Tyrese Exposes His Ex Wife For DOING THE UNTHINKABLE...AGAIN
Published: Aug 24, 2024
Duration: 00:08:57
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: tyrese
what's good everybody it's your boy OHA Duke Jackson back at it again with another episode of the celebrity junk Brothers I want to have a a a conversation today about brother Tyrese and brother Tyrese has been divorced from Samantha Lee Gibson for quite some time now she's been going on shows talking about how you know it was her fault many things happen and all of these things happened but you know um she still left him and she left him in a shady way man she left this dude he was going out of town he found out that she wanted to leave when he was gone you know what I'm saying he had no idea man he come back trying to save the marriage she didn't got with her friend and left all right so she out here making content making money about it lying she's damn near a man's coach teaching red pill topics dudes are subscribing to her Samantha Lee Gibson I couldn't believe it I'm like okay we got a red pill Creator then somebody told me man don't you know that's uh that's that's Tyrese wife I was like what that's Tyrese wife he was like yeah man that's Tyrese's wife so I you know your boy had no idea okay so now let me kind of get back to to to what I'm talking about and Tyrese is you know he's upset about this he's upset about this and he goes on a rant and I want to play that rant right now and singing all these songs about how I feel and how I'm feeling about what I lived and experienced cuz she left me out the blue she can't say she don't know how I feel about y'all seeing all the interviews you know the only person that ain't call me to say I'm S I guess all these feelings that you cuse don't [ __ ] matter I'm not playing victim I'm a grown man I'll tell you what I said I'll tell you what I did accountability is a mother I'm coming up on four years of posting venting talking releasing songs and singles and ain't nobody called me to say I'm sorry you know I didn't even know I did not know I call that much damage I had no idea that I I I had no idea yeah yeah well if you didn't know you know now cuz you didn't heard the goddamn songs and you didn't seen the Instagram post and you didn't seen me on Joe Buttons and this that I've been talking venting uploading all the above so he he's still upset man my boy is still up set he's hurt he's he's he's real hurt he's looking for an apology why she ain't called and gave an apology because they never going to call and give an apology I don't even know why Brothers is even looking for that man I've had relationships where I've dealt with ladies they was clearly in the wrong they had clearly made a mistake and they still hold envy towards me now it was okay for me to say how sorry I was it was okay for me to say how I was in the roong but for them no no no no no they they couldn't do that and so now here's what I want to tell you you might actually love ladies like that man um in and wondering why they don't want to acknowledge you why they don't want to apologize why they don't want to take an accountability and I'm going tell you what you should do F them they don't want to take accountability for they self they just did you a great situation a great favor cuz wherever they go they going to be terrible I can I can assure you that and this is what a lot of black men need to know need to find out need to understand they're going to be suffering they're going to be suffering for the rest of their life with that attitude you know I hat used to have a chick man you would tell her to not do something she would just do it in front of you blatantly then when you got rid of her you wouldn't doal with her no more she had attitude towards you and never looked inside to this day that mfer is broke struggling not doing nothing failing getting probably getting booty clapped up by somebody who can't even read and write this exactly what she deserve so some some of these people man you might wonder and sit back why she couldn't get it together well why she can't be accountable because man she just can't do it she can't get she can't get right and if they can't get right F them you don't have to man you know in today's world you know it's it's it's fairly so many women man that have so uh and this is the truth man they have such a low um me they are so such a low value for men that men are pretty much worthless unless they can give them some money or do something for them they're not even thinking about what can I do for this man what can I do to enhance this man's life was done X Y and Z for me why is he upset with my mentality and how I do things they don't see that they only see what they can see and what they want to see that's the only thing they can see and if you looking for them to give you a call if you're looking for them to give you some level of apology to to to be accountable for what they did you're never going to get it here's what you can do though you can keep winning you can definitely keep winning that's what you can do you can always keep winning and if they want to give you that attitude you want to have that attitude and that position with me success look at look at look at what's going on with Tia Mari and Cory Hardrick look at her attitude how terrible is that attitude for a woman to have with a man who has loved you with a man who has done whatever he could for you this is a man who has been there and done that for you and your attitude towards him is what it is what do you do to such an individual I will tell you let them suffer from their own stupidity men have to stop looking for women to adjust and see things your way they don't see things your way think about it you're the person if you're the guy you making most of the money you the guy you doing a lot so what what what else are you going to tell them how many chances are you going to give them they already messed up their chances anyway so why you even over here worried about it talking about it they don't want to be there so they don't want to be there send them where they need to be which is to failure that's where they going with the attitude anybody male or female with the unaccountable attitude you better thank God you not marry them they going destroy their life and everything in and everyone in it including your stupid ass if you're dumb enough to stay you better like my grandma say while the blood still runs warm in your veins okay you better get up out of there better get up out of there why you can't so if they don't want to do that that's fine let them go let them let them let them be stupid might got time to be dealing especially right now with all the options that that black men have in America that black men have in America worldwide with the economies you can do this and that and you you got a lady that that that's not listening and if I'm Tyrese I'm not even worried about her okay she did want to do what she's supposed to do I can guarantee you that the next dude that she with ain't you I can guarantee you that I can guarantee you the next dude she dealing with is is is broke he ain't got nothing he don't have anything and you're better off that somebody like her is destroying his life that's what you actually need somebody dumb enough to take up that loss be nothing but a constant nuisance a constant Bill giving you no value giving you nothing but over entitlement get rid of them in the first place get rid of them okay they don't need to be there so if they don't need to be there why they there we're not here begging nobody to be here that don't want to be there okay we not even worried about them so they don't they don't want to be there we we we not worried about that move out the way stop asking questions man the the she's whack anyway she's Dusty anyway she's going to she belongs over there send her back to where you found her I had one chick I'm going to say this wrap it up my mom told me I brought this chick home I never forget her name her name was Taisha I brought Taisha home and Taisha was um she was a hood chick so when I was dealing with Taisha my mom came in saw her she was dressed very inappropriately tickle Bitties but inappropriately tickle Bitties but inappropriately my mom I'm sorry he said oh hey how are you and uh you know basically she was like oh fine she brought me in in into the the um she she my mom took me into the room she said where'd you find this girl I said oh you know dating her here and there she said look wherever you found her take her back take her back to wherever you got her where she belong and a lot of you dudes you have to become somebody to be who you are those chicks take them back where they belong send them back it's easy so guys we your boyon back at it again episode celebrity drunk pre you do SC the bill we out