Irish Open 2024 - Cup Last 32 - Adam Rankin vs Alex Kley

Published: Sep 14, 2024 Duration: 00:57:05 Category: Sports

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good afternoon everybody welcome back to shaes bridge Belfast indoor Bowls Club and welcome to the last 32 match in the main cup competition competition between Adam ranking of Ireland Bing with the black T Elites and Alex clay of England playing with the red T Internationals start from Adam middle Jack Good Start thanks for joining us so this match is a repeat here on this mat of the 2023 World Masters final Chex clay came out the Willer early days just fining the pace good response from Alex Lee Hall to mat 11 please green Murphy to mat 12 please Kevin Robbie Foster good afternoon had him with his third ball he could draw this very [Applause] good Alan Evans welcome to Belfast Alex clay just tied his line a little bit there quite get the result he wanted I don't think this was you and this m notot a long ago Rachel McDonald so you're not here this week so with his f a ball with his end Taylor Elites big swingy balls he didn't finish much though did it so Alex clay find himself two down first end so Alex just looking to play that front ball that's a good result just cut it down down to one be happy enough with that at the first end this your scoreboard we'll check over in a minute Adam rank we going to a one shot to another Advantage after one in played on to the second end them ranking leads off the Jack middle [Music] both players on the back hand at the moment afternoon everybody thanks for joining us those just joining us welcome draw from Adam ranking Mar nominates a toucher Alex just the way he shapes up to these he's just shaping up to pay a little bit of weight nothing silly look just a touch yeah turn a one shot deficit into a two shot Advantage very good balls about the pace so once again thanks for joining us this is a repeat of the 2023 World Masters final between Adam brankin of Ireland and Alex clay of England which Alex went on to win Adam just looking to draw this through I think just a little bit of run on this he's got a very good second don't forget if you enjoy watching these games please don't forget to subscribe to the YouTube channel just search go to YouTube search for the M Players Tour and there is a huge list of games to watch some games going back 12 13 14 years but also a lot of the more modern stuff where the game's changed a bit Adam comage take a look looking just to change his head a bit and he back in that's a great bow there just cutch it under the L line just slightly under the natural drawing line just a little tiny bit of pace turns a one shot deficit into a two shot Advantage Alex play look just looks to be playing a little bit of weight there changing his mind maybe it's probably a little bit of risk on this forehand if Alex plays way what he's looking at there potential risk of going more than two down here not a draw is there really I think he has no choice but to play a little bit of weight so here he goes yeah he's playing white contact with something gets the jack off the mat so it's a dead end the balls will go back the players will replay this end the Jack will go back to where it was there's no penalty at the moment each player if we were playing 12 ends here each player is allowed to to take the jack off the mat or the O should say to burn the Jack they can do that twice with no penalty on the third occasion it's three shots away and every subsequent occasion it would also be three shots away Jack goes back to Middle head of draw on the back hand just slightly through probably a foot through the head through the Jack Alex looks to be on a very good line here afternoon Ian afternoon Ricky thanks for joining us Adam ranking stays on that back hand just draw a shot there four five Ines short of the Jack Alex will be just looking to draw this Jack back slightly Pace looks very good here needs the Jack get looks to be shot we'll have a quick look yeah one shot to Alex clay so Alex Clay's bowling with the red balls which are Taylor Internationals which he's borrowed up Mark VY and Adam ranking is playing with t Elites which are the black bows Adam just pling a little bit of run here looking to moove either get the Jack yeah she's done very good ball so Alex step out a little bit on the back hand here will be looking to play this Jack into the ditch he's not shy eily it's one of his favorite shots he's very close no he's not is Hold the Line BS do hold their line on these mats at any pace and they just they will stick stick to the line Alex looks disgusted with himself one of his favorite shots some changes within the rules to the short M Players tour Alex has had a lot of success with running the jack on the first ball that has been stopped now no player can run the Jack into the ditch on their first ball they can but if the Jack goes into the ditch and their ball goes into the ditch the balls the ball is taken off so no Advantage really to running it in so is Adam going to return the favor here and try and play the Jack in the ditch or just draw it it's just a draw so what do we see now what can Alex do I suppose he can use the middle of the line of three of the three black boms can he use those on the back end just sort of Wiggle through get a few contacts he knows better than me takes another look as he walks back Adam ranking con looks to be ly three shots see Alex is playing a little bit of pace here what's he got nothing certainly three I think that