Season 3 Finale | Animation Special featuring the Cast & Crew of "Crash"| Ep 36 The Sherwood Shakeup

Published: Mar 28, 2023 Duration: 01:31:07 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: cast of sherwood season 2
[Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] hey everybody Welcome to the Sherwood shake up I'm your host Matt wineglass and this is our season three finale so this is a a special show today we plan for you guys but we're just so happy we got a really awesome season out to you guys every week for the last 12 weeks um we've had some really fun guests really great engagements great topics we've covered a whole wide range of stuff having to do with the entertainment industry and different things happening around us inside our industry outside the industry but uh we thought hey why not for our season finale we do an animation special since our own project crash the animated series is now premiering a second season this April coming April all through the month of April we have brand new episodes of a second season of Crash which is about distracted driving awareness about a superhero who stops people from distracted driving and uh why not Premiere in April since April is distracted driving awareness month so we figured we'd go out with a bang on this last episode bring in some of the cast some of the crew behind this project it's been a real um important project but just kind of near and dear to our community over the last several years that we've been developing it it's gone through different stages and uh involving so many people from our community our tight-knit group and uh so many people have gotten involved with it as it's grown and developed and hey we thought let's bring a few people on and we'll discuss it today as we wrap up the season uh if you guys uh don't forget to like subscribe comment all that stuff you guys know the draw don't I'm not gonna get into that right now but if you're watching with us live thank you for watching on a replay also thank you very much um and uh yeah let's get into it but before we start I have to bring in our co-host to help me through this show because she's been so amazing on some of these episodes she's come in and just really helped me with some of these guests and questions and stuff and we got a lot of guests coming in today so let's go ahead and bring in our co-host uh Lizette Santiago Lisette I decorated the wall with a crashed look oh my gosh you look that looks awesome you got you got some crash stuff happening behind you I got what I have is the season one uh stuff we had from last year so we're we're kind of showing the evolution of the season one season two so think yeah you you look like you're good to go today so so welcome and thank you for being here yeah it took me all night to paint this myself on my wall mural in my apartment I'm kidding okay wait a minute you painted that what I I wish it's kind of cool to have I thought like on the wall in your apartment something really cool to have that you know yeah that is awesome um and we're gonna have our animator who actually did all the designing and graphic design artwork um he's gonna come on Fernando Mendes going to come on in a little bit and and show us some new stuff we actually have so we actually have a brand brand new trailer for season two that we're going to Premiere later in the show so that nobody has seen this will be a World premiere uh trailer for the season um but yeah I'd like I want to get into this I want to talk about this project and um I know you're you're you want to have some conversations about this too Lizette I know we were talking about a third season but we'll get to that soon but I'd love to I would love to bring you in and have you we can maybe come up with another character or something that'd be awesome with all the technology now I mean I I've been a big fan of uh Sirius XM in my car so maybe you can and it's good because I find myself I know being on the phone and stuff you get distracted but I've been finding myself to get distracted by changing the channels in my rate you know in my uh audio system but with SiriusXM I feel like it plays so many good music I don't have to feel distracted with that so maybe you can somehow incorporate incorporate that in a new character that's just doesn't you know radio thing or something seriously some character or something where it's good for not distracting you from finding because yeah we eat in our car we get distracted some girls do makeup in their cars guys oh yeah you know be on your cell phone obviously the number one distraction but playing with the radio is a distraction too sometimes so it is anytime anytime your hands are are moving from the steering wheel your eyes are moving from the road anything you're doing that's that's that's away from actually focusing on the road is considered a distraction so yeah distracted driving covers everything and we want we want to just kind of make people aware of that when they're on the road and that's what this project I had no idea April was uh awareness month for distracting distraction distracting driving and that's awesome I think that's amazing because I've been in without getting into details so some severe car accidents and most of the time I was thank God I managed to walk away with a bunch of injuries but I would always ask the driver did you not see me did you not and they always said I was distracted in my eyes I always know what that means right they were doing something they were doing they were doing something yeah yeah so uh we have oh my brother's watching right now Jeremy he says he's oh he's watching the stream while driving just kidding okay apparently don't do that do it but don't do it you know obviously joking around but hey you know what the thing about Crash we'll get into some of this later we use humor as a tool to get people's attention because there's so many Doom and Gloom campaigns out there about distracted driving I mean you you kind of a mat if you think in your head about you know those those shots of like that slow motion of somebody going through a windshield and like they're it's very Doom and Gloom and like using fear to get people to pay attention we take that other approach the opposite of that we we use kind of fun and like humor and like it it's it's another way to get people's attention is that it's like the opposite of fear right we're having we're trying to make it like a cool thing to do and like yeah I love that map because yeah people get I feel like when you put fear into people yeah they'll get scared but when you make when you make light of the situation people might find it funny like okay you know this makes it more realistic to me this is more of like you know it's I think people take more to Comedy than they would to being so strict about it you know they do and it's actually a combination I would say of the comedy with the idea that we're using a superhero and a superhero as we know um generally represents strength and courage and somebody like a role model that you want to be like not some not something that you're feared into doing but something that you're proud to do so when you think about crash and you you know your young kid and you've seen this this series and you've seen this character and he's like in your subconscious and you think about oh maybe I should put my phone down you're doing it out of the way of like I'm inspired to do this I'm not being you know feared into doing so that's another thing so it's the comedy the superhero stuffs I think I think we uh I think we're on to something with this I agree 100 agree so um with that I I think it might be time to bring in our first guest today hey yeah now that I'm really excited about this guest because we were really happy to to get them today but um and we're gonna get into his relationship with the with the project but I'm gonna I'm gonna introduce him right now uh he is a speaker author brand specialist and the co-creator and co-executive producer of Crash the Animated Series uh he's also a quick sector producer of our other project business audio theater project the brain Savers which is now available on Audible please welcome back to the show Ryan Fallen yay Ryan hey Ryan you're you're on mute go ahead and undo the mute button you're on the mute and hear you I'm back yay starts with a g you can't introduce me without it I'm the most proud in town Ginger baby it was my Nemesis as a child I've reclaimed it there's a lot of speakers authors out there but I'm the the crazy one who's a self-proclaimed Ginger and I think we can all be a little more Ginger to be honest I agree with highlights in and that's part of the brand specialist what I did mention the brand specialist which was Ryan does a great job of connecting with people on a personal level and figuring out what is it about them that will stick out and highlight and be authentic as you put yourself out in a in the professional world and and it's just something obviously you've been able to do for yourself so you're doing it for other people too so Ginger absolutely that's that's it that's the brand all right so let's talk crash we're still here it's a threat of conversations over many years and I I love to see that it continues to morph and develop the the backstory I think is fun Matt remember when you came down to San Juan Capistrano for a middle school where we had a big Tex kills bus and we were putting on a programming to help students young people not text and drive and they all kind of looked at us like man oh I remember I remember Matt and I were in this trailer and the inside and we're like how can we get through these kids like what are we gonna do like the world's gonna end if they don't stop texting and driving and then I think Matt you you brought up superheroes and then when we started talking with kids about superheroes and they were like excited so we're like I think we're on to something and thus crash was born wow so that was the inspiration trying to teach these kids how to stop doing that but using something that would get their attention was that yeah we were already we were already we had a text kills bus we had technology to fix it and we were trying to bring awareness but I mean if you if you think about that age demographic