Kristi Noem Warns Of China 'Systematically' Buying Up Control Over US Agriculture And Food Supply

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 00:06:32 Category: News & Politics

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that's exactly we're going to talk about several topics tonight we're going to talk about inflation in the economy because I think that's what every family is suffering with right now every family right now is struggling to prioritize what their cost will be we'll we'll talk a little bit about our border um we're going to give you guys a chance to ask us some questions so if you want to be talking about something or ask a specific question on a topic you'll get the chance to do that so you can be thinking about it we're going to visit a little bit about this um vice presidential candidate that Cala has chosen Tim Walls I happen to know him pretty well being my neighboring state and we have taken just this last year the last few months over 7,000 minnesotans and moved him over to South Dakota we've had tens of thousands of motans who've decided to leave his State and come to South Dakota because of his policies and his dictator type leadership skills that have been so devastating for his State and then we're going to talk about the American dream and what that means what does it look like under the choices that we have on the ballot this fall um but I know that uh with the with the tutor was just talking about our national security and that's one of those issues that I think a lot of Americans need to stop and pause for a minute and really realize the threats that we have and the insecurities that we have I have spent I'm a farmer and a Rancher and have spent my life you know raising food food to feed this country and to feed the world we had a very large operation when I was younger my dad was killed in an accident when I was young and I ended up quitting college and taking over our businesses but I've worked on food policy for 30 years and I watched over those last 30 years as China systematically came in and first they started buying up our chemical companies in the United States then they started buying up our seed and fertilizer companies then we saw America for a period of time Embrace selling citizenship to the United States for investment in our processing facilities the vast majority of our processing facilities and meat packing plants are owned by Chinese companies now and and people that are affiliated with the CCP now we have seen them come in they've manipulated their currency they've stolen our genetics and our IP and now we're watching them by our land and and completing that full circle of our food production in the United States China has had a thousand years plan for world domination they've been trying to take out the United States of America for hundreds of years for the last 200 years they we have been a threat to them ever since we are established because we were so different in the experiment that our Founders gave us they gave us the most wonderful experiment in the history of the world by giving us this Republic and it was so different and China has seen us as we Rose to be the world's power as a threat to them and they have a long-term plan to take us out and they will make their people suffer in order to get that plan complete if we think a pandemic was scary wait until they control our food supply and wait until you go to the grocery store and you realize you can't get food to feed your family because China's decided that you can't get your food did you know that they own quite a bit of our ports in the United States the LA Port that you hear Nome BR bragging about all the time it's 90% owned by Chinese Chinese companies and Chinese officials they have started hoarding their shipping containers in China everything in this world that gets shipped across the ocean goes into shipping container doesn't it why do you think that they're keeping the shipping containers so that we don't have access to them that's what this election is about that's how important it is to get president Trump back in the white house so that we have a strong leader that stands up for America puts China back in its place separates them between Russia and Iran and when we we can fight any of those enemies and and beat them today if they're all together it gets really tough for us to win that battle if they're partnering together and that's what this election is about is it what will America look like if we have a weak leader back in the White House like Cala Harris and can we be protected from the invasion of China with this Administration no we already know that Governor walls is obsessed with China he's lived there he his good grief his wedding anniversary he chose the massacre at tianan Square so it would be memorable this is a man who idolizes the CCP and I I have a little bit different experience than the governor because I come from the manufacturing world so I saw it from what they did to the manufacturing world and I saw foundary after Foundry after Foundry close because the Chinese were coming in offering the lowest prices and they were pirating all same thing stealing our technology and we we I will tell you today there are not many people who come out of college and say I would love to start a steel foundry it's kind of a generational thing sort of something that gets passed down same as Farms when people come out of college they don't say man I'd really like to start up a big dairy farm just doesn't happen today they are generational businesses that get passed down from family to family from father to son from mother to daughter these once they're gone they don't come back no one starts them up again and so when you hear her talking about food security and making sure that we have enough food to feed this country what do you think the Chinese are doing buying up our land they're weakening us and a weak America cannot take o cannot protect ourselves from a Chinese takeover these are serious subjects we're here folks the people who think this is out way out in the future this hundred-year plan of China we're on year like 85 they've already gotten this far they have the largest na Navy in the world a lot of people don't know that China is very powerful our president decided to sit down and address the nation and tell the nation that he was stepping out of the presidential race didn't mention that he was doing it because he's cognitively declining but he did go he did announce that he was going to sit down and tell the world this at the same time China and Russia flew together off the coast of Alaska first time they've ever flown together it's here

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