Kamala Harris LIVE | Kamala Harris Speech In New Hampshire LIVE | Kamala Targets Trump LIVE | N18G

so please let's not pay too much attention to the polls because we are running as the underdog we know what they're capable of on the other side the only thing we can take for granted is the love that we as Americans have for each other knowing we have so much more in common than what separates [Applause] us and we've got some hard work head but we like hard work hard work is good work hard work can be joyful work and so we are up for the task and with your help we will win in November we will win in November and that in large part is because we know what we stand for and when you know what you stand for you know what to fight for we love our country and we believe in the promise of America that's so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon we believe in the promise of America and that includes a topic we're going to discuss today which is what I call an opportunity economy building an opportunity economy and my vision of an opport opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed where everyone regardless of who they are where they start can build wealth including intergenerational wealth where workers are treated with dignity and everyone has the freedom to join a union if they choose where we remove barriers to Opportunities so anyone who wants to start a business can have access access to the tools and the resources they need to do that I believe and I said it before to Nicole I believe America's small businesses are an essential Foundation to our entire economy think about it think about it small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers half of all private sector workers own or run a small business or work for a small business they do trillions of dollars of business every year they generate Revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers and you know for all of those who are or no of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we [Applause] are and I've met so many entrepreneurs across the country who take the incredible leap of faith that is required to start a small business folks who put their life savings on the line and work through the weekends and holidays cuz they aren't just building a business they're pursuing a dream they're building a better future for their employees and for the people they love in their communities and by extension they're building a stronger middle class and a stronger America for us [Applause] all and so all of this is why as president one of my highest priorities will be to strengthen America's small businesses and here I am in New Hampshire to announce a few elements of my plan to do that so first we're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground okay now I'm setting what some I'm sure are going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what I think we should admire ambition in each other so I want to see 25 million new small business applications by the end of my first term and to help achieve this we will lower the cost of starting a new business so here's the thing on average it costs about $40,000 to start a new business in America that is a great financial barrier for a lot of folks and it can hold entrepreneurs back and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you're going to do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to [Applause] $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business second my plan will help existing small businesses grow we will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want to expand and we will and this is very important cut the red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more difficult than it needs to be more difficult than it needs to be for example we will make it cheaper and easier for small businesses to file their taxes similar similar to how individuals can take a standard deduction you know I said to my team kind of like now I'm going to date myself again because they no longer do it but kind of like you remember the 1040 easy like that kind of idea right like let's just take away some of the bureaucracy in the process to make it easier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy third third my plan will invest in small businesses and innovators throughout America and here's why we know that Talent exists everywhere in our country from rural towns to City centers but not everyone has access to the financing to venture capital or expert advice it's not that they don't have the skills it's not that they don't have the work ethic it's access to these resources so under my plan we will expand access to venture capital we will support Innovation hubs and business incubators and we will increase Federal contracts with small businesses and we will have a particular focus on small businesses in rural communities like right here in New Hampshire [Applause] finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in [Applause] tax cuz here's the thing here's the thing it's just not right that those who can most afford it are often paying a lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurses and our firefighters it's just not right it's just not right so that's why I support a billionaire minimum tax and corporations paying their fair [Applause] share and while we ensure that the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share we will tax capital gains at a RIS rate that rewards investment in America's innovators Founders and small businesses so here's the detail if you earn a million dollars a year or more the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28% under my plan because we know when the government encourages investment it leads to broad-based economic growth and it creates jobs which makes our economy stronger now compare that to what Donald Trump plans he intends to cut off Federal programs that give loans to small [Music] businesses he plans to give billionaires massive tax cuts and to cut corporate taxes by over a trillion dollars even as they pull in record profits his plans will add more than $5 trillion to the national debt and that is on top of the $2 trillion tax cut he gave them when he was president and when he exploded the deficit we know how to count we know how to count and now he also wants to impose what in effect is a national sales tax on everyday products and basic Necessities which will Skyrocket the cost for families and small businesses and New Hampshire on top of all of this if Donald Trump were to win in November he intends to end the Affordable Care Act which would significantly increase costs on small businesses as we know and well you know what the courts are going to handle that and we will handle November how about that how about that that's how we'll handle that how about that but think about it it wants to end the Affordable Care Act taking us back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions you remember what that was children with asthma breast cancer survivors grandparents or diabetes so you yeah look we are here to tell him and them we are not going back we're not going [Applause] back we're not going back we're not going back no we are not and we will move forward because ours is a fight for the future and and it is a fight for freedom and it is a fight for Freedom now I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire the Live Free or Die State you know the importance of individual freedoms fundamental freedoms you know how hard people fought for these freedoms and that they are foundational to who we are and what we stand for as America including the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do and understand how we got here understand how we got here and of course we're not going to fall for the gas lighting he's pushing right when he was president Donald Trump handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Ro v Wade and as he intended they did and now in more than 20 States in our nation there is a trump abortion ban many with no exceptions even for rape and incest which is immoral immoral and let us agree and I know we do one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her [Applause] body and if he wins and if he wins you can be sure Donald Trump will go further and he will sign a National Abortion ban and and and you know project 2025 which I just I mean can you believe they put that thing in writing and under project 2025 he would create a national anti-abortion coordinator which would force States I mean this is unbelievable right which would force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions you know what they are making really quite clear they just don't trust women they just don't trust women but we trust women we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law [Music] across our nation across our nation across our nation and I've been traveling for many many month well years actually and certainly months most recently across our nation I'm telling you we are witnessing a full on a attack on hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms and rights including the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from gun violence the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water the freedom to love who you love openly and with [Applause] pride and so here's what I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire cuz you know it so well it's part of your DNA generations of Americans before us they fought for freedom and they led the fight for freedom in our country and now the Baton is in our hands the Baton is in our hands so let us understand which we do our purpose at this very moment let us remember the broad shoulders of upon which we stand and the traditions of this very fight that have led to what we have been able to accomplish and let us understand then that when we say fight it is a fight for something not against something it is for [Applause] something that's what we're talking about when we talk about a new way forward this is for something and so as an example let us finally pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the freedom to vote act let us finally pass an assault weapons ban and Universal background check and red flag laws because we are clear on that point it is a false choice to say you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone's guns away I'm in favor of the Second Amendment and I know we need reasonable gun safety laws in our [Applause] country and there's another point that I'd like to stress about this election in 24 this is not 2016 or 2020 no matter what he does in the white house but let's take this seriously and understand what it means before at least at least there might have been the threat that there would be consequence and accountability with that ruling what this means is that almost explicitly he has been told no consequence and imagine just imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails just imagine with no guard rails he has openly vowed to be a dictator on day one he has said he would end the independence of the Department of Justice the United States Department of Justice so he could have the unchecked power to seek Vengeance against people who disagree with him he even called for I'm going to quote now the termination of the Constitution of the United States of [Applause] [Music] America let us be very clear someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution of the United uned States of America should never again stand behind the Seal of the president of the United States never again so I'll end where I started when it comes down to it we are all here together because we love our country we love our country and we know the privilege the privilege and pride that comes with being an American and I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that is how we realize the promise of America [Applause] us us us USA and so with that being said I ask New Hampshire are you ready to have your voices heard do we believe in Freedom do we believe in Opportunity do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless the United States of America my goodness can we hear for Nicole and throwback [Applause] Brewing hi guys thank you thank you thank you wow thank thank you all thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it's so good to be back in New Hampshire thank you all thank you and Doug sends his love to everyone as well oh thank you everyone Nicole thank you you guys are just so extraordinary and I applaud the way you do the business that you do and the love that you do in giving community I love our small business owners it is what you do I'm going to talk a bit about you in a minute but you are part of the fabric the essential fabric of a community that cares about one another thank you for everything thank you thank you and thank you to the outstanding Congressional Delegation Senator Shaheen Hassen representatives papis and kuster and all the leaders who are here today thank you all thank you all for for taking the time to be here this afternoon thank you everyone thank [Applause] you so before I begin I do want to say a few words about this tragic shooting that took place uh this morning in Winder Georgia um we're still gathering information about what happened but we know that there were multip multiple fatalities and injuries and um you know our hearts are with all the students the teachers and their families of course and we are grateful to the First Responders in the law enforcement that were on the scene but this is just a senseless tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school work about whether or not their child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we've got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all you know it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way so we will continue of course to to send our prayers and our thoughts to the families and all those who were affected including you know I I'm going off script right now but listen I mean you know at at the last year I um I started a college tour and um I I I traveled our country meeting with our young leaders right and so it was College age young leaders so I did trade schools colleges universities community colleges by the way I love Jen Z I just love Jen Z [Applause] right but I'll tell you one of the things one of the things that I asked every time I went to to the auditorium and it would be filled with these young leaders students and I'd ask them raise your hand if at any point between kindergarten in 12th grade you had to endure an active shooter drill and the for the for the young leaders who are here who are raising their hand I'm telling you every time the auditorium was packed and almost every hand went up you know a lot of us I'll speak about myself you know we had well I grew up in California earthquake drills we had fire drills but our kids are sitting in a classroom where they should be fulfilling their god-given potential and some part of their big beautiful brain is concerned about a shooter busting through the door of the classroom it does not have to be this way it does not have to be this way and you know this is one of the many issues that's at stake in this election um so New Hampshire look we have 62 days to go 62 days to go and I'm going to tell you what you already know this race is going to be tight until the very end so please let's not pay too much attention to the polls because we are running as the underdog we know what they're capable of on the other side the only thing we can take for granted is the love love that we as Americans have for each other knowing we have so much more in common than what separates us and we've got some hard work ahead but we like hard work hard work is good work hard work can be joyful work and so we are up for the task and with your help we will win in November we will win in no member and that in large part is because we know what we stand for and when you know what you stand for you know what to fight for we love our country and we believe in the promise of America that's so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon we believe in the promise of a America and that includes a topic we're going to discuss today which is what I call an opportunity economy building an opportunity economy and my vision of an opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed where everyone regardless of who they are where they start can build wealth including intergenerational wealth where workers are treated with dignity and everyone has the freedom to join a union if they choose where we remove barriers to Opportunities so anyone who wants to start a business can have access to the tools and the resources they need to do that I believe and I said it before to Nicole I believe America small businesses are an essential Foundation to our entire economy think about it think about it small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers half of all private sector workers own or run a small business or work for a small business they do trillions of dollars of business every year they generate Revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers and you know for all of those who are are no of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we [Applause] are and I've met so many entrepreneurs across the country who take the incredible leap of faith that is required to start a small business folks who put their life savings on the line and work through the weekends and holidays cuz they aren't just building a business they're pursuing a dream they're building a better future for their employees and for the people they love in their communities and by extension they're building a stronger middle class and a stronger America for us [Applause] all and so all of this is why as president one of my highest priorities will be to strengthen America's small businesses and here I am in New Hampshire to announce a few elements of my plan to do that so first we're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground okay now I'm setting what some I'm sure are going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what I think we should admire ambition in each other so I want to see 25 million new small business applications by the end of my first term and to help achieve this we will lower the cost of starting a new business so here's the thing on average it costs about $40,000 to start a new business in America that is a great financial barrier for a lot of folks and it can hold entrepreneurs back and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you're going to do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 [Applause] it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business second my plan will help existing small businesses grow we will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want to expand and we will and this is very important cut the red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more difficult than it needs to be more difficult than it needs to be for example we will make it cheaper and easier for small businesses to file their taxes similar similar to how individuals can take a standard deduction you know I said to my team kind of like now I'm going to date myself again because they no longer do it but kind of like you remember the 1040 easy like that kind of idea right like let's just take away some of the bureaucracy in the process to make it easier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy third third my plan will invest in small businesses and innovators throughout America and here's why we know that Talent exists everywhere in our country from rural towns to City centers but but not everyone has access to the financing to venture capital or expert advice it's not that they don't have the skills it's not that they don't have the work ethic it's access to these resources so under my plan we will expand access to venture capital we will support Innovation hubs and business incubators and we will increase Federal contracts with small businesses [Applause] and we will have a particular focus on small businesses in rural communities like right here in New Hampshire finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their Fair share in [Applause] tax cuz here's the thing here's the thing it's just not right that those who can most afford it are often paying a lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurses and our firefighters it's just not right it's just not right so that's why I support a billionaire minimum tax and corporations paying their fair [Applause] share and while we ensure that the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share we will tax capital gains at a rate that rewards investment in America's innovators Founders and small businesses so here's the detail if you earn a million dollars a year or more the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28% under my plan because we know when the government encourages investment it leads to Broad based economic growth and it creates jobs which makes our economy stronger now compare that to what Donald Trump plans he intends to cut off Federal programs that give loans to small [Music] businesses he plans to give billionaires massive tax cuts and to cut corporate taxes by over a trillion dollars even as they pull in record profits his plans will add more than $5 trillion to the national debt and that is on top of the two trillion dollar tax cut he gave them when he was president and when he exploded the deficit we know how to count we know how to count and now he also wants to impose what in effect is a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities which will Skyrocket the cost for families and small businesses and New Hampshire on top of all of this if Donald Trump were to win in November he intends to end the Affordable Care Act which would significantly increase costs on small businesses as we know and well you know what the courts are going to handle that and we will handle November how about that how about that that's how we'll handle that how about that but think about it it wants to end the Affordable Care Act taking us back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions you remember what that was children with asthma breast cancer survivors grandparents or diabetes so yeah look we are here to tell him and them we are not going back we're not going back we're not going back we're not going back we not going back not no we are not and we will move forward because ours is a fight for the future and and it is a fight for freedom and it is a fight for Freedom now I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire the Live Free or Die State you know know the importance of individual freedoms fundamental freedoms you know how hard people fought for these freedoms and that they are foundational to who we are and what we stand for as America including the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do and understand how we got here understand how he got here and of course we're not going to fall for the gas lighting he's pushing right when he was president Donald Trump handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Ro v Wade and as he intended they did and now in more than 20 States in our nation there is a trump abortion B many with no exceptions even for rape and incest which is immoral immoral and let us agree and I know we do one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her body [Applause] and if he wins and if he wins you can be sure Donald Trump will go further and he will sign a National Abortion ban and and and you know project 2025 which I just I mean can you believe they put that thing in writing and under project 25 he would create a national anti-abortion coordinator which would force States I mean this is unbelievable right which would force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions you know what they are making really quite clear they just don't trust women they just don't trust women but we trust women we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into [Applause] law across our nation across our nation across our nation and I've been traveling for many many month well years actually and certainly months most recently across our nation I'm telling you we are witnessing a fullon attack on hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms and rights including the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from gun violence the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water the freedom to love who you love openly and with [Applause] pride and so here's what I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire because you know it so well as part of your DNA generations of Americans before us they fought for freedom and they led the fight for freedom in our country and now the Baton is in our hands the Baton is in our hands so let us understand which we do our purpose at this very moment let us remember the broad shoulders upon which we stand and the traditions of this very fight that have led to what we have been able to accomplish and let us understand then that when we say fight it is a fight for something not against something it is for [Applause] something that's what we're talking about when we talk about a new way forward this is for something and so as an example let us finally pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the freedom to vote act let us finally pass an assault weapons van and Universal background check and red flag laws because we are clear on that point it is a false choice to say you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone's guns away I'm in favor of the Second Amendment and I know we need reasonable gun safety laws in our [Applause] country and there's another point that I'd like to stress about this election in 24 this this is not 2016 or 2020 the stakes are even higher this time for a number of reasons but I'm going to mention one in particular what the Supreme Court recently did when they basically just told the former president that going forward he will effectively be immune no matter what he does in the White House but Donald Trump with no guard rails just imagine with no guard rails he has openly vowed to be a dictator on day one he has said he would end the independence of the Department of Justice the United States Department of Justice so he could have the unchecked power to seek Vengeance against people who disagree with him he even called for I'm going to quote now the termin of the Constitution of the United States of [Applause] [Music] America let us be very clear someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution of the United States of America should never again stand behind the Seal of the president of the United States never again so I'll end where I started when it comes down to it we are all here together because we love our country we love our country and we know the privilege the privilege and pride that comes with being an American and I do believe it it is one of the highest forms of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that is how we realize the promise of [Applause] America and so with that being said I ask New Hampshire are you ready to help have your voices heard do we believe in Freedom do we believe in Opportunity do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless the United States of America my goodness can we hear from Nicole and throwback [Applause] Brewing hi guys thank you thank you thank you wow thank you all thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it's so good to be back in New Hampshire thank you all thank you and Doug sends his love to everyone as well oh thank you everyone Nicole thank you you guys are just so extraordinary and I applaud the way you do the business that you do and the love that you do in giving Community I love our small business owners it is what you do I'm going to talk a bit about you in a minute but you are part of the fabric the essential fabric of a community that cares about one another thank you for everything thank you thank you and thank you to the outstanding Congressional Delegation Senator Shaheen Hassen representatives papis and kuster and all the leaders who are here today thank you all thank you all for for taking the time to be here this afternoon thank you everyone thank you [Applause] so before I begin I do want to say a few words about this tragic shooting that took place uh this morning in Winder Georgia um we're still gathering information about what happened but we know that there were multiple fatalities and injuries and um you know our hearts are with all the students the teachers and their families of course and we are grateful to the First Responders in the law enforcement that were on the scene but this is just a senseless tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we've got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all you know it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way so we will continue of course to to send our prayers and our thoughts to the families and all those who were affected including you know I I'm going off script right now but listen I mean you know at at the last year I um I started a college tour and um I I I traveled our country meeting with our young leaders right and so it was College age young leaders so I did trade schools colleges universities community colleges by the way I love gen Z I just love genen Z [Applause] right but I'll tell you one of the things one of the things I asked every time I went to the auditorium and it would be filled with these young leaders students and I'd ask them raise your hand if at any point between Kinder Garden in 12th grade you had to endure an active shooter drill and the for the for the young leaders who are here who are raising their hand I'm telling you every time the auditorium was packed and almost every hand went up you know a lot of us I'll speak about myself you know we had well I grew up in California earthquake drills we had fire drills but our kids are sitting in a classroom where they should be fulfilling their god-given potential and some part of their big beautiful brain is concerned about a shoot are busting through the door of the classroom it does not have to be this way it does not have to be this way and you know this is one of the many issues that's at stake in this election um so New Hampshire look we have 62 days to go 62 days to go and I'm going to tell you what you already know this race is going to be tight until the very end so please let's not pay too much attention to the polls because we are running as the underdog we know what they're capable of on the other side the only thing we can take for granted is the love that we as Americans have for each other knowing we have so much more in common than what separates [Applause] us and we've got some hard work ahead but we like hard work hard work is good work hard work can be joyful work and so we are up for the task and with your help we will win in November we will win in November and that in large part is because we know what we stand for and when you know what you stand for you know what to fight for [Applause] we love our country and we believe in the promise of America that's so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon we believe in the promise of America and that includes a topic we're going to discuss today which is what I call an opportunity economy building an opportunity economy and my vision of an opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed where everyone regardless of who they are where they start can build wealth including intergenerational wealth where workers are treated with dignity and everyone has the freedom to join a union if they choose where we remove barriers to Opportunities so anyone who wants to start a business can have access to the tools and the resources they need to do that I believe and I said it before tole I believe America's small businesses are an essential Foundation to our entire economy think about it think about it small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers half of all private sector workers own or run a small business or work for a small business they do trillions of dollars of business every year they generate Revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers and you know for all of those who are are no of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire local you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of Who We Are and I've met so many entrepreneurs across the country who take the incredible leap of faith that is required to start a small business folks who put their life savings on the line and work through the weekends and holidays cuz they aren't just building a business they're pursuing a dream they're building a better future for their employees and for the people they love in their communities and by extension they're building a stronger middle class and a stronger America for us [Applause] all and so all of this is why as president one of my highest priorities will be to strengthen America's small businesses and here I am in New Hampshire to announce a few elements of my plan to do that so first we're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground okay now I'm setting what some I'm sure are going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what I think we should admire ambition in each other so I want to see 25 million new small business applications by the end of my first term and to help achieve this we will lower the cost of starting a new business so here's the thing on average it costs about $40,000 to start a new business in America that is a great financial barrier for a lot of folks and it can hold entrepreneurs back and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $55,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you going to do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to [Applause] $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business second my plan will help existing small businesses grow we will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want to expand and we will and this is very important cut the red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more difficult than it needs to be more difficult than it needs to [Applause] be for example we will make it cheaper and easier for small businesses to file their taxes similar ilar similar to how individuals can take a standard deduction you know I said to my team kind of like now I'm going to date myself again because they no longer do it but kind of like you remember the 1040 easy like that kind of idea right like let's just take away some of the bureaucracy in the process to make it easier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy third third my plan will invest in small businesses and innovators throughout America and here's why we know that Talent exists everywhere in our country from rural towns to City centers but not everyone has access to the financing to venture capital or expert advice it's not that they don't have the skills it's not that they don't have the work ethic it's access to these resources so under my plan we will expand access to venture capital we will support Innovation hubs and business incubators and we will increase Federal contracts with small businesses and we will have a particular focus on small businesses in rural communities like right here in New Hampshire [Applause] finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in [Applause] tax cuz here's the thing here's the thing it's just not right that those who can most afford it are often paying a lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurses and our firefighters it's just not right it's just not right so that's why I support a [Applause] billionaire and while we ensure that the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share we will tax capital gains at a rate that rewards investment in America as innovators Founders and small businesses so here's the detail if you earn a million dollar a year or more the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28% under my plan because we know when the government encourages investment it leads to broad-based economic growth and it creates jobs which makes our economy stronger now compare that to what Donald Trump plans he intends to cut off Federal programs that give loans to small [Music] businesses he plans to give billionaires massive tax cuts and to cut corporate taxes by over a trillion dollars even as they pull in record profits his plans will add more than five trillion to the national debt and that is on top of the $2 trillion tax cut he gave them when he was president and when he exploded the deficit we know how to count we know how to count and now he also wants to impose what in effect is a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities which will Skyrocket the cost for families and small businesses and New Hampshire on top of all of this if Donald Trump were to win in November he intends to end the Affordable Care Act which would significantly increase costs on small businesses as we know and well you know what the courts are going to handle that and we will handle November how about that how about that That's How we'll handle that how about that but think about it it wants to end the Affordable Care Act taking us back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions you remember what that was children with asthma breast cancer survivors grandparents or diabetes so yeah look we are here to tell him and them we are not going back we're not going back we're not going back we not going no we are not and we will move forward because ours is a fight for the future and and it is a fight for freedom and it is a fight for Freedom now I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire the Live Free or Die State you know the importance of individual freedoms fundamental freedoms you know how hard people fought for these freedoms and that they are foundational to who we are and what we stand for as America including the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do and understand how we got here understand how we got here and of course we're not going to fall for the gas lighting he's pushing right when he was president Donald Trump handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Ro v Wade and as he intended they did and now in more than 20 States in our nation there is a trump abortion B many with no exceptions even for rape and inest which is immoral immoral and let us agree and I know we do one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her [Applause] body and if he wins and if he wins you can be sure Donald Trump will go further and he will sign a National Abortion ban and and and you know project 2025 which I just I mean can you believe they put that thing in writing and under project 2025 he would create a national anti-abortion coordinator which would force States I mean this is unbelievable right which would force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions you know what they are making really quite clear they just don't trust women they just don't trust women but we trust women we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law W across our nation across our nation across our nation and I've been traveling for many many mon well years actually and certainly months most recently across our nation I'm telling you we are witnessing a fullon attack on hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms and rights including the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from gun violence the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water the freedom to love who you love openly and with [Applause] pride and so here's what I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire because you know it so well it's part of your DNA generations of Americans before us they fought for freedom and they led the fight for freedom in our country and now the Baton is in our hands the Baton is in our hands so let us understand which we do our purpose at this very moment let us remember the broad shoulders upon which we stand and the traditions of this very fight that have led to what we have been able to accomplish and let us understand then that when we say fight it is a fight for something not against something it is for [Applause] something that's what we're talking about when we talk about a new way forward this is for something and so as an example let us finally pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the freedom to vote act let us finally pass an assault weapons ban and Universal background check and red flag laws because we are clear on that point it is a false choice to say you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone's guns away I'm in favor of the Second Amendment and I know we need reasonable gun safety laws in our country [Applause] and there's another point that I'd like to stress about this election in 24 this is not 2016 or 2020 the stakes are even higher this time for a number of reasons but I'm going to mention one in particular what the Supreme Court recently did when they basically just told the former president that going forward he will effectively be immune no matter what he does in the white house but let's take this seriously and understand what it means before at least there might have been the threat that there would be consequence and accountability with that ruling what this means is that almost explicitly he has been told no consequence and imagine just imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails just imagine with no guard rails he has openly vowed to be a dictator on day one he has said he would end the independence of the Department of Justice the United States Department of Justice so he could have the unchecked power to seek Vengeance against people who disagree with him he even called for I'm going to quote now the termination of the Constitution of the United States of [Applause] [Music] America let us be very clear someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution of the United States of America should never again stand behind the Seal of the president of the United States never again so I'll end where I started when it comes down to it we are all here together because we love our country we love our country and we know the privilege the privilege and pride that comes with being an American and I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that is how we realize the promise of [Applause] America right and so with that being said I ask New Hampshire are you ready to have your voices heard do we believe in Freedom do we believe in Opportunity do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless the United States of America my goodness can we hear for Nicole and throwback [Applause] Brewing hi guys thank you thank you thank you well thank you all thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it's so good to be back in New Hampshire thank you all thank you and Doug sends his love to everyone as well oh thank you everyone Nicole thank you you guys are just so extraordinary and I applaud the way you do the business that you do and the love that you do in giving Community I love our small business owners it is what you do I'm going to talk a bit about you in a minute but you are part of the fabric the essential fabric of a community that cares about another thank you for everything thank you thank you and thank you to the outstanding Congressional Delegation Senator Shaheen Hassen representatives papis and kuster and all the leaders who are here today thank you all thank you all for for taking the time to be here this afternoon thank you everyone thank you [Applause] so before I begin I do want to say a few words about this tragic shooting that took place uh this morning in Winder Georgia um we're still gathering information about what happened but we know that there were multiple fatalities and injuries and um you know our hearts are with all the students the teachers and their families of course and we are grateful to the First Responders in the law enforcement that were on the scene but this is just a senseless tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we've got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all you know it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way so we will continue of course to to send our prayers and our thoughts to the families and all those who were affected including you know I I'm going off script right now but listen I mean you know at at the last year I um I started a college tour and um I I I traveled country meeting with our young leaders right and so it was College age young leaders so I did trade schools colleges universities community colleges by the way I love Jen Z I just love Jen Z [Applause] right but I'll tell you one of the things one of the things I asked every time I went to the auditorium and it would be filled with these young leaders students and I'd ask them raise your hand if at any point between kindergarten and 12th grade you had to endure an active shooter drill and the for the for the young leaders who are here who are raising their hand I'm telling you every time the auditorium was packed and almost every hand went up you know a lot of us I'll I'll speak about myself you know we had well I grew up in California earthquake drills we had fire drills but our kids are sitting in a classroom where they should be fulfilling their god-given potential and some part of their big beautiful brain is concerned about a shooter busting through the door of the classroom it does not have to be this way it does not have to be this way and you know this is one of the many issues that's at stake in this election um so New Hampshire we have 62 days to go 62 days to go and I'm going to tell you what you already know this race is going to be tight until the very end so please let's not pay too much attention to the polls because we are running as the underdog we know what they're capable of on the other side the only thing we can take for granted is the love that we as Americans have for each other knowing we have so much more in common than what separates us and we've got some hard work ahead but we like hard work hard work is good work hard work can be joyful work and so we are up for the task and with your help we will win in November we will win in November and that in large part is because we know what we stand for and when you know what you stand for you know what to fight for we love our country and we believe in the promise of America that's so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon we believe in the promise of America and that includes a topic we're going to discuss today which is what I call an opportunity economy building an opportunity economy [Applause] and my vision of an opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed where everyone regardless of who they are where they start can build wealth including intergenerational wealth where workers are treated with dignity and everyone has the freedom to join a union if they choose where we remove barriers to Opportunities so so anyone who wants to start a business can have access to the tools and the resources they need to do that I believe and I said it before to Nicole I believe America's small businesses are an essential Foundation to our entire economy think about it think about it small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers half of all private sector workers own or run a small business or work for a small business they do trillions of dollars of business every year they generate Revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers and you know for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of Who We Are and I've met so many entrepreneurs across the country who take the incredible leap of faith that is required to start a small business folks who put their life savings on the line and work through the weekends and holidays CU they aren't just building a business they're pursuing a dream they're building a better future for their employees and for the people they love in their communities and by extension they're building a stronger middle class and a stronger America for us [Applause] all and so all of this is why as president one of my highest priorities will be to strengthen America's small businesses and here I am in New Hampshire to announce a few elements of my plan to do that so first we're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground okay now I'm setting what some I'm sure are going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what I think we should admire ambition in each other so I want to see 25 million new small business applications by the end of my first term and to help achieve this we will lower the cost of starting a new business so here's the thing on average it costs about $40,000 to start a new business in America that is a great financial barrier for a lot of folks and it can hold entrepreneurs back and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you going to do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to [Applause] $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business second my plan will help exist in small businesses grow we will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want to expand and we will and this is very important cut the red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more difficult than it needs to be more difficult than it needs to be for example we will make it cheaper and easier for small businesses to file their taxes similar similar to how individuals can take a standard deduction you know I said to my team kind of like now I'm going to date myself again because they no longer do it but kind of like you remember the 1040 easy like that kind of idea right like let's just take away some of the bureaucracy in the process to make it easier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy third third my plan will invest in small businesses and innovators throughout America and here's why we know that Talent exists everywhere in our country from rural towns to City centers but not everyone has access to the financing to venture capital or expert advice it's not that they don't have the skills it's not that they don't have the work ethic it's access to these resources so under my plan we will expand access to venture capital we will support Innovation hubs and business incubators and we will increase Federal contracts with small businesses and we will have a particular focus on small businesses in rural communities like right here in New Hampshire finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in [Applause] taxes cuz here's the thing here's the thing it's just not right that those those who can most afford it are often paying a lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurses and our firefighters it's just not right it's just not right so that's why I support a billionaire minimum tax and corporations paying their fair [Applause] share and while we ensure that the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share we will tax capital gains at a rate that rewards investment in America's innovators Founders and small businesses so here's the detail if you earn a million dollars a year or more the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28% under my plan because we know when the government encourages investment it leads to broad-based economic growth and it creates jobs which makes our economy stronger now compare that to what Donald Trump plans he intends to cut off Federal programs that give loans to small [Music] businesses he plans to give billionaires massive tax cuts and to cut corporate taxes by over a trillion dollars even even as they pull in record profits his plans will add more than $5 trillion to the national debt and that is on top of the $2 trillion tax cut he gave them when he was president and when he exploded the deficit we know how to count we know how to count and now he also wants to impose what in effect is a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities which will Skyrocket the cost for families and small businesses and New Hampshire on top of all of this if Donald Trump were to win in November he intends to end the Affordable Care Act which would significantly increase costs on small businesses as we know and well you know what the courts are going to handle that and we will handle November how about that how about that that's how we'll handle that how about that but think about it it wants to end the Affordable Care Act taking us back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions