Mayo: "Drake Has Outplayed Jacoby" Pats' HC, Jerod Mayo, joins! || The Greg Hill Show

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 00:18:50 Category: Sports

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time to talk to the head coach of the New England Patriots gerro Mayo brought to you this week by Northeast Men's Health the experts in treating men's Sexual Health with five New England offices or at Northeast and gerro Mayo is also brought to you by helman's mayo and we will I will would you like if I can get it from the helman's people would you like a year supply of mayo gerro that would be great that would be great are you what is your what is your number one condiment number one um a that's tough ketchup is always going to be number one but man the post second I can't stand ketchup I would go I would go mustard oh you know what no Mike's hot honey oh so good okay all right it is good well appreciate I know you guys got back late appreciate you getting up this morning uh you are we're uh we're we're on to the regular season I want to ask you from a head from a head coach uh view uh are you are you used to it now in-game wise and are you ready for prime time um you know the operation from a communication standpoint and you know sub and operational standpoint uh I think we I think we're all on the same page um the regular season might be different every game is its own game within itself so I'm sure some things will pop up throughout the season but I feel pretty confident about the way the operation uh is going gerro it looks like just based off of preseason and you know what we see and what we're hearing that Drake May has outperformed jacobe brassett why so why is it that it's seems like jacobe brassett is still the starting quarterback or quarterback qb1 um I would say you know it's a combination of you know Drake becoming more comfortable and you know he's climbing the ranks and toobe having a better overall command of the the operation but who knows it may change and you know we said it all along we got 1A and 1B it's a competition and that's definitely a huge conversation here over the next couple of days of how we want to approach it I would say you know we came into the preseason uh with the plan for Drake you know he's a you know number three overall pick so you know uh the expectations things like that are high and the pressure from the outside from the fans and from the media will be to put Drake in um but you know after speaking with ap and Elliot we feel we still feel confident about the the plan we have for Drake now in saying that uh you know he's played very he's played very well and um we we'll see how that how it looks here over the next couple days you you mentioned the plan last week with us can I just ask what what was that plan when you say the plan what what was that it was a developmental plan you know the reason that you know we were excited to get jacobe here he had a good understanding uh of the offense and you know he's a great leader great mentor he could Mentor a guy like Drake and also you know teach him some of the Playbook uh some of the reads and things like that and you know for us you know we've all seen the horror stories of sometimes rookie quarterbacks just you know getting thrown to the wolves and and they fall apart and we didn't want that to happen now I'm not saying that would happen with Drake at all uh because he is a mentally tough person and he shows great resilience and and control of the ball um but the plan look it's it's a I'm not going to get too in depth with the plan but just know that you know his development to this point has uh has worked out the way that we anticipated well I know you guys have talked about a plan and you've kind of been pretty open the only thing that's kind of confused me a little bit is it might have been last week where uh Alex velt was asked about jacobe brassette and Drake may he kind of said jacobe brassette was the starter so I guess maybe you always talk about plans can change when will we get the official start of for week one I know you said it would probably be sometime today we I don't want you to be confused first of all yes I would say it actually happens it happens rather frequently coach explain it to me like I'm a fo well well let me clear let me clear it up um you know after after much thought after the cuts um I would rather personally announce who the starting quarterback is to the team before I announce to to everyone else we've maintained our stance that jacobe was qb1 and early on you know you could see that there was a huge gap between uh 1 a and 1B um or I would say two um but now that Gap is definitely uh shrunk here over the last few weeks gerro when it comes to the bottom line when it comes to hold on Wiggy wigg Wiggy Wiggy we good on that one oh I want to make sure I want to clear it up you got a follow up far away Wiggy's confused because we all sort of are a little bit because last night you were not able to say that even if jacobe brassette were hurt that Drake May would be your number two essentially yeah look you know let's talk about the injury first like I don't know jaob may come in here today we got in at four o'clock in the morning may come in today saying you know his shoulder is no good or you know stop not going to get too far uh down the road on if jacobe could play or couldn't play what I will say is that this was this is a or is a true competition uh it wasn't fluff or or anything like that it's a true competition uh and I would say at this current point you know Drake has outplayed jacobe now I'm saying that we have to take in the full body of work you know going all the way back to the spring and the beginning of training camp and we'll see where we end up but those are the conversations that will happen here over the next couple of days I I said something a few moments ago that some believe I would not say to your face when you're on this show I'm going to say it right now cuz we're not we're not we're not in the same room so I'm not afraid I will be afraid later uh but you shouldn't be to to this fans naked eye this o line stinks uh is that a factor when it comes to this like you don't want a guy to go in there like Drake May who uh you may not have the optimum o line for him right now I would say you always want to support a rookie