let's talk about my age group and our age group separately because I look down and see my hand in my phone at the same time I'm like I should not be doing this like why do I keep doing this so it's more than just the kids but it's how do you get through to people and the Doom and Gloom is effective to a certain point but we thought why not make something so cheesy that like it's all it's more about people realizing no superhero is going to solve this no Doom and Gloom campaign is going to solve this this has to be a personal decision that you make as a responsible person because you care about other people and then it's not about saying this is what you should do it's about feeling like this is what I should do and kind of Flipping The Narrative that's that was at least part of and is the core yeah because the problem is too like if you are on your phone as we adults do it too sometimes and I catch myself like oh my God stop texting when I'm driving because and the funny thing is I have Bluetooth I have voice command in my car and it's still kind of like a a habit for some of us too sometimes you know but the Habit can be dangerous and you if you don't do it or catch yourself in time it can end up costing you your life sometimes so it's we have to stop ourselves before we get to that point you know um did you expect crash to be so you know big and such an animated superhero series series like it is now Ryan or was that you know just an idea that became something big how far did you think it was going to go you know I always knew that that a true Sherwood player would never let a good project die on the vine and that doesn't have to do with my expectations that knows the grit that that is in Matt's DNA that that has been here with this crew forever and it's that there's a problem to solve here and if we can think of a of an entertaining and educational way to make the medicine go down and make the world a better place truly like that's one of the most powerful reasons I've always connected with art is that it's it's a it's a creative way to get people to make decisions for themselves and interpret so this is an art project that keeps going it just changes medium it changes form and we're on to an animated format which allows for us to continue and I think that's really The Testament to this is that just as much as the texting while driving a distracted driving is a problem you know the Sherwood players are here to continue to hack at it to make sure that we keep chipping away at it and you know you bring up a good point technology is changing so much like I mentioned the Bluetooth in the car the voice command you know iPhones go from iPhone 5 to 12 13 14 15. keeping up with those new technologies how do you think you're going to incorporate that into the into the new seasons of Crash that eventually I'm sure you guys are going to do right well that's to be determined after season three four five okay okay but I don't think it's a medium as much as just a message feel free to trip in there I will I'll I'll piggyback off that so the idea is that it's oh I think even from day one Ryan the idea was like you said it was a problem that we had to solve and I don't think we ever put a limit on where it could go we were just about solving that problem so so with that first solution which was having that Superhero I think we even did this live action short with the super like we didn't think we actually did we wouldn't film that downtown L.A we did it's a classic it's a classic 10 minute film it's a 10-minute film we'll we'll uh put the link in the in the description below if you guys want to watch the original uh crash live action short yeah wait a second so you guys did it as a live action short first because we were gonna raise a bunch of money and make it actually like like the real people and then when that didn't work we went to animation wow that's cool too though that's awesome and to see the translation from the characters when we literally were like buying materials and like in costume shops like creating the costumes to then translate that to what it is digitally that was fun to see that Evolution and I want to say from the acting point of view I made sure because I'm very sensitive to the actors because I was you know I was one of them I acted in it too I made sure that every actor that appeared in the live action short got a cartoon made of them and they are that they are voicing that character in the series now so nobody got recast nobody got pushed aside every character got uh not just put into animation form but got expanded on and we'll see later some of these characters went on into this next season and their their characters became superheroes themselves and now crash has a whole backup team of superheroes to back and and to not interrupt but kind of to interrupt yeah there's a new Evolution happening as we speak because I was having a conversation with the activities director at a high school I do a lot of volunteering for programs for high schools around entrepreneurship and I've I've been doing this for a long time and He was discussing with me nonchalantly that you know April's coming up it's always a big push in schools for distracted driving but this program called every 15 minutes was for the first time no longer available now every 15 minutes is a name of this really a multi-day event that happens on high school where they pick students from the school a grim reaper walks into the classroom pulls you out you have to go to a hotel isolated from your parents and your friends and you have to write a letter to everybody that you had just died in a distracted diving a driving accident then your parents have to write a letter to you knowing that you had pretend died that day then you go back to the school and everybody is super somber because like there's this weird emotional like our friends are gone and then the fire department the police department set up this total crash like they bring in crashed cars and set it up in the parking lot and we had all makeup and blood and everything like that and they staged now I actually participate as one of the people that got pulled by the Grim Reaper and to this day it was one of the most powerful like like slap in the faces that I've ever had now as a programmatic for anything you know it makes an impact when you're in high school but there's also that lasting effect and now with that program gone this activities director has this void to fill and so I call Matt on the way home I'm like Matt we could possibly go back to a live performance for a thousand people in high school in an auditorium can we can we do that can we can we do that and we are talking about that right now to develop like an assembly a live assembly that is fun and funny and engaging and right now we're working on the idea of texting Olympics to get students excited about how fast they can text but then running through obstacle courses that are distracting them to show that they can't text while they're distracted they make the connection we all have fun and maybe the new era of Crash is born where it could be a troop that goes into different cities and like who knows yeah like a program with affiliated with crafts the superheroes come to the schools and you run these little obstacles and scenarios that's just that's that's when you create the scripts and then you sell the licensing to the schools and then the school productions put it on or the community members get together and put it together and it's it's a way for people to break that fourth wall while still having this you know suspension was willing suspension of disbelief and that's the core of of art if we can get people to willingly suspend their belief system and just get involved in what they see and hear and feel then we can really speak to people at their core the places that don't have capacity for language where they feel all right I gotta stop I'm like I feel like I'm getting old no no you sold me again I was thinking about it and now you I've heard it a second time I'm like let's let's follow up and do this so Ryan we got to schedule our next uh meeting on this and get this I'm gonna go even one step further if you're watching this and you have ideas of how to make an engaging uh you know assembly for an hour that could be over multi-days and it could incorporate the student body that the you know check out crash and see sort of what we're working with but we're open to our net to new ideas and talk about technology I mean there's a lot of things we could spin into it anyways yes Matt let's have the conversation and we'll go from there so that's your answer Lizette it's already happening I love it I love that idea right because when I was in when I was in high school we had you know our classes and stuff but I think the interaction stuff the people come over and tell us you know teach us about sex and being safe with sex and you know drugs and all that stuff the way they would do scenarios and make us role play and do stuff that that sits with a person some more that sits with kids more they more they relate more to that it's some kids are visual not every kid is you know textbook and knowledgeable on that we're visual people too so when you put them in situations and scenarios and have them act out stuff or do obstacles or do something fun instead of being in a class all the time that's going to get kids to really be be you know aware of it and be more prone to being part of it and participate and really learn stuff so I I that's amazing that's a great idea Ryan I think you guys need to pursue that more and I want to figure it out on our next phone call and then you'll hear about it Ryan thank you so much for joining us today on our special animation special of Sherwood shake off uh and we'll see we'll hopefully see you in the next season when we come back but uh yeah thanks so much for joining us yeah and Ryan it's beautiful where you're at too I love the palm tree in the background it is yeah now now I will say I do have sunscreen on as well as I'm hiding behind the plant here so you got to be safe but you gotta be safe protect that Ginger you gotta see you gotta keep it red but not too red all right everybody wear your sunscreen don't text and drive or fill in the blank and drive because