Harold Ford Jr. 'Fox News' Host STORMS OFF FURIOUS After Greg Gutfeld Said He Is IGNORANT & DUMB

Intro [Music] what's up this squad back with another video I see in the title is going down make sure you the like button subscribe button for me please y'all see in the title let's go ahead and jump right into it y now look at campaigns as they are you have two people running for an office um we'll do a segment on this the person running for Dem for the Democratic job Dem jump running on Democratic side Got U moved into the slot after getting the delegates to go with her after a period of time we'll talk about it and you have a republican who was on top uh he was ahead in the polls here we go 3 weeks later he has called Donald Trump has called kamla Harris I think dumb incompetent not black and low IQ and end result is she's gaining in the polls now you're right you said last week there's not a lot populating her website and other things talking about substance and specifics on issues and frankly I looked on President Trump there's not a lot on his either there's a little more but there's not there's not a lot the copycat thing I'll come to it when I was in Congress and someone wanted a co-sponsor bill that I that I wanted to wanted to sponsor and they were Republican um and some members of their party may not have liked the thing I didn't I didn't condemn them I commended them uh I think that is everyone knows that that Donald Trump was the first to begin to say no taxes on tips and if I'm not mistaken uh the greatest form of flattery is imitation and for her to be saying this is a good idea I think the President should probably embrace it Joe Scaro who's on another net no no that's not how that works ER and and he knows he's wrong like you know when a person knows when he's wrong he knows he's wrong just by the SLE fact after he said that he immediately jumped to something else immediately jumped to so so a person couldn't even respond or like have a reaction to what he's saying because he's know he's full of it just just watch greatest form of flattery is imitation and for her to be saying this is a good idea I think the President should probably embrace it Joe Scaro who's on another Network we were in the same committee together in Congress I was able to show him how public schools in his District suffered from something that public schools in my district did and if you were to listen to the verac and the narrative from our colleagues you would think that we were polar opposite Democrats and Republicans on this particular funding for for certain Public Schools turns out we were aign we sponsored together got pass through committee uh and eventually got put into a piece of legislation I just think you should commend and not condemn when these things happen because if president Trump said I am for restoring Row V weight I'd be the first to say I like that copycat if he were to say I am for smarter gun laws uh to ensure that kids don't get them and we have stronger background checks I say copycat Donald Trump he's my guy he but that's the that's the difference between things Trump isn't doing that and he's not going to do that Cela Kamala I don't I don't even honestly she doesn't first of all and I'm going say and most of y'all notice she doesn't even speak speak from her from from her heart to where she's feeling for the country she speaks from first of all a teleprompter uh even with the the video I put out before of her having a response to some protesters she still got to read off something like like be for real be for real then you want to go and say oh if Trump said this Trump he didn't though now she wants to take this no tax on because it's that's hiting you know and she she just has nothing off even if let me say this and then we going on with the video she yelling no tax on tips I'm pretty she's still a vice president right why is she not doing it now why is she everything she talking about she had plenty of time to do and still has time to do to you know to do these things and she's still not doing it it's crazy I think you should I think people should embrace this and understand this is really how public policy gets made at least good public policy gets made Brian this new comma How Public Policy Gets Made that we're seeing I mean where has she been even the the the mainstream Media made fun of her the word salads the fact that she couldn't get a a statement straight now they're they're basically saying that you know this woman is now the new you know the new Queen of the Democrat Party when two weeks ago Barack Obama said she can't win and there and he's great friends with her they've been friends for 20 years first off Harold you're right if she said in her speech you know Donald Trump had a great idea the other day he says no tax on tips I thought about it now that I'm here in Nevada looking at all you I think he was right then I think you're right I'll call do she but she's not condem she's not giving him any credit she's acting like she got the idea she's like it's her idea to be tough on the border she cut this ad I don't know where she got this archival footage from but she's been terrible on it and people are just saying wait why don't you admit that it's been a for three and a half years but I want to change it now she says I'm going to tackle inflation on day one I think to myself why you're in day three a th000 plus you should be tackling it to begin with you're you're part of it unless you're going to say that you've been on the side card not doing anything at one point you got to say listen uh President Biden good guy but sideline me he wouldn't give me any sh uh chance now you get a chance to see my policy been three weeks you're going to see all this all this stuff in front of you but what's proba what's so maddening is she's not admitting and acknowledging that she's flipping on all these issues she's not even verbalizing it and now she comes out and takes these two things like you said in the open is she going to say build the wall next because I really expected her to say that the other thing she might say is social