#140 | Dr. Keanu Sai Part 2 | International law, sovereignty, and Hawaiian Kingdom talk continued

Vina M kako welcome to keep itoha we're back with another episode with the one and only Dr kusai support for this podcast comes from Texico in Havi which features 58 convenient locations across the state fueling up at Texico is fast and easy when you use the Texico mobile app to pay at the pump the Texico mobile app is a contactless way to pay for fuel so you can get in and out of the gas station quickly feel your car and feel yourself pick up your favorite local snacks and ice coold drinks at your neighborhood Texico today Texico at Techron driving performance I guess I don't really need an intro cuz we already had an episode with a whole intro for you your bio everything so if you're here you're probably here cuz you saw part one and I wasn't expecting a part two so soon but I'm happy that it happened because your episode has caused a lot of Buzz and good Buzz besides the 1centers of the um some people that get offended by anything they see on the internet but uh so how how has it been since we last talked um have you heard uh I guess comments from other people because I know you're off social media so what is it like um on your side no people have been coming up to me and say I I I saw a podcast I said hey right on and they thank me you know and one said you know I didn't know that side of you but I've been following your work and I said yeah that's the story behind the story yeah yeah and that's what's cool about this is we get to see other sides of people that we have known for a long time yeah yeah so on the social media side I mean some people are saying it's the best episode super educational on um some of the clips like when you're talking about like the would would Japan have invaded Havi what's what is um are we American or are we Hawaiian stuff like that U when it reaches outside of the Hawaii demographic you go to like people that are not from here and they're just it's the same uh ignorant comments like oh no China would have taken it or look at these people so ignorant they don't even know what's going on so the point on that is let's say China did do it back in 1893 they would come under the same rules of international law that the United States came under you know so really nothing changes yeah it is the law but I think what people are taking back by is the fact that they didn't know this history mhm right well it was intentional denationalization wipe the national consciousness of the H Kingdom in the minds of the population and it start off with the school children which is my tutu's generation that's why we didn't know not because of America you know being strong well if they were so strong why did they take steps in 18 in the early 1900s to actually conceal the illegality there has to be some sort of reason right yeah well I'm I'm happy you're back because we can talk about the last episode some of the reactions I think one thing that would be good to understand and for me and the audience to know would be what is international law what do you mean when you say international law sure so the term international law is literally the law between nations so inter between not intra national law or within right so international law is a law between Sovereign and independent states they are the main they are the primary subjects of international law and international law can be uh um what is called customary international law meaning it's a recognized practice by all the states so they don't have to put it in a treaty form an example would be a diplomatic Community right for an ambassador in the country in the territory of another country that is an accepted rule of international law so it would be considered customary it has since been quoi exactly the the the the the realm of the IM the immunity right um so it could be codified now codification of customary international law is when they actually States get together and they form a treaty and that treaty merely reiterates what customary international law is right so an example in 1893 the rule the customary rule customary international law is when one country overthrows the government of another country you have to administer the laws of the occupied State and that was recognized since the mid 1800s but it was customary right and America recognized that in all its Wars since its Inception now in 1899 the United States and other countries got together in the Haag in the Netherlands the city of denh the Haag and they put together he convention number uh three I believe at that time right and in there they codified the laws of occupation so now instead of saying you know you have the duty to administer the laws of the occupied State now you just say article 43 so that's an example of codification okay right um then they revised or superseded the 1899 hate convention in 1907 and they adjusted it even more but hate convention number four now regulates the laws of war and occupation article 43 is still there okay yeah cool all right and then so we we also had on July 31st it's been a couple weeks since then you sent a letter to General Hara and you're supposed to get an answer before that or by then uh and then so what is the update since then okay so before I get into that particular uh question um I want to just add one more thing with international law because it's going to then it's going to dovetail into why we did what we did in sending major uh Major General Hara the letter right so enforcement of international law is done by governments of states or independent states they are the ones who enforce international law and it's Rec it's recognized as such right so primary responsibility for enforcing international law would be the government of a country okay now if that government is overthrown then it will be replaced by a military government to administer the laws of the occupied state so it would be that government of an occupied state that would have to enforce international law so it doesn't just go into limbo when a government is overthrown you have to step in to temporarily maintain the status quo and administer the laws of the occupied State until you get a treaty of Peace where the occupation will come to an end then the governments would switch from military government to the restored government of the occupied State and the occupation ends so we never had a military government established so under the rules of international law customary at that time in 1893 the United States Marines that overthrew the H government was responsible for seizing control of of the government that was overthrown and serve in the absence of lily okalani as the executive and they would be what is called a military Governor but everyone in that civilian government would remain in place right so a military government is a misn more it's not that every that all positions are filled by military people no military is combat arms combat support arms they're not administrators was so what happens is the highest ranking person called the theater Commander is the one to become that military Governor so that's what General MacArthur was in 1945 when Japan surrendered he merely replaced the head of that government the prime minister right of Japan of Japan but everyone in in the Japanese civilian government stayed in place to continue to administer the laws of the occupied State and that eventually came to end to an end in 1952 when the Treaty of peace came into effect and then it's start their government is exactly then then it goes back to the Japanese government so you just don't have this thing going to limbo because there are so many private rights and aspects involved in a country in any country where government gets militarily overthrown by another government or uh the troops of another government so they were supposed to have done that in 1893 January 17 according to their rules and international rules right but they didn't they used the insurgents to stay in power that they put in place because what was in the minds of people in Congress was P Harbor and they were buying time right which eventually led to 1898 the United States Congress passes a law during the Spanish-American War purporting to have annexed Hawaii right called a joint resolution of annexation so joint resolution is is a is a a law uh that is agreed upon jointly between the Senate and the House of Representatives and then President McKinley signed that into law on July 7 1898 the problem is the United States could no more Annex Hawaii by passing a law in 1898 which is a country then the United States today can pass a law a joint resolution Annex in Canada it has no effect beyond the borders of the United States and that goes to what is called sovereignty and Independence right so because the H Kingdom still had sovereignty even though its government was overthrown the only way that you could have acquired the hoing kingdom you need a treaty we don't have a treaty and we we never did it was never concocted they just totally skipped over all of that oh yeah yeah and and that was intentional oh yeah now what's mindblowing is that members of Congress and the senate in the minutes that are taking place in the debates that are going on on the so-called joint resolution of annexation Senator pedig came up flat out said you cannot Annex a foreign country by passing a law you need a treaty our laws have no effect beyond our borders so they all understood it and then one said well we'll deal with it later because this is a military necessity because we're fighting the Spanish and the Spanish are not only we're not only in the Caribbean Puerto Rico and Cuba they're also in the Pacific Guam the Philippines and the US Navy was using Hawaii as a naval port to recoil their ships on the way to the Philippines for the war mhm through all of that it's just an American law limited to US Territory right so Hoy was not annexed now two years later United States Congress passes a law changing the name of the government of the hen Kingdom to the territory of Hai still an American law passed by Congress then in 1921 H Holmes Act was uh uh enacted by Congress as a part of the organic Act of 1900 still an American law and here they identify native Alliance Through Blood Quantum for the first time first time you got to be 50% and blood Quantum was never a thing back then no that's an American creation and then in 1959 the statehood act Ed States Congress changed the name of the territory into the state of Hoy the problem is the comment threat they're all American laws and the one Kingdom still has its sovereignty so in the early 1900s they began a policy of denationalization meaning destroying the national consciousness of the H Kingdom in the minds of school children and that was a formal policy that came about in 1907 1906 right that's my tutu's generation and all she was taught was American history and speak English was in kameha um created off of like this other school like this um kaning talked about it once that um like some sort of Christian white school or something do you know which one it is I should have looked it up no B PO is called for the creation of the com in school no it was like um inspired by some I don't know maybe somebody can look it up after if they're reading this but yeah maybe during our break I'll try to look up the clip and see see what you think about that one sure yeah but okay yeah this is this is super interesting and this is why you're back uh for another part two I usually don't have people uh come back to too often but this was definitely necessary and also it's funny we were on the same flight here forgot to mention that yeah cuz I was just in Hilo to visit my family and then yeah we I was wondering I'll probably see you at the airport because you're I know um the time you're coming to this studio so yeah it's so funny that we ran into each other and um I also ran into one of your friends that knows my stepdad um Kanani Kanani M I think Kanani oh yeah yeah yeah yeah sitting next to him on the flight exactly yeah yeah yeah so I just met him cuz he said he he watched the podcast so shout out Kanani if you're watching this and um he's saying that he was watching your stuff and all that and that you were um brother-in-law with Billy canoy yeah right mayor Billy canoy yeah um yeah and he was saying oh try ask him what what Billy thought of all all the stuff that you're doing so I want to get that out before I forget later on this podcast yeah no so uh and that's what I was sharing with colia on the fight that American law being imposed in a occupied state which includes statehood law you know uh County ordinances MH it actually comes under what is called the war crime of usurpation of sovereignty where one country is usurping the sovereignty of another country during occupation so since World War I the United States concluded along with the Allied powers that beat uh uh Germany and Bulgaria and Austria in the first world war they said that was a war crime because Serbia Kingdom of Serbia was being subjected to German laws being imposed in its territory so so it's actually a war crime but when you're coming to this reality I I had to be very careful on how I say things because everybody here are committing war crimes right everybody we're all under American here as in America here in the H Kingdom in the H Kingdom okay yeah cuz this is in America okay okay but since 1898 America has been imposing its laws and it administrative measures where we all caught in it it's like a web right so I have to be very careful how we came out with war crimes and how we explain it so I remember my wife would always told me stop saying that say whiskey Charlie you know some cold yeah use some acronyms so I always made sure that Billy didn't know as much as I knew was that so that you couldn't like indict him on any I'm protecting them yeah yeah yeah and everyone else you know so I tried to say well this is what we're teaching at the University but we're teaching at the university is international law and it leads to these issues but it was timing right and that's why when I approach things I have to make sure that I'm not here to exacerbate the problem I'm here to bring a solution and remedial prescription to the problem but you need to have a proper diagnosis so when you kind of tell somebody that your name is not um kamaka actually got your birth certificate it's it's Mary right that's a shock for you yeah right so how did did you see my birth certificate how did you know pure analogy but it's that it's that shock like wait a minute you're telling me we're not American you know it's that initial uh reaction right so I'm mindful of that I've always been because my kulana that I shared in the last episode it's clear for me I know what I have to do and also I get hit so there's a difference between people who make noise and matters of substance right so back in the late 90s I was part of a company called perfect title company that was exposing that all Land Titles in Hawaii are defective because the notaries right the notaries who notorized a deed was not leg they were not legal and it starts off with the notaries of 1893 from the overthrow according to President Cleveland these are insurgents and was asking Queen for amnesty to be granted to them she agreed once she gets restored she'll Grant amnesty she wasn't restored that means they're still insurgents and they're still performing government functions like being an order so all Land Titles stopped in 1893 so what ended up happening is we were explaining to people through perfect Title Company a title report will show the evidence of a defect in title but you have protection title insurance so Title Insurance one of the covered risks MH is a defective notary right so we were providing them the evidence for them to file claims with the title insurance company and then look into it and determine whether or not 1893 notaries were defective well the records already can they can prove that President Cleveland concluded that in his report to the Congress right so you have this knee-jerk reaction by the title companies in Hawaii led by title guarantee okay John jinsky the attorney for title guarantee led a media attack against us oh it was it was pretty brutal mhm when was this uh I believe 199 97 oh okay wow 1997 and our office was on the corner Merchant and Richard Street just the hopscape and a jump from title guarantee right because what we basically were showing that not just titles were defective all mortgages were void and title insurance covers the debt owed to the bank by those who borrow the money but also bought the title insurance MH so what ends up happening is um we get rated by the white collar crime unit hon police department and myself and my partner Don Lewis and our secretary we get arrested for racketeering tax evasion and theft made up completely made up right and that is that that's what happens when you become an existential threat to the system and they reacted they didn't respond they reacted which means you just prove my point cuz if it was frivolous you have nothing to worry about so they're just trying to find anything that they could or make up stuff to like I don't know put you behind bars or whatever to shut you up well they they couldn't get anything on racketeering right so so they get they get an indictment against me and my partner uh perfect title company for attempted theft of L class B felony up to 10 years in prison they were claiming that we were doing title reports and fixing people's title under Hawaiian law considered theft he's like what made up but when I came to the sentencing cuz naturally I get convicted by a jury that doesn't even understand what's going on the judge is apologizing to me judge Sandra Sims and she says I know what you're doing Dr Sai and this court nor the state of ha will prevent you from going to the Netherlands to the permanent Court of arbitration cuz our case was just about to begin so she sentenced me to five years probation cuz she said she had to cuz the jury convicted me but she apologized to me so that experience that I have personally it may me realize I got to watch out for my family M I got to look behind my back so I'm not going to put my brother-in-law and everyone else in that type of a situation sometimes it's best and we just talk regular stuff okay right yeah kind of compartmentalize that parts of your those parts of so so I I come at it from a personal and experienced standpoint M but it still does not take away the fact is my kolana that I chose or should I say I was chosen for it I got to fix this problem with the people that I work with so that was important okay and it still is that important today but it now has gotten to that point where information is out this is not how it was in 1997 when people were clueless MH now when you say haai is occupied it's almost like an accepted fact right when you say war crimes people yeah I heard it's not like what it has gotten because it has gotten to that point because of Education responsible education and we're driving that at the University system right law review articles peer review articles Publications right attending conferences all academic right so we are at that point so it got to where we are now which is the last podcast on Major General Hara right yeah and let let me just add uh a lot of the comments I saw through the social media Clips was like mind blown or like I took his class and I knew nothing about about this uh a lot of a lot of it was just like um uh I like a one was like a 3 minute clip and there was like I learned more in three to four minutes than I did in my whole entire time at school so just to go to your point where it was a lack of Education as well on the part of the state government whatever um the schools um so it's just things that we just we're never thought of the news doesn't share these things so that's why platforms like like this is kind of the only way you can reach the mass audience sure so yeah no exactly cuz not everybody can go to college and take my class or take classes from others that teach something similar everybody can go on social media and watch this though yeah exactly you know so so the state of Hawaii as a governing body has no legal Authority none because it was created by the statehood Act of 1959 so if American laws cannot be applied outside of its territory and to then still apply it outside of its territory in occupied territory that's a war crime called usurpation of sovereignty like I said right so the existence of the state of Haw is based on a war crime of USP of sovereignty but that governmental infrastructure is the governmental infrastructure from the h Kingdom 1893 all that was changed in 1893 was replacing the queen and her cabinet and Marshall Charles Wilson of the police force with sanfo and his cronies that's all right everyone else was told to stay in place in the government