Published: Aug 25, 2024
Duration: 00:59:00
Category: Gaming
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how going my name is Chris and welcome back to the f124 vcar career for today's emila Grand Prix which is round s of 24 if you guys didn't miss the last race in the last episode it was we went to the Miami Grand Prix for our very first home race of the season and our second uh Sprint race weekend uh this was it was the first time that we had a back-to-back Sprints this season uh pretty early on the season for back-to-back Sprints but we uh m up in Sprint qualifying which put us down the order quite a bit but after a uh a lunge up to P1 we uh we were able to hold it there and then we were quickly able to dispatch the uh the alpen of Von and then go run down pretty much everyone else starting with Hamilton which uh that the contact we made almost ended pretty badly if if I do say so myself it wasn't pretty but we did get around him when we did manage to get around him excuse me we then hunted down G and then we passed him with ease making a pretty pretty nice dive on good old pier gley and then as stroll made a mistake in the chicane out of the bridge uh we just ended up taking advantage and getting p7 and you think that's where it would end however stroll did come back after us because he had the DRS for the straight unfortunately I didn't time it that correctly uh to stay ahead of him but we dived into the final or into the tight left-hander of which I think is I don't remember what turn it is is it like 20 turns in Miami or something like that I don't even remember there's a lot of turns in every f one track I'm going just say that right now minus Austria Austria has like 11 turns but even though we were able to get around stroll there was a little bit of a a late uh charge by Hamilton try to get around us held him off and uh we ended up holding on to p7 now Sergio Perez in the Red Bull was made ended up making a statement by winning the Sprint and we came home to we came home to finish in p7 and uh that was all fun and games until we got to the main race we qualified second for our very first home race of the season and shockingly enough we actually got off the line really really well uh if you guys have noticed a pattern uh throughout you know the season especially when it comes e 24 I don't know if it's just me but the starts with like without any bit of traction control you just have terrible starts I I don't know what way to get better starts because I feel like no matter what I do I get bad I don't get that great of starts but I mean Miami we got a pretty good one and uh I was I was happy with it in my opinion I was fine with it but then uh you know we ended up you know having a little bit of a battle with Perez for P2 for a little bit uh swap positions uh if you guys saw uh a little bit ago uh introduced a new uh little camera thing where there was two battles pretty much going on the one between myself and Perez and then the other one between Norris and lir and and two laps later it happened again where Norris got uh back around L Clair to take the position and uh unfortunately couple laps later for per or a good chunk of the race later for Perez his uh his statement that he was making in the Sprint did uh did not come to truition and he ended up dnfing out of the race from I believe it was P4 and uh piss UPS I was kind of worried that the team would fumble again um because over the past three races they did a pretty bad job but shockingly enough they uh they put the four tires on we got out a ex we got out pretty well ahead Lando Norris which was our main competition when we came to the pit and we got out ahead of him by a good margin and just behind the Ferrari of lir and uh we did fight Clair pretty much the whole rest of the race and uh I the move I ended up making on the Clair towards the end in my opinion was controversial in more ways than one uh I've always at the time I was okay with it because I was able to get P2 but after looking back on it there was really no need to dive it into the corner the way that I did and uh I felt really really bad and uh a lot of drivers have been saying that uh I'm pretty uh pretty aggressive and uh pretty dirty driving and hopefully at emila today I'll be able to uh to rectify that but we'll have to wait and see but Max steppen ended up taking the Victory and in typical Max steppen fashion uh he ended up extending his lead at the top of the championship ahead of L Oris in P2 uh we are are in P3 because of our second place finish uh then you got Oscar pestry in fourth Sergio Perez even with his dnf remains in fifth Charles lir with his Podium is in sixth now with Alonzo in seventh Hamilton in eth Russell in ninth and Carlos SS in P10 and then you got Pierre G 11 stroll scored his first points uh in Miami both the Sprint and Main race he's now 12th Ricardo is in 13th Alban is in 14th and okon also scored his first point in Miami as well which puts him in 15th right now is Jo gu vry botz niik hulkenberg Kevin Magnuson and Logan Sergeant without a single point scored and the constructors wise Red Bull leads ahead of McLaren in P Tu followed by Ferrari in third ourselves in fourth ason in fifth Mercedes 6th Alpine seventh Williams in eighth kick saer in ninth and the hos team in 10th and uh before going into the race weekend we ended up having you know our uh experts uh on what they wanted the manufacturing