She's a 10...But She Acts Like Meagan Good

don't even matter what his name is man hugs hugs this girl in front of her man picks her up damn near turns her around spins her smacks her ass basically basic basically feet kicking in the air tongue kiss the right in front of bro get to the money and slide get to the money and slide free all the Bros inside free all the Bros inside play with the Bros you die huh yeah get to the money and sluh free all the Bros inside huh play with the Bros you die huh yeah if you want smoke come get it you on my chain come get it taking the money run with it the [ __ ] I done did it get to the money and slide get to the money and slide fre all the Bros inside fre all the Bros inside play with the Bros you die huh yeah somebody said it shut up all right man I'm F to start the [ __ ] part man hey man say man the got 15 podcast coming back man volume four yes sir part who knows man you already know she special host man the only host man and the got 15 crew of course them [ __ ] here and we got two St St stop that stop that stop we got three hosts on the show go ahead got two special guest man go shout y'allselves out man what's going on man it's your boy baby hundo it's your boy Chris come through man man where can they find y'all at man Instagram uncore baby hundo well _ baby hundo all one word Chris come through on Instagram man Straight Like That simple make sure y'all go check out my guys man you already know they showing love to us and you know let's see if Mr we got three host hosts got us for the Pod today Chan what do you have I ain't gonna lie I have a tragedy we must discuss bro a tragedy we must discuss I know y'all probably have seen that video of um Megan Good giving a hug to um I don't know what's the dude's name that she bro what's the ACT Michael whatever don't really don't even matter what his name is right don't even matter what his name is man hugs hugs this girl in front of her man picks her up damn near turns her around spins her smacks her ass basically dally basically feet kicking in the air tongue kiss the right in front of bro you know what I'm saying um I think Jonathan major that's that's how you say his name right he's a strong guy big guy I I I don't know if he's a strong guy or he just like country no I'm not I'm talking about like strength I'm talking about like you have to be strong minded to not tweak out oh yeah that's what I mean by strong that's what I mean mentally strong otally you know I'm saying he knows how to think before he acts cuz if you don't think in that situation oh yes brother crash brother crash out cuz you got think so it was hug spin double cake right puts her down doesn't even look at that [ __ ] acknowledge that [ __ ] at all looks through him to the next guy dabs them all up then takes a picture bro I think the funnest part to me was mind like the whole time BR this [ __ ] Jonathan M just like fixing his glasses guy's doing random stuff bro he's trying to make sure that he does anything to occupy from himself from just standing still witnessing while this [ __ ] just had sex with his woman in front of him oh my basically basically I mean like like just like you know what I'm saying like I just I I with my girl I was like you you you see what's wrong with this right right she said don't don't don't try me [ __ ] I said okay okay my bad myad I just had to double check because this was diabolical disrespect was and like I thought that they was going to be a good wholesome old 60s type of couple n and now she on the modern type of [ __ ] getting picked up that was really disrespectful bro now granted they claimed that before the video he daed that [ __ ] up I have heard that this is what they said the video was was cleverly cut I heard that right before yes yes right before the hug he dapped the [ __ ] up but my thing is might worse why are you picking my girl little [ __ ] so excited to see my lady like this not and and I get it I get it good that's disrespectful she look good y'all done work together y'all got history y'all got past I'm not trying to be inse but pick her up and turn her bro would have literally made me like that's some chemistry would made me sick bro especially when you know all these cameras around know everybody's watching this [ __ ] and you know both of y'all and me are famous as [ __ ] like this is to get seen like we can't push this to the side you know what you doing man when y'all get you know what I'm saying bad females goodlooking females y'all already know what comes with it not b not that not that hell no hell no better not you get folks looking at this [ __ ] yes yes more attention yes yeah no no no no no no more attention for sure but like my thing is the attention is cool attention is cool yeah I'll take a five before but [ __ ] she she on the [ __ ] shoulder giggling and [ __ ] kicking her feet up and [ __ ] oh cry bro that that's a little much bro so what y'all doing in that situation damn I I was about to ask I want him to answer that a't gonna lie why mik why mik I'm interesting to see his his perspective like you know cameras are gone y'all are by yourselves now y'all are in the car how do you address that to Oh by down the car yeah yeah it's just y'all one onone oh be like after after the situation yeah okay I'm sorry I like yo what what the [ __ ] are you doing like why why you let this [ __ ] do all this [ __ ] that aggressive coming in like that cuz you're wild you have to know she has to already be kind of scared going to the car like knowing is crazy I not scared but like you know you going to get like get an argument like you going to get something out of me like I'm I'm I'm I'm not going to do no physic I wouldn't even think like that but that's funny as car ner better your arms up like at least a little nervous bro like like was you not thinking during all literally you not I'll be I'll be so pissed I really wouldn't even want to talk to you for real like I I really wouldn't I'd have to like go on a walk I would have to damn I had to take a walk that's a walk away that's a walk away like on some walk down the street go to the bathroom like I'm saying like right then and there you walk away like as she's twirling around like she has to catch you as but he had to keep it pee on camera that's what I'm asking that's what I'm asking that's what I'm asking as soon as I get off camera I'm taking that I think he played it as Bessie could he really did though TW kudos to that boy stain my take picture put her arm around are y'all looking the arm was the no that was disrespectful bro bro skip bro like he literally