Nick Kaldas Speech

Published: Nov 01, 2016 Duration: 00:33:38 Category: Film & Animation

Tags : Nick Kaldas
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Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll have barely stand friends out there again great to see you here I as you i did i mention i grew up there in Punchbowl and with the spill with every ethnic group you could name them all the recently arrived of course this didn't either the the samoan the all the Islanders and my day was the Greeks and Italians I'll over the grips and the Greeks in here hello I guess them to the Greeks great news from Athens last week the Olympic Village is now fish so bang on time okay on budget for the dress and hello to all my what we used to say either slabs in those days because I say that nemore announcer Croatian master Damian and plain salted how you doing out there full of aerospace skating friends and the Middle East is we're reaching out the Middle Eastern community as Nick would know even as I speak they're digging a tunnel all the way from wife Kimber to the Shire the Middle Eastern distributor may even help [Applause] and to all our show these friends and particularly our Indian friends we've got a lot of the Indians today I've not undermining the beautiful time of year and down a lot of the Indians are positive people ladies are doing great Australians hard-working glass half full people with all the great Indians and always see the positive side of things you know what's those bollywood movies always that a happy ending if they mayn't I tank in Bollywood passion would come up at the end hello there I look at God way not at all the aussies day here where the Aussies were mortal Ozzie King and I think to show how often we all up everyone in this room is going to say the most expressive would this company has two Auburn that is bright and I want to hear that long Alex and game right you're on three one two three bloody bright slightingly into mine bright and off the bride Diane dixit a bride walk right career looks right and watch bride his bride I feel dry the movie was crying there's a bright Valley ready the crackhead below and write the body right right saying he is a great Victoria there's a gravitational base and greater main break all the break on a pro breaks out this crazy Shahi [Music] kind of funny ride ride but the great white shark where are not post frenzy with the brings those shock knits up there by the shark something in Maryland with a head another it was in the local paper unprovoked how do you provide the track I need the UN's very lucky to have you make that they are 20 did you give us any thoughts into this this new revelation Hillary Clinton is who thinks Hillary will be no by half ladies and gentlemen yes she's what a powerful woman's world were going into angela merkel in in Europe Theresa May in the UK Hillary Clinton in the White House you know I really hope for comedy sake but she hasn't available to 23 year old and bills just got to stand there and come and stand by his woman talk about the ultimate gender square of a long time now on kidding game I want Donald Trump them with a comedy site the comedy side absolutely you know Gotye Conover a developer the best album in the world bring it on it's going to be an air in charge of Australia more attitude I was not expecting this so that's why when you hang up you do is looking for something to do what am i doing but we're just putting on cards Oh Charles on behalf of each and every one of us maybe is going to say thank you for your review guidance and we've all been very craftily models in put together neat ways is cultural heritage proud egyptian-born arriving on strategy young boy with his family and this is understanding of all cultures that enables you to build strong community relationships I am finished up Andrew Coleman who knows Nick well consider maintains the strongest community network at any potential importance music Albert arrived in Australia as an 11 year old as he climbed the policemen and respect with city's libraries often avoid falling for Carver times advisor major attention and radicalization one of these on the realities of war plain language and cultural awareness the day on relational problems a prodigious have a little living edge but these top called looks teams were with multicultural communities in Arabic use these parents to cheat I have a one being our contributors is that keeps people brand up today the move it means they involve is is that not the Mishnah and a fundamental few reach is this engagement I never miss Olivia and I a young garage [Music] we please welcome guest of honor mr. mink callous after that introduction I can't wait to eat myself as they say thank you answered yes please bear with me I won't go through the whole list of dignity again you're very kind of times but I do I mention some people and as we start I said distinguished guests ladies in German garment I'm really humbled today just by the gathering you've got heat and the caliber of people in the audience just looking around the room so many old integrity other one I mentioned a couple of big leaving hours and they're going to name is very fair or maturity silly or profit and Barry O'Farrell Jonathan loon following on the shore of heat crevalle you later today instead of michael Davies here don't you wish from the Greens Robert all secular students here is wrong the Reverend said Martin Christian Democrats little just going to go through the politicians very quickly even politician now we're so proud of their career or colleague least a earlier today he's a restitution in the federal time but also launched in my father who is the first accomplished amateur magician any moment India Australia possibly outside as you can see I we're about the Egyptians who have done well and I also unacknowledged a couple of other people who've been really insightful and last year or two have really grown to love Miranda the phone and yarn event used to be on 60 minutes you might recall the best will really enjoyed their intellect and their incited the things that I could all still with Miranda's ripped something about me as I understand she has this morning because i started in text messages read by 2 30am started at that time this morning i haven't read each episode on I've been too scared friend but all the people I've just mentioned have been tremendous support us and horse or friends at some point in