Texas blows out Michigan, Nebraska gets revenge on Colorado and Notre Dame throws last week away

Intro I think there's some deep concern for Michigan college football's never been better interest has never been higher believe that we are at the dawn of the golden age of college football it was an epic day of college football it was one of those days where you fall in love with the sport all over [Music] again what's going on everybody Welcome to the Joel clatt show I am Joel clatt and we are presented by Hampton by Hilton uh how about that for a wild Saturday I mean my goodness I love college football I love it so much it's so unpredictable and um we're reminded of so many truths when we have a weekend of college football like we just experienced this last weekend uh thank you for joining us here remember wherever you're listening to this podcast go ahead and rate and review us that would help us out quite a bit and thank you for those that have done that just a slow clap for you right there if you have not done so please go over to YouTube and subscribe to the YouTube channel we're going to have and continue to have exclusive content over there so get over to the YouTube channel And subscribe there and those of you that have already done that you get a slow clap as well and invite a friend because college football is better when you invite a friend uh folks that was awesome I thought it was an incredible environment that I was at and then what Wild weekend of cfb looked like to be kind of a a dull slate of games let's face it as compared to the opening weekend of college football turned into an incredible Saturday number five Notre Dame loses at home to Northern Illinois as a 28-point favorite Texas goes into the big house and hammers the defending national champion Oregon survives against Boise State slow clap for their first win in program history over the Broncos well done Ducks they survive as 18 and a half Point favorites that didn't help our picks on Thursday now did it Alabama led by one one a point which would necessitate a gunrack in the fourth quarter versus South Florida before pulling away Penn State was down at the half to Bowling Green after what they did against West Virginia Oklahoma beats Houston 1612 a team that lost to UNLV by 20 last week Iowa blows a 13 nothing half time uh halftime lead to their rival Iowa State and Clemson of course they do scores 56 on App State in the first half what are we doing that was incredible I love college football so much it's so unpredictable you and guess what we're reminded about so many different truths the first being this happens every year which is why we love it I think every year we start to we start the season and we become so definitive in terms of what we think about teams okay and so that we think we think and by the way when I say we I'm saying I I we the Royal we college football we we think in definitive terms about teams even in the preseason okay so we slap rankings on them and we have all these projections and then games happen week one and based on that game we start to say like oh well I was definitely right or I was definitely wrong and we Tred to do what draw definitive conclusions again and yet week 2 always always does this to us you know how I know I have a Google machine and Steve does too and Steve who is my right-hand editorial he's more like my brain I appreciate Steve more than any of you actually know Steve is with me um every single day uh most of the year and he helps me with the games he helps me with this podcast and we have Google last year Miami hammered A ranked A&M and we thought that was like Hey Miami is going to be for real not the case Oregon last year needed a last minute field goal beat Texas Tech that was even with B Knicks and that team that wound up playing for a playoff spot against Washington in the Pack 12 championship game Utah needed a last minute touchdown and a comeback to beat Baylor Baylor went three and N that's last year then we go back to 2022 by the way this is all just like this happened week two last year not in the college football season this specific week of the college football season in 2023 now in 2022 number one Alabama rolled into Texas Gus and I and Jenny called this game and Bryce young had to go full Superman in order to win that game I think it was 20 to 19 by a point appstate beat number six Texas A&M Marshall beat number eight Notre Dame that was in Notre Dame stadium and Washington State beat number 19 Wisconsin in Madison it happens hey guess what wasn't that year either excuse me it wasn't that year only either 2021 Stanford beat number 14 USC by the way that's Stanford team 3 and N Arkansas routed number 15 Texas ran all over him number 12 Oregon won at the shoe against number three Ohio State number five Texas A&M beat a four- win Colorado team by three points 107 in Colorado number five Texas A&M beat a four- win Colorado team by three by three you by the way guess what's the common commonality in all of these like A&M shows up constantly as the overrated like fly in the ointment and football we overrate them all the time we overreact to the games that involve them whether they lose or whether they win and most of them is lose or play worse and then we