was three Alex not impressed with that just make it our way back see what the scoreboard does Mar puts the Jack down on middle not changing the scoreboard but we'll do that later Adam's down a bit quick for anybody to do anything there Adam Kean to get on with this Jack midle check the score for you so that was three Adam ranking goes into four shots to another advantage two ends played start from Alex line shot good play from Adam there what a bow that is Alex just pling one two on the forand through the pace yeah probably too up past that Jack you may have a plan who knows it's always got a plan he AJ nice to see you here mate ad ranking taking his time with this one what's he doing here he's drawing another very good ball [Applause] here Alex playing a little bit of run here doesn't look to like it well he's smiling but it's not a happy smile I get the result he was expecting just a little bit under the line there so thanks for joining us everybody this is a match between Alex clay of England and K and Adam ranking of Adam ranking of Ireland repeats of the 2023 World Masters final Adam looking to just draw another one in and he has certainly sat that down he's certainly lined two looks like three actually so I think Alex I don't see a draw here see Alex trying to attack this don't know his St suggest he might be playing a little bit of run but looking to just cut this down I think yeah it's good ball this may even get shot out of this I think he has yep hadam tips the away so shot to Alex clay finds a shot there finds a way to finds a way there score ble tick over four shots to one advantage to Adam ranking three ends played Alex has changed the Jack length as you can see G to a long Jack try to settle down quickly for you so Alex you could see not playing big weight just trying to draw that Jack away from the long Jack it's just taking a look now he's the jack in a position where he can attack this looks like he might be having a little go at this on the back hand thank you friends yeah he's nothing silly look he's just trying to move this it's good bow that isn't it get to touch it take Adams bowl out the equation Michael wasn't sure whether that was a toucher or Not So Adam ranking on the back hand looking to looking to draw this very close yeah I think we all know what's going to happen here without a doubt Alex clay will be trying to draw this Jack into the ditch yeah steps out slightly plays a nice Pace nothing too rush he's very close very close well he's got enough the last two shots that's it's a draw to the line basically this is Alex clay specialty as I said earlier for those just joining us the SBT changed the rules slightly for these singles competitions uh neither player is allowed to draw the Jack into the ditch with their first ball uh they can put the Jack in the ditch but if their ball goes into the ditch the ball will be removed that's just in an attempt to stop so many firing shots with those first bowls so it seems to have changed the game slightly the last couple of tournaments this season it's only coming this season and a lot of people know it's much more a drawing game players looking at who's holding shot here have a quick opinion I think that's a tough measure I do just fancy the black bow on the extreme right of your screen is Alex there is he there I think he probably is think Alex has drawn shot Alex just looking he's definitely drawn shot is he lying too that's the question [Applause] so I think Alex is definitely holding shot here Adam ranking look what does he do now a big wide draw on the forehand he looks to be coming backand he's looking to take per he thinks he was shot before so he's looking to take that last ball out looks like he's got his own ball here he's missed everything players will decide what's going on here Edam ranky takes that one out a quick look at this I favored the black on this but we'll see wait for the Umpire to come and have a look umpire's on his [Music] way so Alex asking for the black to be measured against both the Reds always confuse him in the balls in the ditch just step around slightly so we get a view of all of them try to get you a better View that was all good umpires do measures the black ball and now we'll go to each of the red balls that looks to be another shot so two shots to Alex clay the one in the ditch didn't count but the other one on the map did so he was holding shot before Tommy will put the scoreboard over and after four ends it will read not turned over yet but it will read four shots to three to Adam rankings Advantage four in played hi Nicholas yeah Dave's currently winning uh seven shots to three six ends played so halfway played and he's leading seven shots to three that's Dave Sten against Gerard mowing so back onto the show mat Alex CL put the Jack Long Adam ranking as Dawn shot be8 10 in behind the Jack Alex looking shaping to play this Jack into the ditch he's very close here he's got the ball second prize so we had a few join us in the last few minutes Steve Stanton good afternoon Alex clay just running the Jack in the ditch here if you can he's got half the Jack helped helped by Adams ball clay line two shots at the moment so those just joining us we are at the Belfast indoor Bowls Club at shaes Bridge just outside of Belfast and you are watching the last 32 cup competition between Alex clay of England bowling with the red Taylor Internationals and Adam ranking of Ireland bowling with the black Tor Elites well I think that's half of his up for Adam his ball he's tried to