LIVE: SpaceX Starlink Group 8-11 Launch from Cape Canaveral with Direct to Cell Satellites

[Music] good morning everyone and welcome to to our live coverage of Starling group 8-11 Mission from space course that is from pad space launch complex 40 at Cape canille space for station in Florida we hope you all are doing fine and excited about the upcoming starlink launch we are super excited bringing you the live C of SpaceX 88th overall launch and the 85th Falcon 9 launch of this year hello my name is dpto MRA performing the commentary for today's Mission launch before moving to the mission details firstly on behalf of Astro yond team we express our heartful gratitude to everyone for being a part of today's launch we really appreciate you being here big thanks to our amazing YouTube Community for being here as we provide detailed coverage of space launches complete with extensive statistics and thorough insights right now we are waiting for a falcon 9 liftoff at 8:35 a.m. eastern time from Cape canaval for a northeasterly launch for SpaceX starlink mission the starlink mission 8-11 will launch 21 starlink satellites including 13 with dictive cell capability satellites to low earth orbit today's Starling Mission mark space X amazing 380th overall launch with the 368th Falcon 9 launch to date this Mission also marks the 61st dedicated Starling mission of the year for SpaceX prior to today's launch SpaceX has launched 1,330 Starling satellites so far over 60 flights this year and overall 6,980 Starling satellites to date SpaceX is currently targeting a lift of time of Falcon 9 prompt cap canaval space for station at 8:35 a.m. eastern time 12:35 p.m. UTC which corresponds to 5:35 a.m. Pacific time on Thursday September 5th now let's take a look at today's PID load details for starting group 8-11 Mission now before moving on would like to welcome one of our moderator and closest friend here faired welcome faired thanks for tuning in got to see you after a while and I hope that you are doing well once again thanks for tuning in hope you will be enjoying the stream now today's launch marks the 61st dedicated Starling launch for this year as we know starting satellites are built at SpaceX satellite development facility in Redmont Washington and today's launch consist of 21 version 2 mini satellites which includes 13 dedicated Satellites with direct to sell capabilities the stying satellite is equipped with powerful five Advanced Ku band phased array antennas and three dual band parabolic antennas which utilizes K A and E bands to provide increased capacity altoe these antennas utilizes ku ka and E Band frequencies allowing stalling to provide high bandwidth connectivity that is four times more capacity per satellite than earlier versions each satellite feature a dual solar array with a size of 52.5 square m which unfolds to a wink span of 100 ft the two solar arrays are also Aeron neutral which enables faster on orbit Maneuvers and this on orbit maneuver helps them to avoid collision with other spacecrafts and space junks also it has a high capacity battery to provide power to the payloads as well each stalling satellite contains three space laser transponders also known as Optical inters satellite links for intercommunication which operat rates at up to 200 gbps which together across the conation form a global internet mesh that can connect customers anywhere in the world this Optical inter satellite links also enables the spacecraft that is the staring satellites to transmit data without local ground stations providing truly Global coverage styling version to mini satellite weighs nearly 800 kg which is equivalent to 1,763 pound Starling satellites are equipped with efficient ion hall effect thrusters powered by AR gun which enabl Starling satellites to orbit Rays maneuver in space and deorbit at the end of their useful life previously Starling satellite us to have Krypton for it propulsion but later on the startling satellite switch to Argan for its cost Effectiveness relative to Krypton the Argan require but F version 2 satellites will be practically free now to put it into perspective fing its next consideration of almost 30,000 version 2 satellites could cost SpaceX less than fueling 4,000 version one satellites which were based on Krypton and so for that very reason SpaceX switched the propostion system from Argan to Krypton also SpaceX claims that it's second generation thrusters using Argan has 2.4 times the thrust and 1.5 times the specific impulse of the previously Krypton foil Thruster now today's payload will be placed in an orbit with an altitude of 303 km and with an inclination of 53.1 16° starting satellites uses custom build navigation sensors named start tracker that surveys the starts to determine each satellite's location altitude and orientation for best possible Broadband throughput each Starling satellite contains four reaction wheels that provide agile attitude control for the vehicle the hot spare configuration ensures High reliability operation and its aluminium flywheel is fully Demis at the end of life the starting satellites are equipped with an onboard autonomous collision avoidance system for avoiding collisions with other spacecraft and space junks autonomously which utilizes the U US Department of Defense debris tracking database recently SpaceX reports that the stalling satellites performed 275 Collision avoid avoidance Maneuvers each day and in past 6 months Starling satellites performed 50,000 C aidance manuvers direct to sell satellites is a technology developed by Starling team it's like having a cell phone tower in space in easy words and this technology allows your cell phone to connect directly to the satellites in case we are in a remote area where there is no cell tower nearby in that that case we would not get any signal on our phone but with the help of direct to cell satellite technology our phones can get a signal directly from a starting satellite overhead it is designed to work with common LTE standards with absolute no changes to Hardware firmware or special apps required whether you are on land Lakes Coastal Waters or even in the air as long as you can see the sky you can get a signal it provides connectivity in remote regions aiming zero dead zones giving you peace of mind when you need the most recently starlink made its first video call on X using unmodified mobile phones connected to Starling direct to cell satellites previously we witnessed texal communication via these satellites and now starting plans to launch the service with t mobile L this year now let's take a look at the flight record for the booster supporting today's Starling 8-11 Mission the booster with tail number 1077 will be supporting today's Mission marking its 15th flight having an age of 1 year and 11 months as of today its age is to be precise 701 days so we can say that it's a mature booster supporting today's Mission today's supporting booster with tail number 1077 has 14 previous slides in its record including Mission SL SpaceX crew 5 which marked the fifth or operational NASA commercial crew program flight of a crew Dragon spacecraft also that marked the eighth overall crude orbital flight this boosters also supported the GPS 3 space vehicle 6 Mission another mission named inmat i6f2 for inmet a British satellite telecommunication company offering telephone and data services globally CRS 28 mission that is Commercial resupply Services mission to the International Space Station also that mission Mark the eight flight for SpaceX under NASA's Commercial resupply Services Phase 2 contract next mission supported by the booster is intat G37 for intat sa a multinational satellite services provider headquartered in Luxemburg lastly one of the non Starling Mission supported by this boost over was signus ng20 a commercial Supply Services mission to the ISS operated by northr grman that mission marked the 20th Flight of the signas and Expendable American Cargo spacecraft which was deorbited on 13th of July this year Additionally the booster also supported eight starlink missions now waiting its 15 flight just minutes away it's been 39 days since the last mission supported by this booster the last mission supported by today's booster was the Starling group 10-4 Mission from here at cap on July 28th of this year also it is worth mentioning today's Mission will be the 15th consecutive launch of this booster from East Coast with all launches from pad 39a and space launch complex 40 this will be the 11th flight for this booster from space launch complex 40 with its 10th landing on just read the instructions drone ship now here we have the bar graph presenting number of Falcon 9 launches each year before today's launch SpaceX completed 84 successful L launches of Falcon 9 so far with the recent starting 9-5 Mission launch back on August 31st the launch Mark the 15th launch since Starling 9-3 mission failure now with the recent Starling 9-5 launch they will have 23 more than the launches made in 2022 now with today's launch of Starling group 8-1 Mission the bar graph shows 85 falcon9 launches so far this year which is 24 more than the launches made in 2022 they have already done more than half as many launches as they did all of last year and it's only been 8 months and 5 days of this year just 11 more launches and SpaceX will be reaching the same number of launches made in last year as SpaceX stays on course to achieve its ambitious Target of 140 248 launches by this year's end let's