Arkansas vs. Oklahoma State Report Card

nature things nature things of that nature things that nature things of that nature things of that nature things of that nature that nature things of that nature things of that nature things of that nature things of that [Applause] nature well happy Sunday morning folks welcome to the morning after another excruciating loss for Arkansas football I'm Curtis wuson he's Andrew Ellis we're here with the Pod of that nature postgame report card uh and this should be interesting because Andrew I'm not entirely sure how you can accurately represent what we saw yesterday or frankly um assign grades in a contest where Arkansas pretty much dominates and every facet of the game statistically and they still find a way to lose uh they lose a game and the team who won drops out of the ESPN FBI top 25 um and Arkansas coughs it up yet they jump in to the ES p and FBI 20 25 at number 23 uh that's pretty much reflective I think of how weird this one was but uh I don't know man let's get into it what do you say yeah it's weird like on paper you know everyone's kind of been pointing this out that it looks like Arkansas won and kind of dominated the game uh we feel like Arkansas was the better team like I felt that way going in kind of and I definitely feel that way going out of it weirdly enough um and so yeah there's going to be a lot of I'm sure there's going to be some arguments here I'm sure there's going to be some people in the comments that don't like it this and all that but uh you know it's going to be tough because we have to grade it on whatever curve we see you know there's a lot of there's going to be a lot of you know if you take away this so and so played pretty good if you take away that this guy was awesome you know and there's a lot of a lot we have to account for but we're going to do our best to kind of mold the on paper between what we saw and kind of what we expect out of these position units and overall and so I'm sure it'll go swimmingly yeah well here we go so everybody uh get your get your clipboards out and get ready to uh to start jumping on us for it we're ready uh I mean I think we got to start at quarterback we'll start at offense and we'll start with the quarterback position um you know man like I there's just no way I can look at a guy who uh you know racks up almost 500 yards of offense and not give him some sort of an a um and so that's what I'm GNA do with taen green um I'm gonna give him an A minus though and I know it's crazy because how many times is an Arkansas quarterback gone and thrown for over 400 yards on the on the road and you know he rushed for 61 and uh really honestly U without his athleticism and and and the dynamic playmaking that he brings to the table um I don't know that this game would have wound up being as close as it actually was so I was really really impressed with ton green in a lot of ways I told you um in one of the things we recorded yesterday in Stillwater um that I was most pleased by the fact that I thought ton green looked equally as athletic against Oklahoma State as he did UA PB like it wasn't just an opponent thing um he is that dude so uh really excited about the potential of ton green uh thought he made some some big time throws some big time plays with his legs but I also feel like he's got a lot of things that he does need to work on I'm not going to kill him I know I've been kind of the uh the the completion percentage Nazi Andrew for a while now uh 58% well that's about his career Norm but he threw it 45 times man I mean like you're going to throw some incomplete passes um I don't think that he was protected particularly well especially in the second half so so I'm sure we'll talk about that uh there were some other issues that I think played into it but there were some things with clock management that I think go on his shoulders a little bit down the stretch uh some sacks that he probably shouldn't have taken and some miscommunications uh with the offense now that can be from play calling it can be with his you know his running backs and the other personal out there but he's the guy like the butt kind of stops with him on the field where he would turn and hand the ball off to someone who wasn't there U and and so too many of those I thought in week two but overall I mean I think you got to be really excited about what you got going on at quarterback uh not perfect not a finished product and that's probably a good thing because it means he can get better yeah I mean if you were an Arkansas fan and you watched that game I said it yesterday but you have to feel like you can win with that quarterback yes which I know you know we we kind of thought was the case coming in we we spoke highly of ton green at times coming into the year uh nobody really knew what to expect just because I mean you see his numbers at Boise State you kind of hear stuff from other people and you're like oh hey he might be better than that but how much better is he really going to be the answer is a lot a lot better I mean he was not doing this at Boise State it seems like he's really found a situation and found an offense where he can Thrive and frankly I think the bar should be set pretty high for him the rest of the year I mean Arkansas after this is going to be even after this game Arkansas is going to be like the top five in every offensive uh SC stat category um you know PFF which we're going to talk about PFF here throughout Pro Football Focus for those that don't know I don't want to make this show a fullon like here's what PFF said but yeah um but they have him as the number 12 quarterback in the country through two weeks they graded him pretty highly yesterday and I grade him pretty highly as well Curtis I had a minus in my brain but one I saw you say a minus so I can't do that now want to do that but also the more I just think about you know the 58 completion percentage is what it is uh you feel like if he completes like I don't know 62% Arkansas the game there's just a few throws here and there that I know he would like to have back and look I don't want to be the guy who nitpicks and like well I know he had 500 yards but what about that one throw because I hate when other people do that uh but there are a few that I'm sure he wishes he had back the interception which really I don't blame him for really because I mean he was clearly hit when he threw it was a duck coming out of his you could see it was an affected throw um you know and I don't I don't I'm not gonna put that too much on his on his shoulders uh you mentioned the communication you mentioned kind of the game management and frankly Curtis I don't know if this is unfair or not but we've all kind of praised ton green for his leadership and I think that's a fair you know we we we've you can tell when you're around this team you can tell they look to taon he's kind of their guy and they all get behind him and so I'm not going to like say hey the reason Arkansas lost is because their leader didn't show up or anything stupid like that I think he was awesome he played well and I'm sure he did a lot of great things from a leadership standpoint but when your team has such an epic second half collapse and really offensively they started to make some progress there in the fourth quarter where you had the touchdown drive to uh the touchdown throwa has you got some drives that got inside the 25 and all that but it really took them three four possessions in the second half to get going at all like they had just simply they were like one first down one score away from ending the game early kind of kind of delivering that TKO blow uh and it just never happened and so I'm not I'm not like I