and swear Allegiance sign an oath of allegiance to the new regime who were being protected by US Marines and that's what prompted the song K NAA m al the Patriots song right where they refused to sign the paper of the enemy with its sin of annexation and loss of civil rights and what I just stated there was one of the lyrics in that song yeah which plays that safe way over the speakers and nobody has any clue what's actually being said right but that was a a song of defiance well Ro ho Ben eventually lost their jobs and they had to survive so then these insurgents were weeding out loyalists within the governmental infrastructure so by 1898 they've already weeded them all out and then the United States took it over calling it the territory of hoi and then they changed the name to the state of Hoy so that governmental infrastructure is the H Kingdom's infrastructure clear okay so so what is the where we at now with General har and um Post Yeah so under international law the the occupant of the occupier right so would it be Federal or state government and County which one is responsible to transform into a military government under American rules to administer the laws of the occupied State and that would be the state of Hawaii and in the 1907 ha regulations that regulates the law of occupation article 42 which precedes article 43 which is the mandate to administer the laws there's a prerequisite in article 42 it says that ter is occupied when it comes under the effective control of the occupier because when you have effective control is when you can enforce laws that's what triggers article 43 so the unit so the state of Hawai is an effective control of 10,000 over 10,000 square miles of these islands the federal government and the US troops under indopacific command are only in control of less than 500 square miles so they by definition of according to article 42 they don't have that Duty as an occupant the state of hoi does so since the state of hoi or the statehood Act of 1959 has been rendered unlawful and void that means everybody in the state of hoi as far as government officials have no Authority because it all derives from American law which is a war crime right what is left standing though is the Department of Defense the Hoy National Guard Army and air because there their Rank and their status does not derive from the state Hood act it derives as being members of the United States military okay so that that's why they're they're the only entity that still has any Authority in Hawaii as an occupied state so then it falls on General um Major General Hara as the agitant general in charge he's the most senior commander in occupied territory just like if he was in in in Afghanistan or Iraq M he's the one responsible according to Army regulations to transform the state ofo into military government and army regulations cover the whole thing it tells you exactly how to transition and do they not do this because they don't take you seriously like they don't think you're serious like I'm actually going to charge you with war crimes I'm going to do this if you guys don't do this well again it's the approach uhuh right so the definition of power in political science is the ability to get somebody to do something they wouldn't normally do and typical wielding of power is economic power political power or Last Resort military power and that's how you get somebody to do something they wouldn't normally do we don't have that luxury we don't have political power we don't have economic power we don't have military power all we have is the power of the law rule of law law fair so I'm going to apply lawfare in situations where we can get people to do something they wouldn't normally do but it's how you approach it so I had a meeting with Major General Howard on April 13th 2023 at the N La Hotel M and that's inside of the thing you sent me right and in that meeting I laid it all out with them cuz he and I knew each other he was a a young Lieutenant when I was a captain right so I explained everything to him I had the paper work here it is I said Ken do you see that this is your duty under Army regulations he goes he just nods cuz he couldn't deny it it's like I'm showing him this is a watch no it's not a watch exactly you're wrong hey hey you'd be surprised some people are social media like that yeah so so after so then I told him if you fa to perform this Duty right on the uniform Court of military Justice that is an offense it's also willful Disobedience of a regulation that's also an offense you could face up to two years in prison uniform Cod of military justice but those those combined failure to abide by regulation Army Regulation and failure to perform your duty is considered a war crime by Omission so it's not that you committed the war crime you did not stop the imposition of American laws when you didn't transform the state of Hawaii into a military government so that would be a war crime by Omission not commission MH right like you're committing the the act and he nodded and I said uh and I'll hold you accountable because I'm the head of the royal Commission of inquiry and our mandate is to investigate war crimes and gather information and evidence so that people get prosecuted when that time comes because there's no statute limitation for for war crimes Germany in 2022 prosecuted a 97 year old woman for see war crimes crazy so this is not something that people should play around with oh this is for real military knows that right but then I told Ken don't take my word for it I'm going to give you I'm going to recommend I said I'm going to recommend to you that you task your Jag officer Lieutenant Colonel Phelps okay who's a Maui prosecutor but he also served as a Jag officer in the 25th Infantry Division you get him to refute all this information if he can provide you clear evidence irrefutable evidence the H kingdom does not exist and this is the state of Hoy and it's a lawful state of Hoy that you don't have a duty you're good but if he can it's going to trigger your your duty automatically and he nodded yeah so I gave him time to do that uh within three weeks I was told because we're communicating through an interlocutor middleman okay so that nobody knows I'm putting pressure on him no I'm giving him the distance do your thing you know do your due diligence on your own use your chain of command that's how it's supposed to work and I was told by the interlocutor that he told him to tell me that his Jag is making strides but he needs more time not a problem you know I want people to walk in Eyes Wide Open not walking in Blind Faith you know and I'm putting it and couching it within just do your job that's the iron of all of this nobody is asking you to do a backward flip MH no this called do your job yeah right yeah do what you can now you don't have to learn a new skill nothing just max maximize maximize your kol just be better at what you do so on June July 27 Hara admitted to our interlocutory in a meeting always occupied and that his Jag could not refute the information wait he admitted it on what like video word with the paper in a meeting with the interlocutor okay so as soon as I heard that I put it in writing right it's like putting it contemporaneous notes and I sent it to him he didn't deny it and why would you interlat li and we're communicating through him all these these months right and that's when we're supposed to have gotten together to start working on a plan of transition and then one week later the Maui fires broke out and that he was then deployed to uh Lina and I kind of let things okay let's go back M focus on This Disaster and I just yeah let things go so then I I I spoke with Archie cppo right he's a waterman y because actually I was talking to Brian Keana on something that he and I were working on me and Brian and Brian says Hey K Archie wants to get on want Archie wants to talk to you oh okay no hey so Arie goes hey ke you may not know me but me and my family oh we know you and we support your work and one of my good friends who was Professor canalo young and went studies and it was on my doctor committee that was Archie's cousin I didn't know that oh wow so like wow small world smaller Island so Archie tells me or ask if I would be willing to come up for the lahina March and I said sure no problem so he booked me a flight took care of hotels stay so when uh so Brian and I flew in right we got picked up and we're taken to Archie's place just like right aside from the where the burn burning took place it was like his house and the houses around were spared right so as I get off get out of the van I look I see Ken Hara in the garage like what is Ken doing here so I went up to him I said hey how you doing Ken hey I said how you know Archie oh we worked together a lot because of the L of fire and Aid and restoration I said oh right on right on so then he tells me uh so I ask him how's your Jag Lieutenant Colonel Phelps and he tells me keu he says you dance circles around him I said he can't refute the information in my mind I'm saying he's not dancing circles he can't refute it right and then he tells me I'm going to retire and I smiled no you're not because to retire would be willful their elction of a Duty you know it's like you're in Baghdad and you have to um disarm an IED because it's close to a playground in Baghdad and you're going to say as the officer in charge I'm not going to deal with it because I'm leaving Iraq in two weeks MH no your duty is what you have then and if he don't perform it Army says that's willful their elction of Duty and that's an offense another he's just trying to pass it on to somebody else I don't know what he was thinking right so that's when I knew okay going to have to mount a pressure attack right yeah go for the taked down no actually double egg see now now what I'm going to do is I'm going to use the basketball analogy full court press oh okay nice so that full court press was going to begin when I got invited by Tamara pton who's a council member for Maui County Council she asked me if I could do a update on Hawai status of O under international law to the committee in there it's the first time I made it public on hara's uh responsibility and Duty well they all saw it right and also ho being an occupi State and war crimes being committed and then that led to a letter written by 37 police officers to Major General Hara calling upon him to perform his duty of transitioning the state ofo into military government because police officers can be held liable for enforcing American law so you see how the conversation is being directed onto the issue at hand and people who signed off on that letter included a former Chief of Police assistant Chiefs retired captains lieutenants active duty lieutenants active duty sergeants other sergeants retired detectives and patrolman very impressive the list right they would not sign something like that if it was frivolous and also in that letter they also acknowledge the Council of Regency which I'm a part of as being a legitimate government and that when the occupation comes to an end the legislature will then select a council Regency on their own by B it under Hawaiian law but for now Council Regency is allowed to continue under Hawaiian constitutional law and what is called the doctrine of the necessity right but it shows that police officers see that do you think they would do that to a sovereignty group they have problems with sovereignty activists with driver's licenses so they did their due diligence and were confident to put their name on it and that I thank them for and they say they support our plan to bring compliance right so it got to a point where H I'm going to put a date on Major General Hara July 31st 1200 hours military for 12: noon MH so you have until that time even though you announced your retirement you have until that time to delegate full authority to your Deputy General Logan briger General Steven Logan so he can establish a military government by 12:00 noon and if you don't You' be the subject of a war criminal report that we published on the world Commission of inquiry its website and that's what I told him at our meeting on April 11th so it's not like he's getting blindsided here right he walked in eyes wide open now that day came it didn't happen they didn't contact you at all no and I'm not asking for them to be contacted I'm just saying follow your rules you don't we don't need to plan this this is Army regulations you are the American Army right now you're not the hoen kingdom Army right follow the rules so on Monday when the war criminal uh report was published then I sent a letter on that day to General Logan and I said General Logan this is what you need to do and you have one week and I carbon copied also all the senior officers of the 29 infantry Brigade and I explain you do not perform your duty and you follow the same course as Major General Hara then it goes to the next in command the commander of the 29th Infantry Brigade so that's the uh order of battle the battalions and how it's set up within the Brigade called the 29th and if he fails after one week then it goes to the next then the next until it goes through the entire chain of command of the Army National Guard from the highest ranking officer to the buck PR and somebody is going to see the writing on the wall and and I recommend it to them first all you need to do is this is what I found out as well why Howard didn't do it the attorney general and Lopez told Major General Hara and Brigadier General Logan ignore me okay wait ignore how does a legal person explain that type of an advice aren't you supposed to provide an evidential basis to ignore not just ignore it especially if you will come up with a war crime right so what I told General Logan as I told Major General Hara demand to get a legal opinion from the attorney general to qualify her statement to ignore me and if you can't get that legal opinion that says a state of Hawai is lawful under international law if you don't get it then you perform your duty until then demand it so every Commander has been notified that's what you got to do put her on a hot seat demand it and if not you work criminal so you got a choice demand or become so the these these people probably don't like you right like what so when General roara sees you he's probably like oh this guy again no actually when I saw him at at Archie CPUs he was fine he's cool he had a good he had a demeanor on that was fine cuz see why would you be angry with me and just when I'm talking about your rules that's see that's that's what I I notice from this your last episode and talking with you it's hard to argue with you it's hard to disagree with a lot of the things you said because it's backed by so much sources and it's like trying to um argue with a scientist that this thing that has been studied that has like factual evidence is incorrect right so and I it's funny when I see some of the the push back because I'm just like he's just presenting you with the facts he's looking outside and saying there's rain it's raining right how can you tell me it is not raining it's obviously raining you know no and I I've never gotten into an argument with anybody well I think people are it's always it's always behind my back yeah but you know at every opportunity I get people to try to argue against it so like my doctoral committee so my members of the doctoral committee for PhD specializing in international relations and law I had committee members who had that background one was from the University of London law school state sovereignty and international law professor Matthew Craven I had the dean of the law school aiam soyer His Master's in law was constitutional law us constitutional law at three policy professors right law and judicial Behavior Public Law and sovereignty and I also had John asor on my doctoral committee cuz canalo passed away right so he I asked can I asked John if he could replace canalo so he did none of them could refute my dissertation because what happens when you defend your dissertation is that you don't argue it you defend it and the role of the committee is to poke H in it and if they can find hes you don't get your PhD and you got to revamp it right none of them refuted anything if anything the last person to sign off of my doctoral Committee of of my doctoral committee was aiam soyer the dean of the law school MH and I'm at his office and I know what he's thinking cuz if he signs off on it it implies uh law school is illegal because you're teaching American law should be hoing Kingdom law M and you're creating American attorneys when it should be Hawaiian attorneys under Hawaiian law you know that's the that's the blowback here you know it's a zero Something game here right and he was going over and I said of it I addressed everything can you sign it sign it thank you very much because it's running late I took it straight up to grab division cuz it was I was running it would have been uh late if it came a day later but one thing that John ooro told me in my uh defense I met with him at his office I said John so any concerns that you have regarding my my my my dissertation before I defend he goes no he tells me you don't K him everything here just undermines everything we teach at uh I see I know but my intent was not to discredit my intent was to properly defend my dissertation so I can get my PhD well so was what are they teaching that you're undermining that he thinks so they teach and you hear this sometimes that ho was colonized by the United States okay no it wasn't was occupied and it's not semantics there to confuse occupation with colonization is like confusing using adoption with kidnapping right or forced adoption but adoption nevertheless so when you're a country a recognized independent state under international law the rule says that you have sovereignty over your territory independently of other countries that have sovereignty over their territory that's why you're an independent and sovereign state so only your laws apply colonization can only take place when you begin to impose your laws not over another sovereign country but over territory that is not a sovereign country yet a nonstate entity right so when the United States uh began to occupy the east coast of the United States today that we call the United States and they created what is called the British colonies they had to physically be there plant the flag and say we are British subjects we're occupying this as a colony right as time goes the countries would recognize that's a British colony below them was a Spanish colony what is called Florida up north you had French colonies in Ottawa right so you had Spanish colonies in the south in the South America right so that's how you colonize and then later these colonies became states of their own through Revolution against their colonizer right you cannot colonize another country you can't you can occupy them but now you're governed by the rules of occupation not the rules of colonization and then ultimately called decolonization so it has been taught at the at the University and it started in the 1980s right hanani TR was behind a lot of that and I took classes from her when I returned from New Mexico Military she was in American studies at that time right so I'm taking classes and what was being taught was the American indiaan movement Black Panther Movement decolonization indigenous people's movement not about Hawaiian Kingdom as an occupied State oh I know that because I took classes so when you create this idea that Hawaii has been colonized then you're saying we're never a country that's what you're saying and I'm saying no so is there an actual right or wrong like this is the right thing to learn this is the wrong thing to learn or are we just looking at two different perspectives and two different ideologies so actually these are not perspectives these are legal situations okay and they're mutually exclusive okay so you cannot be colonized which can legally occur but only on non-state territory you cannot be colonize if you're a sovereign state because that does not fit in that description that legal description so when countries or nations of people right let's say uh in Algeria right uh you have a territory there that was a French colony and France fenan he was part of that Revolution where they fought against the French colonizer where Algeria became an independent state and that was called decolonization there's a legal uh manner on how that came about it just didn't happen right certain issues had to be resolved the case of Palestine Palestine is fighting to be recognized independent state but some countries are holding back they're fighting for it now when we start talking about Hawaii back then that we're already an independent state our own people start attacking it because then they say or you're acting like the colonizer the United States I'm like what are