there's a lot of things that we do but just if you continue to do it continue to feel bad about it because you're the only person who can help yourself save yourself [Music] good job he is so cool I've always admired his his work his work ethics everything he says I could listen to Ryan talk for hours and hours and hours he always has such great ideas and the fact that YouTube collaborated on this and your story it's yeah that's a story in itself Matt it is it is and uh we'll have a behind the scenes documentary about the whole thing hopefully uh when we release I mean my goal right now is I want I want a full animated feature uh High budget full anime feature high-end that's gonna compete with the likes of Pixar compete with those properties on an independent level where we can bring something fun to the table the kids are going to want to go see and parents are going to take their kids too um and when we get to that stage crash I hope becomes a household name I hope he becomes a worldwide thing that people relate to when they associate crash uh they they think of Crash they think of of driving safe and just like we say think of Smokey the Bear with forest fires we think of Captain Planet with environmental stuff we think of uh what's the other one McGruff the crime dog for for Crime so there's there are these characters we associate with causes and so crash should be that character we associate with safe driving so and already already you have the symbolism in the poster I mean this artwork is amazing all the characters are just so you know just awesome and relatable and it's just it's already visually beautiful so I think you can go really far far with all this hell yeah and uh speaking of uh the artwork um we're about to bring in our next guest uh the actual animator and co-director of the series before we bring him in I want to do this because I think it's time it's time Lizette yeah let's let's go ahead and Premiere the world premiere of the new trailer oh season two first time ever people are going to see this right now and then we'll bring in our co-director and animator Fernandez are we ready I'm ready Matt roll it first I'm going to take off the banner and then I'm still going to do this right and then we're going to we're gonna do this okay here we go guys to the Sherwood Community this is the world premiere of Crash the animated series season two trailer in a world where distracted driving has become the number one cause of accidents injuries and Death on the road the people of Los Angeles have counted on Crash along with his sidekick Bluetooth to save the day unfortunately there are those who wish to stop our brave Duo from doing their job after the sudden Vanishing of Crash and a police department with no real answers to solve this case where is my son where's my son this April join Bluetooth hotspot analog frequency and widget and together we are the carpool kids as they search for their Lost Hero while fighting to keep people safe on the road this time [Music] yeah I need some backup foreign [Music] the Animated Series plus he has a new animated series on YouTube called Iger and Dave coming to us all the way from the island of karako just off the coast of Venezuela please welcome back to the show Fernando Mendez we always have the time difference when we work together and people know I just want to be very clear to anybody watching this now or on replay uh Fernando and I co-directing the series we've never been in the same room together ever because we are so far apart geographically we have to do everything on zoom on WhatsApp on Skype email Dropbox we transfer you name it we've used it but we've gotten it done we need to put that on the on the DVD case when we released the series let's go Fernando what was it like co-directing with Matt you know with those circumstances and like you know having to deal with the time difference and just working with him in general like did you learn anything because that's you know he's awesome you get uh what more than seven years working in this project yeah so yeah when we started we we have like like the idea of how to do the the the Animated Series how to do how to do it but um yeah we need to uh expand our knowledge on the animation process so yeah we uh have learned a lot over all these years to be honest a better process better uh communication skills also because um it's it's really not easy uh agree to somebody when when you are in person with him with them and now with the distance and time differences and maybe one email a Monday I can reply on Friday or something like that so uh we need to to get uh Communications uh we need to be very good uh in the communication to to Really um bring forward this this project so it could be it was a little bit challenging but you guys were over able to overcome it and still work together yeah that's amazing now you did a lot obviously you did the animation and stuff what what was your um you know how did you get your inspiration for the characters did you and Matt collaborate on how to make the characters look a certain way or was that more you're doing or how did you go about creating these characters and what they actually look like um well uh like Matt said uh with based the characters on the on the real actors uh at least the first batch of characters and after that we already got uh an art style uh in place so we keep building upon it and yeah the look of the characters well um with all the baggage of of superheroes Marvel Superheroes DC Superheroes anime stuff also it's put in there so yeah I think we we pick uh from each um for research to to to um I don't know expand the the the the meters of crash yeah you guys uh what was the difference in this characters for season two working those out versus season one would you change them at all did you like you know give them a different add something to their characters or was it basically just based off of the first season still um well I think the the one of the big uh differences uh from season one is that season two is more like a superhero uh series the first one is what was more like based on reality this one is more like a more action there's a lot of stuff that I want to spoiler yeah it's almost it's almost out so yeah okay uh but like you see it in the trailer we had uh fight against robots um without spoiling it the the evolution into this new season I don't think either me or Fernando knew where it was gonna go but yes these these characters which some of them just started out as normal kids and some of the kids characters that crashed season one would would save you know they would just kind of be introduced into the into the um kind of the universe we call kind of call it the crash first and then we kind of gave them another trajectory in the season too where they kind of took on their own superhero abilities and made their own kind of superhero uh team and like again not to get not to spoil anything but yeah we allowed that to evolve but I can I I just say if we go back to where that started from Lizette when you asked about the the the designs of those of the characters themselves I I just I always love the way Fernando started with me on day one he asked me get me some pictures some some vid some visuals of the actual actors and I want to design the the drawings the the illustrations off of who they are so he found who they were in those pictures that I gave them and created these people as animation and like I think that really helped to inform where we were able to take it even at the time not knowing where it was going to go but we had that to start with so it was such a great Foundation to begin on a kind of this Foundation of authenticity of of the actor and then we could kind of take it from there and in a very truthful way and now here we are with all these superheroes and villains fighting each other but it's the it's the same principle the same you know the same concept and the same cause that were that we're you know doing this for which is you know safe driving that's awesome now how long did it take you guys to do how many episodes are in the first season Matt I don't think I've ever like how many exact episodes yeah so we have the nine episode episodes that are and they're on they're available right now on on our YouTube channel so you guys can go to the playlist right now and see the entire season one they average about five six minutes a piece um so they're real quick like it's a web it's like a web series so you go through all nine episodes what we're doing starting this Sunday so all through the month of April we're going to be releasing six new episodes now these are way more loaded episodes these ones are just they're just like Fernando mentioned I mean they're you know crash fighting robots and like there's just action all throughout so the episodes are actually a little longer but those six episodes um again we're so proud I'm so proud of where this went too because it's on a whole nother level than the first season not to take anything away from the first season it's a great season but we just really elevated everything and Fernando I have to compliment you for helping to elevate this whole project this this season and so yeah people can expect to be able to watch these six new episodes we're gonna have two debut on the first Sunday of of April and then another one each Sunday after that throughout the month so yeah get excited about that so that's amazing Fernando though I know animators usually there's a team of animators you know working on one project and stuff you did this pretty much with with Matt as your co-direct but you you drew everything yourself and how long did that take to do each episode um well uh each episode I remember to talk like a month the first first time that that we did it because uh season two um yeah like a funny story behind it because we did it and we premiered the episodes privately to the cast and after that uh when we're gonna we we want to release it uh for YouTube We uh almost all the other episodes we didn't remake it completely but we uh fixed some problems that we have we reduced some takes uh some some animations we just fix all those that we can fix for for this Premiere so I guess like two months one at the beginning yeah more or less that's so amazing to