overinflate that opponent and then that opponent ends up being not as good as we think they are I mean it happened to Miami last year it happened to well they lost to App State in 2022 Colorado in 2021 by the way in 2021 number eight Notre Dame escaped Toledo so Notre Dame has a history of doing this in week two so should we be surprised no and why should we not be surprised one it happens all the time why does it happen all the time because we forget every year that these are 18 to 22 year old kids they're kids and I think it was easier for us to remember that in previous years when they weren't making money and when they weren't transferring and when they didn't have agents when they weren't on National ads I think it was easier for us to be like you know what I I forget but like I'm reminded they're kids because now the expectation is that they're not it's not that we have to realize it now it's that we expect them to be something that they're not they're 18 to 22 year old kids kids we expect them to be professionals because of the money because of everything that's going on and guess what it is more difficult than ever for these 18 to 22 year old kids to actually concentrate and focus and be detail oriented in their play on the field more difficult than ever think about everything that they've got going on right now they're they're thinking about their own nil deals so you you you throw money into this and that's a huge distraction you've got social media this is the anxious generation please read ien um you've got the rat poison that comes around with all of that you've got agents telling you you should move schools it's harder to build team chemistry because there's so much newness based on the transfer portal on almost every single roster in America so it not only has happened throughout the history of college football we should expect weeks like this to happen more often moving forward because the 18 to 22 year old kids that make up college football are more distracted than ever before and we also forget that like teams have to develop teams because of all the distractions that I was talking about prior I think that they have a lower floor than maybe they did in previous years maybe they have a higher ceiling as well but if you start to take the rat poison that is all of these things off the field and you start getting distracted guess what that's the quickest way to be defeated and that's one of the things that really good coaches will always tell their teams is that the quickest way to be defeated is to be distracted what good coaches will also know is that every single week you have to get better as soon as complacency enters into the equation your team's going to get beat and what happens after week one is we draw definitive conclusions teams then full of 18 to 202 year old kids get distracted and they get complacent based on the definitive conclusions that people like me say into a microphone like this and guess what happens that complacency gets them beat distractions complacency bang Northern Illinois beats you I've been tell telling everyone hey Notre Dame's gonna be in the playoff and then guess what boom you lose good teams really good teams they kick complacency out of the locker room they put their nose to the grindstone and they get better every single week and we should expect even these teams that have struggled at points in the first couple of weeks for them to get better I think Notre Dame will get better because they lost I think Oregon will get better because they have struggled in the first couple of weeks in this season maybe we shouldn't be so definitive but you know what this is kind of the world that we live in in college football right now and I think that week two of this season was just a huge reminder of all of those truths that we should be dealing with in a weekend and week out basis let's get to some of the games because some of the games were incredible I want to talk about the game I was at Texas hammers Texas vs. Michigan recap Michigan 31 to2 now I think Texas and I and I reflected this in my rankings when I put them out on my Twitter you can follow me at Joel clad on Twitter I always put out kind of my top 10 really late I fly back home um I'm watching the games in the plane the entire time I get back home I watch the late games and then right before I go to bed which is right around midnight maybe a little bit later I'm on the west coast um let me 12:30 maybe 1 o'clock I'll always tweet out a top 10 and so like if you're not following me go ahead and go over and follow me at Joel clatt and in my top 10 I did something that sometimes I'll do but this is just the way I was feeling because of what I saw with Texas and because of what I believe about Georgia and Ohio State I really think that we have a a three- team top tier in college football so I put them all as 1 a 1B and 1 C in my top 10 all right the these three teams are the Elite teams in college football could others join them possibly could they have bad days possibly but right now based on their rosters and some of the action that I've seen certainly on film and then certainly live last week in the big house these are the three teams that are I think I think Head and Shoulders above everybody