Dynasty Trade Breakdown: Puka + 1st for Rice & Kyren – Plus Deep Dive on Worthy & Jamo | Shane Says

it's time to find out what Shane what Shane what Shane say with Shane Manila hey welcome to Shane says so I this week didn't want to have to come up with something on my own so what I decided to do is get a Canadian on the team one of the few Canadians I like um and apparently people like me with him so it's the dude Ty declair from DD fantasy where where where my the people know you from in case they don't I'm imagining they're listening to me they know where you're from but whatever you may recognize me from such Canadian films as strange brute no I'm kidding uh you'd find me on the trade show yeah you find me on DTI 5 old Dynasty trades in five once or twice or you can find me on AIT TI de Clair 44 all right let's good what we're doing today simple quick show right this is what it was supposed to be the show is supposed to be like 10 15 minutes we're not going to let me be long-winded you're not going to be long-winded we're just going to talk about a trade a trade I made that's it what's the trade I'll pull it up here so it was what was it it was a 10 team or 12 team start 10 super hold on first of all don't accuse me of being in a 10 team I'm sorry I'm so sorry I as soon as it left my I was like wait that couldn't be that could not be so in a 12 team League start 10 you sent away kamani Vidal puka neua and a 2025 first round pick and a 2025 second round pick you got back Kiren Williams Rashid rice and a 2025 fourth so one completely forgot kamman Vidal was actually in the deal at all completely forgot that's unfortunate I I hope he doesn't turn out to be the next Austin Eckler Danny Woodhead um but he wasn't did he play this week was he one of the many healthy scratches at the running back position for rookies uh let's see I mean for right now he's quite forgettable in the grand scheme of things either way I don't think he matters I don't think he got a single snap yeah so this is also big part of this right it's quarter point PPC so just for people that like to do math four carries equals a point eight carries equals two points 12 carries equals three points that's three ex you'll never guess what 16 carries gets you uh up to four points right wow yeah I know I know so I don't even know off the top of my head I'm gonna guess that uh what's this guy's name Kiren Williams hit at least 12 rushing attempts in I'll go with every game he played last year just off top of my head I could be wrong I know Kiren is a guy that I wasn't especially in on Blake corn blah blah blah blah and then the Rams go you know what we're gonna give him a 95% snap share in week one and it was pretty funny because I was actually just looking at Ronnie Rivers for another League like maybe I could throw him in my my man played 5% of the snaps BL corn played a zero obviously that'll change a little bit and that wasn't the biggest part of the deal right but that's what I talked myself into the first is Kiren Williams and I've talked about this before right in the off season I'm like you couldn't put a gun to my head and make me pay a first for a running back once we get into the season things are different things are different so obviously I lost puka NOA along with um I don't know 45 other million Americans SL Canadians uh North Americans probably some South Americans too possibly possibly I'm guessing they also play Fantasy Football probably Australians I know they do so I actually ended up losing week one by about three points which puts you on tilt because you go puka if you would have played another quarter so I am a big puka guy everyone knows that uh but I I'd say there's reason to be concerned with the fact that puka has an extensive College inj college history history in College of being injured even last year like I don't know if people remember he left the field a few times where it looked like oh this dude's dead like it was a collarbone thing was the big one then we have the I'm not a doctor in case anyone's wondering but we had the knee issue in the preseason and then dude takes four weeks off comes back and immediately hurts the same knee I believe it's the same injury again not a doctor so things change things changed in my mind rashie rice had an excellent Target share route participation snapshare I probably went backwards on that probably should say he had an excellent snapshare route participation and Target share and targets per route run okay yeah that chronologically that makes sense you have to have that to have that to have that yeah I got you right right when you go the other way it's like well yeah it's anticlimactic at no point is someone super excited like oh you got a 100 snaps but three TS yeah that that was my thinking right I'm a competitor and I I do look at this right I don't like not having future picks 25 picks especi well not especially but the next coming rookie Cass I don't like not having picks I had uh two firsts in this league so this felt like let me sell that first I'm okay with that obviously originally the deal was me trying to send puka for Rashid rice straight up that's it that's how it came about he countered I looked at it for about half a second said you know what I did a quick diagnosis in my brain and that's that's kind of why I wanted you on too though like how do you diagnose a trade when it's countered like that right so the original trade it's just puka nakua for rir Rice nice and clean I need starting production right now I I believe puku was down the wide receiver nine last I looked re rice was like 18 or so so that was my first initial thought is like just let me get the production let me get out of this clean I'm not giving up any other parts I'm not adding anything else nothing crazy so how do you diagnose it or how do you deal with it when someone comes back with a counter that is I say significantly different right than what I offered right and just as a quick update uh puka is now wide receiver 10 and rice is now wide receiver 13 on keep trade cut