Curmel Moton receives RACIST attacks after recent KNOCKOUT win
Published: Aug 24, 2024
Duration: 00:12:00
Category: Sports
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knock [Applause] knock well eight years ago people at the Mayweather gym had to call Floyd had to get him on the phone to tell him about this 10-year-old that was making everyone in the gym cry that kid grew up to be kermel Moten and 7 and 7 and S knockout 7 and the gorilla 3 and0 5 and double trouble double trouble what they what they say oh Dante's boxing Nation what's going on guys so as carel Molton starts to climb up the rankings he's also climbing up all the way to the top of the coincidental list for those of you guys who don't know the coincidental list are the fighters that all coincidentally end up getting treated the same way by a particular demographic when it comes to the fans and everyone on the coincidental list happened to coincidentally look the same it started with Floyd Mayweather then it went to Andre Ward then it went to Terence Crawford then it went to Devin Haney and javante Tang Davis and Shakur Stevenson now it is Carmel Molt's turn and soon it will be abdulla Mason's turn as well so with that all being said carel Molton he just got his fifth win as a pro knocking out a Mexican fighter in Mexico by the name of Victor Vasquez who had a record of 5-2 Carell Molton he did exactly what he's supposed to do when it comes to a fighter on that level he knocked them out in the very first round in the first 30 seconds to be exact so a day before this fight even took place like after the weighin I started to get some people sending me messages they were showing me threads in the comment section of what racist fans were saying about carel Molton saying the same things that these racist fans always say about a fighter on a coincidental list the only difference is they're saying it about a different fighter on a different date some of the comments were just straight out racist comments towards black people from Mexican fans 85% of these comments are coming from Mexican fans the other 15% are other Latinos there were comments of them criticizing carel Molt's opposition his level of opposition saying the guy hasn't fought in a year he's fighting bombs he's cherry picking he's overrated etc etc etc now because the majority of fans that are saying these things about carel Molton are Mexican fans I challenge you right now to find me a Mexican teenage Prospect who's fighting better competition than carel Molton has in the first five fights of his professional career carel Molt's first three professional fights were all against undefeated opponents and some of them were prospects Anthony Cuba was a prospect in fact if if you haven't watched that fight on YouTube go watch it listen to the commentary listen to how the commentators are praising Cuba in fact they were almost praising Cuba more than they were praising Molton despite the fact that Molton was completely dominating him so here's my point you have these race fans that are saying oh this guy that he just knocked out he hasn't fought in a year but Anthony Cuba he wasn't inactive and he was undefeated so if race fans are complaining because they say that uh Cuba's last opponent or the one he just knocked out was inactive and he hadn't had a fight in a year according to their own logic they should be praising moton for fighting against Anthony Cuba right but they didn't we know what time it is not only did Molton start his career off fighting against three undefeated Fighters but Floyd Mayweather also wanted to put Molton in a ring with the champion lay Woods at the time which lay Woods actually turned down man when it comes to giving you guys some contrast I can give you so many examples if you're talking about an american professional boxers resume at 5 and 0 let's look at the great Julio Cesar Chavez's record let's look at some of the guys he was fighting in his first 50 or 60 fights let's take a look at Julio Cesar Chavez's first 14 opponents out of the first 14 opponents the first two opponents he thought had the best records because his first opponent Bobby Fernandez was making his debut like Chavez was his second opponent was 2 and 0 now look at the records of the opponents he fought after that the next guy was 0 and seven I'm just going to read his opponent's records next opponent 20 and 13 then you have 27 and 10 then you have 1 and two then you have 25 and 14 then it's 0 and one then it's 0 and one again 1 and six 2 and 3 15 and 12 21 and 13 and then 6 and five out of the 14 four of the guys that Chavez fought didn't even have one single win now you would think after 14 to 15 fights the competition got way better after that but it didn't Chavez was still fighting the same level of opposition for at least his next 20 fights but then when Chavez Senor was 40 and0 you know who he fought he fought Armando Flores and after he lost to Chavez he ended his career 0 and four never winning one single fight and senior's next opponent right after that was a guy that was three and three listen I can sit here all day and do this I can show you guys or I could just tell you go ahead and look at Canelo Alvarez's record on box wck remember Canelo Alvarez he turned pro at the age of 15 and it took him six years to fight for a watered down title fighting against Matthew Hatton at4 Matthew Hatton for those of you guys who don't know he didn't even fight at 154 Not only was he not ranked in the top 10 at 154 he wasn't even ranked in the top 10 at 147 which is where he fought and yet some