Down Detector when Discord is down 4 #shorts

Published: Jul 09, 2024 Duration: 00:00:59 Category: Comedy

Trending searches: downdetector
fun fact boys do not actually go to Jupiter to get more stupider and it should be obvious by the incorrect spelling as well as the Jupiter's pressure would crush them instead boys actually go to Venus to get more it's the metaverse all over again and someone order me a pizza did it good it looks negative Z I want to fuing call myself how am I supposed to talk to my kitten now let me guess you're about 23 and she's around 15 me me K not like stinky about please go watch it o you probably need presention what sound does a baby make in the microwave I don't know I was too busy masturbating to listen bro wash the oo away someone be my Discord GF fun fact my mother beats me oh stop watching porn no my hand TI No More Discord kittens to satisfy these oppressed CER wants and needs revolt against the modern world

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