just you know obviously you and Matt were working together but you're you're doing the actual drawings and stuff that's amazing because I like I said I know I love animation so kudos to you I I love it I wish I had the ability to draw and like you do but I know it takes a lot of work and I'm just it's so impressed it's impressive to see that you did this all on your own and it took you a month or two months yes that's some time but still some people take longer to make that so kudos to you for doing that and being in a different you know different country and stuff that's just that's Bravo my friend [Laughter] and did you find yourself come season two without spoiling anything did you find it getting easier and easier because you knew the characters Now to create it like was it did it get easier and easier to do the episodes or did you feel it was more challenging because you it would take it on different levels and more action um yeah it wasn't more challenging [Laughter] where are we going now no he's gonna get bigger so it's gonna get better and and also we um the the quality of the episode it's it's a little bit better I guess I don't know Matt can tell you uh more about that it I don't feel comfortable saying that but I think uh yeah I think I improved the the process that's that's uh you know somehow it became in in the process but it's more complicated in the in where uh we got we're gonna go right right now so yeah awesome fantastic Fernando thank you so much for for coming in with us today on the show I know it's it's challenging because I mean our schedules are crazy anyways but just the fact that you're coming in so far away uh the island of karako a lot of people don't know this even exists but you're right off you're just north of of Venezuela correct yes um Dutch island in the oh and the doctor okay guy yeah but that whole area is uh right uh next to Aruba so again thank you so much Fernando and we're so excited about this Premiere um this Sunday and all the episodes coming coming to people that will be available on our YouTube channel throughout the month of April distracted driving awareness month and we're excited about what's coming next and uh we we have some stuff in store so we'll be continuing to work with Fernando and checking in with him so thanks again Fernando uh for being on show with us thank you for having me yeah you got it and uh yeah you're so talented so I just want to say that good good job wonderful all right Fernando Mendes everybody animator co-director crash all right we'll catch them later okay okay bye awesome he's awesome yeah right so what we need to do now is I think it's time to get some of our voice actors in here oh so yay no listen to this so check this out what I'm gonna what we're gonna do is we're gonna I'm gonna just a little tease but I think it's time we're gonna do a little we're gonna play a clip from the the premiere episode of season two okay play a little clip and crash actually brings on a new partner a psychic called Bluetooth and uh kind of like a little Batman and Robin thing we have going on so craft and Bluetooth fighting crime together it kind of it launches off the new season so let's go ahead and uh see a clip of that and uh and then we'll bring in our next guests sound good wonderful yeah all right let's do it okay let's do it okay here's a little little clip from the new season crash the animated series season two check it out guys I warned you Kristoff you should have left town when you had the chance I'm an innocent man crash I've done nothing wrong you know that you were innocent but now do you think it's okay to destroy city streets just because you were wrongfully accused don't you see if there are no more roads then no one can drive therefore no one will suffer the same fate as I yeah this guy is totally nuts hey crash check out my new metallic glass plated suit it's coated with aluminum oxide so guess what you won't be able to zap yourself in here this time yeah but I can pull you out thank you [Music] go Bluetooth here you go captain [Applause] awesome well all right let's let's go ahead and bring in our next guest he voices the title role of Crash and is the co-executive producer of Crash the Animated Series he can also be seen in our Sherwood players business audio theater production of the brain Savers now available on Audible and he voices the role of crash's trusted sidekick Bluetooth and is it and is the creator of the YouTube channel Tim tomb gamer please welcome to the show Randy Vino and Tim Ingles hey guys welcome today and they hates him hey Lizette it's good to have you guys both here together oh yeah thank you it's definitely an honor yeah hi Tim Randy and Tim the the the the the dynamic duo very cool so Randy take us back way back or maybe seasonal back to the first time that you were approached to be in Crash the animated series and uh how was it how was it you know was it did it go in the direction you wanted to but take us back to that first moment where Matt I'm sure approached you to play your character yeah so like like Matt and uh Ryan had kind of talked about originally it was a live action short that we had did done that had you know we there's going to be a sequel and it was going to Branch off and we were going to incorporate maybe doing some live things at this at these schools and still using the bus that they had and everything that all fell through but we still had this really great script that Matt had come up with for the sequel and so part of me we didn't want to lose that and so trying to figure out like what to do or how to keep this alive and then yeah they had the idea of well let's do this let's animate it let's take what we already shot for the first one basically just turn that into animation with the same script and everything keep the same cast like Matt mentioned and then just go from there so that's what we did it was you did this live action thing Randy and we had a sequel planned and that fell through this not going to go that's not going to happen but we don't want to lose momentum on this and we don't want to give up this cause that we're fighting for in this so let's do you want to do the voice should we keep this going I was 100 on board absolutely let's do what we can with it that's just continued to to go from there so we we did the animation from the first one and then Incorporated the second script into the the next episodes and just kept going with it and it's been a heck of a ride it just keeps going it's great now have you done voice acting before was this a whole new thing for you or was it no this was we made it done a little bit but this was the biggest thing at the time I had done for sure uh so that was exciting that was really cool to kind of Branch out into the world of VoiceOver and animation and now there's a couple other things that I've I've done since then so it's it was a really great Stepping Stones we all need that push right and it seems like a good push and and you're you're pretty much you were you the first one on board as the cast or because you co-produced um yeah probably I imagine Matt came to me first if he did it I'm a little disappointed I I went I went through like like I think I went through like five people they all said no and Randy no no no yeah everyone else on board he tried to replace me he couldn't do it and finally just threw his head and said I guess I gotta talk to this guy son of a [ __ ] no no actually I will say this I'm gonna I'm gonna definitely I gotta I gotta because I'm I'm remembering this when I did go to you Randy I did I did Envision you doing this and we were already working on this other project at the time this kind of Comedy uh we we were doing this this series about kind of making fun of the DC Universe yeah and Randy was playing this kind of obnoxious version of The Flash and uh and so I had this kind of image of him just kind of in this in the superhero suit already and just kind of he's been that that character of the flashes it's just really obnoxious [ __ ] right but I was like but what if you took this this guy that he was already doing that very well it was hilarious what Randy was doing with that I was like yeah that was fun but if I if I was like what if we put you in this yellow outfit instead and this guy not he's not going to be be an [ __ ] but he's going to be somebody who is kind of reluctant to do this job and I thought Randy was perfect for this because we didn't want this like hey I'm I'm crashed I'm here to save the day he he has to play that role but we see right away if you guys watch season one you'll see right away we see crash behind the scenes just like really just not wanting to get up out of bed and just like oh my God another day of these awful distracted drivers and he's it's almost like this call to like please guys stop distracted stop driving unsafe so I don't have to keep doing this and I thought that was a great angle to take to start off with this character that didn't want to be a superhero really yeah he kind of he had it thrust upon him he got these uh Powers quite literally by accident he was in a distracted driving accident got these powers and then kind of felt obligated to to use them and kind of regretted the obligation like oh my God what did I get myself into this I guess I can't just let people die but holy smokes this God sucks this job and talking about your character and stuff the first person you saved on the season one I believe was Tim's character right Tim yeah another time when that happened you know that was in the original live-action script there was no you know thought of it at the time so it was just kind of it made sense like ah his first his first person he saves could become his sidekick so it's kind of rewarding to to see that payoff that was kind of unintentional what happened but then when we we made the most of it when the story progressed that far yeah wonderful and and and Tim you took on the role as crash's psychic Bluetooth right yeah what was that transition for you from playing the kid that crashed saves in the season one to taking on now being his sidekick by the end of season one like what was the transition like uh the transition was um pretty exciting we like like I felt like it had a lot of character development um with