time and they're showing a great friendship and I'm very grateful for that on behalf of my family and I just wanna thank you all as I said I mind I'm really quite humbled but just grateful for today's event I particularly want to thank you organizing committee you meant a little bit earlier today just for making today possible I'm sure you will appreciate how much work as injured is organizing function like this there's nearly 600 people in an Islamic clockwork the food in spectacular the atmosphere the entertainment with exceptional events has been great but I'll go be careful I think you may have the last words and all you're saying ready it Young and the the organizing committee Shasta Cecilia risk Robin is text Evancho Kazarian who's the godfather of multiculturalism I'm really great glad to see you here today John the bootleg on don jazzy loose attend a good time he called how I had left anyone out also on our enormous market would be is another Egyptian are very proud see you know I mentioned the record yes nice footage that we watched today is actually because marvelous put together and I'm very grateful for his friendship by doing that means but this serenity is being great or enjoying his actor for many years and usually people hate the audience he's had a field day today but he is you know the fact that he talks about being a wagon or back in a way that gives communities dignity even though he makes fun of the awesomes a moment in the course people to hold their head up so I love each worker can see what I love anyone I'm very grateful for the words of this thread today both from a leader of the Opposition federally and the Prime Minister no one could fail to be moved by these pivots and the gathering of a warmth that I felt here today especially coming from so many people that already expect by I see today though my styling is a tribute to me but for every police officer in you suck last forever be mine completely fought against the odds to crash through the glass ceiling and to get to the top ladies and gentlemen I started my career 35 years ago in balmain in the police in the inner west at that time that area was more like a working-class area certainly dominated by the feet Anderson Dockers and it was some pubs that police simply didn't go to unless you want wanted to start a fight it was a tough a place that it is now when anyone hears many restaurants on my first day on the job the Krusty cranky old station sergeant said to me have you married some said no sighs he said he looked at me very kindly instead you need to get the first one out of the way early but there was an expectation that you were sacrificed everything for the drop that home otherwise broads come second that I hope things that have changed I had were a better place now looking after people but let's ingest I've come back to Sydney a couple of weeks ago and completed an investigation for the UN into the use of chemical weapons in Syria well if anyone's said to me in 1969 with my family and i arrived here that are be standing before you today that environment at a minute Deputy Commissioner from nine years the biggest police force in Australasia the third biggest in the english-speaking world having commanders he seems 16,000 men and women and having worked for the UN roles that I used to read about having been called on by federal government to help in Iraq but here I am I stand up to 35 years having been blessed with so much the experiences I've had the royal responsibilities I've enjoyed the people in the communities I've been able to help but most importantly the people I've been able to work with in and out of police I've mentioned forward when I local police in march this year i said then that I won't miss of service but i'll miss the clowns unless it is true come on i was a better joke than that thank you for me it really is about the people that's what better that's not a circus is that human beings that you deal whether you work with Yelp and you interact with my family migrated here from Upper Egypt and 1969 palestra you speak barrage of the society and we are armed with a little in our pockets but big dreams and a desire for a better life in the land of opportunity where there are no barriers to success they religion sex or ethnicity and leading up the circumstances we did fleeing the NASA the regime as my father lost and for that I my own my siblings will always be grateful to my parents my mom is still with me but she couldn't be here today she's legal couple other functions than she's somewhat worn out although my brother dimension to you today has been great because he has have survived in after a week it took real courage for my parents to give up their lives in Egypt simply in the hope of a better life for their children and that's what every mine during here has to think about my way he's there until grandparents get everything up gave their life up and can't year simply deploy give them a better a better life my father was was a man of great place he was the bravest man I ever met fearless principal their fear and all these deities and whatever I am I hope of the above the EastEnders I've been less developed many things a proud of having spent my entire career operational I'm proud of having been in major crime investigation space within the hot spots like the armhole up squat in the Homicide Squad I'm proud of led the homicide squad for some years I'm Carol work in counterterrorism I'm happier investigated arrested charged and convicted some of Australia's west criminals murderers and almost primal fears are particularly proud I've been out of the building bridges bridges between east and west released lesson rest of the world the API and what we d like DD Scotland Yard EMA were recently human ear part-time job and also a police in the middle including Lebanon and for our friends he fled Iran Iran as many many my management at four senior police officers from later on come and work with us here in Sydney for three months three months level in our office the value they gave us and the connection with the community that they enhanced for us austra menace they all had relatives and friends in the Lebanese community here and they spend the religious religions that are predominant in literal I had a vision of doing the same with police from other countries in the Middle East and elsewhere and I had hoped that that would be something that will help the user possibilities become a lot