expert we just wanted to get through without damaging the car or two different session damage in the car uh wind tunnel they wanted us to achieve a speed of 170 mph which we ended up doing power unit achieve a position uh better than our teammate and qualifying we end up with that and then we ended up going with the uh perfecting the race strategy with the strategy analysis uh before heading into this race weekend uh there should be some upgrades coming in uh for IMA now that the hope is is that they can come in um but the other hope is that we can purchase an upgrade and and we actually had enough to purchase another upgrade but I didn't think I was going to be able to purchase yet another chassis upgrade so I went over to power train only to find out that Ricardo had purchase that and uh couldn't purchase anything on the durability side of things so went for the rear for under TR expected not to be able to purchase it and as a matter of fact we were able to purchase it which will help us more in the chassis Department unfortunately it'll come in after Monaco but it's better than it coming in you know after Canada uh which is you know something I did not want to have happen but where we say we were the sixth best team on the grid so uh the hope is that we can get all these upgrades starting with the ignition system with Ricardo got which that does come in the tire analytic Zetta also comes in and the rear floor under tray and the Turbo improved materials also come in so all four upgrades came in and that will push us further ahead in the R&D and further P ahead of Williams hos saber and Alpine and closer to Aston Martin and Ferrari so going to ways to go to catch the top three of Mercedes McLaren and Red Bull but uh yeah have have a lot of High Hopes heading into uh this gr pre race weekend so now it is time to head into the race weekend and especially to Saturday for qualifying welcome along everybody to Ima just down the road from Ferrari HQ and they know a thing or two about pace and Pace today is King it's qualifying day and it's great to have you with us so heading on to our one and only lap that we uh ended up doing for q1 this is actually before we even started the lap uh there was 15 seconds left uh so we were pretty much trying to beat the time uh that we had left and we got across our Finish Line with three seconds remaining which allowed us to start our very first lap in q1 and I almost got the timing all wrong if I stay it in the garage for at least 3 extra seconds I wouldn't have been able to do my qualifying lap which would have would have really sucked but we were able to continue on and uh you know do our qualifying lap and it wasn't in my opinion the track could def you we we were pretty good around here uh there's been years where we've just been absolutely amazing but since it's our first year in the VC carb around this place took a little bit to get used to but as we come across to start finish line we are going to make it into Q2 but barely as you can see we got 12th in q1 and Lon noris tops uh everybody as the fastest driver in uh q1 and the drivers that are knocked out in q1 are Alexander albon vry bz n hogenberg Logan sergeant and Jo On You Magnus made it in and Ricardo our teammate thankfully made it in as well but now we head on to our one only lap of Q2 we have more time on the board uh you know before or it was completely over uh for Q2 for drivers that just could not cross start Finish Line uh to start another lap or to start a lap in general uh and this is also our one and only lap in Q2 and we're just throwing this car around this racetrack I and you know we're a little bit down in Ricardo um but I ended up finding out why we were down on Ricardo as I looked through the MFD and I saw and you guys can see right there our turbocharger is at 59% it's worn and the fact that we were able to make it into q1 now that I after you know seeing that I was pretty shocked because the turbocharger eats up a lot of the battery and it eats up a lot of power especially when it's worn and uh just further proen right there the TC is at 59% which is just insane to see that because it's crazy how this lap was as we come out of the final corner and down the front straightway we use up all of our errs we come across start Finish Line and we make it into Q3 we are 10th and shockingly we knocked out lond Norris in the McLaren it I thought for a second it was going to be someone like Alonzo or stroll or our teammate no it was lond Norris and we eak them out by 3 hunds of a second to make it into Q3 that is the gap between myself and Lando and the Gap end up making it a Q3 which is insane and uh heading under our one only lap of Q3 as well now you maybe asking how come this is our one and only lap in Q3 there's no timer on the top right hand corner of the screen well as a matter of fact rain was imminent there was rain on the way and it looked like it was going to fall around the time that I would that I would normally go out which would be towards the end of the session so I decided you know what I'm going to go on ahead and put in a lap now and I did not know how this first lap was going to be it was very rough around here I'm going to say that much right now it wasn't the greatest lap i' I've ever put down in all honesty if I didn't have the turbocharger issue I probably could have put down a better lap if I was just a little bit more uh you