New Mexico State Aggies 2024 Team Preview | The College Football Experience

the college football experience New Mexico State agies 2024 season preview episode on the sports gamet podcast network is brought to you by Underdog Fantasy Sign up and when you do sign up with the promo code TC gpn to score up to $1,000 in bonus cash jump on over there they just introduced College football best ball yes it's finally here Underdog fantasy promo code TC gpn we're also brought to you by Rhythm get your free 7-Day trial period today by going to sports gambling rthm that's r i hmm that's Sports gambling Rhythm hey what's up you degenerate gamblers this is Bill Burr and you're listening to sgn let it ride baby [Music] [Music] yes yes yes welcome welcome to the college football experience New Mexico State Aggies 2024 season preview episode what a time to be an Aggie fan after last season they were my darlings they were my darlings I had so much they were like my number one or two lock of the whole entire season on the over um and I really had them nailed to a t so I love this team uh and I've always loved this team ever since the the original college football games I had a season mode even pre pre- Dynasty mode Sega Genesis was playing with New Mexico State back in the day and uh yeah desert college football I've been an advocate for Desert college football for a long time but I got a lot to talk about on this episode um because not only we just got a lot to talk about here I don't know what the [ __ ] happened but I I want to know I want to know what happened I love I I'm a big advocate for New Mexico State football and I I think it should be really good historically right uh if you're wondering who the hell you're listening to my name is kobby swinging dad to base Dad aka pick d d That's not a pick this is a pick he was raised in the land down under where a man thinks on his feet speaks with his fists and lives by his wits when dunde happened he was a superstar I'm probably drinking too much and celebrating too much and not sleeping would have killed a normal man but now that's gone medical advice I got from that was was like being hit by lightning pretend it never happened and get on with your life let's get it going agie Memorial Stadium in Las cruus New Mexico is a gem that the world does not know about great Stadium Check out the stadium heads podcast check out the stadium heads podcast for for more on that uh SL Stadium heads s gpn thank me later uh yeah glad to be here to talk about a team that I I enjoy um and I was so spot on with this team last year because I had I had UMass in the opener on the money line and then I had I I had a gigantic wager on New Mexico on the over and I played a bunch of them uh throughout the season games obviously the Auburn game I loaded up on I didn't take it money line though I wish I would have um but Jerry kill comes for two years I just got I've been asking this question for a while this off season it doesn't make sense to me I know people keep saying the health and I know the health track record is there but Jerry kill takes the New Mexico State Job two years ago right and folks if you don't know the history here this program has not been uh a Powerhouse of a program for a long time I mean Doug Doug Martin got him to that bowl game Crazy overtime went against Utah State in 17 2017 but other than that even my guy how mommy who's been on this very Show created the a raid he they' had I'm trying to do the math here in my lifetime so since the 1980s this team has had they had a winning season in 92 at six and5 six and5 and 92 they had a six and5 season in 99 a seven and5 season in 2002 so that's three winning seasons and then Doug Martin in just one year got him uh seven and six got the bowl game win to have a winning season so three winning seasons since 1980 before the hiring of Jerry kill and Jerry kill in year one goes seven and six and wins a bowl game by the way New Mexico won their first ever bowl game in 2017 with Doug Martin so to give you an idea kill comes in year one wins a bowl game and then last season he goes he wins 10 games seven and one in the Conference USA they beat Auburn at Auburn holy [ __ ] I mean we all saw it coming on this show if you subscribed to this show you've seen that it was coming because we were high on Jerry kill I've been high on Jerry kill for a very long time since he was in the FCS but uh I was so looking forward to Bronco menal gets hired at New Mexico New Mexico's been ass lately and I was like oh man Jerry Hill against Bronco mendenhal for the next five six years seven eight years is going to be fantastic Rio Grande rivalry one of the older rivalries in in the FBS been playing since like the early 1890s and I'm sitting there like this is gonna be fantastic and I thought it was weird pre- bowl game I think Jerry kill had a statement about like margaritas in Cancun where he's like I don't I gotta put up with this [ __ ] I could be to Mar I got I could be having margaritas in Cancun I don't remember the the exact uh press conference and what exactly was said but it was a weird press conference because it made me seem like he was