take out Alex's Ball but he's just turned it over Alex's ball is still Al his ball didn't touch the Jack so Alex will look to play this now yeah Alex sign this up he'll definitely look at playing that last ball to be very close yep he got this he's not bother about losing that ball he's lying Two Shots put pressure on Adam Adam to find the ball afternoon John nice to see you hope you're keeping well I done looking at this will he stay with a backhand draw yeah forand if he gets to Jack just a slight risk there isn't it slightly less risk on the back hand well he's not short actually is short don't think he's reached that's fell out I think that's one to Alex clay yeah Alex asking for one Alex clay picks up another shot so Adam Adam turning over the scoreboard 5 in played four shots all Alex puts the Jack long again part of his new tactics I think yeah don't get me time to get up here good start from Alex good touch bit of Chalk's always useful I think it's guaranteed Alex would play this cuz if he misses a jack he's going to take out Adam's ball which is not a toucher there two two shots in one yeah yeah he didn't want to lose his ball though he's hoping to catch that Adam's ball full and then stay so Adam was still with a opportunity to draw this line looks very good Pace looks decent it drops in for shot but Alex will still play this 100% guaranteed Alex just looking at the position of the the bow in comparison to the jack is it Jack ey was the question that change his decision whether he BS forend backend I guess he's lucky to play this Jack again just playing pace is he close this time yeah he's got got it this time well he's been a little bit fortunate cuz he was he only got half the Jack if his other ball wasn't there he would have uh been a long way away from that Jack they're just going to discuss if the Jack's live now easy decision that Jack needs to be marked dead cuz it's passed that white line that you see the furthest part of that white line is the live zone of the bones area where the jack is just try and change your angle slightly the Jack's dead so it's just a draw to the Jack now but it's maybe a bit heavy this is through [Music] so Alex clay think he's only ly one shot here he's also going back and looking to draw close to the close to the middle block there good Bowers coming up nice clay line two shots Adam looking to just take that ball out and sit well he's actually drawn it's great draw from Adam ranking so once Adam six ends played Adam ranking moves into a five shots to four advantage on to the seventh end Adam ranking to lead thanks for joining everybody those just joining us and just remind those who have been watching this is a last 32 match of the cup competition the main competition of these events and it's between Adam Rankin of Ireland and Alex clay of England and this is a replay of the 2023 World Masters final which Alex clay defeated Adam ranking so Alex clay bowling with the red turn into Nationals and had him ranking his bowling with black tet Elites both swingy bowls Elites are more swingy had I'm not happy with that one this one gives Alex a reasonably big Target Alex won't be short of this one he's very close here not the result he was looking for bit of a bounce Jack bounced a little off the balll so those of you enjoying watching this remember you can go back and watch all these games over and over your heart's content go on to YouTube search for the short back Players Tour and there's something like 15 years of bows memories and Bows matches some of the world's finest players lots and lots of choice lots of games to watch that's a decent effort from Adam Rankin Jack is dead so Alex clay two Cho he's not going to draw to the line or he's got to touch it right on the outside he's drawing to this very close that needs to stop now and it does got to say that's a good draw that's not bad from Alex clay seems to know what he's doing as always very relaxed doesn't doesn't seem to feel any pressure Adam ranking currently has a very slight Advantage excuse me very slight Advantage five shots to four Alex clay lows one shot had ranking stepping up there to Bow his last ball of this end some draw to beat this so Alex clay low one one B to come hi Kate Allison thanks for joining us Dion thank you for coming on to sight we are at the B fast indoor bows Club at shaes Bridge just outside of Belfast Alex clay looking to draw another one here this looks very good doesn't it what a great draw that is two great bowls from Alex clay there by Mikey hope you're well mate so swing and roundabouts Alex clay Takes Two Shots there it goes into six foot shots to five Advantage seven ends played move on to the eighth end Alex clay leads off long Jack yes very good start good touch it Mar steps up to choke the last ball now he's got another one to choke yes bill for the great event and it's Clay looking to get this Jack oh he won't be happy with that one bit unlucky there just to catch his own ball just a touch you hi Reggie great to see you this weekend Reggie keep getting better mate look forward to seeing him in one of these again so Adam ranking will now be playing the Jack looking to get this Jack in the ditch it's just outside it I think yeah opportunity missed click of the fingers Alex clay will be looking at this he'll be playing this with a little bit of pace think be Jack or ball if he gets half the ball the ball's going away from the Jack like the Jack full just sit on it yeah he's got the ball rather than the Jack he's not over impressed with