Category: Film & Animation
In a rotten blood soaked island kingdom there once was a queen by the name of catherine pa she was the sixth wife of the vengeful king henry vii i won't be patron to heretics he will kill me like he did my mother he would never do that to you do you hear me the five wives who came before her all met... Read more
Category: Comedy
Fight this [music] way what is that who are you i m [music] ste okay [music] Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[music] right this [music] way what the hell my it's to take you anything you can dream about here you can make who are you i i'm [music] steve okay this guy is such a toolbag [music] step right this way Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Ele é um esportista nato apaixonado pelo surf mas também pratica escalada no gelo ciclismo de montanha snowboard skate hockey entre outros altamente engajado em causas humanitárias e causas voltadas à preservação natural este havaiano procura levar uma vida autosustentável sempre focando em elementos... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
the beatles: [distorted] ♪ the magical mystery tour ♪ [clarifying] ♪ the magical mystery tour ♪ - voice: step right this way! - the beatles: ♪ roll up (and that's an invitation) ♪ ♪ roll up for the mystery tour ♪ [baa-ing] - what the hell? - ♪ the magical mystery tour ♪ - [howling] - ♪ is coming... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[music] right this way what the hell it's to take you anything you can dream about here you can make who are you i i'm [music] steve okay this guy is such a toolbag [music] step right this way Read more
Category: Gaming
Hello my youtube viewers my name is ganas and welcome to my reaction to a minecraft movie teaser trailer okay um this is interesting also it's thundering and storming outside so if you hear anything i do apologize um so this is legit there's a minecraft movie coming out uh it's live action it stars... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
I don't feel safe well here we go into minecraft we [music] go what in the world the hell am i looking at no what what the is that the oh oh dear god what the hell was i got myself into oh this this looks wrong so so wrong anything you can dream about here you can make i dream of less disturbing visuals... Read more
Category: Gaming
I watched the minecraft movie in0 25 x speed and here's what i found at 015 we can see two lava streams in the mountains and at 034 we can see those exact two lava streams meaning that in the first day they don't travel very far and they will be trying to find their way back home at 015 we can see jason... Read more
Category: Entertainment
The minecraft liveaction movie teaser just came out and holy goodness gracious it is bad i did not expect that we're going to release a trailer today but now when i watched it it just feels like curse to me i mean the world itself looks pretty good overall like the background of it looks okay like i... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
My father used to always go for the belt he'd be like you're going to get the belt i don't do that with my kids just cuz i wear sweatpants i'm like you're going to get the tassels daddy going to get daddy going to get you Read more