kind of way Canelo Alvarez was able to fight this welterweight for a world title and that was a 21-year-old Canelo Alvarez with a record of 35 and0 compared to an 18-year-old carmell Bolton with a record of 5 and0 but it's not just Chavez and Canelo I mean you guys can look up ailano vargas's record right now on box wck matter of fact you can look up all of the Vargas records right now look at Fernando Vargas Jr's record look at Amato Vargas record and compare their age and their record to cam Molt's record it's really unfortunate that America is the only country that's like this America is the only country to have people migrate from another country to become your rival in your own country it's remarkable when you really think about it when Anthony Joshua loses he doesn't have to worry about too many people in his own country celebrating that he lost Manny Pacquiao doesn't have to worry about his country celebrating him losing Chavez doesn't Canelo doesn't and the list just goes on and on and on only in America would you see someone Living in America repping a different flag rooting against the American fighter and listen let me make this very clear I'm not asking for their support at all I want all of the anti-racist to be aware of what what's going on I want you to always know what time it is I'm here to expose them that's all because when we all start to expose them that's when they feel more uncomfortable for all the Black American fighters that keep winning and keep dominating you ain't got to show these races no respect just keep winning just keep doing what you do because at the end of the day they are jealous of you they want their favorite fighter to be as good as you to be as dominant as you are that's why they always set the bar so high for black American fighters ever since carel Molton turned Pro they have already been praying for his downfall because they already expect him to be the next big thing in the sport of boxing you notice none of these Mexican fans that are trying to dis uh Carell Molton none of them are saying hey man why don't you fight that other Mexican fighter why don't you fight this guy or that guy they're not telling him to fight some other Mexican undefeated fighter because they know how good Carmel molon is so they're doing the same thing to carmell that they do to all the fighters on the coincidental list they don't compare him to another fighter who's not black they're really just comparing carmell to himself this is what they always did with Floyd Mayweather they would try to bash him but they were really just comparing Floyd Mayweather to Floyd Mayweather at the end of the day USA will always dominate the sport of boxing in terms of breeding the best talent I mean when you got millions of in the bank you can lose $1,000 here and there and not even notice his missing not even care when you breed as much talent as USA does it doesn't matter if one of our guys loses there's about five or 10 undefeated very gifted talented Fighters waiting in line to take that Fighter's place and it has been this way since the Inception there has almost always been a pound-for-pound king from America from Jack Johnson to Joe Lewis Sugar Ray Robinson Muhammad Ali Sugar Ray Leonard Pell Whitaker Roy Jones Jr James Tony Bernard Hopkins Terry Norris Shane Mosley Floyd Mayweather Andre Ward and the current pound-for-pound King Terence Crawford all of those Fighters that I just named at one point were considered the best fighter in the entire world and this is what kills these races that's why they celebrate whenever any Black Fighter loses it doesn't even matter if he's considered the next best thing or the next pound-for-pound king just because he's black and he loses they celebrate so much and start filling up the internet with racist comments towards black people just because the black guy lost and I always tell him you better look at the scoreboard yall running up and down the court celebrating because you just got two points meanwhile you're down 20 points in the game and it's only a minute left in the fourth quarter that means these race fans they have accepted being losers so then they just settle for getting moral victories right Isaac Cruz he didn't get knocked out by javante so we won mof he didn't get knocked out by Crawford so we won madof was so good that he made it a close fight he was actually competitive with Superman because that's how these race fans see us they see us as superheroes that's the reason why once again the standard is always set So High by these race fans when it comes to the Black American boxers that's all I got for now guys I'm on to the next one all right now check this out guys if you're looking to repair eczema scars Burns and bruises dark spots and blemishes the fever blisters diabetic oosers this right here is the perfect product for you guys it's called L Dey face and body oil athletes and top ranking boxers they're also using it after training to reduce swell and inflammation and to ease the pain so get yours today go to like them on Facebook and follow them on Instagram let me tell you guys about Issa Israel Law Firm it is a full service legal practice based in Denver Colorado an emerging hub for Combat Sports and high altitude training if you're a fighter inside or outside of the ring and you need a law firm you can trust to fight for you visit the fighter or email help at iila legal representation is usually limited to PL ifs and defendants in Colorado but I firm can help anyone in the world with 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