Top 20 Scariest Unexplained Discoveries Ever Made

Intro we have thousands of human bones scattered around the shores of this Lake and that really is something which is exceptional welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the creepiest archaeological finds that are still unexplained decades or even centuries later his punishment the worst of all ancient Egyptian curses to deny him happiness in the afterlife he was never properly mummified number 20 the starving of The starving of Sakara Egypt Sakara Egypt ancient art has been discovered plenty of times and many have been traced back to a specific time period or civilization however there are some pieces that still remain Elusive and none are more unsettling than the starving of Sakara depicting two figures with enlarged heads and malnourished forms the seemingly simple statue is yet to be understood it hailes from an indeterminable age and Creator and the inspiration behind it is equally obscure there's even an undeciphered inscription on the back adding to the uncertainty some experts believe it could be a representation of two captives that have been conquered no one has yet been able to understand the strange work keep this particular piece of History just outside our grasp number 19 headless Vikings Headless Vikings Dorset England Workman on the Waymouth relief Road dug back into a Hawthorn hedge they uncovered a secret that was a thousand years old decapitation has been a standard execution practice throughout the past and in many cultures that doesn't make finding those on the receiving end any less upsetting in 2009 archaeologists came across the carcasses of dozens of Vikings who had all been messily beheaded you see 50 plus skeletons but not just skeletons just the bodies lying strewn thrown into a pit and the heads separate in a pile to one side which immediately tells you they've been beheaded you know this is not a mass grave of people who died naturally this is an execution it's unknown why they met such violent Fates or even when the mass punishment took place the leading theory is that they were attempted Invaders who were made into the ultimate example it was made even darker when they realized that there were 54 bodies but only 51 heads at the scene meaning the remaining three had been taken the pit is a testament to the extreme methods of a bygone era number 18 Siri Ghost Car Siri England Siri Ghost Car not every unexplained find comes from a bygone Nation there are some from the 21st century that remain a mystery and one may be proof of a real life ghost story in 2002 police and Siri received a reports of a crash on the A3 they went to investigate and were perplexed when they couldn't locate the supposed accident after traveling down the road they were met with a truly chilling sight a vehicle with a deceased motorist inside further examinations revealed that the victim was a young man who disappeared months beforehand while that was solved there's no logical explanation for the non-existing crash that had initially been reported while the authorities claim it was a coincidence others are convinced it was Paranormal Activity number 17 rujum elhi Rujum Alhi Golan Heights Golan height Syria a temple a burial site or perhaps an observatory there's no clear answer to the question of what rudu maliri in the Golan Heights close to the Syrian border was used for despite their size some megaliths remain a complet complete historical mystery hidden within Syria the enormous rujum alheri has both amazed and unsettled those who observe it it consists of several large Stone circles with intricate patterns and a mound in the center R mhiri means in Arabic Stone heap of the wild cat experts say it's at least 5,000 years old and associate with the calcoli era it's made out of more than 40,000 Basalt Stones although it was first surveyed in the 1960s the purpose behind it is undetermined various hypotheses have been brought forward ranging from a site for various religious purposes to a place where the dead were laid out to be picked clean by birds before being disposed of on the one hand uh it's very hard to uh uh to identify it to understand when it was built on the other hand uh anyone can tell anything the area has been looted ridding it of all other physical evidence without that it's hard to discern much about the structure's use making it a potentially permanent mystery number 16 tiny coffins Arthur Tiny Coffins seat Scotland what an earth what happened in Edinburgh that would occasion the burial of 17 little coffins with 17 little figures modern tech and devoted archaeological teams have led to better understanding of many discoveries made in the 20th and 21st centuries some items obtained before these advancements aren't quite as Lucky in 1836 a group of boys entered a cave where they found tiny coffins with odd figurines inside according to contemporary accounts they were supposedly um laid out in know a layer of eight and another layer of eight in one top um the boys as all boys do played with the and it would appear that some of them were damaged and in fact destroyed so all we have now and all we have on display are eight left it was clear they'd been there for some time already at the time people were baffled and that hasn't changed the best estimate is that their visual