more culturally aware and a lot more aware of the communities that they serve we did it into that unfortunately as we weren't able to see it all the way through i'm grabbin having established a number of the units and indian context unit which was dedicated to engagement with the communities we serve so police multicultural consultative in many members of the money today i want to try a name them all that this immediate option police thinking action and i'm proud to have helped and supported other units like modern cultural policy and programs unit and i want to acknowledge the great work of duty sailor who's even age it will be stylist in that space [Applause] and finally dancing and supporting among across my liaison officers programs throughout all at Republican police station all running the police station State Police nah police officer officers who see her language come from one of humans and they're simply dedicated to acting as a kanji within a window between us in their communities when I gave me is he from Cassie's fear God part of the Warriors were [Applause] finally on that note I just want to acknowledge one person is nearly of a partner and so many other efforts in this space on Marshall is here today dr. John our reach the voice of reason in the Muslim community is councilman friendship Marshall always there [Applause] as I said most of all I think I'm proud of my work building bridges with the many modern communities communities we serve the Arabic community in the Muslim community the Jewish community the Hindu community to the Asian community and so on you are all here today very large numbers have a look around this room our word is it that such a diverse group sitting down together in harmony breaking bread together and if you continue that comradeship one run on one oh yeah I do know that my vision that police pursue that vision this buff is important is crucial in fact particularly at a time when the threat of radicalization and extremism is thatis highest it reminded me of what walter Lippmann the wise American German can come that said at the outset of the Second World War he said I do not know whether we shall see again in our lives at least that we shall believe came last we're in turbulent times until Thomas portal perhaps away thinking outside of clearing regions a little bit differently I understand as you all do that went to the enemy's lose faith in the police they will never support them and without their support that partnership all is lost it's likely it's like trying to clap using one hand only it just doesn't work and to paraphrase Abraham Lincoln we are on the community for the community and we are authorized by the community to pretend otherwise is a recipe for failure I always believe I'm assured the police they can cast and ambassadors of the organized crime groups the rapists games Whitney terrorists but we must never allow ourselves to stoop to their level we are dead of a mess we play by the rules and we will still win as we're getting is gangs my brothers for life which is the cannon for events for a walk and other games I can tell you that most of the information the police rely on which shows the rest these bad guys comes from the community from you if you don't have faith in us if you can t cut phone comfortably and tell us what's happening women around what's happening up there but we have a sacred duty the police of sacred you to keep that trust and that's what we don't look at I have a blessed continue to play a lead role helping communities deal with the Scourge that disease we face today of radicalization extremism fanaticism it tears apart communities in a very fabric of our society it destroys the basis on which civilized society is built usual respect dignity of all fairness but we must also recognize that that a certain is sometimes born of unfairness of indignity and racism which was inflicted on someone and if then encourages them to look for a cause no matter how illogical radical than people that is then presented to them as a legitimate outlet for the RAM and in frustration we have to continue to look for ways to really use of I susceptible of such influences back into the quality they hit in the mainstream of their community Australian community back to where they belong but I've the two members of our society everyone complain about I'm grateful for the many communities who have embraced me and the police over the last decade or so and they've let us see they have been supportive of many ways a quick motivated off and it means a great deal I hope we can all live in a world envisioned by one who is a king when he said that he had a dream but his children with one day where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character never drunk ladies and gentlemen I'll make a few comments last week in the police sent off the head on vision and leadership and police he at my December with someone that can be recorded on a phone and get to channel sent through very weakly edited the heck out of it so it came out somewhat different for what I already said so having taken note of that I have to think about what I was going to say to you today but i'm going to say what I want to say anyway and you know I worried up across the quinces player what I want to tell you is that we have to find a way if US government's from both sides of the political fence the policing in particular there is a difference between being in charge and they can charge the police leadership the politicians people and they selectively police forces is crucial and it has to be people with credibility and experience magis days or certain too agreeable politicians navigating a sacred duty to the public experience in their selection of police emergency service to this and the guy named rule perspective see and police in particular should be this they sort of never walked in his troops have no I'm Felicia they have no claim of an absolutely police leadership and balances about need it's about what's wouldn't you South Wales please understand back further I puck sailor in gleason government should recognize that forum primarily has to come from within that can never be purely imposed externally from outside creating more and more out of control oversight bodies is not the answer the real answer is speaking the right leaders who want to reform and improve and we're not simply run on the spot the in risk averse and advocating or responsibility it's my view