else now whether that remains to be the same next week I'm not sure they're 18 to 22 year old kids but it felt like that game 31 to2 was even more lopsided than that score indicated 31 to2 to me I'm sitting in the booth that felt a lot more like a 426 game to me it wasn't really close at one point I looked up I can't remember exactly the point that I looked at the stat Monitor and the booth it had to be sometime in the second quarter and I looked down and it was like 42 snaps of total offense you know just total plays for Texas and it was like 15 for Michigan and I was like yeah the game's over it's over the game was over in the second quarter now Michigan fans might be upset about that but it's true and then that's right when that sequence of events happened when they turned it over a couple of times Texas scores a couple of times and I'm like okay now now it's really over I just never got the sense that Michigan has an offense that yesterday or even maybe moving forward was going to be able to play from behind and go and and win a football game the offense and we'll get to Michigan in a moment you know was was less than Dynamic for the second straight week so what did I learn about the game let's start with Texas three things that I was impressed with from the Texas Longhorns number one Quinn ERS is excellent the guy can play man he is such a good player he makes really quick decisions in the pocket I was most impressed with his feet with his footwork his elusiveness in the pocket because there was a couple of times in particular in that first quarter um and more specifically on third down that he was able to get himself loose and that what that's what was creating the bigger plays the explosive plays for Texas down the field he did a great job of that Quinn yours is right now my favorite for the high trophy based on what I saw on Saturday the way that he's playing and the offense that he has around him I don't see any reason why he can't go to the New York and and maybe win that trophy he was 24 of 36 for 246 yards and three touchdowns and it could have been more I felt like they got a bit conservative not that they took their foot off the gas per se but they got a little bit conservative CU it was very clear that they their defense was dominating Michigan so there was no reason to put the ball at risk and go all gas no breaks if you will to steal their term and create momentum for Michigan through a turnover there was no reason to do that their offensive line was playing great and that's going to be my number second impression so number one is your was excellent number two that o line is a problem for everyone that they're going to face they are really tough they're big they're physical and they're experienced they they did not bat an eye at some of the Exotic looks that wink marale the defensive coordinator from Michigan was throwing at him on third down they did a great job in protection and maybe even better job in the Run game the game plan was so Elite for huers in that offensive line so I think the two best players that Michigan have are their defensive tackles Mason Graham and Kenneth Grant and what Texas did in the game plan to me was brilliant I started to to in early in the second quarter it just dawned on me I was like everything is quick and to the perimeter when those two players are on the field Grant and Graham and then as soon as they would leave the field because they were tired because they were on the field for at that point like 40 plus snaps they leave the field because they're tired and and Texas immediately got big and went right downhill at the backups for for Michigan it was a great plan because then it was like oh boy those guys better go back in there or Texas is just going to run the football right down Michigan's throat so Sark did a masterful job and I don't think he was avoiding those guys as much as his plan was to fatigue them okay so some people would be like well no they could have blocked them they were doing just fine yeah they were running the ball just fine but it was too fatigue those guys it was to get to the depth of Michigan it's like in baseball a really good hitter and goodh hitting teams will be selective with the starting pitcher because they want to get to the bullpen in the sixth inning and not the seventh inning okay they want to see the middle relievers not the setup guy in the closer so how do you do that you see pitches you extend his pitch count well that's what Sark was doing he was fatiguing the defensive tackles in the interior in order for them to run off the field and then he would hammer him inside it was just a a really great game plan and then the third thing I was impressed with was that the secondary was really improved from a year ago now I don't know if it's a great secondary CU I don't think Michigan was really a threat in the passing game and we'll get to that in a little bit but they were certainly better I love Andrew makuba the transfer from Clemson he he was athletic he was all over the field they were creating turnovers I think Jade Baron is a terrific player on one side and and and Muhammad on the other as their Corners so they're improved in terms of a defense their rotation of defensive linemen I felt like did