you remember what that was children with asthma breast cancer survivors grandparents with diabetes so yeah look we are here to tell him and them we are not going back we're not going back not back we're not going back we're not no we are not and we will move forward because ours is a fight for the future and and it is a fight for freedom and it is a fight for Freedom now I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire the Live Free or Die State you know the importance of individual freedoms fundamental freedoms you know how hard people fought for these freedoms and that they are foundational to who we are and what we stand for for as America including the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do and understand how we got here understand how we got here and of course we're not going to fall for the gas lighting he's pushing right when he was president Donald Trump handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Ro v Wade and as he intended they did and now in more than 20 States in our nation there is a trump abortion B many with no exceptions even for rape and incest which is immoral immoral and let us agree and I know we do one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her [Applause] body and if he wins and if he wins you can be sure Donald Trump will go further and he will sign a National Abortion ban and and and you know project 2025 which I just I mean can you believe they put that thing in writing and under project 2025 he would create a national anti-abortion coordinator which would force States I mean this is unbelievable right which would force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions you know what they are making really quite clear they just don't trust women they just don't trust women but we trust women we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law [Music] across our nation across our nation across our nation and I've been traveling for many many well years actually and certainly months most recently across our nation I'm telling you we are witnessing a fullon attack on hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms and rights including the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from gun violence the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water the freedom to love who you love openly and with pride [Applause] [Music] and so here's what I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire because you know it so well as part of your DNA generations of Americans before us they fought for freedom and they led the fight for freedom in our country and now the Baton is in our hands the Baton is in our hands so let us understand which we do our purpose at this very moment let us remember the broad shoulders upon which we stand and the traditions of this very fight that have led to what we have been able to accomplish and let us understand then that when we say fight it is a fight for something not against something it is for [Applause] something that's what we're talking about when we talk about a new way forward this is for something and so as an example let us finally pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the freedom to vote act let us finally pass an assault weapons B and Universal background check and red flag laws because we are clear on that point it is a false choice to say you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take take everyone's guns away I'm in favor of the Second Amendment and I know we need reasonable gun safety laws in our [Applause] country and there's another point that I'd like to stress about this election in 24 this is not 2016 or 2020 the stakes are even higher this time for a number of reasons but I'm going to mention one in particular particular what the Supreme Court recently did when they basically just told the former president that going forward he will effectively be immune no matter what he does in the white house but let's take this seriously and understand what it means before at least there might have been the threat that there would be consequence and accountability with that ruling what this means is that almost explicitly he has been told no consequence and imagine just imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails just imagine with no guard rails he has openly vowed to be a dictator on day one he has said he would end the independence of the Department of Justice the United States Department of Justice so he could have the un checked power to seek Vengeance against people who disagree with him he even called for I'm going to quote now the termination of the Constitution of the United States of [Applause] [Music] America let us be very clear someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution of the United States of America should never again stand behind the scen of the president of the United States never again so I'll end where I started when it comes down to it we are all here together because we love our country we love our country and we know the privilege the privilege and pride that comes with being an American and I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that is how we realize the promise of [Applause] America us us USA USA USA and so with that being said I ask New Hampshire are you ready to have your voices heard do we believe in Freedom do we believe in Opportunity do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless the United States of America my goodness can we hear from Nicole and throwback [Applause] Brey hi guys thank you thank you thank you w thank you all thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it's so good to be back in New Hampshire thank you all thank you and Doug sends his love to everyone as well oh thank you everyone Nicole thank you you guys are just so extraordinary and I applaud the way you do the business that you do and the love that you do in giving Community I love our small business owners it is what you do I'm going to talk a bit about you a minute but you are part of the fabric the essential fabric of a community that cares about one another thank you for everything thank you thank you and thank you to the outstanding Congressional Delegation Senator Shaheen Hassen representatives papis and kuster and all the leaders who are here today thank you all thank you all for for taking the time to be here this afternoon thank you everyone thank [Applause] you so before I begin I do want to say a few words about this tragic shooting that took place uh this morning in Winder Georgia um we're still gathering information about what happened but we know that there were multiple fatalities and injuries and um you know our hearts are with all the students the teachers and their families of course and we are grateful to the First Responders in the law enforcement that we on the scene but this is just a senseless tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we've got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all you know it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way so we will continue of course to to send our prayers and our thoughts to the families and all those who were affected including you know I I'm going off script right now but listen I mean you know at at the last last year I um I started a college tour and um I I I traveled our country meeting with our young leaders right and so it was College age young leaders so I did trade schools colleges universities community colleges by the way I love gen Z I just love jenz [Applause] right but I'll tell you one of the things one of the things I asked every time I went to the auditorium and it would be filled with these young leaders students and I'd ask asked them raise your hand if at any point between kindergarten and 12th grade you had to endure an active shooter drill and the for the for the young leaders who are here who are raising their hand I'm telling you every time the auditorium was packed and almost every hand went up you know a lot of us I'll speak about myself you know we had well I grew up in California earthquake drills we had fire drills but our kids are sitting in a classroom where they should be fulfilling their god-given potential and some part of their big beautiful brain is concerned about a shooter busting through the door of the classroom it does not have to be this way it does not have to be this way and you know this is one of the many issues that's at stake in this election um so New Hampshire look we have 62 days to go 62 days to go and I'm going to tell you what you already know this race is going to be tight until the very end so please let's not pay too much attention to the polls because we are running as the underdog we know what they're capable of on the other side the only thing we can take for granted is the love that we as Americans have for each other knowing we have so much more more in common than what separates us and we've got some hard work ahead but we like hard work hard work is good work hard work can be joyful work and so we are up for the task and with your help we will win in November we will win in November and that in large part is because we know what we stand for and when you know what you stand for you know what to fight for we love our country and we believe in the promise of America that's so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon we believe in the promise of America and that includes a topic we're going to discuss today which is what I call an opportunity economy building an opportunity economy and my vision of an opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed where everyone regardless of who they are where they start can build wealth including intergenerational wealth where workers are treated with dignity and everyone has the freedom to join a union if they choose where we remove barriers to opportuni so anyone who wants to start a business can have access to the tools and the resources they need to do that I believe and I said it before to Nicole I believe America's small businesses are an essential Foundation to our entire economy think about it think about it small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers half of all private sector workers own or run a small business or work for a small business they do trillions of dollars of business every year they generate Revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers and you know for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we [Applause] are and I've met so many entrepreneurs across the country who take the incredible leap of faith that is required to start a small business folks who put their life savings on the line and work through the weekends and holidays because they aren't just building a business they're pursuing a dream they're building a better future for their employees and for the people they love in their communities and by extension they're building a stronger middle class and a stronger America for us [Applause] all and so all of this is why as president one of my highest priorities will be to strengthen America's small businesses and here I am in New Hampshire to announce a few elements of my plan to do that so first we're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground okay now I'm setting what some I'm sure are going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what I think we should admire ambition in each other so I want want to see 25 million new small business applications by the end of my first term and to help achieve this we will lower the cost of starting a new business so here's the thing on average it costs about $40,000 to start a new business in America that is a great financial barrier for a lot of folks and it can hold entrepreneurs back and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you going to do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to [Applause] $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business second my plan will help existing small businesses grow we will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want to expand and we will and this is very important cut the red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more difficult than it needs to be more difficult than it needs to be for example we will make it cheaper and easier for small businesses to file their taxes similar similar to how individuals can take a standard deduction you know I said to my team kind of like now I'm going to date myself again because they no longer do it but kind of like you remember the 1040 easy like that kind of idea right like let's just take away some of the bureaucracy in the process to make it easier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy third third my plan will invest in small businesses and innovators throughout America and here's why we know that Talent exists everywhere in our country from rural towns to City centers but not everyone has access to the financing to venture capital or expert advice it's not that they don't have the skills it's not that they don't have the work ethic it's access to these resources so under my plan we will expand access to venture capital we will support Innovation hubs and business incubators and we will increase Federal contracts with small businesses and we will have a particular focus on small businesses in rural communities like right here in New [Applause] Hampshire finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in tax [Applause] cuz here's the thing here's the thing it's just not right that those who can most afford it are often paying a lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurses and our firefighters it's just not right it's just not right so that's why I support a billionaire minimum tax and corporations paying their fair share [Applause] and while we ensure that the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share we will tax capital gains at a rate that rewards investment in America's innovators Founders and small businesses so here's the detail if you earn a million dollars a year or more the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28% under my plan because we know when the government encourages investment it leads to broad-based economic growth and it creates jobs which makes our economy stronger now compare that to what Donald Trump plans he intends to cut off Federal programs that give loans to small [Music] businesses he plans to give bill millionaires massive tax cuts and to cut corporate taxes by over a trillion dollars even as they pull in record profits his plans will add more than $5 trillion to the national debt and that is on top of the $2 trillion tax cut he gave them when he was president and when he exploded the deficit we know how to count we know how to account and now he also wants to impose what in effect is a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities which will Skyrocket the cost for families and small businesses and New Hampshire on top of all of this if Donald Trump were to win in November he intends to end the Affordable Care Act which would significantly increase cost on small businesses as we know and well you know what the courts are going to handle that and we will handle November how about that how about that that's how we handle that how about that but think about it it wants to end the Affordable Care Act taking us back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions you remember what what that was children with asthma breast cancer survivors grandparents with diabetes so yeah look we are here to tell him and them we are not going back we're not going back we're not going back we're not going back no we are not and we will move forward because ours is a fight for the future and and it is a fight for freedom and it is a fight for Freedom now I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire the Live Free or Die State you know the importance of individual freedoms fundamental freedoms you know how hard people fought for these freedoms and that they are foundational to who we are and what we stand for as America including the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do and understand how we got here understand how we got here and of course we're not going to fall for the gas lighting he's pushing right when he was president Donald Trump handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Ro v Wade and as he intended they did and now in more than 20 States in our nation there is a trump abortion ban many with no exceptions even for rape and incest which is immoral immoral and let us agree and I know we do one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her body [Applause] and if he wins and if he wins you can be sure Donald Trump will go further and he will sign a National Abortion ban and and and you know project 2025 which I just I mean can you believe they put that thing in writing and under project 2025 he would create a national anti-abortion Court ordinator which would force States I mean this is unbelievable right which would force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions you know what they are making really quite clear they just don't trust women they just don't trust women but we trust women we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reprodu the freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into [Applause] law across our nation across our nation across our nation and I've been traveling for many many well years actually and certainly months most recently across our nation I'm telling you we are witnessing a full-on attack on hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms and rights including the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from gun violence the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water the freedom to love who you love openly and with pride [Applause] [Music] and so here's what I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire because you know it so well it's part of your DNA generations of Americans before us they fought for freedom and they led the fight for freedom in our country and now the Baton is in our hands the Baton is in our hands so let us understand which we do our purpose at this very moment let us remember the broad shoulders upon which we stand and the traditions of this very fight that have led to what we have been able to accomplish and let us understand then that when we say fight it is a fight for something not against something it is for [Applause] something that's what we're talking about when we talk about a new way forward this is for something and so as an example let us finally pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the freedom to vote act let us finally pass an assault weapons ban and Universal background check and red flag laws because we are are clear on that point it is a false choice to say you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone's guns away I'm in favor of the Second Amendment and I know we need reasonable gun safety laws in our [Applause] country and there's another point that I'd like to stress about this election in 24 this is not 2016 or 2020 the stakes are even higher this time for a number of reasons but I'm going to mention one in particular what the Supreme Court recently did when they basically just told the former president that going forward he will effectively be immune no matter what he does in the white house but let's take this seriously and understand understand what it means before at least there might have been the threat that there would be consequence and accountability with that ruling what this means is that almost explicitly he has been told no consequence and imagine just imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails just imagine with no guard rails he is openly vowed to be a dictator on day one he has said he would end the indep dependence of the Department of Justice the United States Department of Justice so he could have the unchecked power to seek Vengeance against people who disagree with him he even called for I'm going to quote now the termination of the Constitution of the United States of [Applause] [Music] America let us be very clear someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution of the United States of America should never again stand behind the Seal of the president of the United States never again so I'll end where I started when it comes down to it we are all here together because we love our country we love our country and we know the privilege the privilege and pride that comes with being an American and I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that is how we realize the promise of America [Applause] USAA and so with that being said I ask New Hampshire are you ready to have your voices heard do we believe in Freedom do we believe in Opportunity do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless the United States of America my goodness can we hear for Nicole and throwback [Applause] Brewing hi guys thank you thank you thank you well thank you all thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it's so good to be back in New Hampshire thank you all thank you and Doug sends his love to everyone as well oh thank you everyone Nicole thank you you guys are just so extraordinary and I applaud the way you do the business that you do and the love that you do in giving Community I love our small business owners it is what you do I'm going to talk a bit about you in a minute but you are part of the fabric the essential fabric of a community that cares about one another thank you for everything thank you thank you and thank you to the outstanding Congressional Delegation Senator Shaheen Hass representatives papis and cust and all the leaders who are here today thank you all thank you all for for taking the time to be here this afternoon thank you everyone thank [Applause] you so before I begin I do want to say a few words about this tragic shooting that took place uh this morning in Winder Georgia um we're still gathering information about what happened but we know that there were multiple fatalities and injuries and um you know our hearts are with all the students the teachers and their families of course and we are grateful to the First Responders in the law enforcement that were on the scene but this is just a senseless tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we've got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all you know it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way so we will continue of course to to send our prayers and our thoughts to the families and all those who were affected including you know I I'm going off script right now but listen I mean you know at at the last year I um I started a college tour and um I I I traveled our country meeting with our young leaders right and so it was College age young leaders so I did trade schools colleges universities community colleges by the way I love Jen Z I just love Jen Z [Applause] right but I'll tell you one of the things one of the things I asked every time I went to the auditorium and it would be filled with these young leaders students and I'd ask them raise your hand if at any point between kindergarten and 12th grade you had to endure an active shooter drill and the for the for the young leaders who are here who are raising their hand I'm telling you every time the auditorium was packed and almost every hand went up you know a lot of us I'll speak about myself you know we had well I grew up in California earthquake drills we had fire drills but our kids are sitting in a classroom where they should be fulfilling their god-given potential and some part of their big beautiful brain is concerned about a shooter busting through the door of the classroom it does not have to be this way it does not have to be this way and you know this is one of the many issues that's at stake in this election um so New Hampshire look we have 62 days to go 62 days to go and I'm going to tell you what you already know this race is going to be tight until the very end so please let's not pay too much attention to the polls because we are running as the underdog we know what they're capable of on the other side the only thing we we can take for granted is the love that we as Americans have for each other knowing we have so much more in common than what separates [Applause] us and we've got some hard work ahead but we like hard work hard work is good work hard work can be joyful work and so we are up for the task and with your help we will win in November we will win in November and that in large part is because we know what we stand for and when you know what you stand for you know what to fight for we love our country and we believe in the promise of America that's so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon we believe in the promise of America and that includes a topic we're going to discuss today which is what I call an opportunity economy building an opportunity economy and my vision of an opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed where everyone regardless of who they are where they start can build wealth including intergen generational wealth where workers are treated with dignity and everyone has the freedom to join a union if they choose where we remove barriers to Opportunities so anyone who wants to start a business can have access to the tools and the resources they need to do that I believe and I said it before to Nicole I believe America's small businesses are an essential Foundation to our entire economy think about it think about it small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers half of all private sector workers own or run a small business or work for a small business they do trillions of dollars of business every year they generate Revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers and you know for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regular are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we [Applause] are and I've met so many entrepreneurs across the country who take the incredible leap of faith that is required to start a small business folks who put their life savings on the line and work through the weekends and holidays cuz they aren't just building a business they're pursuing a dream they're building a better future for their employees and for the people they love in their communities and by extension they're building a stronger middle class and a stronger America for us [Applause] all and so all of this is why as president one of my my highest priorities will be to strengthen America's small businesses and here I am in New Hampshire to announce a few elements of my plan to do that so first we're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground okay now I'm setting what some I'm sure are going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what I think we should admire ambition and each other so I want to see 25 million new small business applications by the end of my first term and to help achieve this we will lower the cost of starting a new business so here's the thing on average it costs about $40,000 to start a new business in a America that is a great financial barrier for a lot of folks and it can hold entrepreneurs back and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you going to do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 [Applause] it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business second my plan will help existing small businesses grow we will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want to expand and we will and this is very important cut the red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more more difficult than it needs to be more difficult than it needs to be for example we will make it cheaper and easier for small businesses to file their taxes similar similar to how individuals can take a standard deduction you know I said to my team kind of like now I'm going to date myself again cuz they no longer do it but kind of like you remember the 1040 easy like that kind of idea right like let's just take away some of the bureaucracy in the process to make it easier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy third third my plan will invest in small businesses and innovators throughout America and here's why we know that Talent exists everywhere in our country from rural towns to City centers but not everyone has access to the financing to venture capital or expert advice it's not that they don't have the skills it's not that they don't have the work ethic it's access to these resources so under my plan we will expand access to venture capital we will support Innovation hubs and business incubators and we will increase Federal contracts with small businesses and we will have a particular focus on small businesses in rural communities like right here in New [Applause] Hampshire finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in [Applause] taxes cuz here's the thing here's the thing it's just not right that those who can most afford it are often paying a lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurses and our firefighters it's just not right it's just not right so that's why I support a billionaire minimum tax ta and corporations paying their fair [Applause] share and while we ensure that the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share we will tax capital gains at a rate that rewards investment in America's innovators Founders and small businesses so here's the detail if you earn a million dollars a year or more the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28% under my plan because we know when the government encourages investment it leads to broad-based economic growth and it creates jobs which makes our economy stronger now compare that to what Donald Trump plans he intends to cut off Federal programs that give loans to small [Music] businesses he plans to give billionaires massive tax cuts and to cut corporate taxes by over a trillion dollars even as they pull in record profits his plans will add more than $5 trillion to the national debt and that is on top of the $2 trillion tax cut he gave them when he was president and when he exploded the deficit we know how to count we know how to count and now he also wants to impose what in effect is a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities which will Skyrocket the cost for families and small businesses and New Hampshire on top of all of this if Donald Trump were to win in November he intends to end the afford able Care Act which would significantly increase costs on small businesses as we know and well you know what the courts are going to handle that and we will handle November how about that how about that that's how we'll handle that how about that but think about it it wants to end the Affordable Care Act taking us back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions you remember what that was children with asthma breast cancer survivors grandparents with diabetes so yeah look we are here to tell him and them we are not going back we're not going back we're not going back we're not going back no we are not and we will move forward because ours is a fight for the future and and it is a fight for freedom and it is a fight for Freedom now I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire the Live Free or Die state [Applause] you know the importance of individual freedoms fundamental freedoms you know how hard people fought for these freedoms and that they are foundational to who we are and what we stand for as America including the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do and understand how we got here understand how we got here and of course we're not going to fall for the gas lighting he's pushing right when he was president Donald Trump handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Ro v Wade and as he intended they did and now in more than 20 States in our nation there is a trump abortion van many with no exceptions even for rape and incest which is immoral immoral and let us agree and I know we do one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her body [Applause] and if he wins and if he wins you can be sure Donald Trump will go further and he will sign a National Abortion ban and and and you know project 2025 which I just I mean can you believe they put that thing in writing and under project 2025 he would create a national anti-abortion coordinator which would force States I mean this is unbelievable right which would force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions you know what they are making really quite clear they just don't trust women they just don't trust women but we trust women we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into [Applause] law across our nation across our nation across our nation and I've been traveling for many many well years actually and certainly months most recently across our nation I'm telling you we are witnessing a fullon attack on hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms and rights including the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from gun violence the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water the freedom to love who you love openly and with [Applause] pride and so here's what I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire because you know it so well as part of your DNA generations of Americans before us they fought for freedom and they led the fight for freedom in our country and now the Baton is in our hands the Baton is in our hands so let us understand which we do our purpose at this very moment let us remember the broad shoulders upon which we stand and the traditions of this very fight that have led to what we have been able to accomplish and let us understand that then that when we say fight it is a fight for something not against something it is for [Applause] something that's what we're talking about when we talk about a new way forward this is for something and so as an example let us finally pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the freedom to vote act let us finally pass an assault weapons ban and Universal background check and red flag laws because we are clear on that point it is a false choice to say you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone's guns away I'm in favor of the Second Amendment and I know we need reasonable gun safety laws in our [Applause] country and there's another point that I'd like to stress about this election in 24 this is not 2016 or 2020 the stakes are even higher this time for a number of reasons but I'm going to mention one in particular what the Supreme Court recently did when they basically just told the former president that going forward he will effectively be immune no matter what he does in the white house but let's take this seriously and understand what it means before at least there might have been the threat that there would be consequence and accountability with that ruling what this means is that almost explicitly he has been told no consequence and imagine just imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails just imagine with no guard rail he has openly vowed to be a dictator on day one he has said he would end the independence of the Department of Justice the United States Department of Justice so he could have the unchecked power to seek Vengeance against people who disagree with him he even called for I'm going to quote now the termination of the Constitution of the United States of [Applause] [Music] America let us be very clear someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution of the United States of America should never again stand behind the Seal of the president of the United States never again so I'll and where I started when it comes down to it we are all here together because we love our country we love our country and we know the privilege the privilege and pride that comes with being an American and I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that is how we realize the promise of [Applause] America and so with that being said I ask New Hampshire are you ready to have your voices heard do we believe in Freedom do we believe in opportunity do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless the United States of America my goodness can we hear from Nicole and throwback Brewing [Applause] hi guys thank you thank you thank you wow thank you all thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it's so good to be back in New Hampshire thank you all thank you and Doug sends his love to everyone as well oh thank you everyone Nicole thank thank you you guys are just so extraordinary and I applaud the way you do the business that you do and the love that you do in giving Community I love our small business owners it is what you do I'm going to talk a bit about you in a minute but you are part of the fabric the essential fabric of a community that cares about one another thank you for everything thank you thank you and thank you to the outstanding Congressional Delegation senators Heen hen representatives papis and kuster and all the leaders who are here today thank you all thank you all for for taking the time to be here this afternoon thank you everyone thank [Applause] you so before I begin I do want to say a few words about this tragic shooting that took place uh this morning in Winder Georgia um we're still gathering information about what happened but we know that there were multiple fatalities and injuries and um you know our hearts are with all the students the teachers and their families of course and we are grateful to the First Responders in the law enforcement that were on the scene but this is just a senseless tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we've got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all you know it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way so we will continue of course to to send our prayers and our thoughts to the families and all those who were affected including you know I I'm going off script right now but listen I mean you know at at the last year I um I started a college tour and um I I I traveled our country meeting with our young leaders right and so it was College age young leaders so I did trade schools colleges universities community colleges by the way I love Jen Z I just love Jen ZZ [Applause] right but I'll tell you one of the things one of the things I asked every time I went to the auditorium and it would be filled with these young leaders students and I'd ask them raise your hand if at any point between kindergarten and 12th grade you had to endure an active shooter drill and the for the for the young leaders who are here who are raising their hand I'm telling you every time the auditorium was packed and almost every hand went up you know a lot of us I'll speak about myself you know we had well I grew up in California earthquake drills we had fire drills but our kids are sitting in a classroom where they should be fulfilling their god-given potential and some part of their big beautiful brain is concerned about a shooter busting through the door of the classroom it does not have to be this way it does not have to be this way and you know this is one of the many issues that's at stake in this election um so New Hampshire look we have 62 days to go 62 days to go and I'm going to tell you what you already know this race is going to be tight until the very end so please let's not pay too much attention to the polls because we are running as the under dog we know what they're capable of on the other side the only thing we can take for granted is the love that we as Americans have for each other knowing we have so much more in common than what separates [Applause] us and we've got some hard work ahead but we like hard work hard work is good work hard work can be joyful work and so we are up for the task and with your help we will win in November we will win in November and that in large part is because we know what we stand for and when you know what you stand for you know what to fight for we love our country and we believe in the promise of America that's so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon we believe in the promise of America and that includes a topic we're going to discuss today which is what I call an opportunity economy building an opportunity economy and my vision of an opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed where everyone regardless of who they are where they start can build wealth including intergenerational wealth where workers are treated with dignity and everyone has the freedom to join a union if they choose where we remove barriers to Opportunities so anyone who wants to start a business can have access to the tools and the resources they need to do that I believe and I said it for Nicole I believe America's small businesses are an essential Foundation to our entire economy think about it think about it small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers half of all private sector workers own or run a small business or work for a small business they do trillions of dollars of business every year they generate Revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers and you know for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we [Applause] are and I've met so many entrepreneurs across the country who take the incredible leap of faith that is required to start a small business folks who put their life savings on the line and work through the weekends and holidays cuz they aren't just building a business they're pursuing a dream they're building a better future for their employees and for the people they love in their communities and by extension they're building a stronger middle class and a stronger America for us all [Applause] and so all of this is why as president one of my highest priorities will be to strengthen America's small businesses and here I am in New Hampshire to announce a few elements of my plan to do that so first we're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground round okay now I'm setting what some I'm sure are going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what I think we should admire ambition and each other so I want to see 25 million new small business applications by the end of my first term and to help achieve this we will lower the cost of starting a new business so here's the thing on average it costs about $40,000 to start a new business in America that is a great financial barrier for a lot of folks and it can hold entrepreneurs back and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you're going to do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to [Applause] $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business second my plan will help existing small businesses grow we will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want to expand and we will and this is very very important cut the red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more difficult than it needs to be more difficult than it needs to [Applause] be for example we will make it cheaper and easier for small businesses to file their taxes similar similar to how individuals can take a standard deduction you know I said to my team kind of like a now I'm going to date myself again cuz they no longer do it but kind of like you remember the 1040 e like that kind of idea right like let's just take away some of the bureaucracy in the process to make it easier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy third third my plan will invest in small businesses and innovators throughout America and here's why we know that Talent exists everywhere in our country from rural towns to City centers but not everyone has access to the financing to venture capital or expert advice it's not that they don't have the skills it's not that they don't have the work ethic it's access to these resources so under my plan we will expand access to venture capital we will support Innovation hubs and business incubators and we will increase Federal contracts with small businesses and we will have a particular focus on small businesses in rural communities like right here in New Hampshire finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also priori iing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in [Applause] tax cuz here's the thing here's the thing it's just not right that those who can most afford it are often paying a lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurses and our firefighters it's just not right it's just not right so that's why I support a billionaire minimum tax and corporations paying their fair [Applause] share and while we ensure that the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share we will tax capital gains at a rate that rewards investment in America's innovators Founders and small businesses so here's the detail if you earn a million dollars a year or more the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28% under my plan because we know when the government encourages investment it leads to broad-based economic growth and it creates jobs which makes our economy stronger now compare that to what Donald Trump plans he intends to cut off Federal programs that give loans to small [Music] businesses he plans to give billionaires massive tax cuts and to cut corporate taxes by over a trillion dollars even as they pull in record profits his plans will add more than $5 trillion to the national debt and that is on top of the $2 trillion tax cut he gave them when he was president and when he exploded the deficit we know how to count we know how to count and now he also wants to impose what in effect is a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities which will Skyrocket the cost for families and small businesses and new hampsh I'm sure on top of all of this if Donald Trump were to win in November he intends to end the Affordable Care Act which would significantly increase costs on small businesses as we know and well you know what the courts are going to handle that and we will handle November how about that how about that that's how we'll handle that about that but think about it it wants to end the Affordable Care Act taking us back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions you remember what that was children with asthma breast cancer survivors grandparents or diabetes so yeah look we are here to tell him and them we are not going back we're not going [Applause] back we're not going back we're not going back not no we are not and we will move forward because ours is a fight for the future and and it is a fight for freedom and it is a fight for freedom now I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire the Live Free or Die State you know the importance of individual freedoms fundamental freedoms you know how hard people fought for these freedoms and that they are foundational to who we are and what we stand for as America including the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do and understand how we got here understand how we got here and of course we're not going to fall for the gas lighting he's pushing right when he was president Donald Trump handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Ro v Wade and as he intended they did did and now in more than 20 States in our nation there is a trump abortion van many with no exceptions even for rape and incest which is immoral immoral and let us agree and I know we do one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her [Applause] body and if he wins and if he wins you can be sure Donald Trump will go further and he will sign a National Abortion ban and and and you know project 2025 which I just I mean can you believe they put that thing in writing and under project 2025 he would create a national anti-abortion coordinator which would force States I mean this is unbelievable right which would force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions you know what they are making really quite clear they just don't trust women they just don't trust women but we trust women we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into [Applause] law across our nation across our nation across our nation and I've been traveling for many many month well years actually and certainly months most recently across our nation I'm telling you we are witnessing a fullon attack on hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms and rights including the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from gun violence the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water the freedom to love who you love openly and with [Applause] pride and so here's what I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire because you know it so well as part of your DNA generations of Americans before us they fought for freedom and they led the fight for freedom in our country and now the Baton is in our hands the Baton is in our hands so let us understand which we do our purpose at this very moment let us remember the broad shoulders upon which we stand and the traditions of this very fight that have led to what we have been able to accomplish and let us understand then that when we say fight it is a fight for something not against something it is for [Applause] something that's what we're talking about when we talk about a new way forward this is for something and so as an example let us finally pass the John LS Voting Rights Act and the freedom to vote act let us finally pass an assault weapons ban and Universal background check and red flag laws because we are clear on that point it is a false choice to say you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone's guns away I'm in favor of the Second Amendment and I know we need reasonable gun safety laws in our country [Applause] and there's another point that I'd like to stress about this election in 24 this is not 2016 or 2020 the stakes are even higher this time for a number of reasons but I'm going to mention one in particular what the Supreme Court recently did when they basically just told the former president that going for forward he will effectively be immune no matter what he does in the white house but let's take this seriously and understand what it means before at least there might have been the threat that there would be consequence and accountability with that ruling what this means is that almost explicitly he has been told no consequence and imagine just imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails just imagine with no guard rails he has openly vowed to be a dictator on day one he has said he would end the independence of the Department of Justice the United States Department of Justice so he could have the unchecked power to seek Vengeance against people who disagree with him he even called for I'm going to quote now the termination of the Constitution of the United States of [Applause] [Music] America let us be very clear someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution of the United States of America should never again stand behind the Seal of the president of the United States never again so I'll end where I started when it comes down to it we are all here together because we love our country we love our country and we know the privilege the privilege and pride that comes with being an American and I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that is how we realize the promise of [Applause] America and so with that being said I ask New Hampshire are you ready to have your voices heard word do we believe in Freedom do we believe in Opportunity do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless the United States there my goodness can we hear for Nicole and throwback Brewing [Applause] hi guys thank you thank you thank you w thank you all thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it's so good to be back in New Hampshire thank you all thank you and Doug sends his love to everyone as well oh thank you everyone Nicole thank you you guys are just so extraordinary and I applaud the way you do the business that you do and the love that you do in giving Community I love our small business owners it is what you do I'm going to talk a bit about you in a minute but you are part of the fabric the essential fabric of a community that cares about one another thank you for everything you thank you and thank you to the outstanding Congressional Delegation Senator Shaheen hen representatives papis and kuster and all the leaders who are here today thank you all thank you all for for taking the time to be here this afternoon thank you everyone thank you so before I begin I do want to say a few words about this tragic shooting that took place uh this morning in Winder Georgia um we're still