you talking about the fact is Hawaii was an independent state United States overthrew its government our government that sovereignty is still intact we're never colonized and you cannot colonize and occupied State it's in Army regulations so it's really just the problem here is uh University of Hoy Hoy studies program has been explaining a football game using baseball rules all I brought into the the the the the situation is football rules all of a sudden it's making sense and it's hard for people to digest that and to agree with that because they've been playing football using baseball rules these all these years so whenever they hear something that goes against what they believed for so long they just cannot accept it and then they start saying oh you're wrong silly sigh whatever it is you know you just I mean the timing of this podcast with like a recent post on social media is just I don't I don't know how that happened but the timing was just so perfect that you're on the podcast today and the post was yesterday about you know just because of um you you just brought up um about something that HK TR said and just said what she said was Politically Incorrect right you're just you're just talking about well I explained what hanani said I didn't try to reinterpret what she said what she said was within the context of being in the United States as a colonized people it's in her book right so I didn't reinterpret or try to say something she didn't say or to give some misunderstanding as to why she said it no saying this is what she said and this is what she was referring to MH she was say native Hawaiian okay or indigenous people that have been colonized by the United States and we are not American we're Hawaiian she didn't say Hawaii's occupied and that we need to demand compliance to the law of occupation so we can end the occupation no I knew herani that's not what she believed that's in her books yeah on being uh so uh Native uh something native Story by a native dog I think I I know what you talk about a native yeah yeah she's very explicit in there and I and I I took a quote out of her and I use it in one of my uh La joural articles published in the H Journal of line politics and it was called setting the record straight on Hawaiian indigen 80 you know I'm calling it and I was back in 200 this been 2021 yeah M and that created a firestorm the university cuz I'm calling him on it and all I'm saying is the conclusions are wrong so Lil kalaa came out with the book ponoi native land and foreign desires the story of the mahel and how Native hawaian got screwed wrong research has already been done by a master's thesis titled the empirical Strikes Back empirical is data right everything that she concluded the native Hawaiian didn't get is exactly what we got here's the evidence of it but she didn't understand how Land Titles work John asorio in his book dismembering laho he said the 1851 legislature was an extension of howly take over and not only they took over our land through the Mahi they took over our legislature dismembering the Loui everything he said that the legislature should have done they did he just didn't know where to look yeah cuz he didn't understand how it worked so what ends up happening is when you do research at the academic level you have to be careful of not being biased and you're trying to find information to confirm your own bias confirmation bias exactly you know you're supposed to be objective as best as can and apply the appropriate theoretical framework with the methodology and footnotes and citations that's how you defend your dissertation you don't argue it right so so here's what I see in in the role I am at I'm in a boxing ring figuratively M Cu uh when I get because I'm in the rain I take cracks right like attempted theft I mean uh racketeering smear campaign that's a crack and sometimes in when you're fighting you know back then I would fight like this right my chin in now I fight like this Ms word footnotes law I call that law fair yeah yeah I love it that is the new boxing skill that I had to acquire right so in the ring I'm there to fix the problem and I'm here to engage anybody that wants to get engaged I got no problem with that right it's not gonna be physical it's gonna be brain to brain Joseph uh uh James Kia said that in 1897 in a speech in Honolulu telling people to join the struggle of anti- annexation and we fight brain to brain I believe in that a lot of power there right so I'm only doing what Aruna said but I know how to take some cracks and I can give some cracks brain to brain yeah no I I love it and I love that you brought up all these resources because reading some of the comments from the post that I saw was like oh does does he not know there's a bunch of books on this and then the person who posted it said like well that would require reading which is pretty rude and I'm it's like sounds like you read all these books so it's like it was part of me preparing before you get in the ring yeah you know so when I get in the ring I don't try to figure it out mhm because I'm already going to get knocked out you always walk in with a plan and then when that plan doesn't work you adjust it's called tactical maneuvering right so in the Army you have an objective but when you hit the ground you may get you may engage something that you anticipate and you got to make a decision and that's called a tactical decision but your objective has to stay the same but you adjust right so like when I was uh boxing my trainer taught me taught me how to fight Southpaw that's how you adjust if the guy you fighting is better than you fighting right hand right so when I'm in the ring figuratively I see oh I see and I hear noises as opposed to substance so what is noise noise comes from the crowd not in the ring substance come from the guy you it in the ring that's good okay so when you look at uh the crowd if you're in the rain you can't can't be bothered so that noise it's just it's nothing and and it's usually people who aren't in your position taking the cracks in the ring exactly that's how that's so so good so I don't get bothered by people in the crowd because they're not in the ring yeah because they're they're probably like Engineers English teachers whatever telling a boxer how to punch yeah yeah so my focus though is my plan and when I enter the ring cuz I have that strategic plan of phase one phase 2 phase three and the Tactical decision that go within that and then bringing compliance to the law of occupation so how do I here's so I guess this is where my uh life hack comes comes into play well I usually ask that I usually ask that at the end so if we could if we could hold that off but let me hold that off because that is a technique I use okay okay okay to deal with noise from the okay perfect so that that's perfect cuz if people want to know what the life hack is you got to stay tuned you got to keep watching you won't know until the end um but I do want to know so who do you get push back from and who do you have support from uh when I'm in the ring um I get support from substance substance right and I can get opposition but substance which requires me to engage cuz you're in the ring you took you took a swing at me I got to return it proportionality right so an example of substance is this this book MH okay so Ro Commission of inquiry 2020 this is the everything you want to know about Hawaii as an occupied State since the 19th century till today and the plan on bringing compliance to the law occupation will should end it this is substance right and nobody can refute it because I haven't seen it yet MH so here's an example of another form of substance regarding this that supports it two years ago this is a book review published on the Polish Journal of political science by a faculty member international law from the University of Warsaw okay she writes here I'm going to read two uh two paragraphs presented next is the Genesis and history of the commission's activity described by its aforementioned head Dr David kosai he presents the commission's activity in detail by reference to concrete examples with this part going on to recreate recreate the entire history of the the Hawaiian us relations beginning with the first attempt at territorial annexation this thread of the story is supplemented with examples and Source texes relating to the recognition of the Hawai Kingdom by certain countries example United Kingdom in France and taken as evidence of international regard for the Integrity of statehood particularly noteworthy here is the author's exceptionally scrupulous analysis of the history of hoi and State sovereignty no obvious flaws are to be found in the analysis presented so by her writing his book review she jumped into the boxing ring but she's on my side M and then she finishes her final sentence her final paragraph and it's a raving review and this person this this this professor was also a member of the polish Embassy in uh um Geneva Switzerland United Nations okay she writes I regard this publication as an exceptionally valuable one that systematizes matters of legal status of the H Kingdom taking up the key issues surrounding the often ignored of a difficult historical context occurring between Hawaii and the United States the issue at stake here has been regenerated synthetically on multiple levels with a penetrating analysis of the regulations and Norms in international law applying to Hawaii starting from occupied territory status and moving through to multi-dimensional issues relating to both war crimes and human rights violations this is one of the few books if not the only one to describe its subject matter so comprehensively and completely I therefore see this work as being of exceptional value and considerable scientific importance it may not it may serve not only as an academic Source but also a professional source of knowledge for practi for both practicing lawyers and historians dealing with the matter at hand the ambition of those who sought to take up this difficult topic can only be commended the thing about a book review the person who does a review of your book a publication academic standards it's best they don't know who you are so all they do is stick to the book and the book review can make or break the book right but you need a qualif you need qualified people people to do a book review on a particular topic that they know right you can't have somebody who's an expert on gaslighting to do a review of international law regarding Hawaii right so you have contributing authors in here I'm the editor and I also wrote a few of chapters the contributing authors is All European Professor Federico lenzerini University of Sienna he's a a professor of international law he wrote a chap chapter in this book on human rights violations being committed in Hawaii and the right of self-determination an occupied people not a colonized people also Professor William shabus renowned expert on international criminal law he's from middle sex University of London United Nations and international criminal court recognizes him as a renowned expert he wrote his chapter on war crimes being committed in Hawaii one of them usurpation of sovereignty and what are the elements that have to be met for criminal prosecution MH and then also professor Matthew craen from the University of London law school so and his chapter covers Hawaii as an independent state under international law so that's who she was referring to it wasn't just me but it was a collection of authors that were exceptional but we all had to be in our own different fields so it's hard to get push back from anybody when these things take place well push push back from people in the same I guess Arena as you does it come does it come from for for example I guess like when I see these other Sovereign groups I'm just like and I hear your stuff I'm just like why doesn't everybody just work together like if we're all kind of wanting the same thing we want Havi to be Sovereign right or Hawaii is still Sovereign we want to prove but the goal is to have the occupation and the goal is for hav to stay Sovereign why don't why doesn't everybody work together why do I see posts from like I mean I guess I'll say it like Jamaica ooro um because you know you know her dad like saying like kind of I don't know I I don't I don't like seeing Hawaiian fighting Hawaiian like it it saddens me you know especially people other Hawaiian trying to come at us when we're just like trying to Spread spread information you know well it if noise and and when you're dealing with a situation of now going on at 131 years that brainwashing has been set right you're dealing with the presumption that everybody's brainwashed so how do you communicate with somebody on these very technical and legal issues who've been led to believe something that's not true because then you try to explain to them what you know is not true and then they get defensive about it when the issue is just the way it is mhm and you're the victim of the war crime of denationalization but the emotional side behind it has no play in in the game I play because the game I play is it's real yeah it's not rhetoric it's not rhetoric I mean if I say something I can be held accountable which they tried and they trumped up charges on a on a crime that's real although it's illegal but it's real right so you're either in the ring or you're outside you either on my side or on the opposing side and I got to hit you because you just hit me but if you try to yell at me and scream at me in the in the in the stance I don't care you're not in the ring get in the ring well what about these people that think they are in the ring and they think that they are doing it what they are doing is right and you are wrong then it could boil down to if they're doing something that they believe in hey I'm all there mhm cuz I think that's what it comes down to they think they what they are doing is right but I think it's a little different because I don't know I don't want to make assumption but seems like everybody on both sides has has their blinders on they don't want to hear anything else they have earplugs in they don't want to see anything else that's goes against their ideologies it's like we're living in Echo Chambers and whatever wherever you're at that's what you're going to believe but if they hear something new they're just like no you're wrong doesn't matter how do we but but how what is the solution to that well some of it might be psychological yeah you know so they got to go through therapy right some people call it the Stockholm syndrome others call it the Beed wife syndrome those are real symptoms of mental issues right I'm not downplaying that right uh cognitive dissonance is a real issue confirmation you know but that's psychological there's nothing to do with you know it is what it is yeah it it doesn't have anything to do with the facts written on paper yeah so I use this example but how I can use it to my advantage though right so I remember I was in one of my classes and I said okay and during this class may this must have been 15 years ago there was a older woman non-traditional student coming back to school and she's taking my class and as I'm going through this history and our syllabus and the reading material I could see she's getting very uncomfortable oh yeah it's like I because see as a teacher you can see everybody's reaction but not everybody can see each other's reaction so I can I can read body language oh I'm good at that and I I I could see this entty was like she had a blood vessel going Bo boom boom right retired uh Fredo worker right Hawaiian Holmes stunt supporter of the military her husband retired as a colonel okay okay good typical as we go through class it's building so I feelig okay I got to release the pressure I said okay everybody let me ask you this question do you think that everyone that people here who don't agree with what I'm saying has any skin in the game meaning to influence they go yeah because you got to try to convince them I said oh let me ask you this let's say that atie over here she's on TV for two months on kitv news and they interview her and all she says is Dr Sai is wrong right we're not occupied and this is America okay and there are no war crimes being committed and she convinces everybody in a state of Hoy Dr is wrong do you think that works for or against me they went of course it works against you cuz now everybody's against you actually works for me because I next time and I told and I showed you folks I was in the Netherlands in the world court so that means I can have access to some International body and I can say let me play this video of antie ranting on saying she's an American this is America and I say I got evidence here with the birth certificate she's actually a Haw subject she's not American and she was brainwashing to believing she's an American this is the evidence of the war crime of denationalization right here on TV and that's when went all of a sudden I saw antie pressure went down M and she started going so yeah it doesn't matter what people think especially if it comes from being brainwashed to begin with you know so if you bring 100,000 confused Hawaiians together you know what you get compounded confusion why you bring them together yeah what's the reason yeah I I think what I notice is that we're just all so confused yeah like cuz we just this is all information to us so so many of us that grew up in Havi like we just we we never knew about these things we knew that if you knew that Havi was illegally Overton that's basically what you knew you don't know the details the intricacies the nuances we know some of these political figureheads like Konan tras um Walter ridy some of the people like musicians in the Hawaiian sovereignty movement Sund mono all these like we know these stuff but we don't know the depth of it all yeah I just feel like if we worked together and we all like combined our powers like I'm watching this anime called Naruto I don't know if you ever heard of it but um you know they all had they all want peace but there's always like these Clashing shinovi Clans and like at the end of the series they all come together to fight this bigger enemy so shouldn't we all like come together all these different Villages come together and fight the bigger enemy which is like the American government or the military no we shouldn't no why is that because we shouldn't be fighting the American government or like whoever that enemy is who's the enemy ignorance I'm serious that's our enemy ignorance you got me there you know so that is what I focus on not on Persons or people or genders it's ignorance but how I still occupy it and I got to do what I got to do yeah now how do I deal with ignorance get people to be better teachers those who are taking classes from us and getting teacher certificate teach the right history and don't wait until you come to take my a master's a graduate course with me teaching in the College of EDS in three weeks you realize you're teaching the wrong history I wish I got you before you got your teacher certificate so work harder so instead of teaching the students I got to teach the teachers for the teachers to teach the students that is how things get fixed because what happened in 1907 1906 with that formal policy reflects the power of education and what these insurgents did in 1906 with the American government backing they weaponized it what they weaponized it within three generations gone to me you got to respect that that's like St Louis running the option right we're playing defense we keep losing against St Louis you can't badmouth them you got to go you got to respect it cuz that's the only way you're going to try to stop it right I respect how they weaponized education I know what James Kia said brain to brain Warfare with education uh law which I call lawfare I believe in that cuz I saw what it can do within three generations and I was that third generation when it was white clean MH I didn't know any of this in high school yeah and no no no one's to blame because it's just this is the circumstances that was given the one to blame are those who implement the policy in 1906 whoever they were yeah right whoever they were from lies to truth no no no what I'm bringing out is I'm going toeo Toe with ignorance but through not weaponizing education utilizing it in the way it's supposed to be give every opportunity for people to respond dissertations got to defend it don't argue it yeah I would love to just like do some sort of panel with a bunch of people and like have people discuss all of this on a public form instead of like some people just throwing shade and saying talking about people instead of with people well that can go on for sure you know kamaka this is what I do doesn't tell people to stop what they want to do MH but I'm still in a position of this is not just me educating