blink twice review

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 00:29:54 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: geena davis
hi I'm movie man I'm an actop who reviews movies and today's review is going to be on it's a really special place so this was a film which um you I knew it was coming out I I've seen the trailers and so forth and um I thought this movie actually looked all right like I mean it wasn't a film which I was like really looking forward to or anything but you know um I thought it looked um interesting like I mean r is like the concepts for the film like not exactly the most original out there air buff you know I mean it did seem interesting enough and I mean there is a pretty good cast as well but um I think what was really interesting me about it is that this film is actually directed by Zoe crait yeah right Zoe grait the actress and like I mean I have genuinely really liked zo we CRA as an actress I mean I think we can all agree she was really good as Catwoman in the Batman so yeah now seeing her actually in the director's chair for once uh you know I thought that sounded quite interesting so yeah you know um I went and like um you know all mind see maybe this could be a Sol film I seen that the reviews for it were looking good enough so you know um I went you um Hing for a good enough time and I went to see the film there as of recording this Rev you last night um and having seen it for myself now last do I think in my opinion I thought this was honestly a pretty good movie um overall I had a good enough time with this um I don't think it was an amazing film or anything but you know I had an enjoyable enough time with this um so getting further into my thoughts on the movie and to start things off I have to say like I mean I think the cinematography in this film is genuinely really good like I mean there are a lot of good shots in the movie um like there like was this movie being s like on like our most Island and you know um we just get like um all these like Pary scenes and stuff and like it's really well shot you know I mean there's some good color schemes in there and like um not to mention I mean with the kind of all like psychological Thriller that this movie is going for and like I we do get like some really good shots like I mean some shots of some character faces and like kind of some like wide angle shots um I think they're honestly really good like I mean given that this is zo krait's directorial debut I have to say I think that's honestly quite impressive um like I mean I think like with her having you know worked in the film industry having kind of you know had some kind of experience seeing like kind of how it was done like I mean while she was able to pull off here was honestly quite impressive so yeah overall I have to say that the cinematography was very good here and as well as that I also think the aing was quite good as well like I mean I have to say um I thought the movie did some like really interesting things with its editing um because like uh throughout the film you know we kind of guess like those scenes of um people just paring and stuff but um yeah like I mean I think the film's edited in a way to where like um it they confuse you a bit but um you know that after finds out that that scene may have happened like at different points from the previous scene and and I think the movie is honestly quite quick with it's editing like I mean work there defitely um calling from scene to scene but um I think honestly it's done kind of well enough um but I do think the film can hly do some pretty interesting things with it heading at times um so yeah overall I have to say the a thing was quite good as well um now for the film's pace now I mean this isn't like too long of a fil like this this movie is an hour and 42 minutes uh Jo I think is honestly good enough run time for the film um and like I mean you know I I think um the F kind of takes it slow kind of slow and SEI bit with the pacing and because cuz like um you know we're introduced to our main character and other characters and then you know uh eventually like about um like maybe 10 or 15 minutes since the film you know we go to this island and you know we we kind of do just guess like a bunch of scenes of you know the characters on this island and you all just having a good time and stuff but um it it kind of takes a bit to until like about like maybe like 40 or so minutes into the film where like suddenly it starts to go into that whole like psychological Thriller aspect and confusing things that happening and then like you know I mean like like the movie kind of takes like you know it's time G stop much once I think like it does a good enough job of you know building off things so where like eventually you know we can kind of guess to that like whole aspect um and then once we eventually get there you know like I mean the film kind of slowly builds this up to you know um we have like some Revelation you have to say like I mean what the movie did with its pacing was honestly quite interesting like I mean I feel like maybe it could have been tast a bit better was for the most part I think the Ping was pretty good um now as for the s music in the film um I think like um you know the the sound effects in this film are quite solid like I mean throughout the film you know um we're kind of hearing like all these sounds like I mean champagne popping and stuff and kind of you know some sound do expect to hear on kind of this like party like area and stuff but um hear like um all these kind of strange sounds throughout the film and I think they honestly work well enough and kind of add to that like psychological thr aspects of the film um but like um in terms of like the music here and I think the movie overall has an all right score and it's not like a great score or anything but and you know I think like I mean it does all right for the scenes that they're in but I will