Category: Sports
[applause] pressure coming z gets out of dark complete to hunter on the move showing him his shoe bottoms buffalo's kbit touchdown with his six touchdown catch at colorado his 10th overall and the buffalo's taking a 7 to3 lead on the sidelines one of the changes this year in college football shadur... Read more
Category: Gaming
What's up guys my name is man squash 924 welcome back to another episode of assassin's creed 3 part 21 today is the day we are going to be embarking on many naval adventures so if you guys uh don't feel like seeing that feel free to skip the episode otherwise we're going to be doing a lot of sailing... Read more
Category: Sports
Hey dog come on on him get off the white get off the white with your shoes get off the white they know you get off the white thank my shoes are clean no your life ain't clean m what is it then [laughter] dead h that will be affecting my parent rankings this month you parent ranking you got parent ranking... Read more
Category: Sports
She don't cause me problems she don't cause me headaches unless she fighting one of y'all sometimes i come spend quality time with you it's taken for granted i'm not doing that to use me cuz you have nowhere else to go and you come to use me no you don't think i got nowhere to go no where you got to... Read more
Category: Sports
It is big, it is beautiful. that is all old news now. that is old memories. we have seen baltimore strike first, and dynamic kickoff with justin tucker. you got to return it, here we go. there is carson steele, the rookie... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Kristen jik dazzles in diy pearl dress while celebrating husband kyle's nfl milestone on monday kristen jik showcased her remarkable fashion sense and design skills as she celebrated her husband kyle jusik for reaching an impressive milestone his 12th year in the nfl the 30-year-old fashionista who... Read more
Category: Gaming
Bon franchement difficulté 5 j'aurais pu oua ou franchement ouais j'ai fait la même erreur que tout à l'heure c'est pas grave c'est pas grave on casse donc c'est good oh là ah merde je crois que je pavais casser aussi mais c'est dur pour moi oh là là magnifique les sensation j' essayie de bien prendre... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] joe blood the most prolific professional hitman in europe more hits than m these really bad headaches are you okay i've got some bad news it's terminal i need a contract to executed who do you want retired me i've thought about doing this for years you killed my father clock starts at midnight... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
He saved new york washington los angeles but the world has changed and his old enemies are coming back i'm too old for this [music] crap you've survived too much mlan but this time it'll be your last when the world is on the brink of chaos there's only one man who knows how to handle it i'm still here... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
There we go hey all right ladies and gentlemen today's movie has the following tagline did someone say action what do you think about that one uh i think it was a great start uh it's in the movie the the one of the dudes who supposed to roll the camera falls asleep so un intentionally and ironically... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] yes hello this is donald trump uh from mr cone thank you so much donald who 1 2 3 4 roy con nice to meet you you roy con you're brutal guilty is charge i didn't always win there's rules the first rule is attack attack attack it's going to be the finest building in the city maybe maybe the country... Read more
Category: Gaming
[musik] cool probewnung geil das hier auch nice od geil m drin die probewarnung geil es war auch noch nie passiert im stream Read more