wow yeah um so yeah like you you're trying something whether like you've had your motivation to try a deal or you know you're just sending out cold offers to everyone just trying to sell off a certain asset and you get a counter back that's completely not what you expected um one you got to be careful because this is where like when I was like an early Dynasty manager I would get bait and switched all the time and I'd be like oh yeah pretty much the same thing hit except but not really looking to the fine details of it like oh it's close enough it's different in a deal like this so you what you sent puka for for rice and then he sent back what uh was it uh like what was coming back the exact deal this exact deal hey okay so i' pretty much break it down for you because like I said you one you got to know where your team is in relation to the league and what kind of League you're playing in right and a my analysis in a 10 team start 10 which you'll never find Shane in and then a 14 team start 13 it's completely different you it's a valuation of everything and I think the point per carry is going to factor in big with me here cuz like you've said and you know there's only certain running backs I want to spend a first for now that we're in season especially early season that's when you're going to be the most liberal with that rule right and if I'm going to spend a first for a running back I might as well get one that fits the format meaning someone who's going to get me oh let's say over 12 carries a game and if I just lost my first game by three points you bet best bet I'm trying to find 12 12 carries somewhere right so I first and foremost yeah if I'm sending my first I got to know where my team is and I got to project what that first can be right and if my team has a bunch of holes I'm going to be a little less likely to send that first because I want to have that first to repair the big holes if my team is set and I'm ready to go then I can be more frivolous with that first try and find a Difference Maker with it so for your team like did you feel like you had any major holes where you felt like better about sending a first away or where were you so Shane but real quick let me cut you off there's another thing right I don't have my own first in this league ah and I've talked about this before right I'm doing everything in my power to make sure that my first if it does not belong to me is not attached to me is as bad as possible um one because I'm Petty I am a very very Petty human being and I don't want other people to do well um I hope everyone fails except for me and like the people I like um that's it everyone else I hope they fail um but not not our viewers or listeners love those guys women too especially the women um so I don't have my own first so I want to spoil that too right so just wanted to throw that out there that's the big part of it is it wasn't my first and the first them send them back I mean it is probably midh 106 105 107 like that range like it could go one way or the other but yeah it wasn't my first um probably even if it was my first same the same concept would hold because I'm just making my team better but I just felt like cutting you off so I did oh yeah you're fine no so I mean and that's a big thing right you're not betting your first you're betting someone else's first and yeah I agree if if I'm s away my first that thing is going to be the crustiest first you've ever seen you know so yeah I mean you're sending away someone else's first yeah you know a mid pick for Kiren you you have to bet format in that case right so a start 10 PPC you're just betting that kirn's going to be a Difference Maker at running back yeah he had multiple games with 20 carries which I forgot about like those are H shoot now I'm trying to do math 20 carries would be five points yeah right good for you and Canadian too like I I know you guys use different you carried the one in Canadian good for you still five all right cool so yeah five extra points a week there if he hits 20 I don't know that I want him hitting 20 because I would prefer he play more than 12 or 13 games or whatever it is he played last year other part of this that I was thinking it's football stuff I I'm not super smart at football stuff but I'll try it puka nakua is no longer playing football PUK and N saw a lot of targets right obviously Kiren Williams is not going to see the exact same type of targets is poop and AOA but there will be avilable Target so maybe Kiren could see a spike in his Target share yeah and I mean the entire fantasy football Community just kind of penel in Blake corm into a bunch of work and he didn't get much of anything so I think if there was some vacated targets that are going to go you know elsewhere from puka and it's not going to go to cup or Kiren I still think the piece of the pie is just relatively bigger for Kiren at this stage from what they know so yeah I I I mean I think KY is a great bet especially from after just week one and what we know I think it's a great bet and something that I would be willing to spend a first down on the right team but I feel like I spent a lot of time on the dessert of this the big part of this Rashid rice Trinity score really really good um if you wanted to dig put the onions back how he got there like we said or I said um snap share huge rout routes run huge Target targets per routee run all huge I know he didn't have the uh the sexiness of Xavier worthy right um but I don't think Xavier Worthy's gonna score two out of three times every time he touch this ball because that would be a record I believe I I I would hope so over like over like if you had a 100 touches and you scored two out every three times that would be 66 touchdowns something around that I am not doing math Shane I I don't care I don't care how you try to bait me into it I'm not doing math Stop all right let me let me bring it back to you on this right yeah so separate player different player right Jameson Williams Jameson Williams also super hot right now would you do you think