gathering information about what happened but we know that there were multiple fatalities and injuries and um you know our hearts are with all the students the teachers and their families of course and we are grateful to the First Responders in the law enforcement that were on the scene but this is just a senseless tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we've got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all you know it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way so we will continue of course to to send our prayers and our thoughts to the families and all those who were affected including you know I I'm going off script right now but listen I mean you know at at the last year I um I started a college tour and um I I I traveled our country meeting with our young leaders right and so it was College age young leaders so I did trade schools colleges universities community colleges by the way I love gen Z I just love gen Z [Applause] right but I'll tell you one of the things one of the things I asked every time I went to the auditorium and it would be filled with these young leader students and I'd ask them raise your hand if at any point between kindergarten and 12th grade you had to endure an active shooter drill and the for the for the young leaders who are here who are raising their hand I'm telling you every time the auditorium was packed and almost every hand went up you know a lot of us I'll speak about myself you know we had well I grew up in California earthquake drills we had fire drills but our kids are sitting in a classroom where they should be fulfilling their god-given potential and some part of their big beautiful brain is concerned about a shooter busting through the door of the classroom it does not have to be this way it does not have to be this way and you know this is one of the many issues that's at stake in this election um so New Hampshire look we have 62 days to go 62 days to go and I'm going to tell you what you already know this race is going to be tight until the very end so please let's not pay too much attention to the polls because we are running as the underdog we know what they're capable of on the other side the only thing we can take for granted is the love that we as Americans have for each other knowing we have so much more in common than what separates us and we've got some hard work ahead but we like hard work hard work is good work hard work can be joyful work and so we are up for the task and with your help we will win in November we will win in November and that in large part is because we know what we stand for and when you know what you stand for you know what to fight for we love our country and we believe in the promise of America that's so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon we believe in the promise of America and that includes a topic we're going to discuss today which is what I call an opportunity economy building an opportunity economy and my vision of an opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed where everyone regardless of who they are where they start can build wealth including intergenerational wealth where workers are treated with dignity and everyone has the freedom to join a union if they choose where we remove barriers to Opportunities so anyone who wants to start a business can have access to the tools and the resources they need to do that I believe and I said it before to Nicole I believe America's small businesses are an essential Foundation to our entire economy think about it think about it small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers half of all private sector workers own or run a small business or work for a small business they do trillions of dollars of business every year they generate Revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers and you know for all of those who are or no of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we [Applause] are and I met so many entrepreneurs across the country who take the incredible leap of faith that is required to start a small business folks who put their life savings on the line and work through the weekends and holidays CU they aren't just building a business they're pursuing a dream they're building a better future for their employees and for the people they love in their communities and by extension they're building a stronger middle class and a stronger America for us [Applause] all and so all of this is why as president one of my highest priorities will be to strengthen America's small businesses and here I am in New Hampshire to announce a few elements of my plan to do that so first we're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground okay now I'm setting what some I'm sure are going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what I think we should admire ambition in each other so I want to see 25 million new small business applications by the end of my first term and to help achieve this we will lower the cost of starting a new business so here's the thing on average it costs about $40,000 to start a new business in America that is a great financial barrier for a lot of folks and it can hold entrepreneurs back and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you're going to do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to [Applause] $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business second my plan will help existing small businesses grow we will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want to expand and we will and this is very important cut the red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more difficult than it needs to be more difficult than it needs to be for example we will make it cheaper and easier for small businesses to file their taxes similar similar to how individuals can take a standard deduction you know I said to my team kind of like now I'm going to date myself again because they no longer do it but kind of like you remember the 1040 easy like that kind of idea right like let's just take away some of the bureaucracy in the process to make it easier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy third third my plan will invest in small businesses and innovators throughout America and here's why we know that Talent exists everywhere in our country from rural towns to City centers but not everyone has access to the financing to venture capital or expert advice it's not that they don't have the skills it's not that they don't have the work ethic it's access to these resources so under my plan we will expand access to venture capital we will support Innovation hubs and business incubators and we will increase Federal contracts with small businesses and we will have a particular focus on small businesses in rural communities like right here in New Hampshire [Applause] finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in [Applause] tax cuz here's the thing here's the thing it's just not right that those who can most afford it are often paying a lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurses and our firefighters it's just not right it's just not right so that's why I support a billionaire minimum tax and corporations paying their fair [Applause] share and while we ensure that the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share we will tax capital gains at a rate that rewards investment in America's innovators Founders and small businesses so here's the detail if you earn a million dollars a year or more the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28% under my plan because we know when the government encourages investment it leads to broad-based economic growth and it creates jobs which makes our economy stronger now compare that to what Donald Trump plans he intends to cut off Federal programs that give loans to small [Music] businesses he plans to give billionaires massive tax cuts and to cut corporate taxes by over a trillion dollars even as they pull in record profits his plans will add more than $5 trillion to the national debt and that is on top of the $2 trillion tax cut he gave them when he was president and when he exploded the deficit we know how to count we know how to count and now he also wants to impose what in effect is a national sales tax on everyday products and basic Necessities which will Skyrocket the cost for families and small businesses and New Hampshire on top of all of this if Donald Trump were to win in November he intends to end the Affordable Care Act which would significantly increase costs on small businesses as we know and well you know what the courts are going to handle that and we will handle November how about them how about that that's how we'll handle that how about that but think about it it wants to end the Affordable Care Act taking us back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions you remember what that was children with asthma breast cancer survivors grandparents or diabetes so yeah look we are here to tell him and them we are not going back we're not going [Applause] back we're not going back we're not going [Applause] back no we are not and we will move forward because ours is a fight for the future and and and it is a fight for freedom and it is a fight for Freedom now I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire the live for or die State you know the importance of individual freedoms fundamental freedoms you know how hard people fought for these freedoms and that they are foundational to who we are and what we stand for as America including the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do and understand how we got here understand how we got here and of course we're not going to fall for the gas lighting he's pushing right when he was president Donald Trump handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Ro v Wade and as he intended they did and now in more than 20 States in our nation there is a trump abortion ban many with no exceptions even for rape and incest which is immoral immoral and let us agree and I know we do one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her [Applause] body and if he wins and if he wins you can be sure Donald Trump will go further and he will sign a National Abortion ban and and and you know project 2025 which I just I mean can you believe they put that thing in writing and under project 2025 he would create a national anti-abortion coordinator which would force States I mean this is unbelievable right which would force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions you know what they are making really quite clear they just don't trust women they just don't trust women but we trust women we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law [Music] across our nation across our nation across our nation and I've been traveling for many many month well years actually and certainly months most recently across our nation I'm telling you we are witnessing a fullon attack back on hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms and rights including the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from gun violence the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water the freedom to love who you love openly and with [Applause] pride and so here's what I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire cuz you know it so well it's part of your DNA generations of Americans before us they fought for freedom and they led the fight for freedom in our country and now the Baton is in our hands the Baton is in our hands so let us understand which we do our purpose at this very moment let us remember the broad shoulders upon on which we stand and the traditions of this very fight that have led to what we have been able to accomplish and let us understand then that when we say fight it is a fight for something not against something it is for [Applause] something that's what we're talking about when we talk about a new way for forward this is for something and so as an example let us finally pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the freedom to vote act let us finally pass an assault weapons ban and Universal background checks and red flag laws because we are clear on that point it is a false choice to say you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone's guns away I'm in favor of the Second Amendment and I know we need reasonable gun safety laws in our [Applause] country and there's another point that I'd like to stress about this election in 24 this is not 2016 or 2020 the stakes are even higher this time for a number of reasons but I'm going to mention one in particular what the Supreme Court recently did when they basically just told the former president that going forward he will effectively be immune no matter what he does in the white house but let's take this seriously and understand what it means before at least there might have been the threat that there would be consequence and accountability with that ruling what this means is that almost explicitly he has been told no consequence and imagine just imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails just imagine with no guard rails he is openly vowed to be a dictator on day one he has said he would end the independence of the Department of Justice the United States Department of Justice so he could have the unchecked power to seek Vengeance against people who disagree age with him he even called for I'm going to quote now the termination of the Constitution of the United States of [Applause] [Music] America let us be very clear someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution of the United States of America should never again stand behind the Seal of the president of the United States never again so I'll end where I started when it comes down to it we are all here together because we love our country we love our country and we know the privilege the privilege and pride that comes with being an American and I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that is how we realize the promise of [Applause] America US US USA us and so with that being said I ask New Hampshire are you ready to have your voices heard do we believe in Freedom do we believe in Opportunity do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless you United States America my goodness can we hear for Nicole and throwback [Applause] Brewing hi guys thank you thank you thank you wow thank you all thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it's so good to be back in New Hampshire thank you all thank you and Doug sends his love to everyone as well oh thank you everyone Nicole thank you you guys are just so extraordinary and I applaud the way you do the business that you do and the love that you do in giving Community I love our small business owners it is what you do I'm going to talk a bit about you in a minute but you are part of the fabric the essential fabric of a community that cares about one another thank you for everything thank you thank you and thank you to the outstanding Congressional Delegation Senator Shaheen Hassen representatives papis and kuster and all the leaders who are here today thank you all thank you all for for taking the time to be here this afternoon thank you than you everyone thank [Applause] you so before I begin I do want to say a few words about this tragic shooting that took place uh this morning in wer Georgia um we're still gathering information about what happened but we know that there were multiple fatalities and injuries and um you know our hearts are with all the students the teachers families of course and we are grateful to the First Responders in the law enforcement that were on the scene but this is just a senseless tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we've got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all you know it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way so we will continue of course to to send our prayers and our thoughts to the families and all those who were affected including you know I I'm going off script right now but listen I mean you know at at the last year I um I started a college tour and um I I I traveled our country meeting with our young leaders right and so it was College age young leaders so I did trade schools colleges universities community colleges by the way I love Jen Z I just love Jen Z [Applause] right but I'll tell you one of the things one of the things I asked every time I went to the auditorium and it would be filled with these young leaders students and I'd ask them raise your hand if at any point between kindergarten in 12th grade you had to endure an active shooter drill and the for the for the young leaders who are here who are raising your hand I'm telling you every time the auditorium was packed and almost every hand went up you know a lot of us I'll speak about myself you know we had well I grew up in California earthquake drills we had fire drills but our kids are sitting in a classroom where they should be fulfilling their god-given potential and some part of their big beautiful brain is concerned about a shooter busting through the door of the classroom it does not have to be this way it does not have to be this way and you know this is one of the many issues that's at stake in this election um so New Hampshire look we have 62 days to go 62 days to go and I'm going to tell you what you already know this race is going to be tight until the very end so please let's not pay too much attention to the polls because we are running as the underdog we know what they're capable of on the other side the only thing we can take for granted is the love that we as Americans have for each other knowing we have so much more in common than what separates [Applause] and we've got some hard work ahead but we like hard work hard work is good work hard work can be joyful work and so we are up for the task and with your help we will win in November we will win in November and that in large part is because we know what we stand for and when you know what you stand for you know what to fight for we love our country and we believe in the promise of America that's so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon we believe in the promise of America and that includes a topic we're going to discuss today which is what I call an opportunity economy building an opp opportunity economy and my vision of an opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed where everyone regardless of who they are where they start can build wealth including intergenerational wealth where workers are treated with dignity and everyone has the freedom to join a union if they choose where we remove barriers to Opportunities so anyone who wants to start a business can have access to the tools and the resources they need to do that I believe and I said it before to Nicole I believe America's small businesses are an essential Foundation to our entire economy think about it think about it small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers half of all private sector workers own or run a small business or work for a small business they do trillions of dollars of business every year they generate Revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers and you know for all of those who are are know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of Who We Are isn't that the best of who we [Applause] are and I've met so many entrepreneurs across the country who take the incredible leap of faith that is required to start a small business folks who put their life savings on the line and work through the weekends and holidays cuz they aren't just building a business they're pursuing a dream they're building a better future for their employees and for the people they love in their communities and by extension they're building a stronger middle class and a stronger America for us [Applause] all and so all of this is why as president one of my highest priorities will be to strengthen America's small businesses and here I am in New Hampshire to announce a few elements of of my plan to do that so first we're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground okay now I'm setting what some I'm sure are going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what I think we should admire ambition in each other so I want to see 25 million new small business business applications by the end of my first term and to help achieve this we will lower the cost of starting a new business so here's the thing on average it costs about $40,000 to start a new business in America that is a great financial barrier for a lot of folks and it can hold entrepreneurs back and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you're going to do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to [Applause] $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business second my plan will help existing small businesses grow we will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want to expand and we will and this is very important cut the red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more difficult than it needs to be more difficult than it needs to be for example we will make it cheaper and easier for small businesses to file their taxes similar similar to how individuals can take a standard deduction you know I said to my team kind of like now I'm going to date myself again because they no longer do it but kind of like you remember the 1040 easy like that kind of idea right like let's just take away some of the bureaucracy in the process to make it easier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy third third my plan will invest in small businesses and innovators throughout America and here's why we know that Talent exists everywhere in our country from rural towns to City centers but not everyone has access to the financing to venture capital or expert advice is not that they don't have the skills it's not that they don't have the work ethic it's access to these resources so under my plan we will expand access to venture capital we will support Innovation hubs and business incubators and we will increase Federal contracts with small businesses and we will have a particular focus on small businesses in rural communities like right here in New [Applause] Hampshire finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in [Applause] taxes because here's the thing here's the thing it's just not right that those who can most afford it are often paying a lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurses and our firefighters it's just not right it's just not right so that's why I support a billionaire minimum tax and corporations paying their fair [Applause] share and while we we ensure that the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share we will tax capital gains at a rate that rewards investment in America's innovators Founders and small businesses so here's the detail if you earn a million dollars a year or more the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28% under my plan because we know when the government encourages investment it leads to Broad B based economic growth and it creates jobs which makes our economy stronger now compare that to what Donald Trump plans he intends to cut off Federal programs that give loans to small [Music] businesses he plans to give billionaires massive tax cuts and to cut corporate tax taxes by over a trillion dollar even as they pull in record profits his plans will add more than $5 trillion to the national debt and that is on top of the $2 trillion tax cut he gave them when he was president and when he exploded the deficit we know how to count we know how to count and now he also wants to impose what in effect is a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities which will Skyrocket the cost for families and small businesses and New Hampshire on top of all of this if Donald Trump were to win in November he intends to end the Affordable Care Act which would significantly increase costs on small businesses as we know and well you know what the courts are going to handle that and we will handle November how about that how about that that's how we'll handle that how about that but think about it it wants to end the Affordable Care Act taking us back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions you remember what that was children with asthma breast cancer survivors grandparents or diabetes so yeah look we are here to tell him and them we are not going back we're not going [Applause] back we're not going back we're not going no we are not and we will move forward because ours is a fight for the future and and it is a fight for freedom and it is a fight for Freedom now I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire the Live Free or Die State you know the importance of individual freedoms fundamental freedoms you know how hard people fought for these freedoms and that they are found foundational to who we are and what we stand for as America including the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do and understand how we got here understand how we got here and of course we're not going to fall for the gas lighting he's pushing right when he was president Donald Trump handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Ro v Wade and as he intended they did and now in more than 20 States in our nation there is a trump abortion ban many with no exceptions even for rape and incest which is immoral immoral [Music] and let us agree and I know we do one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply hell beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her [Applause] body and if he wins and if he wins you can be sure Donald Trump will go further and he will sign a National Abortion ban and and and you know project 2025 which I just I mean can you believe they put that thing in writing and under project 2025 he would create a national anti-abortion coordinator which would force States I mean this is unbelievable right which would force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions you know what they are making really quite clear they just don't trust women they just don't trust women but we trust women we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proud loudly sign it into [Applause] law across our nation across our nation across our nation and I've been traveling for many many well years actually and certainly months most recently across our nation I'm telling you we are witnessing a fullon attack on hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms and rights including the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from gun violence the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water the freedom to love who you love openly and with pride [Applause] [Music] and so here's what I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire because you know it so well as part of your DNA generations of Americans before us they fought for freedom and they led the fight for freedom in our country and now the Baton is in our hands the Baton is in our hands so let us understand which we do our purpose at this very moment let us remember the broad shoulders upon which we stand and the traditions of this very fight that have led to what we have been able to accomplish and let us understand then that when we say fight it is a fight for something not against something it is for something that's what we're talking about when we talk about a new way forward this is for something and so as an example let us finally pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the freedom to vote act let us finally pass an assault weapons ban and Universal background check and red flag laws because we are clear on that point it is a false choice to say you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone's guns away I'm in favor of the Second Amendment and I know we need reasonable gun safety laws in our [Applause] country and there's another point that I'd like to stress about this election in 24 this is not 2016 or 2020 the stakes are even higher this time for a number of reasons but I'm going to mention one in particular what the Supreme Court recently did when they basically just told the former president that going forward he will effectively be immune no matter what he does in the white house but let's take this seriously and understand what it means before at least there might have been the threat that there would be consequence and accountability with that ruling what this means is that almost explicitly he has been told no consequence and imagine just imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails just imagine with no guard rails he has openly vowed to be a dictator on day one he has said he would end the independence of the Department of Justice the United States Department of justice so he could have the unchecked power to seek Vengeance against people who disagree with him he even called for I'm going to quote now the termination of the Constitution of the United States of [Applause] [Music] America let us be very clear someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution of the United States of America should never again stand behind the Seal of the president of the United States never again so I'll end where I started when it comes down to it we are all here together because we love our country we love our our country and we know the privilege the privilege and pride that comes with being an American and I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that is how we realize the promise of America [Applause] us us and so with that being said I ask New Hampshire are you ready to have your voices heard do we believe in Freedom do we believe in Opportunity do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless the United States of America my goodness can we hear for Nicole and throwback [Applause] Brewing hi guys thank you thank you thank you wow thank you all thank you thank thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it's so good to be back in New Hampshire thank you all thank you and Doug sends his love to everyone as well oh thank you everyone Nicole thank you you guys are just so extraordinary and I applaud the way you do the business that you do and the love that you do in giving Community I love our small business owners it is what you do I'm going to talk a bit about you in a minute but you are part of the fabric the essential fabric of a community that cares about one another thank you for everything thank you thank you and thank you to the outstanding Congressional Delegation Senator Shaheen Hassen representatives papis and kuster and all all the leaders who are here today thank you all thank you all for for taking the time to be here this afternoon thank you everyone thank [Applause] you so before I begin I do want to say a few words about this tragic shooting that took place uh this morning in Winder Georgia um we're still gathering information about what happened but we know that there were multiple fatalities and injuries and um you know our hearts are with all the students the teachers and their families of course and we are grateful to the First Responders in the law enforcement that were on the scene but this is just a senseless tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we've got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all you know it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way so we will continue of course to to send our prayers and our thoughts to the families and all those who were affected including you know I I'm going off script right now but listen I mean you know at at the last year I um I started a college tour and um I I I traveled our country meeting with our young leaders right and so it was College age young leaders so I did trade schools colleges universities community colleges by the way I love Jen Z I just love Jen Z [Applause] right but I'll tell you one of the things one of the things I asked every time I went to the auditorium and it would be filled with these young leaders students and I'd ask them raise your hand if at any point between kindergarten and 12th grade you had to endure an active shooter drill and the for the for the young leaders who are here who are raising their hand I'm telling you every time the auditorium was packed and almost every hand went up you know a lot of us I'll I'll speak about myself you know we had well I grew up in California earthquake drills we had fire drills but our kids are sitting in a classroom where they should be fulfilling their god-given potential and some part of their big beautiful brain is concerned about a shooter busting through the door of the classroom it does not have to be this way it does not have to be this way and you know this is one of the many issues that's at stake in this election um so new New Hampshire we have 62 days to go 62 days to go and I'm going to tell you what you already know this race is going to be tight until the very end so please let's not pay too much attention to the polls because we are running as the underdog we know what they're capable of on the other side the only thing we can take for granted is the love that we as Americans have for each other knowing we have so much more in common than what separates us and we've got some hard work ahead but we like hard work hard work is good work hard work can be joyful work and so we are up for the task and with your help we will win in November we will win in November and that in large part is because we know what we stand for and when you know what you stand for you know what to fight for we love our country and we believe in the promise of America that's so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon we believe in the promise of America and that includes a topic we're going to discuss today which is what I call an opportunity economy building an opportunity economy and my vision of an opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed where everyone regardless of who they are where they start can build wealth including intergenerational wealth where workers are treated with dignity everyone has the freedom to join a union if they choose where we remove barriers to Opportunities so anyone who wants to start a business can have access to the tools and the resources they need to do that I believe and I said it before to Nicole I believe America's small businesses are an essential Foundation to our entire economy think about it think about it small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers half of all private sector workers own or run a small business or work for a small business they do trillions of dollars of business every year they generate Revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers and you know for all of those who are or know of small business business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we [Applause] are and I've met so many entrepreneurs across the country who take the incredible leap of faith that is required to start a small business folks who put their life savings on the line and work through the weekends and holidays cuz they aren't just building building a business they're pursuing a dream they're building a better future for their employees and for the people they love in their communities and by extension they're building a stronger middle class and a stronger America for us [Applause] all and so all of this is why as president one of my highest priorities will be to strengthen a America's small businesses and here I am in New Hampshire to announce a few elements of my plan to do that so first we're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground okay now I'm setting what some I'm sure are going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what I think we should admire ambition in each other so I want to see 25 million new small business applications by the end of my first term and to help achieve this we will lower the cost of starting a new business so here's the thing on average it costs about $4,000 to start a new business in America that is a great financial barrier for a lot of folks and it can hold entrepreneurs back and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you're going to do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 [Applause] it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business second my plan will help existing small businesses grow we will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want to expand and we will and this is very important cut the red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more difficult than it needs to be more difficult than it needs to be woo for example we will make it cheaper and easier for small businesses to file their taxes similar similar to how individuals can take a standard deduction you know I said to my team kind of like now I'm going to date myself again because they no longer do it but kind of like you remember the 104 easy like that kind of idea right like let's just take away some of the bureaucracy in the process to make it easier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy third third my plan will invest in small businesses and innovators throughout America and here's why we know that Talent exists everywhere in our country from rural towns to City centers but not every everyone has access to the financing to venture capital or expert advice it's not that they don't have the skills it's not that they don't have the work ethic it's access to these resources so under my plan we will expand access to venture capital we will support Innovation hubs and business incubators and we will increase Federal contracts with small businesses and we will have a particular focus on small businesses in rural communities like right here in New [Applause] Hampshire finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in taxes [Applause] cuz here's the thing here's the thing it's just not right that those who can most afford it are often paying a lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurses and our firefighters it's just not right it's just not right so that's why I support a billionaire minimum tax and corporations paying their fair share [Applause] and while we ensure that the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share we will tax capital gains at a rate that rewards investment in America's innovators Founders and small businesses so here's the detail if you earn a million dollars a year or more the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28% under my plan because we know when the government encourages investment it leads to broad-based economic growth and it creates jobs which makes our economy stronger now compare that to what Donald Trump plans he intends to cut off Federal programs that give loans to small businesses [Music] he plans to give billionaires massive tax cuts and to cut corporate taxes by over a trillion dollar even as they pull in record profits his plans will add more than $ trillion to the national debt and that is on top of the $2 trillion tax cut he gave them when he was president and when he exploded the deficit we know how to count we know how to count and now he also wants to impose what in effect is a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities which will Skyrocket the cost for families and small businesses and New Hampshire on top of all of this if Donald Trump were to win in November he intends to end the Affordable Care Act which would significantly increase costs on small businesses as we know and well you know what the courts are going to handle that and we will handle November how about that how about that that's how we'll handle that how about that but think about it it wants to end the Affordable Care Act taking us back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions you remember what that was children with asthma breast cancer survivors grandparents or diabetes so yeah look we are here to tell him and them we are not going back we're not going back not back we're not going back we're not going back not going back not going back no we are not and we will move forward because ours is a fight for the future and and it is a fight for freedom and it is a fight for Freedom now I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire the Live Free or Die State you know the importance of individual freedoms fundamental freedoms you know how hard people fought for these freedoms and that they are foundational to who we are and what we stand for as America including the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do and understand how we got here understand how we got here and of course we're not going to fall for the gas lighting he's pushing right when he was president Donald Trump handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Ro v Wade and as he intended they did and now in more than 20 States in our nation there is a trump abortion ban many with with no exceptions even for rape and incest which is immoral immoral and let us agree and I know we do one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her body [Applause] and if he wins and if he wins you can be sure Donald Trump will go further and he will sign a National Abortion ban and and and you know project 2025 which I just I mean can you believe they put that thing in writing and under project 2025 he would create a national anti-abortion coordinator which would force States I mean this is unbelievable right which would force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions you know what they are making really quite clear they just don't trust women they just don't trust women but we trust women we trust women and when con Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into [Applause] law across our nation across our nation across our nation and I've been traveling for many many month well years actually and certainly months most recently across our nation I'm telling you we are witnessing a fullon attack on hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms and rights including the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from gun violence the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water the freedom to love who you love openly and with [Applause] pride and so here's what I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire because you know it so well it's part of your DNA generations of Americans before us they fought for freedom and they led the fight for freedom in our country and now the Baton is in our our hands the Baton is in our hands so let us understand which we do our purpose at this very moment let us remember the broad shoulders upon which we stand and the traditions of this very fight that have led to what we have been able to accomplish and let us understand then that when we say fight it is they fight for something not against something it is for [Applause] something that's what we're talking about when we talk about a new way forward this is for something and so as an example let us finally pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the freedom to vote act let us finally pass an assault weapons B and Universal background check and red flag laws because we are clear on that point it is a false choice to say you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone's guns away I'm in favor of the Second Amendment and I know we need reasonable gun safety laws in our [Applause] country and there's another point that I'd like to stress about this election in 24 this is not 2016 or 2020 the stakes are even higher this time for a number of reasons but I'm going to mention one in particular what the Supreme Court recently did when they basically just told the former president that going forward he will effectively be immune no matter what he does in the White House but let's take this seriously and understand what it means before at least there might have been the threat that there would be consequence and accountability with that ruling what this means is that almost explicitly he has been told no consequence and imagine just imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails just imagine with no guard rails he has openly vowed to be a dictator on day one he has said he would end the independence of the Department of Justice the United States Department of Justice so he could have the unchecked power to seek Vengeance against people who disagree with him he even called for I'm going to quote now the termination of the Constitution of the United States of [Applause] [Music] America let us be very clear someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution of the United States of America should never again stand behind the Seal of the president of the United States never again so I'll end where I started when it comes down to but we are all here together because we love our country we love our country and we know the privilege the privilege and pride that comes with being an American and I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that is how we realize the promise of America [Applause] and so with that being said I ask New Hampshire are you ready to have your voices heard do we believe in Freedom do we believe in Opportunity do we believe in the the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless the United States of America my goodness can we hear for Nicole and throwback Brewing [Applause] hi guys thank you thank you thank you wow thank you all thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it's so good to be back in New Hampshire thank you all thank you and Doug sends his love to everyone as well oh thank you everyone Nicole thank you you guys are just so extraordinary and I applaud the way you do the business that you do and the love that you do in giving Community I love our small business owners it is what you do I'm going to talk a bit about you in a minute but you are part of the fabric the essential fabric of a community that cares about one another thank you for everything thank you thank you and thank you to the outstanding Congressional Delegation Senator Shaheen Hassen representatives papis and kuster and all the leaders who are here today thank you all thank you all for for taking the time to be here this afternoon thank you everyone thank [Applause] you so before I begin I do want to say a few words about this tragic shooting that took place uh this morning in wer Georgia um we're still gathering information about what happened but we know that there were multiple fatalities and injuries and um you know our hearts are with all the students the teachers and their families of course and we are grateful to the First Responders in the law enforcement that were on the scene but this is just a senseless tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we've got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all you know it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way so we will continue of course to to send our prayers and our thoughts to the families and all those who were affected including you know I I'm going off script right now but listen I mean you know at at the last year I um I started a college tour and um I I I traveled our country meeting with our young leaders right and so it was College age young leaders so I did trade schools colleges universities community colleges by the way I love Jen Z I just love Jen Z right but I'll tell you one of the things one of the things I asked every time I went to the auditorium and it would be filled with these young leaders students and I'd ask them raise your hand if at any point between kindergarten and 12th grade you had to endure an active shooter drill and the for the for the young leaders who are here who are raising their hand I'm telling you every time the auditorium was packed and almost every hand went up you know a lot of us I'll speak about myself you know we had well I grew up in California earthquake drills we had fire drills but our kids are sitting in a classroom where they should be fulfilling their god-given potential and some part of their big beautiful brain is concerned about a shooter busting through the door of the classroom it does not have to be this way it does not have to be this way and you know this is one of the many issues that's at stake in this election um so New Hampshire look we have 62 days to go 62 days to go and I'm going to tell you what you already know this race is going to be tight until the very end so please let's not pay too much attention to the polls because we are running as the underdog we know what they're capable of on other side the only thing we can take for granted is the love that we as Americans have for each other knowing we have so much more in common than what separates [Applause] us and we've got some hard work ahead but we like hard work hard work is good work hard work can be joyful work and so we are up for the task with your help we will win in November we will win in November and that in large part is because we know what we stand for and when you know what you stand for you know what to fight for we love our country and we believe in the promise of America that's so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon we believe in the promise of America and that includes a topic we're going to discuss today which is what I call an opportunity economy building an opportunity economy and my vision of an opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed where everyone regardless of who they are where they start can build wealth including intergenerational wealth where workers are treated with dignity and everyone has the freedom to join a union if they choose where we remove barriers to Opportunities so anyone who wants to start a business can have access to the tools and the resources they need to do that I believe and I said it before to Nicole I believe America's small businesses are an essential Foundation to our entire economy think about it think about it small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers half of all private sector workers own or run a small business or work for a small business they do trillions of dollars of business every year they generate Revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers and you know for all of those who are are know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we [Applause] are and I've met so many entrepreneurs across the country who take the incredible leap of faith that is required to start a small business folks who put their life savings on the line and work through the weekends and holidays cuz they aren't just building a business they're pursuing a dream they're building a better future for their employees and for the people they love in their communities and by extension they're building a stronger middle class and a stronger America for us [Applause] all and so all of this is why as president one of my highest priorities will be to strengthen America's small businesses and here I am in New Hampshire to announce a few elements of my plan to do that so first we're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground okay now I'm setting what some I'm sure are going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what I think we should admire ambition in each other so I want to see 25 million new small business applications by the end of my first term and to help achieve this we will lower the cost of starting a new business so here's the thing on average it costs about $40,000 to start a new business in America that is a great financial barrier for a lot of folks and it can hold entrepreneurs back and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you're going to do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to [Applause] $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business second my plan will help existing small businesses grow we will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want to expand and we will and this is very important cut the red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more difficult than it needs to be more difficult than it needs to be for example we will make it cheaper and easier for small businesses to file their taxes similar similar to how individuals can take a standard deduction you know I said to my team kind of like now I'm going to date myself again cuz they no longer do it but kind of like your remember the 1040 easz like that kind of idea right like let's just take away some of the bureaucracy in the process to make it easier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy third third my plan will invest in small businesses and innovators throughout America and here's why we know that Talent exists every everywhere in our country from rural towns to City centers but not everyone has