in the University system this is me carrying out the Strategic plan to bring compliance to the law of occupation so people can't be protected yeah and the and the main thing that drives this even the noise in the crowd no matter how L loud it is the bantering the iron is they still benefit from what we do totally yes no so here's here's the point the laws of the occupied state so the counil agency had to set in motion or Grease the wheels for compliance cuz to administer the laws of 1893 will throw this place into economic chaos so in 2014 the councilor agency proclaimed by proclamation provisional laws so all laws that have been illegally imposed here since far back is 1887 the Bonet Constitution let's just use 1893 all laws today state federal County will continue to be the provisional laws of the H Kingdom so long as these laws do not run contrary to the letter spirit and int of H Kingdom law okay and we actually came up with a formula on how to determine that okay so that means the laws are still here there's no chaos but the laws of 1893 still apply right three laws that native hawaian will greatly benefit from in 1893 since 1859 the H legislature has been been allocating Monies to Queen's Hospital as a quasi public hospital for Universal healthc care for all native Hawaiians at no charge That's the Law okay so that means once the military government is established every native Hawaiian free health care I'm not for that second law kulana Act of 1850 not repealed still existed in 1893 any native Hoin can acquire up to 50 acres of government land at 50 cents an acre inflation calculator $20 that's a law today okay so native Hawaiian today once the the laws of the hawaian Kingdom begin to administer be administered free healthare land H cost of living everything drops M second alarm the kingdom says the residents of subdivision within an island like AA and ILO they have exclusive exclusive fishing access from low water mark out to the the first Reef or if no Reef likeo one mile exclusive that means people from around the island cannot come into that area to do their own fishing no it's you got to fish where you live right oh W A lot of people a lot of locals are taking their boats to mokai and poaching over there in fact there was a case called the mokai fisherman case and uh there was some fighting going on how was that on the Hawaiian law those mikai fishermen were right now the way in which they took that law into their own hands that that was a problem right but they were right and then everyone has right to fish past the one mile Mark out to 200 Mi exclusive that's called the exclusive economic zone foreign countries cannot fish within that 200 mile radius around the islands who in the right mind is not going to support that if you're a native ha sounds like a bill that somebody would um try to put into office and then it gets denied because it's an illegal system anyway and here it is it's a law it's what's on the record so by name calling and all that and then when it happens let's say Jamaica gets free healthare it was he didn't do anything to help with that but she definitely benefited it benefited from it so that's fine to me cuz that's my kulana I'm not here to convince everybody but I'm here to make right yeah are we benefit if if we are are we benefiting At All by being under American law no since since Americans took over we become statistics worse Health why we don't have health insurance and by the time people get to the hospital it's too late uh we didn't have that in 1893 you know what we're dying from prior to 1893 small pox misos you know what we dying from today diabetes MH my uncle just that's why was in healo for his funeral bad Health mhm we would have never gotten to that point with continued access to Queen's Hospital cuz then you get education on preemptive uh uh care yeah not reactionary that's that's that that that that's not our fault but yet we became victimized by that in fact Queen's Hospital and the allocation of monies was determined by the Attorney General the so-called territorial forway in 1908 it was race-based and under American law that's not allowed from that point on Native Hai did not have access to Queen's Hospital no insurance look at another statistic suicides 1893 we didn't have any of that stuff right substance abuse drug and alcohol we didn't have that before America came highest incarceration in prison yeah no not back then so when you compare the two Hawaii has an post 1893 Hawaii pre1 1893 night and day and it has a direct Nexus to losing control in their own home in their own country so that denationalization process was real because what went on in the schools starting in 1906 was you had common schools grades 1 through eight and then you got high schools right if during the D National ization process you were not a good American speaking good English you weren't allowed to go to high school you got to go work if you're very dark right dark ha you couldn't go to high school actually there was an article written in the um Harper's Weekly Magazine 1907 this reporter visited three schools kaani public school uh kahanu public school and Honolulu high school before the name was changed later in 1907 to President William McKinley High School in this article the reporter is making the comment of how all the the the young students in the common schools represented all the different Hues the colors brown and yellow predominating he said so you brown and yellow but in the high school which was President William mckeny high school but hodle high school at that time it was clear the population is white and he had a picture that's what was going on in the early 1900s so my papa my dad's theread he he went to work after 8th grade a lot of Hawaiian families their grandparents started working 8th grade they never got into college High School let alone college that is a reality we got to deal with and I'm not trying to blame anybody for anything I'm just saying these are the statistics and it shouldn't have been this way because this is what we had and we still have but under the laws of occupation now and we can bring this occupation to an end so we need qualified experts in this field to lay that path on how this happens you don't get together to figure it out MH no and there's nothing to fight except ignorance yeah and I see a lot of that on social media a lot of the comments I see the push back of against this um when I ask about like any benefits of um being part of American law like oh you're still driving American cars you're still eating American food using American Health Care but I think that's more of a consequence than a choice right well it's out of ignorance they don't know what wi law actually has and what we did have and we still do yeah we we all bring up how we had electricity before the White House how we had the highest literacy rate in the in the world exactly so I think you know people don't really realize that and until these I guess conversations come up they don't know yeah yeah so so in the meanwhile as people don't know and are beginning to learn I still got to deal with the occupation I know and getting you know the head of the National Guard to perform their Duty so it's an ongoing process in dealing with ignorance you know and it's it's not going to change overnight but if an officer a military officer has a duty cuz I know I have respect for the army officers cuz I was in it I was an army officer but I will hold you to task cuz I know you know and you know I know right and I even had a meeting with uh Daryl Wong the former agitant General and uh his senior non-commission officer chief Master Sergeant uh Rob Lee and this was after I did my presentation to the Maui County Council that started the ball rolling on the full court press yeah General Wong admitted to me in that Zoom meeting you're right it is his duty I said yeah you know sir I'm not trying to tell him to do something he's not supposed to do and then he also realize and when I was the aent Chanel that was my duty as well I said no it was but the difference between you and general Hara you didn't know Hara does that's the difference so every agitant General since its Inception in 1893 it's the provisional government that created the position of agitant General right they all had that duty to transform into a military government under the law of occupation and army regulations but Howard is the only one that he had to face the information and his J could not refute it mhm so my job there is to make sure compliance is brought because our people need to be healed cost the living most native ha which is which are the majority of the national population of the Haan Kingdom majority of them in America yeah last sensus report majority of them over there there are more Haws living outside of ha than there are here cost the living when they start to realize I can get quarter for $5 free healthcare I just got to buy a package home maybe $100,000 with a contractor all of a sudden I can afford and that is a legal right that is not a political push right it's not a policy you have that but you need a government to enforce that that's why governments enforce international law the law of occupation and the laws of the occupied State that's how it works so my focus is government so when we restored the government as a council Regency in 1997 we had to do it in order for our country the H Kingdom to have a voice but it doesn't have Effectiveness because we're overthrown but that voice can draw attention and draw a spotlight on our situation so that book review from Poland is an indication is of how far reaching this information is getting around the world MH and Poland knows what war Crim are cuz they were part of World War II okay yeah how did the Council of Regency come about how how was it created and what legitimized it okay so good question and I covered that in the book okay right so that's what that reviewer also read so in the military you have this doctrine that you're trained in called necessity right so the chain of command and the role of necessity the doctrine of necessity and necessity is also what they call the mother of all inventions right you got to get creative so in the military if the company Commander or the battery Commander because I'm ftill the battery Commander the entire chain of command okay down to the EXO down to the different ranks down to the senior non-commission officers non-commission officers all you have now is just privates because the unit got hit with an artillery barrage they're all dead right Army Doctrine says that the most senior private has to assume the chain of command and that person although being a private has to assume the chain of Comm command and be the acting captain in order to maintain the command structure when a property commission officer comes there Dan he goes back down being a private until then it is his duty to assume the chain of command otherwise he can be court marshaled so that's necessity right extraordinary situation to maintain the command structure so with that same mentality I had cuz I didn't have a policiy background at that time all I had was my military experience and my training we needed to find a way to access the government of the hawan kingdom and the only thing that we have that shows the government of the hawan kingdom is the Constitution and its laws and who are the executive officers it's all in the civil code and the Constitution and statutory law so we need to somehow find a way to get in to that that system as the buck private to assume the chain of command of the general but an acting General right so we became very creative one thing we looked at which I knew was a statute was enacted in 1880 called the co- partnership statute that means from 1880 on anybody doing business as a co- partnership had to file their articles of agreement with the bureau conveyances which was in the ministry of the Interior Department and the minister of the Interior had to supervise the co- Partnerships to make sure that they adhere to the statute you know somebody dies you got to do this if you have a name change you got to do that so it started in 1880 in the bureau conveniences if you look from 1880 until 1900 you can find examples of of co- Partnerships we looked at it went through a few and we got it we're going to create a co- partnership and we're going to call it the Hawaiian Kingdom Trust Company and it's and it will adopt as its Constitution and bylaws the constitution of 1864 and all the laws lawfully enacted and it would specifically serve in the place of the absentee government very much up front it's right there MH so we're able to get registered in the bureau conveniences right now we have a record under the co- partnership even though nobody even knows about the go partnership we're following Hawaiian law not American law we're not filing it in the Department of Commerce and consumer affairs this is Bureau conveniences that then gave us the ability to assume the chain of command so from Partners we can assume the role of the registar that office in their abs under Hawaiian law from the register we can assume the office of the minister of the Interior cuz although physically he's gone the office is still there then we can assume the office of the cabinet in the absence of the Minister of Foreign Affairs minister of uh of the uh uh finance and the Attorney General because we're the minister of interior once we're at that level we can assume the role in absence of these three as the council Regency under article 33 of the Constitution it says the cabinet will serve as a Regency when the Monarch passes away that's how we got in right since then I was the Regent but I needed to fill those other three vacancies so my cousin Co sauda she became Minister of Finance acting Minister of Finance that's Yan's mom yes and she's not an occupation dude Jama and then uh the Minister of Foreign Affairs the acting Minister of Foreign Affairs Peter um alai her brother Mother cousin stepped in who are you going to trust more than anybody in this situation my cousins cuz we know each other and on the Hawaiian law has history of cousins serving in governments together right Elite and then we eventually appointed Gary Dubin as an attorney General but he was an American so he had to apply to be a denisen a dual citizen we granted it to him which gave him the ability to be that uh uh position in that position as acting attorney general uh he was also in the ha when we argued the case right and then uh I would say maybe five years ago he resigned and then he was replaced by Dexter cayama who is currently the uh attorney general Okay so there is no doubt who we are and we're not asking people to believe it's like the private who assumed a chain of command when his unit got taken out does not have to get the other unit to agree that he's the acting captain no he assumed a chain of command because if he did it wrong he would be in trouble so what we did we have to be careful that we ourselves would not be committing treason so the doctrine of necessity has actually grew in the legal framework on how private people outside of government can assume the role of a government official in the absence of them and there was a case that occurred a British colony in Africa the governor general was killed when there was an uprising by the people who are colonized right and a British subject took the position and said I am serving in the absence of the governor general I'm the acting governor general when everything was settled the violence he's brought up on charges of treason this British subject his defense in the case was he had to do it he had no other choice the court agreed with him it a Commonwealth Court agreed with him but they said we need to establish what is called the doctrine of necessity not I had to do it so one of the primary elements of the doctrine of necessity is for those who are assuming civilians a government position they cannot take that position to increase their power that's treason taking that position you cannot violate the rights of the people in that area you are there temporarily if you stay within that framework you're good we understood that that is how we did what we did always mindful though we cannot step outside of the boundaries cuz somebody who's making noise in audience can actually have something against us get in the ring and says you just committed treason M yeah so that's that's my next question that I'm thinking of you know how there's like North Korea def factors and stuff they escape they're telling all the bad things about North Korea whatever are you not afraid at all about being that like being viewed as that in ter in the ways of like the American hierarchy like they're going to be look at this guy making a lot of noise about Hawaii trying to get trying to prove that Hawaii Sovereign you don't think they're going to try to come at you for anything I mean they already have no they haven't so but you're not worried about that at all okay so when we're in the ha and the Netherlands right the case started um the United States acknowledged that the H Kingdom still exists how I know that because we were in negotiations with them through their Embassy in the Haag MH so they knew that the permanent Court of arbitration was about to create the arbitration tribunal because the case started November of 1999 but the tribunal of three arbitrators was not established by the permanent Court until June of 2000 right prior to that the American Embassy uh through the permanent Court of arbitration deputy secretary General Phyllis Hamilton reached out to us knew that was coming couldn't deny the existence of the ho Kingdom Under the rules of the permanent court but as permission if they could have access to our records and pleadings of the case and we said of course so that agreement was brokered by the permanent Court of arbitration the US state department knows full well who we are and what we are right now when we came home to begin to expose the occupation and I I became the existential threat to the minds of people not to the reality of the law right getting attacked all the time none of the attacks has ever come from the federal government only here locally now whether they're being manipulated by the FED I don't know maybe CIA working hey could be but the attacks are coming from people here the people here will benefit greatly by what we have done but they don't understand that they're going to benefit is that why ignorance just IGN or maybe they want to the one that like I don't read people's minds it's just it's so confusing to me when I see these people and people whom I respect like Jamaica and um these other Sovereign movements like why don't we just work together like it doesn't it doesn't connect in my brain how like Hawaiian work together with Hawaiian no but Kam Ona there's nothing to work together on this issue CU they don't have the qualification Jamaica's educational background is in English she's not political science she has no idea of how law works that's not her area But the irony is she's she's hired as a professor in political science she's teaching classes in political science and she has no background in it that is crazy right that's like me getting hired in the civil engineering department with the political science background teaching civil engineering I have no idea how civil engineering even works yeah so we have to realize when people speak are they credible in speaking or they're just passionate exactly and then to say we need to get together for what to hug each other maybe that's my peace course side coming out everybody be happy friends well you know people like back in high school I remember a warm fuzzy everybody needs a warm fuzzy okay give me give you a hug hey that's fine but you know what I and may you may not know yet but I'm in a state of War we're occupied and this is not where we go hug each other on M I got to look at who's coming down who's doing what I got to be mindful of I have to 360 Vision right but that's just my reality cuz when you attack in a state of Hoy not the fense when you attack you only prove my point I'm right MH cuz if those frivolous why you attacking yeah well because they feel threatened exactly but they're only threatened because of their own thirst for their power but that's not my problem yeah seems like it's an ego thing a lot of times um yeah okay so there's a lot to digest and this um I don't know if people notice I've NE I never took a shishi break and I don't have a drink in my hand this is the first time I've ever done that because I really want to absorb as much as we can since you're here you know you got to fly all the way from heilo just to be on here so I appreciate that so much what are some actionable steps for us that we can do if we want to support your movement and your belief like what can we do to help okay so the only Revolution I'm involved