Renditions of the infamous Burke and hair murders committed a decade prior even that is contested as The Killers primarily targeted women whereas the figures in the coffins depict men another theory is that they represent people or Sailors who died at Sea regardless of our progress we're still just as lost as those who originally found them number Shin Corpse 15 Shin corpse Hunan China this is the best preserved ancient body ever found the process of Decay is constant yet still unpredictable even when it comes to people the corpse of noble woman shinwei is one of the best examples she died as far back as 168 BCE and yet her body is remarkably well preserved when she was Unearthed she still had her flesh and organs making it possible for an autopsy to be performed this is something you never even find in Egypt to for example comes out as a sort of shriveled shriveled up little desiccated corpse compared with the extraordinary preservation of this woman her body had been carefully prepared using different methods you'd think that would be a perfect explanation for her condition yet other cadavers buried in similar fashion at still decayed making her a true anomaly analysts are still doing all they can to study her and ensure her preservation meaning she could be just as intact another Millennia from now there was a consensus that immortality was there to be taken if only you could get the formula right number 14 codex gigas Codex Gigas Bohemia Czech Republic upon first glance this may not seem like anything other than a large book but in reality the massive three- foot long Behemoth holds much more significance the Codex gigas contains a translation of the Bible amongst other works and a now Infamous visual depiction of Satan but if you open the book with the devil exposed the opposite page is an illustration of a Heavenly City perhaps Herman was making a point live a life of sin and this is the you meet after you die the truth behind the manuscript's origins is murky at best according to Legend it was written by a monk on death row who vowed to record all of human knowledge in a single night in exchange for his life the only issue an attempted rewrite revealed that the text alone would take two decades of non-stop writing disproving the original claims and leaving the author's true identity one of History's Best Kept Secrets one thing for sure is that it was and still is the largest Illustrated medieval manuscript ever created and yes inside it was a drawing of the Devil Number 13 pit of Pit of Arms arms bergheim France finding any body parts is already stomach turning realizing there's an even amount only adds to the distress in the 2010s researchers in France came across a pit containing intact carcasses on top of a pile of severed arms it's been deduced that the arms primarily belong to adults and that they were tossed in soon after removal exactly who the victims were is still unspecified along with what happened to them following the sudden amputation the bodies being dated back to the late Neolithic period only adds to to the confusion as there are no other recorded cases of limb removal from that time the only explanation offered up is that it was an act of ancient war but even that is still questioned number 12 Shackled skeletons Shackled Skeletons Athens Greece this is no ordinary resting place archaeologists are still working to determine who they are and why they are there the days of the past weren't always easy to live in some findings make that all the more clear such as the 2016 discovery of a mass grave in Athens however the skeletons weren't just buried all 80 were Shack l in place and appeared to be screaming in spite of their positioning they had all been buried in a traditionally respectful way while DNA testing could eventually reveal more for now experts have put forth the idea that they had attempted a coup and paid the price for their failure the first reliably dated event in Athenian history in the 7th Century BC a failed coup attempt led by the noble silon whose supporters were executed after he fled they may not know for sure but one thing is clear the gruesome site is pure nightmare fuel for practically everyone lays eyes on it Cursed Stolen Amethyst number 11 cursed stolen amethyst conour India Allan was convinced the gem was cursed rampant colonialism of the past has ensured that many artifacts have been removed from their countries of origin sometimes permanently there may be one case where a stolen item supposedly fought back after an amethyst was taken from conour India its new owner was met with this Swift downfall that was only the beginning each keeper was met with tragedy from taking their own life to losing their voice its final keeper Edward heron and Allen even tried throwing it away and it still somehow made its way back to him desperate for Relief he had it locked away until after his own passing now it sit safely within a museum but some still stay away believing that the supposed curse is still in place coming home we drove through the most amazing storm that I've ever witnessed lightning was flushing on both sides of the car and my wife was shouting at me throw that damn Jewel away you should never have brought it with you number 10 a porpus is grave A Porpus is Grave Chappelle dway G unearthing a grave is unnerving