with the character and and I remember like like after he filmed the original live action like like I I didn't like and then when Matt approached me later about uh the character evolving to the sidekick I was like this is yeah this is great because at the time I was really into superhero comic books and still am but that time was really Intel I was like oh this is really cool get to play like a really fun uh sidekick character and it was just like I remember thinking myself this is cool it's like the kid that gets saved wants to help save other people the same way crash saved him and I was like this is a really cool um evolution and and you lead your own team of superheroes right yes yes the carpool kids wow so tell us a little bit about that tell us a little bit about that without giving too much away please uh well it um oh my God uh I'm so excited oh okay so I I think I think what was cool about that was it like like because at that time um like a lot of those uh YouTube vlogger houses were coming into popularity and so it was just really cool to see like a fictional superhero version of that of like going around with you know just saving saving the world and then sharing it with the world if that makes sense um without giving away too much and and your character Bluetooth what exactly does he do now like in the you know like he's his sidekick but what what specifically is your superhero power to be on the on the episode yes that's a good question uh so that Matt what was my superpower because like none of these crashes really the only one that has yeah there's another character that doesn't give that away there's one other but there's there's like the carpool kits is mostly and I just want to be clear about this this is and the reason we did it this way I mean it is kind of funny but it's also important that the kids watching this can relate to these people they're not just like these enormous super power superheroes that they they're people that they can actually see themselves as so Tim the character Bluetooth doesn't really have any superpowers and there's like three others are the same way oh that's right yeah it's kind of a super hero mindset so of course it's over the top it's a little goofy we we do use the comedy element to kind of get away with stuff that isn't very realistic of course but what superhero is realistic anyways we're talking about any superhero franchise right so we might as well have fun with it and but but it is it is fun it's fun idea that that a kid can put on a costume and say I'm gonna also do good and I'm gonna go outside and I'm gonna I'm gonna be inspired by what crash does and I'm going to do it myself and I think it's a good message to kids that they can also do that not literally put on a superhero costume but they can have that mindset of a superhero Tim too real quick like knowing that you're Now crashes sidekick and I'll ask you too Randy are you safer on the road ever since you took part of this project now uh yes definitely yeah I'm definitely way I'm twice as over cautious as I ever have been like like like like like like um anytime I drive like I'm always like at the like looking back and forth at least five times before I turn because you know so yes I'm definitely way more safer and more cautious out on the road and Randy's same for you same for sure like I never like many of us never really took distracted driving too seriously like it's not gonna happen to me right I'm sitting in the quick text it'll be fine but and this is what raising awareness does right it opens your eyes to to the actual dangers of it the statistics you see all this you realize like you know anything driving serious anything can happen in just a few seconds all it takes is that half a second of being distracted when you're otherwise wouldn't be and it could be devastating and costly and it's just it's not worth it so yeah it definitely much much safer now than I was you know she's what 15 10 years ago 10 12 years ago when we first started this do you both feel like honored to be a part of a project like this that makes kids aware you know does it make it more fulfilling for you to not only continue to be the actors and voice actors that you are but also to be part of a project that's for the good of you know everybody in our world especially the younger generation yeah of course no it's always fun when when anything has kind of that second layer of of having a cause or a message or something behind it it just it's definitely fills that out a little bit more it's does give you a sense of I don't know trying to make the world better or safer or whatever like improving something some way in some fashion yeah it's great when a project has that for sure awesome and and real quick too I'm sorry man I know you want no it's okay but when you were in how long did it take because I asked Fernando this too with the episodes his animating on the projects the voice acting you had to go into the studio how often how long did it take to do the actual episodes for both seasons one and two well not each I mean we've had a few different sessions a number of times and it's been so spread out over the years and changing from live action animation to splitting it up into different seasons rather than just all the episodes um but it was always I don't know it never seemed like grueling to me it was always kind of quick and effortless to go in and get the lines done because by the time you're there recording it like a lot of The Works been done already outside of the recording booth so that it's quick and easy as much as it can be while you're there actually doing it I mean we we like to keep the actors happy as much as we can and we don't the last thing we want is people waiting around not knowing what's happening so we try to keep it like hey you're going to come into the recording studio we want to have everything ready to go and just get the get the lines we need to get and yeah Randy's right we do we do break it up uh how we need to and just get the essential stuff we need so we can get those episodes done but yeah I mean obviously Randy's been great Tim's great the whole cast has been phenomenal and just you know working with us on the scheduling the the different twists and turns and we will we'll email the cast like hey we got this other thing and another another curveball here and hey we're gonna throw this out we're gonna do this next and who knows what we're gonna do next but these guys have been super Cooperative super eager professional and we love working with them I love working with both you guys Randy and Tim so yeah thanks likewise it's been easy for you guys to suit up for season two and hopefully another season we'll see right Matt that would be great it needs to be in the works yes yes I'm looking forward to it so hey we got to get on to some other stuff but would you guys want to uh hang out a little we might bring you back at the end and do one last uh uh hurray with with the group yeah of course I'll be here okay yeah okay great all right Randy Vino voice of Crash Tim English voice of Bluetooth thanks for joining us today guys and we'll catch you in a little bit yeah awesome thank you have a nice day was that one of his lines Matt that is not only is that one of his lines that is the line have a nice day is the line for crash so I that's fun he said that um yeah it's his little gimmick it's it's a little um it's it's hey not cool and then he hits your phone he charges your phone down gives you back your phone says he Powers down your phone and then he says yeah and then he says have a nice day and he disappears that's so awesome that's the whole thing yeah I love it so we're gonna do one more clip um one more tease of the C of the season two and season two will be premiering on our YouTube channel throughout the month of April starting April 2nd Sunday so every Sunday 5 p.m Pacific you guys can catch brand new episodes of Crash Sunday the second we'll we'll do the first two episodes of season two we'll have a new one for you every Sunday throughout April distracted driving Awareness Month right now oh no go ahead if people want to catch the first season so they can be caught up for April where can they find the first season right now if you're watching this uh live or on our on a replay on our YouTube channel you can go down to our playlist and watch Crash the enemy of the series season one all nine episodes available right now in order we have them all set up so you can just watch them one after the next these are five to seven minute episodes nine in a row um nice little yeah we give a nice little hanger at the end but like it's a it's it's got its own you know it kind of feels like one long uh episode just broken into nine so we get to introduce all these cool characters pretty much every character comes back in season two plus we have some new characters introduced uh new Arch villains things like that but right now we're gonna do a one more teaser clip of season two and uh featuring two characters that we really love on on this series and we're gonna have those actors come in and talk to us uh in just a second right after the clip so this is a clip from Crash uh season two um featuring the characters hotspot and the cell check it out thank you good morning Courtney Nathan and what do I owe this fine pleasure it's the professor he's the one who took crash and a bunch of kids from the neighborhood too and we think his daughter crash's wife is in on it that's very unfortunate and he's got this helmet it's very Advanced and you're not too sure how to stop him [Music] I'm flattered that you would think of me so can you help that depends what's in it for me uh [Music] first tell me how very well principles Courtney Simplicity it all comes down to one question what is this nature what does he do this man you seek he captures people then uses their Powers against them precisely so don't let him catch us wrong keep your powers away from him time's up wait my cake what about my cake darn wow all right let's bring in our next guest she voices the role of hot spot in Crash she can also be heard in uh another voice over uh roles in Monster High and rainbow high on Nickelodeon uh he voices the role of the cell and his co-executive producer of crafts the Animated Series