Microsoft Teams - How it all fits together (Outlook, Teams, OneNote, Stream) - Sept 2024

Published: Sep 13, 2024 Duration: 00:24:05 Category: Science & Technology

Trending searches: microsoft outlook
[Music] see another cute for teams Champions useing teams effectively on our new schedule um uh monthly now and uh so it's been a while since we've gotten together um but glad that you uh still around and then of course uh you may have also been have joined our newly launched co-pilot webinar that started yesterday afternoon uh happy for any feed if you did join or see the on demand happy for any feedback you got from that that one is a LinkedIn live uh only event as of right now unlike this one with uh full teams experience so just trying out some different things trying out a different time all that stuff so um for the so I see on the chat the link to the uh co-pilot one is AK and I think someone's putting it in there but ak. msap for co-pilot ak. msap for copilot I'm typing it in in chat so that's the landing page um that will give you the link and should stay up to date with the live you know the current link and previous sessions and all that good stuff we'll try to do it same way we do for the uh for these uh teams ones awesome so as always with this being a live office hours you got questions we're here for you I I I did want to talk through um kind of a overall experience of of teams and teams meetings throughout several different apps in the M365 ecosystem so I was going to demo that uh but before I jump into it I'll just you know pause for uh either chat or or hand race see if there's anything super pressing anybody want to talk about first all right certainly interrupt me at any time but I thought it'd be interesting um to to talk about a teams meeting in all the different places that it shows up because that these days is a pretty nice experience and I don't know if you've experienced what I'm what I'm about to show but but we we'll we'll see how this goes so this might end up being also a commercial for I mean you you guys know me to know I am a lover of the new outlook I know there are some on the call and and out there in the world that are still warming up to it um you can't see I think we're I think we're in the minority but I love it yeah so I don't know if this demonstration might help you warm up to it a little more U it's a shame my my little Avatar doesn't show me you know smiling with my tongue tongue and cheek uh com here but you know we'll make two uh but when it comes to meetings so I'm here in an Outlook and I'm I'm going into my calendar and you see I've got some meetings here now if I open up this old one this is some recurring meeting there a couple things of of interest to me first is um the obviously the join button but the the chat button is one that uh is a direct integration to teams right I can click that and I am taken directly to the chat for that meeting okay um and because of how I have my team set or I say open up any new chats that I click on in a new window that that experience I think is is a nice one I didn't it didn't take me all the way over to teams it took me to specifically to the chat of that meeting um so that's a nice experience um now I'm going to actually find a different meeting uh that is a little bit more interesting I think I think it's August 25th yep open this one same thing but this is this particular meeting I know has the full kind of experience in terms of a a meeting recap through teams premium uh intelligent recap so yes I've got the chat button I can click that and uh I get to the chat as usual but you can see here right within the meeting I have a few more things I've got the meeting recap here so the recording of that meeting is there for me to open right from the you know from Outlook here the detailed recap same same goes to the same place and then I've also got meeting ins sites and this can happen on different ones I I feel like I found one earlier that had three things oh maybe this was it so meeting insights is also another uh feature this is the AI basically pulling other emails that it thinks might be related to this particular meeting in this case for instance uh like this one is not related I uh because I I know that that happens to be a just a email put together for for demo purposes but it's making an attempt and so in real in my real life what I found that this is that this is very useful and in in fact it's I get a little worried because I'm actually now starting to depend on this I'm in a lot of meetings some of which I get pulled in um after the fact or maybe just before the meeting happens and I have to ask myself what is this meeting that I'm about to go into to and I am have started to rely on the meeting insights and and it it is correct more than it's wrong in terms of finding an email related to what this meeting is that I'm about to to step into so this has become uh very useful to me um going along with that meeting insights piece um I'm going to come back here to let's find some kind of interesting email here so this is a something I put together right uh with fictitious you know I'm I'm concerned about the project timeline or something to that effect what I could do here you see there's a schedule with co-pilot button that will do a bunch of things for me one of which is obviously bring the people together it it comes up with a title for me BAS B on what it saw in that email but then it also puts an agenda together it's it's GI it's making an attempt to put an agenda together based on what it's saw and summarizing what the conversation so far and so I've started to depend on this as well a lot of my colleagues are using that to schedule these meetings based off an email and again that me coming into blind into some of these meetings that's becoming essential so what was nice to have uh uh previously is really starting to become