enough but seeing anything other than a person inside is even scarier while studying the island Chappelle Dum one archaeologist came across one of the strangest finds in recent times a grave containing the shriveled remnants of a porpus the animal was consumed during medieval times but given the close proximity to the Sea it would have been much easier for the remains to be disposed of there for one to not only be buried but given a proper grave is unheard of and unsettling certainly some effort was was made uh in uh was taking to sort of cut it out nicely whether it was simply forgotten or stashed there by a monk who wasn't allowed to indulge in the meal the truth behind the creature's odd final resting place may never be revealed we shall see uh what we can get out of the the remains itself number nine the unidentified man of sgo sgo The Unidentified Man of Sgo Ireland it may seem impossible to disappear in this day and age but some still manage to slip through the cracks in 2009 an unidentified man was found in slgo Ireland and thanks to his efforts to disguise his name in Hometown he may remain that way POS in under the name Peter Bergman he traveled to the town where he was seen in person and captured on CCTV it appears that he used a false name he certainly used a false address there are no passports or have been no passports issued to a mail of that name fitting that description or that age profile anywhere in Mainland Europe America and South America even with the extensive footage who he is and how he passed remain an enigma it was clear from early morning that he had a purple plastic carrier bag he would have that each time that he left the hotel going out in and around Sligo and when he returned on each occasion he didn't appear to be carrying any bag though he washed up on shore there were no signs of drowning Foul Play was also ruled out in the years since no family or friends have come forward and the case was never extended Beyond Ireland meaning he may remain anonymous forever he may have had the belief that his remains would have been washed out the sea and may never have been found number eight Mass grave Mass Grave Ashalon Israel ashalon Israel some discoveries lead to excitement but others are simply harrowing while exploring the sewers beneath the Roman Bath House in ashalon one man found what he initially believed were chicken bones as he found more he came to the horrific realization that instead of birds they actually belong to multiple babies when he took them to an anthropologist it was found that they had all been healthy and less than a week old before dying while infanticide was common in that period most work carried out via exposure rather than being intentionally harmed the gut-wrenching area serves as an unfortunate reminder that even the most vulnerable members of society could still be treated with abject cruelty Uty The Iceman number seven uty the Iceman utal Alps Austria he's the oldest human specimen we have that is so complete he's so well preserved he continues to generate this body of information there are some missing links within our Evolution but each find makes it easier to fill them in that still doesn't make it any less creepy to come across a mummified form especially one as preserved as uty he's in such good shape that when he was first spotted it was assumed that he had recently died in reality he lived thousands of years ago making him Europe's oldest known natural human mummy his cause of death is widely contested some argue that he succumbed to the elements While others have insisted he bled out a radiologist reviewing his x-rays spotted something strange that had escaped everyone else's [Music] notice an arrowead lodged Deep In The Iceman's shoulder the theories don't just begin and end with his expiration the detective of other people's blood on his garments has revealed he resorted to violence in an effort to survive what's incredible about the udy story is that as Technology's gotten better and better it's the gift that keeps on giving we can keep going back to this sample and it yields new Mysteries and new insight Lake of Skeletons number six Lake of skeletons runed India for most of the year the Lake's waters are frozen but during the summer months as the snow and ice slowly melt away a bizarre spectacle is revealed when you think about the cont contents of a lake you picture fish seaweed and maybe garbage not a large cluster of Bones yet over 300 deceased people have been found inside the lake rupon since 1942 it was first assumed that Japanese forces were the culprit until an investigation uncovered that they were much older than originally believed more questions were Unearthed as more remains were pulled from the body of water some were dated as far back as 800 CE and many were from different locations we have thousands of human bones scattered around the shores of this Lake and that really is something something which is exceptional the scariest part plenty of skeletons still remain in the lake and can be seen when the ice melts reminding people of their mysterious demise and terrifying tourists at the same time number five Screaming Mummy screaming mummy fean necropolis Egypt in Egyptian theology a man couldn't enter the afterlife without his name so there's something disturbing about