say though like and in terms of like some of the needle drops in the film um cuz we do get some like notable songs in here and I will say there are some go like songs overall um I thought the Sound and Music here was quite solid and now in terms of the characters and the performances from the cast um we start things off like um with our main protagonist Frieza and I have to say I thought Frieza was honestly quite a good protagonist like I mean she is um quite an engaging character um because like um you know like she's having a good time at the islands but then and eventually at some point she just starts to notice that some things are quite off and like um yeah like I mean once she kind of starts seeing things out like I mean she kind of does become quite an interesting character and um like we do kind to get some Revelations with our character which were obiously quite interesting um but yeah overall I thought she was a solid main character and I honestly think Naomi Aki did quite a good performance um especially during some of the more kind of um Thriller scenes of the film I thought she did very well and she definitely led the movie very well so I thought she did a good job here um then um we have Slater king um and you know of course he's the one who owns this private island and like he's you know billionaire Tech M um like um yeah he was quite an interesting character like I mean I think it's pretty much safe to say that like you know he's basically this film's main antagonist with like you know watch he's kind of ping and stuff but yeah like I mean I thought he h was a pretty good villain like I mean he was genuinely intimidating and like I mean I you're wondering like why is going on here what's he doing and stuff and then it's quite an interesting reveal I will say um and honestly I think Channing Tatum actually did a good job here like I mean he plays us honestly quite a different role to what you would expect from him cuz like I mean if you know Ching T him you he's he's kind of really known for like him always playing the G guy and stuff he's not really an actor who you know for playing a villain boss and I have to say he did a very good job here at quite intimida R so yeah I thought he was honestly very good and now like I don't get too much into um L the support thing characters like the other people on this island and I will say like you know um we didn't really get like a whole lot of depths to most of them as characters like I mean they were kind of all you know kind of like one not and stuff but I mean um to be fair for the roles that there kind of meant to serve in the film they serve their rules well enough um although I will say we do actually have quite the supporing cast in this fil like we actually have some quite notable names here like um in The Supporting Cast we have like aliia sha cast Christian Slayer well cuz he's sler and there's also chant have say King but um we have aliia shash Christian Slater Simon Rex Leavin Hawk Haley Joel losman Gina Davis Kyle mckin and like I mean like from most we do guess of each them like I mean I think they honestly do like well enough here like I mean we do hly get some like interesting supporting performances from them um like even if like some of them like even in the film for some of it like even if like four or two of them are kind of just like you know glor like cameos and stuff they honestly do serve their purpose in the film well enough and like you can tell they're all kind of having kind of fun time and you know we get some pretty funny moments with them so I know they did well enough but I will say though all of The Supporting Cast Stand Out by far for me is definitely Adria Arona apologies if I name wrong for him yeah she starts in this film as Sarah who's like you know kind of one of the women on this island and bit of the film she's kind of just one of the other people on this but like like as the film goes on we actually kind of do like um guess a bit of focus with our character I like him I have to say I definitely liked her especially as the film went on and also as I said I think Audrey hold this genuinely really well here like I mean she's having a good year like I I really liked her in Netflix's hit man and you have seen hit man yes you have Netflix definitely give it a watch I really enjoyed the film but um yeah um she does well here too uh she has OB quite a good performance in this film and like I mean there were actually some genuinely really funny scenes with her character and so likes her um but yeah overall um I thought like most of the characters were kind of one no except for kind of some of the main characters like I mean you know like um I thought like especially some the main hats were quite good and I think overall like the acting and especially for like Naomi A ching T and actually Aron were very good and everyone else kind of had a bit of fun in there so overall I say had good characters and good acting um now in terms of the films plot um like now this movie um you know I the concept isn't exactly the most original one out there because like I mean you know it's basically a bunch of people getes to this bil in their Tech mules private islands and you know they're all having a good time but until like one of the women on the island starts to kind of know that something seem a bit off yeah like I mean it's not exactly like you know the most like original concept out there like I mean even like when I saw a trailer for this movie you know I kind of notic like this film's kind of definitely taken like some inspiration from like a lot of other kind of movies similar to us like um some examples will be like guess house don't worry darling the menu softb you know what I'm saying yeah this film honestly does kind of seem like a bit reminiscence of a lot of those other movies and and well I don't think this movie is like as good there a lot of those other films and for like on its own thing