with is not a physical Revolution but a cerebral Revolution it's all in the head right so it's first of all getting information that's the main thing so i' recommend go on Google and go to YouTube and put David kite you're going to see all kind of videos put up now I I don't have a YouTube account but people have videotaped me giving presentations they've been putting it up whether it's kanay from commment schools whether it's YouTube itself and others I'm grateful for that that would be the start on listening first spreading the word yeah spreading and listening right also um this book MH okay and I hope you're going to provide a link to the book cuz it's a PDF and it's a free book and also provide the uh book review okay that is the One-Stop shop on everything now if you want a uh uh a much more historical uh review of Hawaii's history then my book u u sovereignty endures the legal and political history of the Hawaiian Kingdom and that can be purchased from Pua Foundation online so students who take my classes go order that and it's only $35 so I made sure they keep it cheap um just start immersing yourself in information and talking to family the key is to normalize the information not politicize it you know enough with that already you you know and ask the hard questions and don't attack people and don't attack gender don't attack anything other than ignorance that's what you attack yeah I love that but you find a way to attack it and you find a way to explain it where it doesn't feel like you pound it in somebody's head like you know like hey Uncle you ever heard this you know you got to find a way to bring a conversation going and you know who gets it the quickest from the Native wine population especially always happens when they find out I'm a former I'm a former Army officer and they're in the military so when we talk they get it they see it yeah it's the civilians they get out of hand you know they get emotional yes I think that that's the thing is we majority of the people especially in this topic they lead by emotion yeah not really you know not the analytical side of the brain doesn't really you know come out during those times well the sovereignty movement has used emotions to drive their rhetoric yeah and every group has their version of it even those against those groups when when you really look at it it has nothing to do with anything but that is I would say the source of the confusion that leads to people saying things that are not necessarily true right and it reveals the fact that the people who told them something didn't really know it mhm so instead of trying to attack the people that taught you something wrong accept the fact it's okay go start learning something right yeah and and I think this um a good thing to remember so I don't know if you ever heard of The Four Agreements it's a book a really good book there's a book called The Fifth agreement and the fifth agreement is be skeptical but listen and I think that's something that we should all do whether you believe it or not whether you know you you're on this side or that side be skeptical but listen and try to learn because the more information we have then the more we can deduct the more that we can put some reason in behind it and then we can choose but don't just listen to one thing and be like this is it this is the Silver Bullet everything else is wrong so what we call that in in in school okay is encouraging students to be critical thinkers yes please be critical thinkers so critical thinkers are people who ask the right questions or hard questions meaning they're seeking Clarity that's critical which is good now critical thinking is different from being a Critic see a Critic is a wise ass that's all it is it's noise MH and by being a critic or a wise ass you're saying nothing right you're just expressing your confusion and your and and your frustration uh also brings into mind that it is better to be thought of as a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt right sometimes it's best keep your mouth shut know now you ask yeah you don't sit there and just like going off the handle cuz that is not how our Cuna were back then yeah you know they weren't highly emotional screaming and yelling when K says drink the bit of waters there's no turning back you think people were yelling and screaming no they knew exactly what they was doing so we come from a a history of Warriors not screamers not yellers right action just not oh yeah oh yeah you know there's a story of kahik Kili you know so Kahana who was a king of Oahu right kahik Kili wanted aahu and he told Kahana I will recognize you as that King but I want what is known today as k and then kahana's uh uh Kahuna said you can't agree to that because the Mana comes to kualoa CU that's where the the whales come in and that's where they get the ivory for the niop Pala and all that stuff Kili knew that right so he began to see that Kahana it's kind of wavering so what kahik Kili did was he launched a psychological warfare where he got kah Hana to kill his own Kahuna yeah meaning he didn't send the troops in he played Mind Games yeah that's another way of fighting and that was Kili a real Warrior yeah right so so you have to do things that are proportionate and I learned that in the Army so if you have a fly on the wall you don't need a hozer to to take it outz you just blew your wall away yeah H you know you just get a flice of water oh slipper that's all yeah they'll make a big deal mhm it's called prop proportionality as part of the legal process as well as well as military so there's a lot of these things that come into play that has informed me in how I approach things yeah you know cuz only I can answer for my actions not everybody else but people will benefit from my actions even the screamers that's so this is so good I just feel like I resonate a lot with what you're saying because of this podcast because on this podcast we promote critical thinking and perspec learning and but thetics very minity because we have a huge following and people love this and I only hear positive things which I'm super grateful for but the Critics on social media they're very loud and it's because we're critically thinking here and they I I think this is my own opinion is that they they can't handle hearing something that they don't believe in or something new to them because they don't want to critically think and then it's usually name calling and stuff like that it's it's nothing to do with the statistics the facts it's just name calling yeah so so since you brought up Jamaica I would never pretend to be a Slam Poet cuz I'm not yeah and she she's great so talented no I'm a big fan that's yeah just I'm just that out but I'm not going to start to attack her on Slam poetry because I have an opinion no i' have respect for it that's her kulana she made her place uh what I say is don't act like you're a political scientist with somebody with legal background stay in your lane that's the bottom line so if everybody stays in their Lane we all good not that we got to come together cuz you're going to have a major accident on the freeway everybody coming together everybody stay in your lanes I got to stay in my lane and we're answerable to ourselves in our lane so just be careful how you cross over because if you eventually do by mistake get into the ring I'll give you an opportunity to get out because if you take a swing at me in my area in my Lane I got to respond proportionately I mean it is what it is yeah I I agree awesome all right so moving on from this um no Shad to anybody we're just speaking um what C what how do you convince the non-believers that we're still Sovereign and all other things that you believe in well first off I don't seek to convince okay um my goal is to bring compliance and that's not through convincing people but showing people exactly what it is but from a historical standpoint and from a the person who teaches Political Science and History it's my job to be to be able to present Hawaii's history in a way that is understandable but also opening up for critical questions right so I want my students that took my class to take ownership in what they're learning so that comprehensive aspect is what I'm seeking not convincing them of something so when you now know it's like you want to share it right that's good but doesn't mean you have to go pound people's head on it yeah like force them it's like Christianity exactly you're not going to yeah knocking on yeah knocking on the doors and you're hiding you don't answer the door I'm the I I open the doors for all the Jehovah Witness I was just talking to one couple the other day cool guys one local guy but yeah I'm just I side not I'm so nice I'm just like my girlfriend's like why I even got a phone call Mid conversation and I said hey I'll call you back that's a perfect excuse and I just didn't because yeah yeah anyways sorry no so it it it's Enlightenment so I'm not into convincing but I am a proponent of restoring restoring the national consciousness of our country the H Kingdom that's what I work with now what I also have to do is what I do as the head of a government occupied of an occupied State there are certain duties and responsibilities that we have to do one of those duties and responsibilities is to protect the population from war crimes I actually got an article published on that by an international law Journal just in June of this year just two months ago and you should provide a link to that aspect because as the Council of Regency the government of an occupied State even though we're occupied we're still responsible for protecting the population from war crimes and I show why we're responsible not not that we are picking the responsibility I'm I'm going to do it no we're supposed to to do it and if we don't we can be held accountable so that's why you have a collision of duties and responsibilities between us and those in the state of Hoy the National Guards off the National Guard Office the Department of Defense and when those duties conflict our responsibility to hold you accountable for war crimes and get the evidence to make sure you get prosecuted down the road falls upon you so you're you've become you've maintained your ignorance or arrogance to your own peril it's all you bro okay you uh I I just realized that I I so into this conversation we have a bunch of questions from our social media fans so let's actually take a quick shishi break this is the record so I hope everybody's proud of me the longest I went talking without taking a shishi break so I will take one and I'll be right back what if we told you the next three times you fill your tank you could save money well at texo and Havi it's true you can get $1 off per G on your next three visits when you download the texal app and join Texico rewards earn points on every fuel transaction and qualifying inore purchases at participating Texico stations download the app and join to get started today visit tex.com for details we're back from a quick shishi break and as you can tell this is just a straight continuation from the first time Dr kosai was here on the podcast so let's get right into the social media fan questions cuz now everybody has an episode that they watch and now they have a lot of questions so here we go this first question this first question comes sorry I think I got something in my mouth oh yeah there you go this first question comes from Elijah Sky shout out to Elijah my friend he says was there a time in hne history where the hne people worship God singular yes singular I guess one true God kind of thing Christianity well I've heard stories that that's how it was long time ago before the migrations came from Central Polynesia there's no way to verify that mhm but there is clear evidence that um there are many gods that are Cuna worship right and that was part of the the Hawaiian society that was that was the fabric right now when we became Christian that was a byproduct of K joining the British Empire as a British protectorate and he knew that he could not continue to have Alini doing sacrifices human sacrifices right that's not Protestant that was a British religion right so he knew he had to set the the set in motion the ability to bring in British missionaries cuz he even actually asked Captain Vancouver requested him for Vancouver to send British missionaries and that's that's clearly on the record right so he was anticipating changing the religion to one God as opposed to multi- Goods so he set in motion before he died that the K will not be reinstated so under the Hawaiian religion when the King dies the cup is lifted everything is Noah free so women who could not eat pork bananas could eat it right and then the successor to the throne he would declare the coup has now been reinstated so that's when men and women lead together that's part of the Noah once the couple was laid back then you got to separate now you got the two houses the eating houses women cannot eat Port you know all that so in order to set things in motion he ensured that kahanu would become the Prime Minister after he dies so he would she would replace Kalani moku who was his former prime minister cuz kumanu would be the one to enforce the law and she would be called the premier the prime minister right and she had the connections to the Maui line of chiefs so she was she would be able being the daughter of K moku to do that and back then it was not an issue of gender but of rank not because she was a woman oh no kahanu was just kahanu you know it's like I refer to my cousin Co not as uh um uh uh not as a woman no that's Co right I don't see a gender thing it's just yeah so kahanu was that person and when K in 1819 started that motion so kahanu would then basically destroy the temples of the old religion right clean house okay and Lio would eventually be a part of this because he's going to be the successor and this time it's all no it's still no and during this time he would sit together with his mom K Pani who had the status to make change cuz commandment the second Le was not the successive because of K the first solely it was because of the rank of K Pani and K knew that he sought kill Pani from kahik Kili right for that purpose to maintain his d y MH not all his wives and their descendants no these so when they sat together and had a meal together during the no time people realize that the couple is not going to get reinstated so uh kako Samuel kako in his writings explains that it's not that the religion was destroyed it's just that it was never brought back from Noah that is when began the process of hoi becoming a Christian Nation under one God but you cannot erase the memory of a people and even the Chiefs knew this so although you have one God you still know about belly right you still know about you know hio you still know about Kam up so it's it's like the H religion of Christianity included the ancient religion you just don't erase that that's how it was just mutually exclusive they weren't Mutual exclusive oh they're not no they actually was incorporated CU that is how you bring things in you don't I don't believe this anymore give me a break 100 uh thousand years of knowing this no you just readjusted so you see kamaka referring to uh the lini in his writings as merely replacing koku with Jehovah that's how he writes it oh okay I see so it's called appropriation yeah not erasing I've always seen it because I learned about this in school I've always looked at it as more like Greek mythology which just the hawaian mythology all these I don't necessarily believe it because I grew up Christian and you know going to hope all that stuff so I love the stories and all of it but it's not like I worship it so a good example would be uh the example in Louisiana okay okay so when the French were there that was a French Colony right and they're imposing French religion but the native people there and and also the the Africans that they're bringing in they're incorporating the the uh Catholic religion with their religion coming out with something like voodo right so it's really a a uh an appropriation of religion because it needs to be taken as ownership and not that somebody's imposing it on you so even though you have a French Catholic priest preaching to you and forcing it on you the only way that person is going to receive it is how he can receive it and he's got to make some adjustments but you're telling him to WIP clean no so to me that is the power of a people in their belief now one thing also interesting is um 18 I believe 1851 the Supreme Court Justice uh William Lee has to make annual reports to the legislature they wouldn't meet every two years until after 1864 but prior to that every year so they got to give a report you know prosecutions decisions all of that and William Lee makes a point and he pounds it in he says that there has been an increase of prose ution by the police by the district courts okay they were run by Chiefs for idolatry what is that idolatry worshiping Idols oh oh okay the old religion he says this cannot continue to take place because there is no statute that prohibits idolatry and freedom of religion is accepted in this country no matter what religion it is what that represent s though the H religion was running live and well and here's a chief justice telling justices who were hawaian but Chief is saying hey these guys are they're doing the old religion that we used to have and he's he's he's scolding them stop it put convictions on what is provided by Statute not your belief so that gives the indication that the H religion was not erased it's just transform or are like you said appropriated or maybe these people were just saying I don't care about the religion and I'm a makana and I want to make sure that I can getting fish I want to keep you know worshiping the fish God and then one Chief says hey you're not supposed to do that that's the old religion and then they take him to court he gets prosecuted and convicted by the judge who's a chief and then the chief is told religious tolerance it's okay for them to do that religion so that takes the whole idea that the missionaries came in and wiped everybody clean no crazy yeah oh well super interesting W for sharing that good question um this next one comes from cc. TAG this person says no questions no questions all praise and thank you to this Hawaiian Patriot that's what this person says the next actual question comes from Finn catcher this person says what should happen to the military presence on the islands okay so as I covered as I explained earlier the state of Hawaii its governmental infrastructure and institutions was from the kingdom era the legislative executive and judicial branches within the executive branch in the Kingdom you had an army and they were called The King's Guard and to supplement that Army everyone between the ages of of I believe 20 and 40 can be called up as a militia to re to reinforce so we had an army right and we also had a Navy okay now when the country's government got overthrown and taken over by the insurgents with US Marines protecting them first thing they changed was the name of the Kings guard which was active duty change the name of the King's Guard to the National Guard that happened in 1893 oh so that's that's why it's called the Hawaii National Guard exactly oh interesting so every the institutions were just adjusted it's like somebody hijacked our plane and just painted it differently but yet this is an Airbus Hawaiian Kingdom M and the United States is a Bo MH they look different but even though they're painted like it's American Airlines right notice it's still Hawaiian Airlines we just painted and that engine here is an airus not a boing it's a Hawaiian it's not American so um when the occupation will eventually come to an end the National Guard today and that's part of the transition will be renamed back to the King's Guard that sounds way cooler than National Guard to be honest sounds like um Game of Thrones yeah yeah the the I think King's Guard or King's hand hand of the king or something like they have those titles okay and that was from um my old friend Wes that used to live here who was in the Coast Guard over here so shout out to him okay next question comes from bizor kits this person says how can how kids now adult who grew up in Havi reconcile with not being kanaka Mai and still calling Havi home we we recognize the harm of colonization but still have love and affection for the AA and the culture as if it was our own so so Americans today that found themselves in Hawaii is a product of a war crime called unlawful migration so when one country migrates their citizens to the territory of an occupied State that's a war crime that's what Germany was doing in Poland right that's what the Israelis are doing in Palestinian territory with the West Bank and Gaza it's illegal right it's illegal but in line with everybody