access to the financing to venture capital or expert advice it's not that they don't have the skills it's not that they don't have the work ethic it's access to these resources so under my plan we will expand access to venture capital we will support Innovation hubs and business incubators and we will increase Federal contracts with small businesses and we will have a particular focus on small businesses in rural communities like right here in New [Applause] Hampshire finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in [Applause] taxes cuz here's the thing here's the thing it's just not right that those who can most afford it are often paying a lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurses and our firefighters it's just not right it's just not right so that's why I support a billionaire minimum tax and corporations paying their fair [Applause] share and while we ensure that the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share we will tax capital gains at a rate that rewards investment in America's innovators Founders and small businesses so here's the detail if you earn a million a year or more the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28% under my plan because we know when the government encourages investment it leads to broad-based economic growth and it creates jobs which makes our economy stronger now compare that to what Donald Trump plans he intends to cut off Federal programs that give loans to small [Music] businesses he plans to give billionaires massive tax cuts and to cut corporate taxes by over a trillion dollars even as they pull in record profits his plans will add more than $5 trillion to the national debt and that is on top of the $2 trillion tax tax cut he gave them when he was president and when he exploded the deficit we know how to count we know how to count and now he also wants to impose what in effect is a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities which will Skyrocket the cost for families and small businesses and New Hampshire on top of all of this if Donald Trump were to win in November he intends to end the Affordable Care Act which would significantly increase costs on small businesses as we know and well you know what the courts are going to handle that and we will handle November how about that how about that that's how we'll handle that how about that but thank about it it wants to end the Affordable Care Act taking us back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions you remember what that was children with asthma breast cancer survivors grandparents or diabetes so yeah look we are here to tell him and them we are not going back we're not going back not going back we're not going back we're not going no we are not and we will move forward because ours is a fight for the future and and it is a fight for freedom and it is a fight for Freedom now I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire the live free are die State you know the importance of individual freedoms fundamental freedoms you know how hard people fought for these freedoms and that they are foundational to who we are and what we stand for as America including the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do and understand how we got here understand how we got here and of course we're not going to fall for the gasl and he's pushing right when he was president Donald Trump handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Ro v Wade and as he intended they did and now in more than 20 States in our nation there is a trump abortion ban many with no exceptions even for rape and incest which is immoral immoral and let us agree and I know we do one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her body [Applause] and if he wins and if he wins you can be sure Donald Trump will go further and he will sign a National Abortion ban and and and you know project 2025 which I just I mean can you believe they put that thing in writing and under project 2025 he would create a national anti-abortion coordinator which would force States I mean this is unbelievable right which would force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions you know what they are making really quite clear they just don't trust women they just don't trust women but we trust women we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into [Applause] law across our nation across our nation across our nation and I've been traveling for many many month well years actually and certainly months most recently across our nation I'm telling you we are witnessing a fullon attack on hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms and rights including the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from on violence the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water the freedom to love who you love openly and with [Applause] pride and so here's what I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire because you know it so well it's part of your DNA generations of Americans before us they fought for freedom and they led the fight for freedom in our country and now the Baton is in our hands the Baton is in our hands so let us understand which we do our purpose at this very moment let us remember the broad shoulders upon which we stand and the traditions of this very fight that have led to what we have been able to accomplish and let us understand then that when we say fight it is a fight for something not against something it is for [Applause] something that's what we're talking about when we talk about a new way forward this is for something and so is an example let us finally pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the freedom to vote at let us finally pass an assault weapons ban and Universal background check and red flag laws because we are clear on that point it is a false choice to say you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone's guns away I'm in favor of the Second Amendment and I know we need reasonable gun safety laws in our [Applause] country and there's another point point that I'd like to stress about this election in 24 this is not 2016 or 2020 the stakes are even higher this time for a number of reasons but I'm going to mention one in particular what the Supreme Court recently did when they basically just told the former president that going forward he will effectively be immune no matter what he does in the white house but let's take this seriously and understand what it means before at least there might have been the threat that there would be consequence and accountability with that ruling what this means is that almost explicitly he has been told no consequence and imagine just imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails just imagine with no guard rails he has openly vowed to be a dictator on day one he has said he would end the independence of the Department of Justice the United States Department of Justice so he could have the unchecked power to seek Vengeance against people who disagree with him he even called for I'm going to quote now the termination of the Constitution of the United States of America [Music] let us be very clear someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution of the United States of America should never again stand behind the Seal of the president of the United States never again so I'll end where I started when it comes down to it we are all here together because we love our country we love our country and we know the privilege the privilege and pride that comes with being an American and I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that is how we realize the promise of [Applause] America and so with that being said I ask New Hampshire are you ready to have your voices heard do we believe in Freedom Freedom do we believe in Opportunity do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless the United States of America my goodness can we hear from Nicole and throwback Brewing [Applause] hi guys thank you thank you thank you wow thank you all thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it's so good to be back in New Hampshire thank you all thank you and Doug sends his love to everyone as well oh thank you everyone Nicole thank you you guys are just so extraordinary and I applaud the way you do the business that you do and the love that you do in giving Community I love our small business owners it is what you do I'm going to talk a bit about you in a minute but you are part of the fabric the essential fabric of a community that cares about one another thank you for everything thank you thank you and thank you to the outstanding Congressional Delegation Senator Shaheen Hassen representatives papis and kuster and all the leaders who are here today thank you all thank you all for for taking the time to be here this afternoon thank you everyone thank [Applause] you so before I begin I do want to say a few words about this tragic shooting that took place uh this morning in Winder Georgia um we're still gathering information about what happened but we know that there were multiple fatalities and injuries and um you know our hearts are with all the students the teachers and their families of course and we are grateful to the First Responders in the law enforcement that were on the scene but this is just a senseless tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we've got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all you know it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way so we will continue of course to to send our prayers and our thoughts to the families and all those who were affected including you know I I'm going off script right now but listen I mean you know at at the last year I um I started a college tour and um I I I traveled our country meeting with our young leaders right and so it was College age young leaders so I did trade schools colleges universities community colleges by the way I love Jen Z I just love Jen Z [Applause] right but I'll tell you one of the things one of the things I asked every time I went to the auditorium and it would be filled with these young leaders students and I'd ask them raise your hand if at any point between kindergarten and 12th grade you had to endure an active shooter drill and the for the for the young leaders who are here who are raising their hand I'm telling you every time the Auditorium was packed and almost every hand went up you know a lot of us I'll I'll speak about myself you know we had well I GRE up in California earthquake drills we had fire drills but our kids are sitting in a classroom where they should be fulfilling their god-given potential and some part of their big beautiful brain is concerned about a shooter busting through the door of the classroom it does not have to be be this way it does not have to be this way and you know this is one of the many issues that's at stake in this election um so New Hampshire look we have 62 days to go 62 days to go and I'm going to tell you what you already know this race is going to be tight until the very end so please let's not pay too much attention to the poll because we are running as the underdog we know what they're capable of on the other side the only thing we can take for granted is the love that we as Americans have for each other knowing we have so much more in common than what separates [Applause] us and we've got some hard work ahead but we like hard work hard work is good work hard work can be joyful work and so we are up for the task and with your help we will win in November we will win in November and that in large part is because we know what we stand for and when you know what you stand for you know what to fight for we love our country and we believe in the promise of America that's so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon we believe in the promise of America and that includes a topic we're going to discuss today which is what I call an opportunity economy building an opportunity economy and my vision of an opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed where everyone regardless of who they are where they start can build wealth including intergenerational wealth where workers are treated with dignity and everyone has the freedom to join a union if they choose where we remove barriers to opportuni so anyone who wants to start a business can have access to the tools and the resources they need to do that I believe and I said it before to Nicole I believe America's small businesses are an essential Foundation to our entire economy think about it think about it small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers half of all private sector workers own or run a small business or work for a small business they do trillions of dollars of business every year they generate Revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers and you know for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we [Applause] are and I've met so many entrepreneurs across the country who take the incredible leap of faith that is required to start a small business folks who put their life savings on the line and work through the weekends and holidays cuz they aren't just building a business they're pursuing a dream they're building a better future for their employees and for the people they love in their communities and by extension they're building a stronger middle class and a stronger America for for us [Applause] all and so all of this is why as president one of my highest priorities will be to strengthen America's small businesses and here I am in New Hampshire to announce a few elements of my plan to do that so first we're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground okay now I'm setting what some I'm sure are going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what I think we should admire ambition in each other so I want to see 25 million new small business applications by the end of my first term and to help achieve this we will loow L the cost of starting a new business so here's the thing on average it costs about $40,000 to start a new business in America that is a great financial barrier for a lot of folks and it can hold entrepreneurs back and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you're going to do that not everyone has access to that kind of way wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to [Applause] $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business second my plan will help existing small businesses grow we will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want to expand and we will and this is very important cut the red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more difficult than it needs to be more difficult than it needs to be for example we will make it cheaper and easier for small businesses to file their taxes similar similar to how individuals can take a standard deduction you know I said to my team kind of like now I'm going to date myself again cuz they no longer do it but kind of like you remember the 1040 easy like that kind of idea right like let's just take away some of the bureaucracy in the process to make it easier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy third third my plan will invest in small businesses and innovators throughout America and here's why we know that Talent exists everywhere in our country from rural towns to City centers but not everyone has access to the financing to venture capital or expert advice it's not that they don't have the skills it's not that they don't have the work ethic it's access to these resources so under my plan we will expand access to venture Capital we will support Innovation hubs and business incubators and we will increase Federal contracts with small businesses and we will have a particular focus on small businesses in rural communities like right here in New [Applause] Hampshire finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in [Applause] taxes cuz here's the thing here's the thing it's just not right that those who can most afford it are often paying a lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurs nurses and our firefighters it's just not right it's just not right so that's why I support a billionaire minimum tax and corporations paying their fair [Applause] share and while we ensure that the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share we will tax capital gains at a rate that rewards investment in America's innovators Founders and small businesses so here's the detail if you earn a million dollars a year or more the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28% under my plan because we know when the government encourages investment it leads to broad-based economic growth and it creates jobs which makes our economy stronger now compare that to what Donald Trump plans he intends to cut off Federal programs that give loans to small [Music] businesses he plans to give billionaires massive tax cuts and to cut corporate taxes by over a trillion dollars even as they pull in record profits his plans will add more than five tril billion doar to the national debt and that is on top of the $2 trillion tax cut he gave them when he was president and when he exploded the deficit we know how to count we know how to count and now he also wants to impose what in effect is a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities which will Skyrocket the cost for families and small businesses and New Hampshire on top of all of this if Donald Trump were to win in November he intends to end the Affordable Care Act which would significantly increase costs on small businesses as we know and well you know what the courts are going to handle that and we will handle November how about how about that That's How we'll handle that how about that but think about it it wants to end the Affordable Care Act taking us back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions you remember what that was children with asthma breast cancer survivors grandparents or diabetes so yeah look we are here to tell him and them we are are not going back we're not going back we're not going back we're not going no we are not and we will move forward because ours is a fight for the future and and it is a fight for freedom and it is a fight for Freedom now I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire the Live Free or Die State you know the importance of individual freedoms fundamental freedoms you know how hard people fought for these freedoms and that they are foundational to who we are and what we stand for as America including the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do and understand how we got here understand how we got here and of course we're not going to fall for the gas lighting he's pushing right when he was president Donald Trump handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Ro v Wade and as he intended they did and now in more than 20 States in our nation there is a trump abortion B many with no exceptions even for rape and incest which is immoral immoral and let us agree and I know we do one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her [Applause] body and if he wins and if he wins you can be sure Donald Trump will go further and he will sign a National Abortion ban and and and you know project 2025 which I just I mean can you believe they put that thing in writing and under project 2025 he would create a national anti-abortion coordinator which would force States I mean this is unbelievable right which would force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions you know what they are making really quite clear they just don't trust women they just don't trust women but we trust women we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law [Music] across our nation across our nation across our nation and I've been traveling for many many month well years actually and certainly months most recently across our nation I'm telling you we are witnessing a fullon attack on hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms and rights including the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from gun violence the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water the freedom to love who you love openly and with [Applause] pride and so here's what I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire because you know it so well as part of your DNA generations of Americans before us they fought for freedom and they led the fight for freedom in our country and now the Baton is in our hands the Baton is in our hands so let us understand which we do our purpose at this very moment let us remember the broad shoulders upon which we stand and the traditions of this very fight that have led to what we have been able to accomplish and let us understand then that when we say fight it is a fight for something not against something it is for [Applause] something that's what we're talking about when we talk about a new way forward this is for something and so as an example let us finally pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the freedom to vote act let us finally pass an assault weapons ban and Universal background check and red flag laws because we are clear on that point it is a false choice to say you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone's guns away I'm in favor of the Second Amendment and I know we need reasonable gun safety laws in our country [Applause] and there's another point that I'd like to stress about this election in 24 this is not 2016 or 2020 the stakes are even higher this time for a number of reasons but I'm going to mention one in particular what the Supreme Court recently did when they basically just told the the former president that going forward he will effectively be immune no matter what he does in the white house but let's take this seriously and understand what it means before at least there might have been the threat that there would be consequence and accountability with that ruling what this means is that almost explicitly he has been told no consequence and imagine just imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails just imagine with no guard rails he has openly vowed to be a dictator on day one he has said he would end the independence of the Department of Justice the United States Department of Justice so he could have the unchecked power to seek Vengeance against people who disagree with him he even called from I'm going to quote now the termination of the Constitution of the United States of [Applause] [Music] America let us be very clear someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution of the United States of America should never again stand behind the Seal of the president of the United States never again so I'll end where I started when it comes down to it we are all here together because we love our country we love our country and we know the privilege the privilege and pride that comes with being an American and I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that is how we realize the promise of [Applause] America and so with that being said I ask new Hampshire are you ready to have your voices heard do we believe in Freedom do we believe in Opportunity do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless the United States of America my goodness can we here for Nicole and throwback [Applause] Brewing hi guys thank you thank you thank you well thank you all thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it's so good to be back in New Hampshire thank you all thank you and Doug sends his love to everyone as well oh thank you everyone Nicole thank you you guys are just so extraordinary and I applaud the way you do the business that you do and the love that you do in giving Community I love our small business owners it is what you do I'm going to talk a bit about you in a minute but you are part of the fabric the essential fabric of a community that cares about one another thank you for everything thank you thank you and thank you to the outstanding Congressional Delegation Senator Shaheen Hassen representatives papis and kuster and all the leaders who are here today thank you all thank you all for for taking the time to be here this afternoon thank you everyone thank you [Applause] so before I begin I do want to say a few words about this tragic shooting that took place uh this morning in Winder Georgia um we're still gathering information about what happened but we know that there were multiple fatalities and injuries and um you know our hearts are with all the students the teachers and their families of course and we are grateful to the first resp responders in the law enforcement that were on the scene but this is just a senseless tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we've got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all you know it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way so we will continue of course to to send our prayers and our thoughts to the families and all those who were affected including you know I I'm going off script right now but listen I mean you know at at the last year I um I started a college tour and um I I I traveled our country meeting with our young leaders right and so it was College age young leaders so I did trade schools colleges universities community colleges by the way I love Jen Z I just love Jen Z [Applause] right but I'll tell you one of the things one of the things I asked every time I went to the auditorium and it would be filled with these young leaders students and I'd ask them raise your hand if at any point between kindergarten and 12th grade you had to endure an active shooter drill and the for the for the young leaders who are here who are raising their hand I'm telling you every time the auditorium was packed and almost every hand went up you know a lot of us I'll speak about myself you know we had well I grew up in California earthquake drills we had fire drills but our kids are sitting in a classroom where they should be fulfilling their god-given potential and some part of their big beautiful brain is concerned about a shooter busting through the door of the classroom it does not have to be this way it does not have to be this way and you know this is one of the many issues that's at stake in this election um so New Hampshire look we have 62 days to go 62 days to go and I'm going to tell you what you already know this race is going to be tight until the very end so please let's not pay too much attention to the polls because we are running as the underdog we know what they're capable of on the other side the only thing we can take for granted is the love that we as Americans have for each other knowing we have so much more in common than what separates us and we've got some hard work ahead but we like hard work hard work is good work hard work can be joyful work and so we are up for the task and with your help we will win in November we will win in November and that in large part is because we know what we stand for and when you know what you stand for you know what to fight for we love our country and we believe in the promise of America that's so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon we believe in the promise of America and that includes a topic we're going to discuss today which is what I call an opportunity economy building an opportunity economy [Applause] and my vision of an opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed where everyone regardless of who they are where they start can build wealth including intergenerational wealth where workers are treated with dignity and everyone has the freedom to join a union if they choose where we remove barriers to Opportunities so any who wants to start a business can have access to the tools and the resources they need to do that I believe and I said it before to Nicole I believe America's small businesses are an essential Foundation to our entire economy think about it think about it small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers half of all private sector workers own or run a small business or work for a small business they do trillions of dollars of business every year they generate Revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers and you know for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of Who We Are and I've met so many entrepreneurs across the country who take the incredible leap of faith that is required to start a small business folks who put their life savings on the line and work through the weekends and holidays because they aren't just building a business they're pursuing a dream they're building a better future for their employees and for the people they love in their communities and by extension they're building a stronger middle class and a stronger America for us [Applause] all and so all of this is why as president one of my highest priorities will be to strengthen America's small businesses and here I am in New Hampshire to announce a few elements of my plan to do that so first we're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground okay now I'm setting what some I'm sure are going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what I think we should admire ambition in each other so I want to see 25 million new small business applications by the end of my first term w and to help achieve this we will lower the cost of starting a new business so here's the thing on average it costs about $440,000 to start a new business in America that is a great financial barrier for a lot of folks and it can hold entrepreneurs back and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you going do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to [Applause] $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business second my plan will help existing small businesses grow we will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want to expand and we will and this is very important cut the red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more difficult than it needs to be more difficult than it needs to be for example we will make it cheaper and easier for small businesses to their taxes similar similar to how individuals can take a standard deduction you know I said to my team kind of like now I'm going to date myself again because they no longer do it but kind of like you remember the 1040 easy like that kind of idea right like let's just take away some of the bureaucracy in the process to make it easier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy third third my plan will invest in small businesses and innovators throughout America and here's why we know that Talent exists everywhere in our country from rural towns to City centers but not everyone has access to the financing to venture capital or expert advice it's not that they don't have the skills it's not that they don't have the work e e it's access to these resources so under my plan we will expand access to venture capital we will support Innovation hubs and business incubators and we will increase Federal contracts with small businesses and we will have a particular focus on small businesses in rural communities like right here in New Hampshire finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in [Applause] taxes cuz here's the thing here's the thing it's just not right that those who can most afford it are often paying a lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurses and our firefighters it's just not right it's just not right so that's why I support a billionaire minimum tax and corporations paying their fair [Applause] share and while we ensure that the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share we will tax capital gains at a rate that rewards investment in America's innovators Founders and small businesses so here's the detail if you earn a million dollars a year or more the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28% under my plan because we know when the government encourages investment it leads to broad-based economic growth and it creates jobs with makes our economy stronger now compare that to what Donald Trump plans he intends to cut off Federal programs that give loans to small [Music] businesses he plans to give billionaires massive tax cuts and to cut corporate taxes by over a trillion dollars even as they pull in record profits his plans will add more than $5 trillion to the national debt and that is on top of the $2 trillion tax cut he gave them when he was president and when he exploded the deficit we know how to count we know how to count and now he also wants to impose what in effect is a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities which will Skyrocket the cost for families and small businesses and New Hampshire on top of all of this if Donald Trump were to win in November he intends to end the Affordable Care Act which would significantly increase costs on small businesses as we know and well you know what the courts are going to handle that and we will handle November how about that how about that that's how we'll handle that how about that but think about it it wants to end the affordable car taking us back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions you remember what that was children with asthma breast cancer survivors grandparents or diabetes so yeah look we are here to tell him and them we are not going back we're not going [Applause] back we're not going back we're not going no we are not and we will move forward because ours is a fight for the future future and and it is a fight for freedom and it is a fight for Freedom now I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire the Live Free or Die State you know the importance of individual freedoms fundamental freedoms you know how hard people fought for these freedoms and that they are foundational to who we are and what we stand for as America including the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do and understand how we got here understand how we got here and of course we're not going to fall for the gas lighting he's pushing right when he was president Donald Trump handpicked three members of the United States state supreme court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Ro v Wade and as he intended they did and now in more than 20 States in our nation there is a trump abortion B many with no exceptions even for rape and incest which is immoral immoral and let us agree and I know we do one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her [Applause] body and if he wins and if he wins you can be sure Donald Trump will go further and he will sign a National Abortion ban and and and you know project 2025 which I just I mean can you believe they put that thing in writing and under project 2025 he would create a national anti-abortion coordinator which would force States I mean this is unbelievable right which would force States to report on women's miscarriages and abortions you know what they are making really quite clear they just don't trust women they just don't trust women but we trust women we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law [Music] across our nation across our nation across our nation and I've been traveling for many many month well years actually and certainly months most recently across our nation I'm telling you we are witnessing a fullon attack on hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms and rights including the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from gun violence the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water the freedom to love who you love openly and with pride [Applause] [Music] and so here's what I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire because you know it so well it's part of your DNA generations of Americans before us they fought for freedom and they led the fight for freedom in our country and now the Baton is in our hands the Baton is in our hands so let us understand which we do our purpose at this very moment let us remember the broad shoulders upon which we stand and the traditions of this very fight that have led to what we have been able to accomplish and let us understand then that when we say fight it is a fight for something not against something it is for [Applause] something that's what we're talking about when we talk about a new way forward this is for something and so as an example let us finally pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the freedom to vote act let us finally pass an assault weapons ban and Universal background check and red flag laws because we are clear on that point it is a false choice to say you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone 's guns away I'm in favor of the Second Amendment and I know we need reasonable gun safety laws in our [Applause] country and there's another point that I'd like to stress about this election in 24 this is not 2016 or 2020 the stakes are even higher this time for a number of reasons but I'm going to mention one in particular what the Supreme Court recently did when they basically just told the former president that going forward he will effectively be immune no matter what he does in the white house but let's take this seriously and understand what it means before at least there might have been the threat that there would be consequence and accountability with that that ruling what this means is that almost explicitly he has been told no consequence and imagine just imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails just imagine with no guard rails he has openly vowed to be a dictator on day one he has said he would end the independence of the Department of Justice the United States Department of Justice so he could have the unchecked power to seek Vengeance against people who disagree with him he even called for I'm going to quote now the termination of the Constitution of the United States of [Applause] [Music] America let us be very clear someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution of the United States of America should never again stand behind the seals of the president of the United States never again so I'll end where I started when it comes down to it we are all here together because we love our country we love our country and we know the privilege the privilege and pride that comes with being an American and I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that is how we realize the promise of America [Applause] right us and so with that being said I ask New Hampshire are you ready to have your voices heard do we believe in Freedom do we believe in Opportunity do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless the United States of America my goodness can we hear for Nicole and throwback [Applause] Brewing hi guys thank you thank you thank you wow thank you all thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it's so good to be back in New Hampshire thank you all thank you and Doug sends his love to everyone as well oh thank you everyone Nicole thank you you guys are just so extraordinary and I applaud the way you do the business that you do and the love that you do in giving Community I love our small business owners it is what you do I'm going to talk a bit about you in a minute but you are part of the fabric the essential fabric of a community that cares about one another thank you for everything thank you thank you and thank you to the outstanding Congressional Delegation Senator Shaheen Hassen representatives papis and kuster and all the leaders who are here today thank you all thank you all for for taking the time to be here this afternoon thank you everyone thank [Applause] you so before I begin I do want to say a few words about this tragic shooting that took place uh this morning in Winder Georgia um we're still gathering information about what happened but we know that there were multiple fatalities and injuries and um you know our hearts are with all the students the teachers and their families of course and we are grateful to the First Responders in the law enforcement that we on the scene but this is just a senseless tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we've got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all you know it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way so we will continue of course to to send our prayers and our thoughts to the families and all those who were affected including you know I I'm going off script right now but listen I mean you know at at the last year I um I started a college tour and um I I I traveled our country meeting with our young leaders right and so it was College age young leaders so I did trade schools colleges universities community colleges by the way I love Jen Z I just love jenzy [Applause] right but I'll tell you one of the things one of the things I asked every time I went to the auditorium and it would be filled with these young leaders students and I'd asked them raise your hand if at any point between kindergarten and 12th grade you had to endure an active shooter drill and the for the for the young leaders who are here who are raising their hand I'm telling you every time the auditorium was packed and almost every hand went up you know a lot of us I'll talk speak about myself you know we had well I grew up in California earthquake drills we had fire drills but our kids are sitting in a classroom where they should be be fulfilling their god-given potential and some part of their big beautiful brain is concerned about a shooter busting through the door of the classroom it does not have to be this way it does not have to be this way and you know this is one of the many issues that's at stake in this election um so New Hampshire look we have 62 days to go 62 days to go and I'm going to tell you what you already know this race is going to be tight until the very end so please let's not pay too much attention to the polls because we are running as the underdog we know what they're capable of on the other side the only thing we can take for granted is the love that we as Americans have for each other knowing we have so much more in common than what separates us and we've got some hard work ahead but we like hard work hard work is good work hard work can be joyful work and so we are up for the task and with your help we will win in November we will win in November and that in large part is because we know what we stand for and when you know what you stand for you know what to fight for we love our country and we believe in the promise of America that's so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon we believe in the promise of America and that includes a topic we're going to discuss today which is what I call an opportunity economy building an opportunity economy and my vision of an opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed where everyone regardless of who they are where they start can build wealth including intergenerational wealth where workers are treated with dignity and everyone has the freedom to join a union if they choose W where we remove barriers to Opportunities so anyone who wants to start a business can have access to the tools and the resources they need to do that I believe and I said it before to Nicole I believe America's small businesses are an essential Foundation to our entire economy think about it think about it small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers half of all private sector workers own or run a small business or work for a small business they do trillions of dollars of business every year they generate Revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers and you know for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we [Applause] are and I've met so many entrepreneurs across the country who take the incredible leap of faith that is required to start a small business folks who put their life savings on the line and work through the weekends and holidays because they aren't just building a business they're pursuing a dream they're building a better future for their employees and for the people they love in their communities and by extension they're building a stronger middle class and a stronger America for us [Applause] all and so all of this is why as president one of my highest priorities will be to strengthen America's small businesses and here I am in New Hampshire to announce a few elements of my plan to do that so first we're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground okay now I'm setting what some I'm sure are going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what I think we should admire ambition in each other so I want to see 25 million new small business applications by the end of my first term and to help achieve this we will lower the cost of starting a new business so here's the thing on average it costs about $40,000 to start a new business in America that is a great financial barrier for a lot of folks and it can hold entrepreneurs back and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you going to do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to [Applause] $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business second my plan will help existing small businesses grow we will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want to expand and we will and this is very important cut the red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more difficult than a needs to be more difficult than it needs to be for example we will make it cheaper and easier for small businesses to file their taxes similar similar to how individuals can take a standard deduction you know I said to my team kind of like now I'm going to date myself again because they no longer do it but kind of like you remember the 1040 easy like that kind of idea right like let's just take away some of the bureaucracy in the process to make it easy iier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy third third my plan will invest in small businesses and innovators throughout America and here's why we know that Talent exists everywhere in our country from rural towns to City centers but not everyone has access to the financing to venture capital or expert advice it's not that they don't have the skills it's not that they don't have the work ethic it's access to these resources so under my plan we will expand access to venture capital we will support Innovation hubs and business incubators and we will increase Federal contracts with small businesses and we will have a particular focus on small businesses in rural communities like right here in New [Applause] Hampshire finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in taxes [Applause] cuz here's the thing here's the thing it's just not right that those who can most afford it are often paying a lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurses and our firefighters it's just not right it's just not right so that's why I support a billionaire minimum tax and corporations paying their fair share [Applause] and while we ensure that the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share we will tax capital gains at a rate that rewards investment in America's innovators Founders and small businesses so here's the detail if you earn a million dollars a year or more the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28% under my plan because we know when the government encourages investment it leads to broad-based economic growth and it creates jobs which makes our economy stronger now compare that to what Donald Trump plans he intends to cut off Federal programs that give loans to small [Music] businesses he plans to give billionaires massive tax cuts and to cut corporate taxes by over a trillion dollars even as they pull in record profits his plans will add more than $5 trillion to the national debt and that is on top of the $2 trillion tax cut he gave them when he was president and when he exploded the deficit we know how to count we know how to count and now he also wants to impose what in effect is a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities which will Skyrocket the cost for families and small businesses and New Hampshire on top of all of this if Donald Trump were to win in November he intends to end the Affordable Care Act which would significantly increase costs on small small businesses as we know and well you know what the courts are going to handle that and we will handle November how about that how about that that's how we'll handle that how about that but think about it it wants to end the Affordable Care Act taking us back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions you remember what that was was children with asthma breast cancer survivors grandparents with diabetes so yeah look we are here to tell him and them we are not going back we're not going back we're not going back we're not going back no we are not and we will move forward because ours is a fight for the future and and it is a fight for freedom and it is a fight for Freedom now I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire the live for your die State you know the importance of individual freedoms fundamental freedoms you know how hard people fought for these freedoms and that they are foundational to who we are and what we stand for as America including the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do and understand how we got here understand how we got here and of course we're not going to fall for the gas lighting he's pushing right when he was president Donald Trump handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Ro v Wade and as he intended they did and now in more than 20 States in our nation there is a trump abortion ban many with no exceptions even for rape and incest which is immortal IM moral immoral and let us agree and I know we do one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her body [Applause] and if he wins and if he wins you can be sure Donald Trump will go further and he will sign a National Abortion ban and and and you know project 2025 which I just I mean can you believe they put that thing in writing and under project 2025 he would create a national anti-abortion coordinator which would force States I mean this is unbelievable right which would force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions you know what they are making really quite clear they just don't trust women they just don't trust women but we trust women we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into [Applause] law across our nation across our nation across our nation and I've been traveling for many many well years actually and certainly months most recently across our nation I'm telling you we are witnessing a fullon attack on hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms and rights including the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from gun violence the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water the freedom to love who you love openly and with pride [Applause] [Music] and so here's what I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire because you know it so well it's part of your DNA generations of Americans before us they fought for freedom and they led the fight for freedom in our country and now the Baton is in our hands the Baton is in our hands so let us understand which we do our purpose at this very moment let us remember the broad shoulders upon which we stand and the traditions of this very fight that have led to what we have been able to accomplish and let us understand then that when we say fight it is a fight for something not against something it is for [Applause] something that's what we're talking about when we talk about a new way forward this is for something and so as an example let us finally pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the freedom to vote act let us finally pass an assault weapons ban and Universal background check and red flag laws because we are clear on that point it is a false choice to say you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone's guns away I'm in favor of the Second Amendment and I know we need reasonable gun safety laws in our [Applause] country and there's another point that I'd like to stress about this election in 24 this is not 2016 or 2020 this Stakes are even higher this time for a number of reasons but I'm going to mention one in particular what the Supreme Court recently did when they basically just told the former president that going forward he will effectively be immune no matter what he does in the white house but let's take this seriously and understand what it means before at least there might have been the threat that there would be consequence and accountability with that ruling what this means is that almost explicitly he has been