instrumental so so that's just a little Peak at just AI helping us with understanding what our what's going on with our meetings but um if I go back to that meeting I was in uh that was the September 25th test three um it does take us to the recap so let's go there we click that we open up again an its own window not full-blown teams but this is a window dedicated to the recap only we're seeing all the things that we would expect from a teams premium intelligent recap so who's did who talked and and when um and then the AI notes for the meeting itself lots of detail about what's happening follow-up task from that meeting transcript if we need it and then of course the the uh video itself is here I can watch it here within teams but I can also open it in stream and I want to do that because I want to show again another entry point where the apps are still trying to keep everything together so yes I'm in stream now and yes I have co-pilot here in stream I could I could do a another recap of uh this from stream or ask it questions about the meeting here but again you'll notice the teams button here is so I I might have landed on this meeting video not because of uh teams or anything but because I was just in my stream like if I go home here uh I suspect it'll probably show yeah there's test three this is this might be where I landed on on this particular video so now though how do I get back to the original meeting so here's this teams drop down recap open it up and I'm back here so and hopefully I'm not clicking too much but what I'm trying to show is but from Outlook to teams to stream and back and forth they're all they're all participating or agreeing on you know kind of the central point of this meeting wherever I may be and the other place where this shows up that might not be as obvious is if you're still one note lovers like me when you're in these meetings you're taking your notes in one note and if you are you are likely using the meeting details tab which has been upgraded um the last few months and so um this is showing me the today right so I can do that across the different personas I have or accounts I have but um I'm in the correct one today and I I want to go back to that August 25th there's my test three let me put in the detail so that I can have this meeting now I'm actually gonna first go back to the day right for a meeting like um let see what happened go to the day and that's this let's say this this this cute session I can add that the details of today's session now the recording isn't finished for this the transcript the the meeting notes aren't finished for this so we would get our typical meeting details which is the title a link to the Outlook item which I find useful I probably shouldn't have clicked that I'm kind of going too fast but uh message participants and then it's ready for my notes but for a meeting that does does have a recap like the one that we were just looking at August 25th test 3 it's pulling in everything it knows about the recording and giving me a nice link to watch that on stream sometimes depending on your configuration you'll actually get the embedded uh video embedded right here to play right within one note it's showing me the summary that we just saw in in all of its detail as well as the task that we just saw so that's all being pulled in um so one note knows all of those recap Concepts just the same way stream did the same way Outlook did um when I when this meeting is done and and the recap is done and recording and everything I can come back here and actually do a refresh and then I will get all of those artifacts in this page automatically updated for me so again that's just another place where all of these things are kind of Full Circle making themselves known and again here if I link to the Outlook item I'm taking all the way back to the actual email where again we're seeing the recap the summary the meeting insights links to the to the video recording all of that good stuff okay um there may be another one I'm not even thinking about but those were the key ones Outlook meeting Outlook Team Stream and one note uh I suspect Loop could could uh figure into this on that meeting I didn't include any a uh any notes Here with this would be loot base notes that's something that I want to try to see whether it's this meeting or some other meeting if I had had notes there I suspect we'd have yet another endpoint uh for this whole kind of uh comprehensive you know looking feel for for our meeting so that that might be another one but I thought just those alone might be interesting because to me that those that's some common scenarios I I interact with this meeting in Outlook I'm maybe taking notes in one note and of course I'm you know hitting the uh meeting within teams itself so I thought that was useful to see in case you uh didn't um had had not experienced that before and I see the question about will these features and Outlook ever be on the desktop app or only on the web so I did take a quick peek to see how much of this was there most of what I just showed didn't seem to be in the uh desktop app in fact if I go back to that date and I open this up I think I got meeting do I get meeting insights well there's a meet yeah meeting insights button with uh the insights over on the side I'm not seeing that fancy chat join chat button here um and just my the the overall oops doing too much clicking but the overall look in general it's just a lot different so the question is you know will those be come to to the desktop the only thing I'd say there from a road map perspective there have been some things being pulled into the desktop app like for instance meeting insights but I don't know that all things will find their way there the big picture is a an an overall move to New Outlook um and an overall deprecation of what we would call Classic Outlook now that that's a long