know clean with my entries and exits it would have been way better too but out of the final Corner heading down to the straight hit the DRS we have enough erss and we go P5 that is the best lap that we can manage uh in our one and only run and after simulating the time through a little bit at 4 minutes and 50 seconds rain was hitting the track now it's not bad enough cuz drivers have sometimes gone out even when the rain is like this after skip skipping through a lot I realized when it hit to 30 2 minutes and 30 seconds left nobody else was going out on track and heading over to here there was still nobody else on track no one could improve their time so that means that we will start P5 for the imilo Grand Prix and Charles llaa for the scooteria Ferrari will start the race on pole that's just a site that I never thought I would see but now it is time to head into the race and headed headed on over to David [Music] Croft hello there and welcome back to Ima home Circuit of the scooteria Ferrari we expect to see a lot of local supporters wearing red today and they've all turned out for what we're expecting will be a sensational event here at the Amelia Romania Grand Prix one lap of IMA anticlockwise of course unlike most Formula 1 circuits will take our drivers round 3.1 Mi of track 19 turns nine right handers and 10 to the left drivers will need to be precise at The Hairpin at turn S given the subsequent uphill section without a good exit from that corner they'll lose a lot of time on that stretch before we begin let's take a quick look at the grid lineup for today's race a fantastic effort from shla clay yesterday and it's put him on poll just ahead of George Russell who starts this event from P2 looking at the rest of today's grid we have vapen Smith Oscar piastri Hamilton stroll Fernando Alonzo SS Norris Ricardo gazley Perez okon Magnuson albor botas hulkenberg sergeant and Joe Gru and now it's time to head down to the track and alongside me today former Formula 1 driver and former world champion too see told you I'll give you a big intro Anthony Davidson hello I know what we've got to do before the start of today's race but what about our driver what do the final hours look like for them well for them you know you've got your pre-race rituals that you go through you see different drivers uh that you know some got their headphones on they're listening to the music some drivers really absorb the energy from the crowd and they're there waving to them other drivers they go within themselves they chat to their Engineers absorbing that information that Vital Information that you need to carry you through the race and you know those pre-race rituals are essential to making things systematic we do a lot Grand Prix in a season and the more systematic you can be the easier you are within that environment all right so uh rolling off shockingly P4 today uh didn't think a grip penalty would happen but guess Sergio perz got that grip penalty which uh demoted him to p13 I believe so I think he got like a 10 Place grip penalty uh so to help myself and Max but uh yeah was definitely not expected to start P4 but we'll see how we do when we get off the line but yeah uh if you guys didn't see well I'm pretty sure you guys did um the turbocharger is pretty worn out uh we have to go the whole race with it and uh they going to be pretty because that means we're going to lose quite a bit of uh quite a bit of energy store because with the turbocharger it uses our battery or it it substitutes our battery to help with the turbocharger without how warant it is so we're going to lose a lot more ERS SL overtake more often uh because of the turo charger so that is something we're going to have to fight but we should be fine but take look the race strategy today looks like it's going to be a simple simple kind of deal uh medium to hard strategy uh they really want us have a lot of feel on the car to which I'm saying uh no I don't want my car to be that heavy I mean I'll make it heavy but just not that heavy um but yeah so I think feel wise we're going to be okay may we could burn a lot of this fuel just kind of depends on how we race but also the turbocharger is going to be a pain so yeah that's uh it's going to be a bit of a pain in the ass but hopefully it'll be be all right for us but yeah so let's go on ahead and jump into this race and let us see what we could do let's go big worry that seemed to be going into this race was that there was going to be some rain but from the looks of it not really but uh I mean yeah so all in all this should be a pretty okay Race All Things Considered we're just going of have to uh see how this this strategy plays out for us yeah I was kind I was really shocked to get into P4 that's thought because of our turbocharger being worn out we weren't going to be able to do that but once again this season and playing this game I've been proven wrong [Music] well I kind of had the feeling that would happen me not getting off the line I think I just need to add more RPM to it on the start I think that's what I need to do oh science trying to come at us you know what with our turbocharger being worn I'm not going to really try to fight them off as fight these guys as much as you know I would or normally would so there's an opportunity for them to pass me I'll just let them I'm not going to fight it too much all I do want to get out of head stroll maybe piast because