told no consequence and imagine just imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails just imagine with no guard rails he is openly vowed to be a dictator on day one he has said he would end the independence of the Department of Justice the United States Department of Justice so he could have the unchecked power to seek Vengeance against people who disagree with him he even called for I'm going to quote now the termination of the Constitution of the United States of [Applause] [Music] America let us be very clear someone who suggests we should terminate the con institution of the United States of America should never again stand behind the Seal of the president of the United States never again so I'll end where I started when it comes down to it we are all here together because we love our country we love our country and we know the privilege the privilege and pride that comes with being an American and I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that is how we realize the promise of America [Applause] and so with that being said I ask New Hampshire are you ready to have your voic is heard do we believe in Freedom do we believe in Opportunity do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless the United States of America my goodness can we hear from Nicole and throwback [Applause] Brewing hi guys thank you thank you thank you wow thank you all thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it's so good to be back in New Hampshire thank you all thank you and Doug sends his love to everyone as well oh thank you everyone Nicole thank you you guys are just so extraordinary and I applaud the way you do the business that you do and the love that you do in giving Community I love our small business owners it is what you do I'm going to talk a bit about you in a minute but you are part of the fabric the essential fabric of a community that cares about one another thank you for everything thank you thank you and thank you to the outstanding Congressional Delegation Senator Shaheen Hassen representatives papis and kuster and all the leaders who are here today thank you all thank you all for for taking the time to be here this afternoon thank you everyone thank [Applause] you so before I begin I do want to say a few words about this tragic shooting that took place uh this morning in Winder Georgia um we're still gathering information about what happened but we know that there were multiple fatalities and injuries and um you know our hearts are with all the students the teachers and their families of course and we are grateful to the First Responders in the law enforcement that were on the scene but this is just a senseless tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we've got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all you know it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way so we will continue of course to to send our prayers and our thoughts to the families and all those who were affected and including you know I I'm going off script right now but listen I mean you know at at the last year I um I started a college tour and um I I I traveled our country meeting with our young leaders right and so it was College age young leaders so I did trade schools colleges universities community colleges by the way I love Jen Z I just love Jen Z [Applause] right but I'll tell you one of the things one of the things that I asked every time I went to the auditorium and it would be filled with these young leaders students and I'd ask them raise your hand if at any point between kindergarten and 12th grade you had to endure an active shooter drill and the for the for the young leaders who are here who are raising their hand I'm telling you every time the auditorium was packed and almost every hand went up you know a lot of us I'll speak about myself you know we had well I grew up in California earthquake drills we had fire drills but our kids are sitting in a classroom where they should be fulfilling their god-given potential and some part of their big beautiful brain is concerned about a shooter busting through the door of the classroom it does not have to be this way it does not have to be this way and you know this is one of the many issues that's at stake in this election um so New Hampshire look we have 62 days to go 62 days to go and I'm going to tell you what you already know this race is going to be tight until the very end so please let's not pay too much attention to the polls because we are running as the underdog we know what they're capable of on the other side the only thing we can take for granted is the love that we as Americans have for each other knowing we have so much more in common than what separates us and we've got some hard work ahead but we like hard work hard work is good work hard work can be joyful work and so we are up for the task and with your help we will win in November we will win in November and that in large part is because we know what we stand for and when you know what you stand for you know what to fight for we love our country and we believe in the promise of America that's so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon we believe believe in the promise of America and that includes a topic we're going to discuss today which is what I call an opportunity economy building an opportunity economy and my vision of an opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed where everyone regardless of who they are where they start can build wealth including intergenerational wealth where workers are treated with dignity and everyone has the freedom to join a union if they choose where we remove barriers to Opportunities so anyone who wants to start a business can have access to the tools and the resources they need to do that I believe and I said it before to Nicole I believe America's small businesses are an essential Foundation to our entire economy think about it think about it small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers half of all private sector workers own or run a small business or work for a small business they do trillions of dollars of business every year they generate Revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers and you know for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we [Applause] are and I've met so many entrepreneurs across the country who take the incredible leap of faith that is required to start a small business folks who put their life savings on the line and work through the weekends and holidays cuz they aren't just building a business they're pursuing a dream they're building a better future for their employees and for the people they love in their communities and by extension they're building a stronger middle class and a stronger America for us [Applause] all and so all of this is why as president one of my high priorities will be to strengthen America's small businesses and here I am in New Hampshire to announce a few elements of my plan to do that so first we're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground okay now I'm setting what some I'm sure are going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what I think we should ad High ambition in each other so I want to see 25 million new small business applications by the end of my first term and to help achieve this we will lower the cost of starting a new business so here's the thing on average it costs about $40,000 to start a new business in America that is a great financial barrier for a lot of folks and it can hold entrepreneurs back and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you going to do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 [Applause] it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business second my plan will help existing small businesses grow we will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want to expand and we will and this is very important cut the red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more diffult than it needs to be more difficult than it needs to be for example we will make it cheaper and easier for small businesses to file their taxes similar similar to how individuals can take a standard deduction you know I said to my team kind of like now I'm going to date myself again cuz they no longer do it but kind of like you remember the 1040 easy like that kind of idea right like let's just take away some of the bureaucracy in the process to make it easier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy third third my plan will invest in small businesses and innovators throughout America and here's why we know that Talent exists everywhere in our country from rural towns to cities centers but not everyone has access to the financing to venture capital or expert advice it's not that they don't have the skills it's not that they don't have the work ethic it's access to these resources so under my plan we will expand access to venture capital we will support Innovation hubs and business incubators and we will increase Federal contracts with small businesses and we will have a particular focus on small businesses in rural communities like right here in New [Applause] Hampshire finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in [Applause] taxes cuz here's the thing here's the thing it's just not right that those who can most afford it are often paying a lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurses and our firefighters it's just not right it's just not right so that's why I support a billionaire minimum tax and corporations paying their fair [Applause] share and while we ensure that the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share we will tax capital gains at a rate that rewards investment in America's innovators Founders and small businesses so here's the detail if you earn a million dollars a year or more the tax rate on your long term capital gains will be 28% under my plan because we know when the government encourages investment it leads to broad-based economic growth and it creates jobs which makes our economy stronger now compare that to what Donald Trump plans he intends to cut off Federal program that give loans to small [Music] businesses he plans to give billionaires massive tax cuts and to cut corporate taxes by over a trillion dollars even as they pull in record profits his plans will add more than $5 trillion to the national debt and that is on top of the $2 trillion tax cut he gave them when he was president and when he EXP exp fled the deficit we know how to count we know how to count and now he also wants to impose what in effect is a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities which will Skyrocket the cost for families and small businesses and New Hampshire on top of all of this if Donald Trump were to win in November he intends to end the Affordable Care act which would significantly increase costs on small businesses as we know and well you know what the courts are going to handle that and we will handle November how about that how about that that's how we'll handle that how about that but think about it it wants to end the Affordable Care Act taking us back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions you remember what that was children with asthma breast cancer survivors grandparents with diabetes so yeah look we are here to tell him and them we are not going back we're not going [Applause] back we're not going back we're not going back no we are not and we will move forward because ours is a fight for the future and and it is a fight for freedom and it is a fight for Freedom now I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire the Live Free or Die state [Applause] you know the importance of individual freedoms fundamental freedoms you know how hard people fought for these freedoms and that they are foundational to who we are and what we stand for as America including the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do and understand how we got here understand how we got here and of course we're not going to fall for the gas lighting he's pushing right when he was president Donald Trump handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Ro v Wade and as he intended they did and now in more than 20 States in our nation there is a Trump abortion ban many with no exceptions even for rape and incest which is immoral immoral and let us agree and I know we do one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her body [Applause] and if he wins and if he wins you can be sure Donald Trump will go further and he will sign a National Abortion ban and and and you know project 2025 which I just I mean can you believe they put that thing in writing and under project 2025 he would create a national anti-abortion coordinator which would force States I mean this is unbelievable right which would force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions you know what they are making really quite clear they just don't trust women they just don't trust women but we trust women we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into [Applause] law across our nation across our nation across our nation and I've been traveling for many many well years actually and certainly months most recently across our nation I'm telling you we are witnessing a fullon attack on hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms and rights including the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from gun violence the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water the freedom to love who you love openly and with [Applause] pride and so here's what I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire because you know it so well as part of your DNA generations of Americans before us they fought for freedom and they led the fight for freedom in our country and now the Baton is in our hands the Baton is in our hands so let us understand which we do our purpose at this very moment let us remember the broad shoulders upon which we stand and the traditions of this very fight that have led to what we have been able to accomplish and let us understand then that when we say fight it is a fight for something not against something it is for [Applause] something that's what we're talking about when we talk about a new way forward this is for something and so as an example let us finally pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the freedom to vote act let us finally pass an assault weapon ban and Universal background check and red flag laws because we are clear on that point it is a false choice to say you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone's guns away I'm in favor of the Second Amendment and I know we need reasonable gun safety laws in our [Applause] country and there's another point that I'd like to stress about this election in 24 this is not 2016 or 2020 the stakes are even higher this time for a number of reasons but I'm going to mention one in particular what the Supreme Court recently did when they basically just told the former president that going forward he will effectively be immune no matter what he does in the White House but let's take this seriously and understand what it means before at least there might have been the threat that there would be consequence and accountability with that ruling what this means is that almost explicitly he has been told no consequence and imagine just imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails just imagine with no guard rails he is openly vowed to be a dictator on day one he has said he would end the independence of the Department of Justice the United States Department of Justice so he could have the unchecked power to seek Vengeance against people who disagree with him he even called for I'm going to quote now the termination of the Constitution of the United States of [Applause] [Music] America let us be very clear someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution of the United States of America should never again stand behind the Seal of the president of the United States never again so I'll end started when it comes down to it we are all here together because we love our country we love our country and we know the privilege the privilege and pride that comes with being an American and I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that is is how we realize the promise of [Applause] America and so with that being said I ask New Hampshire are you ready to have your voices heard do we believe in Freedom do we believe in opportun do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless the United States of America my goodness can we hear for Nicole and throwback Brewing [Applause] hi guys thank you thank you thank you wow thank you all thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it's so good to be back in New Hampshire thank you all thank you and Doug sends his love to everyone as well oh thank you everyone Nicole thank you you guys are just so extraordinary and I applaud the way you do the business that you do and the love that you do in giving Community I love our small business owners it is what you do I'm going to talk a bit about you in a minute but you are part of the fabric the essential fabric of a community that cares about one another thank you for everything thank you thank you and thank you to the outstanding Congressional Delegation senator shaheim H representatives papis and kuster and all the leaders who are here today thank you all thank you all for for taking the time to be here this afternoon thank you everyone thank [Applause] you so before I begin I do want to say a few words about this tragic shooting that took place uh this morning in Winder Georgia um we're still gathering information about what happened but we know that there were multiple fatalities and injuries and um you know our hearts are with all the students the teachers and their families of course and we are grateful to the First Responders in the law enforcement that were on the scene but this is just a senseless tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we've got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all you know it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way so we will continue of course to to send our prayers and our thoughts to the families and all those who were affected including you know I I'm going off script right now but listen I mean you know at at the last year I um I started a college tour and um I I I traveled our country meeting with our young leaders right and so it was College age young leaders so I did trade schools colleges universities community colleges by the way I love Jen Z I just love Jen Z [Applause] right but I'll tell you one of the things one of the things I asked every time I went to the auditorium and it would be filled with these young leaders students and I'd ask them raise your hand if at any point between Kinder Garden in 12th grade you had to endure an active shooter drill and the for the for the young leaders who are here who are raising their hand I'm telling you every time the auditorium was packed and almost every hand went up you know a lot of us I'll talk speak about myself you know we had well I grew up in California earthquake drills we had fire drills but our kids are sitting in a classroom where they should be fulfilling their god-given potential and some part of their big beautiful brain is concerned about a shooter busting through the door of the classroom it does not have to be this way does not have to be this way and you know this is one of the many issues that's at stake in this election um so New Hampshire look we have 62 days to go 62 days to go and I'm going to tell you what you already know this race is going to be tight until the very end so please let's not pay too much attention to the polls because we are running as the underdog we know what they're capable of on the other side the only thing we can take for granted is the love that we as Americans have for each other knowing we have so much more in common than what separates [Applause] us and we've got some hard work ahead but we like hard work hard work is good work hard work can be Joy work and so we are up for the task and with your help we will win in November we will win in November and that in large part is because we know what we stand for and when you know what you stand for you know what to fight for we love our country and we believe in the promise of America that's so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon we believe in the promise of America and that includes a topic we're going to discuss today which is what I call an opportunity economy building an opportunity economy and my vision of an opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed where everyone regardless of who they are where they start can build wealth including intergenerational wealth where workers are treated with dignity and everyone has the freedom to join a union if they choose where we remove barriers to Opportunities so anyone who wants to start a business can have access to the tools and the resources they need to do that I believe and I said it before in Cole I believe America's small businesses are an essential Foundation to our entire economy think about it think about it small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers half of all private sector workers own or run a small business or work for a small business they do trillions of dollars of business every year they generate Revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers and you know for all of those who are are no of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we [Applause] are and I've met so many entrepreneurs across the country who take the incredible leap of faith that is required to start a small business folks who put their life savings on the line and work through the weekends and holidays cuz they aren't just building a business they're pursuing a dream they're building a better future for their employees and for the people they love in their communities and by extension they're building a stronger middle class and a stronger America for us all [Applause] and so all of this is why as president one of my highest priorities will be to strengthen America's small businesses and here I am in New Hampshire to announce a few elements of my plan to do that so first we're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground okay now I'm setting what some I'm sure are going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what I think we should admire ambition and each other so I want to see 25 million new small business applications by the end of my first term and to help achieve this we will lower the cost of starting a new business so here's the thing on average it costs about $40,000 to start a new business in America that is a great financial barrier for a lot of folks and it can hold entrepreneurs back and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you're going to do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to [Applause] $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business second my plan will help existing small businesses grow we will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want to expand and we will and this is very important cut the red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more difficult than it needs to be more difficult than it needs to be for example we will make it cheaper and easier for small businesses to file their taxes similar similar to how individuals can take a standard deduction you know I said to my team kind of like now I'm going to date myself again cuz they no longer do it but kind of like you remember the 1040 easy like that kind of idea right like let's just take away some of the bureaucracy in the process to make it easier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy third third my plan will invest in small businesses and innovators throughout America and here's why we know that Talent exists everywhere in our country from rural towns to City centers but not everyone has access to the financing to venture capital or expert advice it's not that they don't have the skills it's not that they don't have the work ethic it's access to these resources so under my plan we will expand access to venture capital we will support Innovation hubs and business incubators and we will increase Federal contracts with small businesses and we will have a particular focus on small businesses in rural communities like right here in New [Applause] Hampshire finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in [Applause] tax cuz here's the thing here's the thing it's just not right that those who can most afford it are often paying a lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurses and our firefighters it's just not right it's just not right so that's why I support a billionaire minimum tax and corporations paying their fair [Applause] share and while we ensure that the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share we will tax capital gains at a rate that rewards investment in America's innovators Founders and small businesses so here's the detail if you earn a million dollar a year or more the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28% under my plan because we know when the government encourages investment it leads to broad-based economic growth and it creates jobs which makes our economy stronger now compare that to what Donald Trump plans he intends to cut off Federal programs that give loans to small [Music] businesses he plans to give billionaires massive tax cuts and to cut corporate taxes by over a trillion dollars even as they pull in record profits his plans will add more than $5 trillion to the national debt and that is on top top of the $2 trillion tax cut he gave them when he was president and when he exploded the deficit we know how to count we know how to count and now he also wants to impose what in effect is a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities which will Skyrocket the cost for families and small businesses and New Hampshire on on top of all of this if Donald Trump were to win in November he intends to end the Affordable Care Act which would significantly increase costs on small businesses as we know and well you know what the courts are going to handle that and we will handle November how about that how about that that's how we'll handle that how about that but think about it it wants to end the Affordable Care Act taking us back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions you remember what that was children with asthma breast cancer survivors grandparents or diabetes so yeah look we are here to tell him and them we are not going back we're not going [Applause] back we're not going back we're not going back not no we are not and we will move forward because ours is a fight for the future and and it is a fight for freedom and it is a fight for freedom now I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire the live for or die State you know the importance of individual freedoms fundamental freedoms you know how hard people fought for these freedoms and that they are foundational to who we are and what we stand for as America including the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do and understand how we got here understand how we got here and of course we're not going to fall for the gas liting he's pushing right when he was president Donald Trump handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Ro v Wade and as he intended they did and now in more than 20 States in our nation there is a trump abortion ban many with no exceptions even for rape and incest which is immoral immoral and let us agree and I know we do one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her body [Applause] and if he wins and if he wins you can be sure Donald Trump will go further and he will sign a National Abortion ban and and and you know project 2025 which I just I mean can you believe they put that thing in writing and under project 2025 he would create a national anti-abortion coordinator which would force States I mean this is unbelievable right which would force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions you know what they are making really quite clear they just don't trust women they just don't trust women but we trust women we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into [Applause] law across our nation across our nation across our nation and I've been traveling for many many month well years actually and certainly months most recently across our nation I'm telling you we are witnessing a fullon attack on hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms and rights including the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from gun violence the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water the freedom to love who you love openly and with [Applause] pride and so here's what I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire because you know it so well as part of your DNA generations of Americans before us they fought for freedom and they led the fight for freedom in our country and now the Baton is in our hands the Baton is in our hands so let us understand which we do our purpose at this very moment let us remember the broad shoulders upon which we stand and the traditions of this very fight that have led to what we have been able to accomplish and let us understand then that when we say fight it is a fight for something not against something it is for [Applause] something that's what we're talking about when we talk about a new way forward this is for something and so as an example let us finally pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the freedom to vote act let us finally pass an assault weapons ban and Universal background checks and red flag laws because we are clear on that point it is a false choice to say you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone's guns away I'm in favor of the Second Amendment and I know we need reasonable gun safety laws in our country [Applause] and there's another point that I'd like to stress about this election in 24 this is not 2016 or 2020 the stakes are even higher this time for a number of reasons but I'm going to mention one in particular what the Supreme Court recently did when they basically just told the former president that going forward he will effectively be immune no matter what he does in the white house but let's take this seriously and understand what it means before at least there might have been the threat that there would be consequence and accountability with that ruling what this means is that almost explicitly he has been told no consequence and imagine just just imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails just imagine with no guard rails he has openly vowed to be a dictator on day one he has said he would end the independence of the Department of Justice the United States Department of Justice so he could have the unchecked power to seek Vengeance against people who disagree with him he even called for I'm going to quote now the termination of the the Constitution of the United States of [Applause] [Music] America let us be very clear someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution of the United States of America should never again stand behind the Seal of the president of the United States never again so I'll end where I started when it comes down to it we are all here together because we love our country we love our country and we know the privilege the privilege and pride that comes with being an American and I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that is how we realize the promise of [Applause] America USA and so with that being said I ask New Hampshire are you ready to have your voices heard do we believe in Freedom do we believe in Opportunity do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless the United States of America my goodness can we hear for Nicole and throwback Brewing [Applause] hi guys thank you thank you thank you wow thank you all thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it's so good to be back in New Hampshire thank you all thank you and Doug sends his love to everyone as well oh thank you everyone Nicole thank you you guys are just so extraordinary and I applaud the way you do the business that you do and the love that you do in giving Community I love our small business owners it is what you do I'm going to talk a bit about you in a minute but you are part of the fabric the essential fabric of a community that cares about one another thank you for everything thank you thank you and thank you to the outstanding Congressional Delegation Senator Shaheen Hassen representatives papis and kuster and all the leaders who are here today thank you all thank you all for for taking the time to be here this afternoon thank you everyone thank [Applause] you so before I begin I do want to say a few words about this tragic shooting that took place uh this morning in Winder Georgia um we're still gathering information about what happened but we know that there were multiple fatalities and injuries and um you know our hearts are with all the students the teachers and their families of course and we are grateful to the First Responders in the law enforcement that were on the scene but this is just a sense tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we've got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all you know it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way so we will continue of course to to send our prayers and I thoughts to the families and all those who were affected including you know I I'm going off script right now but listen I mean you know at at the last year I um I started a college tour and um I I I traveled our country meeting with our young leaders right and so it was College age young leaders so I did trade schools colleges universities community colleges by the way I love Jen Z I just love Jen Z [Applause] right but I'll tell you one of the things one of the things I asked every time I went to the auditorium and it would be filled with these young leaders students and I'd ask them raise your hand if at any point between kindergarten and 12th grade you had to endure an active shooter drill and the for the for the Young leaders who are here who are raising their hand I'm telling you every time the auditorium was packed and almost every hand went up you know a lot of us I'll speak about myself you know we had well I grew up in California earthquake drills we had fire drills but our kids are sitting in a classroom where they should be fulfilling their god-given potential and some part of their big beautiful brain is concerned about a shooter busting through the door of the CL classroom it does not have to be this way it does not have to be this way and you know this is one of the many issues that's at stake in this election um so New Hampshire look we have 62 days to go 62 days to go and I'm going to tell you what you already know this race is going to be tight until the very end so please let's not pay too much attention to the polls because we are running as the underdog we know what they're capable of on the other side the only thing we can take for granted is the love that we as Americans have for each other knowing we have so much more in common than what separates [Applause] us and we've got some hard work ahead but we like hard work hard work is good work hard work can be joyful work and so we are up for the task and with your help we will win in November we will win in November and that in large part is because we know what we stand for and when you know what you stand for you know what to fight for we love our country and we believe in the promise of America that's so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon we believe in the promise of America and that includes a topic we're going to discuss today which is what I call an opportunity economy building an opportunity economy and my vision of an opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed where everyone regardless of who they are where they start can build wealth including intergenerational wealth where workers are treated with dignity and everyone has the freedom to join a union if they choose where we remove barriers to opportuni so anyone who wants to start a business can have access to the tools and the resources they need to do that I believe and I said it before to Nicole I believe America's small businesses are an essential Foundation to our entire economy think about it think about it small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers half of all private sector workers own or run a small business or work for a small business they do trillions of dollars of business every year they generate Revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers and you know for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we [Applause] are and I've met so many entrepreneurs across the country who take the incredible leap of faith that is required to start a small business folks who put their life savings on the line and work through the weekends and holidays CU they aren't just building a business they're pursuing a dream they're building a better future for their employees and for the people they love in their communities and by extension they're building a stronger middle class and a stronger America for us [Applause] all and so all of this is why as president one of my highest priorities will be to strengthen America's small businesses and here I am in New Hampshire to announce a few elements of my plan to do that so first we're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground okay now I'm setting what some I'm sure are going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what I think we should admire ambition in each other so I want to see 25 million new small business applications by the end of my first term and to help achieve this we will lower the cost of starting a new business so here's the thing on average it costs about $40,000 to start a new business in America that is a great financial barrier for a lot of folks and it can hold entrepreneurs back and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you going to do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to [Applause] $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business second my plan will help existing small businesses grow we will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want to expand and we will and this is very important cut the red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more difficult than it needs to be more difficult than it needs to [Applause] be for example we will make it cheaper and easier for small businesses to file their taxes similar similar to how individuals can take a standard deduction you know I said to my team kind of like now I'm going to date myself again cuz they no longer do it but kind of like you remember the 1040 easy like that kind of idea right like let's just take away some of the bureaucracy in the process to make it easier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy third third my plan will invest in small businesses and innovators throughout America and here's why we know that Talent exists everywhere in our country from rural towns to City centers but not everyone has access to the financing to venture capital or expert advice it's not that they don't have the skills it's not that they don't have the work ethic it's access to these resources so under my plan we will expand access to venture capital we will support Innovation hubs and business incubators and we will increase Federal contracts with small businesses and we will have a particular focus on small businesses in rural communities like right here in New Hampshire [Applause] finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in [Applause] tax cuz here's the thing here's the thing it's just not right that those who can most afford it are often paying a lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurses and our firefighters it's just not right it's just not right so that's why I support a billionaire minimum tax and corporations paying their fair [Applause] share and while we ensure that the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share we will tax capital gains at a rate that rewards investment in America's innovators Founders and small businesses so here's the detail if you earn a million dollars a year or more the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28% under my plan because we know when the government encourages investment it leads to broad-based economic growth and it creates jobs which makes our economy stronger now compare that to what Donald Trump plans he intends to cut off Federal programs that give loans to small [Music] businesses he plans to give billionaires massive tax cuts and to cut corporate taxes by over a trillion dollars even as they pull in record profits his plans will add more than $5 trillion to the national debt and that is on top of the $2 trillion tax cut he gave them when he was president and when he exploded the deficit we know how to count we know how to count and now he also wants to impose what in effect is a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities which will Skyrocket the cost for families and small businesses and New Hampshire on top of all of this if Donald Trump were to win in November he intends to end the Affordable Care Act which would significantly increase costs on small businesses as we know and well you know what the courts are going to handle that and we will handle November how about them how about that that's how we'll handle that how about that but think about it it wants to end the Affordable Care Act taking us back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions you remember what that was children with asthma breast cancer survivors grandparents or diabetes so yeah look we are here to tell him and them we are not going back we're not going [Applause] back we're not going back we're not going back going no we are not and we will move forward because ours is a fight for the future and and it is a fight for freedom and it is a fight for Freedom now I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire the Live Free or Die State you know the importance of individual freedoms fundamental freedoms you know how hard people fought for these freedoms and that they are foundational to who we are and what we stand for as America including the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do and understand how we got here understand how we got here and of course we're not going to fall for the gas lighting he's pushing right when he was president Donald Trump handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would un do the protections of Ro v Wade and as he intended they did and now in more than 20 States in our nation there is a trump abortion ban many with no exceptions even for rape and incest which is immoral immoral and let us agree and I know we do one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her [Applause] body and if he wins and if he wins you can be sure Donald Trump will go further and he will sign a National Abortion ban and and and you know project 2025 which I just I mean can you believe they put that thing in writing and under project 2025 he would create a national anti-abortion coordinator which would force States I mean this is unbelievable right which would force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions you know what they are making really quite clear they just don't trust women they just don't trust women but we trust women we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law [Music] across our nation across our nation across our nation and I've been traveling for many many mon well years actually and certainly months most recently across our nation I'm telling you we are witnessing a fullon attack on hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms and rights including the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from gun violence the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water the freedom to love who you love openly and with [Applause] pride and so here's what I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire I'm sure cuz you know it so well as part of your DNA generations of Americans before us they fought for freedom and they led the fight for freedom in our country and now the Baton is in our hands the Baton is in our hands so let us understand which we do our purpose at this very moment let us remember the broad shoulders upon which we stand and the traditions of this very fight that have led to what we have been able to accomplish and let us understand then that when we say fight it is a fight for something not against something it is for [Applause] something that's what we're talking about when we talk about a new way forward this is for something and so as an example let us finally pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the freedom to vote act let us finally pass an assault weapons ban and Universal background check and red flag laws because we are clear on that point it is a false choice to say you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone's guns away I'm in favor of the Second Amendment and I know we need reasonable gun safety laws in our [Applause] country and there's another point that I'd like to stress about this election in 24 this is not 2016 or 2020 the stakes are even higher this time for a number of reasons but I'm going to mention one in particular what the Supreme Court recently did when they basically just told the former president that going forward he will effectively be immune no matter what he does in the white house but let's take this seriously and understand what it means before at least there might have been the threat that there would be consequence and accountability with that ruling what this means is that almost explicitly he has been told no consequence and imagine just imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails just imagine with no guard rails he has openly vowed to be a dictator on day one he has said he would end the independence of the Department of Justice the United States Department of Justice so he could have the unchecked power to seek Vengeance against people who disagree with him he even called for I'm going to quote now the termination of the Constitution of the United States of [Applause] [Music] America let us be very clear someone who suggest we should terminate the Constitution of the United States of America should never again stand behind the Seal of the president of the United States never again so I'll end where I started when it comes down to it we are all here together because we love our country we love our country and we know the privilege the privilege and pride that comes with being an American and I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that is how we realize the promise of [Applause] America and so with that being said I ask New Hampshire are you ready to have your voices heard do we believe in Freedom do we believe in Opportunity do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless the United States my goodness can we hear for Nicole and throwback [Applause] Brewing hi guys thank you thank you thank you wow thank you all thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it's so good to be back in New Hampshire thank you all thank you and Doug sends his love to everyone as well oh thank you everyone Nicole thank you you guys are just so extraordinary and I applaud the way you do the business that you do and the love that you do in giving Community I love our small business owners it is what you do I'm going to talk a bit about you in a minute but you are part of the fabric the essential fabric of a community that cares about one another thank you for everything thank you thank you and thank you to the outstanding Congressional Delegation Senator Shaheen Hassen representatives papis and kuster and all the leaders who are here today thank you all thank you all for for taking the time to be here this afternoon thank you every everyone thank [Applause] you so before I begin I do want to say a few words about this tragic shooting that took place uh this morning in Winder Georgia um we're still gathering information about what happened but we know that there were multiple fatalities and injuries and um you know our hearts are with all the students the teachers and their fam of course and we are grateful to the First Responders in the law enforcement that were on the scene but this is just a senseless tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we've got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all you know it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way so we will continue of course to to send our prayers and our thoughts to the families and all those who were affected including you know I I'm going off script right now but listen I mean you know at at the last year I um I started a college tour and um I I I traveled our country meeting with our young leaders right and so it was College age young leaders so I did trade schools colleges universities community colleges by the way I love Jen Z I just love Jen Z [Applause] right but I'll tell you one of the things one of the things I asked every time I went to the auditorium and it would be filled with these young leader students and I'd ask them raise your hand if at any point between kindergarten and 12 grade you had to endure an active shooter drill and the for the for the young leaders who are here who are raising their hand I'm telling you every time the auditorium was packed and almost every hand went up you know a lot of us I'll I'll speak about myself you know we had well I grew up in California earthquake drills we had fire drills but our kids are sitting in a classroom where they should be fulfilling their god-given potential and some part of their big beautiful brain is concerned about a shooter busting through the door of the classroom it does not have to be this way it does not have to be this way and you know this is one of the many issues that's at stake in this election um so New Hampshire look we have 62 days to go 62 days to go and I'm going to tell you what you already know this race is going to be tight until the very end so please let's not pay too much attention to the polls because we are running as the underdog we know what they're capable of on the other side the only thing we can take for granted is the love that we as Americans have for each other knowing we have so much more in common than what separates us and we've got some hard work ahead but we like hard work hard work is good work hard work can be joyful work and so we are up for the task and with your help we will win in November we will win in November and that in large part is because we know what we stand for and when you know what you stand for you know what to fight for we love our country and we believe in the promise of America that's so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon we believe in the promise of America and that includes a topic we're going to discuss today which is what I call an opportunity economy building an opportunity economy and my vision of an opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed where everyone regardless of who they are where they start can build wealth including intergenerational wealth where workers are treated with dignity and everyone has the freedom to join a union if they choose where we move barriers to Opportunities so anyone who wants to start a business can have access to the tools and the resources they need to do that I believe and I said it before to Nicole I believe America's small businesses are an essential Foundation to our entire economy think about it think about it small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers ERS half of all private sector workers own or run a small business or work for a small business they do trillions of dollars of business every year they generate Revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers and you know for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of Who We Are isn't that the best of who we [Applause] are and I've met so many entrepreneurs across the country who take the incredible leap of faith that is required to start a small business folks who put their life savings on the line and work through the weekends and holidays cuz they aren't just building a business they're pursuing a dream they're building a better future for their employees and for the people they love in their communities and