that road map is long right I mean Outlook 2016 still got its typical 10 years your uh support you know scenario there so we're not talking about the this going away anytime soon but uh I don't know that I would if you are hoping for your classic Outlook to get all the bells and whistles of new outlook I would not expect that in general I'm not saying that no one has committed to Bringing what we just saw over the desktop I'm not saying that but I would just say the uh the tea leaves would suggest The Innovation certainly is going to come first to to uh new outlook and maybe and there were certainly going to be some things that are exclusive to new outlook so that would be the short answer and to kind of without really giving you any commitment or any real answer um so yes I know there are some concerned with their uh classic Outlet going away and that's not anything immediate but the FY Innovations are certainly can expect to see those more in a new outlook than than classic so just a little overview there of kind of a a big picture view of of looking at a meeting across all the different uh different uh things um and I suspect one more place could be planner if that if this meeting starts to have a task in it that could be another that could be a whole other conversation as well so just kind of thinking through that off the fly all right so hopefully that was uh useful and interesting and um and uh yeah helpful I am hoping I I know there are some things coming and uh that may be announced later this this this month but I suspect by the next time we meet we'll have a lot to talk about in terms of are some UI changes that uh are are expected for uh teams that uh should be pretty cool in the chat um I Heard breakout rooms I heard there's a new feature that users can change select breakout rooms um that not only the organizer can select so basically the user can uh decide which breakout rooms they want to go to it sounds like what you're saying there um I haven't experienced that myself um and so I'm I'm wondering how I might even demo that here but it uh I see the the the U thumbs up from Mike there so uh it sounds like you're saying there is a feature for moving between rooms um uh on your own which is cool so in fact Stacy May that might be something we might want to work on for a uh you know for a demo and prep that ahead a Time some rooms and assign you to it and all that good stuff yeah so I don't know if I can show that on the Fly here well I did find the item in or something like the item in the road map um I'm not sure if this is the exact one that Glenn's referring to but a new setting enabling meeting participants to move between breakout rooms so I think this must be it but it says it's slated for December so it doesn't appear to be released yet but when it is we can certainly put a demo together yeah okay yeah December that's a that's uh I was talking with a customer once and we we basically had talked about how we talk about things in terms of weeks and months now with with all the changes versus years and so I you know that just made smiled and of course my avatar didn't show it but December 2024 seems so long when you think about how many updates could roll out between now and then um back in the day that didn't used to be the case December 24 would have been like oh that's coming that's just around the corner so that's that's interesting um good stuff good stuff but yeah I'm glad you guys are continuing to use the rope map to keep up with what's going on between the road map and the message center that your admins have access to those are the place to be for uh finding figuring things out and then of course Tech Community um is the other place where you'll find stuff across different things um I actually had a blog post posted here uh recently for co-pilot um over on the uh de on the co-pilot uh blog there so that just C gives you some ideas about you know how to create uh demo content using co-pilot uh that you can then use to demo co-pilot so for those of you who are doing training trainings for your users on different things just just you know remember that co-pilot can be your friend for generating whether it's generating emails uh generating meeting transcripts generating uh you know fictitious Excel documents uh remember that you can use co-pilot to help you do that as well so good stuff there um checking the chat here um yep so Mike's posted the contents of the uh yep of the uh breakout rooms road map item good stuff there so yeah that that'll be an interesting one to demo for sure um good stuff got a few more minutes here if there are any other questions or things you might want to see um let me know close some of these windows here um okay I saw some typing there all right anything else glad to see yall again you know after a while I suspect I've we'll meet what mid October and uh I was trying to think so ignite is in November so we won't have any ignite announcements but I'm sure we'll have a another what's new in teams that'll be published so there'll there'll be some there'll probably be a lot to discuss um for our next uh session for sure you know meeting mon there's just a lot lot going on in in over a 30-day period so and uh and then of course bring your questions as well and we'll do our best to uh help with that I see some folks typing so give a second in case there's a question there oh just a nice nice little uh message there so good yep yeah again sorry my camera crapped out on me at the last minute but uh hopefully the avatars were sufficient so good stuff all right well again Q for teens that'll take you to the uh YouTube uh repository for all of these including today's and of course cap for co-pilot if you uh want to follow that content as well but otherwise happy to see everybody and um we'll see you on the next one good stuff

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