being taught that ho is a part of the United States nobody understood it that way in how a law would look at it so my great-grandfather Charles Armstead re from Tennessee Sparta Tennessee he migrated To Hai from the United States after 1893 so I think he came in 1899 he believed Haw was a part of the United States and he married my great-grandmother uh and uh she was native ha and from there came my papa Henry keres and Ker's Papa uh Uncle saman Reeves right but as more Americans began to arrive here it was because they thought that Hawai was the 50th state they moved to retire but it's still illegal right it's still illegal but it was done under ignorance yeah so there's no nobody can be held Li not blaming anybody for but it is a war crime and the war crime is not coming here it's the one directing you to come here right so that is something that has to be addressed I give you an example of how big the OCC the the uh population exploded so according to the 1890 census in the Kingdom American citizens numbered 1,900 out of a population of 89,000 that's less than 2% of the entire population by 1950 according to the US Census it exploded to 500,000 that included my great grandfather and it increased since then where we are today that gives you an indication of how vast the problem is but the law of occupation has a way to deal with that because we're not colonized as um your viewer said we're occupied because if we were colonized there would be no legal problem with migration but because we're occupied then it becomes a war crime MH so those issues have to be worked out in order to bring a resolution so I can't say exactly how it's going to work out but see that's what part of that's what is a part of negotiating for the Treaty of Peace for ultimate transition yeah so things have to be taken back to its status quo as it was before The Invasion okay so for this person asking the question what can they do to reconcile with not being kakali and so calling him home is just educ just learn learn about acknowledge that it you're living on occupied land the first step is to be educated on it to learn about it use the right terms and being or not doesn't matter because you had people that were not kakami which is pure blood and you had those that were haa which is part and you had those that were not either so like Sanford do and the the lead Insurgent he was an American he was H he was a h subject right that's who he was MH so he's holy so it's not a matter of being kakali or anything because Hawaiian subject is a nationality it's it's citizenship MH it's not based on race race yeah in the Kingdom there was no issue of uh ethnic separations that is an American creation and we got infected by that mhm last episode we talked about or we broke down kanaka Moi how we've been using it wrong we've also been using haa wrong a lot well I mean I I know that because it's Hawaiian so I knew that it meant half but a lot of people actually haa is part but hapalua is is half oh haalu four yeah so so haa just means part yeah oh wait so we have been using it right part Kaka yeah cuz I think some so I think most people use haa as like haa Hal whatever like half wine I mean half whatever half how something like that that's what I hear haa how whatever um but I think people were using haa as like part mix like we're mix sure we we're haa yeah yeah so I'm I'm uh haa kanaka or ha haa Aboriginal to use in English I'm haa English haa Scottish haa Irish okay so hapalua would be like half this half this I'm half Japanese half haa Norwegian yeah okay so we're we're we're that's more when we say ha we're more using an umbrella term we're not being specific where like haalu haaku haa I yes yeah okay I think people just use it because they're hearing it yeah well not that they comp I don't think they actually know what it means in Hawaiian they just think it's like OHA probably means mix but it means just part and then you can go deeper with the one fourth one third one whatever yeah so so like in so in Land Titles okay because that's my other expertise L you to train L title abstractors okay and alodo titles too yeah alodo just means Fe simple oh okay that's all it means yeah people think it mean oh it's it's a cool word aloro is is a Hawaiian isation of the word Fe simple okay right so it's actually stated in the RO patents as K alodo so makano is that type of alodo which is that type of that that that fee simple yeah so K is estate in Fe simple but what I was going to say is in the Deeds themselves you had the use of haa that is used in there because under Hawaiian law you had three vested rights in the lands the king the Chiefs the koniki and the and the people the Mak so that's why you see in the Deeds reserving the rights of native tenants because that's part of that that that right so in the Deeds they will refer to the right of the chief or the people as being haaku oneir of three you know so you see that a lot in in in the legal system of the H Kingdom okay and then in English it says oneir okay yeah Okay cool so next question comes from anore Palani I think but there's a lot of numbers in that so I think it's an sorry if I got that wrong uh this person says what processes do we need to undergo to change our political National status well there's nothing to change so a national status is what you have already right you can change it if you want to change if you want to change that status so if people think they're American because they think this is America under American law that's not how you determine if you're an American MH right so an American law you have to be born on us soil to be natural born right so a Mexican family comes across the border the child is given birth in El Paso that child is an American by birth American by parentage that child didn't choose anything that's just the byproduct of how the law works and they call it uh you soli which is birth on a soil and you sanguinis coming from the parents dual citizen right the same thing in the Kingdom if you're born in the H Kingdom you're Natural Born right Natural Born H so like Sanford do was born in the Kingdom but his parents were American they were missionaries they didn't change their status by being naturalized so that means Sanford do was an American by birth a Hawaiian by birth American by parentage dual citizen but under American law you can lose your citizenship if you take an allegiance to another government sordo swore allegiance to the H Kingdom as a lawyer so that sealed him not just as a h subject but because of that under American law he's not American and so so that's what happens now once a country is occupied international law prevents the acquisition of the nationality of the occupied state by being born on its territory because remember the other law the international law or the war crime that says you can't migrate your people into occupied territory the intent of that was to migrate and for them to plant themselves in to become that international law says no the only way that you can acquire the nationality of the occupied State and this is across all countries this is international law is by use sanguinous which is by parentage so today anybody who is a direct descendant of a h subject who was a h subject previous to the overthrow of the government in 1893 January 17 is a h subject today by parentage so for me my my my uh Hawaiian subject status did not come from being born at capani hospital but because I'm a direct descendant of Hawaiian subjects natives AB original Hans but I was also an American because my great-grandfather Charles ree came from Tennessee so that nationality I acquired as well but once I took the oath of allegiance to serve in the Council of Regency I'm no longer American under American law but I'm still hawaian what about what happens when you you travel internationally um you have a passport so that's a good point so during the permanent Court of arbitration proceedings I brought that issue up because the hearings were being held were scheduled for December of 2000 and I spoke to the um the legal council to the permanent court and asked her I said how do we travel to the he from Honolulu and H being an occupied state do we travel on American passports but we may not but we're not American and she goes that is good question see that's called critical thinking I asked the right question she said I'll get back to you so within a week she contact to me back and she said okay because of Hawaii's situation as an occupied state right travel on two passports so when you enter skipple which is the name of the um uh airport in Amsterdam right present two passports Hawaiian kingom passport and the US passport and the Dutch Customs will be appr prized and for Warn and that's what we did and then when you travel throughout the Netherlands only use your H Kingdom passport that's how he did it so and it works yeah yeah we actually came up we came up with a h Kingdom passport and we also traveled on the American passport cuz we're occupied remember they're the temporary government yeah yeah yeah so so say I don't know if you remember like Britney grinder the the basketball player that went to the I think it was Olympics couple like many years ago and she got stuck in Russia cuz she had like a vape on the airplane and she was in the jail for like so long yep where at she was she was tried with um she she was protected under American laws so if something like that happened to you say you you were Britney grinder and you had the Hawaiian passport would you have been tried under Hawaiian laws no no she wasn't tried under American law she was tried under Russian law oh yeah that's why she could um stay but but she could travel with her American passport yeah which merely was her n International identity card that's that's what a passport is yeah but would you like what protection would you have had if something like that happened and um you would be protected under Hawaiian law Hawaiian Hawaiian law has no effect beyond the borders of the Hawaiian Kingdom like American law has no effect beyond the borders of the United States okay so you enter into the sovereignty of another country under their laws now whether they have a treaty with one country that gives their citizens preferential treatment on whatever then that would be something that a treaty would have to provide okay so it's more so preferential and treaties like yeah cuz the inter national law operates between nations and in order for one nation to accept something within its territory you need its consent okay yeah so so when we travel to other places it doesn't matter what nationality we have it's we're always tried under there well depends on whether or not that country requires consent from them before you enter their borders and that's called a Visa right oh oh okay so if you go to New Zealand or Australia you have to go online and get a Visa a tourist visa you get their consent now you come in but you kind of stay there forever right but not every country has visas yeah so in the Hawai Kingdom there was no Visa law it was just you just had a passport and with a passport you can enter Hawaiian territory okay yeah cool very interesting I didn't know all that stuff so by the way the council agency has already set in motion passports okay cool how how do how does one get a passport so passports uh we're actually working out now because it has to be scanned scannable right because now when you go into countries there's certain um uh not indicators but signs or symbols so it can be read like a QR code kind of thing but not a QR code but the same kind of like SL SL SL slash oh yeah yeah okay and you probably see it on the American Port you see that so that when you when you scan it it reads it okay right so we worked all that out and uh I would say within probably the next month or so oh interesting we're going to start announcing people can apply for for passports and get a passport and the passports uh applications would need documentation so if an abin hawaian or native Hawai is applying because if you're native Hawai you automatically hawaian subject you didn't come from another country so all you would need to have is a certified copy of your birth certificate from Department of Health because we have to use that institution and it says native hawaian on it or hawaian and once you get that that's evidence that you're a h subject Aboriginal if you're not Aboriginal like Sanford a descendant of Sanford right who's still Caucasian that person would have to show a certified copy of the birth certificate and also certified copies of the parents and grandparents going back to somebody in 1893 before January 17th to sure that that person was a Hawai subject by being born on Hawaii territory so you can get that from a census report or if they were naturalized before 1893 then you get that record from the archives so there is a format a form to follow and then you can get a passport cool my passport actually just expired two months ago so uh can you are you allowed to have a US passport and a hne passport that's a really good question because when I was in the Netherlands at the permanent Court of arbitration I went to the secretary at the registar right and I and I was talking to the Secretary General no the deputy secretary General on a matter and I looked on a table next to her I guess one of her colleagues had like five passports on the table and I said does that person have five passports he goes oh yeah how can they I didn't know so she explained to me that as long so countries themselves if they have a particular law that this is how you lose your nationality like America says if you taking old of allegiance to another country you lose it that's a American law you lose it you canot get a passport a lot of countries don't have that that rule so like even in France a French citizen who gets naturalized under American law which is American law gets naturalized to become an American even though that American law says you gave up your former citizenship France didn't agree with that and France says you can still carry your French passport because that's French law a passport is under the law of the country not the other country that's issuing another passport so she told me that this person was able to find her being a direct descendant of different countries in Europe and she showed evidence birth certificates and she was able to get passports because there was no law in those countries that would terminate uh that person's citizenry even though this person might even have an American passport right but the determining Factor on voting is that it's where you're doled where you reside and that's the passport that would apply so you cannot vote in all the countries you got a passport except for where you live okay cool since you brought up voting are do you you vote it's an American law it's illegal so you do you don't do any voting here I cannot cuz then it's a contradiction me it's also illegal yeah yeah yeah it's remember American law is all illegal yeah sorry Uncle CL you're not going to get a vote from this guy you know I would don't want to be the bad news you know it is what it is okay right but the key is how you fix the problem yeah and not how you exacerbate it so if sovereignty was um I not sovereignty the um coin government was restored and like military government military government what how does how would voting work like would we go back to the monarchy or okay so during a military government during occupation there is no voting and there's no legislative body it's like a dictatorship sort of it's like the military Governor has full control because they have to respond to things on the spot and voting can only take place amongst the Nationals of the country so normal procedure uh during a military occupation it's not a democratic process it's military but there are rules and regulations to curb conduct to make sure that they follow certain rules so the job of a military government is to temporarily administer the laws of the occupied state so the occupation comes to an end now when that happens it will but when that happens and there's a treaty of Peace then the government comes returns from a military government to a full hang Kingdom government and the council Regency would be the head as it is today right but its job is to reconvene the legislature they have to that's what the Regency requires the article 33 but because we couldn't uh reconvene the legislative assembly for election we had to do this by by do this by necessity it's something very similar to what happened with the Belgian Council Regency was formed when King Leopold was captured by the Nazis uh Belgian law says that the legislature has to elect a a re Regency but prior to that it says the cabinet ministers shall be the Regency until that happens so it's a two-step process so ours is still a two-step process when the occupation ends our job is to reconvene the Legislative Assembly according to Hawaiian Kingdom law and we have to use we have to utilize Hawaiian Kingdom law to reconvene the legislature so before you can reconvene the legislature according to Hawaiian law the Department of Education has to conduct a census they need to find out where the Hawaiian subjects are living to identify the gubernatorial districts and how many representatives can be had from each district right it's Al in Hawaiian law and then after the census is done where you identify Hawaiian subjects from the alien population then you have to register voters right so people got to register to vote and that's the Minister of Finance job under Hawaiian law and then when you have registered voters then you convene the Legislative Assembly so you have all these steps but the laws that we follow for election are Hawaiian Kingdom laws but we can't do that reconvene the legislature during a time of occupation because the entity in control of our government our government body is the US military that's the regulations until they get out so we're we need to get to the stage of where General MacArthur was in 1945 and then we will come to that point of Elections like General MacArthur ended occupation in 1952 so seven years lasted over there not saying it's going to last 7 years here but the job of the uh of the military government is to bring things back to its status quo it's institutions of the government bring it back to what it was in 1893 cuz it's been messed with for the last 131 Years and we're not going to say oh you can leave no you're going to stay until you clean it up you know so it's like a we got to we got to clean the Lu that ended and get po all over it's dirty you know people think they're Americans you know so so much confusion military government now comes down on on a plan and that's why we put together an operational plan on exactly how that takes place with essential and implied tasks very much uh comprehensive but you need centralized government control to carry it out you can't go out and try to get everybody to believe it yeah it is what it is cool I know uh we don't really like to talk about hypothetical but something that I was talking about poster last episode with my siblings was like it' be cool if they had a TV show on certain things in history like what if what if you know the Haan kingdom was never overthrown what if Tupac was alive you know whatever stuff like that but it would be really cool just to kind of think what it would be like what what do you think it would be like if we were never overthrown I'll be bold to say that Hawaii would probably become the headquarters for the United Nations because Hai was neutral neutral territory United States is not a neutral state but the other neutral state that houses the United Nations is Switzerland they're still neutral right Geneva so Hawaii was a neutral State no different than Switzerland so we would be that natural place of neutrality that's what I think yeah do you think all these hotels and highrises would still be here because that's if we're dealing with the aftermath of it we got to figure that out yeah uh there's no sense destroying them but appropriating them yeah but do you think it would have wakei would be what it is today and no so if you go back to understand what could we what would we be is to to look at what were we mhm cuz law of occupation always look backwards it doesn't look forward because you have to maintain the status quo of the institutions the population the territory you can't mess with it but that's exactly what happened here in 131 years so it has to go back to that so back in the Kingdom um you had a statute and they regulated tourism we actually had tourism yeah THS annual covers it you know the H Almanac and people from around the world came to Hoy as tourists not it wasn't a major part of the economy I mean hoi Ho's economy was self-sufficiency it had crops it you know it had trade you know all that stuff but one thing that's interesting