quarterback no matter who it is with the great old line and receivers that can catch the ball and make things right and run and make big plays all those things um right now the o line is continuing to try to jail you know uh pre- snap penalties aside I thought they did some good things last night as well especially in the Run game but you know to your point you want those guys you want the quarterback to feel comfortable back there no matter who it is it could be Brady back there or it could be it could be Drake may I don't know but you want those guys to be comfortable behind the offensive line and we still have some time and I understand the season is is really you know a couple weeks away um but we still have some time for the quarterbacks to build that trust in the offensive line and also the coaching staff and the players you know that's one of those positions offensive line as a whole where you know it's not always like putting the best person at an individual spot it's about what combination of guys and I think I've said this before what combination of guys give us the best uh chance to win football games now in saying that when you ask me like what what success looks like is that we just just get better each and every week and that we're trending in the right way we should be a better football team you know in the second in the second in October than we are in September or November than we are in October and and that's the plan and if we do that and we're playing good football at the end of the year and the o line and really everyone defensively offensively and special teams that were playing great complimentary football and that were winning football games so that's that's really the North Star in way that I I should say we think about it as an or organ ation do you wish you had done more to address the o line in the off season we felt like we signed the best o line in free agency and Mike and Big Mike all right that's number one now his versatility whether it's guard or tackle that's another conversation uh but we we did address the L line I would also say looking out the front windshield that we have an opportunity to improve our team through the waiver wire and we're in a very unique situation right now where we're third on the waiver wire and there'll be some good players that get released from their team and we're going to try to take advantage of that and and like I said like you know the the starting guard or the starting tackle may not be on our team today but we'll see here over the next couple of days what we're able to pick up dra I do think that a lot of people are just going back and forth on wondering if you guys keeping Drake May from being the starter is more so you feel like jacobe could win you guys more games or if it's you don't want Drake May to get hurt can you can you clarify on as a head coach where you stand on that yeah I can't look you can't take insurance out on players and this is coming from a guy who was on IR three times so you can't you can't take insurance out on players and look once once Drake uh is ready to go or however we you know kind of evaluate the quarterback position he'll go out there and play we can't sit here and say well you know the o line this line that if Drake is the better player I mean if Drake um wins the competition he'll be the first he'll be the starting quarterback and once again we have to go back this is the hard part we have to go back and look at the total body of work to see uh what that looks like going forward it does from the outside looking in look like he's pretty confident out there even last night when a shoe fell off he didn't miss a beat he didn't pick one target to just go at over and over again he didn't discriminate when it came to his receivers he he seemed confident out there no I I totally agree with you and he's going through his reads and progressions and every every day has he's gotten better and and I'm you know I'm proud of him really for the way that it's a testament to his work ethic and just you know wanting to get better and I hope it continues well um maybe you can clear this up from your perspective because uh there's so much confusion there's so much confus lot of confusion lot of lot of confusion and it's there's a lot of smoking mirrors there's a lot of smoking mirrors too but it's not helping that it's Monday either it's always harder on a Monday and you what time did you guys get back like 3 last night yeah we got back to the stadium around 4 in the morning but I'm on the radio with you guys thanks Helman yeah Helman um when it when it comes to issues that Drake may may have had last night when it came to the snap or prior preseason game you put those more on the quarterback the center the the operation like we'll have we'll have a conversation today about it um but look it's it's always two people anytime the snap is on the ground the center and the quarterback or the center or the quarterback and those are things that fundamentally frustrate you and fundamentally we just have to get right um there were too many times last night that we were just going backwards whether it's a bad snap or whether it's a pre- snap penalty uh and we we have to clean that up if we want to have a chance to win football games and you know we've always said the saying around here has always been you can't win until you keep from losing and last night was one of those instances where we just couldn't get out of our own way you know over 150 yards of penalty you know and really they were the penalties were being called on both sides of the ball and and one thing I would say is we always operate under you know let's do business as business is being done and and we failed to do that last night and it's my job ultimately to make sure that we have a disciplined football team out there that uh that is fundamentally sound and doesn't have those pre snap type of things all right speaking of helman's time now for the helman's Mayo question of the week which rookies progress so far this season has impressed you the most coach um I guess the easy answer would be Drake may but I'm going to go with uh pul I'm gonna go with pey because I think he is a uh he has the chance to be a very good football player and has natural uh leadership instincts and uh he's been a very impressive guy uh thus far jard oh real quick who