Music] save thank you for that Amaya even if it wasn't quite a show and tell more of a show and give thanks Amaya huh well giving does make you feel good and it makes her feel so good that she just can't stop right Amaya yes who wants a toy truck or whistle ooh what else do I have a cute Hipp Boo elephant walkie-talkie magazine all about owls T-shirt with a bunny on it toaster a cup sa toy wow [Music] gecko's blame campaign Amaya Connor look at this Cameron just got one of these new ride on cars and he let me borrow it at my house yesterday beep beep it looks amazing do you think we can have a turn on it yeah let's go get it back at my house [Music] I don't get it it was right here it can't have just vanished wait you left it outside all night I figured it'd be okay well you did borrow it and you have to look after other people's things hey Greg can I get my car back uh not right now Cameron it's kind of Gone Missing what you lost it no I just I mean I did have it but I can't believe it you lost my car I didn't lose it it just went missing you said you were going to look after it I'm never lending you anything again but it's not my fault maybe you shouldn't have left it out but it's still not fair I get blamed we need to find out who stole his car then he'll know it wasn't me okay we'll check it out tonight PJ masks were on our way the day night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fish villains to stop them messing with your [Music] day Amaya [Music] becomes let Greg be comes get [Music] yeah Connor becomes [Music] [Applause] boy the [Music] PJ okay I really didn't like getting blamed so let's find Cameron's car hey something's up at the playground everyone to the gecko mobile [Music] [Music] pretty cool come on now I've got my very own nighttime vehicle just like those PJ pets wait what's that [Music] they brought the snail mobile to take on my new Wheels I don't think [Music] so hey Peter snails Catch Me If You Can Luna girl she's got Cameron's car huh where'd she go stop blocking the road bye she's really made that car move fast she's slopped us yeah the gecko M feel is too slow no way I'll catch her I have to get Cameron's car back Geo careful you just knocked over that lamp poost but it wasn't really my fault Luna girl made me do it and I'm going to stop her causing any more trouble [Music] gecko be careful that was Luna girl's fault and now she's broken the gecko mobile I'll super cats speed to HQ and get the cat car it'll be fast enough to catch Luna girl I know that horn anywhere follow me now for some fun that car belongs to Cameron not you give it back first you'll have to catch me I'll help you with those Ms gecko I will win win Super gecko musle over here lizard boy you'll never get me watch you [Applause] [Music] you're breaking everything that's not fair catboy to the Rescue come on M what happened oh no I didn't mean to but it was Luna girl's fault time for a real race come on PJ Pat if you [Music] can gecko shouldn't I drive don't worry I've got [Music] this I don't think so [Music] [Music] [Applause] I know I'll use the cat Roar to stop her careful which button you press oh that was furballs I need the cat Roar Geo please stop hitting buttons gecko I'm sorry I'm just she's trying to get Cameron's car back now I can really get her with the cat [Music] [Music] Roar sorry but it was because of Luna girl so it's really her vult how do you like my car PJ pass pretty good huh so good that I'm going use it to destroy your HQ she can't do that can she not if I get Cameron's car back from [Music] her there's no way this little toy car can do anything to their big HQ but I can make that silly get go so mad that he does it for me and get blame Luna girl [Music] stop okay I'll stop you then get I can't see but I'm still going to stop you load girl careful gecko you've got super strength remember I know but that was Luna girl fa not mine what's up lizard legs want your car back well come and get it wriggling reptiles I will wo Geo you hit HQ [Music] again uh-oh looks like you've gone me trapped her Luna port's under the car oh no it's going to fall I will win win you didn't expect me to leave my Luna board at home did you w super lizard [Music] oh no HQ did I do that cowboy I can't hold it much longer hang on out let I'm coming cat roar I suppose you're going to blame me for that Liz legs no I have to stop blaming you this isn't your fault it's mine it's time to be a hero and heroes take the blame for what they've done and fix it super gcko [Music] musle it's my fault that Luna girl has Cameron's car I left it out all night it's okay gecko we'll help you get it back and I think I know [Music] how catch us if you can hey that's miney [Music] give me my Luna board back give us the car and you can have it oh fine I'll beat you next time PJ p uh Geto I'm just going to have a quick ride on Cameron's car really quick okay thanks chameleon oops super strength my fault I'm sure we can sort it out before tomorrow PJ Mouse I'll shout hooray cuz in the night we [Music] [Applause] [Music] sa my car sorry it was my fault your car got lost but I found it thanks Greg sorry I got mad yesterday huh