go ahead as we progress through the countdown and review the Milestones that lie ahead for us on this cape canaval flight at tus 38 minutes countdown begins at this point when SpaceX launch director gives the goal for the start of propellent load if everything looks fine prop load begins at T minus 30 minute Mark with the loading of Rocket crate kerosene or rp1 on both the first and second ages of the Falcon 9 rocket at the same time lock load that is super CH liquid oxygen is loaded on board the first stage and then at T minus 16 minutes which will be the next event that we are looking for here that's when the second stage liquid oxygen load begins at T minus 7 minutes that's when the chill down of 9 milon engines gets underway it involves flowing a small amount of liquid oxygen through the plumbing and turbo pumps that helps protect the engines from the risk of thermal shock and damages during the startup sequence at about 6 minutes before lift off the first St kerosene tank should be full in a T minus 4 minutes and a half the strong back retract sequence Begins the strong back retract process begins with the clamp PS underneath the P fairings opening up followed by the transporter erector or strong back reclining about a Dee and a half away from the Falcon 9 it remains in that position until lift off at which point it rapidly pulls back to clear the way for Falcon 9's vertical asent you might be knowing that the strong back reclining process at Cape canabal and Kennedy Space Center differs that from that at vandenbberg here at Cape canaval and Kenedy Space Center we recline the strong back about a degre and a half whereas at Vandenberg we recline it 13° away from the Falcon 9 the strong back positioned alongside the vehicle also referred as a transporter erector fulfills multiple functions IT Supplies prop provides air conditioning pressurization gases and electrical power additionally it transports the Falcon 9 to the launch pad and positions it for the launch now here is an image on your screen showing how a strong back or transporter erector transports Rockets although on your screen you are watching Falcon heavy being transported but the process is similar for the Falcon 9 at the T minus 3 minutes Mark the first stage liquid oxygen loading should be complete followed by the second stage liquid oxygen loading wrapping up at T minus 2 minute Mark at that point the Falcon 9 rocket is fully foiled with 1 million pounds of propellant and at T minus 1 minute Mark the propellent tanks are brought up to flight pressure in the final 60 seconds of Countdown the control of the flight system that is the launch sequence is handed over from the ground sequencer to the Falcon 9 on onboard flight computers if everything looks good at tus 45 seconds Mark the SpaceX launch director will give the final go for f 9 liftoff now at tus 3 seconds the engine ignition sequence start command being issued by onboard engine controller finally at the Z we will have lift off if all N9 mlin 1D engines are ignite and are healthy flight computers will give the command for the hold down clamps to release the Falcon 9 now here is an update SpaceX push the lift of time further in the launch window for today now currently they are targeting a lift of time for the Falcon 9 from Cape canaval at 11:33 a.m. eastern time 8:33 a.m. Pacific time which corresponds to 3:33 p.m. UTC previously they were targeting for the lift off at 8:35 a.m. eastern time 12:35 p.m. UTC which corresponds to 5:35 a.m. Pacific time but now they once again adjusted the lift of time for today's launch once again let me repeat to now the lift of time is targeted for 11:33 a.m. eastern time 8:33 a.m. Pacific time which corresponds to 3:33 p.m. UTC so there is a lot of time in between the now and the lift off although I don't know know why SpaceX push the lift of time further because as you can see on the screen here is the weather forecast for today's launch where it clearly shows that initially they will be having 25% probability of viation which will be later increasing to 40% also today the 45th weather Squadron reported that they will be having the booster recovery risk as well and that booster recovery weather risk criteria will be increasing also like the for the launch of the Falcon 9 which will be L getting to a moderate risk latter in the launch window for today the primary concerns for today's falcon9 lift of our clous crowd Rule and Anvil rules also there are some chances that there will there will be some scattered showers in the early morning and by the late morning there are chances that some storms can occur so hopefully SpaceX did manage to have a good forecast maybe for that they push the lift of time a little further in the launch window for today also referring to the chat here to faid it's all our pleasure to have you here faid but I guess it will be late for you to have the launch to [Music] witness we're sorry for that but SpaceX has adjusted the lift of time as I mentioned before and hopefully they can manage to have the launch today although as I mentioned that today they again have the associated problem with the weather at the recovery for the first stage so hopefully they can manage it today now let's go ahead and briefly step through the trajectory for today's starting Mission Falcon 9 leaving the pad from space launch complex 40 from Cape canaval Space 4 station with a batch of 21 Starling satellites including 13 direct to cell satellites on board for a Northeast trajectory heading into low earth orbit that is to the eighth shell of the second generation starting Mega constellation indicated by that green line on your screen the red line you see indicates where Falcon 9 first stage will land after stage separation just a little latter living Florida Space Coast this is going to be a drone ship Landing using autonomous space for GR ship for today the Drone ship supporting today's mission is just read the instructions one of the two here on the East Coast which means that the flight first stage booster with tail number 1077 flying for its 15th time will be returning heading out to the Dr ship for landing this will be the 90th landing on just read the instructions Throne ship to date planed BL booster recovery is approximately 618 km with estimated fairing recovery approximately 700 km down range and the stage two debris re-entry will be in the south of Australia now here on the chat we have one of our another moderator here confusion at 3:00 a.m. thanks for tuning in confusion and to the answer of your question now really nearly we have 3 hours and 10 minutes approximately from the liftt off as I said before confusion that the chances are low because yesterday in the we uh weather for forast from the weather 45 weather Squadron they didn't mention anything about the weather risk associated with the booster recovery but once again I'm just showing it for your reference today they mentioned it that the booster recovery weather risk are from low to moderate and it indicates that it would have been low if they would have made it at the initial period of the launch window although the launch window extends for 4 hour but SpaceX push the lift of time for today's launch and now they are targeting at 11:33 a.m. eastern time which will be just 1 hour less than the launch window to expire for today's launch so it is clearly mentioned on the forecast from 45 45th weather Squadron that the probability of violation of the Falcon 9 launch window as well as the booster recovery wether risk will be increasing towards the end of the launch window but as it is a weather conditions who knows maybe now the conditions are favorable and for that maybe SpaceX push the lift of time but if this forecast is applicable and didn't got changed I guess that there are less chances for SpaceX to attempt a lipt for today's launch so let's see what happens next but anyways thanks for tuning in e now let's go through a quick comparison of latency between starlink and geostationary satellites recently we had an update that Starling set a new record for internal median latency of 28 milliseconds they are now aiming to reduce the median latency of starting satellite in us to under 20 milliseconds now you know that internet that comes from satellites most of the time it's from a single satellite that's orbiting about 35,7 186 km from the earth because it is so far away the time it takes for data to go back and forth what we call latency is pretty high this this makes it tough to do things like streaming movies playing online games making video calls or realtime data exchange now in case of Starling it is like a big team of thousands of satellites that are much closer to us just about 550 km from Earth they are all over the place covering the whole glob and for that very reason as they are closer the latency is way lower to put it into perspective think of 25 milliseconds of latency compared to 600 and plus milliseconds of latency you can see on your screen what is the number of round trips in case of starting compared to a geostationary satellite in simple terms Starling lower orbit makes it a game changer for satellite internet and this could mean smoother video calls lack free online gaming and other activities that requires a lot of data and where the realtime data exchange is a priority moving on let's learn a little bit about staring collision avoidance system as mentioned before SpaceX reports that Starling satellites perform 275 CIS avoidance Maneuvers each