security Trump's other idea that he said maybe we should stop taxing Social Security and I'm wondering is she going to say that to seniors next time she goes to a retirement home yep all right Dana over the that just goes to show you though like make it make sense make it make sense when when she's not doing these things like you don't have plenty opportuni she'll look better if she was actually doing things instead of saying what she's going to do and what makes me mad is that it's people like you know even my family members that are loving her praising her doing this doing that but has done nothing has done nothing I can tell y I got family members struggling right now but they still yet to follow to to follow what she got going on that don't even make sense I'm telling yall it does not make sense weeks we've seen that the audiences are getting bigger that um you know all of the momentum is on her side now uh and that she literally is in a position where if she goes off script uh if she does an interview she could collapse so do you think she's going to do that well remember in every campaign let's just think back to her campaign in 2020 she starts off really strong yeah okay and then it falls apart that might not happen here she's the timing is very very good for her and one of the things I thought was quite shocking was that for the first time you saw some polls say that voters who care about the economy trust Democrats and KLA Harris more than uh Donald Trump on the economy now I like wait how did that happen the other thing she should she could have done on the tax thing on the tips she she could have said president Trump had this idea I'll see him and I'll raise him this and I'll cut this and I'll do this like something that would be like okay well I I like that idea first of all I actually think that no tax on tips might be a great idea I think in practice when you start thinking about well what about the dishwasher should the dishwasher have to pay taxes too because the dishwasher gets paid less and I think that it's just a little bit more complicated than anybody is allowing for and I would say just having gotten back from a week away of I I followed the news a lot but oh yeah I should say welcome I'm glad to be back on the table I should have said welcome I should have said that thank you it's good to be back around the table but it's interesting to not have to talk to read about it observe but not to talk about it all the time and to realize like this campaign feels very strange it feels very Hollow um her campaign in particular and the issues that people care about are just like we have big problems in the country and people aren't talking about it and she is trying to run as both an incumbent vice president with all of the you know the selling them on the mantle of her experience and her record but also she wants you to know she doesn't believe any of that and the media is like okay Y and to think that she's on the cover of Time Magazine the cover of the the Atlantic on the very week that Simone biles just stuns the world like we could have put comma Harris on the magazine next week but they they seem to have her in inthrall and the last thing I would say is when I say she starts off strong remember also her campaign fell apart partly because of personnel issues and management her management and right now there's a story in Politico that David Pluff who's the an Obama person who's come on board to help is clashing with some of the Biden advisers because there are no clear lines of assignment and if you look at the New York Times article that explained what was happening in her office these were people on the record speaking it was a similar issue I don't know if she has enough time to get through it without you know a big stumble but she's going to have probably a decent week this week and a good one next week right time is on her side you know what Greg I want you to take a look at these side by sides one is the what Dana mentioned the Time Magazine cover with KLA and the other is the Time Magazine cover of Donald Trump with his face melting so the difference between how they portray a republican running for president and a Democrat uh to be fair and I have to address this uh but What sucks what sucks about this whole this before Greg start talking is that this is a person nobody was complaining about when he was office but everybody complained about her and still complaining about her and has done nothing for anybody you know and what what what bothers me like I said earlier is that she say she's going to do this she say she's going to do that got people all you know excited and you know it's it's people out there believe it or not it's people out there that that's going to vote you know for for this woman and loves what she talks about what and and has done nothing has done nothing whatsoever and it it it sucks when I tell y'all it sucks and it's it's it's sickening to me because you have somebody that literally is trying to change and then what what makes me mad about it too now I'm thinking about it with the whole no tax on tips thing is that people aren't seeing that Trump said that and she took it a lot of people aren't seeing that and that's why I put out these videos so people can see it because she didn't went and and I know for a fact because she didn't went to that rally when she said it people yelling people hype people doing like come on y'all like be for real it it it sucks I'm telling y'all it sucks to where people are for real praising this woman and she can't even speak from on on her own her in her own words without having you know these whatever she does talking about the same thing a little word salad she got to read from something speak actually speak and I don't see how people not not even wanting that speak to us talk to us let us know you know what's going on let us know what you can do me personally I don't care because you know I'm not voting for it but I'm just saying like she ain't GNA do it you know and it's sad I'm just saying the people that are praising this I'd be ashamed running for president and