that the Westminster system of the separation of powers and the end up in arms are comfortable are all one the threat when generations of senior bureaucrats have dedicated themselves to agreeing with their political masters and to saying what they want to hear regardless of how far from the truth that is random violence advice is rare these days and you saw Buster suffer for it now where is this more visible that are completely out of control outside bodies that I've mentioned the icac the Ombudsman at least integrity finish bodies drunk on absolute power and devoid of any accountability unless you have the means of the will to go to court with properties Veterans Affairs and are many brought to be an environment where the right to silence a strong procedural fairness natural justice optional and then one errors or worse I revealed and our lives and families and recommendations are ruined government has refused to act I know it by speaking out today I have borne a personal cost and on our relational seed retaliate and I can stick some variables from those would disagree violently with what I'm saying I regret nothing and if I had my favorite you know probably you I wouldn't look at myself in the mirror in the morning if I was thankful and in many ways are still on the art of the many victims with this magical penis and some of that I'm here today I urge our political leaders here today to think that the cost of inaction on reform of this foreign oil sector it's wrong attitude I've said my basement i leave the fact i'm going on to more pleasant matters but i don't want my message today to be negative because i'm not begging i'm looking ahead and there's so much positive that i want to talk to you about i have been successful and i'm happy i did and i can hear role model for other migrants in my life who seek a career in law enforcement of the treatment i handed the next migrant keep that transit use up our police guys are step further than me in case the commissioners job and i hope they will remember what michelle obama said once that is when you go through the door of opportunity you don't slam the door on base we follow your holder that before i want to acknowledge with your people about the big ones wanna mention some very old and dear friends and thank you all the same place i know where they are in memory via heard from a little bit earlier and Bruce Lyons and mountain berry of seeing enemy they're all being worth makes two have been through thick and thin with me and we're basically a great deal together they have been launched and if you look up loyal in the dictionary you'll probably see a picture of all three minutes [Applause] it's a group of people here I went to school with some 40 something years ago it really scares the hell outta me but I've learned this place for over four decades Graham Mark Allen thallium that what we partner soon Christine Mandy and deserve that really scares me have one would land each other that they are true friends and your presidency today means more than i can t Graham in fact road from now Brian just to have a drink with new time so I'm grateful for that thank you I'm finally my family my son and my Rory yo boy would make that the bloomin Simone that year and my sister and my brother-in-law and my brother and their families and my nieces just mean and Dino who trouble or I can reason to be in today there are all my cousins of academic parishioner who are also hearing someone punch numbers my father was one of 11 of my mother's policies and they even have foster collaboration I just put my family I you know I'm really happy that you are here you know that whatever I am whatever food is good about me I anymore thank you I know I said finally got a life there is one other thing and it's probably my most important things this is my long-suffering life finale without whom I would not have got through the last few years twice she gave up the courage to follow me to far-flung places that we wanted to be together and what I've taken overseas assignments she's always coming I'm less to have you in my life thank you ladies in five that was nice and breathe is a tradition in the police which costs for our retiring dangerous p I think the record was better in a half hour I talked to my wife said if you do that I'm going to shoot you I decided pitron calm myself I think upcoming on time god bless listen everyone you think you could be they make incredibly proud to say my family make you are writing a marvelous role model to the Egyptian community but I think I speak for everyone here today in saying that more importantly the man you are a great australian and your appointment to the united nations name is a great shot in the foot to australian policing I'm attack you can't have one of these looking at here to the guest of honor so we have something for Nicholas then can I save it thank you so very much or I don't know something happening my life is with you come into it and I've done something I've never done before I actually went shopping for clothes or a man that I've never done for myself sorry the challenge was what did you get a man of Nick Kaldas inspector who's going to be on the world stage and I'll go oh nothing better than Italian suit because someone's son sometimes at some point on someone actually said to me what's the news between an Egyptian and annotating now I didn't actually know it's on reminded me they handed a single Egyptian with good-looking shoes so did my best musician the juice and we don't throw actually people home so can I go ask marina protecting the counters and what's beyond that is a really one computable suit I think it's Italian and it's it is today what do you need actually saved you actually stood up as a little bit out there by seriously many thanks very much I [Applause] said obvious but I lied again I just don't say that foods really lovely on getting out there usually stay back color suits conservative these change morning when I read the cops you know a couple glasses of wine at least anything to do with me or some comfortable flats rain a little bit for the car kind of ugly spiking and a bit a real adjustment for me but the suit is probably the biggest change or that pulmonary venous that trendy challenges with my friend and he talked me into it I just wanted to be in to know that whatever are we at soon i will remember tonight and each and every one

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