almost like and I am purely speculating here I do not have any Source at New Mexico state but it seemed weird you had your whole coaching staff Nate drilling who I who I got who's been on the show uh their defensive coordinator was a young defensive coordinator I think he would have stayed there at New Mexico State uh Tim Beck the offensive coordinator that went to Vanderbilt he's Vanderbilt's offenseive coordinator now I'm not sure I mean maybe he leaves for Vandy maybe he does doesn't but Pavia their Star Quarterback Diego pissing Pavia who pissed on the New Mexico Lobos uh you know 50 yard line greatest thing that happened in college football last season he was going to be coming back to New Mexico some of those players that they had it just seemed like the ball was rolling and if I had to speculate I feel like somebody in the administration clashed with Jerry kill and like I said I have no facts no one's ever told me this I just the way it felt to me seemed like somebody was like he's just someone clashed with him and he's already rich he's been coaching for [ __ ] 30 years he's like oh I don't need this [ __ ] [ __ ] you I'm out that's the vibe I got and what makes me say that even more is the fact that he's now employed by Vanderbilt now he's not their head coach but he's like a offensive con sutan or something but it but they went and hired like four or five coaches from the staff to Vanderbilt Nate drilling obviously goes to Utah State as the DC and then Blake Anderson Scandal happens and now he's the head coach of Utah state which is is an interesting one to watch but for this football season but um I was dumbfounded by this it disappointed me I was really looking forward the the forward to him continuing to build New Mexico state and I thought there would be no pressure on him after 10 wins uh in a win at Auburn where they paid you like over a million dollars to come in there and you won and you're going to return Diego Pavia you're going to return a lot of that team it I feel like my heart got ripped out I wonder I imagine most fans feel that way and then do they hire Beck the OC as the head coach no do they hire drilling the DC from Pittsburgh state that had shown signs of like man he's really got this defense playing well no now they do hire someone that was on the staff but he wasn't on the staff I mean Tony Sanchez was hired and no disrespect to Tony Sanchez but I'm a skeptic uh thee colge experience this a guy that played wide receiver for New Mexico state he was 20 and 40 in five years at UNLV he coached with kill at TCU came over to New Mexico state and obviously like I said prior to all that he was a head coach at UNLV and prior to that he was a high school coach it just seemed and it just seemed like a lazy hire to me seemed like a really lazy hire because these other coordinators were very Cutting Edge we thought and they just and maybe Sanchez proves me wrong I'm wishing him the best I like New Mexico state but it just seemed weird and not only this all your coaches leave for the most part and all your players do too and that's where I'm like what the [ __ ] really happened here I would love for someone to DM me on Twitter at the CBD with their opinion on what the [ __ ] happened there maybe you're closer to the program because it does I just don't buy the fact that like yeah I have some health issues I'm out it seemed weird that final press conference before he resigned it seemed weird the hiring process it just seemed weird and why would Diego pav leave if you like the coaching staff she's from New Mexico former New Mexico uh High School State wrestling champ and it's everything just seemed weird you would think if he bought that if he built that culture that everyone would stay but everyone left which makes me think that everyone's like yeah you [ __ ] it up Administration I'm out of here that's what I got from it like I said no Source no nothing just what I what it just seemed weird um folks what to tell you we're going to talk more about that in a second but I want to tell you the college football experience it's part of the sports gambling podcast Network and it is football season folks merry football to you you and you uh what does he saying in in Christmas Vacation Merry Christmas Merry Christmas uh kiss my ass kiss my ass yeah something like that uh Mary football season Mery football season kiss my ass Mary football season uh we got 10% off in the merch store promo code football all right get on over there get yourself a pick done DT shirt in East Carolina We Believe t-shirt a bet detective a sports Gamblin podcast original t-shirt college football experience all this good stuff get on over there you can get a dog bowl who doesn't need a dog bowl all right uh you ever been Su you ever been so hung over that you just roll out of bed and you're just struggling you see the dog bowl and you drink the dog water ever been that hung over not me just saying maybe uh anyway uh folks um get on over there promo code football get a shirt I I just I can't believe that Jerry Hill's gone I wanted the Bronco men and H versus Jerry kill rivalry gosh anyway Tony Sanchez I'm wishing