both of them are actually featured in our other project the brain Savers now available on Audible please welcome to the show Courtney Lynn and Steve Brock great great job in that I love watching that scene with you guys because it was so unexpected I never thought I'd have you guys both doing that when we were when we first created your characters back in season one so uh it was fun to see where that went and just having fun with that but it was yeah really cool so you guys are you guys are both awesome so awesome thank you yeah Matt teased me with that I want to see the full thing as you will if you tune in on Sundays you can see full episodes yes so Courtney I'll start with you uh tell us about your character Courtney and um from the original season who then later becomes hot spot in the new season how is that transformation like for you to take on this little you know Switcheroo um yeah it was um pretty pretty easy um I I think like with um I mean personally for every character I voice um like uh they're all always very much a part of me even the most crazy or unsavory ones I mean Courtney's you know she's a teenage girl so that's pretty close to my heart anyways um I feel like Courtney's always been helpful this this new role as hot spot is just a way for her to really like maximize her skills and like be the best like superhero that she can be so she's basically just given the tools to be able to do what she always wanted to do that is awesome um when Matt first approached you with this project were you you were on board for the original the live action stuff too right in person the live action stuff happened I think before I met like right before I met Matt um so I I got to watch it I saw it um both with a stage version and then there was a filmed version and so um when he you know approached me about you know turn turning this into an animated thing I was like hell yeah I'll be there and were you already doing a lot of because you seem like you've done a lot of voice acting work and you're still doing it when you were approached by Matt to take on this role were you already doing voice over acting then or was this a new project a new thing you were pursuing when it were you already established as a voiceover actor when you did this project um I was already doing um voice acting um but like I mean I think the first time we recorded crash I don't know how many years ago now it was so it's been it's been like many years since then and and I've just taken on more and more voice over work um since then uh so I um I don't know it's really cool you know to be able to work on a project like this with people that you love and people who are so passionate about it and it has a great message like it doesn't get any better than that right exactly I want to add that like yes this this obviously we know this project has taken years to evolve and because it is is something that we you know we didn't come out with this huge budget at the beginning go hey we're doing this thing we have to kind of build as we go so we're so fortunate to have people like Courtney Steve uh Randy Tim from before I mean these are the they're people that have been loyal to the cause to what we're doing and we I've been able to watch as a director I've been able to watch them evolve as they've taken on other you know bigger jobs throughout this time and I've watched Courtney I mean Courtney you've just we've really seen you elevate your career I mean it's incredible to see the stuff you've been able to do and then you always yeah absolutely and then you come back and you're part of Sherwood and you do the you know hey we need you to do hotspot and then we have the other I mentioned the audiobook we just we just did it's actually on Audible right now it's called the uh the brain Savers and you you know you you were doing that for us and then I see you're on Nickelodeon and you're on another yeah it's awesome so like I I appreciate the professionalism and the the patience and the and the loyalty to what we're doing because we we are a ever evolving entity you know we don't know what we are when we start I'm like maybe Nickelodeon knows exactly what they're doing when they start but we're we're just trying to figure it out as we go and see how far we can go so absolutely uh Steve you take on the villain the cell right on that right how is that like for you playing a villain in an animated series it was amazing um I've always wanted to kind of play the villain uh just you know Polar Opposites I I if people know me well enough it's definitely polar opposite um but I I liked that he had his own um everything was normal in his own head that's my favorite kind of character to play is somebody who is you know the hero of his own story um the the inner set of logic that may not be logical to anyone else but it's logical to him so I thought that was a lot of fun to do that's awesome and you also took on the role of producer too so you on yeah yes um well I was originally brought on as a cell and then um I really got behind the message of the of the project um because I mean I've you know I've had friends who have gotten into these little problems with texting and driving and I think we all have at one point or another done and done it and learning that stuff learning going through this process making uh sending that that message really made a difference um in whether I wanted to take a more active role in in production because I the more I got myself involved the more the more I was able to contribute it really I don't know maybe Matt can speak on that a little bit but I think the project got better and better and better the more support not just for me but other people coming in to support the project just really blossomed the the the project for me that's out it's amazing yeah I'll back that up I I just want to add I'll piggyback off that yes um having people like Steve step up and say you know how can I help uh make sure that we don't stop what we're doing just because you know we run out of money or run or we just we don't want to stop the momentum and so Steve was there to say what can I do to help here he wasn't the only one we had some other cast members step up as well but Steve really took on a load for us about how how can we structure the second season and get this thing to another level I I wanna I'll add this because when we before we did season two we had the Nine episodes and the problem was that people were talking about hey you guys should really sell this as an animated feature and we're like well we we try to put all nine episodes together and see how it ran it was like 47 minutes wasn't enough so the throw out there is something and then I I don't know the idea was like there's more to tell here there's more we can do um with this story so Steve helped us develop that story we eventually came up with these new characters these new villains um new new Heroes the carpool kids all these things came out from then and we were able to move into this next season and Beyond so absolutely that so that's that's really why um like like man because that's why I got myself involved is I wanted to make sure this project stayed strong and moving forward so because the message is so nice the message is so good for people to hear not just kids but everyone and about character too see a message the cell was more it was more consultant now in season two to the to the rest of the kids yeah sort of advising the the fact is that the cell was not a he I didn't ever see the cell as being someone who was um villainous because he had um in like I said interlogic it made sense inside his head he was a hero um inside his head he was he uh the uh crash head ruined his life so he was a hero in his own head even though yeah not so much but so him providing this help to the kids is actually just a continuation of who he was anyway so um that's the um yeah that's that's basically I was really excited to take this character in the New Direction that's awesome Courtney I have a quick question for you I see that you have your own home recording studio that's fantastic couples to you when you were doing the recording for your character in Crash did you record it from your own recording studio did you actually did they have an actual studio for you to go they had a studio for me um so it's cool because um like that way also you get to actually see other cast members versus recording in isolation from home so it's definitely it has more of a collaborative feel to it awesome and working with you know Nickelodeon and then working on this project are there any differences or do you go about the process the same way when you do your your voice over recording um I mean my process as an actor is always the same um in terms of how it's being run it's whoever's in charge I just do what I'm told where it's Nickelodeon Disney right it doesn't matter yeah wine glass it doesn't matter that's awesome yeah when Courtney was saying recording in the studio uh when when for last season Randy and I uh often were in the studio together um doing some doing back and forth that was it's really fun to do that do it that way you don't often get a chance to as far as I know you can speak to a better accordingly than I can but it was it is nice to be able to to record your voice with the other actor in the scene other than it's just a lot harder to do it um by yourself I think so we have uh a cast member and co-producer Alameda says uh wow season two looks amazing absolutely thanks Alameda and um this is funny this is from Fernando our co-director he says the cell is back shocking you know he's back actually I'll say this quickly um about the cell we didn't really see a space for him because we had these new villains and we like we already had kind of finished the south story in the first season and then the idea came up I can't remember how this came off but the scene the the clip you you guys saw earlier that we showed this is we we took this from uh I don't know if anybody doesn't know this but the reference is we're kind of making fun of Silence of the Lambs which is you know when when Hannibal Lecter is visited uh by by Jodie Foster uh Clarice right and so instead of clitoris it's Courtney she's coming into the thing and he's helping but that's it's just like