don't blame ton green for it but as as the quarterback as the leader of the offense uh there's always going to be things we can nitpick and so again I don't think it was if there's much you can really put on his shoulders in a game where he had like you said 500 yards of offense I'm going to go B+ which is about as harsh of a grade you can give to someone who threw for 416 and also ran for 61 yards uh although just the one touchdown a little surprising that was yeah that was a little surprising um and just for the record I I want it to be shown that you brought up the pick six not me uh I was getting I got crushed in the comments after our uh one of our things last night about um talking about the the pick six being something that's that's avoidable um yeah I I saw ton green get hit on the play I'm not blaming him necessarily for that play but I I don't think it's controversial to say you want to avoid a pick six when you're up two scores on the road okay that's not a signing blame it's not saying it was a bad decision or a bad throw or whatever like hey maybe they should have blocked for him um you know maybe they shouldn't have allowed him to get hit whatever uh yeah I get it that's a that's a tough situation just in general a pick six is something you want to avoid everybody calm the hell down it's unreal man uh moving on to running backs and we'll kind of snake this I I'll let you go first with your grades but uh just to to get us started and get us primed up here um the running back is jaquin and Jackson and jaquin and Jackson is the running back room that was uh that was probably my biggest takeaway from this we heard the entire off season um and in Fall Camp how deep this room was and boy we got we got five now and we and we feel good about every one of them well I I I still believe that to a degree but I think there is Ja quendon Jackson and then everybody else yeah I I I mean that's clearly how the situation is now Rodney Hill made a few plays here and there throughout the game and I like Rodney Hill I think he's a solid like back that can help Arkansas um clearly I wouldn't have loved to see him on the last play of the game when it's Fourth and two and you need to run between the tackles I think if I have a criticism of the running back room it is kind of what you said that it was almost too dependent on jaquin and Jackson who carried the ball 24 times also caught a pass and he exited the game with some type of cramps and Pitman said he was almost gonna go into full body cramps after the game which just tells you you know how much they leaned on him and how hard he was running for them so I'm Not Gonna Knock coin and Jackson for getting cramps uh but I would say that that was kind of a weird thing to me now we know Rashad dubinion probably not 100% healthy seems like they hell him out of this game like I'm just gonna assume that's what was happening and that's why he didn't play at all um brillan Russell we didn't see him at all um would have maybe liked to see if there was I feel like there were situations where maybe he could have helped them so I'm a little surprised there wasn't more of a rotation there particularly when you have jaquinn and Jackson limping to the sideline like every third play yeah over that combined with the fumble combined with you know just a few other things here and there it's not like nothing crazy I mean they ran for over AR had 230 something yards of rushing now a lot of that came from taen 149 from jaquin and Jackson like I'm not going to sit here and nitpick too many carries there uh but I I don't know if I can go full on like just a A+ territory and I know it's like hey well if you take away the fumble they were perfect that was a pretty big F and fumble so uh I'm going to go Curtis with a B just a straight up B not a B+ not a B minus um now if it were just jaquinn and Jackson I was grading I'd maybe go like a minus but I just think the fact that it was such a dependent ball carrying Distribution on jaquinn and like I would have really liked and it's really not fair to like I'm not blaming bran Russell for not playing it's really just a critique of kind of the running back room as a whole like I would have liked to see more guys get in there more guys make plays that change the game uh and it's not necessarily their fault that they didn't but it's why I'm grading the the group a little bit harsher than I think probably more most people will yeah yeah that's that's fair I actually thought I was gonna be harsh by going B+ which is what I had written down just given how I mean Quinn and Jackson is awesome I and and again this is a full position grade not just one guy even though he was mostly that guy but that like you said that's kind of the problem uh Quint Jackson's awesome man I think he's one of the best backs in the SEC he's just uh he was the best back on the field and that included the reigning do Walker Award winner and I understand like offensive lines and different things factor into that but the way he runs with uh with power and so much confidence and burst uh three more touchdowns in this game I mean they they they kind of fed their stud if you will um and that's great but I wonder how much more effective would J Quinn and Jackson have been in the second half of that game how much would he have actually been hampered by those cramps and everything like that if you trusted other running backs in that room to give him a series and give him a blow let him drink a Gatorade or something uh because that that factors into it I I it seemed like Arkansas in general uh felt like maybe they fatigued a little bit down the stretch of that game Mike Gundy I think said he felt like the reason that his guys won was because they were in better condition uh which that that's a that's that's a tough thing for Ben saers to hear I don't think Arkansas's out of shade but you gotta be like damn you know if I'm the strength and conditioning coach like oh man um but I do wonder about that I like Rodney Hill too I like him as a situational and a specialized back more than I like him as the Bonafide number two I think for Arkansas uh you need to get Rashad deignan healthy because of his experience what he's done um in the past I think he's a guy you could trust handing the ball to because you can't sit here and tell me that you trust your freshman brillan Russell but the first time you're playing a real team and you're on the road you you don't hand him the ball um and and you mentioned that play at the end of the game yeah like jaquin and Jackson gets uh you know he gets helped off the field for the fourth or fifth time with those cramps um and you got to turn to somebody I I I don't know man like fourth and one or whatever I'm I'm all good with the handoff I would have just assumed ton green run it then hand it to your your small back and try to get smallest one on the roster yeah try to get him to power it through the line there and it gets stuff that was uh that was a frustrating deal so uh yeah that's why I couldn't go a either um and I do agree that the fumbling it is becoming an issue like they haven't all counted you know as as fumbles or they haven't gone all to the other team but it's three or four times now in the first two games that J Quinn and Jackson's put it on the turf as good as he is uh so secure that thing man and then if I'm gonna critique ton green for some of the miscommunications um at the snap where um he's turning left and the running back's going right and you know and and there's just nobody there there were a good handful of those that I remember in this game um I don't know whose fault it was but it's either the quarterback or the running back in that situation