and a friend of mine uh Dr Lawrence guner he's German and he did his PhD on Haw Kingdom foreign relations and he has a book out um uh University of ha press uh the H kingd of power in the world right and it's a mindblowing analysis of H foreign policy right like way up there but he came across in a book written in German in Germany and this writer is explaining his time in Hawaii as a tourist and he said from all the countries he visited as a tourist Hawaii stood out with particular attention on their belief in health care so every tourist that came in had to pay $2 to the Customs that provided them access to Queen's Hospital if they should get sick he said he's never visited a country where there were concern for others coming in normally it's health care for those people in it but naturally that would be a good policy cuz we would have to deal with you and our Hospital in case we got small pox which could lead to decimate some of our population so it's interesting when you start to look at Hawai from that time and how others looked at it they respected hoi it was amazing I mean that people loved toi back then they love it now the military really loved toi that's why they okay and they violated our neutrality so now because of the American Military presence Federal Federal Emergency Management agency 1990 came out with a brochure identifying risks to all the states they identified in this pamphlet that Hawaii aahu has five targets for nuclear strike yeah that's part of the risk so what did the military bring to Hawaii so we're actually more of a Target being part of America absolutely even FEMA admitted that in the brochure and with five nuclear rounds hitting in the targets that just took out aahu where would it hit Pearl Harbor yeah K schol field also all the military bases the five okay what about this cuz you brought up tourism and one of the comments I see all the time when these clips go out of our Hawaii demographic oh you guys wouldn't survive a day without tourism you guys rely on tourism you guys would be nothing without tourism what do you have to say about that well the way the economy is set now under the American situation is that's true it's how they set it up so that we have to rely on tourism right exactly and not only rely on tour tourism but also rely on goods and services coming in and that's the the the uh the Jones act right so 90% of goods are not coming from here they're coming from America so it creates a dependency whether by chance or design I don't know design but that's illegal that is a violation of the law of occupation CU under Hawaiian Kingdom law you need to look at how the economy was set back then and that's how it's got to get back to see that's part of taking things back to the status quo so all of a sudden thrums annual of 1890s 1880s H Almanac becomes point on it explains and it gives statistics on the Hawaiian economy agriculture this was not dependency but the military government's job is to bring it back to that status quo and the Jones Act wouldn't apply to us cuz that's an American law so American law only allows American flagships to bring in Goods to Hawaii no we got treaties with all these countries that's an American law limited to US territory that means we can get Goods coming directly to Hawaii let's say from Japan right instead of Japan passing us going to the Port of Los Angeles offload then Matson gets reloaded and it comes back here right that's the Jones act that doesn't apply that's illegal that's an American law that means that Japanese tanker or ship sorry can come directly into P Harbor offload the goods here that was requested and then continue to the Port of Los Angeles which would be cheaper for us which would decrease the cost of living but they don't do that because they have a monopoly right so here's the effect that the Jones act has on our economy it's not the sole indicator but it's one of them so according to the Jones act it's actually there to protect the American flagships and the merchant marines which are American okay I'm I'm there to protect them so when foreign goods come they have to go to designated ports like the Port of Los Angeles they offload and then they get reloaded with American ships that redistribute around the coast of the United States or they get loaded on semis to take it right now to come to Hawaii will cost Matson more than if Matson went to San Diego from the Port of Los Angeles because to come here got to pay for more fuel mhm you got to pay for the Manpower on there you got to pay for uh their coverage of insurance and whatever you know just part of having a business and then what ends up happening is for bson to increase those costs they put it on the consumer when they pick up the goods so they don't pay for it outright but the ones who asked to get the Toyota truck Tacoma they got to pay the extra cost that it takes to get it here when all they should have done is actually pay for what came directly from Japan so you have these matters that have to be addressed by a military government to bring it back to the status quo because that is what we call command decision making centralized control and you need that in a time of 131 years of abuse but everything is followed through law procedure and things that are transparent mhm this is not where this guy is a dictator and the Council of regency's job is to make sure that whoever that person is cu it ain't har har anymore but Logan or whoever in the chain of command as that commanding officer we will to make sure they followed how these things work and we hold them accountable cool so we're in the front seat with them we're not driving the law says you got to drive right now but it's only temporary yeah yeah but I'm watching you okay awesome awesome okay um sorry getting back to the the questions from the same person Anson the part two of his question was do we kanako Mai konako need to go through a repatriation SL expatriation process for status correction to be under the jurisdiction of the Hawaiian Kingdom government no that is what sovereignty groups was promoting and they're making it up somebody were saying you got to give up being an American but using American law to give it up M why do have why do you have to give it up you could have both exactly it's not it's it's not one or the other it doesn't have to be that's that's the thing I see with these things is they're always on the extremes right one or the other yeah it's like a binary approach yeah if this got to do that no if you understand what is nationality you are who you are even if you have five different nationalities you got five different passports and one of them is O fine that's good but where you vote after the occupation ends will depend on what passport you have where you live yeah so if you live in the H Kingdom after the occupation ends you can register to vote yeah I think you said it last episode something the difference between what you're doing there is a lot more exclusive or is that what you said something like that I remember you mentioning something about well it's very uh it's ethnocentric meaning it's native based okay maybe that's what it was yeah so and that stems from American law that has created hne homes you got OHA it's very ethnic but it's all an American law creation so the sovereignty groups that have said things without being accurate have drawn from that current understanding and then they start to appropriate those with issues of international law and it almost becomes like a form of pigeon talking but it's all wrong or or they G telephone where you like say something and it goes to somebody else by the time it gets to the last person it's all jumbled why did this in my class just really yeah I said okay everybody line up 10 of them the students I said okay we're going to see what happens with information okay yeah that's not written so I whispered in the ear of the students softly then he whispers in the ear of somebody else goes down to 10 people that 10 person said something that was completely different than what I said mhm how do you resolve that you what let me write it down no pass that down it hasn't changed yeah that's what a law is this is not oh I heard yeah oh my auntie said you know or I like to say this jokingly you know my father's uncle's dog's friend sister take it easy yeah yeah stop doing that okay awesome next question comes from alai V this person says how can you work together with those in the sovereignty movement and the rest of the Lai we kind of talk talked about it a little bit but if you want to add anything else there's nothing to work about um it's just ignorance yeah I mean just get educated yeah and like I said the council Regency has a function has it job it's has a plan it's been operating on that plan since 1997 it hasn't it hasn't detoured and we've accomplished so much so why we get together with somebody or something I why maybe just stick my class register for class up at uh or go watch the videos yeah exactly okay and next question comes from M 84 this person says will Hawaiian citizenship be extended to locals who have been in Hawaii for multiple Generations kind of already covered that as well yeah okay so yes yeah so so so you are who you were not you are who you want to be yeah now who you want to be is different from who you were that's up to you m but you got to follow the rules of the country that has that nationality yeah okay cool last question comes from one of our patreon supporters Jordan H he he says absolutely love the episode he really knows his history and makes a compelling case based on international law rather than emotion I am H but was born and raised in Havi so this question is a lifelong one for me managing that tension of belonging versus not belonging based on ethnicity rather than how I live and treat others for Dr kusai what role do you envision for people who love and are committed to Hai but aren't Hawaiian two parts if you have time as it applies to Havi in its current state and as it would apply to Hawaii as an independent SLR transitional government so under Hawaiian law and the government is operating past occupation ethnicity has nothing to do with anything that is an American construct right so it's not even in the vocabulary so it's not about being native H that is an American creation from hin homes right so during occupations though a nationality in the country post occupation has to be in line with what was the institutional character of it prior to the overthrow and occupation and that has to be worked out so if you're looking at legally speaking straight up law black and white American citizens numbered 1900 which is 2% of the entire population now granted you can't go back to the number but you can go back to the percentage right so that percentage of what that would be would include first of all the national population and those those would be Hawaiian subjects so an indicator to come up with a a a number to that is looking at uh Native hins were 86% of the national population so they were clearly the majority 80 86% 14% were non-aboriginal Hawai subjects like Sanford Dole and Lauren thirst okay so you can take that number total of native hins both in America and here the total population according to the US Census report and you come up with a number where you can create in a sense the 14% so you would know that that's what the national population would look like it has to be restored then when you look at the alien population the non- Hoin subjects and the percentages of each you had British you had French you had German American uh uh South countries in South America it's all in the census reports you would have to go back to that so basically what the law says is whatever the percentage of the population today the entire population they're only supposed to be 2% of Americans here that's the law now how you get to that point and whether or not it's workable or not that's what the negotiation is all about in leading to to the Treaty of Peace mhm so you're Guided by what the law is not what I want it to be and if you want it to be something that can happen till the occupation comes to an end because the legislature has to be reconvened to create a law right now we can only operate on what laws exist okay so it it can get very very complicated and that's why people involved with the work that I do I work with people who are credible in different areas because I need to reach out to them and let's say hey I need a white paper on this or hey can you give me a legal opinion on this topic you know so I need to reach out to people and they're not here because we don't have the experts here so I work with people who are outside of the United States because that way I know it's objective I don't get somebody from Washington DC to draft a legal opinion on American citizenship and their residency in Hawaii now let me go get somebody from Brit or France or somebody else somebody that may not have an A an ax to grind also against the United States cuz I need clear information to make decisionmaking that has severe consequences so I'm careful not to say oh it will be this I know what it's supposed to be but we still got to get to that point right so so many variables in equation that we need truly qualified people to look into this this is not a people power this is not hey let's all get together and sing Kumbaya no no this has ramifications the economy the rights of people called human rights even those that came after the invasion all of that comes into play Dr Willie kawaii kawaii uh got his PhD in polii I was uh in on his doctoral committee his doctoral dissertation was on Hawaiian nationality and he took it not only from the kingdom era and tracks tracked its Evolution and its impact by American law but also what do you do about it now right and he asked those questions and one thing that came up that wasn't there in 1893 under international law it's called human rights MH so people here that came here illegally even though they didn't know it they still have human rights and you cannot expel anybody from a country based upon race religion color or Creed okay that's a human rights that's settled so again that's another variable inqu on how do we deal with untangling this net right this lay net and it takes time but you know I used to have to do that for my uncle you know one inch ey right or 2 inch eye actually and I remember right across the street Uncle Charlie Boy we would untangle the net he puts it on the wall and man sometimes you temp it tempt it just cut it and tell Uncle Uncle use the sui just fix it no just keep going and then once you keep going I can tell you it's true and others can relate who've done this all of a sudden once you get that one that one tangle all of a sudden it opens you know with the limo and the Rocks that's how we have to approach this takes time so that's why we have to be I have to be careful on let not letting noise affect the substance of what we need to do okay yeah cool so the the rose we have nothing to do with race gender ethnicity it's just we're all committed to if you want to be committed to what be committed to the cause just be just be respectful of where you at and be committed to what is right okay you know and and keep learning okay you know not pick aide awesome I love that all right well Mahalo everybody again for the social media fan questions make sure you leave some for our next guest and maybe your question will make it on the podcast all right um if is there anything else you want to share that you think we should know that may be any um updates that we should follow any are there steps that we can take to learn more about this so I would recommend as you already put on the on the the last post I mean the last uh podcast a link to um the hawaian kingdom Haan Kingdom blog right there's also another link that you should put up hom.org and that's where the blog stems from yeah can you send all those to me sure all the ones you said earlier in the episode too because I think just especially for the h Kingdom blog I highly recommend it will prompt a subscriber request subscribe to it because then what happens when you subscribe when something is posted because it's always updated with information that is current even like when the passports are coming out and this and that it'll alert you that something got posted that way you don't have to keep checking right just make sure you subscribe okay would be important you know you might become the most popular guy without social media in Hawaii after these episodes just you know no okay so I have totally I totally Mahalo you and your viewers because to get this word out it's so important but see I'm not a social media kind of guy I just got Gmail and I I'm so busy with other things mhm I remember I I was told hey get a Facebook so I told my son K hey this Facebook thing was just coming out and I already had name recognition as soon as he put it up it started to light up with invitations to be a friend M I was like whoa whoa whoa I said K get me off now so he took me off I never visited again so I even asked my son K hey Instagram is do I have to like respond or people or anything cuz you know I can't see the some of the stuff you're putting on oh all that is it's kind of tied to Facebook you know I went okay I guess I'm not going to have it on your mom's I'll see it on your mom's phone cuz she got Instagram and Facebook yeah yeah yeah not that I have anything against social media I think it's great yeah so I'm I'm really appreciative you know kamaka that this worked out because getting it out to your reach of viewers also hits another generation of our of our people and that's important yeah well I'm happy Mahala for sharing and we feel honored well before we end the podcast the time has come to share your life hack so what is it I know you brought something right already that's the what I shared earlier but yeah okay well I'll do it again okay so I see the world through noise as opposed to substance m so like I shared this is substance it's not noise so nobody yells about this it's just there right and then the book review is substance not noise and they're on my side in the ring right so how do I discern between noise and substance right off the bat I want to refer to an a proverb that I firmly believe in okay because it helps me discern between noise and substance so refers to the kahoi the water gourd right so the water gour water gourd looks like a IU with a long neck and it has a shell on it as a cork so it would be filled with water like a water canteen taken on the vua up in a mountains so the o no with regard to this water gour is that the gourd represents a person and water in the gourd represents knowledge the gourd with a little bit of water makes the most noise when you shake it so when I hear swishing that's noise I don't get worked up about it but it is an indicator for me I need to help that person fill the gourd with water that's what I use as as my technique to uh do what I got to do yeah so I guess the louder the noise becomes the more water you got to fill it with exactly and that is education knowledge all of it and that's what you doav kav nice okay well that's a that's a great life hack Mahala for sharing that I think that's all we got for you today um I've never ever had a guest come back three times I've never had a guest come back twice in a year twice in a month Breaking All the records here but possibly we'll see how it goes I have a lot of guests I got to get through but maybe we'll have you back for a third time maybe next year we'll see how how the progress goes and was this stay in touch and just you know continue to well see this this thing about the military government it's not a matter of uh of if it's a matter of when because what has set been set already is a chain of a chain of events that would be one week at a time where you either are a war criminal or you've established the military government and it's going to keep going every week and somebody in that chain of command is going to see the writing on the wall and if they can't get a legal opinion from that attorney general and for them not to be a war criminal like the one just before them they got to perform their Duty establish a military government so I think when it gets closer to that time might be another time for me to come back but yeah we'll see we'll stay in touch yeah stay tuned okay and everybody make sure you check out the links that will be inside of this episode in the description uh is there anything last words you want to say before we wrap up no all good okay right on well let's see if I can do it without reading my iPad Mahalo again Dr kosai for coming on the keep it law podcast spread love be kind to one one another and Mahalo for listening to us today we have new episodes every Thursday so make sure you follow us and leave a review I'm your host kamaka I remember to always keep it aloha

