Guster - Happier (with Alex Edelman)

Published: Jul 18, 2024 Duration: 00:04:43 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: alex edelman
so when this shut the hilarious so so the conceit when we did it we're like oh we want to like invite some of our friends and I was like but we like we want to make it mushy we didn't want to just be like like like a like a 15 layer cake so one of the things we want to do is like and then and when I asked you I was like do you he's like do I want to sing with you yes I want to sing with you so we have't we definitely didn't work this out did you figure out what first you're going to got you guys got it down okay I'll give it I'm sorry in advance no it's already good by the way I like call playay I like call [Applause] playay all right I'll you if you want all right are you ready yeah here we go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] say goodbye lose your friends make them go don't them around cuz it's time lose your friends make them go was never supposed to be like this you were too weak too PR to break the needs to deep this skin to thin by now you took all there was to take tear it aart and start to come on if this will make you happier you got you this far do what you have to [Music] [Applause] you wasted every moment of your Saturdays and your Sundays you wasted the BM was never supposed to be like Father do what was done unto you always in your father steps just do what was done unto you it won't be hard to start come if this will make you happier we got you this far [Music] than you take serious this far finally got fig out one more inch son of a wasting my time always and I have way you B till your break and make the same mistakes always so good it this will make you happier it got you [Music] [Applause] this don't take it so serious [Music] [Applause] far finally got it figured [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] out gentl wish [Applause] what a fun weird night man so fun

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