so I I think we probably got to share some blame there equally um and again that's a good problem to have because Arkansas has been so effective offensively and here we are with the with their two top positions um and basically what we're acknowledging is that there's still room for them to get better it's not necessarily talent and skill uh statistical production so much is Just sharpening up on the little things and I think that's kind of the theme for this team really as we as we kind of kind of move forward and see if they're going to uh kind of pick up the pieces and and get back on track here uh wide receiver um this is where I'm gonna be very anxious to see where you go with this this is where I don't know that I have many critiques man I I mean I was just really impressed with that group uh personally getting Andrew Armstrong back was just it's just such a big deal and and we tried not to understate it but we may have understated just how important that would be for uh for Arkansas and I know we both have said numerous times over the course of the past couple weeks Andrew Armstrong is just that he's that constant security blanket for a new quarterback when in doubt throw it to Andrew Armstrong he's open and he'll catch it and he did I mean 10 receptions for 164 yards coming back um you can't ask for anything more than that it was good to see them get the ball to Isaiah satano a little bit hey four catches for 78 I'll take that from him Tyrone Broden started to flash what we uh what we heard all camp and all spring about no he this guy's ready to take the next step he had four for 66 uh Tesla made a big catch but it's good to see him in in a big game in a big moment uh do something like that I thought it was interesting that they did not go as deep uh as they did in the first game didn't expect them to go that deep but I think you can kind of see that there is maybe a clear line of lineation in that wide receiver room um yeah I don't now there were there were a couple drops okay and there was a a touchdown that was dropped and for the life of me I can't remember if it was Broden or Armstrong on that play where T and green just escaped everything broen broen okay and so you you probably would have liked to have caught that one but whatever again if you throw it 45 times like there's gonna be a drop um I I've got to give him an a I don't give out a pluses and a loss but if if there was a group on offense for me to give an a to I I think it would have to be the receivers man yeah they're getting an a from me as well Curtis and simply put like if they had caught one maybe two touchdowns because the one touchdown pass did go to Lucas who is not a receiver yeah um I I can't give them an A+ when they didn't catch a touchdown just because like you know it's just how it works uh but yeah I agree with everything you said man I really like the way they they they move the ball around and frankly Curtis I even said this to you while we were watching I like that they didn't rotate a ton of receivers and hey oh we're going to play eight guys or something stupid like that I really like that I think I think Armstrong played over 70 snaps in his return which is outrageous and impressive frankly um I mean 10 for 164 legitimately I love the way they spread it around like each guy kind of had their moments you mentioned the to slot catch that was a third and 11 right after the interception yeah if Arkansas doesn't get that reception the game looks way different now they lost anyway it didn't matter but I just mean like they could have him pled even quicker than they did um and so I felt at the in the moment now they ended up not mattering but I thought that was a massive grab satania we are we are grading him as a receiver um we can talk about the pun return all that garbage later I'm glad you distinguish that which again like we're not like you know we're not blaming satania but I just want anyone who's yelling like well he you know we're not he's a receiver um and he he was a great receiver for Arkansas today I thought this was frankly aside from the not not coming down with that what would have honestly Curtis it would have been the play of like the week and maybe the play of the year so I'm not gonna be like hey broaden like come on man uh but I thought it was Tyrone broen's best game as a hog frankly there was multiple I feel like every catch he made was on third down in a key spot um you can tell ton has a lot of trust in him and Andrew Armstrong and I thought it was awesome to see him kind of rise to the occasion in a game like this even though it didn't work out in the Hawks favor so yeah I'm going a for the receivers as well okay let's uh well actually let's do tight ends I I feel bad yeah I always forget about tight ends I was I was itching to get to this Old Line talk um tight ends it it's tough for me I on one hand I am frustrated that Luke has only gets one reception in this game um how many how many times was he targeted I guess I should have looked at that maybe twice because I think he he there was he was targeted I I think I have it right in front of me actually he was targeted uh they say he had two receptions and he was targeted four times okay what was the second reception maybe it's not in the uh it's not in the the official stats maybe that happened I missed it but regardless of whether it was one or two you know Luke has he is one of the best tight ends in the country and I get it like you spreading it out Armstrong's having a huge game you're running it well so okay fine but you know it's kind of like I issued the challenge to Bobby patrino to get the ball to satania early in this game and he did my I can tell you right now my challenge when we do the preview next week is gonna be get it to Luke has and actually I think you you said something about Luke has like oh he's maybe your bold prediction was he need to be the leading receiver or something yeah whatever I did make that Bowl prediction that he would lead the team in receiving glad we didn't talk about it in the accountability session yeah yeah exactly well we're doing it now we hold ourselves accountable at all times uh so that one uh was a little bit brow raising to me I just he's just such a unique player at at a unique position that um you just want to see him more involved that's all and and that's not always his fault but what I will say to his defense um you know he he I didn't notice him as an issue in the blocking game and the fact is I look at PFF grades right now with run blocking he was an 81.5 I'm pretty sure yes that was the best run block blocking grade on the team um and he took most of those snaps there he had 78 of them I don't even remember anybody else being in there Washington I believe played like 10 or 11 snaps HOSA had 11 snaps and hey he was an 80.8 he was second with his run blocking grade in that game so um there I'm just not going to give a a tight end group an a when you only get the ball to Luke has once um but everything else about that position I thought they did really well so I'll go B+ I'm gonna go B minus just because of like what you said like it wasn't like a huge sample size you would have liked we expected lucaz to be featured in the offense now I will defend him here in this regard there were a lot of times in those obvious passing Downs I would notice they would sub out lucaz and bring in sat Satan into SLO like they would go four wide receivers which like you know makes sense you know four wide you would want four receivers in passing situations but I thought it was interesting that Arkansas was subbing lucaz out in obvious obvious passing Downs because we kind of view him in fact when he was in high