day and in past 6 months starting satellites performed 50,000 C avoidance maneuvers it is quite fascinating to know how despite having so many satellites around the earth they manage to stay safe and avoid collisions so how they do it let's learn SpaceX design is are starting satellites orbit raising and orbit lowering reference trajectories with a Time optimal path planning this algorithm includes additional constraints to ensure that the starting satellite always remains at a large and safe distance from the space stations other space crafts space junks and from other Starling satellites under nominal circumstances as an additional safety measure staring screening system constantly monitors the satellite's planned reference trajectories against the space stations other spacecrafts space junks and other Starling satellites as well the system alerts the Starling operators immediately when a potential conjunction is detected and reference trajectories are replanned to change the geometry of the encounter and the avoid and to avoid the conjunction whenever possible each Starling launch typically includes enough satell to fill several orbital planes for this reason a train of satellites is usually divided into smaller clusters that departs from parking Orbit on different dates to Target specific orbital planes which is also a part of pre-planned conjunction avoidance the techniques for avoiding conjunctions at the planning stage are an additional precaution in addition to starling's onboard Collision abidance system and in this context conjunction avoidance during planning refers to designing trajectories that maintain satellites far away from space stations under nominal circumstances deconflict trajectories at the planning stage requires predicting potential conjunctions several weeks into the future which naturally limits the accuracy of the results as part of SpaceX multired approach to space safety starlings at automatic collision avoidance system allows satellites to plan Maneuvers to minimize the C probability during close approaches that could not be avoided when planning e if you feel like we are adding value to your viewing experience please consider giving this video a like it really helps YouTube's algorithm bring in more space lovers and Rocket fans to discover this stream helping us to build a community with amazing space enthusiasts like you also consider about smashing the Subscribe button and turning on the Bell notification as we work hard to bring you detailed stream with stats and insights we would be super grateful for your support currently there are three in SpaceX drone ship Fleet one of the three drone ships just read the instructions and a shortfall of Gravitas AR station here in Florida while of course I still love you is stationed in California today's Mission will be supported by just read the instructions for the first stage to have the landing and we are expecting the addition of a fourth drone ship likely by the end of this year or early next year recently with the F9 return to flight on starting 10-9 mission laun launch a new member joined SpaceX recovery vessel Fleet on its inaugural Mission completing fairing recovery seat trials the go Cosmos recovery vessel as of now the go Cosmos recovery vessel is serving here at the East Coast now SpaceX will utilize the recovery vessel Bob to retrieve the fairing hops from today's Mission from the Atlantic Waters the two halves of the payload fairings will be recovered slightly further approximately 82 km down range from where the first stage lands on the Drone ship after they will smoothly splash down with the guidance of parachutes SpaceX manufactures the fairing inhouse with a total cost for the two halves is nearly $6 million no one that SpaceX aims to recover the fairings for repetitive use mirroring its approach with rocket boosters upholding the motto of reusability and sustainability you can see how a fairing recovery looks like although the recovery vessel on your screen is dug but today's supporting recovery vessel is Bob other recovery vessel Doug and Co Cosmos here at East Coast is currently awaiting its next assignment let's have a look through the launch timeline for the Falcon 9 rocket passing these events following lift off at t+ 1 minute and 10 seconds Falcon 9 will pass through Max q a point of greatest aerodynamic pressure on the vehicle then couple of different events coming up in Rapid succession first will be at t+ 2 minutes and 25 seconds where first stage main engine cut off will occur and the event is known as moo followed by a major Milestone within 4 seconds at t + 2 minutes and 29 seconds where first and second second stage will separate from each other just after 7 seconds later second stage M back engine will ignite for the first time during today's fright it is scs1 at t + 2 minutes and 38 excuse me 36 seconds coming up next at t + 2 minutes and 15 9 seconds Mark falcon9 payload fairings will be jettison exposing the payload to the vacuum of space now you can see on your screen how this event looks like of a pairing half getting jettison and the M back ignition exposing the P Road on board the second stage to space at t + 6 minutes and 11 seconds the first stage entry burn will begin lasting for 23 seconds up to 6 minutes and 34 seconds Mark ending the entry burn for the Falcon 9's first stage at this time around we will hear the call outs for stage 1 FTS that is flight termination systems being saved and let on we will hear the call outs for stage one being transonic and stage two being in terminal guidance a quick fun fact the stage one FTS is saved or one can say flight transmission systems are turned off or disabled after the re-entry burn whereas the stage two FTS is saved after the orbital insertion burn next mag Milestone at t+ 7 minutes and 59 seconds the first stage Landing burn will commence which will Orient and set up the first stage for SpaceX iconic Precision landing at t+ 8 minutes and 22 seconds the first stage will land on Dr ship just read the instructions supporting today's mission for the 90th time marking SpaceX 344th overall booster Landing to date the second stage mvac engine will shut down that is SEO 1 for the first time in today's flight and enter into a parking orbit at t+ 8 minutes and 38 seconds getting near to the end of the flight at t + 54 minutes and 48 seconds the second stage inac engine will reignite for a quick 2 second Burns ex that is scs2 and turning it off at t + 54 4 minutes and 5050 seconds that is cod 2 which will set up the batch of 21 Starling satellites deployment at approximately t+ 1 Hour 3 minutes and 42 seconds e e e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] coming to some stats related to today's Mission launch today's launch marks 380th SpaceX overall launch and the 61st dedicated launch of Starling satellites for this year this marks 368th Falcon 9 9 launch to date the 15th flight of this particular Falcon 9 booster supporting today's Mission with tail number 1077 today's launch marks 85th falcon9 launch of 2024 so far and a SpaceX 88th overall launch of this year including the third and fourth integrated flight test of Starship and one Falcon heavy launch we are expecting the next fifth integrated flight test for Starship probably mid-september today's Mission will be the SpaceX 314th Falcon booster reflight to date meaning the launch of a booster that has flown at least once before this will be the 204th orbital launch for SpaceX launching from space launch complex 40 and the 259th overall orbital launch from this pad with the success of this Mission SpaceX will have a remarkable 701 Starling satellites including 194 dedicated direct to cell satellites launched to date some reusability stats this launch marks 300 Falcon 9 booster reply to date the 90th landing on just read the instructions drone ships 15th Landing of the first H booster with t number 1077 and with this Miss missions first stage Landing which brings the Milestones of the 270th overall drone ship Landing marking the 325th Falcon 9 Landing and the 344th SpaceX overall Landing to date speaking of drone ship Landing here are here are some stats for drone ship Landing prior to today's Mission a shortfall of Gravitas having one un successful Landing attempts and 80 successful Landings out of 81 overall attempts previously with starlink 8-6 Mission witnessing The Landing failure for the booster with t number 1062 on its record-breaking 23rd flight in comparision just read the instructions has encountered three unsuccessful Landings with 18 9 successful Landings out of 92 overall attempts with previous starlink 8-10 Mission while of course I still love you has experienced seven unsuccessful Landings and 100 successful Landings out of7 overall attempts with the recent starlink 9-5 mission please note that these drone ships Landing stats as I mentioned before these are excluding today's Mission these are prior to today's launch let's have a quick look into some key stats for SpaceX launches this year including today's starlink 8-11 Mission with today's Mission launch SpaceX have a total of 88 launches this year and out of those 61 are Starling missions including one from today 25 non-starting missions for commercial and government organizations and two Starship launches the recent non stalling Mission supported by Falcon 9 was the transporter 11 and Max are two missions one of of the previous non-starting missions the go U Mission was supported by the 10th Falcon