you the best we'll see if it works out his offensive coordinator is to Tyler white his DC is Joe Morris that's not Joe Morris the former legendary running back from the New York Giants as far as I know um God it kills me uh look Mexico state's best wins we do this for all the all all the group of five at Minnesota at Auburn Jerry kill was resp was a part of both um it's damn shame damn shame anyway uh I want to know more about this doesn't make any sense doesn't make any damn sense last season the offense 83rd in the nation scoring per game at 27 and a half points per game 43rd in yards for uh 42.4 yards per game 80th in passing 23.7 yards per game uh 14th in the nation 14th in the nation in running the ball God he's a [ __ ] great coach no wonder why uh they go higher back the OC at Vanderbilt all of those with the exception of passing were top half in the C USA passing who needs the [ __ ] pass all right uh no but they they were seventh in the conference he was saying passing anyway uh these logos by the way they kill it on the logo front never changed in Mexico State it's the guy with a big ass stash his guns drawn ready to let him up they do return their entire offensive line which is encouraging it's very encouraging uh the only problem is and look it depends on how you judge returning starters they got five guys back that started majority of the season that's the way I'll say but uh man did they [ __ ] get Diego Pavia who was the C USA player of the year right or I think runner up or something like that uh he's at Vanderbilt now blae beroth their backup quarterback who is the future of the program he goes to Vander what a great name by the way that's some guy who steals your [ __ ] lunch money at at uh when you're a kid yeah you know would have got away with that [ __ ] man I was gonna I was going to hook up I was going to get her number and then burwitz walks in Old Blaze burwitz came up to me I couldn't I couldn't take him down [ __ ] burwitz um Gavin Frakes their their other quarterback goes to Virginia star Thomas their star running back goes to Duke Jamani Jones and another really good running back they have Vanderbilt another running back they have mline young goes to Vanderbilt receiver Trent Hudson Mississippi State receiver Jordan Parker Western Michigan receivers Jonathan Brady to California tyer Brooks to Northern Arizona The Lumberjacks Eli St Stowers to uh Vandy Tyler DEA from Elon good God just a whole damn team left uh there's more offensive tackle Kaden Stanton went out the Tulsa jvon Brown to hit the Jo route ah man man it's just it's tough to uh let's see what they brought in oh three players now they did they're looking for a quarterback they're searching hard they're bring in Deuce Hogan now it says Kentucky because he was at Kentucky last year but he was at Iowa before that uh I'm a skeptic they brought in Santino maruchi from Wake Forest might he might be all right long term they brought in running back Mike Washington from Buffalo they got [ __ ] destroyed in the transfer portal I don't know that there's a team that got hit worse maybe Ohio maybe the Ohio Bobcats um horrible horrible going to talk about the defense want to tell you though uh before we do that uh that the college football experience in Mexico State agies 2024 season previews brought to you by Underdog fantasy Underdog fantasy pickup gives you a chance to win a thousand times the amount of money you enter or you can play Fantasy Football the right way with best ball yes best ball man is live with $15 million in prizes uh they just they got college football basball what the [ __ ] you doing we've been waiting 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Houston power five huh Nick Hill web Walker goes to Colorado power five they lose Denver Warren to Sam Houston good defense a year ago uh Gabriel iniguez uh follows Nate drilling to Utah State Dion Wilson goes to Syracuse Sterling web heads out to Missouri Kean Elliot to Arizona State linebacker Avery Morris goes to Charlotte Jamari buen to Grand Valley State Brian Kelly and his family used to coach there uh I mean they got [ __ ] destroyed on in the portal like I honestly think it may be worse than Ohio this might be the worst out of all the 134 teams I've done it's either that or Ohio uh they did bring in a they also lost there's a second page of losses by the way there's a second page of losses I forgot about that Andre Seldon may he rest in peace he transferred to to Utah State the former Michigan Wolverine and uh he drowned in a in a lake there in Utah was [ __ ] horrible horrible horrible situation love and condolences to his family and friends um safety Jordan Vincent also went to Utah State following their defensive coordinator McKai Miller heads out to Cincinnati Malachi mlan to Jim MOA and Yukon miles Rouser to Arizona State they even lose their punter who was really good to Mississippi State this team got [ __ ] destroyed in the portal I I I I don't know that there was a team that got destroyed more than this now let's see if they added some guys oh did they add some guys they got kale Edwards from Montana who is a very good FCS