"Sauron Is Not 100% Evil" Rings Of Power Season Director Explains Sauron Origin & Is A Moron

all right guys um Lord of the Rings rings of power season 2 director coming out and explaining sauron's origin story in season 2 I've done a review of it it was terrible in doing this explanation he's also just revealing how they've just thrown all of the law out uh and actually sauron's not 100% evil and actually he's weak as piss H why do these people think they know better than the guy who created the entire thing very bizarre so we'll take a look hit subscribe if you're new here turn the Bell notifications on let's go Lord of the Rings rings of pass season two director explains sha sauron's shocking origin story it's not it's not that shocking let me let me just explain it to you Saron gets stabbed by a bunch of Orcs and killed yeah his Essence then falls down a Chasm and by coincidence he begins feeding off of life forms so just by coincidence he's feeding off life forms and just by coincidence he manages to reconstitute himself there you go it's super lame let's get into what they say So you you're all caught up so it says says here Charlotte brandstrom cuz remember ladies and gents that was one of the thing that season 2 wanted to do was have all female directors cuz what was missing from season 1 and why season one wasn't very good was there wasn't enough [ __ ] okay that's why okay they needed more gynocentric directors apparently anyway Charlotte branstrom uh directs the premere episode and was by variety about the sequence of sauron's waken up basically being killed and waken up so say say that flashback was meant to be in episode 6 in the first season uh then there was no room so they decided to keep it for this season they opened the season with this look back and I think it's a very smart way to get into sauron's character it's not Sauron but I mean it is Sauron supposed to be but it's not saon that's not it's not what saon was like at all or what the Orcs were like by the way so it says here uh because what the show Runners are really trying to show is that everybody is a real character the evil characters aren't just black they have a lot of nuances to them but they don't morgoth and Sauron are quintessentially evil they just are next you'll be telling me that the elves are a little bit evil as well actually they're not just good and pure pathetic in the moment he meets gadriel and the moment when he comes back and he's reborn that's thousands of years right first there is the first Sauron the one which we see in the opening sequence right so we see Sauron different actor he's in the opening sequence he's being crowned lord of the Orcs And the Orcs don't like it where when his speech says that some of them will die when he's try to when he tries to bring order to Middle Earth right so the Orcs proceed to kill him yes Sauron is killed by Orcs so the very first soundon that's the very first scene thousands of years before so presumably Mor goth is killed pretty much straight away um and that sequence happens pretty much straight away after morgoth is killed right morgoth is sauron's old Master Saron was like the right-hand man of morgoth he takes his this new shape into this blob and this creature that thousands of years before okay so it took it took him sorry sorry sorry or Orcs killed Sauron and he's a blob at the bottom of a castle for thousands of years and he only escapes being a blob be because of coincidence excellent [ __ ] great writing he takes this new shape into this blob and this creature that's thousands of years before then when he becomes how brand and meets gadriel when he comes back it's like 6 months later after he has clothes on and meets the old man on the road so at some point by Co incident he happens upon a bigger life form a human and he consumes their Essence and just by coincidence he takes you know he takes her Essence and and becomes how brand and then he walks off and he meets an old man and he goes with them apparently does this because he's not actually fully evil yet great brandstorm went on to say it's very important for them to make sure saon isn't 100% evil yes he is when he meets the old man on the road and looks back at the dark clouds over the trees and he makes the choice to go with the people onto the ship he still doesn't know what he's going to be up to he hasn't made a choice of becoming what he's going to become I think the choice happens when the sea monster attacks the ship it starts sinking and the old man is asking him to help him and he doesn't what so with it now clear that the lord of rings rings of power is just as much sauron's origin story as it is for the titular Rings bran Strom shared a few hints about where the character story is heading I could can't wait for this guys can't wait saon wants to help everybody but he wants to do that with the ultimate power in the ring he is getting into everybody's head and manipulating everybody this season is really about how Sauron is going to accomplish what he's going to do he's starting off with nothing he's by himself no Army he's all alone how is he going to basically conquer Middle Earth and also have Kell brimo make the ring for him right right so why doesn't Sauron not Sauron but Sauron not reveal himself to Ador Adar he says he feels a huge amount of ownership over the idea of Mordor and his people he leaves season 1 with a huge amount of anger towards Adar and wants to get retribution but he has a level of power that someone like Adar can't comprehend clearly so he so he doesn't do anything and also he doesn't really have that much power because he was a blob for thousands of years and only managed to remove himself from being a blob by coincidence so he has his level of confidence knowing that he'll stop at nothing to take revenge on Adar their relationship is a really cool and complex part of season 2 this is so [ __ ] lame man so there you go sauron's origin explained yes he was a blob he was effectively Venom 4 thousands of years and Orcs managed to kill him Orcs managed to kill him that is bad writing for anyone that knows anything about Lord of the Rings that is bad writing ladies and gentlemen there is no other way around it that's bad writing it's bad writing that by sheer coincidence he managed to reconstitute himself by consuming rats and other living beings it's only by sheer coincidence which is bad writing anyway let me know what you think down below there are people that are just randomly defending this show and yet you cannot actually articulate what is good writing about it so please do try what's good about coincidence please cuz the plot demands it is that is that it really that's pathetic and know if you like what I do support me further via my patreon it's the first link down below cheers take care bye-bye now [Applause] [Music] [Applause]

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