heavy launch SpaceX Reus boost for 82 times including today's Mission showing their commitment to sustainability and reusability now if we look into the geographical distribution we get they have 58 launches from the east coast in Florida with 16 from launch complex 39a at Kennedy Space Center and 42 launches including today's one from space launch complex 40 here at cap canaval space force station on the west coast they have 28 launches all from space launch complex 4 East at Vandenburg space force base in California and there were two launches from the girl Coast at Star base back in Texas for the Starship third and fourth integrated flight test as for Landings they will be nailing it today 85 times this year most of the landings are now are on drone ships with 67 successful Landings 23 on of course I still love you 19 on just read the instructions including one from today and 25 on a shortfall of Gravitas as for ground Landings they have pulled off 18 of them 11 times on Landing Zone one previously with Max R2 mission two times on Landing Zone 2 and five times on Landing Zone 4 with the recent transporter 11 mission prior to today's launch the success rate for ground Landings is 98.67% with 74 successful Landings to date for Dron ship Landings it is 96.7% with 269 successful Landings and the overall Landing success rate is 96.6 2% with 343 success u f Landings The Landing s success rate for this year got reduced from 100% to 98.8% due to the failure of booster with the tail number 1062 to land on the shortfall of gravitar drone ship during the starting 8-6 mission in the previous 2 years SpaceX had 100% Landing success rate but unfortunately this year it got reduced longest stretch of successful missions in a row prior to the last mission failure that is the starting 9-3 mission is 334 backto back successful missions that is from iridium 1 to tat 6A today's mission is the 16th consecutive successful launch since last mission failure that is the starlink 9-3 mission SpaceX have the most launches in a calendar quarter to date is 36 launches in the second quarter of this year and the most launches in a calendar month is 13 launches in May again in this year only that is in 2024 moving on to this year's orbital launches including today's one United States is dominating with 101 orbital launches including today's Mission launch comprising a substantial 63.1% of the global total recently on August 11th we had a successful rocket Labs electron launch for capella space deploying the Acadia 3 mission which also adds to the number of us orbital launches made this year China follows closely behind accounting for 24.4% with 39 launches with recent launch of Long March 4B launching a group of Chinese military remote sensing satellites for undisclosed purpose on September 3rd China plans setting a new record with 100 space launches in 2024 including Luna and station missions Russia maintains stdp with nine launches with a recent so use 2.1a launch of ISS progress 89 also known as progress ms28 ISS cargo resupply mission on August 15th from bonor cosmodrome in kazakstan making 5.6% of the pie that mission Mark the 181st flight of a progress spacecraft on the other hand Japan has four launches so far Mak 2.5% of the pi with a recent H3 d22s launch vehicle on its second launch for this year on Advanced Land observing satellite 4 that is the al-4 mission on 1st July meanwhile India and Iran entered the free with India having three launches with recent launch of ISRO sslb small satellite launch vehicle flight 3 mission on August 16th marking India's third mission of 2024 taking 1.9% share of the pi and Iran having two launches making 1.3% of the bu also it is worth mentioning this year's first successful orbital launch was made by India Europe also have their share of Pi having 1.3% with two launches so far initially with arean six that debut mission for arean 6 and recently with the final launch of the classic version of Vega rocket so as you can see it's a tight competition but the United States and China are clearly leading the space race this year so now we have have this pie chart showing 2024 orbital launches by rocket variations including today's launch let's have a look the green slice of the pie representing the Falcon 9 rocket a true Powerhouse and standout of this year having 85 launches including today's one holding the largest share at 52.5% and leading which accounts for over half of the total next up we have rocket Labs electron which has completed 10 runes representing 6.2% of the pi this includes its recent 52nd or battal launch for capella space on a Mission named A Sky Full of Stars Mission with the previous 50th electron launch on no time to lose Mission rocket lab has reached its 50th launch faster than any commercially developed rocket in history rocket lab is now holding the title previously owned by SpaceX Falcon 9 also we have Ros Cosmos so use 2.1 and 2.1b Rockets with eight launches so far this year which is 4.99% of the pie then we got the China's CZ 2C and CZ 2D Rockets also known as long march 2C and Long March 2D Rockets So the Long March 2C has four launches making 2.5% of the pi and the Long March 2D has five launches with 3.1% of the pi lastly we got this another bigger slice of the pie this pink slice labeled others which is a mix of different Rockets it includes arean 6 classic version of the Vega on its final flight Falcon heavy Atlas 5 Delta 4 heav final flight buan centor is R gslv Mark 2 and PSL vdl Japan's H3 and h2a Iran's Sor and cam 100 Russia's angara A5 China's gravity 1 long Mar 7A and others these names are not exhaustive and I'm not taking all of them so as you can see they got 50 launches in total which is 30.9% of the p and today's launch marks the 160 first orbital launch globally adding value to your viewing experience is our top priority if you [Music] feel we are doing good then please consider liking this video it really helps YouTube's algorithm bring in more space fans and helps others to find out this stream also consider subscribing to our Channel as we work hard to bring our our streams packed with stats details and insights we would be incredibly grateful for your support now as mentioned before SpaceX adjusted their lift of time for today's Mission as of now they are targeting for a lift lift of time of 11:33 a.m. eastern time 8:33 a.m. Pacific time which corresponds to 3:33 p.m. UTC so as we are having some time before the lift off let's discuss some other things now as we know the full duration static fire of the flight F of the super heavy booster SpaceX ignited the engines on its super heavy booster on July 15th ahead of starship's next integrated flight test which was probably expected previously early August but now we are expecting in the next few weeks however as of now SpaceX is undergoing an investigation for the Falcon 9 as we know which may affect the schedule of the if5 also SpaceX needs a license modification from the FAA for the fifth inated flight test so also that is pending previously the 233 ft or 71 M booster 12 was rolled out to the Launchpad at SpaceX test site on July 9th ahead of the full duration static fire test at the Starbase facility in Texas with super heavy secured to the Launchpad the Rocket's 33 Raptor engines fired at full thrust for 8 seconds as you can see on your screen at the full power the 33 engines generated nearly 17 million pounds of thrust twice the power output of NASA's iconic Saturn 5 Moon rocket the flight five booster incorporates several enhancement including improved engine shielding and updated flight Control Systems the upper stage for the next Starship test flight known as ship 30 completed the static fire of its six Raptor engines earlier in May rt5 will be the fifth launch of Starship fully stacked vehicle and it's most ambitious to date because this time SpaceX will try to have a new Landing procedure where the super heavy booster is caught by the huge mechanical arms knowing as the chopsticks on the launch Tower and so for that very reason SpaceX needs a license modification which needs the approval of the Federal Aviation Administration FAA right now this is pending from FAA and they are looking to it hopefully they can sort out things earlier and we can have the fifth flight maybe in the mid of September now as we have 2 and 1/2 hours from the lip off I'll be joining you nearly 40 minutes before the lift of time and in between if there will be any updates from space regarding today's launch you'll be informed immediately so for now I'm just playing a musical track here and see you soon be tuned in for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] for e for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] for [Music] e e [Music] [Music] [Music] for e [Music] [Music] for [Music] for e for e e e e [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] for e [Music] e e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for e [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] e e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] that [Music] for for e e e e e e e e [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for e [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for e for for welcome back guys we are waiting for a falcon 9 lift off at 11:33 a.m. eastern time from cap canaval for a northeasterly launch for space ex Starling Mission the Starling Mission 8-11 will launch 21 Starling satellites including 13 with direct to cell capability satellites to