Hannibal so like you talk about Steve like is he gonna help or is he gonna eventually have his own agenda but can you get something from the other villain to help with this uh can you get something from this villain you know to help with a villain you don't know and I think that's what we're like yeah let's go ahead and use that and also the thoughts you guys the whole crash we have we have other cinematic references the whole time we're always making fun of Pop Culture we're always pulling another references to film so that the Silence of the The Silence of the Lambs reference fit in very nicely so even if the kids are watching it they don't know they don't have a clue it's still fun but the adults can go oh yeah Anthony Hopkins and Jody Foster yeah so yeah yeah so um it was a great scene to watch you too both of you did a great fantastic job voice acting in this no thank you I love working with you guys and we we can't wait to work with you again if on season three or another Sherwood project or or both or everything so you guys are both fantastic thank you now I know I know that uh Courtney if you had I I don't know if you have to get going but ever I I do want to um yes you can absolutely because any other stuff you got to do and I know we do have a few cast members who want to come back in and we can say bye to everyone but if you need to go now that's totally cool um but I'm gonna welcome any other cast members in a second here but uh anything else you want to add or Courtney where can we find you on on social how can people get it um I'm at the Courtney Lynn l-i-n on all socials so awesome the Courtney Lynn okay um Nickelodeon shows yeah check out Courtney on Monster High and rainbow high Nickelodeon and other other awesome projects she's involved with so thank you missy Court guys talk to you soon thank you okay all right well let's go ahead and bring back in our um other uh cast members we have uh we're gonna bring to do one last hoorah before we end the show so we got Randy coming back Tim you know what we might be able to bring Fernando back in too I thought he had to get to something else but let's go ahead and bring in Fernando too our co-director and animator awesome hi Fernando hi everyone night time here welcome back cool hey guess what I got to tell you guys because I thought Fernando had to take off but I was prepared to do this once we once we um brought you guys all in here at the end Fernando made a brand new poster for us and um it's uh I haven't actually seen it yet so everyone's because he Justice we talk about we we do we transfer a lot so he we transferred it to me I downloaded it and what I'm gonna do is I didn't even look at it because we're in the middle of the show so I'm gonna upload it right now and we're all gonna see it for the first time this is a brand new poster did you say it was almost complete is 100 are we at 95. no I I think it still needs like uh six or seven hours but you'll see why okay it's almost done it's almost done okay so we're gonna find this right now here we go this is the new almost done poster um oh shoot did you send it what kind of file did you send it I'm sorry it's a JPEG oh shoot sorry I should have told you can you do that quickly as a PDF and I'll put it right up yeah give me a second okay all right so yeah this is so exciting live unveiling huh we're gonna do this in real time guys and I and I wouldn't be building this up otherwise I saw an earlier version of it when he had just kind of sketched it out and he was working on there's some 3D stuff going on on there guys I'm telling you like I'm not over hyping this this thing is going to be like I mean you see the stuff behind lazad and me um and and Steve but this is on a whole another level I promise you it is worth the wait believe me so Fernando is doing a PDF uh he's converting the PDF he's gonna we transfer I love this technology this is great we couldn't do this 16 years ago this is awesome so so are we we're live on on YouTube from two different parts of the globe waiting on a Wii transfer so we can download it and then throw it up on YouTube live with all of us singing this is awesome I love it okay here we go I I've talked it up enough he's working on it still okay um and this is this poster incorporates we couldn't get all of the characters in it because there's like there's literally like 40 characters in this thing wow you know that was that that's a lot wow so we decided to not do that whole like let's throw every single one on because then they would be like this small so instead of that we kind of focused in on kind of the highlights of the second season so we got like the heroes and the villains a few of the other ones so not everybody's on here but I think I think he managed to get almost half maybe almost 20. but that's really cool yeah we're gonna we're gonna see this thing um how we doing Fernando uh it's going up yeah see this is how we do everything I'm like Fernando where's the new app Fernando where's our new episode come on we're waiting that's something like that the people are getting anxious they're throwing stuff at the screen [Laughter] guys so you're gonna be able to watch the full season two uh throughout the month of April as we see here oh you got it yeah Okay so we've sent this okay so we'll just give me one more do we need a drum roll well I have to I have to down I'm downloading from weekly transfer you'll give me like 30 seconds here we go oh man and let's do it okay we got the file here going in there okay and countdown five four three there you go all right no it's just for real it's five four three two one and oh it's uploaded okay it's almost done here we go here we go raise the charm the new season two of Crash the Animated Series poster oh my God it's like live TV okay okay here we go it's past the halfway it's moving up to the three quarters here we go guys three two one processing oh my God this is hilarious it's processing technology there it is wow that is so cool all right that's cool was that worth the wait or what guys oh yeah here I'll take this uh logo off here so we can see the whole thing so we got yeah so we got the main the new villain is megabyte megabyte right in the middle and then you got the yeah you got infrared which you guys saw earlier in the clip we have this new character called road rage but we won't get into the backstory that that's that she comes up a little later in the in the season too uh behind him so we got all those villains there um and then we got it looks like we have these these carpool kids kind of coming at all sides from from where crashes on the right it's Bluetooth on the left analog hotspot widget right behind crash and then we got all these other little minor characters um but they're all fun every one of these These are again we talked about this how they're all based on um the actual actors and we we kind of created the the illustrations based on them and their personality and and we kind of yeah that's how we created each character so it's all fun stuff wish we could have gotten more on on the page here but this was incredible great job Fernando yeah awesome oh cool I like it cool wonderful job cool all right so we'll be promoting that and uh just reminding everyone that we have our season two debuting this Sunday April 2nd on YouTube on the show a player's YouTube channel uh we're gonna do a back to back Premiere the first two episodes of season two and then we'll have four more after that each Sunday throughout April distracted driving awareness month so nice it's awesome we're very excited that's great including yeah I'm looking forward to it so um anybody in the crash group here have anything else they want to add or any other thing they want that we maybe forgot to mention or anything you want to you want to you know add in before we uh wrap it up uh no I did we covered it you can you can find me on social media Steve Rock actor Steve Rock actor find Steve Randy Tim guys thank you so much oh yeah thank you I find you too on your social media oh yeah bills are just my name I'm the only one you can't mistake me for somebody else somebody get confused for a televangelist um Tim what's your social I'm under a Tim toon gamer on all my socials YouTube Tick Tock and uh twitch those three and then Fernando where can our folks on YouTube yeah you can find me um creative Studio and also igorandeb which is my podcast it's an animated podcast so yeah you can give some love to them awesome love to everybody from Crash too guys you're all amazing wonderful work thank you guys so much for being on the show with us and we look forward to the premiere and any of you guys come to our Premiere party that'd be awesome too I know Fernando you can't make it because well unless I don't know yeah it's a little bit duplicated yeah that's a nice commute huh Fernando but uh yeah go ahead and check out our show uh crash season two we'll be premiering this Sunday April 2nd on our YouTube channel 5 p.m Pacific back to back episode premiere um thank you guys think cast and crew being with us today so um we'll see you yay and we'll see you guys for season three all right all righty right all right guys take care bye everyone Randy wow Matt that was pretty awesome I'm looking forward to season two I do want to apologize we had that was the most people we had on it once and I know we did have a little technical um echoey thing happen so I want to apologize for that if anybody noticed that I think we cleared it up now so just with you and me it's a lot easier um it just it just takes one of the if one person and whoever was in the group it has a little bit off on the mic then it affects everyone but I think you and I are okay now so yeah we should be good to go to I think that just happened towards the end because when we did a few other uh cast members and I didn't hear any of that so I think it just happened towards the end but still oh and my my brother had said uh because he was watching um he says go go show I'd love crash exactly thanks so awesome thank you Jeremy thanks for watching from Florida so that's awesome yes and um yeah Lizette hey you know what I just want to thank you for for being such a great co-host thank you Matt we've had so many good uh conversations and guests come on and investigations