a really solid job against the run now are they tandre SWAT and Byron Murphy no probably not but those guys they were both you know top two uh top two round picks in last year's draft so are you going to replace them probably not but they're good enough up front based on that rotation that they have so Texas Is For Real these are the ingredients for a national championship Texas is not a team that's I think going to just fade away now is Michigan great I'm not sure could we be reading too much into this game maybe but I don't think so because I've seen it I've seen the teams that can go and win the national championship I've seen their culture I've seen their roster I've seen their experience and I've more importantly seen how they treat each other and how they go about their work and Texas has that feel that's a special group I hope that they can maintain that special nature about their culture and the way that they care for one another within the that building because to me they've got something special I'm I'm highly impressed with with Sark what he's built and what this team has they've got the experience and talent to go and Win It now let's talk a little bit about Michigan okay so there's two ways to look at Michigan and I think people are going to fall into one of two categories and after I give you the categories I'm going to tell you where I fall um the first category would be hey they're replacing 18 starters and Texas might be the best team in the country so bad day at the office we'll be fine bad day at the office Michigan always start slow but they never have to play an opponent to this level early in the season so we never see this early in the season you can make an argument that even last year's team while they were starting a bit slow remember the Harbaugh suspension at the beginning of the year they played a couple of Clunkers but got through them because they were so talented and you can make an argument that like hey if they would have had to play this Texas team maybe they would have lost and not gone 15 and0 okay like that's fine so you've got a team that's trying to replace 18 starters Michigan always has to develop and they've got to get better week week in and week out and they can feel like we'll be better in November than we are right now and that might be true that might be true but the problem is is that 0% of the Michigan blueprint was followed zero now maybe they'll take solace in that they did not control the line of scrimmage they did not control the clock in terms of the time of possession they did not control the snap count they did not control the field field position game they did not control the turnover battle they lost all of that and because of that they're going to lose by the way if they do that against some of their opponents coming up they will lose again multiple times because their blueprint has to be followed so for them they can just think to themselves in this first category we'll be okay we had that bad sequence in the second quarter we did nothing that we were supposed to do we're replacing 18 starters we're going to develop and we're going to be fine in November that's category number one category number two deep concern concern deep concern with the following things that they are not in any position to go out and dominate like they have in the last three years on the offensive line that nobody on the outside is winning and it doesn't look like they have a wide receiver that can emerge as a number one threat now they have that in coulston Loveland so I don't want everyone to be like oh you coulston Loveland but in the first two weeks coulston Loveland has had two or three drops and dropped that ball that you're seeing if you're watching watching on YouTube please go subscribe to the Joel clatt YouTube channel Coulson Loveland caught and then dropped that ball right over the middle on a third down which led to a Texas touchdown it was a catch and then a fumble that's a concern Davis Warren looked rattled on third down and it was not a team that was even close to presenting what I would consider like a threat on third down because they were constantly in third and long it wasn't a team that looked like they could throw the ball when they wanted to versus when they had to they had to throw the football cuz they couldn't run it very well it was a team that that lacked depth defensively and it was very clear that when Mason Graham and Kenneth Grant weren't in the game that the defense's level of play took a drastic downward trajectory that wasn't the case last year so all of those things would lead you into this deep concern category because all of those things are true the lack of experience from Davis Warren and all of the plays and passes that they were not on the same page on the outside whether it was wide receiv receivers or even coulston Loveland okay so which which one do I fall into I fall into the second I think there's some deep concern for Michigan there's elements of truth of the first category I do think that it's a development team and that they will be better over time during the course of the season the problem is all the things that I talked about in the second category are facts and they are facts that are going to have to