are who are the leaders on this team I mean obviously I'm I'm assuming David Andrews but when it comes to leaders who's standing out so far yeah that I mean one one thing I would say is that's for the players to decide and I believe that the leaders the captains should be voted on by their peers um I know who who's in my mind is you know are great leaders on the team but that's that's to the uh that's for the the team to decide and and we'll see going forward Gerard one thing I don't subscribe to you know that you know some people might have around here is you know first year head coach all the coaching staff is new you talked about pre- snap penalties and a lot of the times you know at least from my playing exper experience pre- snap penalties is about guys focusing in and locking in and and understanding what's going on um what what do you see you talked about it a little bit what do you think is leading to some of those pre-nap penalties that maybe cuz you talked about telling them over and over and over and the referees uh made mentions about certain things what do you think has been a fact factor into that just maybe the players not focusing in enough yeah you know you hit it on the head that's what it is it's it's about maintaining Focus the average the average time of the play is five seconds right and so I tell the guys all the time all I need is five seconds of concentration and extreme Focus 60 to 70 times a game and we'll be okay but it was our first road game and um you know I would say there were definitely some hiccups and we just can't afford to do that uh here going forward but you're right it's about Focus so gerro what's your day like today when you look at uh watching film from last night making sure that jaob Brett is taken care of figuring out his injury and then picking a starting quarterback by tonight yeah yeah we'll have an injury meeting here uh in a few hours you know to see how we came out of the game I would say we'll have conversations about every position we'll have conversations about you know the uh the away game Operation we'll have conversations about all that and it's a very difficult time time I would say here over the next couple of days because you know we have to we have to release players and you know I know the practice squad is a little bit bigger now but the team will not look the same that it did last night and and that's a that's the tough part of the business but I think the guys uh recognize that but that's what we're going to be doing here over the next couple days and then I'm GNA call in on Wednesday and I'm G to tell you guys who the starting quarterback is okay okay what time I'm just playing that'll be a nice thing to do for us ratings wise I mean probably get us off on the right foot yeah are we on the wrong foot no no no no no no no not at all coach I would I would just love to I mean Wiggy has issues with you but you guys can settle that I mean yeah we'll be able to we'll be able to sit down and chop it up they're not personal I'm I'm always look I'm I'm not running away from any type of conversation or or anything um I'm always available you know for you guys to talk to and one thing I would say is it's it's about clarification you guys said multiple times you know this morning that you you're a little confused here a little confused there which is fine and I would say I try to give you I try to be as transparent as possible with the fans and with the media uh to a certain extent and like I said last night while still maintaining the the ability to change my mind and ultimately the decisions in football run through me and you know I have to do a better job as well so you know I'm I'm still learning as well I I would just love to sit in on one of the Monday morning meetings afterwards where he watches film where you guys watch film because you know how those were obviously with Bill I I would hope they're not as like embarrassing to the players I would just love to sit in that's it yeah I mean hey hey look just come in after a win it'll be good well uh any update before you go on Cole strange we were talking about him earlier uh no no update no update right now he's he's in here rehabbing every day and we'll see where it goes all right all right I feel a little better now like I'm yeah I'm not as confused no more as I was but usually I I I think like a four-year-old shoot me shoot me a shoot me a shoot me a text if you have any more questions I got he get I will say this he used to get very anxious about texting Bill he just not he does not feel the same way about ugro so that's a good thing fantastic all right thanks right you guys have a good one all right that is gerro Mayo on a Patriots Monday brought to you by Cross Insurance Cross Insurance official insurance broker of the New England Patriots doesn't it make you seem like based on hearing that make me feel like yeah make you feel like I'm sorry that he was willing to say Drake May is outplayed jacobe brasset like yeah he has said that so yes that would make me lean towards May starting week one but I think nugget wise he went back to the o line and the concern uh about Drake May getting hurt did he not a little bit was like I you can't take out insurance on a player yeah like and then he yeah but he said but he said but then he said you make a great point when it comes to the o line but then he goes but you can't take out insurance and he goes if Drake May shows that he's the better quarterback week one regardless what the old line looks like he's going to stop he also it seems like he felt like they did do what they needed to do when it come when it comes to the offensive line like he pushed back on that they said that we went after the best free agents that we thought were out there but that they'll also be looking at the waiver wire coming up here for any guys that immedately yes immedi I I think he is eager to see what the uh Cuts look like yeah I like the um Jaylen pulk thing though yeah that was kind of something we talked a little bit about maybe the receiving core has given them a a little sense of uh reassurance that maybe it might be more about getting even trading for potentially an offensive lineman out there that could help them at left tackle he's a a couple text messages he really is a great interview

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