school that was kind of like the thing was like he's he's more of a receiver who can block more so than like a tight end who can block and maybe catch passes like that kind of guy um but yeah I was impressed with the work that he and he and poki both did in the in the Run blocking game I that was a big deal and so you gota you got to give that that's got to be part of the grade and he caught like you know the one touchdown which by the way immediately started like leaning over and hurting his back clearly hurt so he playing through some injury there maybe that's part of why he was scaled back in his usage a little bit who knows but overall I'm going B minus not a huge sample size to really evaluate with the tight ends in terms of actual production um it's about all I got yeah no that that was a a good point I'm glad you brought that up about him kind of favoring that back cuz I I do remember that now when he was coming off the field uh you need him to be okay and anytime you see Luke has you know pointing or grabbing anything you you get a little bit freaked out you know he had the season ending injury last year he had a concussion in Camp uh you don't want it to become a thing with a guy this talented this this uh you know important to the team where it's a kind of a walking injury situation so hopefully he's okay there um offensive line seem very much to be a a tell of two have situation I guess and and I get it like a I'm anxious to see what the comments are on this from uh from our listeners because on one hand you do look at it and you go dude they had 650 yards of offense like yeah they they were fine I was not impressed um with with a couple guys in particular down the stretch I thought a lot of the second half struggles that Arkansas had to get things going um relayed back to that offensive line uh for a number of reasons and it's not all just about blocking um I I I do want to let you go first since I just went first on the last one with your with your grade and everything like that but I'm I'm curious to get your takeaways on it because it was uh a little bit of a mixed bag and I will throw out there before I turn it over uh if you didn't have tailon green as like the human you know video game controller on your on your roster um I think this would have looked a lot different his escapability um and just the threat of his legs it makes the offensive Line's job easier um and his ability to escape I think might have have massed a few things that are that are potential problem areas when you play and I'm listen I'm not trying to dunk on Oklahoma State here but you're gonna face bigger faster more athletic defenses very very soon and Oklahoma state was missing their top pass rusher Colin Oliver for a good he he was in and out of the game with injury so it's like you kind of you know would have thought that would be an advantage for Arkansas and I agree that ton does mask a little bit of these oines this o Line's maybe some deficiencies there uh and also Curtis we didn't really knock T green for the interception saying hey you know like he was hit on the throw and all that well we got to knock someone and so we're knocking the offensive line for that a little bit and also just the overall thing there were a lot of times where they protected well but if you go back and watch there were also a lot the times where they protected well where typically when Oklahoma state only brought three or four which is kind of when you're supposed to protect well and kind of already have it um it seemed like when Oklahoma State committed to bring pressure they usually got if not home they got close couple horrible sacks that I will frankly taen takes a couple of these that I feel like he can't take and where like I'm not going to say like hey it's all on the o line there there you can blame the quarterback on those for sure and and I will um but there was 16 times according to PFF 16 pressures for ton green if you we'll talk about the other side of the coin in a second Arkansas's defense I'll just tell you right now they didn't generate 16 pressures they might not generate 16 pressures all damn near at this rate um 16 pressures on about I think 48 dropbacks so literally a third of the times ton green was dropping back to pass he was under duress um some of those being sacks some of those being just hurries some of those forcing him to scramble whatever the case may be seven of those 16 pressures were charged to kesan Blackstock really tough uh yeah I mean I'm not we you know they're just kids curs they're just kids but really tough outing for kesan Blackstock not a great day for the right tackle uh I believe Carmona gave up a few pressures Josh Brun I believe gave up four um it was it was kind of a well spread out thing you know a lot of a lot of guys nobody really can come away being like oh no they were great now in the Run game they did a good job and i' we've kind of said that all year that we feel better about this offensive line in the Run game than we do in pass protection and that really showed up in this game and I honestly felt like down the stretch Curtis that might have been the difference in the game because anytime ton green had time to work he and these Arkansas receivers had no issue kind of getting getting that connection going getting stuff going in the Run game whatever the case may be and Alan Bowman as Limited and really below average as he is had all damn day to throw he he could he he he was never under duress at any point in the day um and down the stretch he he had enough time which was all day eventually he made a few throws and that that ended up being kind of the difference in the game so Curtis I am going with a c minus for this Arkansas line offensive line and it's not a and look they ran the ball for 230 yards I'm not ignoring that I'm taking that into account that's why the grade is a c minus I thought they were that shaky and pass protection and frankly Curtis I didn't feel that way watching the game going back on a rewatch this morning it actually like anytime Oklahoma State wanted to bring pressure they got pressure yeah yeah um man that frustrates me it so just so everyone knows we do not share our grades with each other before we do this um but you know sometimes it kind of is what it is I had a c minus also um and normally I'd try to to to mix it up to be different but I'm going to stick with that because I I just don't feel good enough about it to move up to a c and I don't feel bad enough about it I can't really justify given what they did offensively to move it down to a D+ or something so I am G to stick with the c minus uh yeah that the right side the right side of the field for Arkansas was an issue the entire day on both sides of the ball um but but offensively if you look at those pass blocking grades um they were just getting crushed on the right side uh Kean blast blackstock's pass blocking grade at PF was 14 .1 um that is that is historically bad that I mean that's like you said tough day at the office and and not trying to to knock the kid or whatever he he had a tough day out there uh Josh Brun who's been really really solid for Arkansas 41.2 that is that is not good um so they really struggled on the right side um and then we talked about the Run blocking and yeah like it it was it was definitely better they they've paved the way for uh for some really good stuff but again I wonder how much of it is just the sheer Talent of jaquinn and Jackson and the ability of ton green to escape and make something out of nothing because you go back and look at the grades uh the highest one was a was a 60.5 so you know in in the Run blocking so you know on the offensive line I just uh they've