be overcome developed through if they're going to have a season that they feel like they can have at the beginning of the year I thought to myself you know what Michigan even with all this newness it's their culture it's their ability to develop I still love their defense I think their floor is N9 and three that's kind of what I thought and to be fair it's like this Texas game was always going to be a difficult win for them because Texas comes in with all the experience they are at the top of college football Michigan is in a rebuilding year so it would have been a massive upset if they were to beat Michigan but the way that it happened that's the Deep concern it's the Deep concern and so this floor of 9 and3 to me all of the sudden went to seven and five because it doesn't even take a great opponent to beat that Michigan team that doesn't play by their blueprint if they're going to play games that are not by their blueprint and they've got to win by other means I don't know I don't know cuz then all of a sudden they're going to be in a lot of one- score games and it's a bounce of the football there it's a penalty here or there and now all of a sudden you're a five loss team so now their their their floor for me has moved down from 9 and3 to s and5 that doesn't mean they can't still go win 10 games again if they want to go develop and get better in November then good for them there's elements of of Truth in that first category but I I'm concerned about them now you're staring at a USC team that looks like they are for real I think USC and I put them in my top 10 and they deserve to be in the top 10 the AP voters are terrible they just move them up and down I'm sorry if you have an AP vote and you're listening to this I love you I love your passion for the sport give me a break with what you gave us in the AP poll that was terrible how like Tennessee and USC are clearly two of the best 10 teams in the country and so that's where where they should be and you don't have them there and I think that that's garbage Miami as well Miami as well so you've got USC they're staring at that's just in a couple of weeks you still have Oregon maybe that game looks easier now the way that Oregon has played you still have Ohio State down the road so those are three games so so now all of the sudden you're like oh man eight and four is certainly in the question and what happens if you don't play by the blueprint in any one of the other games Illinois just beat Kansas so that's why I say kind of a floor for me is more of of seven and five Michigan's got to get better they have to get better and they've got to go back to the drawing board and they have to understand the way that they win games because following 0% of the blueprint is not going to do it it's not going to do it um let's go to that Nebraska Colorado Nebraska vs. Colorado recap game Nebraska beats Colorado 28-10 maybe it wasn't even that close maybe it wasn't even that close let's start with Colorado First this looks like the exact same team from last year this is a team that is maddeningly boring on offense and an offensive line that really struggles in protection in fact it's the elephant in the room that even their head coach has to at least address just simply why was it so difficult for the offense to respond to Nebraska's defense I have no idea we would have known that answer I think we would have responded quicker yeah we uh seemed like we just never got it going until it was too late seemed like we just never got it going protections were were a problem you know I'm trying to be poite and say it because you know if I can say the same thing you're thinking but if I say it you say I'm throwing my guys up under the bus I'm not doing that whatsoever protection were a problem we got to figure out a way to uh prevent that and do a better job with that yes they've got to figure out a better way to protect the quarterback the old line is not any better I thought that they were going to be better and they're not any better they're they're virtually the exact same offensive line not not in terms of names but in terms of of play that that this is a carbon copy of what we saw a year ago shador has like not even a second to read the defense there are times that he holds the ball but it's not often he's just constantly under duress seven sacks allowed last year they allowed eight um I will say this it overall is the team exactly the same no the defense plays harder and plays better than they did a year ago for the second straight game they didn't give up any points in the second half and at least gave themselves a chance but the offense man the offensive plan is just so uninspired and and totally unsustainable totally unsustainable let's say it this way like when you when you see and watch and and feel the best offenses in college football generally what you see is teams that put the defense in conflict and they do it both before the snap and after the snap and this is what the great play callers do so let's just kind of like take a couple of examples out there um Lincoln Riley I think that he's one of the better offensive coaches I think Kaylin dor is a great offensive coach I think Steve sarkeesian's a great offensive coach Lane kin Ryan Day who now