program maybe that's encouraging Justin Beatles comes in from Houston Derek burns from Troy Naki fahina from UNLV all on the D line in the second der miles Norwood from Iowa State Demarcus Crosby from Sam Houston Josiah Cox from Arizona State and Nick session from Oklahoma state that one is actually I think one that could actually really be a Difference Maker for them uh the problem is is do they need the safety that much because they returned both their starters I guess depth they got [ __ ] destroyed uh what's this win total what's this win total here four and a half is the win total they're plus 7500 to win the Conference USA uh to make the 12 team playoff plus 50,000 to win the national championship plus 500,000 what's crazy is I I want to know more if they pissed off Jerry Hill what's crazy is I actually think he could get them to the playoffs if they had him and it was year three and he continued to build that culture if okay if he really just retired because he was like man I'm tired of coaching then okay no blame but I don't get that feel and all those players don't transfer if that's the case you know what I mean like I just don't get that feel I don't get that feel and why is he still coaching now or part of the staff at Vanderbilt with all these other coaches of his from New Mexico state it just seems weird uh four and a half I me my first thought is I'm GNA [ __ ] bet the under yeah I just feel like the too many moving Parts you saw them pre Diego Pavia that's my first thought is like that's just I don't believe this team the whole defensive line is gone uh they're going to probably Resort back to being in the 120s and 130s defensively if I had to guess but I will say this if you're looking at the upside of this Jerry Hill once he left all these places when he was at Southern Illinois he leaves that program is still good to this day uh when he left Northern Illinois that program is still respectable and among the better ones in the Mac to this day same can be said about Minnesota when he was at Minnesota and and it's still you know they but the difference is to me Minnesota hired Fleck or Tracy clay then Fleck uh clay was on the kill staff uh Dave Doran from uh followed Jerry kill at uh Northern Illinois um I forget who was that southern that followed him I don't think it was Nick Hill I think it was the uh there was someone in between but um my point is can Sanchez be that guy he's been with kill for a few years maybe you got to observe and sometimes it's the second time coaching that you really catch on but [ __ ] if like the if the players didn't all leave I would buy in I would buy in but every damn player left I feel like anyway we're going to go game by game on the schedule but before do that want to tell you that the college football experience is brought to you by Rhythm have you ever wanted to create your own sports betting model for football do you even know what a sports betting model is sgp's proud partner rhythm is the number one AI powered sports betting platform that helps provide betters of all levels the ability to build custom predictive betting models in a matter of seconds and get predictions for betting uh betting on money lines spreads totals props all that good stuff and look the Rhythm college football model loveed Delaware State on the island plus the 40 this past week zero I on Delaware State too picked on D loved it build your own uh model and get ready for week one college football folks claim your free 7-Day trial period today by going to sports gambling rthm that's rmm that's Sports gambling rthm all right let's see about this because like I'm a skeptic Man four and a half wins the Mexico State dig the logos all your [ __ ] logos are fire the uni the stadium looks great uniforms are fire desert football is awesome get it what are you doing uh watch out watch out week one I'm gonna be honest I think you're going to lose to an FCS they're catching eight New Mexico state's laying eight against Simo but Simo just played week zero and looked pretty good I'll tell you this definitely taking Simo in the eight I think they're going to win out right but let's just play Devil's Advocate it's an FCS you beat the FCS one win oh you know what's great you get the LI you get the Flaming Libs of Liberty you have the Flaming Libs of Liberty week two loss by five touchdowns then you head to Fresno loss then you head to Houston Texas or Huntsville Texas to the bearclaw take on uh Sam Houston State no no no I I Sam Houston's defense is pretty damn good there's a good chance you're 0 and four I mean there there's a decent chance you're 0 and four but let's say one and three then you get New Mexico this Rio Grande rivalry I love this rivalry I mean I well men and Hall have it going this is kind of your opportunity I've actually like probably give a slight lean to menden Hall but like maybe they're not there yet it's it's it's right there but I I I'm going to go I'm gonna go LW one and one and four at the first by week maybe two and three come out of the by week and you're at Rich Rodriguez in Jacksonville State loss home to Louisiana Tech this is a winnable game very winnable