Category: Sports
Bundesliga là giải bóng đá vô địch quốc gia của đức được tổ chức hàng năm và là một trong những giải đấu hàng đầu thế giới bundesliga bao gồm 18 đội bóng với các đội hàng đầu như bayern munich borussia dortmund và abic giải đấu này có lịch thi đấu đa vòng với mỗi đội chơi mỗi mùa hai lượt trận một lượt... Read more
Category: Sports
Hi i'm curtis mcgrath par canoe athlete from australia in a qualification year it's it's a fairly busy one um there's lots of competitions there's extra athletes there's extra sort of pressure um but obviously we're all trying to and buying for those spots those quota spots as well as the knowledge... Read more
Category: Sports
Good morning everybody. phil weiler here. volunteer spokesman for the consumers energy ausable river canoe marathon. we're here at the start line...looks a little different than you see it in july. but we've got some news and we wanted to share it as soon as we can. with me today rich castle from consumers... Read more
Category: Pets & Animals
[음악] c [음악] [음악] [음악] [박수] ale [음악] s [음악] [박수] [음악] [박수] [음악] [음악] es [음악] [박수] [음악] [박수] c [음악] c [음악] [음악] Read more
Category: Comedy
In springfield they're eating the dogs the people that came in they're eating the cats they're eating they're eating the pets of the people that live there Read more
Category: Pets & Animals
[音楽] ムートン yeah [音楽] ana b moon factory [音楽] Read more
Category: Comedy
C'est une enculerie ce truc la vie de ma mère c'est une enculerie on est là on fait semblant que ça va bien ça va pas bien frér ça va pas bien je sais je sais ça va pas bien mis une bombe atomique dans la bouche ça va être cal dans mon clon ça va être il va avoir une chorégraphie allez oh ça brûle mme... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
How's she look she looks big big isn't strong no big isn't fat that's mean that's mean you shouldn't say that why you been eating too many popsicles what what you didn't know i knew about that did you Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[music] oh [music] oh [music] Read more
Category: Comedy
Biopic de jean-paul gaultier 22e action mais ça va commencera jamais prêt pour le défilé allez les amis rien n'est que ça paye allez petit moi ce défilé avec élégance mes petites abeilles vous êtes mes petites abeilles en toutes ces abeilles ma petite ruche d'abeille là j'ai l'impression que tu es allé... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] i don't think so no no no no i don't think so no no no no it's never ever ever ever ever ever going to [music] happen i don't think so no no no no i don't think so no no no no Read more
Category: Pets & Animals
[music] [music] [music] [music] oh n [music] Read more