got to get better there and the other thing um that doesn't really it's not really accounted for in the snaps I guess or in the stats I guess but the snaps were an issue um Addison Nichols really really struggled there and ton green took some account ability for that but at the end of the day Nichols is snapping him the football uh they had some some really tough exchanges there um and I wonder if it was a situation where Nichol was uh maybe losing his his one-on-one assignments or having some struggles there up front um and he was really trying to focus on not getting beat and it was affecting some of the snaps high low Off the Mark whatever uh that part of it can really really hamper um not just you know putting the ball on the turf or whatever um but also the timing which is so important important of your offense when you got guys in motion guys moving um everything is so precise with Bobby patrino it's not just the route running it's the timing of everything if those Snaps are off the mark even the slightest you know half second of a difference uh can really change a lot of things and I do think and Sam Pitman also said that he felt like that impacted their their inability to get into a rhythm coming out of halftime so they've got to get that short up too uh so yeah I'm I'm I'm a c minus there also with the offensive line um early on you know in the game I I tweeted it out I said listen there's a lot of football left to be played but this is Man versus boy out there because I felt like they were just manhandling things but credit to Oklahoma State for making some adjustments and and settling in um and as they tighten things up Arkansas really started to to fracture a little bit and I do think that that is the difference in a team that is returning that's not as talented but they're returning 20 starters um who have all played together versus a team who's got a transfer portal mix match mix MOS offensive line um I I think this group can be serviceable I think they can be solid by by SEC standards uh but right now they got a lot of stuff that they have to tighten up um and and amarian Harris is a name that we didn't necessarily mention he was pretty good in pass blocking um not so much in in the Run blocking game but um I I do wonder if and when they're going to get Patrick cudas back because I I do think he's a guy um who can help this team out and the best version of Arkansas's offensive line we've seen uh has involved him being with those other four guys um and if you do have if you're having a bunch of struggles at one of your tackle spots or or you know Center or elsewhere um it would be nice to have a Rover um you know like cudas has played some center before I know he wasn't great at it but just having that extra body who's experienc and you can really shift some things around if you have to maybe that'll help these guys we'll see how they progress should have a dominant performance against UAB and then it's it's SEC play Curtis I'll tell you this if Patrick ctis comes back and gets in the lineup he will not be replacing amaran Harris I'll just tell you I don't think he will either yeah it could that could be Patrick CIS at Center that could be amarian Harris goes out to right tackle maybe you move Harris to left tackle move Carmona I don't care but I think I actually agree Pitman who says a lot of lies in his press conference he told the truth when he said amaran Harris ain't number five I'm just telling you right now I don't I actually believe that now Aman Harris I'm not saying like hey crown him he's all American but I actually don't think he's anywhere close to the the issue here on this offensive line I actually cudas has had some strouble trouble snapping I know that was a thing I actually might want to see see if he can work on that a little bit I might want to see him at Center yeah yeah and and it's kind of was getting at because I feel like right now you don't have a ton of wiggle room and flexibility I mean who's next up Joe Moore Joe we haven't seen either one of those guys um in meaningful snaps just yet so uh yeah I think that their top six that they probably actually would feel really good about would include cudas um and then you just have the flexibility to to move things around a little bit better if you needed to so um okay well there you have it for for the offense let's get into the defense uh the defensive line something I know you want to talk about and you know I don't know man like on one hand they shut down oi Gordon and that's a big part of the the the game plan um and it's a group effort it's not just all the defensive line there the linebackers played a factor in that everyone did um but that's a good thing and and it's a good place to start uh didn't get any pressure at all really on Bowman and I and and people are going to immediately say well but look how quick they get the ball out you know they don't give up sacks he gets the ball out quick well you know who would get pressure on Alan Bowman you know Georgia or Alabama or Clemson or whoever you know um teams figure it out like it's not just like if if the answer was so easy that it was oh well your quarterback would just never get hit if he gets the ball out quick um then everybody would do that it's just not the case um and it's a couple games in a row now um like uapb it's it's whatever they didn't rack up a ton of sex they just didn't have to really um but in this game like you're G to face maybe not as much continuity but way more talented physical offensive lines you got to be able to put some pressure you got to make a quarterback uncomfortable that was one of the biggest keys to the game is make Bowman beat you but then you put him in a position to beat you because you let him just sit back there and and and pick his spots so you you have to be able to put some more pressure on the quarterback um I I I I went B minus here with the defensive line and I it was probably the great I was just like least comfortable with because I'm frustrated about the pressure I was happy with the way they were able to clog things up for Gordon um I want to see Landon Jackson have a pulse out there I just uh I don't know it's the one I'm least confident in I'll give you that yeah I'm not super confident in this I'm actually gonna go C+ um because I'm a hater uh but no Curtis and look I'm for anybody they yelling I'm not ignoring the fact that they shut down the Run game we're going to get to that in a second because I am not giving all the credit to the defensive line here yeah uh I think Arkansas's linebacker spoiler that was my that was the most impressive position group maybe the entire team but definitely on defense uh I love what Arkansas's linebackers did now the dline certainly had a good good part of that I know Eric Gregor graded out really really well in the Run game really all these guys graded out well in the Run game run defense wise the number I can't get over Curtis four that's how many pressures Arkansas got on Alan Bowman four the dude dropped back 50 times um four out of 50 like that is a that's really hard to look past that they just I mean when you say they didn't generate pressure like it wasn't even close there were and look they made plays down the field they made plays intermediate short like it did not matter he had time to do whatever he wanted uh and what he wanted to do was make just enough plays to win which is what ended up happening so I'm knocking the dline a little bit for that I'm giving them their credit in the Run game so C+ I'm not knocking them too crazy but I'm with you like you know there's going to be matchups where Arkansas will have opportunities to get pressure and we can't do the whole oh