that he lies shot at the minute but uh Adam asu's line shot Edam main will be looking to draw this Jack into the ditch yeah he dly playing on the forehand keeps it away from Alex is he close well he's got a touch he's got the faintest of touches Alex clay got a slightly tricky situation now bit of an end of swings and roundabouts this one Alex fcking longing hard at this one what will he do he's got his last bow of this not sh holding shot could be the red ball which is sort of in line with the Jack line Alex just looking to draw this very good this is what a bow this is oh just gone out I think it's just gone over the line this is the accuracy his go as are looking at he's literally an inch long on that but draw thanks for joining us all those just joining us the last few minutes Belfast IND door bows Club shes Bridge just set out of Belfast and this is a last 32 Cup match this could be a big result here if he gets this now he's outside it not sure whe I'm not sure who's holding shot here yeah so it's the last 32 match between Adam ranking of Ireland Alex clay thinks he's got away with a bit there Roy smile from I'm not actually sure they've agreed on the shot but I don't know who got the shot we'll see now when the board goes over Tommy will turn the board over it wasn't shots Alex clay has got away with that one a bit Adam had three chances to get that Jack into the ditch the jacks down let's get round good start from Alex perfect draw can't have a better start than that can you Alex clay a seven shots to five Advantage after eight ends played Adam ranking some effort this is isn't it so Alex clay still lies shot yeah I think we can all agree on a few comments are just saying the standard is exceptional these players have met before this is a replay of the 2023 World Masters final has he got enough here he's just it full he wanted half of that ball if he was looking to turn it in Alex clay shot expect to be looking at back can now drawing down onto that last ball that mov back super bow from Alex clay he's not bad this lad got a bright future ahead of him I think fully focused on the game ad ranking finds himself Two Shots down I think he's going to he would think expect to play a little bit of pace here yeah cuz that Jack's going to Spring to your right as you look if he if he gets the front red ball he's very close has he done enough not quite sure we'll have a look difficult to see who's lying who does Adam think's lying Adam thinks he's one down Alex what's Alex doing here what's he fancing a dead draw oh and he has some draw isn't it to generate the perfect Pace every time he's uh pretty classy bows I think we'll all agree so don't forget if you enjoy watching this type of bows at this standard please go on to YouTube search for the short match Players Tour where you will find a long long history a long list of games to watch all the world's best players there really is a lot of opportunities to watch good quality Bows Oh that's a some bow from Adam Rankin Two Shots down just a touch and moves the Jack back to take pick two shots up so in a game of Captain Mouse here you can see the score now take over two shots for Adam ranking nine in played Seven shots across seven shot shots all the crowd are in raptured just have a quick look around everybody a lot of interest in this game really is top quality [Applause] this ranking puts Jack middle pretty good start there 23 in is three Ines behind the Jack Alex drawing forehand gets chalk he'd be happy with that always likes chalk hi Simon yes Michael superb isn't it remember these tournaments are open to all sorts of people was asked a question from A lady called Julie earlier again go on the short M Players Tour Google it uh search for upcoming tournaments there are a lot of tournaments to play six singles events every year it's also usually a few pairs events floating around charity events lots of opportunity to come and play improve your balls standard is exceptional to read Alex clay usually tell when he's really annoyed but he's not particularly annoyed by that he's got two bows to come the confidence of these young players is quite astonishing to watch at times so Adam ranking lies Two Shot Two Shots by Brenda hand he going forand bit short with this one maybe the plant who knows yeah it looks like he's trying to put a short one in to stop Alex [Music] attacking so Alex clay thinking longing hard about this one he's putting a little bit of run at this looking to change his head well har a results I suppose you'd say it's one ball out although the ball's still in the count but he's got a better view of the Jack now Adam just looking what he does next his last ball was a protector just stopped Alex fing on the forehand which is uh nearly always the easiest shot although these two just seem to make every shot look simple so relaxed about the game lots of smiles Adam in the region again another great ball I think Adam lies he's certainly two isn't it it's possibly three what Alex do now just look to cut it down maybe dead draw how's the pace H's the line he's just passed he's not happy with that one certainly two not sure how many that is we'll find out now Alex not looking impressed with himself there that's Somey would normally uh one of the shots he loves slight shoulders to sit on by Krabby thanks for coming on just wait for this score to he not doing the board don't know why I don't know how many shots we'll have look for you in a minute so Adam ranking puts the Jack middle Alex CL love the shot in the past