by extension they're building a stronger middle class and a stronger America for us [Applause] all and so all of this is why as president one of my highest priorities will be to strengthen America's small businesses and here I am in New Hampshire to announce a few elements of my plan to do that so first we're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground okay now I'm setting what some I'm sure we going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what I think we should admire ambition in each other so I want to see 25 million new small business applications by the end of my first term and to help achieve this we will lower the cost of starting a new business so here's the thing on average it costs about $40,000 to start a new business in America that is a great financial barrier for a lot of folks and it can hold entrepreneurs back and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you're going to do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to [Applause] $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business second my plan will help existing small businesses grow we will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want to expand and we will and this is very important cut the red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more difficult than it needs to be more difficult than it needs to be for example we will make it cheap cheaper and easier for small businesses to file their taxes similar similar to how individuals can take a standard deduction you know I said to my team kind of like now I'm going to date myself again because they no longer do it but kind of like you remember the 1040 easy like that kind of idea right like let's just take away some of the bureaucracy in the process to make it easier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy third third my plan will invest in small businesses and innovators throughout America and here's why we know that Talent exists everywhere in our country from rural towns to City centers but not everyone has access to the financing to venture capital or expert advice it's not that they don't have the skills it's not that they don't have the work ethic it's access to these resources so under my plan we will expand access to venture capital we will support Innovation hubs and business incubators and we will increase Federal contracts with small businesses and we will have a particular focus on small businesses in rural communities like right here in New Hampshire finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in [Applause] taxes cuz here's the thing here's the thing if just not right that those who can most afford it are often paying a lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurses and our firefighters it's just not right it's just not right so that's why I support a billionaire minimum tax and corporations paying their fair [Applause] share and while we ensure that the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share we will tax capital gains at a rate that rewards investment in America's innovators Founders and small businesses so here's the detail if you earn a million dollars a year or more the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28% under my plan because we know when the government encourages investment it leads to Broad based economic growth and it creates jobs which makes our economy stronger now compare that to what Donald Trump plans he intends to cut off Federal programs that give loans to small [Music] businesses he plans to give billionaires massive tax cuts and to cut corporate taxes by over a trillion dollars even as they pull in record profits his plans will add more than $5 trillion to the national debt and that is on top of the $2 trillion tax cut he gave them when he was president and when he exploded the deficit we know how to count we know how to count and now he also wants to impose what in effect is a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities which will Skyrocket the cost for families and small businesses and New Hampshire on top of all of this if Donald Trump were to win in November he intends to end the Affordable Care Act which would significantly increase costs on small businesses as we know and well you know what the courts are going to handle that and we will handle November how about that how about that that's how we'll handle that how about that but think about it it wants to end the Affordable Care Act taking us back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions you remember what that was children with asthma breast cancer survivors grandparents or diabetes so yeah look we are here to tell him and them we are not going back we're not going [Applause] back we're not going back we're not going no we are not and we will move forward because ours is a fight for the future and and it is a fight for freedom and it is a fight for Freedom now I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire the Live Free or Die State you know the importance of individual freedoms fundamental freedoms you know how hard people fought for these freedoms and that they are Foundation to who we are and what we stand for as America including the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do and understand how we got here understand how we got here and of course we're not going to fall for the gas light and he's pushing right when he was president Donald Trump had handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Ro v Wade and as he intended they did and now in more than 20 States in our nation there is a trump abortion B many with no exceptions even for rape and incest which is immoral immoral and let us agree and I know we do one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her [Applause] body and if he wins and if he wins you can be sure Donald Trump will go further and he will sign a National Abortion ban and and and you know project 2025 which I just I mean can you believe they put that thing in writing and under project 2025 he would create a national anti-abortion coordinator which would force States I mean this is UN believable right which would force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions you know what they are making really quite clear they just don't trust women they just don't trust women but we trust women we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into [Applause] law across our nation across our nation across our nation and I've been traveling for many many month well years actually and certainly months most recently across our nation I'm telling you we are witnessing a fullon attack on hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms and rights including the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from gun violence the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water the freedom to love who you love openly and with pride [Applause] [Music] and so here's what I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire because you know it so well as part of your DNA generations of Americans before us they fought for freedom and they led the fight for freedom in our country and now the Baton is in our hands the Baton is in our hands so let us understand which we do our purpose at this very moment let us remember the broad shoulders upon which we stand and the traditions of this very fight that have led to what we have been able to accomplish and let us understand then that when we say fight it is a fight for something not against something it is for something that's what we're talking about when we talk about a new way forward this is for something and so as an example let us finally pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the freedom to vote act let us finally pass an assault weapons B and Universal background check and red flag laws because we are clear on that point it is a false choice to say you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone's guns away I'm in favor of the Second Amendment and I know we need reasonable gun safety laws in our [Applause] country and there's another point that I'd like to stress about this election in 24 this is not 2016 or 2020 the stakes are even higher this time for number of reasons but I'm going to mention one in particular what the Supreme Court recently did when they basically just told the former president that going forward he will effectively be immune no matter what he does in the white house but let's take this seriously and understand what it means before at least there might have been the threat that that there would be consequence and accountability with that ruling what this means is that almost explicitly he has been told no consequence and imagine just imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails just imagine with no guard rails he has openly vowed to be a dictator on day one he has said he would end the independence of the Department of Justice the United States Department of Justice so he could have the unchecked power to seek Vengeance against people who disagree with him he even called for I'm going to quote now the termination of the Constitution of the United States of [Applause] [Music] America let us be very clear someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution of the United States of America should never again stand behind the Seal of the president of the United States never again so I'll end where I started when it comes down to it we are all here together because we love our country we love our country and we know the privilege the privilege and pride that comes with being an American and I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that is how we realize the promise of America [Applause] USA us us us and so with that being said I ask New Hampshire are you ready to have your voices heard do we believe in Freedom do we believe in Opportunity do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless the United States of America my goodness can we hear for Nicole and throwback [Applause] Brey hi guys thank you thank you thank you wow thank you all thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it's so good to be back in New Hampshire thank you all thank you and Doug sends his love to everyone as well oh thank you everyone Nicole thank you you guys are just so extraordinary and I applaud the way you do the business that you do and the love that you do in giving Community I love our small business owners it is what you do I'm going to talk a bit about you in a minute but you are part of the fabric the essential fabric of a community that cares about one another thank you for everything thank you thank you and thank you to the outstanding Congressional Delegation Senator Shaheen Hassen representatives papis and kuster and all the lead leaders who are here today thank you all thank you all for for taking the time to be here this afternoon thank you everyone thank [Applause] you so before I begin I do want to say a few words about this tragic shooting that took place uh this morning in Winder Georgia um we're still gathering information about what happened but we know that there were multiple fatalities and injuries and um you know our hearts are with all the students the teachers and their families of course and we are grateful to the First Responders in the law enforcement that were on the scene but this is just a senseless tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we've got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all you know it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way so we will continue of course to to send our prayers and our thoughts to the families and all those who were affected including you know I I'm going off script right now but listen I'm I mean you know at at the last year I um I started a college tour and um I I I traveled our country meeting with our young leaders right and so it was College age young leaders so I did trade schools colleges universities community colleges by the way I love Jen Z I just love Jen Z right but I'll tell you one of the things one of the things I asked every time I went to the auditorium and it would be filled with these young leaders students and I'd ask them raise your hand if at any point between kindergarten and 12th grade you had to endure an active shooter drill and the for the for the young leaders who are here who are raising their hand I'm telling you every time the auditorium was packed and almost every hand went up you know a lot of us I'll I'll speak about myself you know we had well I grew up in California earthquake drills we had fire drills but our kids are sitting in a classroom where they should be fulfilling their god-given potential and some part of their big beautiful brain is concerned about a shooter busting through the door of the classroom it does not have to be this way it does not have to be this way and you know this is one of the many issues that's at stake in this election um so New Hampshire look we have 62 days to go 62 days to go and I'm going to tell you what you already know this race is going to be tight until the very end so please let's not pay too much attention to the polls because we are running as the underdog we know what they're capable of on the other side the only thing we can take for granted is the love that we as Americans have for each other knowing we have so much more in common than what separates us and we've got some hard work ahead but we like hard work hard work is good work hard work can be joyful work and so we are up for the task and with your help we will win in November we will win in November and that in large part is because we know what we stand for and when you know what you stand for you know what to fight for we love our country and we believe in the promise of America that's so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon we believe in the promise of America and that includes a topic we're going to discuss today which is what I call an opportunity economy building an opportunity economy and my vision of an opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed where everyone regardless of who they are where they start can build wealth including intergenerational wealth where workers are treated with dignity and everyone has has the freedom to join a union if they choose where we remove barriers to opportuni so anyone who wants to start a business can have access to the tools and the resources they need to do that I believe and I said it before to Nicole I believe America's small businesses are an essential Foundation to our entire economy think about it think about it small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers half of all private sector workers own or run a small business or work for a small business they do trillions of dollars of business every year they generate Revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers and you know for all of those who are are know of small business own owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we [Applause] are and I've met so many entrepreneurs across the country who take the incredible leap of faith that is required to start a small business folks who put their life savings on the line and work through the weekends and holidays cuz they aren't just building business they're pursuing a dream they're building a better future for their employees and for the people they love and their communities and by extension they're building a stronger middle class and a stronger America for us [Applause] all and so all of this is why as president one of my highest priorities will be to strengthen America's small businesses and here I am in New Hampshire to announce a few elements of my plan to do that so first we're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground okay now I'm setting what some I'm sure are going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what I think we should admire ambition in each other so I want to see 25 million new small business applications by the end of my first term and to help achieve this we will lower the cost of starting a new business so here's the thing on average it costs about $40,000 to start a new business in America that is a great financial barrier for a lot of f folks and it can hold entrepreneurs back and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you going to do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 [Applause] it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business second my plan will help existing small businesses grow we will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want to expand and we will and this is very important cut the red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more difficult than it needs to be more difficult than it needs to be [Applause] for example we will make it cheaper and easier for small businesses to file their taxes similar similar to how individuals can take a standard deduction you know I said to my team kind of like now I'm going to date myself again because they no longer do it but kind of like you remember the 1040 easy like that kind of idea right like let's just take away some of the bureau Ry in the process to make it easier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy third third my plan will invest in small businesses and innovators throughout America and here's why we know that Talent exists everywhere in our country from rural towns to City centers but not everyone has access to the financing to venture capital or expert advice it's not that they don't have the skills it's not that they don't have the work ethic it's access to these resources so under my plan we will expand access to venture capital we will support Innovation hubs and business incubators and we will increase Federal contracts with small businesses and we will have a particular focus on small businesses in rural communities like right here in New [Applause] Hampshire finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in taxes [Applause] cuz here's the thing here's the thing it's just not right that those who can most afford it are often paying a lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurses and our firefighters it's just not right it's just not right so that's why I support a billionaire minimum tax and corporations paying their fair share [Applause] and while we ensure that the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share we will tax capital gains at a rate that rewards investment in America's innovators Founders and small businesses so here's the detail if you earn a million dollars a year or more the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28% under my my plan because we know when the government encourages investment it leads to broad-based economic growth and it creates jobs which makes our economy stronger now compare that to what Donald Trump plans he intends to cut off Federal programs that give loans to small businesses W he plans to give billionaires massive tax cuts and to cut corporate taxes by over a trillion dollars even as they pull in record profits his plans will add more than5 trillion do to the national debt and that is on top of the $2 trillion tax cut he gave them when he was president and when he exploded the deficit we know how to count we know how to count and now he also wants to impose what in effect is a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities which will Skyrocket the cost for families and small businesses and New Hampshire on top of all of this if Donald Trump were to win in November he intends to end the Affordable Care Act which would significantly increase costs on small businesses as we know and well you know what the courts are going to handle that and we will handle November how about that how about that that's how we'll handle that how about that but think about it it wants to end the Affordable Care Act taking us back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions you remember what that was children with asthma breast cancer survivors grandparents or diabetes so yeah look we are here to tell him and them we are not going back we're not going back we're not going back we're not going back not going back not going back no we are not and we will move forward because ours is a fight for the future and and it is a fight for freedom and it is a fight for Freedom now I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire the Live Free or Die State you know the importance of individual freedom fundamental freedoms you know how hard people fought for these freedoms and that they are foundational to who we are and what we stand for as America including the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do and understand how we got here understand how we got here and of course we're not going to fall for the gas lighting he's pushing right when he was president Donald Trump handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Ro v Wade and as he intended they did and now in more than 20 States in our nation there is a trump abortion ban many with kn exceptions even for rape and incest which is immoral immoral and let us agree and I know we do one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her body [Applause] and if he wins and if he wins you can be sure Donald Trump will go further and he will sign a National Abortion ban and and and you know project 2025 which I just I mean can you believe they put that thing in writing and under project 2025 he would create a national anti-abortion coordinator which would force States I mean this is unbelievable right which would force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions you know what they are making really quite clear they just don't trust women they just don't trust women but we trust women we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into [Applause] law across our nation across our nation across our nation and I've been traveling for many many month well years actually and certainly months most recently across our nation I'm telling you we are witnessing a fullon attack on hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms and rights including the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from gun violence the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water the freedom to love who you love openly and with [Applause] pride and so here's what I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire because you know it so well as part of your DNA generations of Americans before us they fought for freedom and they led the fight for freedom in our country and now the Baton is in our hands the Baton is in our hands so let us understand which we do our purpose at this very moment let us remember the broad shoulders upon which we stand and the traditions of this very fight that have led to what we have been able to accomplish and let us understand then that when we say fight it is a fight for something not against something it is for [Applause] something that's what we're talking about when we talk about a new way forward this is for something and so as an example let us finally pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the freedom to vote act let us finally pass an assault weapons B and Universal background check and red flag laws because we are clear on that point it is a false choice to say you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone's guns away I'm in favor of the Second Amendment and I know we need reasonable gun safety laws in our [Applause] country and there's another point that I'd like to stress about this election in 24 this is not 2016 or 2020 the stakes are even higher this time for a number of reasons but I'm going to mention one in particular what the Supreme Court recently did when they basically just told the former president that going forward he will effectively be immune no matter what he does in the White House but let's take this seriously and understand what it means before at least there might have been the threat that there would be consequence in accountability with that ruling what this means is that almost explicitly he has been told no consequence and imagine just imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails just imagine with no guard rails he is openly vowed to be a dictator on day one he has said he would end the independence of the Department of Justice the United States Department of Justice so he could have the unchecked power to seek Vengeance against people who disagree with him he even called for I'm going to quote now the termination of the Constitution of the United States of [Applause] [Music] America let us be very clear someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution of the United States of America should never again stand behind the Seal of the president of the United States never again so I'll end where I started when it comes down to it we are all here together because we love our country we love our country and we know the privilege the privilege and pride that comes with being an American and I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that is how we realize the promise of America [Applause] and so with that being said I ask New Hampshire are you ready to have your voices heard do we believe in Freedom do we believe in Opportunity do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless the United States of America my goodness can we hear for Nicole and throwback [Applause] Brewing hi hi guys thank you thank you thank you wow thank you all thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it's so good to be back in New Hampshire thank you all thank you and Doug sends his love to everyone as well oh thank you everyone Nicole thank you you guys are just so extraordinary and I applaud the way you do the business that you do and the love that you do in giving Community I love our small business owners it is what you do I'm going to talk a bit about you in a minute but you are part of the fabric the essential fabric of a community that cares about one another thank you for everything thank you thank you and thank you to the outstanding Congressional Delegation Senator Shaheen Hassen representatives papis and kuster and all the leaders who are here today thank you all thank you all for for taking the time to be here this afternoon thank you everyone thank [Applause] you so before I begin I do want to say a few words about this tragic shooting that took place uh this morning in wer Georgia um we're still still gathering information about what happened but we know that there were multiple fatalities and injuries and um you know our hearts are with all the students the teachers and their families of course and we are grateful to the First Responders in the law enforcement that were on the scene but this is just a senseless tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we've got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all you know it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way so we will continue of course to to send our prayers and our thoughts to the families and all those who were affected including you know I I'm going off script right now but listen I mean you know it at the last year I um I started a college tour and um I I I traveled our country meeting with our young leaders right and so it was College age young leaders so I did trade schools colleges universities community colleges by the way I love Jen Z I just love Jen Z right but I'll tell you one of the things one of the things I asked every time I went to the auditorium and it would be filled with these young leaders students and I'd ask them raise your hand if at any point between kindergarten and 12th grade you had to endure an active shooter drill and the for the for the young leaders who are here who are raising their hand I'm telling you every time the auditorium was packed and almost every hand went up you know a lot of us I'll speak about myself you know we had well I grew up in California earthquake drills we had fire drills but our kids are sitting in a classroom where they should be fulfilling their god-given potential and some part of their big beautiful brain is concerned about a shooter busting through the door of the classroom it does not have to be this way it does not have to be this way and you know this is one of the many issues that's at stake in this election um so New Hampshire look we have 60 two days to go 62 days to go and I'm going to tell you what you already know this race is going to be tight until the very end so please let's not pay too much attention to the polls because we are running as the underdog we know what they're capable of on the other side side the only thing we can take for granted is the love that we as Americans have for each other knowing we have so much more in common than what separates [Applause] us and we've got some hard work ahead but we like hard work hard work is good work hard work can be joyful work and so we are up for the task and with your help we will win in November we will win in November and that in large part is because we know what we stand for and when you know what you stand for you know what to fight for we love our country and we believe in the promise of America that's so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon we believe in the promise of America and that includes a topic we're going to discuss today which is what I call an opportunity economy building an opportunity economy and my vision of an opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed where everyone regardless of who they are where they start can build wealth including intergenerational wealth where workers are treated with dignity and everyone has the freedom to join a union if they choose where we remove barriers to Opportunities so anyone who wants to start a business can have access to the tools and the resources they need to do that I believe and I said it before to Nicole I believe America's small businesses are an essential Foundation to our entire economy think about it think about it small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers half of all private sector workers own or run a small business or work for a small business they do trillions of dollars of business every year they generate Revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers and you know for all of those who are are know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we [Applause] are and I've met so many entrepreneurs across the country who take the incredible leap of faith that is required to start a small business folks who put their life savings on the line and work through the weekends and holidays cuz they aren't just building a business they're pursuing a dream they're building a better future for their employees and for the people they love in their communities and by extension they're building a stronger middle class and a stronger America for us [Applause] all and so all of this is why as president one of my highest priorities will be to strengthen America's small businesses and here I am in New Hampshire to announce a few elements of my plan to do that so first we're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground okay now I'm setting what some I'm sure are going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what I think we should admire ambition in each other so I want to see 25 million new small business applications by the end of my first term and to help achieve this we will lower the cost of starting a new business so here's the thing on average it costs about $4 $30,000 to start a new business in America that is a great financial barrier for a lot of folks and it can hold entrepreneurs back and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you going to do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to [Applause] $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business second my plan will help existing small businesses grow we will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want to expand and we will and this is very important cut the red tape that can make St starting and growing a small business more difficult than it needs to be more difficult than it needs to be for example we will make it cheaper and easier for small businesses to file their taxes similar similar to how individuals can take a standard deduction you know I said to my team kind of like now I'm going to date myself again cuz they no longer do it but kind of like you remember the 10 40 Easy like that kind of idea right like let's just take away some of the bureaucracy in the process to make it easier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy third third my plan will invest in small businesses and innovators throughout America and here's why we know that Talent exists everywhere in our country from rural towns to City centers but not everyone has access to the financing to venture capital or expert advice it's not that they don't have the skills it's not that they don't have the work ethic it's access to these resources so under my plan we will expand access to venture capital we will support Innovation hubs and business incubators and we will increase Federal contracts with small businesses and we will have a particular focus on small businesses in rural communities like right here in New [Applause] Hampshire finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in [Applause] taxes cuz here's the thing here's the thing it's just not right that those who can most afford it are often paying a lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurses and our fir Fighters it's just not right it's just not right so that's why I support a billionaire minimum tax and corporations paying their fair [Applause] share and while we ensure that the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share we will tax capital gains at a rate that rewards investment in America's innovators Founders and small businesses so here's the detail if you earn a million dollar a year or more the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28% under my plan because we know when the government encourages investment it leads to broad-based economic growth and it creates jobs which makes our economy stronger now compare that to what Donald Trump plans he intends to cut off Federal programs that give loans to small [Music] businesses he plans to give billionaires massive tax cuts and to cut corporate taxes by over a trillion dollars even as they pull in record profits his plans will add more than $5 trillion to the national debt and that is on top of the $2 trillion tax cut he gave them when he was president and when he exploded the deficit we know how to count we know how to count and now he also wants to impose what in effect is a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities which will Skyrocket the cost for families and small businesses and New Hampshire on top of all of this if Donald Trump were to win in November he intends to end the Affordable Care Act which would significantly increase costs on small businesses as we know and well you know what the courts are going to handle that and we will handle November how about that how about that that's how we'll handle that how about that but think about it wants to end the Affordable Care Act taking us back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions you remember what that was children with asthma breast cancer survivors grandparents or diabetes so yeah look we are here to tell him and them we are not going back we're not going back not going back we're not going back we're not going back no we are not and we will move forward because ours is a fight for the future and and it is a fight for freedom and it is a fight for Freedom now I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire the Live Free or Die State you know the importance of individual freedoms fundamental freedoms you know how hard people fought for these freedoms and that they are foundational to who we are and what we stand for as America including the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do and understand how we got here understand how we got here and of course we're not going to fall for the gas liting he's pushing right when he was president Donald Trump handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Ro v Wade and as he intended they did and now in more than 20 States in our nation there is a trump abortion ban many with no exceptions even for rape and incest which is immoral immoral and let us agree and I know we do one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her body [Applause] and if he wins and if he wins you can be sure Donald Trump will go further and he will sign a National Abortion ban and and and you know project 2025 which I just I mean can you believe they put that thing in writing and under project 2025 he would create a national antiabortion coordinator which would force States I mean this is unbelievable right which would force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions you know what they are making really quite clear they just don't trust women they just don't trust women but we trust women we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into [Applause] law across our nation across our nation across our nation and I've been traveling for many many month well years actually and certainly months most recently across our nation I'm telling you we are witnessing a fullon attack on hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms and rights including the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from gun viol the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water the freedom to love who you love openly and with [Applause] pride and so here's what I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire because you know it so well it's part of your DNA generations of Americans before us they fought for freedom and they LED L the fight for freedom in our country and now the Baton is in our hands the Baton is in our hands so let us understand which we do our purpose at this very moment let us remember the broad shoulders upon which we stand and the traditions of this very fight that have led to what we have been able to accomplish and let us understand then that when we say fight it is a fight for something not against something it is for [Applause] something that's what we're talking about when we talk about a new way forward this is for something and so as an example let us finally pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the freedom to vote Act let us finally pass an assault weapons ban and Universal background check and red flag laws because we are clear on that point it is a false choice to say you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone's guns away I'm in favor of the Second Amendment and I know we need reasonable gun safety laws in our [Applause] country and there's another point that I'd like to stress about this election in 24 this is not 2016 or 20120 the stakes are even higher this time for a number of reasons but I'm going to mention one in particular what the Supreme Court recently did when they basically just told the former president that going forward he will effectively be immune no matter what he does in the white house but let's take this seriously and understand what it means before at least there might have been the threat that there would be consequence and accountability with that ruling what this means is that almost explicitly he has been told no consequence and imagine just imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails just imagine with no guard rails he has openly vowed to be a dictator on day one he has said he would end the independence of the Department of Justice the United States Department of Justice so he could have the uncheck power to seek Vengeance against people who disagree with him he even called for I'm going to quote now the termination of the Constitution of the United States of America let us be very clear someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution of the United States of America should never again stand behind the Seal of the president of the United States never again so I'll end where I started when it comes down to it we are all here together because we love our country we love our country and we know the privilege the privilege and pride that comes with being an American and I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that is how we realize the promise of [Applause] America and so with that being said I ask New Hampshire are you ready to have your voices heard do we believe in Freedom do we believe in Opportunity do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless the United States of America my goodness can we hear from Nicole and throw back Brewing [Applause] hi guys thank you thank you thank you wow thank you all thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it's so good to be back in New Hampshire thank you all thank you and Doug sends his love to everyone as well oh thank you everyone Nicole thank you you guys are just so extraordinary and I applaud the way you do the business that you do and the love that you do in giving Community I love our small business owners it is what you do I'm going to talk a bit about you in a minute but you are part of the fabric the essential fabric of a community that cares about one another thank you for everything thank you thank you and thank you to the outstanding ing Congressional Delegation Senator Shaheen Hassen representatives papis and kuster and all the leaders who are here today thank you all thank you all for for taking the time to be here this afternoon thank you everyone thank [Applause] you so before I begin I do want to say a few words about this tragic shooting that took place uh this morning in Winder Georgia um we're still gathering information about what happened but we know that there were multiple fatalities and injuries and um you know our hearts are with all the students the teachers and their families of course and we are grateful to the First Responders in the law enforcement that were on the scene but this is just a senseless tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we've got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all you know it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way so we will continue of course to to send our prayers and our thoughts to the families and all those who were affected including you know I I'm going off script right now but listen I mean you know at at the last year I um I started a college tour and um I I I traveled our country meeting with our young leaders right and so it was College age young leaders so I did trade schools colleges universities community colleges by the way I love Jen Z I just love Jen Z [Applause] right but I'll tell you one of the things one of the things I asked every time I went to the auditorium and it would be filled with these young leaders students and I'd asked them raise your hand if at any point between kindergarten and 12th grade you had to endure an active shooter drill and the for the for the young leaders who are here who are raising their hand I'm telling you every time the auditorium was packed and almost every hand went up you know a lot of us I'll speak about myself you know we had well I grew up in California earthquake drills we had fire drills but our kids are sitting in a classroom where they should be fulfilling their god-given potential and some part of their big beautiful brain is concerned about a shooter busting through the door of the classroom it does not have to be this way it does not have to be this way and you know this is one of the many issues that's at stake in this election um so New Hampshire look we have 62 days to go 62 days to go and I'm going to tell you what you already know this race is going to be tight until the very end so please let's not pay too much attention to the polls because we are running as the underdog we know what they're capable of on the other side the only thing we can take for granted is the love that we as Americans have for each other knowing we have so much more in common than what separates [Applause] us and we've got some hard work ahead but we like hard work hard work is good work hard work can be joyful work and so we are up for the task and with your help we will win in November we will win in November and that in large part is because we know what we stand for and when you know what you stand for you know what to fight for we love our country and we believe in the promise of America that's so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon we believe in the promise of America and that includes a topic we're going to discuss today which is what I call an opportunity economy building an opportunity economy and my vision of an opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed where everyone regardless of who they are where they start can build wealth including intergenerational wealth where workers are treated with dignity and everyone has the freedom to join a union if they choose where we remove barriers to opportuni so anyone who wants to start a business can have access to the tools and the resources they need to do that I believe and I said it before to Nicole I believe America's small businesses are an essential Foundation to our entire economy think about it think about it small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers half of all private sector workers own or run a small business or work for a small business they do trillions of dollars of business every year they generate Revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers and you know for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we [Applause] are and I've met so many entrepreneurs across the country who take the incredible leap of faith that is required to start a small business folks who put their life savings on the line and work through the weekends and holidays cuz they aren't just building a business they're pursuing a dream they're building a better future for their employees and for the people they love in their communities and by extension they're building a stronger middle class and a stronger America for us [Applause] all and so all of this is why as president one of my highest priorities will be to strengthen America's small businesses and here I am in New Hampshire to announce a few elements of my plan to do that so first we're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground okay now I'm setting what some I'm sure are going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what I think we should admire ambition in each other so I want to see 25 million new small business applications by the end of my first term and to help achieve this we will lower the cost of starting a new business so here's the thing on average it costs about $40,000 to start a new business in America that is a great financial barrier for a lot of folks and it can hold entrepreneurs back and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you're going to do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to [Applause] $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business second my plan will help existing small businesses grow we will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want want to expand and we will and this is very important cut the red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more difficult than it needs to be more difficult than it needs to be for example we will make it cheaper and easier for small businesses to file their taxes similar similar to how individuals can take a standard deduction you know I said to my team kind of like now I'm going to date myself again cuz they no longer do it but kind of like you remember the 1040 easy like that kind of idea right like let's just take away some of the bureaucracy in the process to make it easier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy third third my plan will invest in small businesses and innovators throughout America and here's why we know that Talent exists everywhere in our country from rural towns to City centers but not everyone has access to the financing to venture capital or expert advice it's not that they don't have the skills it's not that they don't have the work ethic it's access to these resources so under my plan we will expand access to venture capital we will support Innovation hubs and business incubators and we will increase Federal contracts with small businesses and we will have a particular focus on small businesses in rural communities like right here in New [Applause] Hampshire finally my plan will make our tax C more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in [Applause] taxes cuz here's the thing here's the thing it's just not right that those who can most afford it are often paying a lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurses and our firefighters it's just not right it's just not right so that's why I support a billionaire minimum tax and corporations paying their fair [Applause] share and while we ensure that the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share we will tax capital gains at a rate that rewards investment in America's innovator Founders and small businesses so here's the detail if you earn a million dollars a year or more the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28% under my plan because we know when the government encourages investment it leads to broad-based economic growth and it creates jobs which makes our economy stronger now compare that to what Donald Trump plans he intends to cut off Federal programs that give loans to small [Music] businesses he plans to give billionaires massive tax cuts and to cut corporate taxes by over a trillion dollars even as they pull in record profits his plans will add more than $5 trillion to the national debt and that is on top of the $2 trillion tax cut he gave them when he was president and when he exploded the deficit we know how to count we know how to count and now he also wants to impose what in effect is a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities which will Skyrocket the cost for family and small businesses and New Hampshire on top of all of this if Donald Trump were to win in November he intends to end the Affordable Care Act which would significantly increase costs on small businesses as we know and well you know what the courts are going to handle that and we will handle November how about that how about that That's How we'll handle that how about that but think about it it wants to end the Affordable Care Act taking us back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions you remember what that was children with asthma breast cancer survivors grandparents with diabetes so yeah look we are here to tell him and them we are not going back we're not going back we're not going back no we are not and we will move forward because ours is a fight for the future and and it is a fight for freedom and it is a fight for Freedom now I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire the Live Free or Die State you know the importance of individual freedoms fundamental freedoms you know how hard people fought for these freedoms and that they are foundational to who we are and what we stand for as America including the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do and understand how we got here understand how we got here and of course we're not going to fall for the gas lighting he's pushing right when he was president Donald Trump handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Ro v Wade and as he intended they did and now in more than 20 States in our nation there is a trump abortion ban many with no exceptions even for rape and incest which is immoral immoral and let us agree and I know we do one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her [Applause] body and if he wins and if he wins you can be sure Donald Trump will go further and he will sign a National Abortion ban and and and you know project 2025 which I just I mean can you believe they put that thing in writing and under project 2025 he would create a national anti-abortion coordinator which would force States I mean this is unbelievable right which would force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions you know what they are making really quite clear here they just don't trust women they just don't trust women but we trust women we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law [Music] across our nation across our nation across our nation and I've been traveling for many many well years actually and certainly months most recently across our nation I'm telling you we are witnessing a fullon attack on hard fought hard one fundamental freedoms and rights including