went through everybody and it was like all right let's take this that was weird bro that was a weird interaction yeah like I don't know I be that would that would [ __ ] me I I'll be sitting there so awkwardly I no no no I a lie be so mad so mad I wouldn't know what to do bro that can't be the first time he picked her up brh you can't you don't just meet someone not meet someone but you don't just pick someone up randomly if you Ain pick granted they she my thing I said they had a pass so maybe that that's they thing back then but that don't mean you you get to come bring that [ __ ] now say they was friends before that you picking up your your home girl like that no on God like once come on bro no that [ __ ] had to assert dominance right there no for real he had to come in with a game plan he's like oh yeah this is this her man you know what it is you know what it is that's yeah that's bad business bro like honestly I I expect my girl to slap that [ __ ] in that situation I'm saying fck like a strong push if we ain't going to take it that far why is she laying on this [ __ ] shoulder like you need to be freaked out right now like why am I in the air you need to be like you should what the [ __ ] TW oh my God I got picked up pulling your [ __ ] down right here exactly I see I didn't even think about like that she got picked up like she was supposed to be in air yeah like like that's crazy you need to act like you like nah bro she should have been shocked surprised distressed fearing for her life as soon as she was off the ground cuz oh my God a man just picked me up she felt safe in the air she felt safe with him CH and that's the killer bro that's the killer she felt safe in the air bro bro feeling safe ain't even a problem when you see her face bro she's happy Happiness full of joy happiness in this man's arms like I said man I ain't never seen her smile like that it's unfortunate it's Megan good too I've always put her in that category of like the type of woman you would want for real not after that [ __ ] is this is this a automatic disqualification yes what the if if this is a common thing like if this would happen again no one says common this could be could be isolated inent I'mma keep it the butt with y'all boys have to be soaking if I was Mikey elely I'd do the same [ __ ] again you you demon type [ __ ] straight at her you got to respect I feel like I feel like goad you I I feel like it depends on how she take the conversation afterwards if she like if she come back at me aggressively too like I'm the one tripping then yeah oh it's clip over it's clipo but hey man look know that good is a Gottis look at that girl I just feel like you got to be ready to fight the dude if you willing to do that bro like you got to be ready to fight any [ __ ] in the picking up another [ __ ] girl like that no for sure definitely had to be on your toes man I feel like it depends on what type of [ __ ] you is like if you a chill ass [ __ ] and you see what your [ __ ] doing it's like like what Mike said oh yeah we definitely that talk in the car but if you a crash out ass [ __ ] you definitely sticking that [ __ ] off rip like the [ __ ] is you doing I feel like even as a chill [ __ ] I wouldn't do nothing to him because my girl is enjoying this [ __ ] like if my girl is feeling uncomfortable now I'm trying to stick this [ __ ] cuz what are you doing with my girl she want to be I'm a crash out I just need somebody to feel this facts facts it doesn't really matter who just delayed crash all I seen was her getting picked up by that [ __ ] I'm beating that y why your eyes like that what the [ __ ] you look too damn happy put my down put [Music] my get to the money and slide get to the money and slide appreciate y'all popping out to the podcast man make sure y'all leave a like go ahead and comment something and hit that subscribe button if you haven't already so you don't miss any of our videos bro and make sure you subscribe to our patreon for exclusive behind the scenes videos posted weekly follow us on Instagram Twitter Apple podcast Spotify Tik Tok you already know we on YouTube man go check us out everywhere show who who said that Jan real depend on what we talking about I was talking drill oh doesn't matter I was like I was completely you think that you think that would matter though Bo drills Fe why do you believe that man he said I was a dine Warrior sophomore year what is that like y [ __ ] funny compete [ __ ] what the hell make like I was not doing board Drilling that [ __ ] like you already know what it is but that [ __ ] talking [ __ ] [ __ ] Brendon just knew he was in for a good laugh because he knew CH was talking some [ __ ] and he want to instigate that [ __ ] you not [ __ ] BR he not your friend bro he not looking out for you bro CH that ass I said what I said we need to set all this [ __ ] up bro we need to have a little go day we just was [ __ ] on the beach [ __ ] on the beach was W for playing football bro [ __ ] man on the me and a team of women whooped that ass whoop that ass ass whooped that ass did I not answer did yes or no you didn't have only women on your team who who who who else I had CH man I don't I don't remember what the I think I was Q though yeah CH was on your team about to say women and Chan women in ch versus it was like was like m n I ain't going to lie great sound fun it was a great time brother he was having a great time while he trying to act now it wasn't fun once you getting your ass whoop [ __ ] even even the uh cabin cabin trip we was playing football out there I was giving y'all [ __ ] [ __ ] Mon oh the cabin trip basketball we boys girls that [ __ ] I wasn't there what football [ __ ] at the cabin remember we went to the uh bluid [ __ ] I must haveed oh yeah you was doing some weird [ __ ] tripping y'all [ __ ] tripping bro I was bro y'all don't understand how tired [ __ ] was y understand how tired to a cabin bro this [ __ ] not trying to leave the room we like what the [ __ ] wrong with you bro [ __ ] I just came from working 60 hours [ __ ] for 3 months and the nigg talking about something let's get up at 11 a.m. go this was before 11. not that early no this is way tired no I'm pretty sure this is when that Blue Ridge trip was right it my [ __ ] that's was last year which which day though like which yeah [ __ ] either way N I was tired not not going not going not going I was like I didn't come on vacation to hoop with [ __ ] no I feel that I feel that [ __ ] trying to get in extracurriculars and Sh bro bro I'm trying to let me just sleep in

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