he'd have been playing this he probably just still play this but not with excessive weight just check the score for you now cuz it wasn't up before it's fine Tommy spam ranking currently has a 10 shots to seven Advantage 10 in play two ends to go Ro can Alex pull out the bag now three shots behind this looks good that's a start Alex now line one Adam will look to draw the same ball sit on Alex's last line looks good what's the pace like yeah it's pretty Perfect Isn't it Alex will be looking at Jackal ball now again on the back hand yeah just puts a little bit of pace on it that's just holding its line now yeah that's the risk on his mats just holding its line two balls to come this end Alex Marshall thanks for joining us tatti I know you've had a few goes at this short m not the real game to you but the real game to us so those just joining us there's plenty of you on here you are watching the last 32 of the cup competition this is the Irish open re Belfast indoor bows Arena at shaes Bridge just outside Belfast this is a match between Adam Rankin of Ireland who's just walking up the mat now currently with the 10 shots to seven advantage over Alex clay of England this is a a repeat of the 2023 World Masters final at which Alex clay came out the victor so ad when we're looking to draw onto Alex's red ball here on the right as we look just a sit to and here he comes it's pretty good so now pressure reverts back to Alex clay so Alex Clay is already three shots down two shots here so Adam ranking lies game it's got Alex clay thinking hard about this the Galaxy's problem here is that the ball to the right of where you're looking see where his toe is he's looking at the results he's going to get so the ball it's two Reds on the right of the screen in line and behind that from our vision is the black ball and that black ball is pretty well locked in by the two red balls so I think if Alex plays this he would play proper weight don't give be shy of this this could be game shot Adam Pence yeah Alex stepping out he will play we at this what he got what's he got oh he's only got them all out hasn't he that's some result that is three shots to Alex clay B that there Alex clay picks up three so 11 ends played it's 10 across 10 shots each after 11 ends played [Music] yeah a big crowd watching that here yeah Sam absolutely spot on for your boy so last end scoreboard hasn't been changed scoreboard is incorrect at the moment clay remember he can't ditch this Jack doesn't mean he can't get a toucher and move the Jack back a bit which is what he's done great start he wants that to sit yeah superb Bowl Nick yeah two shots down there game down pulls out an edge and goes three up so despite the scoreboard which has not been changed Adam ranky looking to draw this in the ditch now he's wide Alex clay absolutely Alex clay down on his knees Alex clay big decision now ases he try and just draw this knowing Alex he would just try and play this in the ditch game over he gets it the tension is pulple everybody watching this everybody in the arena watching this Alex is close he's close what's he got here well he's got the Jack dead so yeah could almost feel the pressure superb the crowd will enjoying this we have a quick look around few waves from the crowd there's a lot of people watching this now the whole arena is watching this shot Adam ranking now playing they're going to be drawing to the line no other shot he's got no other balls no touches to play bit of a hush descends over the arena she's not a bad effort is it what's Happening Here is he there if that sits down let's have a look still shot to Alex clay just another roll on that ball to got him shot Alex clay be looking to draw obviously closer to the line he'll be looking to be under that bow if possible Alex is clicking the fingers often the habit of the youngsters so Alex is line shot that's not a bad bow is it because that's sort of in the line it's pretty well on the line that uh Adam Rankin would need can he draw around that ball it's a risk isn't it cuz he doesn't want to move that ball so three bows to come Adam has two Alex has one the whole Arena's watching this not sure this is here it is this to oh no he's shorter than the last one so he's still not there just take another look still shot to Alex clay this has been a tremendous match and Alex clay the standard that this boy plays he's looking to move his touch in the ditch what's he got oh what a bow that is that he superb isn't it you got to say everybody taking a look have another quick look around here look the whole place everybody watching this is short M bows at its finest guys we've got a lot of people taking an interest in this Alex taking a look so big big bowl now for Adam ranking what's he got left where is he I don't think he's here I don't think he's here that's been some game of BS hasn't it some game ofs brilliant stuff from Alex clay again just finds a ball when he needs one great effort from ranking Alex Clay on superb form again you've got to say you're not going to see better bowls than that so if you want to watch bowls of that sort of standard please get on to short M Players Tour on YouTube Just Get on yourself on YouTube sign up subscribe to the channel and you can watch these bows all day every day that standard is second and on thanks for watching we'll be back later Alex clay progresses to the last 16 of the main competition um and the boat rolls on so thanks for watching and we'll see you all later

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