low earth orbit previously SpaceX adjusted the lift of time so for that we took a break in between now today's Starling Mission Mark SpaceX amazing 380th overall launch with the 368th falcon9 launch to date this is the 61 dedicated starting mission of the year for SpaceX prior to today's launch SpaceX has launched 1,330 starting satellite so far over 60 flights this year and overall 6,980 starting satellites to date now let's take a look at today's pad details for Starling group 8-11 Mission today's launch marks the 61st dedicated Starling launch for this year Starling satellite are built at SpaceX satellite development facility in Redmont Washington and today's launch consist of 21 version 2 mini satellites which includes 13 dedicated Satellites with direct to sell capabilities now just to give a background about version two mini satellites the version two variant of star link is too large to fit inside a falcon 9 feding and is meant to be launched by Starship to address this issue SpaceX modified the original version 2 blueprint into a smaller more compact one named version 2 mini SpaceX also indicated they would build satellites of the second generation constellation in two different but technically identical form factors one with the physical structures tailored to launch on Alcon 99 that is version 2 mini and another tailored for the launch on Starship that is version two each Starling satellite is equipped with powerful five Advanced Ku band phased array antennas and three dual band parabolic antennas which utilizes Ka and E bands to provide increased capacity the these antennas utilizes ku ka and E Band frequencies all together allowing staring Pro to provide high bandwidth connectivity that is four times more capacity per satellite than earlier versions each satellite features a dual solar array with a size of 52.5 square m which unfolds to a wingspan of 100 ft the two solar areas are also aerone neutral which enable faster on orbit Maneuvers which helps them to avoid collisions with other space crafts and space junks also it has a high capacity battery to provide power to the payloads each Starling satellite contains three space laser transponders also known as Optical internet inter satellite links for intercommunications operating at up to 200 gbps which together across the conation form a global internet mesh that can connect customers anywhere in the world these Optical internet inter satellite links on board the Starling satellites enables the spacecraft to transmit data without local ground stations providing truly Global coverage starting satellites are equipped with efficient iron hall effect thrusters powered by argon which enable Starling satellites to orbit race maneuver in space and deorbit at the end of their useful life starlink is the first Krypton propelled spacecraft ever flown latter switch to Argan hall effect thrusters for cost Effectiveness also upon switching to argon starlink is the first argon propelled spacecraft ever flown in space now with this switch in propulsion it raises the question of how much actually the switch affects the cost to answer that question relative to Krypton the Argan required to F Starling version two satellites will be practically free to put it into perspective foiling its next consolation of almost 30,000 version 2 satellites could cost SpaceX less than fing 4 4,000 version one satellite lights which were based on Krypton so you can easily Mark the difference here also SpaceX claims that its second generation thrusters using argun has 2.4 times the thrust and 1.5 times the specific impulse of the previously Krypton foil Thruster today payload will be placed in an orbit with an altitude of 303 km with an inclination of 53.1 16° but this configuration does not apply to every Starling satellite as we know Starling satellites are placed in different configurations based on their group starlink uses custom build navigation sensors named star tracker that the starts to determine each satellite's location altitude and orientation for best possible Broadband throughput each ring satellite contains four reaction wheels that provides agile attitude control for the vehicle the H spare configuration ensures High reliability operation and its aluminium flywheel is fully Demis at the end of life also worth mentioning the starting satellites are equipped with an onboard autonomous collision avoidance system for avoiding collisions with other spacecrafts and space junks autonomously which utilizes the US Department of Defense debris tracking database today's payload consist of 13 version to mini Satellites with direct to sell capabilities direct to sell is a technology developed by starting team in easy words it's like having cell phone tower in space this technology allows your cell phone to connect directly to satellites imagine we are in a remote area where there is no cell tower nearby normally we would not get any signal on our phones but with direct to cell technology our phones can get a signal directly from a satellite overhead it is designed to work with common LTE standards with absolute no change to Hardware firmware or special apps required whether you are on land Lakes Coastal Waters or even in the air as long as you can see the sky you can get a signal it provides connectivity in remote regions giving you peace of mind when you need it most starting aims to have zero dead zones with this technology as well now let's take a look at the flight record for the booster supporting today's starlink 8-11 Mission a mature booster witha number 1077 will be supporting today's Mission marking its f 15th flight and having an age of 1 year and 11 months today's supporting booster with tail number 1077 has 14 previous flights in his record with the debut of SpaceX crew 5 Mission which marked the fifth operational NASA commercial crew program flight of a crew Dragon spacecraft which also marked the eighth overall crew orbital flight the next mission supported by today's booster was gps3 space vehicle 6 next it supported inmat i6f2 for inmet which is a British satellite telecommunication company offering telephone and data services globally next up CRS 28 that is Commercial resupply Services mission to the International Space Station which marked the E flight for SpaceX under NASA's CRS Phase 2 contract intat G7 for intat sa a multinational satellite services provider headquartered in Luxembourg and lastly One non-starting mission that is signas ng20 a commercial resupply service mission to the ISS operated by northr grman and that mission marked the 20th Flight of the signas and Expendable American Cargo spacecraft which got deorbited on 13th July of this year Additionally the booster also supported eight Starling missions now waiting its 15th flight it's been 38 days since the LA excuse me 39 days since the last supported Mission by this booster and the last mission supported by today's booster was the starlink group 10-4 Mission from here at Cape only on July 28th of this year today's Mission will will be the 15th consecutive launch of this booster from the East Coast with all launches from pad 39a and space launch complex 40 this will be the 11 flight for this booster from space launch complex 40 itself with its 10th landing on just read the instructions drone ship now let's have a look at the bar graph presenting number of Aron 9 launches each year before today's launch SpaceX completed 84 successful launches of Falcon 9 with the recent starting 9-5 mission launch back on August 31st the launch Mark the 15th launch since starlink 9-3 Mission failure also with the recent starting 9-5 launch SpaceX have 23 more than the launches made in 2022 now with today's launch of Starling group 8-11 Mission the bar graph shows 85 Falcon 9 launches so far this year which is 24 more than the launches made in 2022 they have already done more than half as many launches as they did all of last year and it's been only 8 months and 5 days of this year only 11 more launches left and SpaceX will be reaching the same number of launches made in last year as SpaceX remains on course to achieve its ambitious Target of 148 launches by this year's end let's go ahead as we progress to the countdown and review the Milestone that lie ahead for us on this cape canabal flight right at tus 38 minutes countdown begins at this point when SpaceX launch director gives the go for the start of propellent load if everything looks fine prop load begins at T minus 30 minutes Mark with the loading of Rocket grate kerosene also known as rp1 on both the first and second stages of the Falcon 9 rocket at the same time locks load that is this super chilled liquid oxygen is loaded on board the first stage then at T minus 16 minutes which will be the next event we are looking for here that's when the second St AG liquid oxygen load begins at tus 7 minutes that's when the CH down of 9 million engines gets underway which involves flowing a small amount of liquid oxygen through the plumbing and turbo pumps which helps protect the engines from the risk of thermal shock and damages during the startup sequence at about 6 minutes before lift top the first stage kerosene tank should be full in a T minus 4 minutes and a half the strong back retract sequence begins the process begins with the cramp arms underneath the P fairings opening up followed by the transporter erector or the strong back about reclining about a degree and a half away from the Falcon 9 it remains in that position until lift off at