game I'll give it to you give me give me a second win they get a bue week they're at Florida International the airport there Hangar nine no no no no no I I'm kind of high on fi FIU I think they're going to be a bold team this year so I have FIU winning then then they are hosting Western Kentucky ky's program is just better I will take them and then they're at Texas A&M loss uh and then they are at Middle Tennessee this is winnable but damn A&M's going to be a body blow Johnny red Floyd Stadium there in Murphy's Boro let's just play doubles Advocate you win one of the final two but look and the UTP game is a rivalry game and I'm so glad it's on the final week of the season they they were [ __ ] this up for a while um this rivalry is what is this battle of the I is it I 10 I believe Battle of the I 10 two this is Desert college football at its finest to me you New Mexico State I did some standup in El Paso and also Los crues so I did both like while I was staying at my hotel in El Paso and um it's just right there it's perfect it's like I don't know 40 minutes apart it's a good rivalry they both have awesome stadiums the sunbow in my opinion is the best stadium in college football you know or the top five um and then agie Memorial is underrated it's a very good Stadium it's a classic stadium that rivalry is fantastic Walden's tired at UTP that's why I think utep's going to win that game he brings in like 20 transfers I feel like from Austin P uh they're not winning five games they'd have to win every 5050 game Simo New Mexico latch Middle Tennessee and UTP and I tend to think I tend to think like there's a chance for one and 11 there's a there might even be a chance for o like you don't win this weekend there's a chance I don't know latch sucks though but uh this is this is this is a lock I will lock up the under on New Mexico State four and a half [ __ ] are you guys talking about shoot those pistols off who the hell pissed off Jerry Hill you had the program you just won 10 games what are you doing somebody passed me the whiskey just take the water I can't believe that they're at this point now I'm hope I hope I'm wrong even though I'm betting this I hope I'm wrong just because I like the program I want them to go to continue to bowl and build that culture it's not it's not I don't know anyway uh folks get on over there bet this thing I'll I'll try let me try to do this for you the ceiling to me and the absolute ceiling like if every little thing goes right is five and seven every little thing has to go right the floor is actually 1 and 11 or 0 and 12 it's got to be 1 and 11 they'll get one right Simo latte they'll get one but [ __ ] how does that how do you go from two straight blls to 17 wins in two seasons to this [ __ ] happened someone pissed off the great Jerry Hill guy can't have Margaritas in Cancun I hope he's having margaritas in Cancun um yeah take the under lock it up uh folks we are the college football experience I've been on the microphone for like 20 hours today so I am going to get out of here go to sleep but I appreciate you and uh you The Season's here all right take Simo plus the eight and a half week one let's go let's get a game and uh yeah subscribe to the college football experience we will be back tomorrow me and CJ Sullivan have a a show scheduled for around one yeah games at one Pacific we have games at three Pacific and uh there's a couple more previews coming tomorrow night gonna try to hit the FIU Panthers uh pitbull pitbull Stadium there also going to try to hit uh who the [ __ ] else am I Sam Houston State and utap I think we're home after that I think I have one more on Friday scheduled what who am I forgetting on Friday there's there's one more on Friday but we're home let's go college football season's here folks The colge Experience uh also check out the uh the I mean that's the hub for all of our stuff by the way the college football experience the FCS college football experience the college basketball experience the college baseball experience get on over there check it all out folks obviously uh New Mexico stayed rich in in basketball history as well um when the basketball season goes live we're live every night of the college basketball season also right now even right now in the offseason moneyline ma killing it with the coaching interviews uh so check us out also check out uh us on Twitter at tce on S gpn um give us a follow there I'm on Twitter at the CBD and uh yeah check out the stadium heads podcast I talked about with the history of college football stadiums there's so many great stadiums out there in college football enjoy this week it's G to be [ __ ] phenomenal use that promo code get yourself a shirt Sports gambl podcast check them out just we just did a great interview with Randy cross that I'm on uh the former San Francisco 49er Super Bowl champ telling some good stories so hop hop over there and check that out till next time folks this is the college football experience New Mexico State Aggy style you you better start thinking about yours and we out of here appreciate you Chad [Music] oh

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