has Chip Kelly so those guys so like what do those thing those offenses have in common that I just mentioned right there movement okay so pre- snap you've got to make the Defense work you've got to change your structure you've got to change what they're looking at you've got to present movement you've got to present shifts and motions not only for your benefit to gain an advantage but in terms of you know leverage um recognition of coverage and structure on the other side but it's also just difficult for them it's difficult for them to really zero in on how they want to pressure when they want to pressure from which side they want to pressure you've got to get them to declare their strength do they want to be a passing strength team or do they want to be a run strength team you've got to have the ability to do all of these things because pre- snapped conflict is difficult on the defense it just is and and in fact every in college football does this very few times do great offenes just stand static in one formation and call plays it's it's a 2X two formation or it's a 3x1 formation so if you're if you're not moving and creating conflict pre- snap I don't think that that I don't think that the players are in position to succeed okay in particular if you're not going to have the best players on the field it it also helps in protection too because you can change a lot of things up then post Snap the conflict has to arrive in things like is it a run is it a pass is it an RPO how are we putting a defender in Brackets are we bracketing in the passing game are we um uh running progression reads like there's there's so many different things that an offense can do in order to put the defense in conflict or single defenders in conflict and I just don't feel like Colorado does that it's very static it's very uninspired there's very little creativity in the Run game and all of that winds up putting your quarterback on a te it's too difficult they everyone knows what protections are coming it's either a fman or a six-man protection with the back either inserting in the a gap taking the mic linebacker or off the edge so like the these these protections aren't fooling anybody there's there's no run action pass there's no play action pass there's no half rolls in the pocket there's no full rolls there's no getting the quarterback totally outside of the pocket there's no easy throws Colorado's offense has to change and it's got to become more inspired or else this what's happening a static offense that puts a quarterback on a te is totally unsustainable and I think that they know that Pat Shermer is the offensive coordinator I think that he knows that you know Pat's an NFL guy and and an old school guy and and the guys that I mentioned in college football are more more new school I think he needs to get more into the movement in particular before the snap and and to to help that offense out um Nebraska I thought that was an incredibly cool thing to see that environment that fan base has been begging for something that's real for the better part of let's face it uh what do you think Husker fans like two decades and guess what you've been coming every single Saturday in those two decades this was the 398th straight sellout at Memorial Stadium I played there twice incredible environment you got one of the best fan bases in college football obviously I played at Colorado and I and I was raised to not like Nebraska that was our rival that was our red letter game but the the thing about it is some Rivals are your rival because of an immense amount of respect because that they held the standard and that was certainly my childhood through the 80s and 90s Nebraska was the standard in college football and their fan bases just have been desperate hungry for anything that resembles that and at this point they're like just give us something competitive just give us something that is not in the middle of our conference we are a proud program and they are and they are and now they've got something that they can be proud of I'm here to tell you that what I was saying in the pre preseason is coming to fruition during the regular season Nebraska is going to be an issue for people now is Colorado a great team not sure might be a five- win team might be a six- win team maybe a four- win team but Dylan Rola is very talented that's a quarterback that does not look like a true freshman the way that he moves his arm Talent from every angle his accuracy his ability to go down the field he did not look rattled at any point and it wasn't just because of the lack of of pressure in his face that's just his nature so riola is doing exactly what he needs to do I've been arguing that all he needs to do is be a net positive for Nebraska he's more than a net positive for Nebraska he's becoming a factor now he got away with that ball that you're watching on YouTube over the middle but he doesn't get away with a lot he knows where to go with the ball and I like his game and the defense I thought is is real and I knew that they were going to be real coming into this this team now all they need to do is continue to win the games that they they should win all right what we've seen from Nebraska in the past is that they play these games and it's