which point it rapidly pulls back to clear the way for the Falcon 9's vertical asent just for a quick knowledge the reclining process here at Cape canaval and Kennedy Space Center differs from that at Vandenburg here at Cape canaval and Kenedy Space Center we decline the strong back about a de and a half where whereas at vandenbberg we recline it 13° away from the Falcon 9 the strong back positioned alongside the vehicle also referred as a transporter erector fulfills multiple functions IT Supplies propellants provides air conditioning pressurization gases and electrical power additionally it transports the F into the launch pad and positions it for the launch just for a quick reference on your screen you can see how a strong back or the transporter erector transports rocket you are watching Falcon heavy being transported but the process is similar for the Falcon 9 at T minus 3 minutes Mark the first stage liquid oxygen loading should be complete followed by the second stage liquid oxygen loading rap up at tus 2 minutes Mark at that point the Falon 9 rocket is fully foiled with 1 million pounds of propellant at tus 1 minute Mark the propol and tanks are brought up to flight pressure and in the final 60 seconds of the countdown the control of the flight system that is the launch sequence is handed over from the ground sequence to defiz on board flight computers if everything looks good at tus 45 seconds Mark the SpaceX launch director will give the final go for Falcon 9 liftoff now at tus 3 seconds the engine ignition sequence start command being issued by the onboard engine controller finally at t0 we will have liftoff if nine Marlin 1D engines ignite and are healthy flight computer will give the command for the hold down cramps to release the Falcon 9 currently targeting a lift of time of Falcon 99 from Cape canabal space force station at 11:33 a.m. eastern time 3:33 p.m. UTC which corresponds to 8:33 a.m. Pacific time on Thursday September 5th upon checking it seems like SpaceX is sticking with this gift of time hopefully there won't be scrubbing the launch for today as it happened yesterday this I'm saying because on your screen you can see here the weather forecast for today's launch by the 45th weather Squadron which clearly mentions that the weather will be detering towards the end of the launch window and which now SpaceX is targeting at with only 1 hour left from the launch window to expire for today's launch also the same status is for the booster recovery weather risk here which gets from low to moderate towards the end of the launch window now guess if SpaceX have another perspective and maybe the weather got improved they will be targeting the lift off for today's launch but if not maybe they can scrub the launch like yesterday just because of the booster recovery weather there previously we did saw some launches to happen with this 40% probability of violation but that time the booster recovery weather was at least cooperating let's go ahead and briefly step through the trajectory for today's staring Mission falcon n leaving the pad from space launch complex 40 from Cape canav space for station with a batch of 21 Starling satellites which includes 13 direct to cell satellites on board for a Northeast trajectory heading into low earth orbit that is to the eighth shell of the second generation starlink Mega constellation indicated by that green line on your screen the red line you see indicates where Falcon 99 first stage will land after stage separation just a little later leaving Florida Space Coast this is going to be a drone ship Landing using autonomous Spaceport drone ship for today the supporting rone ship is just read the instructions one of the two drone ships here on the East Coast which means that the first stage booster weight tail number 1077 flying for its 15th time will be returning heading out to the Drone ship for its Landing this will Mark the 90th landing on just read the instructions drone ship to date the plan booster recovery is approximately 618 km with estimated fairing recovery approximately 700 km down range and the stage two debris re-entry will be in the south of Australia expecting the addition of a fourth drone ship likely by the end of this year or early next year but currently there are three in SpaceX drone ship Fleet one of the three drone ships just read the instructions and a shortfall of Gravitas are stationed here in Florida while of course I still love you is stationed in California recently with the Falcon 99's return to flight on starting 10-9 Mission launch a new member joined SpaceX recovery vessel Fleet on his inaugural Mission completing the fairing recovery SE trials the go Cosmos recovery vessel providing its servic is here at the East Coast accompanying Bob and Doug now SpaceX will utilize the recovery vessel for today it is B to retrieve the fairing halves from the Atlantic Waters the two halves of the payload fairing will be recovered slightly farther down range approximately 82 km from where the first stage lands on the Drone ship after they will smoothly splash down with the guidance of parachutes you can see on a screen how a fairing recovery operation looks like although the recovery vessel on your screen is dug but today's supporting recovery vessel is Bob other recovery vessel Doug and go Cosmos here at the East Coast is currently awaiting its next next assignment we know that SpaceX has named his two new recovery ships Bob and Doug after Bob bacon and Doug herley the two NASA astronauts and the first crew SpaceX launch lached for NASA under commercial crew program on the demo to mission to the International Space Station back in 2020 now here is a video of a fairing half you know that protective shell from rocket payload it's making its way back home piercing through the Earth's atmosphere creating a mesmerizing hallo caused by the atmospheric friction we hope that you enjoyed the short clip now if you feel like we are adding value to your viewing experience please consider giving this video a like it really helps YouTube's algorithm bring in more space lovers and Rocket fans to discover this dream helping us to build a community with amazing space Enthusiast like you also consider about smashing that subscribe button and turning on the Bell notification as we work hard to bring you detailed stream with stats and insights and for that we would be super grateful for your support now let's have a quick look through the launch timeline for the Fon 9 rocket passing this events following lift off at t + 1 minute and 10 seconds Falcon 9 will pass through Max q a point of greatest aerodynamic pressure on the vehicle then it will undergo a couple of different events coming up in Rapid succession first will be at t + 2 minutes and 25 seconds where first stage main engine cut off will occur also known as moiko followed by a major Milestone within 4 seconds at t + 2 minutes and 29 seconds where first and second stage will separate from each other just after 7 seconds later second stage mbac engine will ignite for the first time during today's flight that is scs1 at t + 2 minutes and 36 seconds coming up next at t + 2 minutes and 59 seconds Mark s 9's pad fairings will be jettison exposing the P to the vacuum of space now just for a reference how it looks like here is a short clip showing the fairing separation and the in engine ignition you can see how beautiful it is now at t + 6 minutes and 11 seconds the first stage entry burn will begin lasting for 23 seconds up to 6 minutes and 34 seconds Mark ending the entry burn for the faor 9's first stage at this time around we will hear the call outs for stage one FTS that is the flight termination systems being saved we will also hear the call outs for stage one being transonic and stage two being in terminal guidance now just for a quick knowledge the stage one FTS is saved or you can say flight termination systems are are turned off or disabled after the re-entry burn on the other hand the stage two FTS is saved after the orbital insertion burn next measure Milestone at t + 7 minutes and 59 seconds the first stage Landing burn will commence which will Orient and set up the first stage for SpaceX iconic Precision landing at t+ 8 minutes and 22 seconds the first stage will land on the Drone ship just read the instructions for its 90th time marking spasic 344th overall booster Landing to date the second stage mvac engine will shut down that is SEO 1 for the first time in today's flight and enter into a parking orbit at t + 8 minutes and 38 second nearing to the end of the flight at t+ 54 minutes and 48 seconds the second stage M back engine will reignite for a quick 2 seconds and burn that is scs2 and turn it off at p + 54 minutes and 50 seconds that is C code 2 which will set up the batch of 21 starting satellites deployment at approximately t + 1 Hour 3 minutes and 42 seconds now here is a short time lapse video of onboard view of a falcon 9 first stage from lift off to a land Landing today we will be having a drone ship Landing but this footage is of a land Landing as we have lift off surpassing the max Cube Point that's when the pressure is at maximum we witnessed the stage separation following that the vehicle will rise towards the apoi before deploying the hyper Sonic GP fin to position and Orient the first stage for landing you may notice intermittent burst of nitrogen gas for altitude control then there will be an entry burn as we re-enter the Earth's atmosphere to slow down and