Published: Aug 24, 2024
Duration: 00:00:56
Category: Film & Animation
Trending searches: avengers endgame
I'm so confused these are confusing times right no no that's not what I I meant no I get it I'm I'm kidding I know it's crazy I'm wearing shirts now yeah what how why 5 years ago we got our asses beat except it was worse for me cuz I lost twice first Hulk lost and banner lost then we all lost no one blamed you first I did for years I've been treating the Hulk like he's some kind of disease something to get rid of but then I start looking at him as the Cure 18 months in the gam I put the brains and the bra together and now look at me you me Mr Hulk yes can we can we get a photo 100% little person come on step on up you man say green green Green