they get the ball out quick get the ball out quick oh get the ball out quick um which by the way is something that we said coming into the game so like anyone who's going to throw that in our face like we're probably the ones that told you that that they get the ball out quick so we we acknowledging that but there were several times in third and nine third and 10 whatever where it's like hey let's see if we can maybe bring some pressure get something and it just was nothing doing for Arkansas Four pressures and 50 dybs it's crazy um but I will just a perfect segue here Curtis the linebackers yeah I loved Arkansas's linebackers I thought I think Xavion Sor actually one of my best predictions for the game I was like hey I think this is gonna be a game where we come away from it realizing Xavion Sor is like that guy like he's a legitimate Arkansas L like SEC linebacker I feel that way about him looks super fast I know Stephen dicks graded out pretty well Brad you know it's crazy Brad Spence had one of the four pressures the four pressures that the offensive or Arkansas defense generated Brad Spence had one of them uh I actually like what he's doing I'm glad that he's getting some valuable experience he's going to only get better and I think Arkansas's linebackers field holes like crazy uh and really shut down the Run game and so I'm giving them a lot of the credit for it I just can't give out an A plus and a loss so I'm going a for the Arkansas linebackers yeah there you go we thought was the worst position group on the team three months ago right well um here's the thing and and yeah we did think that and we definitely thought it was like the least deep uh and then we were told it's the deepest group on the def and I just I still disagree with that and I disagree with it on the defensive line too um they've got six defensive linemen that they are comfortable playing right now they got there four in Landon Jackson Nico cam ball and Eric Gregory and then you have a defensive tackle in K rose and a uh defensive end in Anton junos and that was it as I look at this I mean did anybody else get in there Quincy do we was there Quincy Road quy roads got in a few times well I don't see him with a snap on uh that is interesting maybe may maybe PFF just straight up missed that because I definitely saw Quincy RH play a little bit on defense but I don't know if he did anything worth worthwhile wow and okay so then if he did get in he didn't do anything uh Ian jaffard I feel like I seen he was on the field I saw him I saw him walk into the field because I was like hey look there's the inard big Danny Danny s nowhere to be found um so again when we talk you hear those things like oh yeah we felt like we were in uh our conditioning was better in Arkansas's down the stretch well maybe that's because you were rotating in more guys and and we're staying fresh meanwhile Arkansas is like they they don't they don't have a bunch of dudes to turn to and so you look at it and if you remember last year on that defensive line um it was like your leader would have 35 snaps but then you have 10 dudes who were playing you know 15 to 20 uh which was unique and you can't expect that every year but you go look at this now and you know on the defensive snap counts it's like oh um yeah we know Landon Jackson so he played so you played 79 snaps and you had two tackles and and you didn't get to the quarterback like you know um maybe that's because he was worn out for a majority of those um going down the line Eric Gregory plays 64 snaps in this game that's a crazy amount for a defensive tackle cam balla plays 60 that's a ton man and so then Ki gets 38 snaps and uh and Jun kaj gets 23 so you're I mean your dudes were just out there on the field the entire game so uh Don't Preach about depth and then not use it and then you know get to the end of a game where you you you blow a lead and you lose an overtime and start you know barking about how deep you are um well if than play your guys and if you don't trust them then at least acknowledge that you know it's not maybe not what you said it was um linebackers um I'll go um B+ a minus I don't know yeah probably a minus Sor was really really good no B+ actually because he shouldn't have suplexed the guy after the whistle um and that was a that was a big play there but I thought he was great though I mean that's what you want to see um from your your Georgia transfer you you know double- digit tackles uh with sticking his nose and everything he was really really good so I I feel a lot better about that because again it one of those deals where you're like okay we in in theory on paper you think he's gonna be a dude for you but you don't know until you see it well now we've kind of seen it so I think you feel good about that um I would have liked to seen more production from Brad Spence I think um you know he's kind of quiet in that uapb game you know whatever I go look at this now um yeah I mean he had three tackles I think you said he got one of those pressures but I don't know um probably could have got that done a little bit more there I mean you go look at the secondary and and you know your safeties are combining for 18 20 plus tackles well let's get that taken care of in the second level um but I would liked to seen a little bit more from from Spence there uh Switzer you know just kind of out there I guess uh dicks not as strong in this game as he was in the last one didn't play that much either um you know how many snaps did Sor play cuz I feel like it was a lot of like Sor was out there damn near every play and then that other linebacker spot would just be a complete rotation and so I wonder if that maybe is why those other like none of those other guys flashed as much Sor played 64 of the uh 81 snaps so he he was out there quite a bit um let's see Spence played 50 that's more than I would have thought Switzer played 34 and dicks played 29 that's interesting that dicks didn't didn't play as much I believe he was the second highest graded one and he had a really good week last week I wonder if that starts to maybe flip a little bit yeah I I wonder about that too um but yeah I'll give him I'll give him a B+ because of the the suplex there in the moment when we were watching it we were kind of like I don't know was it that egregious but apparently it was like way after the whistle and Sam was like yeah and you can't do that anyway if you if you pick up a guy and slam him like they they've been calling that for a few years now where when you do the the like excessive throw thing where you're not just tacking them and bringing them down yeah so yeah um and then and then we move to the secondary and you know they just people no you know what I am going to take a little bit of a Victory lap here uh people are just in my mentions non-stop for me bringing up this secondary um as a concern for me and the reason why I've done it for the longest is it's been because of that second cornerback position um I like some of the things they got going on the very back end safeties um I'd love me some Jaylen braaton uh but this whole thing about no like we've got we've got four or five corners that listen they're all starters we got standards not starters whatever um no you don't what what you don't have is a second Corner that you feel comfortable with who is the dude to take over that job um and if he did he was hurt exactly cudy didn't play and I I'm I don't think I don't think Sam was asked about that I don't know what was going on there because like you said we saw him out there warming up and then all of a sudden he was in his jersey but not his pads and we just didn't see him uh single ter starts they're they're targeting