here is the entry burn and it protect itself from the heat of re-entry and for the grand finale The Landing burn kicks in with the landing legs deployed for a smooth and successful Landing now coming to some stats related to today's machine launch today's launch marks 380th SpaceX overall launch and the 601 dedicated launch of starlink satellites for this year this marks the 368th Falcon 9 launch to date 15th flight for this particular Falcon 9 boosters supporting today's Mission with tail number 1077 today's launch marks 85th Falcon 9 launch of 2024 so far and is SpaceX 88 overall launch of this year including the third and fourth integrated flight test of Starship and one Falcon heavy launch we have expecting the next fifth integrated flight test of Starship probably mid September it is awaiting a license modification from the AFAA also pending regulatory approval hopefully those things will sh out soon and we will have the fifth integrated flight test test of Starship this will be SpaceX 314th Falcon booster reflight to date meaning the launch of a booster that has flown at least once before this will be the 204th orbital launch for SpaceX launching from space launch complex 40 and the 259th over overall launch from this pad with the success of this Mission SpaceX will have a remarkable 701 Starling satellites including 194 dedicated direct to cell satellites launched to date now moving on we have some reusability statistics here this launch marks 300 Falcon 9 booster refly to date this will be the 90th landing on just read the instructions drone ship 15th Landing for the first H booster with ta number 1077 and with this Mission first stage Landing which brings the Milestones of the 270th overall drone ship Landing marking the 325th Fon 9 Landing and the 344th SpaceX overall booster Landing to date speaking of drone ship Landing here are some stats for drone ship Landing prior to today's Mission it is worth mentioning among the Drone ships a shortfall of Gravitas has one unsuccessful Landing attempts with 80 successful Landings out of 81 overall attempts in comparision just read the instructions has encountered three unsuccessful Landings with 89 successful Landings out of 92 overall attempts while of course I still love you has experienced seven unsuccessful Landings and 100 successful Landings out of 107 overall attemps with the recent starlink 9-5 Mission as mentioned before please note that only the this drone ship Landing stats which I mentioned here right now are excluding today's Mission these are prior to today's launch so please don't get confused now let's have a look into some key stats for SpaceX launches in this year including Today's starting 8-11 mission with today's Mission launch SpaceX will have a total of 88 launches this year and out of those 61 are Starling missions including one from today 25 non- Starling missions for commercial and government organizations and two Starship launches one of the previous non Starling Mission the go U Mission was supported by the 10th Falcon heavy launch SpaceX reused booster for 82 times in those Mission launches showing their commitment to sustainability and reusability now if we look into the geographical distribution we get they have 58 launches from east coast in Florida with 16 from launch complex 39a at Kennedy Space Center and 42 launches including today's one from space launch complex 40 here at Cape canabal space for station on the west coast they have 28 launches all from space launch complex 4 East at Vandenburg space force base in California and there were two launches from Gulf Coast at Star base back in Texas for the Starship third and fourth integrated flight test as for Landings they will be nailing it today 85 times this year most of the landings are on drone ships with 67 successful Landings with the breakup of 23 on of course I still love you 19 on just read the instructions including one from today and 25 on a short fall of Gravitas and for ground Landings they have pulled off 18 of them 11 times on Landing Zone one previously with the Maxa 2 mission two times on Landing Zone 2 and five times on Landing Zone 4 with the recent transporter 11 mission prior to today's launch the success rate for ground Landings is 98.67% with 74 successful Landings for Dron ship Landing it is 96.7% with 269 successful Landings and the overall Landing success rate for all the years is 96.6 2% with 343 successful Landings The Landing success rate for this year reduced from 100% to 98.8% due to the failure of the booster 1062 to land on the r ship a shortfall of Gravitas during the star link 8-6 Mission previously last year and in 2022 SpaceX had 100% Landing success rate longest stretch of successful mission in a row prior to the last mission failure that is starlink 9-3 mission is 333 excuse me 334 backto back successful missions that is from iridium 1 to tat 6A today's mission is the successful 16th launch since last mission failure that is the starlink 9-3 Mission most launches in a calendar quarter to date is 36 launches in the second quarter of this year and most launches in a calendar month is 13 launches in May again in this year only that is in 2024 now if you have feeling we are adding value to your viewing experience consider giving this video a like which really helps YouTube's algorithm to bring in more space fan like you and people to find out this stream also consider subscribing to us as we strive hard to bring streams filled with stats and details for that we would be super grateful for your support moving on to this year's orbital launches including today's one here we have this pie chart showing United States dominating with1 orbital launches including today's Mission launch comprising a substantial 63.1% of the global total previously on August 11th we had a successful rocket lapse electron launch for capella space deploying the Acadia 3 satellite which also adds to the number of us orbital launches made this year China follows closely behind accounting for 24.4% with 30 nine launches with the recent launch of Long March 4B launching a group of Chinese military remote sensing satellites for undis undisclosed purpose on September 3rd we know China plans setting a new record with 100 space launches in 2024 including lunar and station missions now Russia maintains a steady Pace with nine launches with a recent so 2.1 a launch of ISS progress 89 also known as progress ms28 ISS cargo resupply mission on August 15th from bonor cosmodrome in Kazakhstan making 5.6% of the pie which Mark the 181st flight of a progress spacecraft to date on the other hand Japan has four launches so far making 2.5% of the P with a recent H3 d22s launch V on its second launch for this year on Advanced Land observing satellite 4 that is the al-4 mission on 1st July meanwhile India and Iran entered the freay with India having three launches with recent launch of East Rose sslv small set light launch vehicle flight 3 mission on August 16th marking India's third mission of 2024 taking 1.9% share of the pie Iran having two launches making 1.3% of the pi while Europe also have their share of of the pi having 1.3% with two launches so far it is worth mentioning this year's first successful orbital launch was made by India and as we can see from the pie chart it is a close competition but undeniably United States and China are clearly Le in the space race this year replying to confusion at 300 a.m. from the chat it's only I guess they are still sticking with the newly adjusted lift of time so we are just 4 minutes away from the webcast to begin so please have some patience and thanks for tuning in and being there for with us now just let's pray that there will be launching today as I mentioned before about the weather conditions there now we have this pie chart showing 2024 orbital launches by rocket variations including today's launch let's have a look and let me break it down for you this big green slice of the pile representing the Falcon 9 rocket with 85 launches including one from today holding the largest share at 52.5% and leading next up we have rocket Labs electron which has completed 10 launches this year representing 6.3 excuse me 6.2% of the P this includes its recent 52nd overall launch for capella space on a Mission named A A Sky Full of ss Mission with the previous 50th electron launch on no time to lose Mission rocket lab has reached its 50th launch faster than any commercially developed rocket in history now holding the title previously owned by SpaceX F 9 next we have Ro Ros Cosmos soos 2 Rockets with eight launches so far this year which is 4.9% of the P please note that this is only for the so 2 Rockets Russia also launched one angara rocket so alog together they had nine launches this year then we got this China's CZ 2C and cz2 D Rockets known as long march 2C and Long March 2D Rockets the Long March 2C has four four launches making 2.5% of the p and the long Mar 2D has five launches with 3.1% of the pi lastly we got this pink slice another bigger slice of the pie labeled others which is a mix of different rockets for example Aran 6 the recent launch of the final Flight of the classic version of the Vega rocket Falcon heavy Atlas 5 Delta 4 Heavy's final flight vcan centor Iran's simor and cam 100 Japan's H3 and h2a Russia's angara A5 China's gravity 1 Long March 7A and many others these names are not exhaustive not taking all the names here so they got 50 la launches in total which is 30.9% of the p and today's launch marks the 161st