The Five Keys to Living a Happy & Fulfilling Life - Hovde for U.S. Senate

Published: Aug 17, 2024 Duration: 00:05:14 Category: People & Blogs

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[Music] all right another episode of Life health and happiness and I'm going to stay with life again and I'm going to talk about my five keys to Leading a happy and healthy life the first one is the decisions we make because decisions have consequences good decisions be good consequences bad decisions be get bad consequences think of your own life when you make good decisions they generally result in good results if you make bad decisions the results tend to not work out so well and you can look at people that make a series of good decisions for their life and build a very good uh and quality life and you look at other people that they just always seem to get in this pattern of making bad decisions whether it's about work or relationships or whatever it may be so put real thought into important decisions in your life try to get into a pattern of making good decisions because good decisions have such consequences on our lives the second key is the effort you put forth anything you want to achieve in life requires effort and a lot of effort uh if you want to be a great athlete all the best athletes put enormous amounts of work into that uh scholar you have to study super hard to get great grades starting a business you're going to work all the time I if if you become an entrepreneur and want to be successful I've worked hard my whole life as I started and built my multiple different companies so it requires effort but even more important than achieving certain things it's the relationships we have in life being a good parent being a good friend being a good colleague requires effort you know be there for the people you care about and that you love if your child has a big event whether it's a sporting event or a school play make sure you're there for them your friends in need show up be there by their side so relationships maintaining good friendships and relationships require a lot of uh effort third thing is the attitude we have we all have a choice and we can control that are we going to have a good outlook and positive attitude or are we going to be negative look everybody wants to be around people that are upbeat and happy in general as a whole so you know you also get to impact how you feel about things you know I find it much better to have an upbeat Outlook that doesn't mean every day I wake up and I'm happy a lot of days I have to lift myself up and encourage myself and try to get some better perspective and be grateful for simpler things particularly when you're going through tough days but the attitude you have has such an impact because magnetic people are people that have a lot of energy and a positive attitude because other people like being around uh positive upbeat people the fourth factor is fate you have no control over fate fate can be good and fate can be terrible you could walk into a restaurant and meet the love of your life and if you wouldn't have been there uh but for a half hour earlier or later you may have never met that person or bumping into somebody on a train or plane can happen like that conversely fake can be horrible you could get in a car and be driving down the highway and get in a horrible accident and you know end up paralyzed fate can be very cruel and you again you have no control over fate the last thing is faith believing in something bigger than yourself or or just your life and what we're experiencing on a day-to-day basis we know that Faith helps steady and strengthen people there's done multiple different studies people's ability to recover from really hardship or bad things that happened to them bad incidents of fate or or alcoholism or or drug use is much higher when people have faith so you can control the first three three things all by yourself Faith you have no control over and faith is a belief in something bigger uh than just yourself and uh if you do the first three things and have faith even with a bad happen stance of Fai you can end up leading a good healthy and happy life so these are the principles I've lived by that have helped me build a good and happy life and hopefully you can take something from it have a wonderful day

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