of different different you know parts of our industry and and topics to cover and and it's been it's been really cool and we've had some great feedback too people love people have been watching from the beginning they've seen our Evolution they've seen how we've grown and really gotten to the you know the the nitty-gritty of things and really really no you know utilizing our time and making it worthwhile for people and you know you know a lot of people don't watch live and that's cool a lot of people watch us on replay when at a better time which is fine but I I hear about it all through the week people that don't get to the episode till like days later and then they'll text me and they'll be like hey that was a great um great topic and great stuff so I wanted you to know that Liz that people are seeing it they're responding so thank you everyone who is watching and responding and everything I appreciate that and Matt I have to say too you've been a great co-host yourself you're amazing you're always inspiring to me I know you work your butt off so I know you do a lot for the show for other projects that you work on for the crash so you're amazing and inspiring and keep doing the amazing things that you do and thank you you're amazing to work with so thank you for bringing me on yeah was that I know people can catch you on your uh new show the DL show with yell download show yeah Newman and Lizette Santiago we're we're doing an episode every week and we're continuing every month to do a live stream hopefully I'll put all that up on Sherwood players and our community and stuff um but now people want us to do it every day that might be a little much but I'll see what we can produce okay you know what if they want it you give it to them it's supply and demand baby that's that's how it is so but is it the Field of Dreams if you build it it will come if you build it they will come that's that's another that's another motto um I mean they don't come to everything you build but if you build the right thing they will come so if you're on to something when people start responding to it you you know you're doing something right so and I hope that um you and Ryan do pursue that you know doing the live events for their kids the school and stuff because I think that'll be such a great thing when he mentioned that I was like God I remember those moments in my high school and middle school too where we had those educational things you know people come and do these nice scenarios these fun games and activities with us and it really sits with kids I was an inner city kid you know and I didn't have to you know my parents were great I introduced me to a lot of stuff and experiences and everything but not a lot of kids have that sometimes too so when you bring it to them it's meaningful and amazing so I I love that you and Ryan even thought of that so hell yeah I mean he's just such an out of the box thinker I mean that so he and I work very well that way because he'll he'll have the idea it might sound Goofy and crazy but I'm always like I think he's onto some sometimes I just need to have it just kind of marinate an idea just kind of sit and then it'll hit ah there is something with that and that's what happened with crash and that's it was like this ridiculous idea at first but I mean this like dressing someone up in a superhero costume and the idea was we were going to tour tore him around on the bus and do this bus tour with all these kids and all these schools but one thing leads to another and then you have this animated series and now we can we can produce this um to a high level where we can we can you know pitch this to investors and get this to a level where an animated feature you know hitting the theaters with crash on the billboard on the on the kiosk you know on the on the on the billboard when you drive down you know La Brea and you look up on the billboard we might actually see crash on on that billboard soon I mean that's that's the idea so we aim high Positive Vibes and you can still have that bus because now you'll have merchandising and projects and promotion and you're gonna have to have a bus to promote crash more we will need that bus okay well thanks again Lizette for for being our awesome co-host for season three and we'll be in the works for another season after this and um you know be back so people just stay stay in in touch with us and we'll stay in touch with you um and we'll have we have more stuff in the work so and uh thank you too Matt because I've been still battling my little voice laryngitis thing but I think it's kind of sexy lately this new voice I think it's working I think it's working I'm kind of now don't want my voice my real voice to come back I'll tell your doctor I'm good I'm just gonna stay like this because that it's working it's working my voice I might get more voiceover work now yeah but anyway Matt thank you again and it's been wonderful you got it about crash and everything thanks Lizette we'll see you at the next Sherwood function and we'll see you at the next the next season and we'll see you there you can catch Lizette Santiago on her new uh show the DL download show with Danny and Lizette or Instagram too or my Instagram at all about Lizette Santiago that's you know that's where you find me and Lizette Santiago on Facebook all right Lizette take care we'll see you see you later okay that way okay that about wraps it up um thank you guys so much for joining us today on this episode our animation special crash the animated series season two uh debuts Sunday April 2nd on our YouTube channel um 5 p.m Pacific time and you can catch a new episode every Sunday throughout the month of April which is distracted driving awareness month and we welcome you to go back and watch animated the animated series of Crash season one nine episodes right now if you want to get the backstory to crash and it's trusty sidekick Bluetooth and all the action and fun and villains and superhero stuff we have in store for you for season two coming soon this April um and that about wraps it up for the Sherwood shake-up season three we did 12 amazing episodes uh we've had some awesome guests some really cool conversations great topics we've covered um I have to say you know we some new ideas have come up about doing another show um obviously we're going to be talking about a season four but we also have a spin-off so that we're working on developing as well um if you guys watched last week's episode uh we had a special guest correspondent uh Nico cariaku and we we went into some hard-hitting topics some were a little outside the industry but they were topics that affect our industry and so we want to keep expanding on those topics um uh politics involving um you know covid and um we you know the the military industrial complex and uh media propaganda and a whole range a wide range of other topics we haven't even even mentioned you know we want to get into those and so we came up with a spin-off show of the shake-up and we're in development of it right now so we'll be able to to go down that path with you guys as well for those of you who want to go further in those areas and have those discussions we're ready to have them with you so um we'll have something ready for you guys um probably in May uh we'll be back with you with that spin-off show um and then we'll be back again with another season of the show with shake up after that so until next time guys thanks for being part of this community if you're new to the community uh and this is the last time I'm going to do it for now and you guys know the drill but just get us on social at show our players you can find us on all all the social media um platforms um go to that's where you can sign up for our mailing list and you'll be first to hear about new auditions and opportunities events uh Productions in the works um just news bulletins you'll be the first to hear about everything and when we go live on YouTube you gotta definitely sign up for our uh YouTube show like subscribe to this thing because you're going to be first to get notifications when new content is put up and we put up new content all the time um and hey I'm gonna this is our last comment I'm going to share before we sign off and this is from Nico this is our Our Guest correspondent he says I can't wait to challenge the narrator The Narrative with you Matt thank you Nico and if you guys want to see Nico in action um go to the last episode episode 35 uh we challenge the media industrial complex on that episode um and uh it was really fun so um I look forward to working with Nico again I look forward to working with Lizette and all the other Sherwood people that have helped and so so um important to where we are now and be part of building this team uh David and Steve and Leslie and and so many others who have who have contributed their time and effort and energy and heart to make us who we are now um who knows where we're going but we've managed to get here so remember as you move forward on your adventures of your career and your trajectory as you're building your networks and and and building your brand and and experience and wisdom and you traveling and airing how you're going to maneuver through this very difficult challenging industry just remember how important team is building a team how important it is to have courage and have curiosity as we as we venture forward and being spearhead spearheading a movement of artists a movement of of people of artists that we we say you know we're going to tell these stories we're gonna we're gonna be against censorship we want to hear what everyone has to say as we navigate and try to tell the most authentic truthful stories we can um because that's what the world needs right now especially right now authentic storytelling and that comes from the heart that comes from the artist the creative that's who we are so let's keep charging forward um into this year as 2023 continues and we'll be back in touch with you guys soon on the next season of the Sherwood shakeup and other opportunities to get involved in the Sherwood Community uh until then um this is Matt wineglass um remember uh power to the artist and Sherwood players character driven take care thank you

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