he might be slow okay the start was fine let's try and move [Music] forward even got on the throttle you can use it when you're within one second of the car ahead and in the DRS zone I'm already at 9% of [ __ ] battery that's left a bit of under steer when trailing the car ahead they're going to be giving off dirty air which is going to affect our tires so try to get past did you see the final Corner coming to the end of lap one I think I felt that we get these good runs on stroll but it's just not going to be enough to pass him this DRS is going to really help him out though see what he does [Music] here yeah I got like no ER still I don't know what's going on with my game like there's no reason for that zero absolutely no [Music] reason still doing it I don't know why just freezing randomly dude holy [ __ ] we have a run made a little bit of contact with Oscar but we got P5 so that's good fight for the lead up but has pretty Immaculate right now as lir lost the lead of Russell and then he gained it back from Russell we just kind of fed piest to the guys behind that's it's not looking good for the youngster [Music] [ __ ] there there went again just [ __ ] broke sideways on a worn turbocharger almost got the a faster lap than the Clair that's [Music] insane and we got around stroll to make us feel better about ourselves back up into back back up into forth where we started so I'll take it doing pretty good I have to save ERS because I'm not going to be able to live off of no ERS not only is skill needed for this track but so is speed and power already pulled away from stroll I'm not even trying oh I found the gravel [ __ ] damn it I got DRS off of Max though that's good team behind help me pull away from stroll a little bit there goes Russell again don't 2021 it and oh my [ __ ] god dude we're already back in this we're in this fight what the [Music] hell yeah strolls Clos right over the back of me mainly because L Clair it's kind of holding on Max a little bit when he got overtook by [Music] Russell yeah they like lower the curve so you can really hop them you can really hop the [ __ ] curves here more now gaining on the car in front try to keep up this momentum Max is going to go for on Charles and he got him Max got [Music] Charles okay mate engine's running very very hot engine's running hot let's try and keep it cooler want me to stay below 271 de okay just K me out of the toe of these of these guys ahead and I'll be fine don't know what you're thinking stroll don't start this [ __ ] again I swear to God if you [Music] do can the game stuff freezing please thank you I let him watch this stay out here engine never gets hot [Music] almost lost it we're good though we're [Music] good Max has caught Russell again and uh llara is not trying to but keeping us at Bay to the point where he's kind of dragging us along there a fight up at the front I'm just trying to get out of his out of the slipstream with him just cool my engine down well also trying to keep stroll behind me look at how much you get abused the Curves in this in this race this year holy damn Max just went for it on Russell he got him wow what a move to get into first by Max holy is Daniel really holding p8 right now damn all right he's ahead of the he's still ahead of a McLaren and ason and Mercedes CO Ricardo holy I'm fighting my T my turbo charger he's just trying to fight for points cuz I've got so much more than he does I know we got some upgrad so those should be helping him out at some point I just don't know when that'll help him we just close in ever so slightly on M clir you want to know something I'm not even going to pass him cuz I can my my turbocharger and my engine being hot is not going to allow me to do [Music] that just get out of line yes M we hit Target work managed to keep the engine under 271 de by just pulling out of line on the on the DRS straight I learned from the first time that I was given that because I [ __ ] it up badly oh my God every tire but the left front is just destroyed oh my Lord left run is the only one at like 133% my rear is my right rear hates me though holy my right front's at 25 left rear at 24 and then the left front's at 14 how does that make sense how did we get here it's crazy to me how the tires like okay no issues this year compared to last year are so much more different it's just insane to me yeah I was kind of hoping that lir would kind of gain some time on Russell where I could try to pull away from stroll behind cuz I don't want to continue to give him DRS for the straight lir just can't get any closer to Russell I don't know why yeah I'm sliding now what the hell woo that re that right rear that right rear is bad you also got to love stroll being doing stroll things trying to pass me and places he really shouldn't be trying to pass me but you know you know that's good because these softs or not softs these mediums they uh they've seen better days I'll tell you that especially the the rears especially that right rearo that right rear whenever we saw it and the percentage it was [Music] at maybe take it easier through there maybe just just maybe that did not help at all 32 and 39 [Music] now went completely [ __ ] sideways that was uh that is what happens when your rear tires do not want to do that anymore they will tell you immediately I slow up the guys behind which is good but not really the way I was expected to do that we'll be honest