More EV Disasters! Jason joins Lisa Marie Boothe on ‪@FoxNews‬ Fox & Friends to discuss.

Published: Jul 07, 2024 Duration: 00:02:39 Category: People & Blogs

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here with more is energy expert and founder of the American Energy Institute Jason Isaac I mean Jason one in five that is substantial so why are we still seeing this push towards electric vehicles well it's about controlling every aspect of Our Lives you know as we celebrate our nation's independence from an authoritarian government one of the things that we like to be able to do is move around our country and people are finding out that electric vehicles are more expensive to own the maintenance cost are outpacing that of internal combustion engine cars the values are dropping 10 times faster than gasoline and Diesel powered cars and could you imagine going to fill up your car and the station not working but that's the case nearly 20% of EV Chargers around the country aren't operational in fact the numbers are even worse in California where there are the most electric vehicle owners they're nearly 25% of their stations aren't operational so people just can't charge and that's why sales are declining people bought these as a fancy Gadget and now they're not going back to EVS by and large so why are they so unreliable what's behind that well the electrical infrastructure is one thing but the the demand for copper is a big reason for the the problems with the charging stations thieves are having their way with these stations and they are taking out the wires and they're stripping them for their assets and then selling them to make money and that's partly driven by the mandates from governments like California and the federal government copper is absolutely through the roof right now and so thieves are just you know especially in California you know having having good times and stealing the cables and the wires but they just don't work uh like gasoline and deel stations do around this country yeah real quick is there electrical grip grid equipped to handle this push towards electric vehicles no unfortunately it's not this country is not building any new reliable affordable thermal generation from natural gas coal or nuclear and that's the biggest thought that's the biggest concern you look at places like California where they tell you in the evening don't charge your electric vehicle because the wind's not blowing and the sun's not shining so they don't have any electricity and so to reduce demand they tell you you can't charge your car so people are just being locked into their homes it's like the co lockdowns all over again and that's why consumers are going back gas and diesel vehicles yeah we'll probably still see them push towards it all right Jason Isaac thanks so much for joining us we appreciate it it's great to be on Happy Independence Day thank you

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