it's more reasonable to send a first round draft pick trying to acquire Jameson or would you be more apt to send it for a player like Xavier worthy if if either if either I would be more apt to send it for Xavier worthy um I I love the bounce back that we've seen from J Mo and it really wasn't until about this weekend that I remember that JMA was the 12th overall pick in the draft right and it's funny how that draft Capital either seeps in when you're trying to find the positive relation to someone or or it creeps up on you or you're trying to find why you don't like someone right but um I think I think exworthy is I'll say in the better offense uh but I think that's really debatable Between the Lions and and the Chiefs but I just think the way that Xavier worthy wins which is he has that that that that Pizzaz that can score on any play in the same way that J Mo does but I think that the way that the Chiefs will use Xavier worthy will look to to in the most technical term I can it'll look sexier I think and I think I can sell that I think that there's less detractors from Xavier worthy at this point in his career as well because jamos had stink on him he's done excellent to shake that stink so far in 2024 but xav still has that I don't know that that new car smell Shane he still has that uh you know that that that mystery box appeal with him so what's funny is I'm going to disagree with you um not not just for fun I promise you not not just for fun so I look at and this is crazy to me because anyone that's watched me on Dynasty trades in five over the last well two years obviously since J's been in the league knows I absolutely thought the dude's a trash can and I've called him such but it's the way that he got his fantasy points it's the again the snapshare the route participation it's the 27 I believe it was 27 um percent targets per route run that is the sustainable stuff right the big plays the 50-yard touchdowns you you can't really rely on those you know what I mean but you can generally rely on something something that's more sustainable obviously snap shares and Route participation um I will say this about worthy though even though I for me I'd actually send the first for J and I did in one League um giving J and Aaron roders for 25 first again another League where I had literally 525 first and it start 11 so I needed a couple starters because I also have Des Shawn Watson at quarterback not feeling great about that whole other thing anyway the actual point of that was though I just feel like G the way he got there his fantasy points were more sustainable than the way Worthy's going to get there but if you look at Worthy's participation snapshare route participation all that good stuff even if the the the raw targets weren't there it took Rashid rice uh until late in the season to see the type of snap share that Xavier Wy did it took rash rice really far into the the season for him to see the route participation that he saw so I will say that is really really encouraging for Xavier Worthy but maybe I'm fading him just because everyone went after him so hard because I there's no way he's going to score that many touchdowns now he's going to come out this week and score three touchdowns on five right I I I I hear you and and The Trinity would agree with you right like the way that J Mo won he did more wide receiver stuff than what Xavier worthy did but I mean I'm I'm a Chiefs fan right and it's not easy to come out or to have Andy Reed trust you in an offense especially on a two-time Super Bowl winning offense too right so to come out week one and look like that I mean that's like that's what I took away like yeah you he needs to do more he needs to be more involved it can't just be he scores a touchdown on every play but if he's given that opportunity this early on I think he could definitely grow into that so I think we're kind of talking about two sides of the same coin and I hope that you know xw Worthy's Trinity score will start to Trend up towards where we see where J is and I hope that J can sustain what we're seeing so I to people a short short short dose of me right so just a short dose if you want more um I'll say this uh check out patreon all gas is that right DED fantasy foot.com I I think the patreon still got on patreon.com allg if it's not it's all on the website it's there or it's on the website go to the website because you get to hear Ty declare on Mondays poll position when else do I get to hear you on there Ty is there another Saturday is the trade show on the YouTube that's pretty much the only spots for right now right so so you get tie you get extra tie on Monday I if you like me whatever you get the drive with me on Monday and Friday the drive and you get manne and chill with me and Scott on Wednesday you get Cody's crusty uh I think Ike was on there doing uh waiver wire stuff or did I make that up yep y the wire with ik Jeff bro I'm G say this now and I don't mean to be a corporate chill even though we're both pimping the hats remember if you do Buy St anything from the store please use the promo code Tai and Shane um which will take no money off of it but whatever it'd be pretty funny you just type that in you just email Ray and be like only reason I bought that H hat was because of Shane and Tha and maybe uh R I'll break us off but no not to be a corporate shill but I said this yesterday bro we're putting out more good fire content on our Discord to our premium feed um than any other sites putting out free fre content like and our free content is bananas like so I'm just saying that I promise last time I corate chill but um I had to because um Jay Rich very scary dude I know if you watch him on wake up you wouldn't think that but no that dude is scary he muscled me up and was like you need to start selling better so I don't want Jay Rich coming after me no one does no he's scary right people think he's all friendly and nice but n Jay Rich is a scary dude so never trust a Canadian Shane never trust one

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