I thought it hly does like well enough like I mean you know it kind of takes its time as I said guessing to and the real like psychological Thriller aspects plus what it eventually does like I mean you know like um we do get some interesting Thriller scenes um and like it can obiously be like a bit suspenseful of times and I see a bit years all right but I think the film does a solid job with it um but as well as that there's actually um a bit of humor in the film as well and and like overall I would say the humor in this movie was quite well done like I mean well I don't think it was like a really funny film a lot of um jokes in this film that kind of did have me um chuckling a bit so you overall I thought the film did well with it humor boss um like you know eventually um we start to kind of um get Revelations about things and stuff and like the film kind of seems to focus on like a lot of kind of you know different things and Stu I all kind of different themes uh I like R I think like maybe they could have done like a better job with like you know kind of um giving all of these themes like their time for Focus because like um you know we honestly do um have like a fair few like themes in this movie um and like well they kind of struggled to sort of um put them all together like into this one movie um but like um I think it does like an interesting enough job with this um even if I he know they could have done a better focus on them like that was my one problem with the pacing here that like you know um I know maybe could have been a bit longer so it could have kind of you know um haveit more time to focus on like the multiple themes that the fil I'm kind of trying to go for but it doesn't all right job with them for the most part um like obviously I will be getting into what they CL the reveals are and stuff but um I will say though like um during the film's third act and I feel like um especially it's really going to make this film kind of divisive because um like I mean I feel like like um depending on kind of like um your gender you might react to this film a bit differently like um like I mean with women like I mean I can see kind of some them you know like genuinely really am enjoying it but like I mean right I feel like um maybe um women like get like you know kind of um sort I sort of like a go off um time out of it now I feel like depending on like like like if you're a male audience member you know um you might kind of guess like um bit of a different reaction out of this like I mean with kind of what they kind of try to do and stuff but like I mean I don't get into like kind some of the themes which um so many CRA begins to tackle during the film start AC know um I will say thought like it was quite interesting and you know overall and how things s of make sense a bit but I can definitely see it you know being quite divisive among people about um nonetheless you know I can respect the fact that you know they were willing to sort of take that appro should kind of take that whole swing with this but um you overall I have to say I thought the pl of this movie was quite solid even if it was a very familiar concept the way they executed it was done well enough here so you overall I thought the movie did a good enough job with it um in terms of the film's narrative structure now like I mean you know we kind of have like um the main PL with our main character free you know shs up on the island and she kind of starts to know some things are off but as I said that doesn't really happen until like a little bit into the movie because um there's kind of times you know um where we'll just have like these scenes of everyone just passing and kind of just having a good time um but like I mean in terms like some like you know and the film like during the first we we're kind of wondering like you know what is going on with this island and stuff but um we kind of do you know start to get Revelations and stuff but um yeah I G for both um I will say um some of the reveals are genuinely quite interesting you know um they do honestly make sense um once things start to come full circle of thisit and yeah honestly um as I said um I think like the film start AC kind what happen stff it will be a bit divisive but like I mean like rant is overall I think like it makes for an interesting enough narrative structure with like you know the way that they're able to tie everything that was previously established in together and stuff it's done well enough here so overall I thought the film did well enough with the narrative structure so overall blink twice was a pretty solid film in my opinion like I mean I have to say like for Zoe cits directorial deut she did quite interesting job with this like I mean we have like good cinematography and there's some good songs here some pretty good sound effects and I like a lot of the main C of the movie folks is on Earth quite good and um there are some good performances here and um allall it does make for quite an interesting um psychological trailer um and like as far as having some pretty good humor like him we do get some interesting reveals that may be divisive among people but overall it does you know well with um making it genuinely interesting and stuff and like I don't think this is like an amazing film like as I said I thought the movie could have done a better job with like certain things like kind of how how it kind of um focuses on like some of its themes but for the most part I thought it was a pretty solid psychological trailer and um I will say if this movie sounds interesting to you um you know like if you're kind of going to go for a film like this um overall I think it would honestly be um a pretty solid watch so overall I don't love the film I had a pretty good time with this so with that I am going to give blink twice a seven out of 10 so with that I'll see you guys next time and bye

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