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You talked about the democrat party as though you feel like it doesn't exist the way it existed a generation ago or two generations ago that there's not a democrat party as you knew it growing up is that an accurate read did i hear you right yeah it still has this kind of tribal identification um but... Read more

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Robert Kennedy Jr. on His Alliance with Trump | Phil in the Blanks

Category: Entertainment

Robert thank you for sitting down and talking to me this has been a really pivotal day in your campaign in your life i'm sure yeah it's a difficult day in in many respects but you know i feel like i'm on the right path you had i think close to if not over a million people on your live stream for your... Read more

Robert Kennedy Jr. on Suspending His Presidential Campaign #election #drphil #robertkennedyjr thumbnail
Robert Kennedy Jr. on Suspending His Presidential Campaign #election #drphil #robertkennedyjr

Category: Entertainment

You've suspended your campaign how difficult was this decision it was clear to me that because of the media censorship because i was not going to be allowed on a a debating stage that i didn't really have it path the victory so my choice was am i going to spend the next 77 days you know rallying the... Read more

Robert Kennedy Jr. on the 'Price' of His Presidential Campaign #RobertKennedyJr #election thumbnail
Robert Kennedy Jr. on the 'Price' of His Presidential Campaign #RobertKennedyJr #election

Category: Entertainment

I know that you're deciding to run and conducting this campaign came at a very high price to you personally familywise professionally and now as we sit here i have to ask you if you knew then what you know now would you have done this yeah i would i mean i think it's been costly to me and it's been... Read more

Le 8ème jour - Inondations dans le sud-est du Maroc : Une tragédie qui met à nu les défaillances... thumbnail
Le 8ème jour - Inondations dans le sud-est du Maroc : Une tragédie qui met à nu les défaillances...

Category: Howto & Style

Bonjour chers auditeurs et chers auditrices de notre vib radio r212 aujourd'hui mamouna sharky en sa qualité de chroniqueur de lodge partage avec vous son analyse dans un article intitulé inondation dans le sud-est du maroc une tragédie qui met à nul et défaillances infrastructurelles voici cet article... Read more

Episode 108: Hakim Draper, CEO of Artist Intelligence Labs, discussing web3 music, gaming + culture thumbnail
Episode 108: Hakim Draper, CEO of Artist Intelligence Labs, discussing web3 music, gaming + culture

Category: Science & Technology

[music] good morning good afternoon or good evening wherever you're joining us from all over the world welcome to web 3 warriors episode 108 featuring hakeem draper ceo of artist intelligence labs a managing partner with link media partners a chief strategy officer for data to leads and an adviser to... Read more

Jörg Thadeusz empfiehlt „Streitkräfte und Strategien“ | Der PodcastPodcast thumbnail
Jörg Thadeusz empfiehlt „Streitkräfte und Strategien“ | Der PodcastPodcast

Category: Music

Ich höre sehr gerne den podcast von norddeutschen rundfunk streitkräfte und strategien das ist ein sicherheitspolitischer podcast die sendung gibt es 1968 weil der öffentlich-rechtliche rundfunk hat in diesem land einfach schlicht eine große tradition und die gibt es seit 1968 viele leute haben gesagt... Read more

Fyre Festival 2 Coming, UK Competition Watchdog Launches Oasis Ticket Probe | The Waves by Waivly thumbnail
Fyre Festival 2 Coming, UK Competition Watchdog Launches Oasis Ticket Probe | The Waves by Waivly

Category: People & Blogs

Hey wavely crew in today's podcast we've got a variety of topics to explore here's what's on the horizon today uk competition watchdog launches oasis tickets probe fire festival founder says sequel event is happening us uk eu and others sign landmark ai safety treaty youtube develops new tools to combat... Read more

OU Sports Extra podcast: Sooners' strong showing at KU; latest football roster/coaching staff thumbnail
OU Sports Extra podcast: Sooners' strong showing at KU; latest football roster/coaching staff

Category: Sports

Hey everybody eric bailey eli letterman talking ou athletics again eli it's good to see you again i hope you think i'm looking like a coach i am an ashley in the ou media room i found a quiet place to do my part of the podcast so i got the oh you better behind me it's it's real i promise it's not something... Read more

Amazon and Reddit Downed by Huge Internet Outage thumbnail
Amazon and Reddit Downed by Huge Internet Outage

Category: News & Politics

What happened the consolation prize for most people as we've experienced the apocalyptic events of the past year or so has been simple at least we've got the internet good old trusty internet whatever's going on outside you can bury your head in reddit or twitter or tomo news and pretend all's well... Read more

El Rincón del Disidente | Septiembre Negro - El Caso Fourniret thumbnail
El Rincón del Disidente | Septiembre Negro - El Caso Fourniret

Category: Entertainment

Al e [música] [música] ah [aplausos] [música] [música] buenas noches bienvenidos a verano negro sin ser verano negro buenas noches y bienvenidos a septiembre negro este nuevo espacio y a su vez viejo espacio que empezó en verano pero que he visto lo visto y viendo cómo ha funcionado y lo que os ha gustado... Read more