orbital launch globally now I guess it's time for the webcast to begin so let's move ahead adding value to your viewing experience is our top priority if you felt we achieved that please consider liking this video it really helps YouTube's algorithm bring in more space fans and helps others to find out this stream also consider subscribing to our Channel as we work hard to bring you streams backed with stats details and insights we would be incredibly grateful for your support Tom more uh today only late at night we will be having another SpaceX launch for the n-11 3 mission now we heard the call out tank are pressuring for the strong back rout track and we are pressurizing the tank right now adding a bit of gas to stiffen up the tanks so that the clamp Palms can open with a solid structure holding the Falcon nine upon opening the arms we start reclining the strong back about a degree and a half away from the started we heard the call out the process is now underway and you can see maybe we will have a closeup view to see the clamp pals are around the stage to opening up now you are seeing the clamp arms opening up here underneath the pad fearing the transporter erector reclining a degree and a half away from the vehicle as mentioned before as it is a cape canaval fight the strong back reclining process here at Cape canaval and canedy Space Center differs that from at vandenbberg here at Cape we recline at a degree and a half whereas vanderberg we recline the strong back 13° away from the Falcon 9 right now you are watching a live view of Falcon 9 in a while a couple of important steps we completed the spacecraft team switched to internal power few minutes ago and fueling of the F Falcon 9 first stage is finished meaning all the rp1 prop is now on board we are still loading liquid oxen on the both and the both the first and second stages we'll be hearing the call out in just few seconds for the wrapping up of those processes strong back take look please now we just got the call out right on time liquid oxygen loading of the first stage is complete we are now waiting for the second stage that will finish up at just inside tus 2 minutes Mark now we will be listening in couple of seconds for the lock load close out on the second stage now currently we are inside 2 and 1 half minutes the range continues to be green and the weather course as we can see there has operated don't expect any weather conditions to develop the in the last couple of minutes although you can see it's cloudy there next call out for stage two locks load completion stage two lock complete and to call out our countdown stage two lock load is complete all purs are now on board the Falcon 9 with 1 million pounds of prent now beginning to vend down the pressure that was in the tubing on the strong back and for that reason we can see those clouds coming out we also heard the call out for the ground gas close out that's where we bleed the pressure off and that cold gas when it reacts with the moist humid ear gives that nice white cloud an indicator of launch coming up next at tus 1 minute we should hear the call out that Falcon 9 flight computers are in startup and controlling the rocket for the remainder of the [Music] countdown so okay now it is in startup right on time Falcon 9 flight computers on both the stages are running the rocket through the last minute of count now let's listen to the go call outs go for launch although feble to be heard but SpaceX launch director giving go for the launch we are coming up at on tus 30 seconds all system continues to remain go for launch 30 seconds Falon 9 and starlink currently at T minus 15 seconds 15 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ignition and we have a successful lift off T 9 has cleared the tower vehicle is fitting down range 35 seconds into the flight Falcon 9 on its way with 21 Starling satellites into low earth orbit should be getting a call out for the power and Telemetry power Telemetry nominal here we go power and Telemetry also the propulsion all are nominal mark one now that call out means that we have exceeded Mark 1 on the Falcon 9 Falcon 9 is faster than the speed of sound as we have gone supersonic right now next call out for Max Q Max Q There we go Max Q call out we are through the period of Maximum stress on the vehicle we have throttled the nine Merin engines back up to full power right now next expected call out will be mbak engine chill head in there trajectory we have started the process of chill down of the MC engine on the second stage prior to its ignition just after stage separation coming up three events in Rapid succession the shown of main engine on the first stage that is main engine cut off also known as moiko followed by stage separation and ignition of the second stage mbac engine for the first time that is scs1 which will boost the payload into lower orbit so let's hear the call outs you can see the was that beautiful Horizon of the earth stage separation confirmed and I'm back in now we just got the call outs for all the back to back Milestones the nitrogen thrusters is now beginning to reorient the first stage and the four Hypersonic titanium grid fins started to slowly begin deploying by the command issued by the flight computer now that the state separation is successful next call out for the fairing separation fairing separation confirmed we got the call out fairing separation has successfully separated you are looking right now a view of the first stage continues under the force of gravity and steering with the help of gr fins the first stage will continue to rise towards the uji before descending back towards the landing site on the Drone ship just read the instructions station in the Atlantic Ocean second stage meanwhile in its middle of its 6 Minute burn it is on its way into the parking orbit with the 21 styling satellites payload on board we are getting good views from both the stages so far the launch has gone flawlessly despite having bad weather conditions the first stage has completed its job and making its way back the second stage is performing at full capacity and we are provided by this stunning views from space from the second stage we are now gearing up for the first stage landing on the Drone ship at this phase of the flight stage one uses only its grit fins for steering as it returns to earth the gr fin helps Orient the Falcon 9 during re-entry and guide its descent while we are currently viewing the second stage you may occasionally see burst of nitrogen gas on the left side of your screen from the first stage for altitude control this BS helps position the vehicle as it heads back to the Drone ship now nearly at t + 6 minutes and 11 seconds we should be getting a call out for stage one andry bur startup where we will be rapidly slowing down the vehicle as it will be entering the thicker part of the Earth's atmosphere upon completing that we will be having a call out for stage one entry burn shutdown also accompanied with the call out with Stage 1 fds being saved as mentioned before it means stage one has accomplished re-entry burn St St entry burn start up there we go there's a confirmation we have just lit three of the Merlin 1D engines on the first stage you can see we are rapidly slowing down the vehicle as it enters the Earth's atmosphere and this burn should last just around 23 seconds stage one entry burn shut down and there we go this confirmation of the shut down theal trajectory re burn on the first stage also we did got the call out for the nominal trajectories for both the stages Falcon 9 is equipped with four Landing legs stored at the bottom of the first stage they are made out of carbon fiber with aluminium honeycomb they are placed symm symmetrically on the base of the rocket and they will deploy just prior to the landing next call out we should be hearing stage one being transonic stage one transonic you just heard the call out stage one is now traveling slower than the speed of sound at it as it heads towards Landing now we are just about 60 seconds away from Landing next call out we should be expecting for stage one Landing burn stage two is in terminal guidance and there we go great views of that Landing burn with the center E9 engines being lit we are now slowing down the vehicle very rapidly Landing leg deploy landing legs being deployed and there we have we have successfully made the 325th landing of an orbital class Falcon 9 rocket we did got the call out for stage one stage two ft is being saved it means the orbital inection burn is complete and the last call out for today here we got for the M back shutdown that is seo1 nominal orbit insertion and now following that we will enter into an or or enter into about 46 minutes of Coast phas at the vehicle ascends to its Target orbit and these were the call outs we were waiting for second stage ignition SE one engine ignition cut off seo1 and the confirmation of good nominal orbit today's launch Mark SpaceX 380th successful Mission with the landing marking their 344th success and with that we will wrap up our coverage for now be sure to check out our social media handle on X for the latest happenings in the space industry and updates on upcoming launches hope you enjoyed the stream we appreciate everyone joining us for today's launch wishing everyone a great week ahead thanks for watching this is asro live and may dipto sign off for now and we will see you next time should [Music]

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