the fact that he was left Anonymous several mummies have been recovered in Egypt but not all have been identified if the theory surrounding one ends up being true then it will be physical proof of a supposed goo referred to his unknown man e this mummy has become known for one defining feature a permanent scream it can be assumed that whoever died did so in anguish his punishment the worst of all ancient Egyptian curses to deny him happiness in the afterlife he was never properly mummified it suggested that it could be the body of penare a prince who plotted to assassinate his own father and was forced to take his own life after his trial some experts have concluded that for the screaming man to to be buried in this manner means that whoever he was must have died in disgrace with more DNA testing the answer should soon be clear potentially solving one of History's oldest Mysteries number four Neanderthal Neanderthal Cannibalism cannibalism go caves Belgium we're still learning more about some of our earliest known ancestors making every new bit of information vital even if it's unsavory the neand thals lived in these very caves around 40,000 years ago their remains were discovered in the middle of the 19th century in the go caves of Belgium researchers stumbled upon stomach turning evidence of early life there they came across assorted Parts belonging to at least five different people but in unusual condition they had been skinned and filleted revealing clear signs of cannibalistic activity while the verdict is still up for debate reindeer scraps were located under the same condition the bones were fractured like the Bones from reindeer and horses that were found at the entrance of the cave probably to extract the marrow we found traces of cting on these bones to disarticulate to remove the flesh if they were cannibalized then it would be one of the earliest confirmed cases of the practice nevertheless even if it is confirmed that would still leave the question of whether it was done out of desperation or plain desire for human flesh number three severed human feet severed human feet BC British Columbia Canada We Begin tonight with a mystery unfolding on a BC Beach a human foot has once again been discovered this has become one of the most puzzling grotesque mysteries of recent times since 20 2007 over a dozen severed feet have washed up on the shore of North America each one is still wearing a shoe adding to the suspicious appearance there was a foot uh what appeared at that point to be a foot in a sock in a running shoe it's the 13th foot found in British Columbia since 2007 some have been identified but others still remain elusive to this day the one silver lining is that authorities have ruled out Foul Play but that still doesn't explain how they were removed so easily while UND decomposed the bizarre phenomena has even led to people leaving decoy feet on the beach bringing about even more questions with a foot showing up as recently as 2023 it's clear this modern-day conundrum is far from over number two jigsaw skeleton Jigsaw skeleton outer Hees Scotland most cabers can enter the identification process shortly after being found in this case that may be impossible it all started when a mummy in the fetal position was discovered in 2001 as it continued to be worked on scientists began to notice odd discrepancies they were soon met with a shocking realization what they thought had been a single woman was actually three separate people combined together so you were surprised to put it mildly if anyone had asked me I would have just dismissed it and said complete fantasy yeah and uh even when we came up with our results initially some people were very skeptical what's even more upsetting is that the bodies had been dead for some time before being sewn together historians believe this could be a sign of a lesser known mummification ritual and we hope they're right because any alternative would be even more horrifying this is actually them figuring out what happens when you die it isn't the end there's something Beyond but it's also a series of quite complicated uh States before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one wearing skulls Wearing skulls salango Ecuador it doesn't get more chilling than this in times of War everyone's affected even though too young to understand what's happening in the 2010s an ancient site in Ecuador was being excavated leading to a truly grotesque find they had found the corpses of two infants wearing the skulls of other children as helmets the reasons behind the bizarre practice are still up in the air but some believe it could have been an attempt at protecting their souls postmortem however that still doesn't explain where or how they got the skulls and if they had to harm anyone in the process the maob discovery is sickening and fascinating all at once proving how little we truly know about life back then which unexplained Discovery do you find the most haunting let us know in the comments below the coroner service expects the latest mystery foot will have a similar explanation they've already teamed up with the rcmp's missing person's unit did you enjoy this video check out these other clips from watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos

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