a Democrat uh to be fair and I have to address this uh to Dana uh Time Magazine they thought that Time Magazine was Simone biles so uh right who cares about Time Magazine it's the most irrelevant publication it's circulation is in the dumper no one reads it uh you know it's like being on the cover of cracked does that still exist I don't even know you know here's the deal uh you said it was like it feels Hollow it's Hollow because it is the fact is in life the more you get to know someone the less you like them I mean we've learned this with kill meat no one's learned that with kill me but it's why it's why marriage is a commitment you know the first impression is the greatest impression and then as you get to know people and you peel away the onion you realize it's a commitment so right now they're trying the media is doing its best because they're they're running this show uh to keep kamla Harris in the first impression zone right she's an unopened Christmas present you know as long as it's not open you can imagine what it is but you'll never get disappointed because you won't open and so the media is doing its best to keep that that present from being opened by the American public because over time which is what happens in a you see that it's all that it's not cracked up to be uh her um copying Trump is a great strategy so for one minute you're labeling the guy Hitler and then the next you're taking Hitler's positions and because you know that the media won't point it out wasn't Trump's policies On the Border xenophobic were wasn't it heartless and reminiscent of the Third Reich but when commet does it it's joyful you know look how joyful deportations are they're just oh the families are so happy happy you know they love to get separated but it's a terrible strategy to call it copycat stuff because it it just comes off as whining and I and and Harold has a point when an opposing team copies something from their competition it's because they realize that it's smart and the counter strategy is to react by pushing that team further in the right direction kind of like what you were talking about Trump should exploit his gravitational pool you know demand that Harris fix a tax code now she's why aren't you doing this now I mean release a plan that actually lowers taxes for small businesses in the middle class you're you're a VP you've been de you know you could be you're the borders are right now you're the borders are why don't you do it you know Trump in a weird way is making kamla great for once you know uh but having said that you shouldn't buy it because this has been a liberal trick for years as you get close to an election suddenly uh the Democrats dispense with the wacky destructive progress of crap and they Embrace republicanism suddenly they sound like Mom and Dad all of us instead of the Tantrum throwing brats they did this with Joe they had him pretend that he was this middle of the road moderate who was going to unite the country and then what happens he gets in and practically destroys the place there's a history of evidence here that it's all a big lie that they always use candidates as a trojan horse to bring in a radical it's like the bad boyfriend who suddenly becomes a gentleman in order to get the girlfriend back and then once he get her gets her back he's back to whing that's exactly what the Democrat that's this show we watching this show it reminds me of the show we watching uh it's called Uh I think it's called tell me lies tell me more lies or something like that on Hulu um me and my me and my girl was was just watching it and that's literally what he's explaining literally what he's explaining do with in every election they they C they they rule left then they campaign right and then they're back to the further left so the fact is while I say it's great that she she's impersonating Trump it's just an impersonation much like you Brian when you're trying to be me Jessie I don't yeah more like Jesse I would think so all right I I I would I would say this if it's so great to be Trump why does why don't they just run on that why not run on her policy no but you what they're offering here what they're offering is they offering they're saying to the voters you like Trump's policies but you don't like his personality well you can have his without his personality it's brilliant right all and I feel like that's that's more so what people I I can't even say that's what people think because you got to think people that's voting for K like not even like trying to be funny from what I see when I get on X when I get on Instagram when I get on Tik Tok when I get on YouTube when I see all these things I know people like stay off Tik Tok but you see a lot on there and what I see about you know on all of these platforms what I see on my family post is all because they're pushing this oh she can be the first woman black president she's black black black black it's the it's the Coler thing it's it's just a you know it's it's more so that and that's that's that's me being real I mean that's that's what people are are looking at they're not looking at her policies they not look y'all clearly seen that in the videos that I posted yesterday and before the day before the uh yesterday and the day before it it literally showed you that people walking out mid speech because nobody don't care what you people walked up to get free things free pizza free food you know free drinks free concerts that's what she's doing to throw at people free free free free free that's all and then when you know she get back in office then what back to it again people need to realize what what then happened in the past these past four years just think about stuff like that and that's why I do this exposion make sure yall stay tuned for two more videos dropping today definitely crazy videos you already know that I'll be dropping some some some some some crazy crazy bangers but you already know definitely hit the like butt subscribe Buton appreciate y'all for everything please like share this video catch you on next one

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