that right side uh just relentlessly picking on him and he did come up with the interception so credit for that um and I'm sure you've got it pulled up on how many times he was targeted and how many receptions he gave up there uh Keon Stewart gets a look when Braxton is banged up you have Jaylen Braxton um and then you have a bunch of question marks on that other side of the field uh that I worry about that uh couple that with uh you know some some tough pass interference calls on Nico Slaughter um metf had a couple issues back there although he did have like a dozen tackles which is good um I I can't go above maybe a cish for the for the defensive backs I think I'm gonna continue to be the hater and I think I'm gonna go C minus here Curtis okay um Fair actually I don't know man I think I'm going D+ now that I really think about it here's part of why Allan Bowman sucks and I I mean look I hopefully Oklahoma State fans have moved on and are no longer listening to our content that quarterback sucks you guys know he sucks too you Oklahoma State fans uh he missed a lot of throws that could have made this even worse and the fact that they weren't in you know in the first half Arkansas I think he had 55 passing yards it seemed like they kind of had you know had the answers there and he missed on some things that really helped out there you mentioned the interception for for for single T great targeted 10 times officially uh which does not include penalties by the way targeted 10 times allows seven receptions for 85 yards that actually felt lower than what it felt like in real life felt like every completion in the first half went his way uh and he did have a couple penalties there Deno Slaughter was targeted 15 times Curtis now he only allowed seven of those receptions for 74 yards which sounds great but he was called for four penalties so when you add it all up it's like really that's like damn near 200 yards uh of Swing there now you mentioned the safey pretty good J Jaylen Johnson three for five 23 yards had a couple pass breakups like held up pretty well didn't get beat over the top great job uh now PFF admits I have a my buddy that worked there admits their coverage grades are not perfect they usually just kind of because you know they're not sitting there saying hey is it man is it zone is it whatever they just kind of go on nearest Defender a lot of the times so TJ meta they have him as allowing three receptions on three for 51 yards I'm wondering if that big overthe toop play that was like a trick play to the fullback that he made the tackle on I'm wonder if they just kind of gave him a 40 yard reception on that but shout out to Jaylen Braxton by the way so actually I'm gonna go C minus only because Jaylen braon exists Clark exists who by the way targeted once on his eight plays didn't allow nothing hatrick huie take that haters uh but Jaylen Braxton targeted six times a crisp one yard per attempt allowed one reception for six yards now he had a touchdown called back which by the way on the touchdown he had pretty good coverage on it just a nice throw nice catch uh it gets called back so officially Jaylen Braxton was absolutely clamping out there um but that other side that right side of the defense like you said struggled a little bit Keon Stewart came in the game and played a good bit he allowed two receptions for 16 yards and two Targets uh I just I feel like this safety or this secondary struggled and Allen's strugg Allan Bowman's struggles masked some of issues early in the game and it just kind of overcorrected at some point where he eventually had time to throw made some made some plays and they got exposed a little bit and so look I'm not saying this is like the there a disaster of a group or anything like they're not they're not Ser you know like there's a way back and I do think Maris Robinson is kind of the guy that they need at that other Corner Spot to just bring them some stability bring them a legitimate option to where teams can't point and say we're going to pick on that guy in fact Oklahoma state knows not to pick on that guy didn't get a chance to prove that um so I do think him getting back will help a lot but I'm with you man the guys that they brought back from last year single ter and steart who were really really struggled last year I don't know how we came into this fall being like oh yeah now they're just good it's like I don't know I just I just don't know how we got there um and so look maybe the depth of this group has been overrated a little bit Hudson Clark was banged up and so him and him and metf I actually feel good about I feel good about Johnson over there at that safety spot but I feel like uh Arkansas's got some questions at nickel we'll see if Tevis metf or Larry Worth or there I I think Larry worth might have been banged up I saw him on the bike at one point and kind of trying to do some Sprints I wonder if he just maybe wasn't available which again kind of sucks because I mean you had Hudson Clark not available Maris Robinson not available and potentially Larry worth a guy that they really like yeah listed on the participation thing on the uh the Arkansas stats I don't know if he was in there on special teams or or what it was but he didn't that much or or do much in that in the other game like I don't know I I I get it because you you there's always like the fall Camp Heroes right um but the way they've been talking about Larry worth and he's 6'4 he's 225 he can he can hit you he can cover you he's he can jump you know over buildings and you know um just just so much hype that it's been kind of wild to me to to not be able to see him out there but I will say um to your point do wonder if he was banged up because with some of the struggles that that Slaughter was having there it's like okay you know at some point maybe and by the way a former linebacker so I don't know if I can definitively say he's the answer at nickel but I would like to see him there for sure um yeah so we we'll see what they get figured out there I hope that it is as simple like you said as you know cu's healthy and uh and he can be that guy and he doesn't have to be as good as braxon but you just got to have just an option that you're you're comfortable and confident in and uh in somebody to kind of take over that spot they need it man they really look they're going to face much better quarterbacks oh my go much better offenses uh it's not gonna happen until like like so so that's good but you know it's uh it's definitely something they're going to have to to get going here um and so it's it's interesting man like and and no we didn't forget about special teams we're getting ready to get to that uh but you look at this game and um you know like Oklahoma State solid I do not think great team um you dominate him for a half you just kind of fall apart in ways in the second half and then find a way to lose at the end of the game um a lot of there's a lot of really good things to take away from it uh individually um you know certain areas you can look at and then obviously there's a lot of things that they can clean up so um I think it's if you're looking for like the glass half full thing it should be encouraging for Razer back fans that they're just a lot of fixable errors yeah um right now that that have kind of held him back now I get it um that's been the same damn thing we've been saying for however many one- score losses Sam pitman's taken in the last last few years I I completely understand that it's like there's no guarantee that they are going to learn from it because they haven't so far um but you at least look at it it's not a it's not a talent thing I guess is what I'm saying like they've