what happened to the hornville it looks different I broke it that was totally my fault too but I did get you a new one I love it nice one Greg [Music] Slowpoke gecko uh Greg the Bell just ring huh check out this sweet trick with my ball yeah what get back here ball Greg the teacher will be here any minute I'm not so sure Maya look is it just me or is he walking really slowly super slowly it'll be dark before he gets here look he's not the only one moving in slow motion what's going on we'll find out tonight PJ Mass we're on our way into the [Music] night night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fish villains to stop them messing with your day Amaya becomes power let great [Music] be Connor becomes C boy [Music] the [Music] PJ this city looks quiet too quiet check it out Romeo what's he up to whatever it is we won't let him get away with it to the Geck mobile [Applause] [Music] this is the spot anyone see Romeo hey Kitty not so fast get it I do not just watch no what's he doing to that poor cat pH the cat is fine it's just moving in slow motion just like the teacher and the Butterfly from this morning Romeo's using that clock on his lap to slow everything down not for long gecko you sneak up behind Romeo and destroy that clock I'll let and I will distract him you got it super gecko camouflage why are you slowing things down Romeo the PJ masks you're right on time get it time I'm on fire tonight indeed you are sir you think so I'm slowing things down because then everyone will be moving too slowly to stop me from taking over the world and once I set my clock off at the center of town the blast wave will hit everyone we'll all be slow forever [Music] cool I'm a genius I Told You So by my cat's whiskers I don't think so Romeo gecko [Music] now where is he now now gecko I was looking at the cat it's really cool nice try Slowpoke oops he got away what happened gecko I was looking at the cat it was really cool but gecko you let Romeo Escape you need to focus don't worry I've got a plan that's totally going to stop him with the gecko mobile I'll be able to drive right up to Romeo's lab without him even seeing us look there's the lab GE mobile camouflage do you hear something negative I bet it's those sneaky PJ masks oh no a bird shoe bird fly away go go you don't see that every day wait it's the PJ masks I have them now he sees us gecko Drive check out the bird is it flying or is it sitting who knows forget about the bird better luck next time if Romeo gets to the center of town he'll make the whole city super slow after him gecko it's no use the gecko mobile is stuck in slow motion looks like we're going after Romeo on foot [Music] come [Music] on shouldn't we be heading to the center of town what's the rush you've got loads of time get it uh he's taking a little break okay here's the plan Romeo slow us all down if we split up alet and I will charge Romeo head on and gecko you stay hidden until I give you the signal you got it no distractions this time okay maximum [Music] speed watch this robot nothing's too fast for Romeo a motion blind disc that's awesome you again gecko look out run not quick enough gecko I got to learn to not get so distracted the long PJ mask I'm off to the center of town trust me it's going to be a blast are you okay I'm fine I'm just super slow this is all my fault if I hadn't kept letting myself be distracted we'd have caught Romeo by now you should go on without me no way gecko we're a team you're right catboy I might be slow but if I focus I can still help let's do it it's time to be a hero yeah uh guys I'm going to need someone to carry me [Music] owlette you distract Romeo while I use my super gecko strength to take care of that clock catboy if I will let Get Zapped then it's up to you to keep Romeo busy okay but you're still moving in slow motion how are you going to get to the clock don't worry nothing's going to distract me this time you again time for me to slow you down little bird we'll see about that [Music] Romeo yeah no distraction this time you almost hit me master oh stop complaining and help me catch her just a little faster [Music] catch me robot fluttering Fe they got H let I have to distract Romeo until gecko stops that clock un master I already caught her complaining again the important thing is that we slow down bird brain Catch Me If You Can Romeo super catch please stop distracting me I have a city to slow down you again well you're not distracting me this [Music] time St C [Music] a you're too late PJ mask now I'm going to blast the whole city oh no it's a party everyone let's have a blast super gecko muscle what you did it gecko how did you get there you're still slow I may be slow but by not getting distracted I was able to get here early [Music] [Music] uhoh yeah S no more slow watch Geo no you are I hate the gecko go go curse you PJ masks my time will come my turn will come PJ mask so shout hoay cuz in the night we save the [Music] day hey Greg hey guys you brought your ball again want to show us that trick you bet but later right now it's time for school you're right nice job not getting distracted thanks super slow high five yeah he [Music]