though that was one badass save I'll remember that forever okay so we're leaving our [Music] team that time that was better that time that was way [ __ ] better through here way better especially the entry push now we're boxing this La coming in this time how's our TC doing only 61% that's not bad I thought it would have been way worse already but nope it's hanging in there okay mate lir is ahead of you we can't let them hold us up for too long so let's try get past as soon as possible and crack on push push can I just ask how the [ __ ] am I meant to pass him when we're hitting this lap what I can't even catch him because of my tires we need to pick for brand new tires if we want to even have a chance yeah we need new tires that was all right we're coming at this time for staffings in and as is the cler okay don't worry about that Target for now let's just focus on this pit stop I'm glad that you postponed it so thank you thank you thank you thank you all right let's see how our stop goes hoping it goes well right let's go come on job on the turn in there mate looks like a nice stop time we're happy with that one I'm happy with it too happy that we were able to uh get a good stop in and continue our request to run down the the white line on the exit we receive a penalty for Dangerous driving if you cross onto the track hopefully now our tires won't be uh as [ __ ] I haven't ran the hards around this track yet so I guess this will be our first like few laps going around here on a set of Hearts brand new nonetheless hilon an Alonzo also came in and a hosted to behind see how we do on these bad boys lir might be going faster too on the hards because he was struggling on the mediums as well Ricardo came in Daniels in for a stop so that's good that Ricardo's in now try to cover off the attack from Hamilton and Alonzo Joe came in as well d a lot of guys purple SE purple the final sector you're running low on reminder that you just J in the MFD or lift sometimes and ease onto the pedal for some manual recharge wow myself and lir just jumped Russell we're virtually P3 now that might not last long though because I got my turbocharger which is very worn out so that may not happen but we'll see unfortunately Ricardo wasn't able to stay out ahead of Alonzo in Hamilton TI running ties they ended up jumping Ricardo which sucks but if Ricardo stays in the points he should be fine I think he will after these next after these two guys a head stop I wasn't able to say a whole lot because my phone was going off but uh we put in the fastest lap hell yeah that might go away soon though because okay mate we need to save up some so let's focus on charging Char to 49.6 4% by lap 22 I mean I'll see I mean I think I can we're just kind of have to see how it all pans out but with that TC being worn out could be a little bit difficult to save we're still going faster every sector so that's good just shows you that we were definitely struggling on them uh on the mediums little by little though so Russell might end up passing us for the for third right here cuz this is virtual P3 and we went faster without having to use any erss and there goes russ. seconds almost like I knew what happened I was just waiting on it to [Music] happen said how I I I knew how was going to happen and Russell was just going to be quicker than us so I knew I just didn't know when it was going to happen pretty much all I can say is it was going to happen sometimes sometime after I got the fastest lap but it's okay oh great stuff you hit that Target really good job damn we're at 54% on [ __ ] on our ERS holy [ __ ] but Russell has closed that Gap ever so slightly to us and there's a yellow behind almost just went off the track by trying to figure out who the yellow was for there goes Hamilton that is Hamilton out of the race and that BS the question is Russell going to be okay worried just some bad data so keep doing what you're doing I'll let you know if we notice any genuine problems so Russell has DRS but he can't quite pass me because I'm in DRS range up for Clair the noris came in fit it on the mediums so now it's just a matter of time as to when pastri is going to do the same thing cuz he's leading right now virtual saf and there's a safety car reduce speed immediately and keep a positive Delta wow okay um I don't know what the VC is for but that I think has just helped pastry is that is that is the VC for Hamilton is that who it was for p pretty much has a free pist stop ending we're going green maintain positive Delta until the green flags yeah that I kind of got [ __ ] over a little little bit there just a tiny little bit Yeah Russell's on my inside oh man now down to P5 try to stay with him they might make a mistake and we could still regain the position yeah I think the as took advantage of that [ __ ] VSC just came [Music] in we lost out for a Russell if the like I said if there's an opportunity for me to fight them I will but my car is down on is pretty much down on power at this rate but I know Russell has a faster car than I do I'm just trying to be conservative just get through this race it's really all I'm trying to do just get through this [ __ ] [Music] race I don't even care what happens just get me to the end keep managing your tires oh wait P's just now P wait what wait P just pitted wait why didn't he put on the under the [Music] vssc either he did either he made the call or the or the