the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from gun violence the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water the freedom to love who you love openly and with [Applause] pride and so here's what I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire because you know it so well as part of your DNA generations of Americans before us they fought for freedom and they led the fight for freedom in our country and now the Baton is in our hands the Baton is in our hands so let us understand which we do our purpose at this very moment let us remember the broad shoulders upon which we stand and the traditions of this very fight that have led to what we have been able to accomplish and let us understand then that when we say fight it is a fight for something not against something it is for [Applause] something that's what we're talking about when we talk about a new way forward this is for something and so as an example let us finally pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the freedom to vote act let us finally pass an assault weapons ban and Universal background check and red flag laws because we are clear on that point it is a false choice to say you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone's guns away I'm in favor of the Second Amendment and I know we need reasonable gun safety laws in our country [Applause] and there's another point that I'd like to stress about this election in 24 this is not 2016 or 2020 the stakes are even higher this time for a number of reasons but I'm going to mention one in particular what the Supreme Court recently did when they basically just told the former former president that going forward he will effectively be immune no matter what he does in the white house but let's take this seriously and understand what it means before at least there might have been the threat that there would be consequence and accountability with that ruling what this means is that almost explicitly he has been told no consequence and imagine just imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails just imagine with no guard rails he has openly vowed to be a dictator on day one he has said he would end the independence of the Department of Justice the United States Department of Justice so he could have the unchecked power to seek Vengeance against people who disagree with him he even called for I'm going to quote now the termination of the Constitution of the United States of [Applause] [Music] America let us be very clear someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution of the United States of America should never again stand behind the Seal of the president of the United States never again so I'll end where I started when it comes down to it we are all here together because we love our country we love our country and we know the privilege the privilege and pride that comes with being an American and I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that is how we realize the promise of [Applause] America and so with that being said I ask New Hampshire are you ready to have your voices heard do we believe in Freedom do we believe in Opportunity do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless the United States of America my goodness can we hear from Nicole and throwback [Applause] Brey hi guys thank you thank you thank you w thank you all thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it's so good to be back in New Hampshire thank you all thank you and Doug sends his love to everyone as well oh thank you everyone Nicole thank you you guys are just so extraordinary and I applaud the way you do the business that you do and the love that you do in giving Community I love our small business owners it is what you do I'm going to talk a bit about you in a minute but you are part of the fabric the essential fabric of a community that cares about one another thank you thank you for everything thank you thank you and thank you to the outstanding Congressional Delegation Senator Shaheen Hassen representatives papis and kuster and all the leaders who are here today thank you all thank you all for for taking the time to be here this afternoon thank you everyone thank you [Applause] so before I begin I do want to say a few words about this tragic shooting that took place uh this morning in Winder Georgia um we're still gathering information about what happened but we know that there were multiple fatalities and injuries and um you know our hearts are with all the students the teachers and their families of course and we are grateful to the First Responders in the law enforcement that were on the scene but this is just a senseless tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we've got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our our country once and for all you know it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way so we will continue of course to to send our prayers and our thoughts to the families and all those who were affected including you know I I'm going off script right now but listen I mean you know at at the last year I um I started a college tour and um I I I traveled our country meting with our young leaders right and so it was College age young leaders so I did trade schools colleges universities community colleges by the way I love gen Z I just love Jen Z [Applause] right but I'll tell you one of the things one of the things I asked every time I went to the auditorium and it would be filled with these young leaders students and I'd ask them raise your hand if at any point between kindergarten and 12th grade you had to endure an active shooter drill and the for the for the young leaders who are here who are raising their hand I'm telling you every time the auditorium was packed and almost every hand went up you know a lot of us I'll speak about myself you know we had well I grew up in California earthquake drills we had fire drills but our kids are sitting in a classroom where they should be fulfilling their god-given potential and some part of their big beautiful brain is is concerned about a shooter busting through the door of the classroom it does not have to be this way it does not have to be this way and you know this is one of the many issues that's at stake in this election um so New Hampshire look we have 62 days to go 62 days to go and I'm going to tell you what you already know this race is going to be tight until the very end so please let's not pay too much attention to the polls because we are running as the underdog we know what they're capable of on the other side the only thing we can take for granted is the love that we as Americans have for each other knowing we have so much more in common than what separates us and we've got some hard work ahead but we like hard work hard work is good work hard work can be joyful work and so we are up for the task and with your help we will win in November we will win in November and that in large part is because we know what we stand for and when you know what you stand for you know know what to fight for we love our country and we believe in the promise of America that's so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon we believe in the promise of America and that includes a topic we're going to discuss today which is what I call an opportunity economy building an opportunity economy [Applause] and my vision of an opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed where everyone regardless of who they are where they start can build wealth including intergenerational wealth where workers are treated with dignity and everyone has the freedom to join a union if they choose where we remove barriers to Opportunities so anyone who want wants to start a business can have access to the tools and the resources they need to do that I believe and I said it before to Nicole I believe America's small businesses are an essential Foundation to our entire economy think about it think about it small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers half of all private sector workers only or run a small business or work for a small business they do trillions of dollars of business every year they generate Revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers and you know for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of Who We Are and I've met so many entrepreneurs across the country who take the incredible leap of faith that is required to start a small business folks who put their life savings on the line and work through the weekends and holidays because they aren't just building a business they're pursuing a dream they're building a better future for their employees and for the people they love in their communities and by ension they're building a stronger middle class and a stronger America for us [Applause] all and so all of this is why as president one of my highest priorities will be to strengthen America's small businesses and here I am in New Hampshire to announce a few elements of my plan to do that so first we're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground okay now I'm setting what some I'm sure are going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what I think we should admire ambition and each other so I want to see 25 million new small business applications by the end of my first term and to help achieve this we will lower the cost of starting a new business so here's the thing on average it costs about $40,000 to start a new business in America that is a great financial barrier for a lot of folks and it can hold entrepreneurs back and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $55,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you going to do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to [Applause] $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business second my plan will help existing small business businesses grow we will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want to expand and we will and this is very important cut the red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more difficult than it needs to be more difficult than it needs to [Applause] be for example we will make it cheaper and easier for small businesses to file their taxes similar similar to how individuals can take a standard deduction you know I said to my team kind of like now I'm going to date myself again because they no longer do it but kind of like you remember the 1040 easy like that kind of idea right like let's just take away some of the bureaucracy in the process to make it easier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy third third my plan will invest in small businesses and innovators throughout America and here's why we know that Talent exists everywhere in our country from rural towns to City centers but not everyone has access to the financing to venture capital or expert advice it's not that they don't have the skills it's not that they don't have the work ethic it's access to these resources so under my plan we will expand access to venture capital we will support Innovation hubs and business incubators and we will increase Federal contracts with small businesses and we will have a particular focus on small businesses in rural communities like right here in New Hampshire [Applause] finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in [Applause] taxes cuz here's the thing here's the thing it's just not right that those who can MO most afford it are often paying a lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurses and our firefighters it's just not right it's just not right so that's why I support a billionaire minimum tax and corporations paying their fair [Applause] share and while we ensure that the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share we will tax capital gains at a rate that rewards investment in America's innovators Founders and small businesses so here's the detail if you earn a million dollars a year or more the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28% under my plan because we know when the government encourages investment it leads to broad-based economic growth and it creates jobs which makes our economy stronger now compare that to what Donald Trump plans he intends to cut off Federal programs that give loans to small [Music] businesses he plans to give billionaires massive tax cuts and to cut corporate taxes by over a trillion dollars even as they pull record profits his plans will add more than $5 trillion to the national debt and that is on top of the $2 trillion tax cut he gave them when he was president and when he exploded the deficit we know how to count we know how to count and now he also wants to impose what in effect is a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities which will Skyrocket the cost for families and small businesses and New Hampshire on top of all of this if Donald Trump were to win in November he intends to end the Affordable Care Act which would significantly increase costs on small businesses as we know and well you know what the courts are going to handle that and we will handle November how about that how about that that's how we'll handle that how about that but think about it it wants to end the Affordable Care Act taking us back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions you remember what that was children with asthma breast cancer survivors grandparents when diabetes so yeah look we are here to tell him and them we are not going back we're not going [Applause] back we're not going back we're not going back no we are not and we will move forward because ours is a fight for the future and and it is a fight for freedom and it is a fight for Freedom now I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire the Live Free or Die State you know the importance of individual freedoms fundamental freedoms you know how hard people fought for these freedoms and that they are foundational to who we are and what we stand for as Americans including the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do and understand how we got here understand how we got here and of course we're not going to fall for the gas lighting he's pushing right when he was president Donald Trump handpicked three members of the United States sueme Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Ro v Wade and as he intended they did and now in more than 20 States in our nation there is a trump abortion ban many with no exceptions even for rape and incest which is immoral immoral and let us agree and I know we do one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her [Applause] body and if he wins and if he wins you can be sure Donald Trump will go further and he will sign a National Abortion ban and and and you know project 2025 which I just I mean can you believe they put that thing in writing and under project 2025 he would create a national anti-abortion coordinator which would force States I mean this is unbelievable right which would force states to report report on women's miscarriages and abortions you know what they are making really quite clear they just don't trust women they just don't trust women but we trust women we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law [Music] across our nation across our nation across our nation and I've been traveling for many many well years actually and certainly months most recently across our nation I'm telling you we are are witnessing a full-on attack on hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms and rights including the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from gun violence the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water the freedom to love who you love openly and with [Applause] pride and so here's what I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire cuz you know it so well it's part of your DNA generations of Americans before us they fought for freedom and they led the fight for freedom in our country and now the Baton is in our hands the Baton is in our hands so let us understand which we do our purpose at this very moment let us remember the broad shoulders upon which we stand and the traditions of this very fight that have led to what we have been able to accomplish and let us understand then that when we say fight it is a fight for something not against something it is for [Applause] something that's what we're talking about when we talk about a new way forward this is for something and so as an example let us finally pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the freedom to vote act let us finally pass an assault weapons ban and Universal background check and red flag laws because we are clear on that point it is a false choice to say you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone's gun away I'm in favor of the Second Amendment and I know we need reasonable gun safety laws in our [Applause] country and there's another point that I'd like to stress about this election in 2014 this is not 2016 or 2020 the stakes are even higher this time for a number of reasons but I'm going to mention one in particular what the Supreme Court recently did when they basically just told the former president that going forward he will effectively be immune no matter what he does in the white house but let's take this seriously and understand what it means before at least there might have been the threat that there would be consequence and accountability with that rule ring what this means is that almost explicitly he has been told no consequence and imagine just imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails just imagine with no guard rails he has openly vowed to be a dictator on day one he has said he would end the independence of the Department of Justice the United States Department of Justice so he could have the unchecked power to seek Vengeance against people who disagree with him he even called for I'm going to quote now the termination of the Constitution of the United States of [Applause] [Music] America let us be very clear someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution of the United States of America should never again stand behind the Seal of the the president of the United States never again so I'll end where I started when it comes down to it we are all here together because we love our country we love our country and we know the privilege the privilege and pride that comes with being an American and I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that is how we realize the promise of [Applause] America us us right and so with that being said I ask New Hampshire are you ready to have your voices heard do we believe in Freedom do we believe in Opportunity do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless the United States of America my goodness can we hear for Nicole and throw back [Applause] Brewing hi guys thank you thank you thank you wow thank you all thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it's so good to be back in New Hampshire thankk you all thank you and Doug sens his love to everyone as well oh thank you everyone Nicole thank you you guys are just so extraordinary and I applaud the way you do the business that you do and the love that you do in giving Community I love our small business owners it is what you do I'm going to talk a bit about you in a minute but you are part of the fabric the essential fabric of a community that cares about one another thank you for everything thank you thank you and thank you to the outstanding Congressional Delegation Senator shahen Hassen representatives papis and kuster and all the leaders who are here today thank you all thank you all for for taking the time to be here this afternoon thank you everyone thank [Applause] you so before I begin I do want to say a few words about this tragic shooting that took place uh this morning in Winder Georgia um we're still gathering information about what happened but we know that there were multiple fatalities and injuries and um you know our hearts are with all the students the teachers and their families of course and we are grateful to the First Responders in the law enforcement that were on the scene but this is just a senseless tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we've got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all you know it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way so we will continue of course to to send our prayers and our thoughts to the families and all those who were affected including you know I I'm going off script right now but listen I mean you know at at the last year at I um I started a college tour and um I I I traveled our country meeting with our young leaders right and so it was College age young leaders so I did trade schools colleges universities community colleges by the way I love Jen Z I just love Jen Z [Applause] right but I'll tell you one of the things one of the things I asked every time I went to the auditorium and it would be filled with these young leaders students and I'd asked them raise your hand if at any point between kindergarten and 12th grade you had to endure an active shooter drill and the for the for the young leaders who are here who are raising their hand I'm telling you every time the auditorium was packed and almost every hand went up you know a lot of us I'll talk speak about myself you know we had well I grew up in California earthquake drills we had fire drills but our kids are sitting in a classroom where they should be fulfilling their god-given potential and some part of their big beautiful brain is concerned about a shooter busting through the door of the classroom it does not have to be this way it does not have to be this way and you know this is one of the many issues that's at stake in this election um so New Hampshire look we have 62 days to go 62 days to go and I'm going to tell you what you already know this race is going to be tight until the very end so please let's not pay too much attention to the polls because we are running as the underdog we know what they're capable of on the other side the only thing we can take for granted is the love that we as Americans have for each other knowing we have so much more in common than what separates us and we've got some hard work ahead but we like hard work hard work is good work hard work can be joyful work and so we are up for the task and with your help we will win in November we will win in November and that in large part is because we know what we stand for and when you know what you stand for you know what to fight for we love our country and we believe in the promise of America that's so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon we believe in the promise of America and that includes a topic we're going to discuss today which is what I call an opportunity economy building an opportunity economy and my vision of an opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed where everyone regardless of who they are where they start can build wealth including intergenerational wealth where workers are treated with dignity and everyone has the freedom to join a union if they choose [Applause] where we remove barriers to Opportunities so anyone who wants to start a business can have access to the tools and the resources they need to do that I believe and I said it before Nicole I believe America's small businesses are an essential Foundation to our entire economy think about it think about it small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers half of all private sector workers own or run a small business or work for a small business they do trillions of dollars of business every year they generate Revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers and you know for all of those who are or no of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we [Applause] are and I've met so many entrepreneurs across the country who take the incredible leap of faith that is required to start a small business folks who put their life savings on the line and work through the weekends and holidays cuz they aren't just building a business they're pursuing a dream they're building a better future for their employees and for the people they love in their communities and by extension they're building a stronger middle class and a stronger America for us [Applause] all and so all of this is why as president one of my highest priorities will be to strengthen America's small businesses and here I am in New Hampshire to announce a few elements of my plan to do that so first we're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground okay now I'm setting what some I'm sure are going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what I think we should admire ambition in each other so I want to see 25 million new small business applications by the end of my first term and to help achieve this we will lower the cost of starting a new business so here's the thing on average it costs about $40,000 to start a new business in America that is a great financial barrier for a lot of folks and it can hold entrepreneurs back and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you're going to do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to [Applause] $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business second my plan will help existing small businesses grow we will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want to expand and we will and this is very important cut the red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more difficult than it needs to be more difficult than it needs to be for example we will make it cheaper and easier for small businesses to file their taxes similar similar to how individuals can take a standard deduction you know I said to my team kind of like I'm going to date myself again because they no longer do it but kind of like you remember the 1040 easy like that kind of idea right like let's just take away some of the bureaucracy in the process to make it easier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy third third my plan will invest in small businesses and innovators throughout America and here's why we know that Talent exists everywhere in our country from rural towns to City centers but not everyone has access to the financing to venture capital or expert advice it's not that they don't have the skills it's not that they don't have the work ethic it's access to these resources so under my plan we will expand access to venture capital we will support Innovation hubs and business incubators and we will increase Federal contracts with small businesses and we will have a particular Focus on small businesses in rural communities like right here in New [Applause] Hampshire finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in tax [Applause] cuz here's the thing here's the thing it's just not right that those who can most afford it are often paying a lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurses and our firefighters it's just not right it's just not right so that's why I support a billionaire minimum tax and corporations paying their fair share [Applause] and while we ensure that the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share we will tax capital gains at a rate that rewards investment in America's innovators Founders and small businesses so here's the detail if you earn a million dollars a year or more the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28% under my plan because we know when the government encourag is investment it leads to broad-based economic growth and it creates jobs which makes our economy stronger now compare that to what Donald Trump plans he intends to cut off Federal programs that give loans to small [Music] businesses he plans to give billionaires massive tax cuts and to cut corporate taxes by over a trillion dollars even as they pull in record profits his plans will add more than $5 trillion to the national debt and that is on top of the $2 trillion tax cut he gave them when he was president and when he exploded the deficit we know how to count we know how to count and now he also wants to impose what in effect is a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities which will Skyrocket the cost for families and small businesses and New Hampshire on top of all of this if Donald Trump were to win in November he intends to end the Affordable Care Act which would significantly increase costs on small business as we know and well you know what the courts are going to handle that and we will handle November how about that how about that that's how we'll handle that how about that but think about it it wants to end the Affordable Care Act taking us back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions you remember what that was children with asthma breast cancer survivors grandparents with diabetes so yeah look we are here to tell him and them we are not going back we're not going [Applause] back we're not going back we're not going back [Applause] not no we are not and we will move forward because ours is a fight for the future and and it is a fight for freedom and it is a fight for Freedom now I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire the live for or die State you know the importance of individual freedoms fundamental freedoms you know how hard people fall for these freedoms and that they are foundational to who we are and what we stand for as America including the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do and understand how we got here understand how we got here and of course we're not going to fall for the gas lighting he's pushing right when he was President Donald Trump handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Ro v Wade and as he intended they did and now in more than 20 States in our nation there is a trump abortion ban many with no exceptions even for rape and incest which is immoral immoral and let us agree and I know we do one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her body [Applause] and if he wins and if he wins you can be sure Donald Trump will go further and he will sign a National Abortion ban and and and you know project 2025 which I just I mean can you believe they put that thing in writing and under project 2025 he would create a national anti-abortion coordinator which would force States I mean this is unbelievable right which would force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions you know what they are making really quite clear they just don't trust women they just don't trust women but we trust women we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into [Applause] law across our nation across our nation across our nation and I've been traveling for many many well years actually and certainly months most recently across our nation I'm telling you we are witnessing a fullon attack on hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms and rights including the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from gun violence the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water the freedom to love who you love openly and with pride [Applause] [Music] and so here's what I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire because you know it so well as part of your DNA generations of Americans before us they fought for freedom and they led the fight for freedom in our country and now the Baton is in our hands the Baton is in our hands so let us understand which we do our purpose at this very moment let us remember the broad shoulders upon which we stand and the traditions of this very fight that have led to what we have been able to accomplish and let us understand then that when we say fight it is a fight for something not against something it is or [Applause] something that's what we're talking about when we talk about a new way forward this is for something and so as an example let us finally pass the John leis Voting Rights Act and the freedom to vote act let us finally pass an assault weapons ban and Universal background check and red flag laws because we are clear on on that point it is a false choice to say you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone's guns away I'm in favor of the Second Amendment and I know we need reasonable gun safety laws in our [Applause] country and there's another point that I'd like to stress about this election in 24 this is not 2016 or 2020 the stakes are even higher this time for a number of reasons but I'm going to mention one in particular what the Supreme Court recently did when they basically just told the former president that going forward he will effectively be immune no matter what he does in the white house but let's take this seriously and understand what it means before at least there might have been the threat that there would be consequence and accountability with that ruling what this means is that almost explicitly he has been told no consequence and imagine just imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails just imagine with no guard rails he has openly vowed to be a dictator on day one he has said he would end the independence of the Department of Justice the United States Department of Justice so he could have the unchecked power to seek Vengeance against people who disagree with him he even called for I'm going to quote now the termination of the Constitution of the United States of [Applause] [Music] America let us be very clear someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution of the United States of America should never again stand behind the Seal of the president of the United States never again so I'll end where I started when it comes down to it we are all here together because we love our country we love our country and we know the privilege the privilege and pride that comes with being an American and I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that is how we realize the promise of America [Applause] and so with that being said I ask New Hampshire are you ready to have your voices heard do we believe in Freedom do we believe in Opportunity do we believe in the promise of America and are are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless the United States of America my goodness can we hear for Nicole and throwback [Applause] Brewing hi guys thank you thank you thank you wow thank you all thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it's so good to be back in New Hampshire thank you all thank you and Doug sends his love to everyone as well oh thank you everyone Nicole thank you you guys are just so extraordinary and I applaud the way you do the business that you do and the love that you do in giving Community I love our small business owners it is what you do I'm going to talk a bit about you in a minute but you are part of the fabric the essential fabric of a community that cares about one another thank you for everything thank you thank you and thank you to the outstanding Congressional Delegation Senator Shaheen H representatives papis and kuster and all the leaders who are here today thank you all thank you all for for taking the time to be here this afternoon thank you everyone thank [Applause] you so before I begin I do want to say a few words about this tragic shooting that took place uh this morning in Winder Georgia um we're still gathering information about what happened but we know there were multiple fatalities and injuries and um you know our hearts are with all the students the teachers and their families of course and we are grateful to the First Responders in the law enforcement that were on the scene but this is just a senseless tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we've got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all you know it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way so we will continue of course to to send our prayers and our thoughts to the families and all those who were affected including you know I I'm going off script right now but listen I mean you know at at the last year I um I started a college tour and um I I I traveled our country meeting with our young leaders right and so it was College age young leaders so I did trade schools colleges universities community colleges by the way I love Jen Z I just love Jen Z [Applause] right but I'll tell you one of the things one of the things I asked every time I went to the auditorium and it would be filled with these young leaders students and I'd ask them raise your hand if at any point between kindergarten and 12th grade you had to endure an active shooter drill and the for the for the young leaders who are here who are raising their hand I'm telling you every time the auditorium was packed and almost every hand went up you know a lot of us I'll talk speak about myself you know we had well I grew up in California earthquake drills we had five drills but our kids are sitting in a classroom where they should be fulfilling their god-given potential and some part of their big beautiful brain is concerned about a shooter busting through the door of the classroom it does not have to be this way it does not have to be this way and you know this is one of the many issues that at stake in this election um so New Hampshire look we have 62 days to go 62 days to go and I'm going to tell you what you already know this race is going to be tight until the very end so please let's not pay too much attention to the polls because we are running as the underdog we know what they're capable of on the other side the only thing we can take for granted is the love that we as Americans have for each other knowing we have so much more in common than what separates us and we've got some hard work ahead but we like hard work hard work is good work hard work can be joyful work and so we are up for the task and with your help we will win in November we will win in November and that in large part is because we know what we stand for and when you know what you stand for you know what to fight for we love our country and we believe in the promise of America that's so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon we believe in the promise of America and that includes a topic we're going to discuss today which is what I call an opportunity economy building an opportunity economy and my vision of an opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed where everyone regardless of who they are where they start can build wealth including intergenerational wealth where workers are treated with dignity and everyone has the freedom to join a union if they choose where we remove barriers to Opportunities so anyone who wants to start a business can have access to the tools and the resources they need to do that I believe and I said it before to Nicole I believe America's small businesses are an essential Foundation to our entire economy think about it think about it small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers half of all private sector workers own or run a small business or work for a small business they do trillions of dollars of business every year they generate Revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers and you know for all of those those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we [Applause] are and I've met so many entrepreneurs across the country who take the incredible leap of faith that is required to start a small business folks who put their life savings on the line and work through the weekend and holidays cuz they aren't just building a business they're pursuing a dream they're building a better future for their employees and for the people they love in their communities and by extension they're building a stronger middle class and a stronger America for us [Applause] all and so all of this is why as president one of my highest prior priorities will be to strengthen America's small businesses and here I am in New Hampshire to announce a few elements of my plan to do that so first we're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground okay now I'm setting what some I'm sure are going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what I think we should admire ambition in each other so I want to see 25 million new small business applications by the end of my first term and to help achieve this we will lower the cost of starting a new business so here's the thing on average it costs about $40,000 to start a new business in America that is a great financial barrier for a lot of folks and it can hold entrepreneurs back and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you going to do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 [Applause] it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business second my plan will help existing small businesses grow we will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want to expand and we will and this is very important cut the red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more difficult than it needs to be more difficult than it needs to be for example we will make it cheaper and easier for small businesses to file their taxes similar similar to how individuals can take a standard deduction you know I said to my team kind of like now I'm going to date myself again cuz they no longer do it but kind of like you remember the 1040 EZ like that kind of idea right like let's just take away some of the bureaucracy in the process to make it easier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy third third my plan will invest in small businesses and innovators throughout America and here's why we know that Talent exists everywhere in our country from rural towns to City centers but not everyone has access to the financing to venture capital or expert advice it's not that they don't have the skills it's not that they don't have the work ethic it's access to these resources so under my plan we will expand access to venture capital we will support Innovation hubs and business incubators and we will increase Federal contracts with small businesses [Applause] and we will have a particular focus on small businesses in rural communities like right here in New [Applause] Hampshire finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in [Applause] taxes cuz here's the thing here's the thing it's just not right that those who can most afford it are often paying a lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurses and our firefighters it's just not right it's just not right so that's why I support a billionaire minimum tax and corporations paying their fair [Applause] share and while we ensure that the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share we will tax capital gains at a rate that rewards investment in America's innovators Founders and small businesses so here's the detail if you earn a million dollars a year or more the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28% under my plan because we know when the government encourages investment it leads to broad-based economic growth and it creates jobs which makes our economy stronger now compare that to what Donald Trump plans he intends to cut off Federal programs that give loans to small [Music] businesses he plans to give billionaires massive tax cuts and to cut corporate taxes by over a trillion dollars even as they pull in record profits his plans will add more than $5 trillion to the national debt and that is on top of the $2 trillion tax cut he gave them when he was president and when he exploded the deficit we know how to count we know how to count and now he also wants to impose what in effect is a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities which will Skyrocket the cost for families and small businesses and New Hampshire on top of all of this if Donald Trump were to win in November he intends to end the Affordable Care Act which would significantly increase costs on small businesses as we know and well you know what the courts are going to handle that and we will handle November how about that how about that that's how we'll handle that how about that but think about it it wants to end the Affordable Care Act taking us back back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions you remember what that was children with asthma breast cancer survivors grandparents with diabetes so yeah look we are here to tell him and them we are not going back we're not going [Applause] back we're not going back we're not going back no we are not and we will move forward because ours is a fight for the future and and it is a fight for freedom and it is a fight for Freedom now I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire the Live Free or Die state [Applause] you know the importance of individual freedoms fundamental freedoms you know how hard people fought for these freedoms and that they are foundational to who we are and what we stand for as America including the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do and understand how we got here understand how we got here and of course we're not going to fall for the gas lighting he's pushing right when he was president Donald Trump handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Ro v Wade and as he intended they did and now in more than 20 States in our nation there is a trump abortion B many with no exceptions even for rape and incest which is immoral immoral and let us agree and I know we do one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her body [Applause] and if he wins and if he wins you can be sure Donald Trump will go further and he will sign a National Abortion ban and and and you know project 2025 which I just I mean can you believe they put that thing in writing and under project 2025 he would create a national anti-abortion coordinator which would force States I mean this is unbelievable right which would force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions you know what they are making really quite clear they just don't trust women they just don't trust women but we trust women we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into [Applause] law across our nation across our nation across our nation and I've been traveling for many many well years actually and certainly months most recently across our nation I'm telling you we are witnessing a fullon attack on hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms and rights including the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from gun violence the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water the freedom to love who you love openly and with [Applause] pride and so here's what I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire because you know it so well as part of your DNA generations of Americans before us they fought for freedom and they led the fight for freedom in our country and now the Baton is in our hands the Baton is in our hands so let us understand which we do our purpose at this very moment let us remember the broad shoulders upon which we stand and the traditions of this very fight that have led to what we have been able to accomplish and let us understand then that when we say fight it is a fight for something not against something it is for [Applause] something that's what we're talking about when we talk about a new way forward this is for something and so as an example let us finally pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the freedom to vote act let us finally pass an assault weapons B and Universal background check and red flag laws because we are clear on that point it is a false choice to say you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone's guns away I'm in favor of the Second Amendment and I know we need reasonable gun safety laws in our [Applause] country and there's another point that I'd like to stress about this election in 24 this is not 2016 or 2020 the stakes are even higher this time for a number of reasons but I'm going to mention one in particular what the Supreme Court recently did when they basically just told the former president that going forward he will effectively be immune no matter what he does in the White House but let's take this seriously and understand what it means before at least there might have been the threat that there would be consequence and accountability with that ruling what this means is that almost explicitly he has been told no consequence and imagine just imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails just imagine with no guard rails he is open ly vowed to be a dictator on day one he has said he would end the independence of the Department of Justice the United States Department of Justice so he could have the unchecked power to seek Vengeance against people who disagree with him he even called for I'm going to quote now the termination of the Constitution of the United States of [Applause] [Music] America let us be very clear someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution of the United States of America should never again stand behind the Seal of the president of the United States never again so I'll end where I start [Music] when it comes down to it we are all here together because we love our country we love our country and we know the privilege the privilege and pride that comes with being an American and I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that is how we realize the promise of [Applause] America and so with that being said I ask New Hampshire are you ready to have your voices heard do we believe in Freedom do we believe in opportunity do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless the United States of America my goodness can we hear for Nicole and throwback Brewing [Applause] hi guys thank you thank you thank you wow thank you all thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it's so good to be back in New Hampshire thank you all thank you and Doug sends his love to everyone as well oh thank you everyone Nicole thank you you guys are is just so extraordinary and I applaud the way you do the business that you do and the love that you do in giving Community I love our small business owners it is what you do I'm going to talk a bit about you in a minute but you are part of the fabric the essential fabric of a community that cares about one another thank you for everything thank you thank you and thank you to the outstanding Congressional Delegation Senator Shaheen Hassen representatives papis and kuster and all the leaders who are here today thank you all thank you all for for taking the time to be here this afternoon thank you everyone thank [Applause] you so before I begin I do want to say a few words about this tragic shooting that took place uh this morning in Winder Georgia um we're still gathering information about what happened but we know that there were multiple fatalities and injuries and um you know our hearts are with all the students the teachers and their families of course and we are grateful to the First Responders in the law enforcement that were on the scene but this is just a senseless tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we've got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all you know it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way so we will continue of course to to send our prayers and our thoughts to the families and all those who were affected including you know I I'm going off script right now but listen I mean you know at at the last year I um I started a college tour and um I I I traveled our country meeting with our young leaders right and so it was College age young leaders so I did trade schools colleges universities community colleges by the way I love Jen Z I just love Jen ZZ [Applause] right but I'll tell you one of the things one of the things I asked every time I went to the auditorium and it would be filled with these young leaders students and I'd ask them raise your hand if at any point between kindergarten and 12th grade you had to endure an active shooter drill and the for the for the young leaders who are here who are raising your hand I'm telling you every time the auditorium was packed and almost every hand went up you know a lot of us I'll speak about myself you know we had well I grew up in California earthquake drills we had fire drills but our kids are sitting in a classroom where they should be fulfilling their god-given potential and some part of their big beautiful brain is concerned about a shooter busting through the door of the classroom it does not have to be this way it doesn't not have to be this way and you know this is one of the many issues that's at stake in this election um so New Hampshire look we have 62 days to go 62 days to go and I'm going to tell you what you already know this race is going to be tight until the very end so please let's not pay too much attention to the polls because