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Category: News & Politics

Am 6.09.2024r gegen 14:40 uhr versuchte ein pkw die absperrung an der sebastianoraße püzen chusé am bonnerpütens mark zu durchbreechen und flüchtete der pkw wurde dabei am stoßdämpfer beschädigt im rahmen einer fahnung konnte die polizei den pkw antreffen die polizei hat die weiteren ermittlungen aufgenommen... Read more

Während Randalierereinsatz verletzt sich weiterer Randalierer mit Messer in Bonn am 02.08.22 thumbnail
Während Randalierereinsatz verletzt sich weiterer Randalierer mit Messer in Bonn am 02.08.22

Category: News & Politics

Am dienstag den 28 und 2022 gegen 10.45 polizei bonn zu einem renner in die erstaufnahmeeinrichtung ärmer kaserne alarmiert der ursprüngliche randalierer wurde zur verhinderung von weiteren straftaten in gewahrsam genommen während des einsatzes kam es zu einem weiteren randalierer der beschuldigte verletzte... Read more

Amokalarm an Schule + Messerattacke in Asylunterkunft zeitgleich in Wachtberg am 15.05.24 + O-Ton thumbnail
Amokalarm an Schule + Messerattacke in Asylunterkunft zeitgleich in Wachtberg am 15.05.24 + O-Ton

Category: News & Politics

Ja michael weer pressesprecher polizei bonn ähm wir sind hier heute mittag zu nahe zu zwei parallel stattfindenden sachverhalten alarmiert worden zum einen zu einem körperverletzungsdelikt an einer kommunalen unterbringungseinrichtung hier in wachtberg berkum dort hat ein bewohner diese einrichtung... Read more

What If 5 SPIDER-MAN & JOKER in 1 HOUSE? JOKER Become KID SPIDER MAN?? Fake & Real Spider-man+ MORE thumbnail
What If 5 SPIDER-MAN & JOKER in 1 HOUSE? JOKER Become KID SPIDER MAN?? Fake & Real Spider-man+ MORE

Category: People & Blogs

Stop it huh [music] [music] [music] huh lollipop [music] hello hello there [music] no woo w [music] huh nope [music] [music] wow damn [music] [music] [music] sp for you thank you hey play for bo [music] hi [music] hi ready what [music] happened mommy [music] tr to f daddy hey what happened daddy he... Read more

Brennender Unrat auf Balkon löst Feuerwehreinsatz aus in Bonn-Castell am 27.08.24 thumbnail
Brennender Unrat auf Balkon löst Feuerwehreinsatz aus in Bonn-Castell am 27.08.24

Category: News & Politics

Am 27.08.2024 um 18:35 uh wurde die feuerwehr bonze ein gebäudebrand in die bungardstraße alarmiert vort stellte sich heraus dass unrad auf dem balkonfem der schnell abgelöscht werden konnte im einsatz waren bdienst die löschhten 1 11 das hilverlass durchfahrzeug 2 der rettungswagen 1 und ein funkstreifenkraftwagen... Read more