team made the call because that that was a bad call like he okay mate let's try and pick our moments when we use ERS let's try to be consistent want me to use 1.4 seconds of ERS each lap [Music] okay just follow thef follow the safety car okay we've got a full course caution the safety car's out keep an eye on the Delta we need to keep it positive to avoid a penalty slow down maintain positive Delta is there even enough time to throw on is there even enough laps to throw on a set of softs and go all the way to the end H [Music] well this changes everything again like it I feel like if PSU just waited a little bit longer the safety car would have come out it's true too if he waited just a tiny little bit longer he would have been [Music] okay now we have a we went from a VSC to a safety car no one's pitting definitely not a good time to uh get on certain Tire to get on a instead of any different tire tires I think are still fine too yeah they're still okay but yeah there's really no need to replace them they're still they're still fine so uh this changes everything this is going to give Russell and Lair another shot at ver stappen this might even give our teammate a shot to get some more more positions if he can where's he hting right now he's he is ahead of Perez so Perez probably pitted so he's p8 right now ahead of two McLarens that might not last long though but we'll see we'll see if uh Ricardo decides to hold him off I Ricardo he might not do that we'll see so what all the way to 10th right now is CAU or something like that yeah here comes the rest of the field they're slowly catching us slowly but surely they're catching this's my TC looking now 62 really I think it's because I haven't been using that much erss so my turbocharger doesn't get affected that much I mean it was it was pretty bad in the beginning it was pretty [ __ ] bad in the beginning I'll tell you that much safety car in this lap in this lap let's make sure those tires are up to temperature and remember there's no overtaking until the timing Line Stay in position until the green flags all right so I'm going to say this right now everybody probably yelling in the [ __ ] monitor TV screen tell me to pass Russell the podium is right there if I'm going to pass Russell it's going to be clean Miami like the pass I made on the clar to grab P2 was pretty [ __ ] dirty so if I'm going to get on the podium I want it to be a clean [ __ ] pass that's what I'm going say overtake button more it's time to utilize some of this energy come on green [Music] flag the signs just went off and I didn't do [Music] that and we just overtook Russ and I like I told you I was going to if I was going to get on the podium I'm overtaking Russell cleanly and I did Tire condition still looking good wow but he's going to get back at me cuz this turbocharger is [ __ ] worn the hell out and it's in so much pain it's not doing too hot if I'm going to fight anybody for a Podium it's probably going to be Russell but I know Russell's going to probably they they got the faster car he's going to beat me 1,00% he's going to beat me the St have now enabled drss is now enabled trying not to use DRS because of my turbocharger I don't want to wear it out moreap we kind of do a good job at we did a good really good job at pulling away from the [ __ ] acid line okay mate we're not using as much fuel as we predicted which means we've got extra performance in hand so let's push push and use it all up you want me to use up 13.8 you want me to have below 13.8 kg what the [ __ ] can thank the safety guard and virtual safety guard for having me saved that much the [ __ ] I'm probably going to need Russell to be ahead of me then I need the draft from him as much as possible I could just have these two dinguses ahead of me do the same or do the same [Music] [ __ ] I mean I'm losing kilograms the [ __ ] is a kilometer the [ __ ] is a kilogram I'm talking about gallons we talk we we you ain't speaking my language if you don't say gallons all right what the [ __ ] what is that the turbo charges on it last legs let's try to keep mileage on it to a minimum there goes Russell we both have DRS but oh russle went straight off what the [Music] hell I didn't even do anything I was willingly going to give him this position and he just went straight off now he's got Alonzo behind him all up his ass all up his rear end right to pounce I'm on the podium again what the [ __ ] I shouldn't be here I shouldn't I I don't know I might need a bump of the AI diffic difficulty like I'm at 100 this is this don't feel like 100 to me this feels like 98 or this feels like the 90 AI difficulty level range what the [ __ ] but also I didn't even Force Russell into a mistake he just he just made a mistake I I don't know what to tell you I didn't do anything oh where's my TC at says still at 62 okay well hoping with the use of ERS it burns more fuel and it should but it's also not and it's kind of annoying me just able to burn fuel just by riding around this is going to be a battle between veren and lir and I'm just kind of here I'm not going to I'm not going to say I'm going to go for the win because I already know if I try I'm going to [ __ ] it up royally think I burnt it yep I did great stuff hit that Target that set us up nicely for the rest of this race let's see ifir can get around ver staffen I don't know why there's like debris being kicked up right there that makes