got the pieces in place to win some football games this year um if they can overcome themselves so and we'll see if they'll able to do that um I don't know I worry and I get it like everybody sees this is a huge trap game coming up against UAB I don't think they're gonna lose this game I in fact I would damn near guarantee they won't uh despite what we've seen in in Razer pack St him a few times but I just have this feeling deep in my soul that this is going to be a let down um whereas you'd like to see him just come out and just absolutely throttle somebody and like all right yeah we're shaking it off we're moving forward I just have a feeling this is going to be a stupid game um on Saturday we we'll see about it but good thing is UAB is seriously not good enough to beat Arkansas even in a let down game abely not they let General booty dice them up yesterday right it could be like the uh like the Kent State Vibes kind of deal where you wind up winning comfortably like four scores or whatever but then at the end you're just kind of like ah yeah really get better today h so we'll see we'll see what it looks like but uh special teams we got to talk about it um f for me I mean I don't have much to say here Curtis it's crazy I'm going I'm going D+ and the plus is because Devon Bale exists those three punts were damn good punts all three inside the 20 one of them went 54 yards I believe I had the one that was down at the one yard line shout out to tyon Broden uh the punt team very good work kickoffs were good that's that's the only positive there that I mean the Special Teams cost Arkansas the game yeah just straight up you can't you can't and look whether it's satania whether it was cross Johnson being blocked into him whether it was whatever we saw some some mishaps there on that punt return unit and it finally caught him in the biggest moment of the game we've already seen that yeah you missed two field goals and then you miss a field goal and you're scared to kick the next one yeah either one of the you make that one or the one where they went forward on Fourth and four either one of those if they go in ball game's over and so Arkansas had a chance to put Oklahoma State away in their special teams let them creep back in and it cost them yeah turns out that the the kicker competition means you don't have a kicker that you trust um and that that's not a good thing uh at all because unfortunately and and I think we thought that for like five quarters or whatever that Arkansas is just going to score a touchdown every time they touch the football uh but there are going to be times where you need to take three um and the fact that you can be inside the 30 yard line of your opponent um and not feel comfortable putting your field goal unit out there I get it like there aren't that many cam Littles running around but got to be able to to to kick the football and trust it there and and put three points on the board um and they weren't confident in that is what it is um and you go one for three there that's tough um I don't think that that spells you know ultimate Doom for Ramsey and that he's goingon to be a guy who goes one for three every game or they just don't let him kick at all um but maybe here you are back at the drawing board and you reevaluate and you give Shipley a look um you know you don't want to overreact to one game but when it cost you a game there you go so and when they show you that they don't trust the kicker because they had a chance to kick the field goal right after and they didn't do it which like you know I don't really like it's hard to even knock him for it but clearly Arkansas doesn't love their kicking game yeah um and then yeah the uh the Muff punt there again um yeah it looked like was that CH Johnson I guess that's who it was who kind of got knocked into to satania's legs there or whatever um whatever it's just like that it's just like the pick six like blame it on whoever you want that just can't happen it's sucks and you know is what it is in that situation tough break but you can't have that like those are just those huge mistakes that you have to avoid um giving an Oklahoma State offense that has you know been struggling to get into the end zone a starting field position like the inside the 20 yard line or whatever the hell it was because they punted it and you couldn't catch it uh that's a big no no and that's why when we were doing our bold predictions before the game I said you know what I feel like there's going to be one special teams play that we really remember after this um and and despite the field goal situation that is the one that really stands out to me and um In fairness like satania so Dynamic and and if he he's got some some room to make a play he can do that but he hasn't been the most sure-handed in the world back there like tons of times uh we've seen him Bobble that catch and and when you're in traffic like that that becomes even more complicated so something that he's going to have to sh up there no doubt about it and and it hurt Arkansas here so yeah I gotta I hate handing out FS man but it's got to be better not a good day for the uh for the Scott Fountain stands out there of which there are many oh man all right well um I think that does it you got anything else I give us solid B minus for this performance yeah me too me too yeah y'all grade us if y'all want yeah if y'all if y'all think we were too harsh or too too polite or whatever yeah just grade us how about that yeah we hold ourselves accountable around here like we said so um but all right that'll do it um and and just for the record these report cards really independent of of when the games are played on Saturdays this is going to be a morning after event um you know you don't want to do this with there there are other things to do when you are are dealing with the emotions of a game I just asked John from our postgame show yesterday um that's the raw reaction right that's when we feel like you guys right like one of us you know um and that's what we like to talk and we like to get the feedback from all of you um but we like to be you like to sleep it off a little bit and then come in with a clear mind if you're going to do grades like this so that that's uh something you can look forward to um every Sunday morning after uh after Razer b g post Church watch yeah a little post Church watch and anybody who is watching this um early in the day on Sunday we're going to be back later this afternoon because we did have some technical difficulties uh in still water so we had a postgame show we weren't able to go live for it um and that's something we really enjoy is is interacting and engaging with everybody in the chat seeing how you feel so we are going to have a morning after little therapy session for everybody this afternoon probably around four o'clock or so so make sure you tap into that if you just need to get something off your chest that's fine hop in the chat and do that and we'll uh we'll read it out there for you and let you get it out to the world uh if you have questions throw them in there um or if you just want to make fun of us do that too because we uh we appreciate the banter it's a good time but we're going to get out of here appreciate everybody for tuning in make sure subscribed at the inside Arkansas YouTube page so you can follow all this content make sure you get subscribed to the pot of that nature um on your podcast platforms Spotify Apple wherever uh it's its own separate feed so make sure you do that but for Andrew Ellis it's been Curtis wilgers with inside Arkansas and we will talk to you guys uh here in a few hours have a good one

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