Published: Aug 27, 2024
Duration: 00:10:40
Category: News & Politics
Trending searches: ikea preowned
[Music] good morning and a warm welcome to your show Sunny Mornings in enenas I'm your host Melissa and it's Wednesday August 28th you'll be interested to know 61 years ago today in 1963 approximately 200,000 people marched on Washington DC an event that became a high point of the Civil Rights Movement especially remembered for the famous I Have a Dream speech of Martin Luther King Jr so now you know and now it's time for the surf report expect me to thigh high swell throughout the week on Wednesday and Thursday mornings conditions will be glassy with light offshore winds becoming semi- choppy in the afternoons with stronger onshore winds Friday and Saturday mornings will also be glass with variable winds turning bumpy in the afternoons Wednesday in enenas and North County it's looking glassy in the morning until 10: at 2 ft then it gets a little choppy midday but he's up for a fair Sunset session best time to ride is at 6: a.m. with a 2 and 1/2 ft incoming high tide when the South Southwest swell is 1 and A2 ft at 10 seconds and the onshore wind is 0 mph the first low tide Wednesday will be 0t at 1245 a.m. with a 3 and 1/2 ft high tide at 8 the Nearshore buoy at beacons reachs 74° for the water temperature this morning it's foggy and feels like 62° with no wind the sunset will take place at 7:17 and and it will rise again tomorrow at 6:21 it looks like we're in for some patchy fog before 11: this morning clearing up to be partly sunny with temperatures peing near 70 and a gentle Southwest Breeze tonight expect patchy fog after 11 mostly cloudy skies with a low around 65 looking ahead in the weather expect patchy fog each morning before 11:00 a.m. through Sunday clearing by midm morning days will be mostly sunny with highs near 70 kns will have patchy fog after 11:00 p.m. with lows around 66 and mostly cloudy skies bour food enthusiasts this podcast is brought to you by versai Cafe and pastries in enenas nestled on El Camino Real South just north of enenas Boulevard this this Cafe is a Haven for culinary Delights indulge in their amazing eggs benedict or their gluten-free crates you can grab a panini for lunch or just breeze on through to get your morning coffee they are open every day from 8: to 5:00 so stop on by and don't forget to tell them Sunny morning send you in local news 177,000 policy holders in California are losing fire insurance as Liberty Mutual subsidiary pulls back Liberty Mutual fire insurance company is discontinuing its fire Insurance line in California citing the retirement of antiquated technology the non-renewals starting in September and Lasting through November affect approximately 177,000 dwelling fire policy holders this move impacts policies in multiple States not just Cali California Liberty Mutual the seventh largest Property and Casualty insurer in California still offers dwelling fire insurance through its safego brand though affected policy holders were not immediately offered new policies this situation highlights broader issues in California's home insurance market now on to sports the National Football League is set to allow private Equity firms to buy into teams a significant shift for the world's most lucrative League this change approved in a recent meeting now allows team owners to sell up to 10% of their teams to pre-approved firms the initial list includes arctos airs management 6 Street and a Consortium featuring Blackstone Carlile CVC and Dynasty Equity strict rules apply including no governance rights and a minimum six-year holding period this policy opens the door for billions of dollars to flow into the league enhancing franchise valuations in local sports the Padre's on the road beat the Cardinals 7 to5 and tonight they're back at it for game three of the four game series in top new the number of thousand per night hotel rooms has soared as wealthy Travelers Embrace High popping rates paying $1,000 May no longer secure a Swank Suite or PR of view at the Ritz Carlton New York Nomad a standard room costs $1,300 for the first weekend in October the four season's Miami Sur side charges $1,500 with an advanced discount according to Coster group 80 us hotels averaged $11,000 or more per night in the first half of the Year up from 22 and 29 European hotels have tripled to 183 hotels capitalize on affluent Travelers boosting rates as a psychological signal of their superiority in business news Ikea has launched a new secondhand Marketplace for pre-owned Furniture aimed at helping the company compete with resale sites like eBay G and Finn the pilot program called Ika pre-owned will be tested in Madrid Spain and Oslo Norway through the end of the year customers in these cities can buy and sell pre-owned Ikea items with listings featuring photos and prices set by sellers according to Ikea's chief executive Jesper Broden this initiative reflects the company's confidence and evolving digitally the marketplace May charge a symbolic fee in the future to enhance the experience for both sellers and buyers in crypto movement Bitcoin is just over $59,800 ethereum is just over 2400 and Solana is $147 moving on to a more local vibe in our Community Spotlight on health and wellness we are working with a national pilates studio to bring you some free classes so listen up check out club Pilates with several locations in the San Diego area Pilates presents a comprehensive Wellness approach cultivating strength reducing tension and elevating mental well-being scientific research affirms its benefits so now you can check out club Pilates for a free class with locations in enenas Salena Beach Oceanside La Hoya and more just be sure to tell them Sunny morning sent you by and now back to the show let's talk science Boeing Starliner is set to return to Earth next week but its crew will remain in space until next year this situation raises significant questions for B space business Nessa announced that the crew will return on a SpaceX ship prompting inquiries about Starliner future NASA administrator Bill Nelson expressed full confidence in Boeing's future flights but not everyone shares this optimism the mission faced glitches extending the crew stay from 8 days to 8 months industry experts suggest Boeing might reconsider its focus on human space light given it it recent struggles and financial losses and an entertainment news Francis Ford Copa renowned filmmaker expressed a rolling stone that his aim with megalopolis was to avoid it being branded as some woke Hollywood production the film's cast features controversial figures like John void and shy La kopa emphasized the cast includes people who were canell he appreciated labo's intense approach comparing him to Dennis hover michopoulos Stars Adam Driver and includes a notable Supporting Cast despite controversy at can's including allegations against Copa Lionsgate will release the film in theaters on September 27th with a screening at the Toronto International Film Festival well Al righty folks it's time for the quote of the day and today our quote comes from the American Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King Jr and he said Darkness cannot drive out Darkness only light can do that hate cannot drive out hate only love can do that and that's a wrap for this morning you can check out our Instagram YouTube and Tik Tok for some captivating aerial videos with local news and the surfer reports have an amazing day my good friends we'll see you tomorrow with another episode of Sunny Mornings in anonas