I don't understand that here goes the Clair he's going for it oh my [Music] God oh my God we swooped through on the outside of [ __ ] Max what the [ __ ] brilliant nice move keep going oh God hiair [Music] I don't think L Clair wants me behind him I really don't think he does l Clair's trust in me kind of vanished after [Music] Miami let's see if I let's see if we can try to gain some of that trust back with him I'm on a worn out turbocharger and I'm running P2 how the [ __ ] what I didn't even go up in the seventh gear I'm just so baffled by the position I'm in with the [ __ ] like mountain of [ __ ] that I'm happy to go through this is insanity all right let's let's let's try to pass the Clair as cleanly as we can we're not miam and him again we're not doing it okay the car behind is dropping back we're seeing a gap starting to fall we're not going to Miami [Music] we're now the leader of the of the EMA Grand Prix I can't believe I'm saying that but it's true oh my God I almost just lost it right there cuz I took too much curb holy [ __ ] I need to save erss I don't have enough we only we're at four to go right now like we're now like three and a half laps to go this is insanity they're falling [Music] back did not get through there as fast as I thought there's another yellow behind it's Max Max is out he's out Championship implications once more now it's smithley versus the Clair again where have I seen this [Music] before Oh my God we're going at it for another round we just can't get away from each other who have sunk get dude who like seriously who have thought that we would have smithley versus lir part four I'm just curious if if I'm ever going to have have someone that I fight in any F1 game that lives up to the same challenge that lir lives up to I swear we're trying to win it because it's our team's home race and lir is trying to win it because it's literally Ferrari's home raceair hasn't doesn't have a win either there's Max over there off of the side the next part of the track no overing through the yellow flags depending on where or Lando finishes he may not gain a whole lot on Max he may not gain that much I'm being honest he's not going to we're coming to two to go got another run on on [Music] lir oh he's going defensive oh I'm barely going to have enough no I'm not I'm not going to have enough I'm not going to have enough I'm not going to have enough oh what oh I thought what the [ __ ] I was given the position because I didn't think I'd have enough [Music] oh my god dude I don't I'm not going to Miami it I'm not miam it with [ __ ] lir again I'm not doing it I'm not doing it I can't I can't be bothered to do that I still feel like [ __ ] after what I did to theair all right I I really do I'm not going to I'm not doing it there's wait there's I also remembered with me the last time I was on the outside of the CLA trying to pass him I [ __ ] took him out I'm not saying I did in in 24 or 22 or in 23 excuse me but I did it 3 years ago on F1 2021 I'm not I wasn't I wasn't going to do it again and I'm not going to do it again I can't I can't I don't have it in me okay you just started the a [ __ ] he went he went there here I'm oh my [Music] God ni we got the spot you up a place oh my God i l i about lost it right [Music] there CLA still technically has one more shot I can still really [ __ ] this up oh there he goes he's going for it oh I went wi I thought he was I thought he was there I thought he was he was there but [Music] [ __ ] bro what the [ __ ] is this battle oh Russell oh Russell oh we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good how I don't [Music] know I think alair still got it I I can't do anything I think L Clair's going to get Redemption from Abu Dhabi is he yes he is GG's Charles holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] okay good job mate really really well done that was a fantastic Drive bring it home just just wow holy [ __ ] third straight podium oh my the to the line to the checkered flag it's King Charles today he wins to come here and take Victory as a team today on home soil was so important you can see how much it means to them the drivers there doing their part the team strategy was perfect as well and the fans really Embrace that what a great atmosphere we had here today and here we are a team that is no stranger to the podium taking their place on top once again a Sublime race today and a stunning win for Ferrari what a race what a race I I know what a lot of you might be thinking I should have just done it I should have just went for it and I did many times but y'all got to understand I felt so [ __ ] after what I did to L Clair in Miami and I I told myself if there's ever a time where that ever is close to happening again I can't do it I'm not going it's do not even matter if I can't do it I'm not going to do it I can't do that again I felt like [ __ ] after what I did to lir in Miami and the way that I passed them and I'll be honest I'll take a P2 if that means having a great final like however many laps after Max dnf of just Smith Le V Clair 4 I mean this potentially be Smithy V Clair 5 but this is number four for race wins actually no this is number three for race race wins but number four [Music] in just non-championship battles we've had one Championship battle with him and it just f123 ended in the like the finale was amazing this race on f124 is like is like very close with how