we are running as the underdog we know what they're capable of on the other side the only thing we can take for granted is the love that we as Americans have for each other knowing we have so much more in common than what separates [Applause] us and we've got some hard work ahead but we like hard work hard work is good work hard work can be joyful work and so we are up for the task and with your help we will win in November we will win in November and that in large part is because we know what we stand for and when you know what you stand for you know what to fight for we love our country and we believe in the promise of America yeah that's so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon we believe in the promise of America and that includes a topic we're going to discuss today which is what I call an opportunity economy building an opportunity economy and my vision of an opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed where everyone regardless of who they are where they start can build wealth including intergenerational wealth where workers are treated with dignity and everyone has the freedom to join a union if they choose where we remove barriers to Opportunities so anyone who wants to start a business can have access to the tools and the resources they need to do that I believe and I said it before to Nicole I believe America's small businesses are an essential Foundation to our entire economy think about it think about it small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers half of all private sector workers own or run a small business or work for a small business they do trillions of dollars of business every year they generate Revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers and you know for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we [Applause] are and I've met so many entrepreneurs across the country who take the incredible leap of faith that is required to start a small business folks who put their life savings on the line and work through the weekends and holidays CU they aren't just building a business they're pursuing a dream they're building a better future for their employees and for the people they love in their communities and by extension they're building a stronger middle class and a stronger America for us all [Applause] and so all of this is why as president one of my highest priorities will be to strengthen America's small businesses and here I am in New Hampshire to announce a few elements of my plan to do that so first we're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground okay okay now I'm setting what some I'm sure are going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what I think we should admire ambition in each other so I want to see 25 million new small business applications by the end of my first term and to help achieve this we will lower the cost of starting a new business so here's the thing on average it costs about $40,000 to start a new business in America that is a great financial barrier for a lot of folks and it can hold entrepreneurs back and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you going to do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to [Applause] $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business second my plan will help existing small businesses grow we will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want to expand and we will and this is very important cut the red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more difficult than it needs to be more difficult than it needs to [Applause] be for example we will make it cheaper and easier for small businesses to file their taxes similar similar to how individuals can take a standard deduction you know I said to my team kind of like now I'm going to date myself again cuz they no longer do it but kind of like you remember the 1040 easy like that kind of idea right like let's just take away some of the bureaucracy in the process to make it easier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy third third my plan will invest in small businesses and innovators throughout America and here's why we know that Talent exists everywhere in our country from rural towns to City centers but not everyone has access to the financing to venture capital or expert advice it's not that they don't have the skills it's not that they don't have the work ethic it's access to these resources so under my plan we will expand access to venture capital we will support Innovation hubs and business business incubators and we will increase Federal contracts with small businesses and we will have a particular focus on small businesses in rural communities like right here in New [Applause] Hampshire finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing in investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share [Applause] intact cuz here's the thing here's the thing it's just not right that those who can most afford it are often paying a lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurses and our firefighters it's just not right it's just not right so that's why I support a billionaire minimum tax and corporations paying their fair [Applause] share and while we ensure that the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share we will tax capital gains at a rate that rewards investment in America's innovators Founders and small businesses so here's the detail if you earn a million dollars a year or more the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28% under my plan because we know when the government encourages investment it leads to Broad based economic growth and it creates jobs which makes our economy stronger now compare that to what Donald Trump plans he intends to cut off Federal programs that give loans to small [Music] businesses he plans to give billionaires massive tax cuts and to cut corporate taxes by over a trillion dollars even as they pull in record profits his plans will add more than $5 trillion to the national debt and that is on top of the $2 trillion tax cut he gave them when he was president and when he exploded the deficit we know how to count we know how to count and now he also wants to impose what in effect is a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities which will Skyrocket the cost for families and small businesses and New Hampshire on top of all of this if Donald Trump were to win in November he intends to end the Affordable Care Act which would significantly increase costs on small businesses as we know and well you know what the courts are going to handle that and we will handle November how about that how about that that's how we'll handle that how about that but think about it it wants to end the Affordable Care Act taking us back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions you remember what that was children with asthma breast cancer survivors grandparents or diabetes so yeah look we are here to tell him and them we are not going back we're not going back we're not going back we're not [Applause] going no we are not and we will move forward because ours is a fight for the future and and it is a fight for freedom and it is a fight for Freedom now I have to tell the folks of New Hampshire the Live Free or Die State you know the importance of individual freedoms fundamental freedoms you know how hard people fought for these freedoms and that they are foundational to who we are and what we stand for as America including the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do and understand how we got here understand how we got here and of course we're not going to fall for the gas lighting he's pushing right when he was president Donald Trump handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Ro v Wade and as he intended they did and now in more than 20 States in our nation there is a trump abortion ban many with no exceptions even for rape and incest which is immoral immoral and let us agree and I know we do one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply hell beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her body [Applause] and if he wins and if he wins you can be sure Donald Trump will go further and he will sign a National Abortion ban and and and you know project 2025 which I just I mean can you believe they put that thing in writing and under project 2025 he would create a national anti-abortion coordinator which would force States I mean this is unbelievable right which would force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions you know what they are making really quite clear they just don't trust women they just don't trust women but we trust women we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into [Applause] law across our nation across our nation across our nation and I've been traveling for many many month well years actually and certainly months most recently across our nation I'm telling you we are witnessing a fullon attack on hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms and rights including the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from gun violence the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water the freedom to love who you love openly and with [Applause] pride and so here's what I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire because you know it so well as part of your DNA generations of Americans before us they fought for freedom and they led the fight for freedom in our country and now the Baton is in our hands the Baton is in our hands so let us understand which we do our purpose at this very moment let us remember the broad shoulders upon which we stand and the traditions of this very fight that have led to what we have been able to accomplish and let us understand then that when we say fight it is a fight for something not against something it is for [Applause] something that's what we're talking about when we talk about a new way forward this is for something and so as an example let us finally pass the John Lewis voting Act and the freedom to vote act let us finally pass an assault weapons ban and Universal background check and red flag laws because we are clear on that point it is a false choice to say you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone's guns away I'm in favor of the Second Amendment and I know we need reasonable gun safety laws in our country [Applause] and there's another point that I'd like to stress about this election in 24 this is not 2016 or 2020 the stakes are even higher this time for a number of reasons but I'm going to mention one in particular what the Supreme Court recently did when they basically just told the former president that going forward he will effectively be immune no matter what he does in the white house but let's take this seriously and understand what it means before at least there might have been the threat that there would be consequence and accountability with that ruling what this means is that almost explicitly he has been told no consequence and imagine just IM imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails just imagine with no guard rails he is openly vowed to be a dictator on day one he has said he would end the independence of the Department of Justice the United States Department of Justice so he could have the unchecked power to seek Vengeance against people who disagree with him he even called for I'm going to quote now the termination of the con institution of the United States of [Applause] [Music] America let us be very clear someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution of the United States of America should never again stand behind the Seal of the president of the United States never again so I'll end where I started when it comes down to it we are all here together because we love our country we love our country and we know the privilege the privilege and pride that comes with being an American and I do believe it is one of the highest forms of of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that is how we realize the promise of [Applause] America and so with that being said I ask New Hampshire are you ready to have your voices heard do we believe in Freedom do we believe in Opportunity do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless the United States of America goodness can we hear for Nicole and throwback Brey [Applause] hi guys thank you thank thank you wow thank you all thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it's so good to be back in New Hampshire thank you all thank you and Doug sends his love to everyone as well oh thank you everyone Nicole thank you you guys are just so extraordinary and I applaud the way you do the business that you do and the love that you do in giving Community I love our small business owners it is what you do I'm going to talk a bit about you in a minute but you are part of the fabric the essential fabric of a community that cares about one another thank you for everything thank you thank you and thank you to the outstanding Congressional Delegation Senator Shaheen Hassen representatives papis and kuster and all the leaders who are here today thank you all thank you all for for taking the time to be here this afternoon thank you everyone thank [Applause] you so before I begin I do want to say a few words about this tragic shooting that took place uh this morning in Wier Georgia um we're still gathering information about what happened but we know that there were multiple fatalities and injuries and um you know our hearts are with all the students the teachers and their families of course and we are grateful to the First Responders in the law enforcement that were on the scene but this is just a senseless tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we've got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all you know it doesn't have to be this this way it doesn't have to be this way so we will continue of course to to send our prayers and our thoughts to the families and all those who were affected including you know I I'm going off script right now but listen I mean you know at at the last year I um I started a college tour and um I I I traveled our country meeting with our young leaders right and so it was College age young leaders so I did trade schools colleges universities community colleges by the way I love Jen Z I just love Jen Z [Applause] right but I'll tell you one of the things one of the things I asked every time I went to the auditorium and it would be filled with these young leader students and I'd ask them raise your hand if at any point between kindergarten and 12th grade you had to endure an active shooter drill and the for the for the young leaders are here who are raising their hand I'm telling you every time the auditorium was packed and almost every hand went up you know a lot of us I'll talk speak about myself you know we had well I grew up in California earthquake drills we had fire drills but our kids are sitting in a classroom where they should be fulfilling their god-given potential and some part of their big beautiful brain is concerned about a shooter busting through the door of the classroom it does not have to be this way it does not have to be this way and you know this is one of the many issues that's at stake in this election um so New Hampshire look we have 62 days to go 62 days to go and I'm going to tell you what you already know this race is going to be tight until the very end so please let's not pay too much attention to the polls because we are running as the underdog we know what they're capable of on the other side the only thing we can take for granted is the love that we as Americans have for each other knowing we have so much more in common than what separates [Applause] us and we've got some hard work ahead but we like hard work hard work is good work hard work can be joyful work and so we are up for the task and with your help we will win in November we will win in November and that in large part is because we know what we stand for and when you know what you stand for you know what to fight for [Applause] we love our country and we believe in the promise of America that's so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon we believe in the promise of America and that includes a topic we're going to discuss today which is what I call an opportunity economy building an opportunity economy and my vision of an opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed where everyone regardless of who they are where they start can build wealth including intergenerational wealth where workers are treated with dignity and everyone has the freedom to join a union if they choose where we remove barriers to opportuni so anyone who wants to start a business can have access to the tools and the resources they need to do that I believe and I said it before to Nicole I believe America's small businesses are an essential Foundation to our entire economy think about it think about it small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers half of all private sector workers own or run a small business or work for a small business they do trillions of dollars of business every year they generate Revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers and you know for all of those who are or know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we [Applause] are and I've met so many many entrepreneurs across the country who take the incredible leap of faith that is required to start a small business folks who put their life savings on the line and work through the weekends and holidays CU they aren't just building a business they're pursuing a dream they're building a better future for their employees and for the people they love and their communities and by extension they're building a stronger middle class class and a stronger America for us [Applause] all and so all of this is why as president one of my highest priorities will be to strengthen America's small businesses and here I am in New Hampshire to announce a few elements of my plan to do that so first we're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground okay now I'm setting what some I'm sure are going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what I think we should admire ambition in each other so I want to see 25 million new small business applications by the end of my first term and to help achieve this we will lower the cost of starting a new business so here's the thing on average it costs about $40,000 to start a new business in America that is a great financial barrier for a lot of folks and it can hold entrepreneurs back and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you going to do that not every everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to [Applause] $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business second my plan will help existing small businesses grow we will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want to expand and we will and this is very important cut the red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more difficult than it needs to be more difficult than it needs to be for example we will make it cheaper and easier for small businesses to file their taxes similar similar to how individuals can take a standard deduction you know I said to my team kind of like now I'm going to date myself again because they no longer do it but kind of like you remember the 1040 easz like that kind of idea right like let's just take away some of the bureaucracy in the process to make it easier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy third third my plan will in invest in small businesses and innovators throughout America and here's why we know that Talent exists everywhere in our country from rural towns to City centers but not everyone has access to the financing to venture capital or expert advice it's not that they don't have the skills it's not that they don't have the work ethic it's access to these resources so under my plan we will expand access to venture capital we will support Innovation hubs and business incubators and we will increase Federal contracts with small businesses and we will have a particular focus on small businesses in rural communities like right here in New Hampshire [Applause] finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in [Applause] taxes cuz here's the thing here's the thing it's just not right that those who can most afford it are often paying a low lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurses and our firefighters it's just not right it's just not right so that's why I support a billionaire minimum tax and corporations paying their fair [Applause] share and while we ensure that the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share we will tax capital gains at a rate that rewards investment in America's innovators Founders and small businesses so here's the detail if you earn a million dollars a year or more the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28% under my plan because we know when the government encourages investment it leads to broad-based economic growth and it creates jobs which makes our economy stronger W now compare that to what Donald Trump plans he intends to cut off Federal programs that give loans to small [Music] businesses he plans to give billionaires massive tax cuts and to cut corporate taxes by over a trillion dollar even as they pull in record profits his plans will add more than $5 trillion to the national debt and that is on top of the $ trillion tax cut he gave them when he was president and when he exploded the deficit we know how to count we know how to count and now he also wants to impose what in effect is a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities which will Skyrocket the cost for families and small businesses and New Hampshire on top of all of this if Donald Trump were to win in November he intends to end the Affordable Care Act which would significantly increase costs on small businesses as we know and well you know what the courts are going to handle that and we will handle November how about them how about that that's how we'll handle that how about that but think about it it wants to end the Affordable Care Act taking us back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions you remember what that was children with asthma breast cancer survivors grandparents or diabetes so yeah look we are are here to tell him and them we are not going back we're not going [Applause] back we're not going back we're not going back no we are not and we will move forward because ours is a fight for the future and and it is a fight for freedom and it is a fight for Freedom now I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire the Live Free or Die State you know the importance of individual freedoms fundamental freedoms you know how hard people fought for these freedoms and that they are foundational to who we are and what we stand for as America including the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do and understand how we got here understand how we got here and of course we're not going to fall for the gas lighting he's pushing right when he was president Donald Trump handpicked three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Ro v Wade and as he intended they did and now in more than 20 States in our nation there is a trump abortion ban many with no exceptions even for rape and incest which is immoral immoral and let us agree and I know we do one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her [Applause] body and if he wins and if he wins you can be sure Donald Trump will go further and he will sign a National Abortion ban and and and you know project 2025 which I just I mean can you believe they put that thing in writing and under project 2025 he would create a national anti-abortion coordinator which would for States I mean this is unbelievable right which would force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions you know what they are making really quite clear they just don't trust women they just don't trust women but we trust women we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into law [Music] across our nation across our nation across our nation and I've been traveling for many many month well years actually and certainly months most recently across our nation I'm telling you we are witnessing a fullon attack on hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms and rights including the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from gun violence the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water the freedom to love who you love openly and with [Applause] pride and so here's what I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire because you know it so well it's part of your DNA generations of Americans before us they fought for freedom and they led the fight for freedom in our country and now the Baton is in our hands the Baton is in our hands so let us understand which we do our purpose at this very moment let us remember the broad shoulders upon which we stand and the traditions of this very fight that have led to what we have been able to accomplish and let us understand then that when we say fight it is a fight for something not against something it is for [Applause] something that's what we're talking about when we talk about a new way forward this is for something and so as an example let us finally pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the freedom to vote act let us finally pass an assault weapons ban and Universal background check and red flag laws because we are clear on that point it is a false choice to say you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone's guns away I'm in favor of the Second Amendment and I know we need reasonable gun safety laws in our [Applause] country and there's another point that I'd like to stress about this election in 24 this is not 2016 or 2020 the stakes are even higher this time for a number of reasons but I'm going to mention one in particular what the Supreme Court recently did when they basically just told the former president that going forward he will effectively be immune no matter what he does in the white house but let's take this seriously and understand what it means before at least there might have been the threat that there would be consequence and accountability with that ruling what this means is that almost explicitly he has been told no consequence and imagine just imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails just imagine with no guard rails he has openly vowed to be a dictator on day one he has said he would end the independence of the Department of Justice the United States Department of Justice so he could have the unchecked power to seek Vengeance against people who disagree with him he even called for I'm going to quote now the termination of the Constitution of the United States of [Applause] [Music] America let us be very clear someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution of the United States of America should never again stand behind the Seal of the president of the United States never again so I'll end where I started when it comes down to it we are all here together because we love our country we love our country and we know the privilege the privilege and pride that comes with being an American and I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that is how we realize the promise of [Applause] America and so with that being said I ask New Hampshire are you ready to have your voices heard do we believe in Freedom do we believe in Opportunity do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless the United States my goodness can we hear for Nicole and throwback [Applause] Brewing hi guys thank you thank you thank you wow thank you all thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it's so good to be back in New Hampshire thank you all thank you and Doug sends his love to everyone as well oh thank you everyone Nicole thank you you guys are just so extraordinary and I applaud the way you do the business that you do and the love that you do in giving Community I love our small business owners it is what you do I'm going to talk a bit about you in a minute but you are part of the fabric the essential fabric of a community that cares about one another thank you for everything thank you thank you and thank you to the outstanding Congressional Delegation Senator Shaheen Hassen representatives papis and kuster and all the leaders who are here today thank you all thank you all for for taking the time to be here this afternoon thank you everyone thank [Applause] you so before I begin I do want to say a few words about this tragic shooting that took place uh this morning in Winder Georgia um we're still gathering information about what happened but we know that there were multiple fatalities and injuries and um you know our hearts are with all the students the teachers and their families of course and we are grateful to the First Responders in the law enforcement that were on the scene but this is just a senseless tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we've got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all you know it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way so we will continue of course to to send our prayers and our thoughts to the families and all those who were affected including you know I I'm going off script right now but listen I mean you know at at the last year I um I started a college tour and and um I I I traveled our country meeting with our young leaders right and so it was College age young leaders so I did trade schools colleges universities community colleges by the way I love Jen Z I just love Jen Z [Applause] right but I'll tell you one of the things one of the things I asked every time I went to the auditorium and it would be filled with these young leaders students and I'd ask them raise your hand if at any point between kindergarten and 12th grade you had to endure an active shooter drill and the for the for the young leaders who are here who are raising their hand I'm telling you every time the auditorium was packed and almost every hand went up you know a lot of us I'll I'll speak about myself you know we had well I grew up in California earthquake drills we had fire drills but our kids are sitting in a classroom where they should be fulfilling their god-given potential and some some part of their big beautiful brain is concerned about a shooter busting through the door of the classroom it does not have to be this way it does not have to be this way and you know this is one of the many issues that's at stake in this election um so New Hampshire look we have 62 days to go 62 days to go and and I'm going to tell you what you already know this race is going to be tight until the very end so please let's not pay too much attention to the polls because we are running as the underdog we know what they're capable of on the other side the only thing we can take for granted is the love that we as Americans have for each other knowing we have so much more in common than what separates us and we've got some hard work ahead but we like hard work hard work is good work hard work can be joyful work and so we are up for the task and with your help we will win in November we will win in November and that in large part is because we know what we stand stand for and when you know what you stand for you know what to fight for we love our country and we believe in the promise of America that's so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon we believe in the promise of America and that includes a topic we're going to discuss today which is what I call an opportunity economy building an opportunity economy and my vision of an opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed where everyone regardless of who they are where they start can build wealth including intergenerational wealth where workers are treated with dignity and everyone has the freedom to join a union if they choose where we remove barriers to Opportunities so anyone who wants to start a business can have access to the tools and the resources they need to do that I believe and I said it before to Nicole I believe America's small businesses are an essential Foundation to our entire economy think about it think about it small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers half of all private sector workers own or run a small business or work for a small business they do trillions of dollars of business every year they generate Revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers and you know for all of those who are are know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of Who We Are isn't that the best of who we [Applause] are and I've met so many entrepreneurs across the country who take the incredible leap of faith that is required to start a small business folks who put their life savings on the line and work through the weekends and holidays cuz they aren't just building a business they're pursuing a dream they're building a better future for their employees and for the people people they love in their communities and by extension they're building a stronger middle class and a stronger America for us [Applause] all and so all of this is why as president one of my highest priorities will be to strengthen America's small businesses and here I am in New Hampshire to announce a few elements of my plan to do that so first we're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground okay now I'm setting what some I'm sure are going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what I think we should admire ambition in each other so I want to see 25 million new small business application by the end of my first term and to help achieve this we will lower the cost of starting a new business so here's the thing on average it costs about $40,000 to start a new business in America that is a great financial barrier for a lot of folks and it can hold entrepreneurs back and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you're going to do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to [Applause] $50,000 it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business second my plan will help existing small businesses grow we will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want to expand and we will and this is very important cut the red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more difficult than it needs to be more difficult than it needs to be for example we will make it cheaper and easier for small businesses to file their taxes similar similar to how individuals can take a standard deduction you know I said to my team kind of like now I'm going to date myself again because they no longer do it but kind of like you remember the 1040 easz like that kind of idea right like let's just take away some of the bureaucracy in the process to make it easier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy third third my plan will invest in small businesses and innovators throughout America and here's why we know that Talent exists everywhere in our country from rural towns to City centers but not everyone has access to the financing to venture capital or expert advice it's not that they don't have the skills it's not that they don't have the work ethic it's access to these resources so under my plan we will expand access to venture capital we will support Innovation hubs and business incubators and we will increase Federal contracts with small businesses and we will have a particular focus on small businesses in rural communities like right here in New Hampshire finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in [Applause] taxes cuz here's the thing here's the thing it's just not right that those who can most afford it are often paying a lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurses and our firefighters it's just not right it's just not right so that's why I support a billionaire minimum tax and corporations paying their fair [Applause] share and while we ensure that the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share we will tax capital gains at a rate that rewards investment in America's innovators Founders and small businesses so here's the detail if you earn a million a year or more the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28% under my plan because we know when the government encourages investment it leads to broad-based economic IC growth and it creates jobs which makes our economy stronger now compare that to what Donald Trump plans he intends to cut off Federal programs that give loans to small [Music] businesses he plans to give billionaires massive tax cuts and to cut corporate taxes by over a trillion dollars even as they pull in record profits his plans will add more than $5 trillion to the national debt and that is on top of the $2 trillion tax cut he gave them when he was president and when he exploded the deficit we know how to count we know how to count and now he also wants to OS what in effect is a national sales tax on everyday products and basic necessities which will Skyrocket the cost for families and small businesses and New Hampshire on top of all of this if Donald Trump were to win in November he intends to end the Affordable Care Act which would significantly increase costs on small businesses as we know and well you know what the courts are going to handle that and we will handle November how about that how about that that's how we'll handle that how about that but think about it it wants to end the Affordable Care Act taking us back to a time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions you remember what that was children with asthma breast cancer survivors grandparents or diabetes so yeah look we are here to tell him and them we are not going back we're not going back back we're not going back we're not going no we are not and we will move forward because our is a fight for the future and and it is a fight for freedom and it is a fight for Freedom now I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire the live free are die State you know the importance of individual freedoms fundamental freedoms you know how hard people fought for these freedoms and that they are foundational to who we are and what we stand for as America including the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government telling her what to do and understand how we got here understand how we got here and of course we're not going to fall for the gas lighting he's pushing right when he was president Donald Trump hand picked three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Ro v Wade and as he intended they did and now in more than 20 States in our nation there is a trump abortion B many with no exceptions even for rape and incest which is immoral immoral and let us agree and I know we do one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her [Applause] body and if he wins and if he wins you can be sure Donald Trump will go further and he will sign a National Abortion ban and and and you know project 2025 which I just I mean can you believe they put that thing in writing and under project 2025 he would create a national anti-abortion coordinator which would force States I mean this is unbelievable right which would force states to report on women's miscarriages and abortions you know what they are making really quite clear they just don't trust women they just don't trust women but we trust women we trust women and when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive Freedom as president of the United States I will proudly sign it into [Applause] law across our nation across our nation across our nation and I've been traveling for many many month well years actually and certainly months most recent recently L across our nation I'm telling you we are witnessing a fullon attack on hardfought hard one fundamental freedoms and rights including the freedom to vote the freedom to be safe from gun violence the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water the freedom to love who you love openly and with pride [Applause] [Music] and so here's what I don't have to tell the folks of New Hampshire because you know it so well as part of your DNA generations of Americans before us they fought for freedom and they led the fight for freedom in our country and now the Baton is in our hands the Baton is in our hands so let us understand which we do our purpose at this very moment let us remember the broad shoulders upon which we stand and the traditions of this very fight that have led to what we have been able to accomplish and let us understand then that when we say fight it is a fight for something not against something it is for something that's what we're talking about when we talk about a new way forward this is for something and so as an example let us finally pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the freedom to vote act let us finally pass an assault weapons B and Universal background check and red flag laws because we are clear on that point it is a false choice to say you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone's guns away I'm in favor of the Second Amendment and I know we need reasonable gun safety laws in our [Applause] country and there's another point that I'd like to stress about this election in 24 this is not 2016 or 2020 the stakes are even higher this time for a number of reasons but I'm going to mention one in particular what the Supreme Court recently did when they basically just told the former president that going forward he will effectively be immune no matter what he does in the white house but let's take this seriously and understand what it means before at least there might have been the threat that there would consequence and accountability with that ruling what this means is that almost explicitly he has been told no consequence and imagine just imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails just imagine with no guard rails he has openly vowed to be a dictator on day one he has said he would end the independence of the Department of Justice the United States Department of Justice so he could have the unchecked power to seek Vengeance against people who disagree with him he even called for I'm going to quote now the termination of the Constitution of the United States of [Applause] [Music] America let us be very clear someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution of the United States of America would never again stand behind the Seal of the president of the United States never again so I'll end where I started when it comes down to it we are all here together because we love our country we love our country and we know the privilege the privilege and pride that comes with being an American and I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism to fight for the ideals of our country that is how we realize the promise of America [Applause] and so with that being said I ask New Hampshire are you ready to have your voices heard do we believe in Freedom do we believe in Opportunity do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it and when we fight we win God bless you and God bless the United States of America my goodness can we hear for Nicole and throwback [Applause] Brey hi guys thank you thank you thank you wow thank you all thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it's so good to be back in New Hampshire thank you all thank you and Doug sends his love to everyone as well oh thank you everyone Nicole thank you you guys are just so extraordinary and I applaud the way you do the business that you do and the love that you do in giving Community I love our small business owners it is is what you do I'm going to talk a bit about you in a minute but you are part of the fabric the essential fabric of a community that cares about one another thank you for everything thank you thank you and thank you to the outstanding Congressional Delegation Senator Shaheen Hassen representatives papis and kuster and all the leaders who are here today thank you all thank you all for for taking the time to be here this afternoon thank you everyone thank [Applause] you so before I begin I do want to say a few words about this tragic shooting that took place uh this morning in Winder Georgia um we're still gathering information about what happened but we know that there were multiple fatalities and injuries and um you know our hearts are with all the students the teachers and their families of course and we are grateful to the First Responders in the law enforcement that were on the scene but this is just a senseless tragedy on top of so many senseless tragedies and it's just outrageous that every day in our country in the United States of America that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child child will come home alive it's senseless it it is we've got to stop it and we have to end this epidemic of gun violence in our country once and for all you know it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't have to be this way so we will continue of course to to send our prayers and our thoughts to the families and all those who were affected including you know I I'm going off script right now but listen I mean you know at at the last year I um I started a college tour and um I I I traveled our country meeting with our young leaders right and so it was College age young leaders so I did trade schools colleges universities community colleges by the way I love Jen Z I just love Jen Z [Applause] right but I'll tell you one of the things one of the things I asked every time I went to the auditorium and it would be filled with these young leaders students and I'd ask them raise your hand if at any point between kindergarten and 12th grade you had to endure an active shooter drill and the for the for the young leaders who are here who are raising their hand I'm telling you every time the auditorium was packed and almost every hand went up you know a lot of us I'll speak about myself you know we had well I gr up in California earthquake drills we had fire drills but our kids are sitting in a classroom where they should be fulfilling their god-given potential and some part of their big beautiful brain is concerned about a shooter busting through the door of the classroom it does not have to be this way it does not have to be this way and you know this is one of the many issues that's at stake in this election um so New Hampshire look we have 62 days to go 62 days to go and I'm going to tell you what you already know this race is going to be tight until the very end so please let's not pay too much attention to the polls because we are running as the underdog we know what they're capable of on the other side the only thing we can take for granted is the love that we as Americans have for each other knowing we have so much more in common than what separates us and we've got some hard work ahead but we like hard work hard work is good work hard work can be joyful work and so we are up for the task and with your help we will win in November we will win in November and that in large part is because we know what we stand for and when you know what you stand for you know what to fight for we love our country and we believe in the promise of America that's so much of what I think brings us all together this afternoon we believe in the promise of America and that includes a top IC we're going to discuss today which is what I call an opportunity economy building an opportunity economy and my vision of an opportunity economy is one where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed where everyone regardless of who they are where they start can build wealth including intergenerational wealth where workers are treated with dignity and everyone has the freedom to join a union if they choose where we remove barriers to opportuni so anyone who wants to start a business can have access to the tools and the resources they need to do that I believe and I said it before to Nicole I believe America's small businesses are an essential Foundation to our entire economy think about it think about about it small businesses in our country employ half of all private sector workers half of all private sector workers own or run a small business or work for a small business they do trillions of dollars of business every year they generate Revenue that helps repair our roads and pay our teachers and you know for all of those who are are know of small business owners the thing I love about you is that you're not only leaders in business you are Civic leaders you are Community leaders you are mentors you hire locally you believe in the community and you're part of the glue of the fabric that holds communities together you provide the local meeting space you are the types of folks where you know who your regulars are and when someone's walking in the door and you can tell they've had a bad day you know exactly what they need isn't that the best of who we are isn't that the best of who we [Applause] are and I've met so many entrepreneurs across the country who take the incredible leap of faith that is required to start a small business folks who put their life savings on the line and work through the weekends and holidays cuz they aren't just building a business they're pursuing a dream they're building a better future for their employees and for the people they love in their communities and by extension they're building a stronger middle class and a stronger America for us [Applause] all and so all of this is why as president one of my highest priorities will be to strengthen America's small businesses and here I am in New Hampshire to announce a few elements of my plan to do that so first we're going to help more small businesses and innovators get off the ground okay now I'm setting what some I'm sure are going to call a very ambitious goal but you know what I think we should admire ambition in each other so I want to see 25 million new small business applications by the end of my first term and to help achieve this we will lower the cost of starting a new business so here's the thing on average it costs about $440,000 to start a new business in America that is a great financial barrier for a lot of folks and it can hold entrepreneurs back and the current tax deduction for a startup is just $5,000 okay so then you got to make up the Delta there got to figure out how you going do that not everyone has access to that kind of wealth and capital so part of my plan is we will expand the tax deduction for startups to $50,000 [Applause] it's essentially a tax cut for starting a small business second my plan will help existing small businesses grow we will provide low and no interest loans to small businesses that want to expand and we will and this is very important cut the red tape that can make starting and growing a small business more difficult than it needs to be more difficult than it needs to be for example we will make it cheaper and easier for small businesses to file their taxes similar similar to how individuals can take a standard deduction you know I said to my team kind of like now I'm going to date myself again because they no longer do it but kind of like you remember the 1040 easy like that kind of idea right like let's just take away some of the bureaucracy in the process to make it easier for people to actually do something that's going to benefit our entire economy third third my plan will invest in small businesses and innovators throughout America and here's why we know that Talent exists everywhere in our country from rural towns to City centers but not everyone has access to the financing to venture capital or expert advice it's not that they don't have the skills it's not that they don't have the work ethic it's access to these resources so under my plan we will expand access to venture capital we will support Innovation hubs and business incubators and we will increase Federal contracts with small businesses and we will have a particular focus on small businesses in rural communities like right here in New [Applause] Hampshire finally my plan will make our tax code more fair while also prioritizing investment and Innovation so let us be clear billionaires and big corporations must pay their fair share in taxes [Applause] cuz here's the thing here's the thing it's just not right that those who can most afford it are often paying a lower tax rate than our teachers and our nurses and our firefighters it's just not right it's just not right so that's why I support a billionaire minimum tax and corporations paying their fair share

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