like why why are they in a three-point game and then they would fail in terms of game situation late in games and they would lose and they would lose games that they shouldn't lose constantly one score games in fact they did it last year remember and I keep telling you about this they played five one score games turned the ball over 17 times in those games 14 of them by the quarterback I believe those numbers are right and if they're not they're off by like maybe one they lost those games because of turnovers if they just turned the turnovers into ball security then they're going to be dangerous they just need to show up every single week and look like the team that played against Colorado you could tell they were highly motivated they played like it and I'm here to say that like I'm excited for it I'm very excited that Nebraska is back because that fan base deserves it Notre Dame loses to Northern Illinois as 28o Northern Illinois vs. Notre Dame recap favorites and this is how it sounded snap hold Jeter's kick it's blocked it's blocked it's blocked picked up by NIU picked up by NIU the Huskies have done it the Huskies with the biggest upset in NIU history they come to South Ben Indiana and they knock off the number five team in the country wow what a I mean how cool was that and then you got um coach hammock crying after the game just an incredible interview uh congratulations to coach hammock your entire staff all of those players you will never forget the day that you walked into Notre Dame stadium and you took down a top five opponent that was awesome that was awesome okay that's what I love about college football is that even a team like Northern Illinois can be the center of the college football Universe for a Saturday that was very cool now for Notre Dame um maybe A&M just wasn't very good we've seen that happen time and time again throughout the years um Miami they beat A&M last year app State beat A&M 2022 Colorado almost beat A&M 2021 go back to 2019 it always happens it always happens A&M is always the flying the ointment we overrated Notre Dame or they drank the rat poison ate the rat poison whatever it is I just always think of that scene from Dumb and Dumber bills are good that's a a movie line do not quote me on that they eat the rat poison they believe that they're better than maybe they they are because maybe A&M was overrated everyone puts them in the playoff including yours truly they read it they digest it they think they can roll the old golden domes out there and beat Northern Illinois and bang they get beat and now this team that we thought had a foot in the playoff after a week one win because of their schedule now has both feet firmly outside of the playoff because of that same schedule bear with me for a moment now Notre Dame has nothing left to impress the committee with except for a game against USC at the end of the year now maybe Florida State develops into something that they're not right now but there's nothing that's going to there's nothing that's going to impress the committee at least as of now maybe one of these teams is going to turn into something that's on that schedule but Notre Dame in my estimation went from being penciled in the playoff to a firm eraser out I don't know if they have enough and if they're going to play like that they're certainly going to get beat again and a 10 and two a 10 and two Notre Dame team with a loss to Northern Illinois loses an argument against a 10 and to SEC a 10 and to Big 10 maybe a 9 and three SEC maybe a 9 and three big 10 they lose the argument so now all of the sudden Notre Dame went from definitely in to maybe definitely out I don't know if they can recover from this they probably have to win every single one of of their games from here on out and here everybody thought that the 12 team playoff was going to ruin the regular season and now I'm telling you and you know what I'm probably right that the Irish probably have to go undefeated from here on out they are going to have to beat USC the way that USC looks there's no doubt Riley Leonard did not play well defense allowed 190 rushing yards they read their press clippings they got beat at home and now they're behind the eightball they are behind the eightball at this point there's a ton of stuff that I did not get into and we will get into it on Wednesday's show so make sure Outro to come back on Wednesday I'm going to have a big episode I've still got to talk about Tennessee and Miami and USC are those three the next three after Georgia Texas and Ohio State possibly I'm going to get into that on Wednesday among some other things and um then we'll have pick on Thursday I'm in Wisconsin this week remember we've got our live show on Thursday night we've also got um uh big noon kickoff live from Madison that's starting at 10:00 a.m. eastern so a huge week we've got the live show we've got big noon kickoff we've got big noon Saturday as Alabama goes up to Wisconsin to take on the Badgers uh listen folks I love college football I know you love college football share our show with one of your friends uh and let's grow this show let's grow college football because we love it enjoy your Monday or Tuesday whenever you're listening to this and I'll see you on Wednesday