amazing it was and and lir after everything after beating him 40 pretty much he finally beats us for good anyone on home soil too it doesn't get any better than that it doesn't get any better than that for the Clair but congratulations to Charles welld deserved well earned Victory just a fantastic job on his behalf we come home with the P2 oh my God that's our third that's our fourth Podium of the season and our third and a row holy [ __ ] it's Ferrari's first win of the Season too God dang Russell comes on P3 he if I wasn't going to be on if I wasn't in the fight or anything like that Russell is going to be on the podium 100% really good day for Aston Martin P4 with Lonzo and P5 was stroll and look at Ricardo P6 God dang those upgrades really helping him out too like [ __ ] like really helping him out and then you got Oscar pestry and lonor 7eventh and eighth oak on Ninth and then Alexander I'm on 10th we almost got we almost got a Hos po point if one more driver just dnfed we could have had a new Point score and that would have been the hos F1 team with Kevin [ __ ] Magnus of all people oh my God they need to like they need to do something to hulkenberg because he's been performing really really well on that hos and he's finishing 13th the [ __ ] but gazley 12th hulkenberg 13th bz 14th Sergeant 15th Joe and 16th peris a 17th signs in 18th the Max stpp and LS Hamilton the only two dnfs in this race sign spawn out when we came back from the safety C and something happened to parz and he just wasn't able to bounce back from just at all so yeah but this isn't Last him long so max is still lead the championship by now 16 points ahead of us in P2 in the V car uh something ain't right I got to probably up the difficulty this is ridiculous now uh Lon nor is P3 Charles llar is now P4 so lir I'm I'm I want to say something but I'm not going to I'm the second driver to hit 100 points how the [ __ ] am I okay B fifth Alonzo sixth peris seventh Russell eighth Hamilton ninth and car SS in 10th St in 11th Ricardo in 12th with 10 points to his name God dang uh Pier gazley 13th okon 14th and nowon 15th they're all on three points all of them so not bad and we still have Kevin Magnus Joe guu vry bz niik hulkenberg somehow and Logan Sergeant without a point scor I'm shocked that neither of the hoses have hav't scored a point how did like dude I swear like EA or Cod Masters has something against hot because they've been doing like pretty well this season they've scored quite a bit of points they haven't scored anything by this point already I think they score like two or three times with bullt drivers that's insane to me then over here on the construction side of things uh Rebel still lead but by only seven ahead of McLaren in P2 and then Ferrari in third ahead of us in P4 and then you got the Aston Martin in P5 Mercedes in sixth Alpine in seventh Williams eighth hos in ninth and theber in 10th shockingly alpin's ahead of Williams shockingly I don't know how the [ __ ] we're here like how the [ __ ] do we get here oh my god there really much El to say except what a race I loved it I love the battle with myself and the Clair and we got smithley versus lir 4 there will be a smithley v lir 2 for the driver's Championship don't you [ __ ] worry it's going to happen in the future I don't know when but it's going to happen in the future there will be a Smithy V Clair too for the driver's championship this is just number four not Championship related if that makes any sense and it was one hell of an EMA Grand Prix that I would uh going to keep remembering and what in the my God we have a radiant rivalry and it's with LA stroll of all people uh if you all know my history with stroll thus far this season it uh it hasn't been pretty so um yeah it's pretty fitting that myself self androl would have a rivalry um but it's a raiding rivalry which is the funny thing so I've never had a rating rivalry I've only had a teammate rivalry and a rivalry with somebody else um so our experience would have going up to 62 and our Focus went up to 73 which is actually pretty freaking insane if you think about it and uh yeah our recognition we actually went from a 5248 to now a 5347 as our RTG continues to go higher and higher and uh we're nearing where we need to be for our rating which is by season's end uh we end up doing all the specialist objectives for the manufacturing power unit uh race strategist and the wind tunnel experts so that was uh that was pretty nice it seems as if you have a new rival this is the perfect opportunity to show the world why you belong in this Sport and to show me why you belong amongst my very exclusive clientele that's a joke I love working with you well I sure [ __ ] hope that that's the case um because I would have fired your ass if you were being truthful about that I'm just joking by the way but that is going to do it for me today ladies and gentlemen I hope you all enjoyed the video If you guys did leave a like subscribe and hit that notification button down below for more the next race is the Monaco Grand Prix it's not going to be a good race it's going to be a boring race who knows but it all comes down to Saturday uh and why do I say Saturday because Saturday qualifying that's why but thank you guys so much my name is Chris I'm out I'll see you later have a great day peace out I'll see you guys on next one take care love you guys so very much and goodbye [Music]