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Category: Sports

When this becomes official because it's not official yet yeah when it becomes official i think it will be a good fit for both thehan foster as well as eric benemy um and and they you know obviously they got to sign off on it people gotta agree to some things but it's headed in the in the right direction... Read more

Ohio State: Can Buckeyes be stopped & Will Oklahoma succeed in the SEC? | Joel Klatt Show thumbnail
Ohio State: Can Buckeyes be stopped & Will Oklahoma succeed in the SEC? | Joel Klatt Show

Category: Sports

I want to move more specifically into this game uh or excuse me this season this fsu loss early in the year kind of brings up this this idea and you touched on it that hey all is not lost for florida state how do you think that's going to impact specifically the sec which looks like it's going to be... Read more

August 31st: #8 Penn State vs West Virginia thumbnail
August 31st: #8 Penn State vs West Virginia

Category: Sports

Penn state takes on west virginia watch [applause] out it's big noon saturday only on fox Read more

Steve Sarkisian on preparing for Texas vs. Michigan, Leadership, LSU vs. USC | CFB | THE HERD thumbnail
Steve Sarkisian on preparing for Texas vs. Michigan, Leadership, LSU vs. USC | CFB | THE HERD

Category: Sports

All right, steve sarkisian, fourth year at texas. here we go, joining us live. game of the weekend against michigan. former head coach at washington to usc. i'm so fired up for this stuff. you had a lot of influences. you had pete carroll, you had dan quinn, you had nick saban, but yet you've developed... Read more

Michigan superfan Derek Jeter talks Wolverines ahead of Ohio State matchup | Big Noon Kickoff thumbnail
Michigan superfan Derek Jeter talks Wolverines ahead of Ohio State matchup | Big Noon Kickoff

Category: Sports

American league rookie of the year and 2,000 world series mvp. a huge michigan fan who was at practice just the other day. he's the captain, derek jeter! [cheers and applause] >> captain, thank you for taking the time to join us. you grew up in michigan, were a great michigan fan. what were your favorite... Read more

Texas, Ohio St lead Joel Klatt’s Preseason 12-Team Playoff Bracket plus his National Champion Pick! thumbnail
Texas, Ohio St lead Joel Klatt’s Preseason 12-Team Playoff Bracket plus his National Champion Pick!

Category: Sports

Intro how good is this going to be this is going to be incredible i can't wait you can't wait let's get the season here as quickly as possible college football has never been better interest has never been higher believe that we are at the dawn of the golden age of college football it was an epic day... Read more

Texas-Michigan, Colorado-Nebraska, Boise St-Oregon and more Week 2 Picks and Previews thumbnail
Texas-Michigan, Colorado-Nebraska, Boise St-Oregon and more Week 2 Picks and Previews

Category: Sports

Intro that was a long breakdown for a game that i'm very excited about very you hear my voice crack there that's that's how excited i am college football has never been better interest has never been higher believe that we are at the dawn of the golden age of college football it was an epic day of college... Read more

New Mexico Lobos vs. Montana State Bobcats Highlights | CFB on FOX thumbnail
New Mexico Lobos vs. Montana State Bobcats Highlights | CFB on FOX

Category: Sports

We're about to get set with an fcs power montana state against the new mexico lobos the slot left and they run the stretch play humphrey out of that zone rered him out after a 17 yd game number nine in red gabriel lopez has to set the edge right he slides in but that's the threat of play fake to jones... Read more

USC's win vs. LSU big for Big Ten, Lincoln Riley, Texas a mismatch for Michigan? | CFB | THE HERD thumbnail
USC's win vs. LSU big for Big Ten, Lincoln Riley, Texas a mismatch for Michigan? | CFB | THE HERD

Category: Sports

The voice of college football at fox joel clatt joining us for his first wednesday visit oh and what a visit it will be i don't know if you got i don't know if you got a heads up on it but um somebody uh somebody down there in uh los angeles had quite a weekend in vegas did you hear about that i did... Read more

Florida State vs. Georgia Tech best bets 💸🏈 thumbnail
Florida State vs. Georgia Tech best bets 💸🏈

Category: Sports

If you do like georgia tech it is hard to take 11 when you know you had all summer to take 14 i'm not going to bet the side of the total i i would lean towards an over i think the best way to play it is florida state team total over as these are starting to pop up i could see like a uh you know 34 24... Read more